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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entities

Hudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.

Responsabilité civile et rupture du couple / Civil liability and the couple’s break-up

Ducrocq, Karine 16 December 2013 (has links)
Le contexte de la rupture du couple, qu’il soit marié, uni par un pacte civil de solidarité, fiancé ou en concubinage, est un moment propice à la lésion des intérêts de ses membres. La question de la réparation des préjudices subis surgit alors, et la tentation est grande d’en imputer la responsabilité à l’autre membre du couple, surtout s’il est à l’origine de la rupture. Le droit commun de la responsabilité civile délictuelle, fondé sur l’article 1382 du Code civil, est une voie empruntable par chacun pour obtenir réparation ; demeurait la question de son adaptation à la matière. L’analyse des décisions qui le mettent en application à un cas de rupture de couple révèle une tendance nette, celle de l’utilisation à titre de sanction d’un mécanisme en principe réparateur. Cette résistance jurisprudentielle au mouvement d’objectivation et à la neutralité croissante du législateur dans l’organisation des rapports de couple se devait d’être précisée et expliquée. La présente étude vérifie, d’abord, la réalité du phénomène : l’article 1382 du Code civil est utilisé comme peine privée, ce qui met en avant la fonction répressive de la responsabilité civile. Elle s’attache ensuite à déterminer les valeurs que le juge cherche à protéger par la mise en œuvre de cette sanction. Au-delà de la diversité des comportements sanctionnés, c’est le travail d’équilibre réalisé par le juge entre droit à réparation et liberté de rupture que la thèse vise à souligner / The context of a couple’s break-up, whether they are married, in a civil partnership, engaged or cohabiting, is conducive to prejudice the respective interests of either person in the couple. As the issue of compensation for damages emerges, the temptation is to blame the other person, especially when this one can be regarded as the cause of the break-up. An action can be brought on the basis of tort liability in the section 1382 of the French civil Code. The question of its implementation was still open. A detailed analysis of the case-law shows that this legal basis, which is supposed to award compensation, is actually used as a punishment. This resistance to the development of objectification and to the increasing legal neutrality in the organization of the couple’s relationships had to be clarified and explained. The first objective of the study was to grasp the reality of the phenomenon : tort liability is used as a “private penalty”, which highlights its repressive function. The second purpose was to determine the values that judges are trying to protect through this particular way of application of the law. Beyond the diversity of sanctioned behaviours, the thesis aims at bringing out the role of judges in finding a right way between the right to compensation and the freedom to break-up.

Markägaren, allemansrätten och invasionen : En diskussion om ansvaret för skador på marken när kommersiella aktörer nyttjar mark med stöd av allemansrätten. Eller: Vad händer om en kommersiell bärplockare startar en skogsbrand? / The land owner, the right of public acces and the invasion : A discussion on the liability for damage to the land when commercial players utilise land under the right of public access. Or: What happens if a commercial berry picker starts a forest fire?Maja WilhelmssonHandledare: Åsa ÅslundAffärsjuridiska programmet med Europainriktning, termin 9Höstterminen

Wilhelmsson, Maja January 2010 (has links)
Under senare tid har allt fler företag börjat utöva verksamhet där mark nyttjas för olika aktiviteter med stöd av allemansrätten. HD har bedömt att sådant nyttjande; kanalisering, är tillåtet med stöd av allemansrätten, men uttalade i NJA 1996 s. 495 (”Forsränningsmålet”) samtidigt att nyttjandet bara är tillåtet så länge marken inte skadas. Eftersom skadeståndsfrågan aldrig har prövats i samband med allemansrätten har föremålet för denna uppsats varit att utreda möjligheterna att utfå ersättning för skador via allmänna skadeståndsrättsliga regler, skadestånds- och avhjälpandeansvaret i miljöbalken samt för intrång i äganderätten via expropriationslagen och möjligheten att få ersättning ur en försäkring. Expropriationsalternativet kan inte användas idag, eftersom marknyttjande med stöd av allemansrätten är ett icke ersättningsgillt intrång i äganderätten. Möjligheterna till att betrakta en skada på marken som en sakskada är stora. Det finns emellertid omständigheter som skapar komplikationer för båda skadeståndsansvarsformerna. En allmän skadeståndstalan kräver att culpa hos skadevållaren kan bevisas, vilket kan vara svårt när många människor vistas på en plats samtidigt. Kanalisatören kan betraktas som culpös enligt principerna om kumulativ eller anonym culpa, enligt vilka en principal blir ansvarig, trots att de individer han ansvarar för inte, var och en för sig, varit culpösa. Det miljörättsliga skadeståndsansvaret bygger på ersättning för störningar som inte är orts- eller allmänvanliga. När det gäller allemansrättsligt nyttjande torde många störningar betraktas som just orts- eller allmänvanliga. Avhjälpandeansvaret i miljöbalken bygger på ersättning för miljöfarlig verksamhet, och det är tveksamt om det kan tillämpas på kanalisatörens verksamhet. Expropriationsersättning på grund av allemansrättsligt nyttjande tillerkänns inte markägaren enligt gällande rätt, vilket kan tyckas märkligt eftersom många nyttjandeformer som påminner om allemansrätten, t.ex. servitut, medför sådan ersättningsrätt. Det finns vissa möjligheter att ersätta markskador ur försäkringar. Dock är de flesta skador följden av invasionsproblematik, som är mycket svårt försäkra. Samtliga ersättningsformer har visat sig otillräckliga för att ersätta skador som är estetiska och ideella, eftersom sådana skador inte kan beräknas i pengar. Beroende på hur marknyttjande med stöd av allemansrätten betraktas har man olika åsikt om i vad mån kanalisatören borde ersätta markägaren för skador på marken. Om nyttjandet uppfattas som någonting som finns vid sidan av markäganderätten är endast konkreta skador ersättningsgilla. Om man anser att nyttjandet är ett intrång i äganderätten och en förmögenhetsöverföring från markägaren till kanalisatören bör emellertid redan rätten att nyttja marken föranleda ersättning. Den ersättningsform som bäst tillgodoser markägarens intresse av att få skador på marken åtgärdade och få ersättning för ekonomisk förlust är avhjälpandeansvaret. Endast det ansvaret reparerar till fullo skador på miljön. Det krävs emellertid ett domstolsavgörande för att slutligen klargöra avhjälpandeansvarets tillämplighet. / Recently, more and more companies have come to exercise activities under the right of public access on land that belongs to whomever. The High Court has assessed that such use of land; channeling, is permitted, but in NJA 1996 s. 495 (“The Rafting Case”) also announced that this use is only allowed as long as the land remains unharmed. Since the question of damages in the context of the right of public access has not yet been treated in jurisprudence, the object of this thesis has been to investigate the possibilities to obtain restitution for damages via tort law, liability under the environment act as well as for proprietary intrusions under the expropriation act and restitution via insurance. Expropriation, however, cannot currently be made use of, since the right of public access is an intrusion which does not entail restitution. There are extensive possibilities for considering damage to the land as damage to property. However, there are ramifications for both the legal options for damages: the tort law and the environmental act. The tort law requires tortuous behaviour from the tortfeasor to be established, which is difficult when several persons stay at one place simultaneously. The canalizer may be considered tortuous under the principle of vicarious liability and cumulative or anonymous tort. According to these principles, the canalizer is responsible for the actions of certain individuals, even though they have not, individually, been negligent. The environmental liability for damage is based on restitution for disturbances that are not common to the place nor to the general public. This fact is difficult to establish in the context of the right of public access. The remedial responsibility of the environmental act is constructed for operations that are harmful to the environment, which is why it is dubious whether the responsibility is applicable to the canalizer’s activities. Currently, compensation for expropriation cannot result of use of land under the right of public access. This is peculiar, since many usufructs reminiscent of the right of public access, i.e. the easement, result in such compensation. Some forms of damage to the land can be insured. Although, most damage in this context arise from invasion, a cause of damage which is nearly impossible to insure. All forms of restitution have proven insufficient for compensating damage that is esthetic or otherwise non-pecuniary. Depending on if the right of public access is regarded as proprietary intrusion or something that exists alongside the right to property, one comes to different conclusions about the extent of compensation for damage. In the former case, only substantial damage is compensable. In the latter case, even the right to use the land occasions compensation. The liability which best meets the needs of the proprietor: compensation and restoration of damage to his property, is the remedial responsibility of the environmental code. This responsibility alone fully restores harm to the environment. However, the applicability of the remedial responsibility needs to be established in jurisprudence.

Aspects of banker liability : disclosure and other duties of bankers towards customers and sureties

Van Rensburg, Hermanus Lourens Jansen 01 January 2002 (has links)
Suretyships given in favour of banks are being challenged in the courts on the basis of equitable doctrines of unconscionable conduct, undue influence, or statutory provisions dealing with unfair conduct or unfair contract terms. This thesis is an enquiry into a bank's duties of disclosure or advice to an intending surety. Such an investigation also necessitates a study of the relationship between banker and customer, as the surety is quite often a customer of the bank as well, and, as a surety's obligation to the bank is an accessory obligation, the obligation is dependent on a valid principal obligation between the bank and the principal debtor - the customer. The face of modern banking has, however, changed dramatically and most major banks have become multi-functional. As a result, the banker-customer relationship may often be seen as a fiduciary relationship. A major problem brought about my multi-functioning banks is that of conflicts of interest between the bank and its customer. Furthermore, the banker-customer relationship is providing much more scope for lender liability than in the past. Various factors are currently having an impact on the law of contract, and this is expected to affect the legal policy makers in their assessments of whether a duty of disclosure of material facts exits or not. A surety has long been a favoured debtor in the eyes of the law, and the courts have developed a plethora of technical principles on which a surety can be relieved of his obligation. The escape routes of the surety, especially if he is a consumer as well, on the new grounds of public policy, unconscionability, good faith or unreasonableness, are growing. The results of these trends is the expected demise of suretyship as an acceptable, cheap form of debt security in the banking sector. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

Immunity for New Mexico Public School Districts and the 1978 Tort Claims Act

Herauf, Todd J. 08 1900 (has links)
In a 3-year timeframe, nearly 800 student negligence suits were filed, and most involved some claim of personal injury. Despite heightened public attention of negligence lawsuits against school districts and their employees, an empirical study of court decisions revealed that the volume of litigation against school districts remained steady from 1990 to 2005, the majority of cases were ruled in favor of the school district employees, and government and official immunity were most often the basis for these rulings. Researchers have concluded that immunity laws are strong in the United States, although they vary by state in their application. However, a primary recommendation was that, because of the misconception of a lack of immunity for public school employees, a comprehensive study on governmental and official immunity is needed. This dissertation employed legal research, analysis, and methodology to engage in a comprehensive investigation of teacher immunity in the four southern states of Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and New Mexico. Of central concern to this dissertation was the Tort Claims Act of 1978 from the State of New Mexico. The Tort Claims Act is the vehicle by which immunity is granted to public school employees. Court findings over the last 35 years point to three primary domains under which cases pertaining to immunity fall: negligence (62.5%), evaluation and supervision (16.7%), and student discipline (8.3%). Immunity appears strong across all three domains; however, only future studies on cases by state will determine whether states in the southwest United States are the norm or an anomaly.

Perfect and imperfect rights, duties and obligations : from Hugo Grotius to Immanuel Kant

Salam, Abdallah January 2014 (has links)
In this doctoral thesis, Kant's distinction between perfect and imperfect duties is examined. The thesis begins with an exploration of how the distinction originates and evolves in the writings of three of Kant's most prominent natural law predecessors: Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf, and Christian Wolff. The thesis then moves on to Kant's own writings. It is argued that Kant draws the perfect-imperfect distinction in as many as twelve different ways, that these ways are not entirely consistent with one another, and that many of them, even taken by themselves, do not hold up to scrutiny. Furthermore, it is argued that Kant's claim that perfect duties always trump imperfect duties - which can be referred to as "the priority claim" - is not actually supported by any one of the ways in which Kant draws the perfect-imperfect distinction. After this critical reading of Kant's writings, the thesis then switches gears and a more "positive" project is attempted. It is argued that the perfect-imperfect distinction, even though it does not support the priority claim, is not altogether normatively neutral or uninteresting. In particular, for some of the ways in which the distinction is drawn, it is shown that the distinction yields the following normative implication: Sometimes perfect duties override imperfect duties and all other times there is no priority one way or the other. Finally, it is explained that this normative implication - which can be referred to as the "privilege claim" - translates into the following practical directive: When there is a conflict between a perfect duty and an imperfect duty, sometimes one must act in conformity with the former duty and all other times one is free to choose which of the two duties to act in conformity with. This practical directive represents the ultimate finding of this thesis.

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal Proceedings against Legal persons

Chovanec, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Chovanec, Š. Criminal proceedings against legal entities Criminal proceedings against legal entities represent a significant innovation for Czech criminal procedure law. Adoption of Act nř 418/2011, about Criminal liability of legal entities and criminal proceedings against them, is considered as acceptance of the world's phenomenon of enactment of the institute of Criminal liability of legal entities. The lawmaker had chosen a special regulation for criminal proceedings against legal entities which however does not describe the issues solely. So the Penal Code is considered subsidiary applicable regardless it does regulate criminal proceedings against a natural person. The author of this text deals with risks and potential problems connected to this construct. The author of this text describes selected aspects of criminal proceedings against legal entities from its beginning to the enforcement proceeding.

Responsabilidade civil e nascimento indesejado: prejuízos reparáveis / Tort law and wrongful conception : recoverable damages

Carnaúba, Daniel Amaral 15 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o tema da responsabilidade civil pelo nascimento indesejado no Direito Brasileiro. Trata-se de um conflito que emerge nos casos em que a falha de um método contraceptivo redunda no nascimento de uma criança, contra a vontade de seus genitores. A primeira parte do trabalho é dedicada ao fato gerador da responsabilidade nessa espécie de litígio, a saber, a culpa médica e o defeito do produto ou serviço de contracepção. Os métodos anticoncepcionais são agrupados em duas categorias: de um lado, os métodos cirúrgicos de esterilização, que envolvem a prestação de um serviço médico; e, de outro, os métodos que empregam dispositivos anticoncepcionais fabricados industrialmente, isto é, os produtos contraceptivos. A segunda parte do trabalho discorre sobre as implicações éticas da reparação do nascimento indesejado. De fato, a indenização fundada no nascimento de um filho traz à tona uma série de considerações relativas à dignidade da criança e ao valor das relações parentais. O trabalho procura apontar em que medida o nascimento de uma criança pode ser interpretado como um prejuízo legítimo experimentado por seus pais. Conclui-se que a reparação integral do nascimento indesejado é necessária para a afirmação da autonomia reprodutiva das vítimas de contraceptivos defeituosos. A análise das soluções controversas adotadas no Reino Unido e na França onde os tribunais afirmaram que apenas o nascimento de uma criança deficiente pode ser considerado um prejuízo reparável revela que o direito dos pais à reparação não pode ser subordinado às condições de saúde da criança nascida / This thesis is an inquiry into wrongful conception claims under Brazilian Tort Law. This type of lawsuit arises out of cases involving failure of contraceptive methods, causing the birth of a child against the parents desire. The first part of the thesis addresses the basis of liability in wrongful conception claims, namely, medical malpractice and defect of products or services. Contraceptive methods are grouped into two categories: on one side, surgical methods of sterilization, that rely upon the supply of medical services; on the other, contraception methods that employ manufactured devices, that is, contraceptive products. The second part of the thesis discusses the ethical implications of awarding damages in wrongful conception claims. Compensation based on the birth of a child raises a series of issues concerning the child\'s dignity and the value of parental relationships. It is argued that full compensation is necessary in order to reaffirm the reproductive autonomy of the victims of defective contraceptive methods. The analysis of controversial solutions adopted in United Kingdom and France where courts have stated that only the birth of a disabled child is a recoverable damage leads to the conclusion that the chillds health condition cannot be a requirement for his parents right to compensation.

Climate change law and litigation in Sweden with scenarios from Europe : Possibilities for members of the public to challenge the state's responsibility for climate change through litigation

Valderas, Ana-Sofia January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish government is legally obliged to conduct climate policy work that will protect nature and humanity from the harmful effects of climate change. Obligations related to the environment arise under Swedish domestic law, European law and international law. This thesis investigates the possibilities for the Swedish public to initiate climate change litigation against the Swedish government due to insufficient climate actions. I examine three climate change litigation approaches from selected jurisdictions, including Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. By transposing the three litigation approaches into the Swedish legal order I seek to discuss the possibilities for the public to challenge the Swedish state's responsibility in climate matters. This thesis claims that the possibilities for the concerned public to address climate change are restricted. International obligations derived from the European Convention on Human Rights and the Aarhus Convention have given individuals substantive rights and procedural rights in matters related to the environment. However, the implementation of the international obligations are not always enshrined in the national law.

Die Verantwortlichkeit von Banken in der Krise von Unternehmen /

Vuia, Mihai. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Hamburg, 2005. / Literaturverz. S. [415] - 446.

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