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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upprättelse: vedergällning eller gottgörelse? -En utredning av upprättelsens betydelse för brottsoffret inom straffrätten och skadeståndsrätten. / Redress: retribution or reparation? An inquiry of the importance of redress to crime victims, within criminal and tort law.

Silverhamre, Erik January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

從臺灣塑化劑團體訴訟案檢討消費求償之機制 / The Reflection of Civil Liabilities Arising from Food Scandals: Focus on The Plasticizer Food Scandal in Taiwan

游惠琳, Yu, Hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
2011年5月臺灣爆發不肖業者將具有毒性之塑化劑添加入合法食品添加物─起雲劑當中,販賣給多家食品業者,用以生產各種食品及飲料,戕害國民健康。惟案件中消費者僅獲賠求償額的兩千分之一,差距甚大,明顯不如預期,更是引發社會諸多撻伐。本論文藉由上述塑化劑案件,探討食品安全消費訴訟消費者求償困境並檢討現行法的缺失與不足,以符合消費者權益保障之宗旨。 文章中首先針對食品安全消費訴訟特性以及我國食品管制上主管機關的權責劃分進行概念性介紹,並就訴訟中消費者可主張的民法、消費者保護法、食品安全衛生管理法上請求權基礎進行要件及爭點說明。其次,就損害賠償之概念及損害進行界定與討論。另由於此類型訴訟,消費者食用問題產品後,多半不會產生立即性身體傷害或臨床病徵,導致訴訟上消費者就其所受之損害難以舉證而敗訴,故本文藉由參酌美國毒物侵權行為訴訟上之損害認定,將損害概念擴張至損害或「損害之虞」,以解決訴訟上消費者損害認定不易的難題。 此外,於因果關係舉證方面,則藉由德國環境責任法、德國基因科技法上之原因推定理論、美國法上市場佔有率責任之因果關係以及日本法上疫學因果關係理論,作為此類型訴訟我國因果關係認定之參考,並就損害賠償範圍、我國懲罰性賠償金制度的引進、目的、重要爭點等析述討論之。最後,本論文藉由實務上判決,觀察現行食品安全衛生管理法第56條法院適用情形,從中檢討現行條文不盡完備之處,並嘗試提出相關修法建議,希冀可作為將來立法者修法之參考。 / In May, 2011 the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reported that plasticizers, such as: di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di(iso-nonyl)phthalate (DINP), were illegally added to clouding agents used in foods and several beverages.The endocrine disruptors have been linked to developmental problems with children and pregnant women, etc.This paper would mainly discuss the issues of the reflection of civil liabilities arising from food scandals, particularly focus on the plasticizer food scandal in Taiwan. First, the author gives an overview of consumer litigation of food safety, food administration in Taiwan, and the basic of claim such as the Civil law, the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation as well as the Consumer Protection Law.Secondly, interprets the concept of civil compensationand expand the traditional concept of personal injury to risk of injury (the plaintiff has not manifested any symptoms of disease but may suffer from illness in the future) by referring to toxic tort.Thirdly, illustrates the special rules on causation in the aspect of the environmental liability law, the biotech law and the market share liability to solve the problems of the causation.Fourthly,probes the compensation scope and punitive damages. Finally,by observing court decisions on article 56 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, the author analyzes the deletion of existing legal norms and suggests a proposal for law amendments.

人體試驗民事責任之研究―以新藥臨床試驗為主題 / Study of Civil Liability on Human Subjects Research ― Focus on Drug Clinical Trial

丁予安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,病人自主權意識高漲,醫療糾紛頻傳,每個醫師無不戒慎恐懼,而醫療爭議之處理模式與醫師專門職業之道德責任都受到社會高度的檢視及廣泛的討論。事實上,醫學的進步需要依賴不斷地創新與大膽地試驗研究,因此人體試驗相關的問題也受到大眾的關注。 由於人體試驗所面對的是複雜而變化多端的情境,所以參與人體試驗之受試者將會面對甚而遭到危險或傷害。我國人體試驗的相關法規,多散置於醫療法、醫師法、藥事法、藥品優良臨床試驗準則、藥品優良臨床試驗規範等,除了無整體之法規範外,且多為行政法令,在法律位階上均較低,加上衛生署主管機關無法落實對試驗過程中之管理與監控,因此參與人體試驗之受試者往往會受到損害而無法得到應有的保障。因為人體試驗的特殊性與常規醫療是不同的,如果僅由既有的傳統醫療糾紛處理方式,如醫療契約於受試者的關係、侵權行為於違反保護他人法律的標準、醫療倫理不傷害原則於人體試驗規範等,這些恐怕都是必須的,但是仍嫌不足。 本文參考國外人體試驗規範包括紐倫堡法則、赫爾辛基宣言、美國貝爾蒙特報告、美國聯邦法規、CIOMS國際生物醫學研究人體試驗倫理準則、國際醫藥法規協和會之優良人體臨床試驗準則等等,然後針對個別議題如受試者保護之告知後同意,受試者權益之醫療契約關係及侵權行為責任,受試者受傷害之損害賠償責任,作一整理分析與檢討,並進一步配合我國現行法律制度與社會倫理規範做出建議。 本文共分為七章,分別為「序論」、「人體試驗」、「人體試驗告知後同意法則」、「國外人體試驗之民事責任」、「我國人體試驗之民事責任」、「人體試驗之賠償責任及機制」及「結論」。 / In recent years, patients’ consciousness of self-determination has raised and many medical disputes occurred; doctors feel discomfort and developed the high intensity of self-defense. The solution of medical malpractice and professional liability of doctors have became the major public issues and received many discussions. We are quite sure that the medical progress is based on innovative and intensive clinical study on human subjects. Under this background, the topics on human subject research have been attracted more attention than ever. Since the situations in human research are complex and variable. If relative clinical standards and legal protections are not adequately provided, the human subjects involved in clinical researches may face many risks and even injured. In Taiwan, we don’t have a systemic regulations on human subject research, all regulations are distributed in different code, act, proceeding, and agreement. Furthermore, the government does not have enough resource and manpower to monitor or inspect the processes of human research, the issues of protection of human rights and benefits of testee has raised serious concern. The human subject research is not exactly the same as the clinical medical treatment, it’s impossible for legislators or institutions to regulate research through traditional medical regulations such as medical ethics doctor-involved informed consent, medical agreement (contract), tort laws, and compensation for injury. In this thesis, firstly, I reviewed the most important publications related to human subject research include Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, USA’s Belmont Report and Code of Federal Regulations, CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, and ICH-GCP; secondly, focus on each specific topics especially the value of informed consent, the importance of medical agreement, the liabilities of torts and the policy of compensation for injury. Finally, I’ll make my comments and suggestions to the health care authorities to update and implement new regulating policies to protect human rights of subjects involved in clinical researches. My thesis is restricted to discuss the impact of civil liability on human subjects research focus on drug clinical trial and divided into seven chapters as follows: “Introduction”, “Human subject research”, “Principles of informed consent”, “International liability of civil law on human subject research”, “Liability of Taiwan civil law on human subject research”, “Policy of compensation for injured human research subject” and “Conclusion”.

Přiměřenost trestní sankce: Komparace trestání dopravních trestných činů a přiléhajících dopravních přestupků spáchaných pod vlivem návykových látek v České a Slovenské republice. / Adequacy of penal sanction: Comparison of punishing traffic criminal offences and decumbent traffic administrative offences committed under influence of addictive substances in Czech and Slovak republic.

Mikuš, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Adequacy of penal sanction: Comparison of punishing traffic criminal offences and decumbent traffic administrative offences committed under influence of addictive substances in Czech and Slovak republic. Master's Thesis Michal Mikuš Summary. This thesis makes survey on a punishing adequacy of traffic offences committed under influence of alcohol and the other addictive substances. The theoretical basis, that knowledge is necessary prerequisite for reviewing punishing adequacy, like theories of punishment, purpose of punishment and a principle of adequacy, are in the theoretical part of the thesis. In the special part of the thesis is comparison of valid and effective law in the Czech and Slovak Republic. The practical part of the thesis is composed of an analysis of decisions delivered by the County Traffic Inspectorate Banská Bystrica, County Traffic Inspectorate Bratislava I., Banská Bystrica County Court, Bratislava I. County Court, City Hall of Zlín, City Hall of Prague, Zlín County Court and the Prague 2 Circuit Court. The analysis is composed not only of punishment adequacy review, but also of the all substantive and procedural deficiencies, that occurred in the decisions of particular state's body. At the end is provided comparison of analysis outcomes, which stemmed from decisions of national...

L'opposabilité des droits contractuels : étude de droit comparé français et libanais / The opposability of contractual rights : a comparative study of french and lebanese law

El Rajab, Dima 19 December 2013 (has links)
La notion d’opposabilité, dégagée par la doctrine française au début du siècle dernier, revêt aujourd’hui une importance cruciale relativement à la sécurité juridique. Ainsi, il est communément admis par la doctrine moderne qu’un tel concept explique les effets non obligatoires des contrats à l’égard du tiers, et notamment en matière de responsabilité. D’une part, le tiers est tenu d’un devoir d’abstention concernant tout acte qui pourrait porter atteinte aux contrats d’autrui. Le cas échéant, les contractants peuvent demander la réparation du dommage qu’ils subissent du fait de la convention conclue par le tiers au mépris de leurs droits. D’autre part, et parallèlement, le tiers victime est en droit d’engager la responsabilité délictuelle du cocontractant auteur de l’inexécution contractuelle lui ayant été préjudiciable. Pour autant, le nombre d’auteurs pour qui l’opposabilité ne peut pas réellement servir d’appui aux deux règles précitées ne cesse de s’accroître. La critique n’est pas cependant pleinement justifiée. En effet, l’étude approfondie de la signification exacte, du fondement et des caractéristiques déterminantes de l’opposabilité démontre que, moyennant une juste délimitation de son champ d’application, cette notion demeure utile, pour ne pas dire indispensable à la protection des contractants et des tiers. / The notion of opposability, which appeared in French doctrine at the beginning of the last century, is of crucial importance today in relation to legal certainty. Thus, it is generally accepted in contemporary doctrine that such a concept explains the non-obligatory effects of contracts towards third parties and particularly in regard to responsibility. On the one hand, third parties must abstain from any act which may harm others' contracts. If this should occur, parties to the contract could claim compensation for any damage suffered as the result of a convention under taken by a third party without regard to their rights. On the other hand, and in parallel, a third-party victim is entitled to make a tort claim against a cocontracting party failed to fulfill a contractual obligation when this would be prejudicial tohim. Having said that, there is an ever-increasing number of authors for whom opposability cannot be used to support the two preceding rules. However, this criticism is notcompletely justified. Indeed, an in-depth study of the exact meaning, of the basis and of the determining characteristics of opposability show that, given a fair definition of the boundaries, this notion remains useful, if not indispensable to protect parties to a contract and third parties.

Le droit de la responsabilité et les fonds d'indemnisation : analyse en droits français et allemand / Compensation funds and tort law : an analysis under french and german law

Knetsch, Jonas 07 October 2011 (has links)
L’importance croissante des fonds d’indemnisation, en droit français et dans les droits étrangers, invite à une étude approfondie de ces instruments alternatifs de compensation de dommages. Une analyse de leur champ d’application et de leur fonctionnement ainsi qu’une identification des objectifs de politique juridique font apparaître deux catégories de dispositifs : d’un côté, les fonds rétrospectifs chargés de gérer les conséquences d’un fait dommageable de grande ampleur survenu dans le passé et ayant fait l’objet d’une médiatisation importante ; de l’autre, les fonds prospectifs destinés à faciliter l’indemnisation de dommages isolés et à pallier des lacunes de la responsabilité civile ou administrative. Malgré des points de convergence, les fonds d’indemnisation se démarquent d’autres techniques d’indemnisation, telles que la Sécurité sociale et les assurances privées. Pour comprendre les raisons qui amènent le législateur à réserver un tel traitement particulier à certaines catégories de dommages, la notion d’indemnisation sociale, développée par la doctrine allemande, servira de point de départ pour construire un modèle explicatif qui appréhende notamment la diversité des régimes relevant d’un fonds d’indemnisation. Une comparaison de la procédure d’indemnisation devant un fonds et d’une action en responsabilité révèle un besoin d’ajustement de la réglementation des fonds pour exploiter au mieux les potentialités de ces instruments, aussi bien sur le terrain de la compensation que sur celui de la prévention des dommages. Une simplification des rapports entre les nombreux fonds et une meilleure articulation avec la responsabilité civile s’imposent pour assurer une intégration cohérente de ces régimes spéciaux dans le droit existant. / The increasing importance of compensation funds in French law and in other legal systems calls for a research study on this topic. The analysis of the scope and legal technique as well as the identification of the political aims behind those alternative compensation schemes reveals two categories: on the one hand, retrospective compensation schemes are introduced to manage the consequences of mass damages; on the other hand, the establishment of prospective funds remedies the gaps in tort law to facilitate the compensation of certain types of individual damages. In spite of similarities with Social security and private insurance, compensation funds form a unique compensation technique and can be held as the key element of social compensation, a concept which has been developed by German scholars and can explain the shifts between private and public compensation schemes as well as the diversity of fund regulations. However, a comparative approach of compensation under a fund regulation and a tort law action before the courts reveals a need for legislative adjustments in order to develop the full potential of alternative compensation schemes. A simplification of conflicts between different compensation funds and a better coordination with tort law actions have to be achieved to insure a coherent integration into the existing legal system.

La responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux en droit des affaires internationales et comparé (droit européen, droit français et droit iranien). / Products liability in international trade and comparative law (European law, French law, American law and Iranian law)

Ariaeipour, Ali 16 March 2012 (has links)
Responsabilité du fait du produit c’est le nom, donné à un domaine de droit concernant la responsabilité des personnes qui s’occupent à fabriquer et vendre ou distribuer par d’autres moyens des produits pour les différents sorts des dommages causés aux consommateurs et même aux tierces personnes par les défauts de sécurité de ces produits. Cette responsabilité est une responsabilité sans faute qui va au-delà distinction traditionnelle entre la responsabilité contractuelle ou extra-contractuelle. Il existe différents modèles de la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux dans le monde. Parmi eux le droit américain et le droit européen de la responsabilité du fait des produits sont particulièrement significatifs. Aux Etats-Unis la section 402A de la seconde restatement of torts déterminait le régime de la responsabilité du fait des produits. En 1998 l’institut de droit américain a publié la troisième restatement of torts sous le nom de la responsabilité du fait des produits, ce qui est censé de remplacer la section 402A de la seconde restatement of torts. En Europe, la directive communautaire numéro (85/374/CEE) du conseil du 25 juillet 1985 relative au rapprochement des dispositions législatives, réglementaires et administratives des États membres en matière de responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux constitue le droit spécial des états membres en matière de la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux. Cette directive a été transposée en droit français par la loi du 19 mai 1998 sous la forme des articles 1386-1 à 1386-18 du code civil français. La faute constitue la seule base légale de la responsabilité civile des vendeurs et des fabricants des produits défectueux en droit iranien. Pour résoudre les conflits de lois et des juridictions qui résultent de l’exportation de produits au niveau international on peut mettre œuvre les conventions et les règlements internationales qui ont été élaborées en la matière ainsi que le droit commun des conflits des lois et des juridictions des pays. / Products liability is the name of a field of law concerning the liability of persons who are engaged in the business of selling or otherwise distributing products who sell or distribute a defective product for harm to persons or property caused by the defect. They are strictly liable. Their liability is a kind of liability which goes beyond the traditional distinction between the contractual and tortious liability. The United-States of America and European Union have the most developed products liability laws in the world. In the United-States the American Law Institute memorialized precedential rule of strict products liability in tort in §402A of the Second Restatement of Torts, and officially promulgated it in 1965. In 1992, the American Law Institute began working on a new Restatement (Third) of Torts on the specific topic of products liability law, approving the new Restatement in 1997 and publishing it in 1998 as The Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability. In Europe, Council Directive of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (85/374/EEC) constitutes specific law of products liability of European Union member states. This directive has been transposed in French law by 19 May 1998 act and formed articles 1386-1 to 1386-18 of civil code. Fault is the only legal basis of Iranian products liability law. For solving conflicts of laws and jurisdictions which arise from international trade of products and determining the applicable law and competent jurisdiction we can implement international conventions and regulations which have been elaborated on this subject as well as traditional rules of conflicts of laws and jurisdictions of the countries.

The action of dependants from a comparative and an African perspective

Mokotong, Matshilane 10 1900 (has links)
The available sources on the dependency action in South Africa do not mention the presence or absence of traditional values. This study was prompted by a simple curiosity to discover the traditional legal values of the dependency action for loss of support. Accordingly, the study critically examines the action of dependants for loss of support and other related losses in South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho from an African perspective. It then compares this to its application in Australia, a country that is known for its recognition and inclusion of indigenous Australian customary law. The study recommends that traditional values should be preserved in the records of the legal system, as it might stimulate a discussion, which could lead to the culmination of a single dependency action tailored to fit the whole nation and all its different cultures and religions. / Private Law

Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou vadou výrobku / Liability for Damage Caused by a Defective Product

Šťovíček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Dissertation Thesis Abstract - Liability for Damage Caused by A Defective Product JUDr. Petr Šťovíček The subject-matter of the dissertation thesis is the relationship of legal liability for damage inflicted upon a consumer by a defective product. The paper describes the statutory definition of the relationship, in particular, without limitation, the preconditions to the establishment of liability of the individual entities on the part of entrepreneurs participating in all phases of the product distribution from the moment of its manufacturing, or, as the case may be, it import to the Czech Republic, to the moment of its sale to the end consumer; limits of the liability and possibilities through which the consumer may claim compensation of the caused damage. The first part of the paper focuses on the above mentioned issued of general legal regulation applicable to liability, its historical development and types; it has a rather generally descriptive nature. Special civil law regulation of liability is provided for also in a number of special Acts, in particular in Act No. 59/1998 Coll., on Liability for Damage Caused by A Product Defect. The second part of the thesis provides an outline of the legal regulation covering the sphere of consumer protection with respect to liability relationships incurring in...

Dano moral: da natureza da indenização aos critérios para fixação do Quantum

Peres, Célia Mara 24 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIR - Celia Mara Peres.pdf: 1140796 bytes, checksum: 0c8c837835b9355bb0f860054bd1e5fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-24 / The present dissertation turns on punitive damages, the nature that they assume in the Brazilian legal system and the problematic around the quantum that must be awarded to the victim. This work intends to demonstrate the importance assumed by the study of the punitive damages in the national and world-wide scene, once the practice of this illegal conduct confronts the constitutional principle that guarantees the respect of the dignity of the human being, by violating the rights of the personality. Still, it tries to detach the difficulties to find an ideal way to award the victim the fairest relief, which is generally pecuniary, without compromising the legal relationship balance. In order to make some considerations about the subject proposed, it was necessary to make a previous study about the civil liability, by dealing with its evolution and principles and focusing on the different aspects around the punitive damages, such as the concept, indemnity, doctrines, trajectory of the former court decisions and the recognition of the man as the centre of the legal system, relegating the patrimony to a second plan. The compilation method was used during the development of this study, also the research of jurisprudence and comparative legislation. Laws and projects of law which are in transaction process had been mentioned as well. From this study, we can infer that instead of applying tax rates, the legal arbitration continues to be the best way to award the damage, since the magistrates observe the real necessity of basing their decisions and discriminating, in a individualized way, each of the judgments already consecrated by the doctrine and the jurisprudence, and mainly, the reasons that took them into that conclusion / A presente dissertação de mestrado versa sobre o dano moral, voltada à natureza que assume no sistema jurídico brasileiro e à problemática em torno dos critérios utilizados para a fixação do quantum indenizatório. Objetiva demonstrar a sua importância no cenário nacional e mundial, por se caracterizar prática que afronta o princípio constitucional do respeito à dignidade da pessoa humana, além de violar os direitos da personalidade. Procurar-se-á destacar, ainda, a preocupação e dificuldades existentes, na busca da maneira ideal para a fixação da indenização, de forma a entregar ao ofendido a mais justa reparação, geralmente pecuniária, sem, contudo, comprometer o equilíbrio das relações jurídicas. Para que fosse possível tecer as considerações e conclusões sobre o tema proposto fez-se necessário um estudo prévio da responsabilidade civil, abordando seus fundamentos e evolução, com enfoque em diversos aspectos que envolvem o dano moral, tais como seu conceito, indenizabilidade, trajetória doutrinária, legislativa e jurisprudencial, e o reconhecimento do homem como centro do ordenamento jurídico, relegando-se ao patrimônio um segundo plano. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foi utilizado o método de compilação, aliado à pesquisa de jurisprudência e legislação comparada. Foram abordadas as leis que tratam do assunto e projetos de lei que se encontram em tramitação. Concluiu-se que ao contrário da tarifação, o arbitramento judicial continua a ser o melhor meio para a aferição e fixação do valor indenizatório, desde que os magistrados observem a real necessidade de fundamentação dos julgados, apontando, de forma individualizada, cada um dos critérios já consagrados pela jurisprudência e doutrina com o seu respectivo valor e, principalmente os motivos que o levaram àquela conclusão no caso concreto

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