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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsgivares skydd mot arbetstagares utnyttjande av företagshemligheter från tidigare anställning / Employers' protection against employees' exploit of trade secrets from previous employment

Sanderson, Ellinor January 2014 (has links)
I ett kunskapsföretag besitter anställda kunskap om företagets hemligheter genom sin anställning. Denna kunskap utgör en väsentlig tillgång i företaget och stärker företagets konkurrensförmåga på marknaden, vilket ökar behovet av ett starkt skydd för företagshemligheter. Problematiken uppstår när anställda lämnar sin anställning och tar med sig den hemliga informationen till sin nya arbetsgivare och utnyttjar den där. När anställda konkurrerar med sin tidigare arbetsgivare får den arbetsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten väsentlig betydelse. Utgångspunkten är att anställda inte är bundna av lojalitetsplikten när anställningen upphör, vilket innebär att anställda är fria att utnyttja kunskap, erfarenhet och skicklighet som förvärvats under anställningen. Detta innebär att anställda inte kan ställas till ansvar efter anställningens upphörande, förutom i vissa fall då det enligt lagen (1990:409) om skydd för företagshemligheter (FHL) föreligger ”synnerliga skäl”. Avtal mellan parterna kan därför få en avgörande betydelse för arbetsgivares skydd. En godtroende ny arbetsgivare kan själv bli skadeståndsansvarig om en nyanställd, i sin nya anställning, missbrukar tidigare arbetsgivares företagshemligheter. Frågan som uppsatsen behandlar är huruvida den nya arbetsgivaren kan skydda sig mot detta. Slutsatsen är att FHL:s sanktionssystem och den arbetsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten är en ny arbetsgivares främsta skydd. Risken för en ny arbetsgivare att drabbas av skadestånd enligt FHL är överhängande när en anställd missbrukat tidigare arbetsgivares företagshemligheter i den nya verksamheten. I förebyggande syfte kan en ny arbetsgivare vidta åtgärder, t.ex. klargöra för anställda om sanktionssystemets innebörd och om arbetsgivarens egen inställning. Med anledning av KOM(2013) 813 och lagrådsremissen den 12 december 2013 kan en ny arbetsgivares skydd komma att förstärkas. / In a knowledge based company employees possess knowledge of the company’s secrets through their employment. This knowledge constitutes an essential asset of the company and strengthens its competitive position on the market, which increases the need for strong protection of trade secrets. The problem arises when employees terminate their employment and bring trade secrets to their new employer and exploit it there. When employees compete with their previous employer, the labour law duty of loyalty is essential. The starting point is that employees are not bound by the duty of loyalty when the employment is terminated, which implies that employees are free to utilize the knowledge, experience and skills acquired during their employment. This means that employees can not be held liable under the Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets (“the Act”) after the termination of the employment, except from “extraordinary reasons”. Contracts may therefore be vital for employers’ protection. A new employer in good faith can be held liable for damages if the new employee during the new employment abuses the previous employer’s trade secrets. The question that this thesis addresses is whether the new employer can protect himself/herself against this. The conclusion is that the Act’s system of sanctions and the labour law duty of loyalty is a new employer’s primary protection. The risk for a new employer to suffer damages under the Act is imminent when an employee has abused previous employer’s trade secrets in the new business. The new employer can take measures for preventive purposes, for example to clarify to employees the meaning of the system of sanctions and the employer’s own position. COM(2013) 813 and the proposal for new legislation referred to the Swedish Council on Legislation (December 12, 2013) may enhance a new employer’s protection.

Strafregtelike beskerming van inligting

Nienaber, Catharina Wilhelmina 11 1900 (has links)
In hierdie proefskrif is die belangrike rol wat inligting tans en toenemend in die samelewing speel ondersoek, om te beklemtoon hoe noodsaaklik dit tans is om `n misdryf wat die wederregtelike en opsetlike verkryging van inligting strafbaar sal reël, te verorden. Die rol wat industriële spioenasie in die verband speel word uitgelig. As gevolg van die bepaalde onliggaamlike aard van inligting kan inligting nie soos liggaamlike eiendom `n persoon ontneem word nie. Inligting word gewoonlik bloot gekopieer en die oorspronklike houer van die inligting behou die inligting hoewel die dader ook die inligting verkry. Die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal maak dus nie voorsiening vir die diefstal van inligting waar die inligting bloot gekopieer of gedupliseer is nie. Om te bepaal hoe hierdie bepaalde probleem in ander lande se regstelsels aangespreek word en om kennis op te doen oor hoe dit in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg aangespreek behoort te word, is die strafregtelike bepalings en selfs nie-strafregtelike bepalings in lande soos Engeland, Amerika, Kanada en Nederland ondersoek. Ten einde vas te stel welke inligting deur die strafreg beskerm behoort te word, is selfs sekere nie-strafregtelike bepalings van vermelde lande en van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg nagegaan. Insigte is verkry oor welke elemente sodanige inligting aan moet voldoen en `n definisie van beskermwaardige inligting word aanbeveel. Vir hierdie doel is `n nuwe begrip van beskermwaardige inligting geskep. Die redes waarom diefstal van inligting nie in Suid-Afrikaanse en die ander lande se regstelsels nie erken word nie, is bespreek. Die wyse waarop die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal na die diefstal van onliggaamlike geld uitgebrei is, is ondersoek waarna `n aanbeveling gemaak word oor hoe die definisie van diefstal uitgebrei kan word om ook ander onliggaamlike objekte in te sluit. As gevolg van die bepaalde aard van inligting kan die gemeenregtelike definisie van diefstal nie uitgebrei word om inligting as `n objek in te sluit nie en word `n statutêre misdryf van diefstal van inligting voorgestel. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Legal shifts : shaping expectations of intellectual property protection in an open innovation industrial environment

Bruneau, Mathieu 12 1900 (has links)
Projet de recherche réalisé en 2014-2015 avec l'appui du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture. / Ce mémoire vise à évaluer les effets de variations des attentes des firmes quant à la protection conférée par les droits de propriété intellectuelle (« PI ») pour les inventions et innovations dans un milieu industriel d’innovation ouverte. D’abord, les régimes de PI aux États-Unis et au Canada sont analysés à travers des cas jurisprudentiels et législatifs et des traités internationaux afin d’illustrer de quelle façon les normes juridiques changent et démontrer les répercussions sur les attentes des firmes. Puis, les attributs du modèle de l’innovation ouverte, où les firmes gèrent à dessein leurs relations d’affaires avec une attitude d’ouverture, sont décrits et sa pertinence est appuyée à l’aide d’un modèle simple. L’accent est mis sur son traitement distinctif des échanges de connaissances et d’intrants à l’intérieur même des firmes et entre elles. Une fois ces notions établies et s’y référant à titre d’hypothèses, un modèle microéconomique des échanges de connaissances entre firmes est élaboré, avec deux variables de choix, la PI et le secret, qui captent les mécanismes de gestion technologique des firmes. Par la tension entre ces variables, les processus de prise de décisions et les interactions entre les firmes sont évalués au moyen d’une analyse statique. Pour étudier plus en détails les choix des firmes, une version à deux joueurs du modèle est examinée au moyen de la théorie des jeux. Dans toutes ces formes du modèle, l’impact des fluctuations des attentes des firmes relativement au droit de la PI est jaugé. Tel que prévu, ces effets pour une firme changent en fonction des choix de gestion de chacune des firmes. Les effets varient également eu égard à la nature des relations à travers lesquelles les échanges de connaissance ont lieu. Dans la variante à deux joueurs, la statique comparative d’un équilibre de Nash en stratégie mixte montre que la relation avec l’autre joueur imprègne les incidences des variations du droit sur les stratégies de gestion technologique. Par exemple, une hausse des attentes de protection juridique de la PI couvrant la technologie d’une firme peut étonnamment mener cette firme à moins y recourir. / The purpose of this thesis is to assess the effects of changes in firms’ expectations of intellectual property (“IP”) law protection over inventions and innovations in an industrial environment characterized by open innovation practices. To begin, a legal analysis of IP regimes in Canada and the United States is achieved through different cases of court decisions, legal amendments and international treaties in order to show how legal standards vary and to demonstrate the repercussions of legal shifts over firms’ expectations. Then, the characteristics of the open innovation management model, in which firms adopt a purposively open mindset in their business relationships, are described, and its relevance is supported using a simple model. Emphasis is laid upon open innovation’s distinguishable treatment of intra- and inter-firm flows of knowledge and inputs. Building on these insights and using them as assumptions, a microeconomic model of firms’ knowledge flow interactions is constructed, with two choice variables that capture firms’ technology management mechanisms in an open innovation industrial environment: IP and secrecy. Through the tension between these two variables, inter-firm interactions and decision-making processes are assessed with a static analysis. To study firms’ choices in greater detail, a two-firm version of the model is then examined using game theory. Throughout, the impact of fluctuations in firms’ expectations of IP law is assessed. As expected, these effects, for a focal firm, vary depending on that firm’s technology management decisions as well as other firms’. Effects also differ with respect to the nature of knowledge flows relationships that each firm undertakes. In the two-firm game theoretic version of the model, comparative statics of a mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium show that the relationship with the other firm qualifies the consequences of legal shifts on firms’ technology management strategies. Notably, increasing expectations of IP protection for a firm’s technology might actually result in this firm relying less on IP.

論營業秘密法之不可避免揭露原則 / Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine in Trade Secret Law

陳詩帆, Chen, Shih Fan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來頻傳科技業高階主管跳槽到競爭對手,而我國於二〇一三年增訂營業秘密的刑事責任,營業秘密的保護與人才流動兩者之間的關係,越來越受到關注,特別是台積電與梁孟松案,智慧財產法院於二〇一二年三月台積電訴梁孟松案假處分裁定採納不可避免揭露原則,在後續的判決中亦論及不可避免揭露原則,使此一原則開始受到國內智慧財產權法實務及學術界之相當關注。 不可避免揭露原則係源自美國法上之司法實踐,本文首先介紹美國法上不可避免揭露原則的理論基礎,透過五個重要判決(Allis-Chalmers v. Continental案、PepsiCo v. Redmond案、Bimbo v. Botticella案、Whyte v. Schlage案和EarthWeb v. Schlack案)介紹不可避免揭露原則的發展,分析不可避免揭露原則的要素,包括兩間公司的競爭程度、營業秘密之認定、員工職務的近似程度、違反誠信的行為和與保密協議、競業禁止條款的關係,並且整理出四種不同的適用類型即完全適用、擴張適用、限縮適用和拒絕適用,繼而以之分析美國各州的適用情形。最後,回歸到我國台積電訴梁孟松案,分析該案是否適合導入或參考美國法之不可避免揭露原則之各項考量因素,並評析法院對於不可避免揭露原則的見解包括採納不可避免揭露原則的適用類型,輔以我國目前實務發展,探討不可避免揭露原則是否應該引入我國,包括是否違反我國法律規定、與美國法制的差異是否影響不可避免揭露原則的適用和價值衡平與政策考量。 / In recent years, hi-tech companies in Taiwan occasionally need to cope with crisis where their executives decide to join competitors’ firms. Along with the 2013 amendment in Trade Secrets Law, which crminizlized trade secrets infringemenet, the relationship between the trade secret protection and job mobility has drew wide attention from IP practitioers and academia. In the case of TSMC v. Liang, the Intellectual Property Court first applied the inevitable disclosure doctrine in an injunction relief. Since the inevitable disclosure doctrine originates from the judicial development of the United States (U.S) trade secret law, the thesis first introduces the basic idea of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in the U.S., and then through five representative cases, including Allis-Calmers v. Continental, PepsiCo v. Redmond, Bimbo v. Botticella, Whyte v. Schlage, and EarthWeb v. Schlack. It then investigates the overall development of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in the U.S.. Based on the case-law development, the thesis further analyzes the essential factors of the inevitable disclosure doctrine incluing the competition between rivals, indentification of trade secrets, job similarity, dishonest act and the relationship with non-disclosure agreement and covenant not to compete. It also catalgorizes four types of judicial application of the inevitable disclosure doctrine, including the original, extended, limited and rejected type. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the type of application of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in each state in the U.S.. Last but not least, back to TSMC v. Liang, the thesis analyzes if the above-mentioned factors of the inevitable disclosure doctrine fit in the case, and reviews the court ruling about the inevitable disclosure doctrine. In conclusion, based on the current development of judicial practice, the thesis assesses the application of inevitable disclosure doctrine in Trade Secrets Law in Taiwan with the polict goal to balance various interests.

Strafregtelike beskerming van inligting

Nienaber, Catharina Wilhelmina 11 1900 (has links)
In hierdie proefskrif is die belangrike rol wat inligting tans en toenemend in die samelewing speel ondersoek, om te beklemtoon hoe noodsaaklik dit tans is om `n misdryf wat die wederregtelike en opsetlike verkryging van inligting strafbaar sal reël, te verorden. Die rol wat industriële spioenasie in die verband speel word uitgelig. As gevolg van die bepaalde onliggaamlike aard van inligting kan inligting nie soos liggaamlike eiendom `n persoon ontneem word nie. Inligting word gewoonlik bloot gekopieer en die oorspronklike houer van die inligting behou die inligting hoewel die dader ook die inligting verkry. Die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal maak dus nie voorsiening vir die diefstal van inligting waar die inligting bloot gekopieer of gedupliseer is nie. Om te bepaal hoe hierdie bepaalde probleem in ander lande se regstelsels aangespreek word en om kennis op te doen oor hoe dit in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg aangespreek behoort te word, is die strafregtelike bepalings en selfs nie-strafregtelike bepalings in lande soos Engeland, Amerika, Kanada en Nederland ondersoek. Ten einde vas te stel welke inligting deur die strafreg beskerm behoort te word, is selfs sekere nie-strafregtelike bepalings van vermelde lande en van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg nagegaan. Insigte is verkry oor welke elemente sodanige inligting aan moet voldoen en `n definisie van beskermwaardige inligting word aanbeveel. Vir hierdie doel is `n nuwe begrip van beskermwaardige inligting geskep. Die redes waarom diefstal van inligting nie in Suid-Afrikaanse en die ander lande se regstelsels nie erken word nie, is bespreek. Die wyse waarop die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal na die diefstal van onliggaamlike geld uitgebrei is, is ondersoek waarna `n aanbeveling gemaak word oor hoe die definisie van diefstal uitgebrei kan word om ook ander onliggaamlike objekte in te sluit. As gevolg van die bepaalde aard van inligting kan die gemeenregtelike definisie van diefstal nie uitgebrei word om inligting as `n objek in te sluit nie en word `n statutêre misdryf van diefstal van inligting voorgestel. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Le secret des affaires / Confidentiality in business law

Garinot, Jean-Marie 17 November 2011 (has links)
En dépit de son importance pratique, le secret des affaires n’est guère pris en compte par le droit français. Bien que mentionné par quelques textes épars, il ne peut être qualifié de notion juridique. Face aux lacunes de notre législation, les tribunaux sont contraints d’appliquer le droit commun pour protéger les informations économiques sensibles : or, l’article 1382 du Code civil, comme les textes réprimant le vol et le recel, ne sont pas adaptés. Pourtant, comme en témoignent certains systèmes juridiques étrangers, la protection du secret est nécessaire ; il convient donc d’en rechercher les fondements. Bien que justifiée, la sauvegarde des renseignements confidentiels doit toutefois être conciliée avec les autres intérêts en présence, tels que les droits particuliers à l’information, les principes directeurs du procès, la transparence financière ou encore la liberté du travail. Le but de cette étude est donc de cerner la notion de secret des affaires, puis de proposer des modalités de protection, en respectant les intérêts des tiers. / Despite its practical relevance, business secrecy remains barely recognized under French law. Even if various texts refer to that concept, it cannot be considered as a legal concept under French law. In order to face the defects of our law, courts are bound to apply ordinary law to guarantee the protection of sensitive business information. However, applying article 1382 of the French civil code (torts) as well as referring to the concepts of robbery or handling (criminal law) are inappropriate solutions. Nevertheless, some foreign legal systems have demonstrated that protecting business secrecy was necessary. Therefore, our study will seek the grounds of that need for protection. Protecting confidential data, although justified, must be compatible with other key principles: individual rights to information, civil trial practice standards, financial transparency or freedom of work. Thus, the purpose of that study is to delimitate the concept of business secrecy before suggesting new measures to protect it while preserving third parties beneficiaries.

A context-aware business intelligence framework for South African Higher Institutions

Mutanga, Alfred January 2016 (has links)
PhD (Business Management) / Department of Business Management / This thesis demonstrates the researcher’s efforts to put into practice the theoretical foundations of information systems research, in order to come up with a context-aware business intelligence framework (CABIF), for the South African higher education institutions. Using critical realism as the philosophical underpinning and mixed methods research design, a business intelligence (BI) survey was deployed within the South African public higher education institutions to measure the respondents’ satisfaction and importance of business intelligence characteristics. The 258 respondents’ satisfaction and importance of the 34 observed business intelligence variables, were subjected to principal components analysis and design science research to come up with the CABIF. The observable BI variables were drawn from four latent variables namely technology and business alignment; organizational and behavioural strategies; business intelligence domain; and technology strategies. The study yielded good values for all the observed satisfaction and importance business intelligence variables as indicated by the Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy and the Bartlett Test of Sphericity. The data set collected from the survey deployed at the South African public higher education institutions, was reliable and valid based on the Cronbach α values which were all above 0.9. The researcher then used the descriptive and prescriptive knowledge of design science research, and the meta-inferences of the results from the principal components analysis to produce five contexts of CABIF. The BI contexts developed were, the Basic Context; the Business Processes Context which was divided into Macro and Micro business process contexts; the Business Intelligence Context; and the Governance Context. These contexts were extrapolated within the University of Venda’s business processes and this researcher concluded that the CABIF developed, could be inferred within the South African higher education institutions. At the University of Venda, this researcher managed to draw up CABIF based business intelligence tools that spanned from leveraging the existing ICT infrastructure, student cohort analysis, viability of academic entities, strategic enrolment planning and forecasting government block grants. The correlations and regression measures of the technology acceptance variables of the business intelligence tools modelled using CABIF at University of Venda, revealed high acceptance ratio. Overall, this research provides a myriad of conceptual and practical insights into how contextualised aspects of BI directly or indirectly impact on the quality of managerial decision making within various core business contexts of South African higher education institutions.

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