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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O trágico: Schopenhauer e Freud

Pastore, Jassanan Amoroso Dias 23 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jassanan Amoroso Dias Pastore.pdf: 2609602 bytes, checksum: 2afc24e3327956c37ed498b6e3ad2801 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-23 / The study of Freud s writings, from the perspective laid down by the convergences and divergences promoted by Freud between psychoanalysis and Schopenhauer s philosophy, enables to investigate on the possible points that put nearer or farther the ways in which Freud and Schopenhauer face the tragic. Halfway in the transition from the XIXth century, which was marked by the theoretical optimism of rationalism and the primacy of conscience, to the XXth century, which main characteristic was the crisis of the reason, psychoanalysis has emerged as a new science about the human soul, having as foundations the unconscious and the drives. Similarly, Schopenhauer had, one hundred years before, in the transition from the XVIIIth to the XIXth century, put in doubt not only the attempts at metaphysically interpreting the world optimistically, but also the notions of the German romantic idealists who, as a rule, in following the tradition, postulated an absolute rational principle of the world. Schopenhauer, in his philosophy, elaborates his thinking by situating the essence of man not in conscience and reason, but in the Will, which he considered to be an irrational impulse. We will depart from the notion of the tragic among the Ancient Greeks, crossing the path of modern philosophy, and finally arriving at psychoanalysis / O estudo dos textos freudianos, a partir da perspectiva estabelecida pelos encontros e desencontros que Freud promove entre a psicanálise e a filosofia schopenhaueriana, permite investigar as possíveis aproximações e distanciamentos entre a concepção e o modo de enfrentamento do trágico em Freud e em Schopenhauer. Em meio à transição do século XIX, marcado pelo otimismo teórico do racionalismo e do primado da consciência, para o século XX, caracterizado pela crise da razão, Freud funda a psicanálise, uma nova ciência sobre a alma humana que postula como fundamentos o inconsciente e as pulsões. Da mesma maneira, cem anos antes, na transição do século XVIII para o XIX, Schopenhauer já havia problematizado as tentativas de interpretar metafisicamente o mundo de maneira otimista e também as concepções dos idealistas românticos alemães, que, de modo geral, ao seguirem a tradição, postulavam um princípio racional absoluto do mundo. Em sua filosofia, Schopenhauer elabora um pensamento que situa a essência do homem não na consciência e na razão, mas na Vontade, considerada por ele um impulso irracional. Partiremos do estudo da concepção de trágico desde a Antiguidade grega, passando pela filosofia moderna, até chegarmos à psicanálise

O homem trágico de Freud

Patitucci, Ana Claudia Ayres 13 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Claudia Ayres Patitucci.pdf: 1239532 bytes, checksum: d95058d97bc1d847354f6e10f2772cd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-13 / This research deals with the tragic anthropological concept contained in Freudian theory. It focuses on the investigation of tragic as a concern that describes the human condition, from its matrix founded in religion, Greek tragedy and the tragic philosophy of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. In Greek religiosity, the ontological rupture is placed between men and gods: these are immortal and those mortal ones, hence the strength and fragility of their condition. This religious experiment produced an anthropological perception that the Greek poets presented in the Athenian tragedy. In the view of the tragic poet, the meaning of human life was granted by the relationship with the gods and by the mortal condition, originating the tragic situation of the hero. In the modern philosophy of our era, the tragic has become a philosophical category. The elements that shaped the tragic man in the Greek narrative have unfolded on the reflection of the human condition and transformed into the themes that characterize the existential tragedy: the value and purpose of life in face of the ailment of the mortal condition, the human fallibility, human fragility and the contradictions which disintegrate the notion of unity of the world and man. Our hypothesis is that Freud, such as the Greek poets and modern philosophers, conceived a tragic vision of the human condition. Equipped with the Greek and philosophical conceptual repertoires, the intention of this research is to perform an analysis of the Freudian work in order to enlighten the tragedy in the human soul and the relationship between man and culture, configuring Freud s tragic human being / Esta pesquisa trata da concepção antropológica trágica contida na teoria freudiana. Ela parte da investigação do trágico como um conceito que descreve a condição humana, desde sua matriz fundada na religião e na tragédia grega e na visão trágica de homem na filosofia de Schopenhauer e Nietzsche. Na religiosidade grega está colocada a ruptura ontológica entre homens e deuses: estes são imortais e aqueles mortais, daí a força e a fragilidade de sua condição. Essa experiência religiosa produziu uma percepção antropológica que os poetas revelaram na tragédia grega. No entender do poeta trágico, o sentido da vida humana era conferido pela relação com os deuses e pela condição mortal, originando a situação trágica do herói. Na filosofia moderna de nossa era o trágico se tornou categoria filosófica. Os elementos que configuraram o homem trágico na narrativa grega se desdobraram na reflexão sobre a condição humana e se transformaram nos temas que caracterizam o trágico existencial: o valor e a finalidade da vida frente ao padecimento da condição mortal, a falibilidade humana, a fragilidade humana e as contradições que desintegram a noção de unidade do mundo e do homem. Nossa hipótese é que Freud, tal como os poetas gregos e os filósofos modernos, concebeu uma visão trágica da condição humana. A intenção dessa pesquisa é fazer, aparelhada pelos repertórios conceituais gregos e filosóficos, a análise da obra freudiana de modo a iluminar o trágico na alma humana e na relação entre homem e cultura, configurando o homem trágico de Freud

La philosophie tragique chez Clément Rosset : un regard sur le réel / The Tragic Philosophy according to Clément Rosset : a View of Reality / La filosofía trágica en la obra de Clément Rosset : une visión de la realidad

Lopez-Betancur, Olga del Pilar 19 December 2014 (has links)
A partir du concept « philosophie tragique », nous proposons une approche de l’ensemble de la philosophie de Rosset, qui a jusqu’ici peu été étudiée en France. Nous envisageons le rapport, dans son œuvre, entre philosophie tragique et esthétique à partir de ses analyses d’œuvres d’art dramaturgiques, littéraires et musicales. Pour ce faire, nous analysons le terme même de tragique, la fortune du drame antique et l’usage que propose Nietzsche de la tragédie pour déterminer la ligne philosophique propre à Rosset. Nous proposons ainsi une cartographie de l’ensemble de son œuvre pour analyser les nouvelles tactiques qu’il met en œuvre pour renouveler l’approche du tragique, et par là, pour évaluer la manière de philosopher singulière qu’il met en œuvre. Analysant dans ses premiers travaux le tragique à travers une analyse de l’événement tragique et de son expérience individuelle, Rosset élargit son champ de réflexion pour faire du tragique l’objet d’une philosophie du réel. Ce tournant dans son œuvre nous amène à penser le tragique non comme une question circonstancielle ou réservée à l’analyse dramaturgique ou esthétique mais comme le programme d’une nouvelle philosophie, qui conteste l’idée de nature, et propose une nouvelle philosophie du réel. En précisant cette philosophie comme « logique du pire », « anti-nature » et philosophie du hasard, nous confrontons ainsi ses ouvrages de la maturité avec son premier geste philosophique, qui détermine la philosophie comme tragique. Cela nous amène à distinguer le tragique de l’absurde et du pessimisme, en insistant sur le rapport paradoxal à la joie qu’il comporte, qui détermine le tragique comme une philosophie de l’approbation. Le rôle que tiennent la littérature et la musique est alors évalué à la lumière de cette nouvelle rencontre, que Rosset nous propose, entre une esthétique de l’artifice et une éthique de l’approbation tragique. Nous espérons ainsi contribuer à l’ouverture en France d’une réception de la philosophie de Clément Rosset. / Starting from the concept of “tragic philosophy”, we offer a complete analysis of the complete philosophy of Rosset, up to now little studied in France. We contemplate the link in his work between tragic philosophy and the arts, based on his analysis of works of dramatic art, literature and music. In doing this, we analyse even the term ‘tragic’ itself, the fortune of ancient drama and the usage of tragedy proposed by Nietzsche, in order to establish the philosophical approach that belongs to Rosset. We thus present a mapping of the whole of his works in order to analyse the new tactics that he puts to work in order to re-invent the approach to tragic, and in this manner, evaluate the singular manner of the philosopher that he puts to work. Analysing in his earliest works on tragic by means of the tragic event and his personnel experience, Rosset then enlarges his field of reflexion to make tragic the object of the philosophy of reality. This twist in his work brings us to think not of the tragic as a circumstantial question or the reserve of the dramatical or artistic analysis but as the plan for a new philosophy, which contests the idea of nature, and offers a new philosophy of reality. By clarifying this philosophy as the « logic of the worst », « anti-nature » and the philosophy of chance, we thus consider his works with the maturity of his first philosophical gesture that sets out the philosophy as tragic. This method in his work leads us to distinguish the absurd tragic from that of pessimism, whilst insisting on the paradoxical link of the joy that it brings, that determines the tragic as a philosophy of approval. The role played by literature and music is thus evaluated in the light of this new encounter that Rosset proposes to us, between an art of the subtle and the ethics of tragic approval. We hope in this manner to contribute to opening France up to the philosophy of Clément Rosset. / Esta tesis tiene como objetivo comprender y precisar los términos a partir de los cuales Clément Rosset retoma y reelabora el termino filosofía trágica. Para hacerlo, hemos hecho una travesía que abarca el conjunto de su obra, para así hacer visibles los diferentes estratos que conforman este concepto. En primer lugar, la filosofía trágica de la que Rosset nos habla en sus libros de juventud aparece a une escala humana: él se interroga sobre el acontecimiento trágico y la relación del humano con ese tipo de situaciones. El describe, por tanto, el sujeto trágico que se sorprende cada vez que esas situaciones aparecen. Su elaboración no solamente su nutre y está ligada definitivamente a Nietzsche, sino también a las tragedias antiguas y modernas, reforzando así el lazo entre estética y filosofía. En segundo lugar, Rosset extiende su visión de lo trágico al mundo. Así él nos invita a pensar en la actividad misma de la materia, lo cual implica que no solamente el individuo es trágico sino el mundo en su totalidad. En este momento de la reflexión es necesario precisar que Rosset no comprende lo trágico como el “hecho lamentable”, sino que su visión es mucho mas compleja, puesto él debe entenderse como el “indeterminismo” que acompaña cada acto de nuestra vida y la actividad del mundo en su conjunto. Así una filosofía trágica se dedica a pensar ese ingrediente crucial, el “indeterminismo”, de donde surgen todos los determinismos que vemos y habitamos constantemente: los acontecimientos y los seres (animados e inanimados). En tercer lugar, si Rosset instaura una nueva concepción de lo trágico, ella va permitirle, algunos años más tarde, conducir su reflexión hacia lo “real”. Es así que la palabra “trágico” se diluye, pero no su sentido, el “indeterminismo”, el cual se incrusta en el centro mismo de sus reflexiones sobre lo real. Vemos así como Rosset desliza su pensamiento hacia una filosofía de lo real que por tanto es completamente equiparable a la filosofía trágica de sus primeros libros. Eso no significa que la reflexión de Rosset permanezca estática, todo lo contrario, ella es muy activa - pero guardando una profunda coherencia -, puesto que se dedica a reformular el problema de lo real, esta vez a partir del “indeterminismo”, que aparecerá como la verdadera “naturaleza” de lo real. Finalmente si la filosofía de Rosset se dedica pensar lo real, su solo objetivo es proponernos una reconciliación con lo inmediato, con el empirismo de las cosas que nos rodean. De esta manera su filosofía es una celebración de lo real, la cual también podría leerse como una celebración del “indeterminismo”. Para garantizar mejor nuestra cohabitación con lo real, Rosset la refuerza a través de un campo de sensaciones provenientes de la música y la literatura. Es así que una filosofía de lo real, puede mejor comprenderse por las sensaciones que nos producen estas manifestaciones estéticas. De esta manera Rosset conserva el lazo entre filosofía y estética que habíamos descubierto al comienzo de su reflexión sobre lo trágico.

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