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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání nákladů na výstavbu budov z hlediska jejich pláště a způsobu vytápění / Comparison of costs for the construction of buildings in terms of their cladding and method of heating

Szturc, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the cost comparison of the envelope compositions of a passive wood building depending on the type of thermal insulation used and the type of envelope composition. In the practical part, diffusion closed and diffusion open envelope compositions with different types of thermal insulation are proposed. The proposed compositions are priced and compared. The heating method and its costs are also marginally addressed.

Vývoj metod in-line tepelného zpracování / Developement of In-Line Heat Treatment Methods

Hnízdil, Milan January 2012 (has links)
In-line heat treatment is a part of technological process uses a phase and structure changes to obtain required mechanical properties. Heat treatment of rolled products offers a reduction of steel making costs and a creation of new steel products. For example the TRIP steel is a part of modern steels which is used in the automobile industry for higher safety of passengers. The heat treatment is often described in the literature. But the authors are often focused on the method how to get the required structure and mechanical properties for different metallic materials. Nevertheless just few articles are focused on the technical observing of temperature regimes and which parameter is necessary to consider during designing the cooling section. Eight parameters were tested by the experimental way to examine their influence on the cooling intensity. They were: gravity (orientation of the cooled surface), coolant pressure, amount of coolant spraying on the surface (the flow rate), rolling velocity, nozzle configuration, kind of nozzles (full cone or flat fan nozzle), coolant temperature and the surface quality (surface roughness and scales). All these parameters have an influence the heat transfer coefficient. Based on knowledge gained in this work was created the cooling section, which comply with the required cooling temperature regimes.

Att bygga utifrån krav på konstruktion och hållbarhet : En jämförelse mellan dåtid och nutid

Angel, Linn January 2022 (has links)
I denna fallstudie jämförs en gammal gårdsbyggnad uppförd 1898 med kraven som ställs vid nybyggnation idag. För cirka 120 år sedan ställdes inte lika stränga krav på byggnationen som idag. De krav som undersöks handlar om hållbarhet och konstruktion. Syftet med studien är att skapa en bättre förståelse för varför dagens krav finns genom att undersöka en byggnad som är uppförd utan dessa krav. För att nå klimatmålen, som Sverige har antagit, finns det bland annat krav på byggnaders energieffektivitet som kan mätas genom att beräkna byggnadens primärenergital. Energieffektiviteten påverkas delvis av hur välisolerad en byggnad är varför kravet som ställs på en byggnads U-värde (värmegenomgångskoefficienten) också är intressant att undersöka. Gränsvärden på primärenergital och U-värde finns i Boverkets byggregler, BBR. Krav på konstruktionen finns i den internationella standarden Eurokod och de nationella valen i EKS. Beräkningar har gjorts på tak och bärande väggar för att kontrollera att de har tillräcklig bärighet. Även primärenergitalet och U-värden har räknats ut samt risken för fukt i den solida tegelväggen. Resultatet visar att konstruktionen klarar de krav som ställs i Eurokoderna och EKS och att byggnadens funktion bara uppfyller ett av de krav som ställs i BBR. Resultatet är i linje med tidigare forskning som har genomförts på energiprestanda hos gamla byggnader och visar på att det genom renovering, utan att skada byggnadens kulturvärde, är möjligt att uppnå dagens krav även om just den byggnaden som undersökts här inte når kraven. / This case study compares the function and framework of a building from 1898 with the requirements regarding sustainability and strength when building today. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the requirements by investigating a building that was built without them. The requirements on a new building’s sustainability are today applied to old buildings that undergo extensive renovation. Two measurements to ensure high sustainability are primary energy and the heat transfer coefficient. A well-insulated building has a low heat transfer coefficient and will require less energy to heat and therefore be more energy efficient and more sustainable. Calculations have been made to determine the strength of the roof and the walls according to the Eurocodes and the nationally determined parameters, EKS. The primary energy and heat transfer coefficient has been calculated and compared to the mandatory provisions, Boverkets byggregler, BBR. The result shows that the framework is strong enough to take care of the loads it is exposed to. Most of the requirements regarding sustainability fail to be met. Although in conclusion it should be possible to meet some, if not all, the requirements with further renovation without harming the cultural value of the building.

CFD Based External Heat Transfer Coefficient Predictions on a Transonic Film-Cooled Gas Turbine Guide Vane : A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Von Karman Institute LS94 Test Case

Johnsson, Rosalie, Asiegbu, Lilian January 2022 (has links)
The turbine inlet guide vanes of a gas-turbine are subjected to extreme hot gas temperatures which increases the risk of mechanical failure and overall reduces the component lifespan. Hence, it is of great interest for gas-turbine manufacturers to establish methods for accurately estimating the temperature distribution along the vane surface. Due to the three-dimensional nature of turbine flow, it is of interest to establish Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology which capture these three-dimensional effects. This thesis is one in a collection of theses conducted at Siemens Energy AB on the subject. Previous studies have investigated and validated the implementation of RANS simulations on non-cooled turbine vanes and endwalls. In this study, the focus is on studying a film cooled vane and establishing one RANS as well as one hybrid modelling strategy for heat transfer coefficient (HTC) predictions. The HTC prediction capabilities are compared and validated against experimental data presented in the doctoral thesis by Fabrizio Fontaneto on the LS94 vane at Von Karman Institute. The chosen RANS modelling method was the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, based on the findings by Enico (2021) and Daugulis (2022). The model proved capable in estimating the HTC well on mainly the suction side of the vane. The pressure side HTC was largely under-predicted, a common issue with the SST model also seen in the previous theses as well as the hybrid simulations. The strength of the SST k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, is in accurately capturing the HTC magnitude, most likely due to the well-predicted turbulence intensity decay at the inlet. However, it largely under-predicts the HTC along the suction side film-coolant layer, implying that it may be over-estimating the film-cooling capabilities. The hybrid model chosen was the Scale Resolving Hybrid (SRH) model, with underlying RANS SST k-ω. Compared to RANS, hybrid results were under-estimated, seemingly offset from the experimental data by a constant 200 units along the entire vane midspan. This is likely due to the inaccurate turbulence intensity presented in the SRH simulations, which decays quickly along the inlet compared to RANS and experimental data. Yet still, the hybrid model showed potential in capturing certain results not seen with RANS, such as the secondary flow effects by the vane endwalls, as well as arguably capturing the general HTC trend at midspan seen in the experimental data. Additionally, the section of severely under-predicted HTC by the suction side film-coolant seen with RANS is not present in the hybrid results. Although the hybrid model has proven promising in many aspects, in its current state it is not a viable method for HTC predictions due to its general under-prediction of HTC. Largely, the authors suspect this is due to the undesirably coarse mesh around the cooling holes, which leads to RANS computation in regions where SRH is desired. Thus, improvements would need to be made to the model, where, for example, implementing a zonal hybrid RANS-LES model would be an option. Considering the hybrid model in its current state, RANS is the preferred method, especially when considering the greater computational cost and the labor associated with hybrid simulations which were experienced during this study. In conclusion, it is evident that the correct capture of inlet turbulence intensity decay as well as suitable mesh refinement by the cooling holes are crucial for obtaining the correct magnitudes of HTC, and thus, the capture of it should be of utmost priority in future work within the field.

Проектирование цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга : магистерская диссертация / Design cylindrical Luneberg lens

Коротков, А. Н., Korotkov, A. N. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования является конструкция цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга из однородного диэлектрика. Целью работы являлась разработка способа проектирования цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга на основе однородного материала. В работе были рассмотрены различные способы задания структуры цилиндрической линзы из однородного диэлектрика, описан процесс их моделирования, проведен анализ полученных результатов. В качестве способа изготовления была выбрана 3-D печать из пластика. Получена аппроксимирующая функция, позволяющая создать цилиндрическую линзу Люнеберга с плавным изменением эффективной диэлектрической проницаемости по радиальной координате. Приведены результаты ее моделирования. / The object of the research is the construction of a cylindrical Luneberg lens from a uniform dielectric. The aim of the work was to develop ways to design a cylindrical Luneberg lens based on a homogeneous material. In this paper, various ways of setting a cylindrical lens made of a uniform dielectric, the described process of modeling them were considered, and the results were analyzed. As a method of manufacturing was chosen 3-D printing from plastic. An approximating function is obtained, which makes it possible to create a cylindrical Ludberg lens with a smooth variation of the effective dielectric constant along the radial coordinate. The results of its modeling are given.

Development, validation and application of an effective convectivity model for simulation of melt pool heat transfer in a light water reactor lower head

Tran, Chi Thanh January 2007 (has links)
Severe accidents in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) have been a subject of the research for the last three decades. The research in this area aims to further understanding of the inherent physical phenomena and reduce the uncertainties surrounding their quantification, with the ultimate goal of developing models that can be applied to safety analysis of nuclear reactors. The research is also focusing on evaluation of the proposed accident management schemes for mitigating the consequences of such accidents. During a hypothetical severe accident, whatever the scenario, there is likelihood that the core material will be relocated and accumulated in the lower plenum in the form of a debris bed or a melt pool. Physical phenomena involved in a severe accident progression are complex. The interactions of core debris or melt with the reactor structures depend very much on the debris bed or melt pool thermal hydraulics. That is why predictions of heat transfer during melt pool formation in the reactor lower head are important for the safety assessment. The main purpose of the present study is to advance a method for describing turbulent natural convection heat transfer of a melt pool, and to develop a computational platform for cost-effective, sufficiently-accurate numerical simulations and analyses of Core Melt-Structure-Water Interactions in the LWR lower head during a postulated severe core-melting accident. Given the insights gained from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, a physics-based model and computationally-efficient tools are developed for multi-dimensional simulations of transient thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the lower plenum of a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) during the late phase of an in-vessel core melt progression. A model is developed for the core debris bed heat up and formation of a melt pool in the lower head of the reactor vessel, and implemented in a commercial CFD code. To describe the natural convection heat transfer inside the volumetrically decay-heated melt pool, we advanced the Effective Convectivity Conductivity Model (ECCM), which was previously developed and implemented in the MVITA code. In the present study, natural convection heat transfer is accounted for by only the Effective Convectivity Model (ECM). The heat transport and interactions are represented through an energy-conservation formulation. The ECM then enables simulations of heat transfer of a high Rayleigh melt pool in 3D large dimension geometry. In order to describe the phase-change heat transfer associated with core debris, a temperature-based enthalpy formulation is employed in the ECM (the phase-change ECM or so called the PECM). The PECM is capable to represent possible convection heat transfer in a mushy zone. The simple approach of the PECM method allows implementing different models of the fluid velocity in a mushy zone for a non-eutectic mixture. The developed models are validated by a dual approach, i.e., against the existing experimental data and the CFD simulation results. The ECM and PECM methods are applied to predict thermal loads to the vessel wall and Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) during core debris heat up and melting in the BWR lower plenum. Applying the ECM and PECM to simulations of reactor-scale melt pool heat transfer, the results of the ECM and PECM calculations show an apparent effectiveness of the developed methods that enables simulations of long term accident transients. It is also found that during severe accident progression, the cooling by water flowing inside the CRGTs plays a very important role in reducing the thermal load on the reactor vessel wall. The results of the CFD, ECM and PECM simulations suggest a potential of the CRGT cooling as an effective mitigative measure during a severe accident progression. / QC 20101119

Experimental and numerical study of transcritical Organic Rankine Cycles for low-grade heat conversion into electricity from various sources / Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation d'une machine ORC Transcritique pour la production électrique à partir de diverses sources de chaleur basse température

Landelle, Arnaud 12 October 2017 (has links)
Le Cycle Organique de Rankine (abrégé ORC de l’anglais Organic Rankine Cycle) est une technologie permettant la conversion de chaleur basse température en électricité. L’ORC transcritique a été identifié comme une solution prometteuse pour la valorisation de la chaleur fatale. Cependant, peu d’installations expérimentales ont permis de confirmer ces performances. Ce travail de thèse présente le fonctionnement et l’optimisation d’ORC sous-critique et transcritique pour la conversion de chaleur basse température en électricité à partir de différentes sources. Premièrement, les contextes thermodynamique et technologique de l’ORC sont présentés. Des critères de performance énergétiques et exergétiques sont définis et appliqués à une base de données d’installations expérimentales afin d’exposer l’état de l’art actuel des ORC. Deuxièmement, les outils numériques et expérimentaux, spécifiquement développés ou utilisé pour ces travaux, sont présentés. Trois installations expérimentales d’ORC transcritique complet ou incomplet fournissent les données expérimentales. Différents modèles numériques sont utilisés : sous l’environnement Matlab pour la modélisation en permanent, l’analyse des données expérimentales et l’analyse énergétique/exergétique ; L’environnement Modelica/Dymola pour l’analyse des transitoires et de la dynamique du système. Dans un troisième temps, ces différents outils sont utilisés pour étudier quatre différentes problématiques : - Le fonctionnement de la pompe de circulation est étudié, d’un point de vue énergétique et volumétrique. Des modèles semi-empiriques et des corrélations de performance sont présentés. - Les transferts thermiques en supercritique sont examinés, en local et en global. Les coefficients de transfert thermique sont comparés avec différentes corrélations de la littérature. - L’influence de la charge de réfrigérant sur les performances et le comportement de l’ORC est analysée. La charge optimale est estimée pour différentes conditions de fonctionnement et des mécanismes de régulation de la charge sont présentés. - Les performances énergétiques et exergétiques de l’ORC sont comparées avec la base de données. Une analyse exergétique du procédé a permis d’identifier des voies d’amélioration. / The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is a technology used for low-grade thermal energy conversion into electricity. Transcritical ORC has been identified as a solution for efficient waste heat recovery. However, few experimental tests have been conducted to confirm the interest of transcritical ORC and investigate its operational behaviors. The work presented focuses on the operation and the optimization of subcritical and transcritical Organic Rankine Cycles for low-grade heat conversion into electricity from various heat sources (solar, industrial waste heat). First, the thermodynamic framework of ORC technology is presented. Energetic and exergetic performance criteria, appropriate to each type of input source, are introduced and selected. The criteria are later applied to a database of ORC prototypes, in order to objectively analyze the state-of-the-art. In a second step, the experimental and numerical tools, specifically developed or used in the present thesis, are presented. Three subcritical and transcritical ORC test benches (hosted by CEA and AUA) provided experimental data. Numerical models were developed under different environments: Matlab for steady-state modeling, data processing and energy/exergy analysis. The Modelica/Dymola environment for system dynamics and transient operations. Lastly, the different tools are exploited to investigate four different topics: - The ORC pump operation is investigated, both under an energetic and volumetric standpoint, while semi-empirical models and correlations are exposed. - Supercritical heat transfers are explored. Global and local heat transfer coefficients are estimated and analyzed under supercritical conditions, while literature correlations are introduced for comparison. - Working fluid charge influence over the ORC performance and behavior is investigated. Optimal fluid charge is estimated under various operating conditions and mechanisms for charge active regulation are exposed. - ORC system performances and behavior are discussed. Through both an energetic and exergetic standpoint, performances are compared with the state-of-the-art, while optimization opportunities are identified through an exergetic analysis.

Caractérisation du transfert liquide/gaz du sulfure d’hydrogène dans les réseaux d’assainissement / Sulfide emissions in sewer networks

Carrera, Lucie 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le sulfure d’hydrogène (H2S) est un gaz malodorant, dangereux, et responsable de la corrosion du béton dans les canalisations d’eaux usées. Ce dernier phénomène est très coûteux pour les collectivités. Le composé H2S est généré sous forme soluble dans les zones anaérobies des réseaux d’assainissement (biofilms, sédiments, zones stagnantes ou conduites forcées) et est ensuite émis dans l’atmosphère des canalisations sous forme gazeuse dans les conduites gravitaires. Des modèles sont nécessaires pour améliorer la conception et la gestion des systèmes de collecte des eaux usées. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de transfert d’H2S lors de l’écoulement gravitaire d’un liquide saturé en gaz dissous. Nous avons développé des techniques de mesure du coefficient de transfert à l’interface liquide-gaz pour le sulfure d’hydrogène et pour l’oxygène. L’influence des conditions hydrodynamiques (vitesse d’eau), aérauliques (vitesse d’air) et de la surface d’échange a été étudiée dans différentes géométries : une cuve agitée de 5 L et une canalisation de 10 mètres de longueur. Nous avons ainsi pu établir la forte influence de la vitesse d’eau sur le coefficient de transfert global. Cette approche expérimentale a été complétée par une approche de modélisation. En utilisant la mécanique des fluides numérique, nous avons essayé de comprendre l’évolution du coefficient de transfert à partir des fluctuations hydrodynamiques locales observées à proximité de l’interface liquide gaz. Les paramètres les plus pertinents pour expliquer les observations effectuées semblent être les grandeurs liées à la turbulence. L’application future de ce type de corrélation serait l’estimation et la prévision des zones d’émissions d’H2S. Ainsi serait-il possible d’identifier les points nécessitant une surveillance et une maintenance particulière. / Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a harmful and odorous compound which is also responsible for concrete corrosion in sewers. This phenomenon is costly for the communities. H2S is generated in anaerobic zones in sewer networks (biofilms, sediments, forced mains or stagnant zones), and released into the atmosphere under the form of H2S(g) in gravity pipes. Knowledge-based models are needed to improve the design and the management of wastewater collection systems. The objective of this PhD work is to better understand the mass transfer mechanisms of a water flow saturated in H2S when the flow becomes free. We plan to develop a technique to access the global mass transfer coefficient at the liquid- gas interface for H2S and O2. The effect of hydrodynamic, aeraulic conditions and the liquid-gas surface area on the transfer coefficient were studied in different geometries: small batch reactor of 5L and 10 meter sewer pipe device. A strong influence of the flow velocity on the global transfer coefficient was observed. This experimental approach was completed with a numerical approach. The use of computational fluid dynamics permitted to understand the behavior of transfer coefficient from local hydrodynamics fluctuations observed near the liquid/gas interface. The direct application of this kind of correlation would be the estimation of the transfer fluxes and the localization of hazardous areas for H2S concentration. Consequently it could be possible to identify the sensitive zones requiring a follow-up of the system or a strengthening of the structures.

Heat transfer process between polymer and cavity wall during injection molding / Wärmeübergang zwischen Polymerwerkstoff und Werkzeugwand beim Spritzgießprozess

Liu, Yao 22 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Injection molding is one of the most commonly applied processing methods for plastic components. Heat transfer coefficient (HTC), which describes the heat conducting ability of the interface between a polymer and cavity wall, significantly influences the temperature distribution of a polymer and mold during injection molding and thus affects the process and quality of plastic products. This thesis focuses on HTC under diverse processing situations. On the basis of the heat conducting principle, a theoretical model for calculating HTC was presented. Injection mold specially used for measuring and calculating HTC was designed and fabricated. Experimental injection studies under different processing conditions, especially different surface roughness, were performed for acquiring necessary temperature data. The heat quantity across the interface and HTC between a polymer and cavity wall was calculated on the basis of experimental results. The influence of surface roughness on HTC during injection molding was investigated for the first time. The factors influencing the HTC were analyzed on the basis of the factor weight during injection molding. Subsequently FEM (Finite element method) simulations were carried out with observed and preset value of HTC respectively and the relative crystallinity and part density were obtained. In the comparison between results from simulation and experiment, the result calculated with observed HTC shows better agreement with actually measured value, which can verify the reliability and precision of the injection molding simulation with observed HTC. The results of this thesis is beneficial for understanding the heat transfer process comprehensively, predicting temperature distribution, arranging cooling system, reducing cycle time and improving precision of numerical simulation. / Das Spritzgießen ist eines der am häufigsten angewandten Verarbeitungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Kunststoffkomponenten. Der Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient (WDK), welcher den Wärmeübergang zwischen Kunststoff und Werkzeugwand beschreibt, beeinflusst während des Spritzgießens maßgeblich die Temperaturverteilung im Bauteil und dem Werkzeug und folglich den Prozess und die Qualität der Kunststoffprodukte. Der Inhalt dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem WDK unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen. Auf Grundlage des Wärmeleitungsprinzips wurde ein theoretisches Modell für die Berechnung des WDK vorgestellt. Es wurde dazu ein Spritzgießwerkzeug konstruiert und hergestellt, welches Messungen zur späteren Berechnung des WDK ermöglicht. Praktische Spritzgießversuche unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen, insbesondere unterschiedlicher Oberflächenrauheit, wurden für die Erfassung der erforderlichen Temperaturdaten durchgeführt. Auf Grundlage der experimentellen Ergebnisse wurde der Wärmeübergang zwischen dem Polymer und der Werkzeugwand berechnet. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenrauhigkeit auf den WDK wurde hierbei zum ersten Mal untersucht. Auf Grundlage des Bauteilgewichtes wurden anschließend die Faktoren, die den WDK beeinflussen, berechnet. Des Weiteren wurden FEM-Simulationen (Finite Element Methode) mit dem gemessenen und dem voreingestellten WDK durchgeführt und daraus der Kristallinitätsgrad und die Bauteildichte gewonnen. Der Vergleich zwischen den realen Ergebnissen und der Simulation zeigt, dass die Berechnungen mit dem gemessenen WDK eine bessere Übereinstimmung mit den realen Werten aufweist, was die Zuverlässigkeit und Präzision der Spritzgusssimulation bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit tragen zum umfassenden Verständnis des Wärmeübergangs im Spritzgießprozess, zur Vorhersage der Temperaturverteilung, zur Auslegung des Kühlsystems, zur Reduzierung der Zykluszeit und zur Verbesserung der Genauigkeit der numerischen Simulation bei.

Développement d'une nouvelle approche hybride pour la modélisation des échanges thermiques à l'interface outil-copeau : application à l'usinage de l'alliage d'aluminium aéronautique AA2024-T351 / Development of a new hybrid approach for modelling heat exchange at the tool-chip interface : application to machining aeronautical aluminium alloy AA2024-T351

Atlati, Samir 11 July 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé dans le cadre d'une collaboration internationale entre l'Université de Lorraine (France) et l'Université d'Oujda (Maroc). Les travaux réalisés concernent la modélisation de l'usinage par enlèvement de matière. Deux aspects importants de l'usinage ont été abordés : le processus de la formation de copeaux et les échanges thermiques à l'interface outil-copeau. Dans la première partie de la thèse, une modélisation par élément finis (EF) du processus de la coupe a été mise en place. La segmentation des copeaux a été particulièrement analysée grâce à l'introduction d'un nouveau paramètre, le Rapport d'Intensité de Segmentation, permettant de quantifier ce phénomène. Une corrélation entre la réduction de l'effort de coupe et l'intensité de segmentation a été établie. La deuxième partie de la thèse a été consacrée à l'étude des échanges thermiques à l'interface outil-copeau, qui contribuent entre autres à l'usure de l'outil de coupe. Un des points importants de l'étude est la mise en place d'une procédure d'identification hybride (analytique/numérique) permettant d'estimer le flux thermique transmis dans l'outil de coupe et de remonter au coefficient de partage de la chaleur à l'interface outil-copeau pour chaque vitesse de coupe. Avec les valeurs identifiées du coefficient de partage de la chaleur pour chaque vitesse de coupe, une loi d'échange thermique multi-branches a été proposée et ses paramètres identifiés. Cette loi donnant l'évolution du coefficient de partage de la chaleur en fonction de la vitesse de coupe a également été définie en fonction de la vitesse relative de glissement à l'interface outil-copeau dans le but de l'implanter dans un code de calcul EF. L'interface utilisateur VUINTER du code Abaqus/Explicit a été exploitée pour implanter la loi proposée, afin d'appréhender complètement le contact d'un point de vue mécanique et thermique. Il est désormais possible d'implanter via cette interface-utilisateur n'importe quelle autre loi de contact thermomécanique (frottement, coefficient de partage de la chaleur, etc.). L'implantation via la subroutine VUINTER a été validée sur des cas tests d'abord, et puis ensuite en usinage. Les résultats obtenus pour les flux thermiques avec cette nouvelle procédure sont en très bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales pour le couple outil-matière considéré : AA2024-T351/WC-Co / This PhD. thesis is realised in the framework of an international cooperation between the University of Lorraine (France) and the University of Oujda (Morocco). The work done concerns the modelling of machining process by material removal. Two important aspects of machining have been investigated: the chip formation process and the heat exchange at the tool-chip interface. In the first part of the thesis, a FE modelling of the cutting process has been established. Chips segmentation have been particularly analysed using à new parameter (Segmentation Intensity Ratio) allowing the quantification of the phenomenon. A correlation has been established between the cutting force reduction and the chip segmentation intensity. The second part of the thesis has been devoted to the study of heat exchange at the tool-chip interface, among other phenomena that contribute to the tool wear. One important point of the study is the establishment of a hybrid identification procedure (analytical/numerical) to estimate the heat flux transmitted into the cutting tool, and identification of the heat partition coefficient at the contact interface for each cutting speed. With identified values of the heat partition coefficient obtained by varying the cutting speed, a heat exchange multi-branch law has been proposed and parameters of this law have been identified. This law corresponds firstly to the evolution of the heat partition coefficient as a function of the cutting speed. Thereafter, it was defined in term of the relative sliding velocity at the tool-chip contact interface, in order to implement it in a FE code. The user interface VUINTER of Abaqus/Explicit has been used to implement the proposed law, to fully control the mechanical and thermal contact. It is henceforth possible to implement with this user interface any thermomechanical contact (friction, heat partition coefficient, etc.). The implementation via the user subroutine VUINTER was validated first on adequate tests, then on machining. The obtained results for heat fluxes with this new procedure are in good agreement with experimental measurements for the tool-workmaterial couple considered: AA2024-T351/WC-Co

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