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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'exploration du sacré de transgression à travers la danse liturgique chrétienne

El-Sabbagh, Sandra 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire-création cherche à briser les limites imposées par l'Église melkite orientale catholique en créant une danse, Al Kalima, qui se veut liturgique et transgressive en même temps. Al Kalima explore le sacré de transgression à travers le corps et le mouvement. Elle essaie d'introduire un changement au sein de l'Église orientale. Elle se veut une révolte contre l'immobilité des corps lors des célébrations. Cette danse se veut rebelle sans toutefois être agressive et violente. Elle est une prière dansante et une communication corporelle avec Dieu. Al Kalima reproduit le cycle chrétien en dansant la vie du Christ. Elle se rappelle de Noël, de la Passion, de la Résurrection, de l'Ascension et de la Pentecôte. La chorégraphie de Al Kalima s'est influencée de la gestuelle des prêtres et des célébrants lors de la messe ainsi que des icônes représentant le Christ, la Vierge et les saints. Pour arriver à son but et comprendre le concept du sacré ainsi que le concept du sacré de transgression, ce mémoire-création révise les écrits de plusieurs auteurs qui se sont attardés sur ces sujets. Comme le sacré est lié profondément à la religion et au mysticisme, ces deux thèmes ont aussi été traités. De même, ce mémoire-création se base sur une étude de la danse sacrée et de la danse liturgique. Ces formes de danse ont aidé l'interprétation de Al Kalima. Elles jouent un rôle majeur en liant le sacré de transgression à la danse. Finalement, Al Kalima a permis l'exploration du sacré de transgression à travers le corps. La compréhension théorique du sacré de transgression ainsi que la revue de la danse sacrée ont été nécessaires pour le fusionnement et l'équilibre de ce mémoire-création. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Danse et religion, danse et Christianisme, la danse et le sacré, le sacré de transgression et la danse, danse liturgique, danse sacrée.

Spectatorial Shock and Carnal Consumption: (Re)envisaging Historical Trauma in New French Extremity

Butler, Christopher 01 January 2013 (has links)
New French Extremity films are violent, transgressive, and break many social taboos in their narratives. However, this genre's directors are intelligent and construct these films with clues to France's past and how it still has implications in the present. This thesis was written to point out how New French Extremity films offer spectators the potential to reincorporate traumatic moments in French history by juxtaposing them against present day social, political, and economic ideologies. The purpose for this course of study was to investigate historical encounters that are present in New French Extremity filmmaking, something that has yet to be addressed by other scholars in any great detail. The general approach taken was to use Walter Benjamin's theory of allegory to secure connections between the past and present and illustrate how they could be interpreted by the film's spectators. The outcome of this research indicates how a spectator can potentially change his or her relationship with history and work towards reassessing his or her relationship with the present under certain social, political, or economic structures.

Be an Outlaw, Be a Hero: Cinematic Figures of Transgression and Urban Banditry in Brazil, France, and the Maghreb

Gharavi, Maryam Monalisa Monalisa January 2013 (has links)
The project is a transnational study of how filmic representations of urban criminals and marginal figures transformed as Brazil, France, and the Maghreb shifted from military governments to liberal democracies. Beyond ideological productions that simply produce positive or negative portrayals, I examine how films made under military regimes invite audiences to identify with anti-heroes while films made under liberal democracies invite admiration of institutional figures, turning standards of good and evil on their head. The anti-authoritarian potential of violence in earlier periods is construed as a failed redemption in later ones. The theoretical background of the project rests on the oppositional and constitutive relationship between the outlaw and the state, the relationship between urban space and criminal personification, and the historical specificity of the transgressive figure's embodiment of socially un/desirable traits. I establish a geographic and conceptual continuity through a comparative postulation of urban citizenship--who belongs to the city and who does not, who is marked in their transgression and who is not, who is laudable bandit and who is condemned. In delving into a face-to-face relationship between the outlaw and the state following an aesthetic and historical tracing of a highly iconic figure at the margins of the law, the project brings statecraft into focus through the use of visual and representational forms.

Crossing limits : liminality and transgression in contemporary Scottish fiction

Hammer, Julia Maria January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis, I aim to show that a focus on liminality in contemporary Scottish fictional texts illustrates underlying developments of relevant social phenomena with regard to class issues, gender and sexual identity. The anthropological concept of liminality looks at a situation of “being between”. The liminar faces a situation of having to renegotiate their values and perceptions in order to proceed. Liminality always involves the existence of limits which have to be transgressed and against which the individual negotiates a personal situation. I further hypothesise that the transgression of limits can be seen as an instrument to create order. I take an anthropological approach to my thesis. Arnold van Gennep’s early studies on rites of passage and Victor Turner’s study of liminality originate in the observation of tribe-internal, social structures of personal development. Van Gennep assumes a tripartite structure among which liminality is the middle stage, the phase in which the initiand has to perform tasks to re-enter and become part of the community. Turner isolates the middle stage and transfers this concept to western societies. This theory is taken up and developed further by several literary critics and anthropologists. While the transgression of limits is often regarded as a violation of those norms which regulate societies, the transgression of limits in a rite of passage and connected with liminality is a vital aspect and socially necessary. Several concepts are related to this theory, which will play a major role in my thesis: Turner’s permanent liminality, Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnivalesque as well as Foucault’s transgression. In the first chapter, I contrast two of Alasdair Gray’s novels, stating that the most powerful message of social and capitalist criticism is not just visible on the surface of the hyperbolic texts, but particularly prominent in liminal passages. The theories of Bakhtin and Turner plays the most important role in this chapter. In the second chapter, A. L. Kennedy’s novels are contrasted. In So I am Glad a difficult psycho-social issue is solved by a liminal trigger-figure, Paradise is an example of the destructive and restrictive effects of permanent liminality. In chapter three, I deal with the issue of passing and an individual redefinition of gender identity. The performativity of masculinity reveals ambiguous definitions of gender and morale. The Wasp Factory portrays a form of masculinity which has destructive effects on the individual and its environment. It is the tension in the liminal situation of a gender myth, a brutally performed masculinity and the character’s biological sex which expresses a harsh criticism of society’s definition of masculinity. In Trumpet, the binary model of gender is questioned. The text suggests a different definition of identity as fluid, passing between the two ‘extremes’, formulating the possibility of a state of being ‘something in-between’. It is the confrontation with this ‘otherness’ which provokes a wave of rejection and protest in the environment of the individual passing as a member of the ‘other sex’. In this case, it is not the obvious liminal individual, but his son who undergoes a process of change and thus a process of renegotiating his strict value system. The final chapter deals with liminal spaces and how these reflect and support the internal development which the protagonists undergo. The choice of Orkney as a mystical place and the fictional setting in a war game show that liminal spaces – both real and fictitious – trigger a personal development and reconnect present day life in Scotland with historical events which have had a shaping role for Scottish and European life.

Ética para além da moral: os apelos para o reconhecimento na escola / Ethics beyond the moral: the appeals to recognition in the school

Denanci Lopes Flor 23 May 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como proposta problematizar os atos de transgressões operados no cotidiano escolar sob os preceitos da ética e dos valores morais. Na interseção entre filosofia, psicanálise e educação tecemos nossa reflexão sobre o assunto, deflagrando alguns estudos pertinentes aos discursos conceituais, à questão da constituição dos sujeitos e das regras sociais, bem como de um fazer docente que questione os atos de transgressão no espaço da educação. Tal pesquisa se deve à inquietação provocada pelo contexto da sociedade hodierna, a qual, mergulhada numa grave crise de violência e de valores éticos, reavalia e revalida princípios e conceitos que, nitidamente, diante de uma conjuntura cada vez mais inclinada aos apelos do capital, vem deixando de nortear as relações sociais no decorrer dos anos. Neste contexto, o docente é cada vez mais convocado a desempenhar papéis que outrora pertenciam a outras categorias sociais, principalmente, com o avanço das escolas públicas de tempo integral. Aludimos assim a esta realidade, o desafio de engajar a ação educativa em demandas de eticidade. Aparar as arestas de um objeto de investigação tão amplo não é tarefa simples, portanto, consideraremos alguns recortes da constituição psíquica e social dos sujeitos. Analisando o lugar da ética na relação ensino/aprendizagem, no processo de formação escolar e no fazer docente, trabalhamos com o pressuposto de que a tensão sofrida cotidianamente pela criança e pelo adolescente, de um lado pelo tecido social, família, escola e Estado e do outro, pelo desejo de ser reconhecido nos grupos sociais, podem mesmo acirrar comportamentos inadequados e violentos na escola. Portanto, a postura adotada pelo educador frente aos conflitos internos e externos do aluno poderá, paradoxalmente, facilitar ou mesmo impedir uma dada má ação no seio da escola. Nossa finalidade é promover reflexões possíveis sobre as dimensões da ética nas relações manifestadas principalmente entre o docente e o aluno, acreditando que a existência de um espaço coletivo de discussão poderá contribuir para que ambos encontrem saídas próprias frente aos impasses que a questão ético/moral no âmbito educativo impõe. / The proposal of this work is to investigate among Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Education, the problematic regarding moral and ethical transgression acts within school environment. This research is caused by the concern about the context of todays society. Which, immersed on a serious crisis regarding ethical values, reassesses and revalidates principle and concepts which, clearly, before this situation, has stopped guiding human conduct on the last years. Trimming the edges of such huge investigation object is not a simple task, therefore, we will consider only some clippings on the psychic panorama of todays society, outlining the occurred metamorphosis and the ethical impact they have caused. Our theoretical proposal is to analyze the importance and necessity of ethics on the teaching / learning relation, on the school formation process, on the teacher doing, as well, allude the challenge of engaging the educative action on ethical patterns, in a conjuncture of traditionally instituted inequality, where the teacher is called to play a role which once belonged to other categories. We work on the hypothesis that the daily suffered tension by the children and teenagers, on one side from the social tissue, family, school and state and on other side, from their desire to be recognized in social groups, including the school, stimulate inadequate behaviors. Therefore, the posture adopted by the educator, in the face of internal and external conflicts of the student may paradoxically facilitate or prevent a specific bad action within the school. Our goal is to point out some specific barriers in order to promote possible reflections concerning the impasse related to this theme. We believe that the creation of a collective space of discussion may contribute to, both educator and student, each of them being responsible for his tasks, find appropriate solutions into the barriers that the ethical/moral question in the educational scope imposes.

The development of the literary werewolf : language, subjectivity and animal/human bounderies

Franck, Kaja January 2017 (has links)
The werewolf is a stock character in Gothic horror, exemplifying humanity's fear of 'the beast within', and a return to a bestial state of being. Central to this is the idea that the werewolf is, once transformed, without language. Using an ecoGothic approach, this thesis will offer a new approach in literary criticism regarding the werewolf. It argues that the werewolf has become a vehicle for our ambivalence towards the wolf, which itself has become a symbolic Gothic Other. Using interdisciplinary source materials, such as natural histories, fairy tales, and folklore, the notion of the 'symbolic wolf' is interrogated, particularly in relation to the dangers of the wilderness. Starting with Dracula, at the end of the nineteenth century, and finishing with an analysis of the contemporary, literary werewolf, this work explores how the relationship between humans and wolves has impacted on the representation of the werewolf in fiction. In particular, it will critique how the destruction of the werewolf is achieved through containing the creature using taxonomic knowledge, in order to objectify it, before destroying it. This precludes the possibility of the werewolf retaining subjectivity and reinforces the stereotype of the werewolf as voiceless. Following the growing awareness of environmentalism during the late twentieth century and, as humanity questions our relationship with nature, clear divides between the animal and the human seem arbitrary, and the werewolf no longer remains the monstrous object within the text. Central to this is the concept of the hybrid 'I' which this thesis exposes. The hybrid 'I' is a way of experiencing and representing being a werewolf that acknowledges the presence of the lycanthrope's voice, even if that voice is not human. Subjectivity is shown to be complex and myriad, allowing for the inclusion of human and non-human animal identities, which the werewolf embodies.

Ética para além da moral: os apelos para o reconhecimento na escola / Ethics beyond the moral: the appeals to recognition in the school

Denanci Lopes Flor 23 May 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como proposta problematizar os atos de transgressões operados no cotidiano escolar sob os preceitos da ética e dos valores morais. Na interseção entre filosofia, psicanálise e educação tecemos nossa reflexão sobre o assunto, deflagrando alguns estudos pertinentes aos discursos conceituais, à questão da constituição dos sujeitos e das regras sociais, bem como de um fazer docente que questione os atos de transgressão no espaço da educação. Tal pesquisa se deve à inquietação provocada pelo contexto da sociedade hodierna, a qual, mergulhada numa grave crise de violência e de valores éticos, reavalia e revalida princípios e conceitos que, nitidamente, diante de uma conjuntura cada vez mais inclinada aos apelos do capital, vem deixando de nortear as relações sociais no decorrer dos anos. Neste contexto, o docente é cada vez mais convocado a desempenhar papéis que outrora pertenciam a outras categorias sociais, principalmente, com o avanço das escolas públicas de tempo integral. Aludimos assim a esta realidade, o desafio de engajar a ação educativa em demandas de eticidade. Aparar as arestas de um objeto de investigação tão amplo não é tarefa simples, portanto, consideraremos alguns recortes da constituição psíquica e social dos sujeitos. Analisando o lugar da ética na relação ensino/aprendizagem, no processo de formação escolar e no fazer docente, trabalhamos com o pressuposto de que a tensão sofrida cotidianamente pela criança e pelo adolescente, de um lado pelo tecido social, família, escola e Estado e do outro, pelo desejo de ser reconhecido nos grupos sociais, podem mesmo acirrar comportamentos inadequados e violentos na escola. Portanto, a postura adotada pelo educador frente aos conflitos internos e externos do aluno poderá, paradoxalmente, facilitar ou mesmo impedir uma dada má ação no seio da escola. Nossa finalidade é promover reflexões possíveis sobre as dimensões da ética nas relações manifestadas principalmente entre o docente e o aluno, acreditando que a existência de um espaço coletivo de discussão poderá contribuir para que ambos encontrem saídas próprias frente aos impasses que a questão ético/moral no âmbito educativo impõe. / The proposal of this work is to investigate among Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Education, the problematic regarding moral and ethical transgression acts within school environment. This research is caused by the concern about the context of todays society. Which, immersed on a serious crisis regarding ethical values, reassesses and revalidates principle and concepts which, clearly, before this situation, has stopped guiding human conduct on the last years. Trimming the edges of such huge investigation object is not a simple task, therefore, we will consider only some clippings on the psychic panorama of todays society, outlining the occurred metamorphosis and the ethical impact they have caused. Our theoretical proposal is to analyze the importance and necessity of ethics on the teaching / learning relation, on the school formation process, on the teacher doing, as well, allude the challenge of engaging the educative action on ethical patterns, in a conjuncture of traditionally instituted inequality, where the teacher is called to play a role which once belonged to other categories. We work on the hypothesis that the daily suffered tension by the children and teenagers, on one side from the social tissue, family, school and state and on other side, from their desire to be recognized in social groups, including the school, stimulate inadequate behaviors. Therefore, the posture adopted by the educator, in the face of internal and external conflicts of the student may paradoxically facilitate or prevent a specific bad action within the school. Our goal is to point out some specific barriers in order to promote possible reflections concerning the impasse related to this theme. We believe that the creation of a collective space of discussion may contribute to, both educator and student, each of them being responsible for his tasks, find appropriate solutions into the barriers that the ethical/moral question in the educational scope imposes.

Transgressão e cotidiano : a vida dos clérigos do hábito de São Pedro nas freguesias do açúcar em Pernambuco na segunda metade do século XVIII (1750 – 1800)

SANTOS, Gustavo Augusto Mendonça dos 28 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2016-06-15T12:02:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Augusto Mendonca dos Santos.pdf: 1978198 bytes, checksum: fb2bc12ddd71b8c4f19e5d6b513db241 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-15T12:02:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Augusto Mendonca dos Santos.pdf: 1978198 bytes, checksum: fb2bc12ddd71b8c4f19e5d6b513db241 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / The current study aims to historicize the daily behavior of the secular clergy in the freguesias do açúcar in Pernambuco in the second half of the seventeenth century, we seek, therefore, to understand how the transgressions committed by members of this group were treated, back then, by society, Church and State. We will analyze how the secular clergy was inserted in the Portuguese society of America and how it interacted with her, being necessary for this an approach of the socioeconomic characteristics of the freguesias do açúcar for us studied. We also will seek to understand how was given the clergy regulation within the legislation of Brazil and Portuguese Empire, within this context we will use the Constituições Primeiras do Arcebispado da Bahia, the Ordenações Filipinas and the Regimentos do Santo Ofício da Inquisição dos reinos de Portugal de 1640 e 1774, codes that governed the society of that time in the civil and religious aspects. From these standards we will seek to analyze its application in everyday life of the freguesias do açúcar in the period between 1750 and 1800, trying to answer the following questions: what were the transgressions practiced by the members of the secular clergy? How the secular and ecclesiastical justice acted against them? What is the opinion of the population about these acts? We can notice, thus, that many were the clergymen that constituted family or offended the sacraments of the church being suspects. We also observed that both the secular and ecclesiastical justice acted against clergymen in Pernambuco, having the same conflict between these two forums, and that the population tended to tolerate the transgressions of the clergy, provided that they did not exceed certain social limits. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo historicizar o comportamento cotidiano do clero secular nas freguesias do açúcar em Pernambuco na segunda metade do século XVIII, buscamos com isso entender como as transgressões praticadas pelos membros deste grupo eram tratadas na época pela sociedade, Igreja e Estado. Analisaremos como o clero secular estava inserido na sociedade da América portuguesa e como interagia com ela, sendo necessário para isso uma abordagem das características socioeconômicas das freguesias do açúcar por nós estudadas. Também buscaremos compreender como se dava a regulamentação do clero dentro da legislação aplicada no Brasil e no Império português, dentro desse contexto faremos uso das Constituições Primeiras do Arcebispado da Bahia, das Ordenações Filipinas e dos Regimentos do Santo Ofício da Inquisição dos reinos de Portugal de 1640 e 1774, códigos que regiam a sociedade da época nos aspectos civil e religioso. A partir dessas normas buscaremos analisar sua aplicação no cotidiano das freguesias do açúcar no período entre 1750 e 1800, tentando responder as seguintes questões: quais eram as transgressões praticadas pelos membros do clero secular? Como a justiça eclesiástica e leiga agia contra elas? Qual a opinião da população com relação a estes atos? Podemos notar assim que muitos foram os clérigos que constituíram família ou ofenderam os sacramentos da Igreja sendo suspeitos. Também observamos que tanto a justiça eclesiástica quanto a leiga agiam contra clérigos em Pernambuco, havendo mesmo conflito entre estes dois foros, e que a população tendia a tolerar as transgressões do clero, desde que elas não ultrapassem certos limites sociais.

Obediência e transgressão sob a perspectiva do adolescente no ambiente escolar / Obedience and transgression from the perspective of the adolescent in the school environment

Sofia Magalhães Regis de Alencastro 26 April 2013 (has links)
A escola ocupa um lugar central na sociedade, propondo-se realizar tanto o desenvolvimento cognitivo como afetivo, além de preocupar-se com a formação integral dos alunos, sendo também responsável pela formação moral, transmitindo valores, princípios e normas. Como um espaço privilegiado de trabalho com as relações, oferece oportunidades de autoconhecimento e conhecimento do outro, portanto, exige ações que promovam a construção da atmosfera sociomoral cooperativa e da personalidade moral, o que, no contexto atual, representa um grande desafio. Os comportamentos de transgressão, mesmo quando não violentos, permeariam o cotidiano escolar e expressam a maneira singular do jovem relacionar-se com o mundo. Portanto, é necessário refletir sobre as relações da obediência e da transgressão com a constituição das regras, a organização institucional, os valores da sociedade e a personalidade dos alunos. A presente pesquisa teve como propósito investigar as questões da obediência e da transgressão escolar sob a perspectiva dos jovens, sendo organizada em torno de três eixos: relações do aluno com o ambiente escolar e com os pares; relação do aluno com a autoridade e concepção de projetos de vida. Para isso, foram realizadas observações e entrevistas individuais, com o objetivo de verificar se a perspectiva ética faz parte do projeto de vida dos adolescentes, que razões os jovens identificam para obedecer e transgredir e a presença de motivações para os comportamentos de obediência e transgressão no ambiente escolar. Participaram desta pesquisa 151 alunos, de 10 a 15 anos, ambos os sexos, de escolas públicas e particulares. As questões da obediência e transgressão foram equacionadas na convergência das referências teóricas de Piaget, Arendt, Sennett, Fromm e La Taille, sempre procurando manter uma postura dialógica e de complementaridade, sustentando os conceitos de obediência e transgressão como parte do desenvolvimento da moralidade. Os resultados apontam para a supervalorização do ambiente familiar e da vida privada por parte dos jovens, para uma percepção de si mais relacionada às experiências individuais do que em conexão com outrem, tendo como consequência uma maior dependência, o fortalecimento da heteronomia e o distanciamento da vida pública. Assim como indicam a ausência do professor na mediação e no processo de solução dos conflitos o que leva o jovem à desejar um maior protagonismo do professor, e revelam a frequente prática escolar autoritária centrada no poder dos adultos e no uso de recompensas e punições que está criando dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de uma moralidade autônoma. Além disso, identificamos que o jovem faz uma valorização extrínseca, instrumental e idealizada do papel da escola, sendo necessário que os professores equalizem as exigências feitas aos alunos, sem subestimar ou superestimar suas capacidades, propondo interações sociais e trocas de pontos de vista entre eles, favorecendo a descentração, a cooperação e a reciprocidade. Por fim, e, principalmente, notamos que as atitudes transgressoras dos alunos não são, em sua maior parte, dirigidas ao professor / The school plays a central role in our society, as it proposes to be responsible for the students cognitive and affective development as well as their moral education, conveying values, principles and standards. As a privileged place to work with relationships, it provides the opportunity for self-knowledge and knowledge of the others, therefore, it requires actions that promote the construction of a sociomoral cooperative atmosphere and of a moral personality, which, in the present context, represents a major challenge. Transgressive behaviour, even when nonviolent, underlies school daily life and expresses the singular way in which young people relate to the world. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect on how obedience and transgression are connected to the creation of rules, the school organization, society values and students personalities. The present study was designed to investigate the issues of obedience and transgression in the school context from the perspective of young people. It is organized around three areas: how young people relate to the school environment and their peers); how students relate to school authority; and how they view their life projects. 151 male and female students between the ages of 10 and 15 have participated in this study, both from public and private schools. Observations and interviews were conducted in order to check whether an ethical perspective is part of the adolescents life projects, what reasons may lead them to obey or transgress and to what extent school environment contributes to obedient or transgressive behavior. The discussion of the issues of obedience and transgression was based on a theoretical framework that included concepts and ideas from the work of Piaget, Arendt, Sennett, Fromm and La Taille, and looked at the way they relate to and complement each other in order to provide support to the idea that the concepts of obedience and transgression are part of moral development. The results show that young people overestimate the importance of family and private life and that they have a perception of themselves which is more influenced by individual rather than group experience. This results in greater dependency and it strengthens heteronomy and detachment from social life. They also show the teacher is usually absent in the process of mediation and conflict resolution, which makes students wish teachers would play a greater role in this process, and reveal that frequent authoritarian practices centered around adult power and based on punishment and reward make it difficult for students to develop autonomous moral behaviour. In addition, we observed that young people have an extrinsic, instrumental and idealized view of the role of the school, which requires teachers to make appropriate demands on students, without underestimating or overestimating their abilities, and by providing different kinds of social interaction and debate and by encouraging decentration, cooperation and reciprocity). Last but not least, we noticed that students transgressive behavior is mostly directed towards teachers

Sexe, normes et transgressions: Contrôler les pratiques sexuelles et matrimoniales à l'époque carolingienne

Leclère, Sophie 02 June 2017 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the relationship between the law and Christian ideals during the high middle ages, especially from the mid-eighth to the mid-ninth c. How did Christianity and its models influence the making of the law under the Carolingians ?The main and central concept is, in fact, the religiosity of the law. More precisely, this research focuses on one specific matter ;transgressing sexual rules. Based on normatives sources (capitularies), this research aims to discuss how and to what extent Christian ideas were used while publishing the laws concerning incest, adultery and fornication / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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