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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest

Lineros Rosa, Mauricio 10 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] El espectro de la luz solar está compuesto por una amplia gama de radiaciones electromagnéticas las cuales tienen diferentes impactos sobre la vida en la tierra. Entre ellas, las pertenecientes a la región ultravioleta toman un papel principal cuando nos referimos a la fotobiología, ya que pueden interactuar con las biomoléculas por medio de procesos tanto directos como fotosensibilizados. Como resultado, estas biomoléculas pueden sufrir modificaciones que no siempre tienen efectos beneficiosos. En este contexto, los daños fotoinducidos al ADN son de gran relevancia ya que están estrechamente relacionados con la creciente incidencia de cáncer de piel. Por ello, es necesario investigar tanto los mecanismos involucrados en dichos procesos como el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para combatirlos. En la presente tesis se da respuesta a estas necesidades mediante el desarrollo y empleo de grupos protectores fotolábiles (PPG). En una primera parte se avanza en el desarrollo de nuevos PPG basados en filtros solares. Estos ofrecen la ventaja de actuar, una vez liberados, como un escudo protector frente a la radiación ultravioleta. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 3 se profundiza en las propiedades fotofísicas y fotoquímicas de los sistemas formados por la avobenzona como PPG de ácidos carboxílicos, más concretamente del ketoprofeno (KP) y del naproxeno (NPX). En este estudio se analiza por medio de modelado molecular y técnicas espectroscópicas la influencia que tiene la energía relativa del triplete de la avobenzona en su forma dicetónica, 3AB(K)*, respecto a la de los compuestos protegidos en el proceso de liberación. Siguiendo en esta misma línea de trabajo, en el Capítulo 4 se ha desarrollado un nuevo PPG capaz de liberar el filtro solar oxibenzona (OB) junto con compuestos carbonílicos. En una segunda parte, el foco de atención se ha puesto en el concepto de "Caballo de Troya", el cual establece que ciertas lesiones del ADN pueden actuar a su vez como fotosensibilizadores endógenos generando así nuevas lesiones en su entorno. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 5 se han estudiado, mediante métodos tanto experimentales como teóricos, las propiedades fotosensibilizantes de dos de los daños oxidativos del ADN, el 5-formiluracilo (ForU) y la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), poniendo especial énfasis en la capacidad de estos para poblar sus estados tripletes, así como de inducir la formación fotosensibilizada de dímeros ciclobutánicos de pirimidina (CPD). Por último, en el Capítulo 6 se ha desarrollado una nueva alternativa sintética para la incorporación del ForU en oligonucleótidos. Debido a la inestabilidad del grupo aldehído, esta síntesis se lleva a cabo generalmente mediante la incorporación de un precursor el cual es posteriormente convertido en el ForU mediante la acción de un agente oxidante. Por el contrario, en la nueva alternativa planteada el aldehído es protegido con un PPG, de manera que una vez insertado en el ODN, el aldehído es liberado de forma selectiva mediante el empleo de luz. Este trabajo supone un avance en el estudio de las propiedades fotosensibilizantes del ForU ofreciendo una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de las mismas en un entorno más cercano al del ADN. / [CA] L'espectre de la llum solar està compost per una àmplia gamma de radiacions electromagnètiques les quals tenen diferents impactes sobre la vida en la terra. Entre elles, les pertanyents a la regió ultraviolada prenen un paper principal quan ens referim a la fotobiologia, ja que poden interactuar amb les biomolècules per mitjà de processos tant directes com fotosensibilitzats. Com a resultat, aquestes biomolècules poden patir modificacions que no sempre tenen efectes beneficiosos. En este context, els danys fotoinduits a l'ADN són de gran rellevància ja que estan estretament relacionats amb la creixent incidència de càncer de pell. Per això, és necessari tant d'investigar els mecanismes involucrats en els processos com el desenvolupament de noves estratègies per a combatre'ls. En la present tesi es dóna resposta a aquestes necessitats per mitjà del desenvolupament i ús de grups protectors fotolàbils (PPG). En una primera part s'avança en el desenvolupament de nous PPG basats en filtres solars. Estos ofereixen l'avantatge d'actuar, una vegada alliberats, com un escut protector enfront de la radiació ultraviolada. En este context, en el capítol 3 s'aprofundeix en les propietats fotofísiques i fotoquímiques dels sistemes formats per l'avobenzona com PPG d'àcids carboxílics, més concretament del ketoprofé (KP) i del naproxé (NPX). En este estudi s'analitza per mitjà de modelatge molecular i tècniques espectroscòpiques la influència que té en el procés d'alliberament l'energia relativa del triplet de l'avobenzona en la seua forma dicetònica, 3AB(K)*, respecte a la dels compostos protegits. En esta mateixa línia de treball, en el capítol 4 s'ha desenvolupat un nou PPG capaç d'alliberar el filtre solar oxibenzona (OB) junt amb compostos carbonílics. En una segona part, el focus d'atenció s'ha posat en el concepte de "Cavall de Troia", el qual estableix que certes lesions de l'ADN poden actuar al seu torn com fotosensibilitzadors endògens generant així noves lesions en el seu entorn. En este context, en el capítol 5 s'han estudiat, per mitjà de mètodes tant experimentals com teòrics, les propietats fotosensibilitzants de dos dels danys oxidatius de l'ADN, el 5-formiluracil (ForU) i la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), posant especial èmfasi tant en la capacitat d'estos per a poblar els seus estats triplet, com d'induir la formació fotosensibilitzada de dímers ciclobutànics de pirimidina (CPD). Finalment, en el capítol 6 s'ha desenvolupat una nova alternativa sintètica per a la incorporació del ForU en oligonucleòtids. A causa de la inestabilitat del grup aldehid, esta síntesi es duu a terme generalment per mitjà de la incorporació d'un precursor el qual és posteriorment convertit en el ForU per mitjà de l'acció d'un agent oxidant. Al contrari, en la nova alternativa plantejada l'aldehid és protegit amb un PPG, de manera que una vegada inserit en l'oligonucleòtid, l'aldehid és alliberat de forma selectiva per mitjà de l'ús de llum. Este treball suposa un avanç en l'estudi de les propietats fotosensibilitzants del ForU i ofereix una nova ferramenta per a l'avaluació de les mateixes en un entorn més pròxim al de l'ADN. / [EN] The solar spectrum is composed of a wide range of electromagnetic radiations which have different impacts on life on earth. Among them, those belonging to the ultraviolet region are of utmost importance when we refer to photobiology, since they can interact with biomolecules through both direct and photosensitized processes. As a result, these biomolecules can undergo modifications that do not always have beneficial effects. In this context, photoinduced DNA damage is of great relevance as it is closely related to the increasing incidence of skin cancer. Therefore, it is necessary both to investigate the mechanisms involved in these processes and to develop new strategies to avoid them. In this Thesis these issues have been addressed through the development and use of photolabile protecting groups (PPG). The first part of this Thesis involves the development of new PPG based on solar filters. Once released, these PPG offer the advantage of acting as ultraviolet shields. In this context, Chapter 3 looks into the photophysical and photochemical properties of those systems formed by avobenzone as PPG of carboxylic acids, more specifically ketoprofen (KP) and naproxen (NPX). In this study, the influence on the photorelease process of the relative energetic location of the avobenzone triplet manifold in its diketo form, 3AB(K)*, with respect to that of its caged compound, is duly analyzed by means of molecular modeling and spectroscopic techniques. Following this same line of work, a new PPG capable of releasing oxybenzone (OB) solar filter along with carbonyl compounds has been developed in Chapter 4. The second part of this Thesis focuses on the "Trojan Horse" concept, which establishes that certain DNA lesions can act as endogenous photosensitizers, thus generating new lesions in their neighborhood. In this context, in Chapter 5 the photosensitizing properties of two oxidatively generated DNA damages, namely 5-formyluracil (ForU) and 5-formylcytosine (ForC), have been studied by means of experimental and theoretical approaches. Here, special emphasis has been placed on unraveling their capacity to photoinduce the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). Finally, in Chapter 6 a new synthetic alternative for the incorporation of ForU into oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) has been developed. Due to the instability of the aldehyde group, this synthesis is generally carried out by incorporating a precursor which is subsequently converted into ForU by the action of an oxidative agent. On the contrary, in the new approach, the aldehyde is protected with a PPG, so that once inserted into the ODN, the aldehyde is selectively released through the use of light. This work entails a step forward in the study of the photosensitizing properties of ForU, offering a new tool for their evaluation within the DNA environment. / Lineros Rosa, M. (2021). Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167764 / TESIS

DNA Origami as a Drug Delivery Vehicle for in vitro and in vivo Applications

Halley, Patrick D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudes towards the Past in Antiquity. Creating Identities : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Stockholm University 15-17 May 2009

Alroth, Brita, Scheffer, Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
This volume brings together twenty-eight papers from an International conference on attitudes towards the past and the creating of identities in Antiquity. The volume addresses many different approaches to these issues, spanning over many centuries, ranging in time from the Prehistoric periods to the Late Antiquity, and covering large areas, from Britain to Greece and Italy and to Asia Minor and Cyprus. The papers deal with several important problems, such as the use of tradition and memory in shaping an individual or a collective identity, continuity and/or change and the efforts to connect the past with the present. Among the topics discussed are the interpretation of literary texts, e.g. a play by Plautus, the Aeneid, a speech by Lykurgos, poems by Claudian and Prudentius, and of historical texts and inscriptions, e.g. funerary epigrams, and the analysis of the iconography of Roman coins, Etruscan reliefs, Pompeian and Etruscan frescoes and Cypriote sculpture, and of architectural remains of houses, tombs and temples. Other topics are religious festivals, such as the Lupercalia, foundation myths, the image of the emperor on coins and in literature, the significance of intra-urban burials, forgeries connected with the Trojan War, Hippocrates and Roman martyrs.

Manželky českých politiků v 19. století / The women of the bohemian politicians in the 19th century

BUREŠOVÁ, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
The women of the bohemian politicians in the 19th century Annotation I have chosen ten women of the bohemian politics living in the 19th century. The first chapter has been about the reasons for choice of the life female partner. I have described the social, lingual and religious background of these women. I have tried to analyse their antenuptial correspondence. The second part of my work has attended to the use of women in the social life and it has focused on their involvement into the {\clqq}morning-room`` life. I have outlined the women incidence in the public asociation in the third chapter.I have been interested in any women activites mainly the philanthrophy. I have tried to find out if the husbands had encouraged thein wives in these acitivities. I have focused on the role of women in the family. I have observed how the husbands had been participated in the running the household and education of their children. I have studied the family correspondence. I have focused on the political aspect of the letters. I have tried to catch how much the women had been interested in the policy.

La « matière troyenne » dans la littérature médiévale : Guido delle Colonne Historia destructionis Troiae : introduction, édition-traduction partielles et commentaire

Bedel, Marie 14 June 2014 (has links)
Ce travail propose d’étudier l’un des nombreux textes médiévaux portant sur le mythe de la guerre de Troie. Transmis à l’Occident médiéval non pas par le biais d’Homère mais par celui des classiques latins et de certains auteurs de l’Antiquité tardive, ce mythe connut un immense succès en Europe durant tout le Moyen Âge, malgré l’ignorance du grec et de l’Iliade. Nous avons choisi d’éditer partiellement et de commenter l’un des plus importants monuments de la matière troyenne médiévale, texte presque inédit aujourd’hui, car totalement délaissé depuis la Renaissance et le retour aux textes anciens. Dans une introduction, nous avons exposé les principes de notre travail d’édition, c'est-à-dire listé les différents manuscrits utilisés par l’éditeur précédent (Nathaniel Griffin), puis surtout présenté notre manuscrit de base, le Cod. Bodmer 78, absent de la liste des manuscrits collationnés par Griffin. Puis nous avons consacré un chapitre à la langue du texte, un latin médiéval très lisible quoiqu’empreint de « modernismes », notamment au niveau du lexique. Puis, après avoir présenté le texte, sa langue et notre méthode d’édition, nous avons exposé le peu d’éléments que nous avions sur notre auteur, sa vie, son œuvre et le contexte intellectuel au milieu duquel il évolua dans la Sicile du XIIIe siècle, ainsi que l’engouement européen pour la matière troyenne qui explique son choix de reprendre ce grand mythe dans son Historia. Enfin il nous a fallu évoquer les nombreuses sources utilisées par Guido delle Colonne, ses sources directes, indirectes ou inavouées. En dernier lieu, nous avons offert un résumé de chaque livre édité et traduit. Suit une bibliographie détaillée sur les manuscrits et éditions anciens de ce texte, des manuels, le contexte culturel et historique en Europe et en Sicile au Moyen Âge, les textes grecs, latins et vernaculaires se rapportant à la guerre de Troie et ayant influencé notre auteur de près ou de loin, les ouvrages critiques sur le traitement de cette matière troyenne dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, et enfin les quelques éléments bibliographiques portant sur Guido et sur son œuvre. Vient ensuite notre édition-traduction. La traduction est accompagnée d’un double apparat : un apparat des sources et réminiscences ainsi qu’un apparat critique qui prend en compte et compare les leçons contenues dans notre manuscrit de base avec les variantes citées par l’éditeur précédent dans les quelques manuscrits qu’il a utilisés. Au bas de la traduction, figurent des notes d’érudition destinées aux noms ou des faits cités dans le texte et qui méritent une explication. Après cette partie introduction philologique et édition, la deuxième grande partie de cette thèse consiste en un commentaire et des annexes. Dans notre commentaire, nous avons souhaité interroger notre texte dans ses aspects narratologiques, thématiques, génériques, linguistiques et idéologiques. C’est pourquoi nous avons consacré un premier chapitre à l’étude narratologique du texte, son contenu, son agencement, ses techniques narratives, son utilisation des sources et ses principales thématiques. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons abordé le genre et le ton de cette Historia, qui se veut un texte historique quoique traitant une matière fictionnelle puisque mythologique à une époque où les genres littéraires ne sont pas encore définis et encore moins cloisonnés ; nous avons en outre longuement commenté et illustré le choix de l’écriture en prose et en latin à une époque où la mode est au vers et au vernaculaire. Enfin, notre troisième chapitre porte sur le contenu scientifique, politique et idéologique de ce texte truffé de parenthèses érudites et morales. En dernier lieu, nous avons proposé une édition diplomatique de la partie non éditée ni traduite du manuscrit, ainsi que des annexes sur les manuscrits et le vocabulaire, et bien sûr des index des noms propres et un glossaire des mots rares ou surprenants. / This work proposes to explore one of the many medieval texts on the myth of the Trojan War. Transmitted to medieval Europe not through Homer but by the Latin classics and some authors of late Antiquity, this myth was a huge success in Europe during the middle Ages, despite the ignorance of the Greek and the Iliad. We chose to partially edit and comment on one of the most important monuments of the medieval Trojan material, almost unpublished text today because totally abandoned since the Renaissance and the return to the ancient texts. In an introduction, we exposed the principles of our editing work, that is to say, listed the various manuscripts used by the original publisher (Nathaniel Griffin) and especially presented our basic manuscript, Cod. Bodmer 78, absent from the list of manuscripts collated by Griffin. Then we have a chapter on the language of the text, a medieval Latin highly readable although full of "modernism", particularly in terms of vocabulary. Then, after introducing the text, the language and our editing method, we exposed the little things we had on our author, his life, his work and the intellectual context in which he evolved in thirteenth century Sicily, and the European craze for the Trojan material explains his choice to take this great myth in his Historia. Then, we had to mention the many sources used by Guido delle Colonne, its indirect or direct or unacknowledged sources. Lastly, we provided a summary of each book published and translated. Then follows a detailed bibliography on manuscripts and old editions of this text, textbooks, historical and cultural context in Europe and Sicily in the Middle Ages, the Greek texts, Latin and vernacular related to the Trojan War and that influenced our author near or far, the critical works on the treatment of this Trojan material in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and finally some bibliographic elements on Guido and his work. Then comes our edition-translation. The translation is accompanied by a double pageantry: one for the sources and reminiscences, and a critical apparatus that considers and compares the lessons contained in our manuscript with basic variants cited by the previous editor in some manuscripts that he used. At the bottom of the translation include scholarly notes for names or facts mentioned in the text and deserve an explanation. After this introduction and part philological edition, the second major part of this thesis consists of a comment and annexes. In our review, we wanted to examine our text in its narratological, thematically, linguistic, generic and ideological aspects. That is why we have devoted the first chapter to the narratological study of the text, its content, its layout, its narrative techniques, use of sources and its main themes. In a second part, we discussed the type and tone of the Historia, which intends to be a historical text while attending a fictional material since mythological, at a time when genres are not yet defined and less compartmentalized; we have also commented extensively and illustrated the choice of writing in prose and Latin at a time when fashion is to poetry and vernacular. In the end, our third chapter focuses on the scientific, political and ideological content of this text peppered with parentheses and moral scholars. Finally, we proposed a diplomatic edition of the unedited or translated part of the manuscript, as well as appendices on manuscripts and vocabulary, and of course the name index and a glossary of rare or surprising words.

IL MITO CLASSICO NELLA DRAMMATURGIA DI LINGUA PORTOGHESE: I CICLI ARGONAUTICO, TEBANO E TROIANO / Classical myth in Lusophone dramas: Argonautic, Theban and Trojan cycles

CUCCORO, CORRADO 01 March 2018 (has links)
Dall’inizio del XXI secolo, i drammi portoghesi e brasiliani ispirati all’antichità classica, prima trascurati o semplicemente ignorati dalla critica internazionale, sono stati oggetto di più ampio e sistematico studio, in relazione sia alle fonti antiche sia alla produzione moderna analoga. Nondimeno, in tale contesto hanno spesso prevalso prospettive o interessi nazionali; inoltre, la ricerca si è di solito concentrata su singoli miti, personaggi, motivi. Una ricognizione complessiva sarebbe a questo punto utilissima, ma non è ancora disponibile. La presente tesi è appunto volta a offrire un contributo in tale direzione, attraverso una mappatura ragionata della maggior parte delle opere pertinenti: tutte quelle concernenti i tre principali cicli mitici (argonautico, tebano, troiano). Secondo il mio censimento, il sorprendente corpus consta di tredici drammi (sei portoghesi e sette brasiliani) per il primo ciclo, ventuno (quattordici portoghesi e sette brasiliani) per il secondo e ventidue (diciotto portoghesi e quattro brasiliani) per il terzo. / Since the turn of the 21st century, the Portuguese and Brazilian dramas inspired by the classical antiquity, previously overlooked or simply ignored by international critics, have been subject of more widespread and systematic studies, in connection with both their ancient references and similar modern production. Nevertheless, in this context national perspectives or interests have often been predominant; furthermore, research has usually concerned individual narratives, characters or motives. A comprehensive survey would be now very useful, but it is not yet available. The present thesis is just meant to offer a contribution in this regard, by providing an annotated map of most of the relevant works: all those which belong to the three main mythical cycles (Argonautic, Theban, Trojan). According to my data, the striking corpus consists in thirteen plays (six Portuguese and seven Brazilian) for the first cycle; twenty-one (fourteen Portuguese and seven Brazilian) for the second, and twenty-two (eighteen Portuguese and four Brazilian) for the third.

Microfluidic-assisted synthesis and release properties of multi-domain polymer microparticles drug carriers / Synthèse de vecteurs microparticulaires par microfluidique et études de la libération à partir de microparticules polymères multi-domaines

Khan, Ikram Ullah 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les caractéristiques et les propriétés de libération de microparticules chargées de médicament dépendent de la nature des matériaux employés, des propriétés physicochimiques des microparticules, du choix de la méthode de production, et enfin des propriétés des molécules encapsulées. A l'inverse de la plupart des méthodes conventionnelles, les méthodes microfluidiques présentent l’avantage de bien mieux contrôler la génération de gouttelettes, leur taille et leur distribution de tailles. Ainsi des dispositifs microfluidiques à base de capillaires ont été développés pour obtenir des microbilles de polymère mais également des microparticules de type janus, coeur-écorce ou troyenne, toutes monodisperses en taille et chargées de médicament(s). Ces particules ont été produites à partir de solutions de monomère qui furent polymérisées par irradiations UV de telle sorte à garder intacte l'activité des molécules chargées. Ces dispositifs peuvent être assemblés dans un court laps de temps et un simple changement dans leur conception permet d’obtenir des morphologies de particules très différentes. Ces particules ont été développées dans le but de résoudre les problèmes rencontrés dans l’administration orale de médicaments. Par exemple les microbilles peuvent être utilisées pour délivrer des anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens de manière continue tandis que les particules Janus peuvent libérer, simultanément et sur le même site, deux principes actifs possédant des propriétés complètement différentes (solubilité, compatibilité) également de manière prolongée. Quant aux particules coeur-écorce, elles ont été conçues pour cibler la région du côlon de l'intestin humain, et y libérer simultanément deux médicaments. Les particules troyennes furent synthétisées à l’aide d’un procédé microfluidique semi-continu qui a permis une manipulation plus sécurisée des nanoparticules vectrices ainsi que la libération continue d’un médicament dans un liquide gastrique simulé. Chaque système a été entièrement caractérisé pour assurer l’invariance entre lots et la reproductibilité. En général, la libération des ingrédients actifs a pu être facilement contrôlée/ajustée par le réglage des paramètres opératoires et de matériaux tels que les débits des différentes phases, la nature et la concentration du médicament, des (co)monomères, des agents tensioactif et de réticulation, le pH du milieu de libération. Ces différents paramètres influencent les propriétés des microparticules telles que leur morphologie, forme, taille et densité de réticulation du réseau polymère. / Characteristics and release properties of drug loaded microparticles depend upon material used and choice of production method. Conversely to most of the conventional ones, microfluidic methods give an edge by improving the control over droplet generation, size and size distribution. Capillary-based microfluidic devices were successfully used to obtain monodisperse drug(s) loaded microbeads, janus, core-shell and trojan particles using UV initiated free radical polymerization while keeping activity of active loaded molecules. These devices can be assembled in a short period of time and a slight change in design gives completely different microparticles morphologies. These particles were developed with the aim to address different issues experienced in oral drug delivery. For instance microbeads can be used to deliver NASIDs in a sustained release manner while janus particles can release two APIs with completely different properties (solubility, compatibility) also in a sustained release manner. Core-shell particles were designed to target colonic region of human intestine for dual drug delivery. Trojan particles were synthesized in a new semi-continuous microfluidic process, thus improving nanoparticles safety handling and release in simulated gastric fluid. Each system was fully characterized to insure batch to batch consistency and reproducibility. In general, the release of active ingredients was controlled by tuning the operating and material parameters like phases flow rates, nature and concentration of drug, (co)monomers, surfactant and crosslinker, pH of release media with the result of different particle morphologies, sizes and shapes or matrix crosslinking density.

The context, purpose, and dissemination of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland, c.1120-c.1241

Lunga, Peter Sigurdson January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a comparative and multidisciplinary study of legendary genealogies in the historical writing of northern England and Iceland c. 1120 – c. 1241. Historical writing was produced in abundance over this period in both areas and the frequent contact between England and Scandinavia, as well as shared use of early medieval insular sources make them especially suitable for comparison. The Viking invasions and settlement in England had a significant impact on English culture, language and literature and changed attitudes to their own legendary past. The Danish conquest of England in the early eleventh-century also brought the insular and Scandinavian worlds closer together, and even after the Norman Conquest in 1066, England and Scandinavia engaged in scholarly and textual exchange The theoretical framework for the thesis combines approaches from religious history, art history, political history, literature history and gender history. The main research questions of the thesis consider the dissemination, development, and purpose of legendary genealogies. The sources are a collection of Durham related manuscripts with illuminations of the pagan god Woden (c. 1120–88) in two historical works De Primo Saxonum Aduentu and De Gestis Regum; Genealogia Regum Anglorum (Rievaulx, 1153x54) by Aelred of Rievaulx; two works attributed to Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda (Iceland, 1220s) and Heimskringla (Iceland, 1225x35). Common to the sources is the inclusion of genealogies that stretch from legendary generations to living individuals at the time of writing. Thus, genealogies connected dynasties and civilisations in mutual descent from pagan, Trojan and biblical ancestors. By analysing textual dissemination as well as political contexts, literary patronage and mechanisms in legitimisation of power, the thesis address amalgamations of origin myths, the use and significance euhemerised pagan gods, and female generations in genealogies.

AspectKE*: Security aspects with program analysis for distributed systems

Fan, Yang, Masuhara, Hidehiko, Aotani, Tomoyuki, Nielson, Flemming, Nielson, Hanne Riis January 2010 (has links)
Enforcing security policies to distributed systems is difficult, in particular, when a system contains untrusted components. We designed AspectKE*, a distributed AOP language based on a tuple space, to tackle this issue. In AspectKE*, aspects can enforce access control policies that depend on future behavior of running processes. One of the key language features is the predicates and functions that extract results of static program analysis, which are useful for defining security aspects that have to know about future behavior of a program. AspectKE* also provides a novel variable binding mechanism for pointcuts, so that pointcuts can uniformly specify join points based on both static and dynamic information about the program. Our implementation strategy performs fundamental static analysis at load-time, so as to retain runtime overheads minimal. We implemented a compiler for AspectKE*, and demonstrate usefulness of AspectKE* through a security aspect for a distributed chat system.

Rozklad černé, technika nedůsledného překládání Světla / The Breaking Down of Black, the Technique of Inconsistent Transfer of Light

Trnková, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
Im interested in the topic of praying machine, because I want to analyze aspects of photography and its functions. It's known, that the reality is manipulated by photography. Bud we can also say, that the relationship between reality and photography is neutral in fact, that the manipulation is made by our interpretation of photography. The change of the reality can be realized just in the dialog between photography and reality. Can it be, that the mechanization change into the will? Does it prays praying mill or the buddhistic monk, who rotates the mill? When he believes into it, is it enough? Or is it enough if believes who watch the monk with his mill? ... The computers from he place A are "praying" the prayers from the place B. With Tomáš Javůrek we collaborated with Vladimír Veselý and Radek Lát to create the Game for re-articulation our reality on the base of the revision of our faith.

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