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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poésie et spirituel : les notions de symbole et de rythme dans les pensées poétiques de Claudel, Yeats et Hofmannsthal / Poetry and the Spiritual : notions of symbol and rhythm in the poetical thinking of Claudel, Yeats and Hofmannsthal.

Valère, Marie 29 September 2011 (has links)
Claudel, Yeats et Hofmannsthal définissent la création poétique comme une pratique spirituelle. Tous trois écrivent, autour de l’année 1900, des textes théoriques donnant pour procédés fondamentaux de l’écriture poétique le symbole et le rythme. L’étude des notions de vision et de symbole dans leur système de pensée spirituelle révèle le fait que cette expérience de la vision, qui se définit en grande partie comme une vision symbolique du monde terrestre, constitue à leurs yeux la source de la création poétique. L’œuvre poétique est ainsi conçue comme le fruit de la vision symbolique et comme un moyen de la faire partager au récepteur. Les pratiques poétiques du symbole et du rythme chez Yeats, de la métaphore et de l’ïambe chez Claudel, de l’image et du rythme chez Hofmannsthal, acquièrent ainsi un sens d’ordre spirituel. L’étude de la conception du langage propre à chacun des auteurs et l’examen détaillé de quelques textes – tirés de La Mort et le Fou, La Mort du Titien, Électre, de La Cantate à trois voix, Tête d’Or, et de Cathleen ni Houlihan et Le Seuil du palais du roi – permet de déterminer les modalités de l’application pratique de leurs principes théoriques d’écriture poétique. / Claudel, Yeats and Hofmannsthal define poetical creation as a spiritual practice. Around year 1900, the three of them wrote theoretical texts in which they pointed out the use of symbol and rhythm as fundamental procedures to poetical writing. The study of notions such as vision and symbol in their system of poetical thinking reveals that the very experience of vision, which largely defines itself as a symbolic vision of the earthly world, is the source of poetical creation. The poetical work is therefore thought as both the fruit of a symbolic vision and a means of sharing with the reader. The poetical practices of symbol and rhythm in Yeats, of metaphore and iambus in Claudel, of image and rhythm in Hofmannsthal thus acquire a meaning within the spiritual range. The study of each of these authors’ particular language conception, together with a detailed examination of some texts from Der Tor und der Tod, Der Tod des Tizian, Elektra, La Cantate à trois voix, Tête d’Or, Cathleen ni Houlihan and The King’s Threshold, allow us to bring out links between their theoretical principles and their poetical writing.

A good collector never sells : En jämförelse mellan sekelskiftets och samtida konstsamlare / A good collector never sells : A comparative study of turn of the century and contemporary art collectors

Laszczukowska, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis evolves around the topic of art collectors as a phenomenon throughout different centuries. Ernest Thiel was a Swedish art collector at the turn of- and early 20th- century. Tom Böttiger is a contemporary art collector who acquired his first artwork during the 80’s. Both collectors are more like than alike, which points to and enforces certain common stereotypes as to whom could be a collector and what kinds of collectors exist. This thesis compares those two collectors from different times, from an art collectors perspective. The thesis concluded that collectors often bring upon themselves to act as patrons for the artists, both by promoting and purchasing their works, but also by aiding them financially.

Comunicação e cultura: os pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jürgen Habermas

Assencio, Sandro 10 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto da presente pesquisa constitui-se na análise imanente dos pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" de Jürgen Habermas verificada no interior de sua magnum opus - a Teoria do agir comunicativo, publicada em 1981. O objetivo a que nos propusemos alcançar é a elucidação do modo peculiar como Habermas absorve as aquisições teóricas da pragmática linguística (em especial J. L. Austin e J. R. Searle) visando a construção de sua teoria da comunicação, cujo ponto central é a postulação do consenso entre sujeitos capazes de linguagem e ação como o \"fim último\" ou télos do agir comunicativo. A hipótese teórica - ou de trabalho -, que acreditamos ter sido confirmada ao longo de nossa pesquisa, é a de que Habermas, mesmo sendo um árduo defensor da razão e do \"projeto da modernidade\", compartilha ponto comum com os pensadores do período que se convencionou designar pós-modernidade: o chamado \"idealismo linguístico\", isto é, apreensão dos atos comunicativos como entidades autônomas, porque separados das relações materiais e sociais dos homens. / The object of this research is the immanent analysis of the Jürgen Habermas \"linguistic-pragmatic turn\" presuppositions, verified in his magnum opus - The Theory of Communicative Action, published in 1981. The goal we set ourselves to achieve is to elucidate the peculiar way as Habermas absorbs the theoretical acquisitions of linguistic pragmatics (especially J. L. Austin and J. R. Searle) for the construction of a theory of communication, whose focal point is the postulation of consensus between subjects capable of speech and action as the telos of communicative action. The theoretical hypothesis that we believe have been confirmed throughout our research is that Habermas, despite being a vehement defender of reason and the \"Project of modernity\", shares common ground with the thinkers of that period is conventionally designate postmodernity: the so-called \"linguistic idealism\", i. e. the seizure of communicative acts as autonomous entities, because separed of socials and materials relations of men

Les correspondants français de Canova (1785-1822) : contribution à une histoire sociale et matérielle du goût au tournant du XIXe siècle / Cova's French correspondents (1785-1822) a contribution : contribution to a social and material history of taste at the turn of the of the 19th century

Manuel, Daniel 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le sujet inédit de la thèse repose sur un fonds d’archives. Il questionne la réception du sculpteur néoclassique italien Antonio Canova (1757-1822) dans les cercles et salons mondains à travers la correspondance de personnalités françaises aux profils multiples, du Consulat, de l’Empire et de la Restauration. Au gré des lettres, se dessine l'image d’un artiste aux prises avec des intérêts économiques, artistiques et sentimentaux. La séduction opère auprès des Napoléonides lui assurant protection et commandes ; elle gagne aussi les représentants du pouvoir à Rome et les salonnières pris au jeu de la délicatesse et du charme des compositions de l’Italien. La recommandation apparaît comme un mode de communication privilégié entre artistes et reflète la vitalité de ce type de lettre ainsi que la diversité des réseaux. La correspondance met en évidence le changement de statut de l’artiste qui adapte sa célébrité aux exigences de ses commanditaires en devenant un véritable homme d’affaires. Partagé entre désir d’émancipation et fidélité aux choix esthétiques de son mentor Quatremère de Quincy, Canova livre une production polymorphe qui le fait apprécier de la critique et du public qui cherche à voir en lui l’héritier moderne des sculpteurs grecs : mais ses rares présences et expositions à Paris limitent son impact. L’influence du premier romantisme dans la peinture néoclassique imprègne la production canovienne lui conférant son originalité. L’étude des missives fait surgir des questionnements historiques, matériels et esthétiques dont les épistoliers de Canova sont les témoins. / The novel subject of this thesis is based upon archive material. It is centered on how the work of Italian neo-classical sculptor Antonio Canova was received in the most glamorous clubs and salons, through the study of letters exchanged by French celebrities from different walks of life during upon the periods of the Consulate, the Empire and the Restauration. Letter after letter, the image of an artist confronted with économie, artistic and sentimental challenges emerges. He succeeds in winning over the Napoleonides who grant him their patronage and their protection. He also gains the support of government représentatives in Rome and of fashionable women who are enraptured by the charm and the refinement of the Italian sculptor’s compositions. Référencés appear as a privileged form of exchange between artists, and reflect the vitality of this type of letter, and the variety of networks.Correspondence demonstrates the changing status of the artist who adjusts his réputation to the demands of his patron, thus becoming a true businessman. Torn between his longing forfreedom and his commitment to the artistic leanings of his mentor Quatremère de Quincy, Canova's production has many facets, which endear him to critics and to the public who wishes to see him as the modem heir of Greek sculptors. Yet as he rarely visits Paris and his work is rarely exhibited there, his impact is limited. The influence of early romanticism on ne classical painting permeates Canova’s works, and is a tribute to his originality. Studying these letters brings to light historical, material and esthetic questions that their authors bear witness to.


PAULO HENRIQUE DE OLIVEIRA CHAMON 25 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Desde o final do século XX, o tempo - enquanto conceito, objeto, tema, ou categoria do entendimento e da experiência - tem sido crescentemente mobilizado como instrumento crítico nas ciências sociais e nas humanidades. De diferentes formas, viemos a ser interpelados a levar o tempo a sério, na busca por lançar luz sobre pressupostos não reconhecidos, esclarecer debates conceituais, aprimorar investigações empíricas, e buscar melhores análises, ações e disposições sociais e políticas. Em particular, os debates sobre política internacional responderam a tal interpelação refletindo sobre os limites e as possibilidades advindas de seus pressupostos temporais, muitas vezes mantidos implícitos. Nesta tese, proponho que, embora não haja como negar estas afirmações nem o importante trabalho delas decorrente, há também boas razões para considerá-las sob uma outra perspectiva. Nesse sentido, abordo essa literatura não tanto em termos da legitimidade das posições articuladas por meio dela, mas em termos das suas condições de existência e dos efeitos decorrentes destas. Mais especificamente, proponho lermos tal proliferação do tempo em termos de uma formação discursiva, isto é, de um conjunto de regularidades que organizam e distribuem o tempo em campos de conhecimento, poder e afetos por meio dos quais podemos a governar a nós mesmos e aos outros. Para tanto, parto de uma leitura de discurso que reúne a ênfase inicial de Foucault em campos de dispersão com uma interpretação de formações discursivas como circuitos de afetos pelos quais elas não apenas são investidas de libido, mas também efetivamente libidinais. Eu então desenvolvo dois argumentos. Em primeiro lugar, trabalhando com debates sobre tempo e política internacional, descrevo os campos de conceitos, objetos, sujeitos e estratégias a partir dos quais tais debates ocorrem. Ao fazê-lo, argumento que eles tendem a reproduzir dualismos como fixidez e fluidez, temporâneo e disjunção, unidade e multiplicidade, necessidade e contingência, assim como metáforas de escalas e inversões que muitas vezes recuperam as próprias concepções de política moderna e subjetividade que buscam contrariar ao levar o tempo a sério. Entretanto, ao invés de interpretar tal ambivalência como um problema, proponho entendê-la em termos da efetividade produtiva do discurso do tempo. Em segundo lugar, caminhando para uma compreensão da melancolia como um modo de articulação de relações discursivas por meio de perda, identificação, reflexividade e prazer, proponho que podemos nomear o discurso do tempo como melancólico. Ao fazê-lo, argumento que tal discurso é não apenas embebido de poderosos efeitos de atração, mas também dá forma particular à melancolia nos nossos dias. Diante dos melancólicos circuitos de poder e conhecimento que são o discurso do tempo, concluo propondo que a proliferação do tempo desde o final do século XX pode nos dizer algo sobre os modos de governo mobilizados na política mundial pelo menos, se não além dela. / [en] In the late 20th and early 21st century, time - as a concept, an object, a theme, or a category of understanding and of experience - has been increasingly lmobilized as a critical category in the social sciences and the humanities. In different ways, we have come to be interpellated by the injunction to take time seriously in an endeavor to shed light on unacknowledged assumptions, clarify conceptual debates, improve empirical investigations, and work towards better social and political analysis, action, and disposition. In particular, debates in International Relations have responded to this interpellation by considering the limits and possibilities coming from its often-unacknowledged conceptions of time. In this dissertation, I surmise that, even though there is no contending with these assertions and the important work stemming from them, there are also good reasons for us to consider them under a different light. In this sense, I engage this literature not so much in terms of the legitimacy of positions articulated in it, but in terms of their conditions of existence and their particular effects. More specifically, I propose we read this topicality of time as a discursive formation, that is, a set of regularities that organize and distribute time in fields of knowledge, affects, and power through which we come to govern ourselves and others. To do so, I start from a reading of discourse that brings together Foucault s early emphasis on fields of dispersion with an interpretation of discursive formations as circuits of affects through which they not only become libidinally invested, but also effectively libidinal. I then develop two arguments. First, by working through debates over time and world politics, I make emerge the fields of concepts, objects, subjects, and strategies under which they take place. In doing so, I argue they tend to reproduce dualisms such as fixity/fluidity, timeliness/disjunction, unity/multiplicity, necessity/contingency, and metaphors of scales and turns that often recuperate the very conceptions of modern politics and subjectivity they proclaim to run counter by taking time seriously. Instead of reading such ambivalence as a problem, however, I venture we should understand it in terms of the productive effects of the discourse of time. Second, moving towards an understanding of melancholia as an articulation of discursive relations through loss, identification, reflexivity, and enjoyment, I propose we can name the discourse of time melancholic. In doing so, I argue that the above discourse is not only embedded with powerful luring effects, but also that it gives particular form to present melancholia. Given these melancholic fields of knowledge-power that are the discourse of time, I conclude by proposing that the topicality of time since the late 20th century can tell us something about the modes of government being mobilized in world politics at least, if not also beyond.

Interruptive communication patterns in the intensive care unit ward round

Alvarez, George Francisco, Centre of Health Informatics, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Medical error and patient safety have become important issues. It is clear that medical error is more influenced by systemic factors rather than human characteristics. Communication patterns, in particular interruptive communication, maybe one of the systemic factors that contribute to the burden of medical error. Objective: An exploratory study to examine interruptive communication patterns of healthcare staff within an intensive care unit during ward rounds. Methods: The study was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Sydney, Australia. Nine participants were observed individually, for a total of 24 hours, using the Communication Observation Method (COM). The amount of time spent in conversation, the number of conversation initiating and number of turn-taking interruptions were recorded. Results: Participants averaged 75% [95% confidence interval 72.8-77.2] of their time in communication events during ward rounds. There were 345 conversation-initiating interruptions (C.I.I.) and 492 turn-taking interruptions (T.T.I.). C.I.I. accounted for 37% [95%CI 33.9-40.1] of total communication event time (5hr: 53min). T.T.I. accounted for 5.3% of total communication event time (56min). Conclusion: This is the first study to specifically examine turn-taking interruptions in a clinical setting. Staff in this intensive care unit spent the majority of their time in communication. Turn taking interruptions within conversations occurred at about the same frequency as conversation initiating interruptions, which have been the subject of earlier studies. These results suggest that the overall burden of interruptions in some settings may be significantly higher than previously suspected.

Design and synthesis of -turn peptidomimetics : Applications to angiotensin II

Lindman, Susanna January 2001 (has links)
<p> This study addresses the issue of how to convert peptides into drug-like non-peptides while retaining the biological activity at peptide receptors. Angiotensin II (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe, Ang II) was used as a model peptide.</p><p> Small bioactive peptides are in most cases conformationally flexible molecules. Rigidified peptide analogues or peptidomimetic scaffolds can be introduced into the peptide, to enforce a particular backbone conformation, and thereby locate the side-chains at defined positions in space. The conformationally constrained analogues are of considerable value in determining biologically active conformation(s) of the studied peptide. The strategy applied in this thesis includes identification of non-pharmacophoric amino acid residues, rigidification, conformational analysis and incorporation of turn mimicking scaffolds in </p><p>Ang II. Several side-chain cyclized (disulfide and methylendithioether) Ang II analogues have been synthesized. The binding studies of the rigidified analogues demonstrated that the compounds designed for the AT<sub>1</sub>-receptor had affinity for both receptor subtypes, while the compounds designed for the AT<sub>2</sub>-receptor displayed high selectivity only for this receptor subtype. Conformational evaluation revealed that several of the cyclized Ang II analogues most probably adopt a <i>γ</i>-turn like conformation around Tyr-4 while interacting with the </p><p>Ang II receptor. Based on this hypothesis, three different <i>γ</i>-turn mimetics replacing amino acid residues 3-5 were designed, synthesized and incorporated into Ang II. One of the synthesized pseudopeptides, incorporating an azepine-containing <i>γ</i>-turn mimetic, exerted high binding affinity and agonistic activity. These results strongly support the theory that Ang II adopts a <i>γ</i>-turn like conformation when activating the AT<sub>1</sub> receptor. The other Ang II analogues, incorporating bicyclic and aromatic <i>γ</i>-turn mimetics, did not display any binding to the AT<sub>1</sub> receptor.</p>

Computational Modeling of the AT<sub>2</sub> Receptor and AT<sub>2</sub> Receptor Ligands : Investigating Ligand Binding, Structure–Activity Relationships, and Receptor-Bound Models

Sköld, Christian January 2007 (has links)
<p>Rational conversion of biologically active peptides to nonpeptide compounds with retained activity is an appealing approach in drug development. One important objective of the work presented in this thesis was to use computational modeling to aid in such a conversion of the peptide angiotensin II (Ang II, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe). An equally important objective was to gain an understanding of the requirements for ligand binding to the Ang II receptors, with a focus on interactions with the AT<sub>2</sub> receptor.</p><p>The bioactive conformation of a peptide can provide important guidance in peptidomimetic design. By designing and introducing well-defined secondary structure mimetics into Ang II the bioactive conformation can be addressed. In this work, both γ- and β-turn mimetic scaffolds have been designed and characterized for incorporation into Ang II. Using conformational analysis and the pharmacophore recognition method DISCO, a model was derived of the binding mode of the pseudopeptide Ang II analogues. This model indicated that the positioning of the Arg side chain was important for AT<sub>2</sub> receptor binding, which was also supported when the structure–activity relationship of Ang II was investigated by performing a glycine scan.</p><p>To further examine ligand binding, a 3D model of the AT<sub>2</sub> receptor was constructed employing homology modeling. Using this receptor model in a docking study of the ligands, binding modes were identified that were in agreement with data from point-mutation studies of the AT<sub>2</sub> receptor.</p><p>By investigating truncated Ang II analogues, small pseudopeptides were developed that were structurally similar to nonpeptide AT<sub>2</sub> receptor ligands. For further guidance in ligand design of nonpeptide compounds, three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship models for AT<sub>1</sub> and AT<sub>2</sub> receptor affinity as well as selectivity were derived. </p>

Experimental and numerical study of the thermal and hydraulic effect of EMC screens in radio base stations : detailed and compact models

Antón Remírez, Raúl January 2006 (has links)
Today’s telecommunication cabinets use Electro Magnetic Compliance (EMC) screens in order to reduce electromagnetic noise that can cause some miss functions in electronic equipment. Many radio base stations (RBSs) use a 90-degree building architecture: the flow inlet is perpendicular to the EMC screen, which creates a complex flow, with a 90-degree air turn, expansions, compressions, perforated plates and PCBs. It is of great interest to study how the EMC screen interacts with the rest of components and analyze the total pressure drop and how much the flow pattern changes due to the placement of the screen. Velocity, pressure and temperature measurements as well as flow pattern visualizations have been carried out to gain good insight into the flow and heat transfer characteristics in a subrack model of an RBS. Furthermore, these measurements have been very useful for validating detailed CFD models and evaluating several turbulence models. Nowadays, industrial competition has caused a substantial decrease in the time-to-market of products. This fact makes the use of compact models in the first stages of the design process of vital importance. Accurate and fast compact models can to a great extent decrease the time for design, and thus for production. Hence, to determine the correlations between the pressure drop and flow pattern on the PCBs as a function of the geometry and the Reynolds number, based on a detailed CFD parametric study, was one objective. Furthermore, the development of a compact model using a porous media approach (using two directional-loss coefficients) has been accomplished. Two correlations of these directional loss coefficients were found as a function of the geometry and Reynolds number. / QC 20100630

Computational Modeling of the AT2 Receptor and AT2 Receptor Ligands : Investigating Ligand Binding, Structure–Activity Relationships, and Receptor-Bound Models

Sköld, Christian January 2007 (has links)
Rational conversion of biologically active peptides to nonpeptide compounds with retained activity is an appealing approach in drug development. One important objective of the work presented in this thesis was to use computational modeling to aid in such a conversion of the peptide angiotensin II (Ang II, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe). An equally important objective was to gain an understanding of the requirements for ligand binding to the Ang II receptors, with a focus on interactions with the AT2 receptor. The bioactive conformation of a peptide can provide important guidance in peptidomimetic design. By designing and introducing well-defined secondary structure mimetics into Ang II the bioactive conformation can be addressed. In this work, both γ- and β-turn mimetic scaffolds have been designed and characterized for incorporation into Ang II. Using conformational analysis and the pharmacophore recognition method DISCO, a model was derived of the binding mode of the pseudopeptide Ang II analogues. This model indicated that the positioning of the Arg side chain was important for AT2 receptor binding, which was also supported when the structure–activity relationship of Ang II was investigated by performing a glycine scan. To further examine ligand binding, a 3D model of the AT2 receptor was constructed employing homology modeling. Using this receptor model in a docking study of the ligands, binding modes were identified that were in agreement with data from point-mutation studies of the AT2 receptor. By investigating truncated Ang II analogues, small pseudopeptides were developed that were structurally similar to nonpeptide AT2 receptor ligands. For further guidance in ligand design of nonpeptide compounds, three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship models for AT1 and AT2 receptor affinity as well as selectivity were derived.

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