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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UX and Service Design for Zbee Based Corporate Carsharing / UX och Service Design för Zbee baserad Företags Bildelning

Bahtiri, Blerand January 2018 (has links)
What transportation means corporations choose for satisfying their mobility needs may have an essential impact on the environment. Choosing environmental friendly, alternatives such as battery driven light electric vehicles, would mean drastically contributing to a more sustainable environment. Meanwhile as carsharing solutions, continuously rise in popularity together with other sharing economy business models so do their possibilities to satisfy the mobility needs for corporations either by them implementing their own carsharing service or by investing on external services offered by established carsharing operators. This thesis has investigated and designed for a Zbee based corporate carsharing service, to be used between the affiliates of Vinngroup in Gothenburg. A Zbee is a light electric three-wheeled vehicle. Based on user-centred service design methods, methods suggested for sharing economy solutions, as well as user experience design methods, this thesis identified that users have different individualistic needs in a workplace and prior experiences that affects how they will use the service.In order to satisfy these different needs, it was found, the system needs to provide real-time vehicle and scheduling information for ensuring the users vehicle availability and service reliability, being one of the first requirement from the users. Further the service should provide users with functions that help users through the different use phases that were identified during this work. The findings found were then presented visually by designing mobile application prototypes and testing them on participants iteratively. The final set of prototypes was further evaluated by using the System Usability Scale, an effective and popular tool for measuring the usability of products and services. This evaluation gave the scores 77.5, 92.5, 90, 87.5 and 72.5, thus this giving a mean-value of 84 and a median of 87.5. All these scores suggests the prototype has high usability.

Upplevd säkerhet i en digital låslösning : Att designa säkerhet

Gattzén, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Det första mekaniska låset dateras till ungefär 4000 år sedan. Sedan dess har lås kommit att bli en allt mer central part av våra dagliga liv. Vad som i början skapades för att säkra skatter och hem utvecklades till att säkra mobiltelefoner, datasystem och kreditkort. Tillsammans med den digitala revolutionen kom ny teknologi och nya möjligheter. En av de möjligheterna är Internet of Things, vilket erbjuder användare att numera låsa up en dörr via sin mobiltelefon. Detta examensarbetet studerar användarupplevelsen och mänsklig respons av modaliteter i samband med en digital låslösning och hur design kan användas för att få användarna att känna sig säkra och trygga. Precis som intentionen var för 4000 år sedan. Resultatet blev en designutveckling av gränssnittet i en digital låslösning, som en adderad funktion till den befintliga produkten. Arbetet resulterade i en utveckling av deras produkt med en multimodal lösning som fokuserade på att öka den upplevda säkerheten.

Hair kommer alla känslorna : En studie om användarupplevelser kring en frisersalong med tillhörande webbplats

Bergquist, Ellen, Karlsson, Julia January 2017 (has links)
This study aimed to evaluate how a website can be improved for a better user experience. The website this study evaluates belongs to a hair salon, which at the time of the study had a design that did not match the appearance of the salon. The problem was that the website did not justify the business of the salon. By using both qualitative and quantitative methods user needs and preferences could be identified to develop a prototype of a new website. The quantitative method used was a survey which provided answers about functionality and preferences. The qualitative method was a Think Aloud test, which was performed in the hair salon, the users were asked to talk about the atmosphere in the salon and compare it to the atmosphere of the website. With the data gathered through these methods we could compile a result and an analysis, which was used to develop a prototype. We found that users tend to value basic information about the hair salon in combination with factors which increase recognition and credibility. The empirical data on functionality and customer experience of the salon allowed us to develop a prototype that meetsuser needs. The aim of the prototype is to reflect the design of the salon on the web.

Aplikace SEO technik pro marketing / Application of SEO for marketing

Knapovský, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe in detail the current ways of optimizing websites for search engines (SEO) and to apply them in a broader marketing strategy of italian restaurant La Casa Degli Amici. The thesis presents evidence about the importance of SEO for marketing and can be used as a template for optimizing you own website. This thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains the concepts used in the design and implementation of the practical part. The theoretical part considers 3 main subjects - search engine, users and SEO which represents website creation and optimization. This thesis describes the history of search engines and the way search engines analyze and evaluate a website. It also describes user search strategies and the way users read the search results. In the SEO section we show its advantages, brief history, SEO strategies and description of techniques and tools that can be used for SEO. In the practical part we put together a marketing strategy which consists of website creation, implementation of selected SEO techniques and social network marketing. Implementation of the marketing strategy is evaluated on data obtained during the period between 1. 8. 2016 and 31. 11. 2016. Owner of the restaurant has provided data on sales which were used for overall evaluation of implemented marketing strategy.

Tvorba uživatelského rozhraní mobilního ovladače pro interaktivní obrazovky / Creation of a User Interface of a Mobile Controller for Interactive Screens

Nová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a responsive front-end part of the mobile controller for applications on the interactive screens using modern frontend technologies. The theoretical chapters introduce to the readers the basic principles of accessibility and usability, including testing tools, which can be used for checking these principles. The aim of the practical part is to create a concise guide of front-end modern tools and technologies such as front-end frameworks, CSS preprocessors and tools for automating tasks on the front-end. In the practical part are these described tools and technologies used to create a mobile controller.

SaaS ve web designu / SaaS in Web Design

Míka, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to evaluate if the current SaaS market is able to meet functional re-quirements of web design in order to appropriately support web design's activities. The theoretical part introduces the web design model which describes web design's functional requirements. The next section presents a research concept that describes model assessment (i.e. solutions delivered as SaaS that support web design) and evaluation process. The results show that the current SaaS market is able to meet the requirements of web design in areas where SaaS solutions are able to provide an essential added value to customers in comparison to on-premise software.

Confirmshaming and its effect on users : A qualitative study on how confirmshaming in unsubscription processes affect users

Ekroth, Linn, Sandqvist, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
Introduction – Confirmshaming is a dark pattern that seeks to shame users into acting differently than they normally would. Purpose – The purpose of his study was to determine if and to what extent confirmshaming influences users to stay subscribed, and through this understand how confirmshaming impacts the user experience and thereby the perception of the companies that utilise it. Method – The method of choice was a qualitative case study that subjected participants to confirmshaming in an unsubscription process through a user test, followed by semi‑structured interviews in order to understand the participants’ behaviour and thoughts after they had been a victim of the tactic. Findings – As a result of the study, we found that confirmshaming during unsubscription processes is an ineffective strategy. A majority of users perceive the companies that employ it in a negative fashion and regard them as unprofessional and desperate. This implicates that confirmshaming in unsubscription processes is a loss-loss situation for both users and companies and should not be used. Limitations – This research was solely a qualitative study that focused on a small group of people. The results cannot be generalised to the general public and should instead be viewed as an introduction to the implications of confirmshaming. Further, the study was limited to the user experience and we did not measure how frequently occurring the phenomenon is.

Designing a crossover user experience between telephony and web

Linnea, Dahl January 2020 (has links)
The present work was performed at Aurora Innovation. Its purpose was to develop a proof-of-concept of an application where you could book an appointment and add personal information. This application is meant to be used by people of different ages, technology skills and preferences. User centered design was used during the development of the proof-of-concept, primarily the user centered design methods existing in contextual design. This project reflects on the value of these methods, and what the consequences could be if a product is developed from a single point of view. It was found that even for a relatively small project the user centered design proved valuable for collecting data, which then was used to improve the final proof-of-concept. Furthermore the results show how not having a varied test group can negatively affect your final product.


Wara, William January 2020 (has links)
The motivation for this work has been to develop a web platform for a game concept where the underlying code acts to enable users to customize their game markers and place orders for them. This report deals with the creation of this website that in itself is not a webstore in classical terms but rather offers a process of it’s own for users to pick the looks of a product, place it in a cart and pay for it. The website communicates with an external payment processor that has been implemented. The process also includes prepatory work and the handeling of graphics and both client and server-side coding. The report covers the programming of the website and speculates in its application of usability standards from evaluating of user tests. / Motivationen för detta arbete har varit att ta fram en webbplattform för ett spelkoncept där kodningen ligger till grund för användare att personanpassa sina spelmarkörer och beställa dem. Denna rapport avhandlar skapandet av denna webbsida som i sig skiljer sig från en webbutik i klassisk bemärkelse och istället erbjuder en egen process för att välja utseende på varor, placera dem i en kundkorg och betala för dem. Webbsidan kommunicerar med en extern betalningslösning som är implementerad på sidan. I arbetet ingår förutom förarbete även hanterandet av bildmaterial och både klient- och serverbaserad kodning. Rapporten täcker framtagandet av tekniken för webbsidan och spekulerar i dess anpassning till användarriktlinjer och olika användartyper efter utvärderingar baserade på genomförda tester.

Upplevelser och behov av e-tjänster hos riskgruppen äldre : En användarcentrerad kvalitativ undersökning av e-tjänsters tillgänglighet i en pandemi / Experiences and needs of e-services for elderly riskgroup : A user-centered qualitative study of the accessibility of e-services in a pandemic

Malmkvist, Anna, Cela, Elza January 2020 (has links)
Fokuset i denna studie är e-tjänster för riskgruppen äldre personer i samband med framförallt pandemier. Undersökningen handlar om att kartlägga målgruppens bild av, och användning av, de offentliga och kommunala e-tjänster som erbjuds. Tidigare forskning visar att äldre personer i större utsträckning upplever ett utanförskap när det gäller tillgänglighet och digitala tjänster men däremot att det finns väldigt lite forskning kring riskgrupper och tillgänglighet kopplat till krislägen, som pandemier. Användarvänlighet, användbarhet och tillgänglighet används i studien för att förklara UX (User experience). Det finns fundamentala riktlinjer för att implementera god UX design vilket vi vidare förklarar i stycket “2.6 User Experience (UX) och Informationsarkitektur” (Chesnut & Nichols 2015, s.9). Studien undersöker den upplevda tillgängligheten hos e-tjänster samt vilka typer av e-tjänster som den äldre riskgruppen upplever har behov av, och som därmed är en hjälp, vid en pandemi. Studien undersöker tillgänglighet och dess ramverk (WCAG 2.1) d.v.s. synlig, manövrerbar, begriplig och robust (W3C, 2018). Vår studie baseras på en metodkombination där en enkät och intervjuer utförts för att undersöka hur riskgruppen, den äldre målgruppen upplever e-tjänster vid en pågående pandemi. De e-tjänster som intervjupersonerna använder såsom exempelvis skatteverkets e-tjänst för skatteåterbetalning uppfyller fortfarande inte tillgänglighetens krav och kan därmed förbättras. Både enkätsvar och intervjuer visade att de viktigaste e-tjänsterna för äldre under pandemin är de som berör vården och dess olika e-tjänster på exempelvis 1177 eller olika vårdcentraler.

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