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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a standalone mobile application for Saab Support Portals

Sjögren, August January 2019 (has links)
Saab is a large swedish company providing a multitude of different products and services. This also means that Saab has to provide support and customer service for said products. Currently this is handled online in Support Portals, where customers and partners can access product information as well as an issue management system called SIRS. In the current situation the system is tailored for a desktop experience, and the workflow is therefore limited in terms of mobility. This project aims to allow the users to be more mobile by investigating the possibility of developing a mobile application for usage with SIRS. During the project a proof of concept of such an application has been developed. The implementation relies largely on using currently available api:s and when necessary porting some code from server to client side. By using various UX-related methods during the development of the application it is expected that the application is user friendly and fits the target audience. When looking at the result of the work, it is indeed possible to integrate a standalone mobile application with SIRS. The application also has usability which is comparable to the current system. However, some limitations were found that required rewriting the existing system to provide necessary data to client side applications like the one developed in this project. To conclude, the application is a proof of concept that shows what can be done without modifying the current system. Some of the major things that has to be modified before taking the application to production, such as stability concerns and testing, is also presented as results of the project.

Design of user interface for application to assist elderly in every day life

Lager, Elin, Westberg, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
I denna rapport beskrivs arbetet med att ta fram ett gränssnitt till en applikation för äldre. Målet med applikationen är att öka tryggheten och underlätta för äldre i vardagen, samt att minska social isolering. Frågeställningarna grundades dels på vilka funktioner som är relevanta och önskvärda i en sådan applikation, dels hur applikationen ska anpassas efter såväl låg teknikvana, som fysiska och kognitiva nedsättningar som är vanliga vid hög ålder. Arbetet inleddes med litteraturstudier om målgruppen, dess behov och svårigheter. Relaterade arbeten och liknande produkter granskades. Dessutom studerades olika designmetoder och -verktyg som ansågs vara relevanta för projektet. Arbetsprocessen bestod av iterativa cyklar där designval och funktioner diskuterades och utvecklades med hjälp av olika designverktyg. Dessa utvärderades sedan genom användartester. Resultatet från testerna analyserades och bidrog till ändringar och vidarutvecklingar i nästa cykel. Resultatet består av en interaktiv prototyp som grundar sig i teori och de upptäckter som gjorts under arbetets gång. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion om huruvida resultatet uppfyllde målen och vad som fungerat bra och mindre bra i arbetsprocessen. Dessutom diskuteras etiska aspekter med arbetet och möjlig vidareutveckling.

Gränssnittsdesign med användaren i fokus : Hur en användarcentrerad designprocess kan lägga grunden för ett webbaserat gränssnitt / Interface design with the user in focus : How a user-centered design can lay the foundation for a web-based interface

Jerreling, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
The IT-development of services and employment mean increased interaction with digital products and tools for the users. The users’ experiences regarding the interaction with digital systems is therefore a fundamental aspect of product development. Accordingly, as companies expand their business, they develop more systems which need to be integrated to send information to one another. To ensure that the flow of information between systems works soundly, responsible developers must be able to visualize the flow.This study, in collaboration with a company that wishes to remain anonymous, has explored how their visualization system for integrations can be improved to increase the user experience. Through a user-centered design process this study will fathom how users experience the current system, how attention and working memory relates to those experiences and how a new user interface could be designed to ease the users cognitive load.The study results in a proposition, presented as a mock-up, of how the most central aspects of the interface could be redesigned in order to improve the users’ experiences of the interaction with the system. The proposition is designed to support an open way of navigating, easy access of relevant information, users’ freedom to adjust the interface in accordance to individual needs, the communication between system-human and human-human as well as reducing the visual space of less important components. / IT-utvecklingen av tjänster och arbeten betyder ökad interaktion med digitala produkter och verktyg för användarna. Människans upplevelse av interaktionen med digitala system är därmed en central del i av produktutvecklingen. Allt eftersom företag utökar sin verksamhet utvecklas flera olika datorsystem som behöver integreras så att information kan flöda systemen emellan. För att säkerställa att flödet fungerar behöver ansvariga utvecklare visualisera hur informationsflödet går till.Denna studie har i samarbete med ett företag som önskar vara anonymt, utforskat hur användarupplevelsen för deras integrationsvisualiseringssystem ska kunna förbättras. Genom en användarcentrerad designprocess kommer studien utforska hur användarna upplever systemet idag, hur uppmärksamhet och arbetsminne relaterar till upplevelserna samt hur ett nytt gränssnitt skulle kunna utformas kan underlätta användarnas kognitiva belastning.Resultatet av undersökningen mynnar ut i ett visualiserat designförslag av gränssnittets mest centrala delar i form av en mock-up. Förslaget är utformat för att stödja öppnare navigationsmöjligheter, lättillgängligheten för relevanta data, friheten att anpassa gränssnittet efter eget behov, kommunikationen mellan system-användare och användare-användare samt för att minska visuell plats åt mindre nödvändiga komponenter.

Designprinciper för design av digitala formulär i mobila e-tjänster inom hälso- och sjukvården / Design principles for the design of digital forms in mobile e-services in health care

Berndts, Annica, Johansson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
En anamnes är när patienten med egna ord svarar på frågor om sin personliga sjukdomshistoria. Anamnesen skrivs idag upp till 20 gånger per vårdtillfälle tillsammans med epikrisen avvårdpersonal. Om anamnesen skulle samlas in digitalt av patienten som fyllt i den själv via ettformulär, kan denna information tas fram ur journalen av vårdpersonal vid vårdbesök. Denna studie introducerar en design av ett digitalt formulär för patienter att fylla i själva, för enmobilapplikation som fokuserar på användarvänlighet. Studien följer forskningsstrategin designscience som metod. Med hjälp av teori, intervjuer och en enkät tas designbeslut fram för attutföra ett designarbete som resulterar i en artefaktprototyp. Designarbetet går igenom treiterationer och mynnar ut i fyra egna identifierade designprinciper som tillsammans meddesignprinciper från tidigare forskning är nödvändiga att använda vid design av ett digitaltformulär för en mobilapplikation. Studiens slutsats sammanfattar de designprinciper som tagits fram för ett digitalt formulär i enmobilapplikation som främjar användarvänlighet. Designprinciperna bidrar till att ökaanvändarvänligheten genom att vardera en har användaren i fokus och bidrar till att formuläretblir enkelt att använda.

Digital Tvilling : Ett användargränssnitt för kroppen / Digital Twin : A user interface for the body

Björkqvist, Axel, Ekberg, Christoffer, Fazeli, Artin, Granberg, Lucas, Hanson, Marcus, Hedestad, Wilhelm, Sid, William January 2022 (has links)
Denna kandidatrapport behandlar främst arbetsmetodiken gruppen förhöll sig till samt hur dessa metoder och arbetssätt sedan användes i projektet. Rapporten tar även upp aspekter om själva produkten som förverkligades under projektets gång, även om det inte är i fokus. Applikationsområdet för projektet är på kort sikt att hjälpa äldre personer som genomgått ett hälsosamtal att hålla uppsikt över sin hälsa på ett vetenskapligt sätt. På lång sikt är applikationsområdet att människor ska kunna replikera sina kroppar genom medicinska digitala tvillingar för att testa exempelvis effekter av läkemedel, koster och träningsmetoder. Detta är kort sagt ett koncept som har potentialen att revolutionera sjukvården och människors hälsa i en positiv riktning. I slutet av kandidatrapporten återfinns gruppmedlemmarnas individuella undersökningar.

World of Workraft: a step towards the gamification of industrial control systems for future operators : N/A / World of Workcraft: hur gamification av industriella kontrollsystem underlättar för framtida operatörer

Rigo, Riccardo January 2016 (has links)
Industrial control systems (ICSs) are software systems that allow operators to remotely control entire industrial processes. This activity is usually performed within particular spaces located inside the facilities: control rooms. While the operators’ job is extremely important, it is often regarded as boring and dull; due to the passive nature of the job, the operators often feel unengaged. Industrial stakeholders are concerned about the next generation of operators, due to their different requirements regarding softwares and engagement. In fact, they would not be eager to work with the current ICSs. However, gamification — the design practice about using game design elements in contexts unrelated to games — has potential to contribute in addressing the problem. Implementing gamification within ICSs could make the future operators’ job more fun, appealing, and engaging, providing an overall better user- experience (UX). This research is a step towards achieving an effective gamification of ICSs; it consists of an exploratory study aimed to understand what gamification approaches are more suitable for the industrial context and the target user group. This research adopted an user-centred design approach, starting with extensive user studies on control rooms and the future operators; followed by a design and prototyping phase, and finally a user evaluation involving quantitative and qualitative investigations. This paper ultimately provides a series of design implications and insights for the design of gamified ICS.

Exploring User Experience designers experiences working with Machine Learning

Bergström, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The user experience (UX) design practice (c.m.p interaction design practice) has started to make profound changes in designing intelligent digital services using Machine Learning (ML) to enhance the UX. ML has the capability to enhance the user’s experience, for example, facilitating more accurate decisions or improving efficiency in achieving one's goals. However, research suggests that ML is a challenging design material in design practice, such as not envisioning the best-suited solution because of not comprehending data dependency when prototyping or the lack of tools and methods for evaluating the solution. Without a doubt, ML opens new doors for UX designers to be creative in their practice. However, research indicates that lack of knowledge transfer into UX design practice may hamper this potential. This paper explores how UX designers experience ML. The findings resulted in 5 experiences: 1) Absence of competence, 2) Lack of incentive for competence development, 3) Challenging articulating design criteria, 4) Mature vs. Immature customers, 5) Lack of support for ethical concerns. I discuss the implications of these findings and propose how we can understand UX design practice and opportunities for additional design research to support designers working with ML.

“Request to speak, button” : Accessibility for visually impaired VoiceOver users on social live audio chat platforms / “Request to speak, button” : Tillgänglighet för synnedsatta VoiceOver-användare på sociala ljudchatt-plattformar

Bern, Charlotte, Liljeström, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Social media has become an inevitable part of everyday life. With the focus to a large extent being on image and video sharing, accessibility for the visually impaired is not always granted. However, new types of social platforms with live audio chats at their core have shown potential to stand out as particularly inclusive of visually impaired users. Taking a standpoint in the Technology-to-Performance Chain model, the study aimed to create a better understanding of the subjective user experience of visually impaired users of social live audio chat platforms by identifying what influences accessibility, especially when it comes to taking part of and creating audio content. The topic was approached in the form of a case study. Qualitative data collection was conducted with a combination of observations and product assessment, expert interviews a well as user interviews. The aim was to create a better understanding of the subjective user experience of visually impaired users. The results suggest audio-based platforms have the potential to fit the visually impaired users well. A limited scope of the platform, having voice-based communication at the core and a limited number of visual elements all influence accessibility. A sufficient amount of adjustable VoiceOver adds to the accessibility of the platform. Furthermore, the results indicate being aware of user behaviour and the inaccessibility it might lead to is of importance. Concludingly, applying a UX perspective is deemed as of importance as the results indicate it often is the intangible, subjective user perspective which can highlight what influences accessibility.

Configuring Configurators : The creation of UX guidelines for parametric product customization

Karlsson, Anna, Gotthold, Saga January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify which functions may be included in product configurators in order to create a good experience for a user. The findings are compiled into a set of guidelines outlining how the user experience is affected by functions, which functions are either necessary- or supporting functions, and how these functions may be realized to create a good user experience. The thesis is conducted by firstly studying literature about both UX-theory and product configurators. Subsequently, a state of the art study is performed by investigating how ten different product configurators on the market fulfill specific functions. A benchmarking study is performed with users. This study is conducted in two different instances, one with an existing product configurator, and one with a hi-fi prototype of the same configurator updated according to the developed guidelines. In between these two instances an iterative user study is carried out to co-design configurators with users. The established guidelines are the following: The configurator should be accommodated to different levels of creative confidence for customizing a product, The configurator should let the user express themselves when customizing a product, The configurator should allow the user to fulfil their goal of customizing a product, The configurator should show the user how to fulfil their goal of customizing a product.

Engaging gameplay for audio games

Falk, Rickard January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of how to design engaging audio games. This was done by creating two prototypes. The first prototype was a rhythm based fighting game. As it was being developed it became clear that it did not differentiate itself enough from a large amount of already existing audio games. The second prototype was a first person shooter/adventure game utilizing 3D audio. The second prototype was evaluated by observing users playing the prototype and having them answer two questionnaires followed by an interview. Using spatial audio opens up a lot of possibilities. First person navigation using spatial audio is clearly possible, although how to implement it with a high degree of playability is in need of further study. When designing a first person audio game it is important to keep in mind that navigating, aiming etc. is more difficult than in video games. A slower pace seems suitable to this type of game. A lot of time and effort has to be put into the details when designing the gameplay of an audio game. Seemingly inconsequential things can be detrimental to the player’s enjoyment. Focus should be on perfecting the fundamental actions and challenges. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

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