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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Where did my money go? A practical investigation towards users’ overspending behavior on online payment solution.

Zhang, Hangning January 2022 (has links)
When entering the age of information technology, cash payments were slowly been replaced by other methods including credit cards and online payment applications. On one hand, it brings convenience, on the other hand, people potentially spend more money than before. Previous researchers suggest multiple ways to reduce the overspending behavior on credit card payments, but rarely have these methods been tested in an online payment solution context. This study adopted these methods and categorized them into two groups, visual cues, and financial management mechanics. These two groups of the solution then been translated and develop into three practical prototypes, two of each and one prototype having two groups combined. All prototypes are developed based on a commonly used online payment application named Swish in Sweden. These prototypes are later been tested by ten participants. The results show both groups of solutions have a positive influence to reduce users’ overspending behavior and having them combined provides further complement effects. The study provides empirical data and practical design implications in addressing the overspending issue of an online payment solution.

Vad kan jag hjälpa dig med idag? : Designcentrerad implementering av konversationsagenter i smarta hem-system

Berglund, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Since the introduction of Microsoft's Clippy the popularity of conversational agents has been on the rise. Nowadays you can interact with them in your home, on your phone, and even when interviewing for your next job (Mitt i Stockholm, 2019). The popularity is expected to keep on growing and by the year 2024 the chatbot market is predicted to be valued at 1.3 billion dollars (Bhutani & Wadhwani, 2019). This study set out to understand how conversational agents could be used to improve the smart home experience. This was done using the Design thinking methodology, which in this study consists of five phases named empathise, define, ideate, prototype, and test. These phases all contributed to understanding the users goals, problems, and how it might be solved by the implementation of an artifact. The artifact was also user tested which results in various feedback giving insights into the users perspective on the product. The test were evaluated with the System Usability Scale, which is a metric for usability, ranking the product from 0-100, or F to A+. The prototype received an average score of 90.3, which converts to the A+ grade. Even though the grade can be seen as promising the homogeneous and young group of participants makes the results hard to generalize to a broader population. This is an area of improvement for future studies.

Användarcentrerad gränssnittsdesign för en en-produktwebbsida : Hur handlingsinviter och mentala modeller kan påverka användarupplevelsen

Sörengård, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Näthandeln fortsätter att växa vilket sätter mer press på användbara webbsidor då det visar sig att användbara webbsidor kan främja köpbeteendet hos kunder. Denna studie har utförts i samarbete med BeKa AB med syftet att undersöka hur ett gränssnitt skulle kunna utformas för en enproduktswebbsida. Arbetet har valt att fokusera på handlingsinviter och mentala modeller, och skulle svara på följande två frågeställningar: ”Hur kan handlingsinviter användas för att påverka användarupplevelsen på en en-produktwebbsida?” och ”Hur kan förståelsen för mentala modeller påverka användarupplevelsen på en en-produktwebbsida?”. För att besvara dessa frågor utfördes intervjuer på sex deltagare i åldrarna 20–22 år. På de inledande intervjuerna fick användarna utföra uppgifter och navigera sig runt på två exemplarsidor. Det utfördes en tematisk analys på denna data vilket lade grunden för persona, kontextscenario, kravspecifikation och slutligen prototypen. Efter prototypen skapats utfördes användbarhetstester med samma deltagare, och även på det datamaterialet genomfördes en tematisk analys. Resultatet presenterar olika designval som gjordes grundat på teoretisk bakgrund och resultaten från de inledandeintervjuerna. Det sker jämförelser mellan prototypen och exemplaren, och användarnas tankar och åsikter av den slutgiltiga prototypen presenteras.

Uber or Heetch: A comparative study on desirability and usability between ride-sourcing applications / Uber eller Heetch: En jämförande studie av önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet mellan samåknings applikationer

Heikinaho, Alexander, Villarin, Fredilyn January 2018 (has links)
Ride-sourcing is a digital transportation service that has seen a considerable growth in the last half decade especially in the biggest cities around the world. More and more digital platforms for ride-sourcing has emerged since its inception. This study compares the two ride-sourcing applications available in Stockholm— Uber and Heetch, using a combined method of measuring desirability and usability to analyze which factors influence a user’s choice of app. The results showed Uber to have better desirability and usability, and 14 out of the 16 participants chose Uber as their preferred ride-sourcing app. / Samåkningstjänster är en digital transporttjänst som har haft en betydande tillväxt under det senaste halvdecenniet och allt fler digitala plattformar för samåkningstjänster har tillkommit sedan dess uppkomst, särskilt i de största städerna runt om i världen. Denna studie jämför två samåkningstjänster tillgängliga i Stockholm: Uber och Heetch, med en kombinerad metod genom att undersöka önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet för analys av användarnas val av applikation. Resultatet visade att Uber hade bättre önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet, och 14 av 16 deltagande valde Uber som sin föredragna applikation

Key Tension Points of creative Machine Learning applications keeping a Human-in-the-Loop

Schmitz, Michael Glenn January 2019 (has links)
Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), might have earlier primarily found industrial use, improving production chains, efficiency and the like but are now an integral part of private and commercial application. Many systems are using, or are claiming to use, machine learning to improve the end user's experience. This study aims to explore applications that are using creative ML, in which output might have a plethora of solutions instead of a single correct one. More specifically the focus is to evaluate which Key Tension Points, central lesser components of a complex and bigger issue, arise for researchers, designers and users coming into contact with this technology. The goal is to draw upon these Key Tension Points and attempt to frame guidelines which researchers and designers can use to further their understanding of the relationship between ML and design and how they can be accounted for to build and develop better application. The study found that these tension points (Impersonality, passive consumers & transparency) vary considerably depending on the application and presents how designers can account for them. / Maskininlärning (ML) och artificiell intelligens (AI) har sedan tidigare oftast använts på en industriell skala, för att effektivisera produktionskedjor eller förfina dessa. Dock har det skett ett skifte och nuförtiden är ML en betydande del i applikationer som har privatpersoner som målgrupp. Den här studien undersöker kreativa maskininlärningslösningar, sådana som kommer med fler än ett förslag. Mer specifikt så undersöker den här studien vilka Key Tension Points, dvs. betydande mindre komponenter av komplexa stora problem, som forskare, designers eller användare kommer i kontakt med. Målet är att ta fram Key Tension Points och sedan undersöka huruvida riktlinjer kan formuleras som underlättar för forskare och designers att hantera frågor rörande design och tillgänglighet av ML. Dessutom underlättar användandet av Key Tension Points vid byggandet och utvecklingen av kreativa ML applikationer. Studien fann att Key Tension Points varierar betydande beroende på vilken typ av applikation som används av konsumenten.

Heuristiska vs. användarinkluderande utvärderingar: En jämförelse av två MDI-metoder. / Heuristic vs. user-inclusive evaluation methods: A comparison between two HCI methods.

Ardal, Dui, Frisk Arfvidsson, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka olika utvärderingsmetoder inom fältet användbarhet. Alltsedan webbteknologier har tagit en större plats i vår vardag har efterfrågan ökat för gränssnitt och design med hög användbarhet. Vi har därför utfört tester på tvåutvärderingsmetoder för att utvärdera användbarhet på en prototyp som vi har utvecklat. Användarinkluderande och heuristiska tester är två utvärderingsmetoder som vi har undersökt i denna uppsats. De är båda väldokumenterade och används ofta för att mäta aspekter inom användbarhet. Således finns det ett intresse i att studera skillnader i resultat och hur metoderna bäst kan användas. Vi utförde tester på båda dessa utvärderingsmetoder, med fem olika personer per test. De heuristiska testerna resulterade i fler användbarhetsproblem av funktionell karaktär än vad de användarinkluderande testerna gjorde, vilka resulterade i fleranvändbarhetsproblem inom kategorin layout. Likaså resulterade de heuristiska testerna i att testsubjekten identifierade en större andel likartade användbarhetsproblem än vad de användarinkluderande testerna gjorde. Vi tror att detta kan bero på själva utvärderingsmetodernas utformning, där miljön och testsubjekten är kontrollerade i olika utsträckning. De slutsatser vi har dragit är att de båda är användbara för att mäta användbarhetoch för att hitta fel/brister med ett gränssnitt i ett tidigt prototypstadie, men att den heuristiska metoden kan vara aningen bättre för en prototyp i ett tidigt stadie i utvecklingen, likt detgränssnitt vi utvärderade befann sig i. Vidare har vi konkluderat att användandet av båda dessa tester tillsammans ger optimalt resultat.

Tillgänglighet och användbarhet för synnedsatta på offentliga webbplatser / Accessibility and usability for the visually impaired on Public Authority’s websites

Abo Aleneen, Rania Abd Alsalam, Goman, Jane, Aras Nouri, Awan January 2024 (has links)
This study analyzes the accessibility and usability of Swedish Public Authority´s websites for people with visual impairments, this was done with an online-survey answered by 51 respondents (35 respondents with a visual impairment and 16 without). Based on their answers a manual review of one sample website was performed. The users who participated in the survey raised problems regarding text size, navigation and insufficient compatibility with digital visual aids. The manual review shows that the sample website does not comply with WCAG guidelines 1.2.5, Audio description (prerecorded) ; 1.4.4 Resize Text ; 2.1 Keyboard Accessible ; 3.3.1.  The study discusses accessibility and usability from the perspective of the visually impaired and their suggestions to optimize Public Authority’s websites based on those two criterias. The study concludes with a discussion of validity, reliability and future research opportunities.

The process of simplifying information exchange within urban planning : Designing for the facilitation of information exchange and process support

Stål, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The urban planning process in Sweden encompasses all design and development of the physical environment in society. It involves a large number of actors and a large amount of data. To be as effective as possible the exchange of data between actors needs to become easier and more effective. This thesis explores how a digital platform for urban planning can be designed to facilitate the exploration of and access to information within urban planning. The method followed an iterative design process based on the UX lifecycle by Hartson and Pyla. Interviews were conducted with potential users to learn about their wants and needs, and research was done on the urban planning process to gather the theory on the subject matter domain. The result of the thesis is a UX prototype of a digital urban planning platform. The prototype was designed in Figma and tested on potential users in a design walkthrough and a usability test together with an interview. The results also show what type of functionality is important for users in this type of platform.

IXD and Second-hand Shopping Experience : Interactions to better the user experience of second-hand stores to attract Fast-Fashion Consumers to Second-hand Shopping Experience

Al-Eryani, Abdulrahman January 2022 (has links)
This project deals with the potential interaction design that can create ways for fast-fashion consumers toward using second-hand clothing. Through contextual inquiries, main insights were used to guide the prototyping. This led to creating Vintage Block, an app and in-store experience consisting of three different ideas. The first one is a raffle that inspires more people to give quality items to the store for a chance to win the monthly premium item. This is in hopes of receiving a wider variety of sizes and styles from the customers. Secondly, the use of upcycling to customize through the app as well as through QR codes on items at the store. That aims to incentivize customers to download the app and potentially fulfill their shopping needs. Thirdly, an online shopping experience through the app where there is no shipping option to promote sustainable behavior and lower transportation emissions.

Riktad marknadsföring inom sociala medier : en undersökning av hur riktad annonsering påverkar användarupplevelsen / Targeted marketing in social media : A study of how targeted advertising affects the user experience

Karlsson, Amanda, Clausen, Felix January 2022 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is about how targeted marketing affects the user experience on Facebook and Instagram. This study has both been looking at the number of ads in users' feeds but also the structure of each individual ad because the information architecture behind every information campaign, not only affects the user experience but has also shown that it determines how users view the company behind the ad. The success of social media has resulted in most marketing strategies now being shifted to social media platforms and the newest phenomenon is to target customized ads to a specific audience based on detailed data from users such as age, gender and previous searches in various search engines. In this study a group of a total of six participants was selected to analyze their feed on Instagram and Facebook every day for a week and write down discoveries according to a template with questions related to issues such as number of ads, how relevant the ads were to the participants and general thoughts about targeted marketing. The study finished with an interview with each participant where the participants were asked more in-depth questions about the participants notes and targeted marketing in general. Finally, we analyzed both the daily notes and the answers from the interview and were able to draw conclusions about how ads structure and design in combination with relevance affect the user experience and how users' emotions are affected negative by different targeted ads aimed at the wrong target gro

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