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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att utvärdera och vidareutveckla ett administratörsverktyg för flerspråkig produkthantering med fokus på användarupplevelse / To evaluate and further develop a administrative tool for multilingual product management with focus on User Experience

Rapp, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete omfattar en vidareutveckling av ett produkthanteringssystem där produktinformation ska finnas tillgänglig på flera olika språk. Arbetet har utförts tillsammans med företaget Angry Creative vilka arbetar med innehållshanteringssystem WordPress och e-handel. I dagsläget finns många olika typer utav system för att administrera ett företags produkter med tillhörande information. Varför dessa inte använts var för att de antingen inte fungerade felfritt tillsammans med WordPress, inte kan hantera att produktinformationen fanns på flera språk, inte är tillräckligt användarvänliga eller inte hade öppen källkod. Syftet med detta examensarbete var därför att utveckla en prototyp för ett administrationsverktyg för produkthantering med produkter på flera språk. Utgångspunkten för examensarbetet var ett existerande system som hade majoriteten av den nödvändiga funktionaliteten men ett icke-intuitivt gränssnitt som kundernas administratörer hade svårigheter att interagera med. Examensarbetet har därför haft fokus på användarvänlighet och intuitivitet. För att säkerställa prototypens användarvänlighet har två användartest utförts med totalt tolv testdeltagare. Till det första användartestet användes en pappersprototyp medan en digital interaktiv hi-fi prototyp testades i det andra användartestet. Resultatet var en interaktiv prototyp som har nödvändig funktionalitet för administrering av flerspråkig produktinformation på ett effektivt sätt. Systemets gränssnitt har designats om och har i och med användartesterna genomgått stora förändringar under arbetets gång.

Assessing User Expectations of Undo in a Multi-User CAD Environment

Nuss, Jeffrey Eric 01 April 2016 (has links)
Undo is a command that users rely on in most software applications. Its importance in multi-user CAD is no different. However, due to its unique nature, users may have different expectations regarding how undo should behave. This research seeks to better understand users' expectations regarding undo in multi-user CAD by having users participate in collaborative design exercises and then asking them how they would expect undo to behave. In addition, users participated in a survey in which they watched 8 videos showing users interacting within multi-user CAD and were then asked about how they would want undo to behave. Based on these findings, various recommendations are made for how undo ought to be implemented in multi-user CAD. These include recommendations regarding the user experience/user interface as well as proposing an equation that seeks to quantify whether a user expects to share an undo stack with another user or if they should only be able to undo their own actions.

Kvalitet i minsta detalj : En heuristisk analys av mikrointeraktionsdesign

Andersson, Ida, Nygren, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
In today's use of digital services, we seamlessly perform lots of microinteractions. Mostly without noticing them. When analysing what's good or bad in interaction with digital services, it is common to focus only on the big functions and it is easy for the small, effective moments in a microinteraction to be overlooked. This study takes a closer look at the microinteractions found in digital applications. Specifically, user-triggered microinteractions. The purpose of the study is to gain a broader understanding of how these microinteractions are designed to affect the user experience and what emotions may arise during the encounter with a service by studying the hedonic and pragmatic qualities that can be found in service's microinteractions. In the study, we performed a systematic heuristic analysis of 60 microinteractions, selected from the Google Play Store's top list, where the microinteractions were assessed individually by the study's two authors using an analysis tool developed for the study. The results show that the most common hedonic qualities in design of microinteractions today meet the needs of autonomy, security and luxury. To fulfill these needs, the study shows a link between metaphorical design and a sense of security, minimalist design and luxury, as well as clear communication and autonomy. The three most common pragmatic qualities are consistency, recognition and metaphor, where the connections between design and quality are shown to be metaphorical design and consistency, as well as the location of the trigger and recognition.

Nástroj pro rychlé vyhledávání letových spojení / Tool for Quick Flight Search

Muránsky, Matúš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and development of a tool for easy search of flight connections for Pelikantravel.com s.r.o. The aim of this work is to develop a tool that will allow operation in a limited Internet connection and will support user feedback. The first part of the thesis describes the analysis of suitable technologies and platforms for the resulting tool. The practical part deals with the issue of user experience and with the related user interface design. In this section, the basic functionality of the tool is described according to the use case analysis. Furthermore, the work describes in detail the implementation of the whole tool and in the end is devoted to testing the resulting tool.

Prvouživatelské testování UX / First-user testing of UX

Kalabusová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This Masters's Thesis is devoted to first-user testing of web application of ALVAO, s.r.o. Theories of user experience or UX testing are summarized in theory. There are a theory of first-user testing, as well as the creation of global and "task" scenarios. In the practical part of the testing itself for the fictitious company is done. Most attention is paid to testing with test subjects. The resulting testing was evaluated and proposals for improving the application.

Návrh mobilní aplikace pro návštěvníky vědeckých konferencí / Mobile Application for Conferies of Scientific Conferences

Majer, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this text was to implement a mobile application for attendees of technology conferences. While creating the concept the user experience was highly emphasized and after doing the market research there were couple of surveys and discussions with potential users, that often attends those conferences. Resulting application got positive feedback about its UI/UX qualities and was marked as 8.3 out of 10 in these regards. Application was updated according to the concerns that users provided in feedback tests. In the end there were suggested additional improvements to the application, that would enhance user experience at the conference even more.

Hur textbaserade förklaringar bör designas för förbättrad förståelse av AI-baserade finanssystem / How text based explanations for increased understanding should be designed for financial AI-systems

Svensson, Casper, Kristiansson, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
Den finansiella sektorn har kunnat ta del av stora fördelar med avancerade AI system som kan förutspå trender och ta egna beslut baserat på tidigare processer. Detta betyder att system som använder AI med 100-tals parametrar kan utföra mer arbete med mindre arbetstimmar än en människa. För att människan ska kunna lita på sådana tänkande maskiner måste människan ha möjligheten att förstå programmen så att hen kan kontrollera att systemet följer människors värderingar och behov. Kommunikationen mellan människa och system görs genom att maskinen förklarar varför den tog ett visst beslut även kallat “Explainable AI” (XAI). Studien som genomförts påvisar att XAI saknar tydliga riktlinjer hur dessa förklaringar bör designas för att skapa förståelse till de som arbetar med dessa kraftfulla system. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att undersöka kreditchefers roll i banken, vad dom baserar sina beslut på och hur användarcentrerade förklaringar kan bidra till ökad förståelse av AIproducerade beslut av låneansökningar. För att uppnå detta resultat har UX-metoder används som sätter verkliga användare i fokus. Datainsamlingen bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer med kreditchefer på banker i Sverige som sedan analyserades och jämfördes med rådande forskning inom AI och XAI. Ett 30-tal domänspecifika parametrar identifierades som låg till grund för sex designade förklaringar där förståelsen utvärderades genom att jämföra förklaringarnas olika resultat från kreditcheferna. Fem rekommendationer presenteras om hur AI-system bör presentera förklaringar till kreditchefer på mindre banker i Sverige. / The financial sector has been able to enjoy great benefits with advanced AI systems that can predict trends and make their own decisions based on previous processes. This means that systems that use AI with hundreds of parameters can perform more work with fewer working hours than a human. In order for humans to be able to trust such thinking machines, humans must have the opportunity to understand the programs so that they can check that the system follows people's values and needs. The communication between humans and the system is done by the machine explaining why it made a certain decision also called "Explainable AI" (XAI). The study carried out shows that XAI lacks clear guidelines on how these explanations should be designed to create better understanding for those who work with these powerful systems. This thesis focuses on examining the role of credit managers in the bank, what they base their decisions on and how user-centered explanations can contribute to a greater understanding of AI-produced decisions of loan applications. To achieve this result, UX methods have been used that put real users in focus. The data collection consisted of qualitative interviews with credit managers at banks in Sweden, which were then analyzed and compared with current research in AI and XAI. About 30 domain-specific parameters were identified as the basis for six designed explanations where the understanding was evaluated by comparing the explanations' different results from the credit managers. Five recommendations are presented on how AI systems should present explanations to credit managers at smaller banks in Sweden.

Implementujte Android aplikaci pro stahování a poslech audio podcastů / Implement Android Application for Download and Listening to Audio Podcasts

Švehla, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is aimed at the problems and issues which are encountered over the development of application for mobile devices. An application for managing and listening of audio podcasts was chosen to be developed. This thesis will guide the reader through general topics and issues of "User Experience" research, its usage and specification on mobile devices and actual design and the implementation of developed application. Results of this work can be used for the development of applications with respect to user centered design.

Från Minimal Viable Product till Most Lovable Product : Möjliga Boundary Objects mellan UX och Agil systemutveckling i SaaS-branschen i Sverige / From Minimal Viable Product to Most Lovable Product : Possible Boundary Objects between UX and Agile system development in Swedish SaaS-industry

Carlsson, Caroline, Larsson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Praktiska erfarenheter från fallföretaget och tidigare forskning visar på utmaningar i att kombinera processerna för agil systemutveckling och användarbaserad designutveckling. Användarbaserad designutveckling förespråkas av UX (User eXperience). Litteraturstudien visar på skillnader i syn på dokumentation, avsaknad av definierad process för gemensamma iterationer, problem med att bryta ner UX-arbete i små beståndsdelar samt hur rollen för UX kan eller ska arbeta tillsammans med utvecklingsteamet. Samarbete över funktionsgränser innebär ofta behov av informationsöverföring genom någon form av objekt eller artefakt. Studiens syfte är att bidra till den befintliga forskningen gällande interaktion mellan agila utvecklingsteam och UX-designers genom att undersöka båda parters perspektiv på hur gemensamt använda artefakter fungerar, för att effektivisera kommunikation, samarbete och informationsöverföring de två funktionerna emellan. Empirin är insamlad genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med produktägare, utvecklare, development managers och UX-designers/UX-specialister. Resultatet av empiri och analys visar att ingen av de funktionsöverskridande artefakterna som studien identifierat, stödjer informationsöverföring för båda funktionerna enligt kriterierna i Boundary Object Theory. Resultatet av den kontextualiserade jämförelsen i diskussionen visar att funktionernas metodologiska filosofi utgör ytterligare en möjlig barriär för effektivt samarbete funktionerna emellan. / Practical experience from the case company and previous research shows challenges in combining the processes for agile system development and user-based design development. User-based design development is advocated by UX (User eXperience). The literature study shows differences in their views on documentation, lack of a defined process for joint iterations, problems with breaking down UX work into small components and how the role for UX can or should work with the development team. Collaboration across functional boundaries often involves the need for information transfer through some form of object or artifact. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the existing research on the interaction between agile development teams and UX designers, by examining both parties' perspectives on how mutually used artifacts operates, to improve communication, collaboration and information transfer between the two functions. The empirical material was gathered through semi-structured qualitative interviews with product owners, developers, development managers and UX designers / UX specialists. The result of the empirical analysis show that none of the cross-functional artifacts identified in the study, that supports information transfer for both functions according to the criteria in Boundary Object Theory. The result of the contextualized comparison in the discussion shows that the methodological philosophy of the functions is another possible barrier to effective collaboration between the functions.

Visual appeal versus usability : A quantitative analysis of the importance of visual appeal and usability in e-commerce

Haglund, Gustav, Mood Román, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Unappealing websites are rejected quickly upon visiting them, while visitors spend more time on visually appealing websites before judging its reliability; but to what extent can visual appeal alone carry the success of a website, and is it so powerful that good usability can be sacrificed? This paper studies the respective importance of visual appeal and usability in e-commerce as factors, in order to determine which factor plays the bigger role in generating trust and credibility for an e-commerce site, as credibility perception is highly correlated with its visual complexity. The relation between these two factors and the likelihood to make a purchase is also discussed. Two prototypes for a fictional consumer electronics e-commerce website were created: one with good design and flawed usability, and another with flawed design and good usability. These prototypes were shown to students aged 20-25 and asked which one they found more trustworthy and which they would rather make a purchase from. With the correlation between trust and purchase intention being apparent, the design of an e-commerce website for consumer electronics should focus mainly on the visual appeal. Usability seems to have some value, however it does not seem to be of the same importance as the visual appeal of the site in regards to generating trust, and consequently customers. The prototypes were constructed in Adobe XD, demonstrated with video recordings, and sent out in a survey to 70 students.

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