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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexismo ambivalente y violencia de género en relaciones de pareja de estudiantes de Ingeniería y Medicina de una universidad privada de Tacna

Ruiz Cuneo, Domenica Lourdes 15 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad relacionar el sexismo ambivalente y la violencia de género en parejas de jóvenes universitarios. La metodología fue cuantitativa, siendo una investigación transversal de tipo correlacional, utilizando como muestra 262 estudiantes. Se aplicó el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente adaptado por Espósito, Muya y Glick (1998) para medir el nivel de sexismo, y la encuesta para la detección de violencia en el noviazgo en jóvenes (EMVN) propuesta por García-Carpintero, Rodríguez-Santero y Porcel-Gálvez (2018) para determinar la violencia ejercida y padecida en las relaciones de parejas jóvenes. Los datos se analizaron mediante tablas de contingencias y una prueba de Chi cuadrado. Como resultados se obtuvo que no existe correlación entre las variables objeto de estudio y que el rango promedio mayor en cuanto a sexismo y violencia de género corresponde a los hombres. / The aim of this paper was to relate ambivalent sexism and gender violence in couples of young university students. The methodology was quantitative, being a cross-sectional research of correlational type, using as sample 162 students. We applied the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism adapted by Espósito, Muya and Glick (1998) to measure the level of sexism, and the survey for the detection of violence in dating in young people (EMVN) proposed by García-Carpintero, Rodríguez-Santero and Porcel-Gálvez (2018) to determine the violence inflicted and suffered in the relationships of young couples. The data were analyzed using contingency tables and a chi-square test. The results showed that there is no correlation between the variables studied and that the highest average range in terms of sexism and gender violence is found among men. / Tesis

Practica.pe: Plataforma de capacitación para prácticas preprofesionales / Practica.pe: Training platform for internships

Ballena Merino, Eduardo José, Castillo Paucar, Alexandra del Pilar, Correa Fernandez Prada, Valeria Rosa, Palá Moreno, Sebastian Alberto, Peralta De Col, Francesca Antonella 29 October 2021 (has links)
A medida que el tiempo avanza las empresas son cada vez más exigentes en la contratación de nuevos trabajadores, lo cual ha provocado que se soliciten mayores requisitos en los procesos de selección, respecto a conocimientos específicos del área, competencias clave y habilidades blandas. Esto impacta en gran medida en los estudiantes universitarios, ya que no cuentan con información suficiente para dar el salto al mundo laboral. Para el presente trabajo de investigación se planteó el objetivo de determinar una solución adecuada para aquellos estudiantes universitarios en busca de sus primeras prácticas profesionales. A fin de capacitarlos y brindarles información en diferentes formatos para aportar en su desarrollo inicial a nivel profesional y también como persona. En búsqueda de conocer la opinión del mercado objetivo y obtener información sobre el modelo de negocio, el equipo realizó entrevistas tanto a universitarios como a profesionales en RRHH y en diseño web. Luego, se plantearon dos segmentos diferentes para evaluar y validar el público objetivo. Asimismo, se determinaron los canales con la finalidad de adaptarse a las necesidades del mercado. Finalmente, se analizó el comportamiento de la demanda para desarrollar un flujo de caja, utilizando una proyección de ventas y costos a 3 años. Seguido de ello, se emplearon indicadores de rendimiento para evaluar la viabilidad de la propuesta. / As time progresses, companies are increasingly demanding in hiring new workers, which has caused greater requirements to be requested in the selection processes, regarding specific knowledge of the area, key competencies, and soft skills. This greatly impacts university students since they do not have enough information to make the leap to the world of work. For the present research work, the objective of determining an adequate solution for those university students in search of their first professional internship was raised. In order to train them and provide them with information in different formats to contribute to their initial development at a professional level and also as a person. In search of knowing the opinion of the target market and obtaining information about the business model, the team conducted interviews with both university students and professionals in HR and web design. Then, two different segments were proposed to evaluate and validate the target audience. Likewise, the channels were determined in order to adapt to the needs of the market. Finally, the behavior of demand was analyzed to develop a cash flow, using a projection of sales and costs to 3 years. Following this, performance indicators were used to assess the feasibility of the proposal. / Trabajo de investigación

Connect U

Campos Melendez, Janet Jacksene, Machuca Olano, Almendra Jasmín, Matayoshi Oshiro, Diego Koyu, Pineda Argote, Ana Sofia, Salazar Gaspar, Katerin Sharron 01 December 2021 (has links)
Los requisitos para que un estudiante se pueda graduar de la universidad en la que estudia son cumplir con la totalidad de su malla curricular, entre cursos obligatorios y electivos, acreditar el conocimiento de un idioma extranjero, obtener créditos extraacadémicos y convalidar prácticas preprofesionales. No obstante, siempre ha sido difícil para un estudiante de educación superior conseguir sus créditos y prácticas debido a la falta de contactos y el hecho de que los procesos de reclutamiento y selección de postulantes siempre han sido engorrosos y muy lentos. El presente proyecto, que lleva por nombre Connect U, surge como respuesta a la situación actual de muchos estudiantes universitarios que necesitan obtener sus requisitos de egreso, así como de las diversas empresas y organizaciones que constantemente necesitan personal que los apoye en sus diversas actividades. Así, Connect U está diseñado por universitarios y para universitarios y la comunidad en general. La aplicación de Connect U permite simplificar estos procesos y volverlos amigables para ambos tipos de usuarios, y así facilitar la búsqueda en ambos sentidos. Para determinar su viabilidad, se desarrollarán una serie de experimentos- que abarcan desde encuestas, entrevistas a expertos, focus group, consulta a fuentes secundarias, entre otros- para validar el modelo de negocio, así como analizar la validez de la solución planteada y un extenso plan que abarca desde las ventas, la intención de compra, los potenciales gastos a incurrir y los flujos de caja que, con sus ratios respectivos, determinarán la rentabilidad del negocio. / The requirements for a student to graduate from the university where he or she studies are passing all the syllabus’ subjects, both mandatory and electives, accredit the knowledge of a foreign language, getting extra-academic credits and validate pre-professional practices. However, it has always been difficult for a higher education student to get their credits and practices due to the lack of contacts and the fact that the recruitment and selection processes of applicants have always been complicated and very slow. This project, which is called Connect U, is a response to the current situation of many university students who need to obtain their graduation requirements, as well as the various companies and organizations that constantly need staff to support them in their various activities. So, Connect U is designed by university students and for university students and the community in general. The Connect U application makes it possible to simplify these processes and make them friendly for both types of users, thus making the search easier in both directions. To determine its viability, a series of experiments will be developed - ranging from surveys, interviews to experts, focus groups, consulting secondary sources, among others - to validate the business model, as well as analyze the validity of the proposed solution and an extensive plan that includes sales, purchase intention, potential expenses to be incurred and cash flows that, with their respective ratios, will determine the profitability of the business. / Trabajo de investigación

Förändrade studieförutsättningar för högskolestudenter under covid-19 pandemin. : En kvalitativ studie om hur högskolestudenter beskriver utmaningar för lärandet under en pandemi. / Changed study conditions for university students during the covid-19 pandemic. : A qualitative study about university students learning challenges during a pandemic.

Alexandersson, Linn, Meijer, Lina, Svahn, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin var något som ingen var förberedd på skulle inträffa. Det innebar ett snabbt smittspridningsförlopp till världens länder och samhällena fick omedelbart ställa om på grund av restriktionerna som följde. Arbetsplatser och utbildningsinstitutioner blev beordrade att arbeta hemifrån i den mån det var möjligt, vilket innebar en plötslig omställning till distansstudier för studenter på högskolor och universitet. Studiens syfte var därför att beskriva hur studenters känsla av sammanhang och förutsättningar för lärande har påverkats av de ofrivilliga distansstudierna under covid-19 pandemin. Det framgår även vilka studiestrategier studenterna nyttjat under distansundervisningen. Teorierna som användes vid tolkning av resultat, var det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande samt hälsoteorin KASAM, eller ”känsla av sammanhang” som den även benämns. Empirin samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Två fokusgruppsintervjuer samt fyra individuella intervjuer som sedan analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet av studien visade att studenterna har olika uppfattningar om hur distansen påverkat dem i olika aspekter, både positivt och negativt. Studenternas upplevelser kring den ofrivilliga distansundervisningen tyder på ett förändrat lärande. Genom att beskriva studenternas upplevelser kring den ofrivilliga distansen kopplat till både lärande och hälsa kan slutsatser dras om nödvändiga åtgärder för utbildningsinstitutioner som en guide eller hjälp för att främja välbefinnande och lärandet för studenter. Det bidrar även till att studien är relevant ur ett hälsopedagogiskt perspektiv. / The covid-19 pandemic wasn´t something anyone could have prepared for. The global spread of the infection forced countries to make drastic changes. Workplaces and educational institutions were ordered into work from home policies, to the extent possible, which in turn had a sinificant impact on remote learning for students at universities and colleges. The intention of this study was to describe and document experiences of connection and prerequisities to their learning, and how they were affected by the involuntary restrictions brought on by the covid-19 pandemic. The study grounds in two theories and students chosen learning strategies during the distance courses will be presented. The teories used to interpret the result of the study are the social cultural perspective on learning and health theory SOC, also referred to as ”sense of coherense”. The data for the study was collected through semistructured interviews. Two focus group interviews alongside four individual interviews were analyzed using utilizing qualitycontent analysis. The result showed different experiences among the students, both positive and negative that had impact on them during distance studies with a general result that the ability for learning had changed. The result may offer ideas to necessary measures for educational institutions and guidence to help promote wellbeing and learning strategies for students. Since the study´s linked to both health and learning provides relevance for the health pedagogical perspective.

Psychische Symptome bei Studentinnen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine Replikation nach 10 Jahren

Dinkel, Andreas, Berth, Hendrik, Exner, Cornelia, Rief, Winfried, Balck, Friedrich January 2003 (has links)
Hintergrund: Nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung beschäftigte sich eine Reihe von Studien mit der psychischen Befindlichkeit der Menschen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt eine Replikation der Studie von Basten et al. [Psychische Beschwerden und körperliche Gesundheit im vereinten Deutschland: Eine Ost-West-Vergleichsuntersuchung an einer studentischen Stichprobe. Verhaltenstherapie 1994;4:90–95] 10 Jahre nach der Originaluntersuchung dar. Diese wurde 1991/1992 durchgeführt und untersuchte Unterschiede in der Depressivität, Angst, Somatisierung sowie im berichteten Essverhalten zwischen Studentinnen in Dresden und Marburg. Probanden und Methode: Von Oktober 2001 bis April 2002 wurden die psychischen Beschwerden und das Essverhalten bei Dresdner und Marburger Studenten untersucht. In die vorliegende Arbeit gingen Daten von 221 Studentinnen ein. Es wurden dieselben standardisierten Erhebungsinstrumente wie in der Originaluntersuchung eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Im Unterschied zu der Originalstudie konnte keine höhere Depressivität bei der westdeutschen Stichprobe nachgewiesen werden. Stattdessen gaben ostdeutsche Studentinnen signifikant mehr Angstsymptome an als westdeutsche. Daneben gab es Hinweise auf einen stärker ausgeprägten Schlankheitswunsch der Ostdeutschen. Insgesamt wiesen die ostdeutschen Studentinnen in allen Verfahren höhere Mittelwerte auf als 10 Jahre vorher. Diskussion: Die Studie bestätigt vorliegende Ergebnisse, wonach nur geringe Unterschiede in der psychischen Befindlichkeit in Ost- und Westdeutschland bestehen. Allerdings sind in den letzten 10 Jahren Veränderungen geschehen, die aufgrund fehlender Längsschnittstudien nicht eruiert wurden. Die höhere Ausprägung der Angstsymptomatik der ostdeutschen Studentinnen wird als ein Sozialisationsergebnis interpretiert. / Background: After the German unification, several studies have focused on differences in the psychological health of people in East and West Germany. The current study is a replication of the Basten et al. study [Psychological wellbeing and health in a unified Germany: An East-West-comparison of two student samples. Verhaltenstherapie 1994;4:90–95] 10 years after the original research of 1991/1992. It investigated differences in depression, anxiety and bodily symptoms as well as problematic eating behaviour in female university students in Dresden (East Germany) and Marburg (West Germany). Subjects and Methods: From October 2001 to April 2002, we investigated psychological symptoms and eating behaviour in students of the universities of Dresden and Marburg. The current report includes data of 221 female students. We used the same standardized measures as had been used in the original research. Results: In contrast to the original study, students from West Germany did no longer exhibit higher depression scores. Instead, students from East Germany showed significantly increased anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, there was a trend towards a higher drive for thinness in East German students. In all, students from Dresden showed higher mean values in all measures than 10 years before. Discussion: This study corroborates results that there are only minor differences in psychological health between people in East and West Germany. However, our findings point out that during the past decade subtle changes might have occurred which have not been detected through lack of longitudinal investigations. The higher level of anxiety in East German students could be a result of socialisation. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Iron Status of Students at North Texas State University

Orgeron, Judy 05 1900 (has links)
Hematocrit, serum-iron and iron-binding capacity were used to test the iron status of a sample of fifty-six volunteer students. Subjects completed a questionnaire to examine whether a correlation exists between iron status and iron knowledge. The sample, including 20 males and 36 females, consisted of ten nutrition majors , eight biology majors, thirty-eight other majors, and eight vegetarians. The four measures revealed that a high prevalence of iron deficiency did not exist in this student population. Other findings: sex and iron status are not related; no correlation exists between iron knowledge and iron status; and vegetarians have an iron status comparable to that of non-vegetarians.

Mental Health, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Perceived Burdens of University Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Germany

Kohls, Elisabeth, Baldofski, Sabrina, Moeller, Raiko, Klemm, Sarah-Lena, Rummel-Kluge, Christine 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting everyone’s daily life in unknown measures since its outbreak. Nearly all Universities around the globe were affected. Further, young people and University students in particular, are known to be vulnerable for developing mental disorders. This study aims to examine the mental health social and emotional well-being and perceived burdens of University students during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Germany. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and anonymous online survey among University students assessed mental health status with standardized measures (depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug consumption, and eating disorder symptoms), attitudes toward the COVID-19 pandemic and perceived burdens, and social and emotional aspects of the pandemic (social support, perceived stress, loneliness, and self-efficacy). Results: In total, N = 3,382 German University students participated. Nearly half of the students (49%) reported that they are worried or very much worried about the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority supports the governmental lockdown measures (85%). A Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) sum score of 10 or above, indicating clinically relevant depressive symptoms, was reported by 37% (n = 1,249). The PHQ-9 sum score was on average 8.66 (SD = 5.46). Suicidal thoughts were indicated by 14.5%of the participants. Levels of depressive symptoms differed significantly for the different self-rated income changes during the pandemic (increase, decrease, no change in income). Further, levels of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation differed significantly for students from different faculties. Multiple regression analyses revealed that not being a parent, having no indirect social contact one or two times a week, higher perceived stress, higher experienced loneliness, lower social support, and lower self-efficacy significantly predicted higher scores of depressive symptoms, also higher hazardous alcohol use, and higher levels of eating disorder symptoms. Other aspects of lifestyle such as social and cultural activities, dating, and hobbies were reported to be negatively affected during the pandemic. Conclusion: The present study implies that University students are vulnerable and due to elevated depressive symptoms at risk, being hit hard by the pandemic, but are in general coping adaptively. Low-threshold online interventions promoting help-seeking and also targeting various mental health conditions might bridge the gap the COVID-19 pandemic opened up recently.

Malaysia's Changing Media Environment and Youth Political Engagement — Student Voices from 2010

Rathore, Animesh S. 22 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Aspiring Physicians from Low-Income Backgrounds: Experiences of Barriers and Facilitators to a Career in Medicine / Low-income Barriers and Facilitators to a Career in Medicine

De Freitas, Chanté January 2019 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Students from low-income backgrounds (LIB) have been underrepresented in Canadian medical schools for over fifty years. Despite our awareness of this problem, little is known about the experiences of aspiring physicians from LIB in Canada who are working towards medical school admission. As a result, we do not have insight into the barriers and facilitators that may be used to increase the representation of students from LIB in Canadian medical schools. METHODS: This thesis describes a qualitative description interview study aimed at understanding the experiences of aspiring physicians from LIB as they attempt to gain entry to medical school. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 participants at different stages of their undergraduate, master’s, and non-medical professional education. RESULTS: We used the theories of intersectionality and identity capital as a theoretical framework for identifying barriers and facilitators to a career in medicine. Participants experienced social, identity-related, economic, structural, and informational barriers to a career in medicine. Intrinsic facilitators included motivation, self-confidence, attitude, strategy, information seeking and sorting, and financial literacy and increasing income. Extrinsic facilitators were social, informational, financial, and institutional in nature. CONCLUSION: This study fills existing gaps in the literature by identifying the pre-admissions barriers and facilitators encountered by aspiring physicians from LIB. This information will be useful to medical schools, organizations, and researchers interested in supporting underrepresented groups. Given that medical students from LIB are more likely to serve underserved populations, this is relevant to Canadian medical schools’ social accountability commitment to producing physicians that meet the health needs of marginalized and vulnerable patients. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / GOALS: This thesis describes an interview study aimed at understanding the experiences of aspiring physicians from low-income backgrounds (LIB) as they attempt to gain entry to medical school. Interviews were conducted with 15 participants at different stages of their undergraduate, master’s, and non-medical professional education. CONTRIBUTIONS: This study fills existing gaps in the literature by identifying the pre-admissions barriers and facilitators encountered by aspiring physicians from LIB. Participants experienced social, identity-related, economic, structural, and informational barriers to a career in medicine. Intrinsic facilitators included motivation, self-confidence, attitude, strategy, information seeking and sorting, and financial literacy and increasing income. Extrinsic facilitators were social, informational, financial, and institutional. This information will be useful to medical schools, supportive organizations and researchers interested in supporting underrepresented groups.

Predictors of Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Among Kuwait University Students

Al-Rowaie, Odah O. 21 December 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this study was: (1) to investigate Kuwait University (KU) students' attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help; and (2) to investigate if family, friends, and societal support played a role in the student's decision to seek professional psychological help as measured by the Family, Friends, and Societal Support Scale (FFSS), which was developed by the author. Other assessment tools used in the study included: (1) Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale (ATSPPHS) as developed by Fischer and Turner (1970); (2) Orientation Toward Utilization of Social Resources (OTUSR) as developed by Vaux, Burda, and Stewart (1986); (3) a modified Life Stress Events Scale (LSE) based on 18 items selected from the 43 items Social Readjustment Scale published by Holmes and Rahe (1967); and (4) Demographic Data Sheet (DDS). A total of 529 participants completed all five assessment tools. The results indicated that KU students have less favorable attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help than groups studied by other researchers. The results also supported previous research, which found females, in general, to have more favorable attitudes toward seeking professional help than males. Individuals who received previous counseling were more likely to have favorable attitudes toward seeking professional help than those who did not receive such help. Students who majored or minored in psychology had more favorable attitudes toward counseling than those who were not psychology majors or minors. The newly developed scale, FFSS, was an effective predictor of KU students' attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help and explained more variance in ATSPPHS scores than any other predictors used in the study. / Ph. D.

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