Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban design."" "subject:"arban design.""
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URBAN SEGREGATION AND URBAN FORM : From residential segregation to segregation in public spaceLegeby, Ann January 2010 (has links)
Urban segregation is considered a major social problem in Sweden and several national anti-segregation initiatives have been launched to decrease social and ethnic segregation but so far only with marginal effects (SOU 2005:29). Urban design and town planning are rarely the focus in national anti-segregation initiatives; the architectural issue has mainly been confined to matters concerning housing policies. This thesis argues that the strong focus on residential segregation in prevailing research on urban segregation is unfortunate and skewed, confusing issues related to urban design.This licentiate thesis explores urban segregation in relation to urban form because physical separation between people or between activities has an obvious direct relationship to how cities are shaped and structured by built form. Urban public space is often neglected in discussions on segregation and this thesis suggests that its role has been underrated. If it can be shown that segregation in public space influences such aspects of life as accessibility to other people and amenities, movement flows, co-presence in public space, and movement patterns, then it can be established that urban public space – as it is structured and shaped by built form – very directly influences people’s everyday lives. The thesis explores how urban segregation can be conceptualized, analysed, and described in a way that increases knowledge and understanding regarding the role of urban form. Using a configurational morphological approach, this study shifts the focus by bringing attention to spatial relations within the city through public space, i.e., from spatial location to spatial relations. Hence, analysis focuses on distributions of space and through space rather than distributions in space. The result shows that configurational theories, methods, and tools contribute to more nuanced descriptions of spatial relations on both a local and a comprehensive level and analysis has the ability to shed light on essential differences in neighbourhoods and in the city as a whole. Using Södertälje as a case study, this thesis found a pronounced ruptured interface between the global and the local structure that clearly speaks of segregation in public space; this finding suggests that whether the neighbourhoods are residentially segregated or not, public space in most areas already is segregated. Results show that the built environment has a significant influence: urban space can both reinforce and mitigate certain social outcomes. This thesis identifies various negative social consequences of the hierarchical and segregated spatial structure found in Södertälje. Although it is not possible to say that integration processes are hindered by urban form, it is possible to conclude that spatial properties may both create and reproduce segregation patterns.Segregation in public space is found to be a far more urgent issue in the context of urban segregation than earlier recognised, and the result shows that urban form has a distinguishable influence on people’s everyday lives. This understanding opens for the possibility to address urban segregation from an urban design perspective, contributing to a significant discussion of space and society as well as issues related to urban sustainability. The findings of this study widen the possibility for urban design practice to be an important tool within anti-segregation initiatives in the future, a tool that in Sweden is used only to a very limited extent. / <p>QC 20101109</p>
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Neoliberal Urbanization in the case of Istanbul : Spatial Manifestations and Ways of Contesting ItEkmekci, Onur January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessing the health potential of urban green space in an urban planning and design context : A comparative case study in the city of Stockholm on differences in accessibility, quality, and inclusivityReich, Steven Lee Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Urban green spaces (UGS) can produce health-improving (salutogenic) and equigenic effects that narrow the health gap between disadvantaged and affluent neighbourhoods. Yet, the magnitude of such effects relies on the quality of a UGS. Various studies have found UGS quality to be worse in low-income neighbourhoods. Thus, the equigenic potential is often negated. This thesis examines if these findings can be replicated within the city of Stockholm. For this, two quality domains were identified. (1) The accessibility to a UGS determines the exposure to health benefits, as barriers to entry afford usage only to some individuals. (2) The salutogenic potentiality, determined by various qualities, influences the UGS’s ability to produce health-improving effects. For the assessment of these domains, the UGS Quality Audit Tool (UQAT) was developed, which uses GIS analysis and in-situ audits to assess 64 indicators. The UQAT produces an accessibility score, salutogenic potentiality score, total score, and individual inclusivity scores. In this thesis, the tool was used in a comparative case study of twelve UGS in six Stockholm neighbourhoods. The UGS were sorted into three groups depending on their neighbourhood’s socioeconomic status (SES) and health resilience. The aim was to determine whether the quality of the UGS differed significantly between groups. The results replicate findings from other countries, showing a significantly lower salutogenic potentiality for the UGS in low-SES neighbourhoods. Similarly, UGS gender-inclusivity scores were also significantly lower in low-SES neighbourhoods. While similar tendencies were identified concerning salutogenic potentiality and health resilience, these findings were not conclusive. Lastly, no significant relations to neighbourhood health or SES were found for accessibility or the other inclusivity categories. The findings suggest that investments into the quality of UGS in low-SES neighbourhoods are needed to create a more equitable and inclusive Stockholm.
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Public space contact in the Södra station area : A place for public life / Offentlig närvaro i Södra stationsområdet : En stadsdel för offentligt livBäckstedt, Linda Sofi January 2014 (has links)
Södra station area is a central neigbourhood at Södermalm, that was planned and built during the 1980s. During that time it was one of the largest postmodern urban planning projects in Stockholm. The intent was to imitate the urban pattern of the central parts of Stockholm with its mixed-use diversity, hence to “promote a rich social life” (Idétävling omSödra stationsområdet 1980, 4). This project investigates the urban form of the Södrastation area, focusing on the interface between public and private space, and proposing new urban features and land-use programs to further support and encourage public life in a central part of Södermalm. Observation of the area and refernance research show that the urban form of the Södra station area deviates form its surroundings and has low support towards its public spaces. How may the streets and the public spaces of the area be enliven? / Södra stationsområdet är en centralt belägen stadsdel på Södermalm. Området planerades och byggdes under 90-talet. Under den tiden var det den största postmoderna stadsbyggnadsinsatsen i Stockholm. Avsikten vid planarbetet var att forsätta på innerstadens blandstadsstruktur för att "befrämja ett rikt social liv" (Idétävling omSödra stationsområdet 1980, 4). Det här examensarbetet undersöker den urbana formen av Södra stationsområdet med fokus på gränssnittet mellan privat och offentlig mark. Därtill föreslås en strategi med nya urbana inslag och markanvändningsprogram med syftet att både stödja och uppmuntra det offentliga livets kontinuitet i en central del av Södermalm. Observation av stadsdelen och forskningsreferenser visar att områdets stadsstruktur avviker från de omkringliggande stadsdelarna och ger i dess utformning svagt stöd mot offentliga utrymmen. På vilka sätt kan man uppmuntra till livfulla offentliga miljöer?
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Investigation of the “BREEAM Communities” tool with respect to urban designVenou, Athina January 2014 (has links)
Urbanisation is an increasing phenomenon especially the last years, which is of major concern due to the damage that can cause on environmental components such as climate, biosphere, land and water resources. A prevalent way to control this damage and mitigate the negative impacts of urban areas, lately, is considered the use of international tools like BREEAM Communities. BREEAM Communities is a third party assessment and certification standard that assesses, rates and certifies international processes, addressing environmental, social and economic sustainability objectives that can have an impact on large-scale development projects. A prevailing aspect of an urban development process is the urban design part which demands a lot of effort during the whole process. This study, focuses on how BREEAM Communities incorporates and influences the urban design of a large-scale development. By analysis of case studies regarding development projects in Sweden that either used BREEAM Communities or rejected it, qualitative interviews with relevant actors and quantitative analysis of the tool with charts and diagrams, the benefits and the drawbacks of the tool in relation to urban design are being explored. The main methods used for collecting and analysing the data are a theoretical approach, case studies analysis and interviews. Based on the overall qualitative and quantitative results of this study, the tool proved to be urban design sensitive since it includes a wide range of issues related to urban design and in particular, it has the potential to provide inspiration and support to the urban design team from an early stage throughout the process. Finally, a set of certain guidelines for architects and urban designers were prepared in order to optimise their job by setting priorities and to make their work more time and cost efficient. / Urbanisering har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren, vilket gör urbaniseringens negativa effekter på miljömässiga beståndsdelar som klimat, biosfär samt mark- och vattenresurser angelägna att utreda. Ett sätt att kontrollera och motverka de negativa miljöeffekterna från städer har varit genom att använda internationella verktyg som BREEAM Communities. BREEAM Communities är en tredjeparts utvärderings- och certifieringsverktyg vilket utvärderar, klassificerar och certifierar internationella processer genom att värdera miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt hållbara mål vilka kan påverka storskaliga utvecklingsprojekt. En stor beståndsdel i ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt är designdelen, vilken kräver mycket fokus under hela processen. Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på hur BREEAM Communities involverar och influerar stadsutvecklingen i ett storskaligt projekt. Genom att analysera utvecklingsprojekt i Sverige som antingen använde BREEAM Communities eller förkastade detta, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med relevanta aktörer och kvantitativa analyser av verktygen genom tabeller och diagram har fördelar och nackdelar med verktygen i relation till stadsutveckling och design utforskats. En teoretisk ansats har använts som huvudmetod för att samla in relevant data. Baserat på de kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultaten framträdde ett resultat som visar att verktygen var användbara vid stadsutveckling eftersom de inkluderar en lång rad olika frågor och har potential att tillhandahålla inspiration och support för stadsutvecklingsteamet redan från ett tidigt stadie i processen. Dessutom var en del hjälpmedel förberedda för arkitekter och urbana designers för att optimera deras arbete genom att sätta upp en prioriteringslista och genom att göra deras arbete mer tids- och kostnadseffektivt. / Research project at the Division of Environmental Strategies Analysis, KTH
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Nové využití bývalých vojenských areálů v Brně / New use of the former military sites in BrnoPagáč, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the work was to create a concept of land design after the former Jaselské barracks in the locality of Brno-Ponava. The proposal addresses urban ties in the area and their possible use in the coming years. The work is based on the concept of the zoning plan of Brno, where a new street connection is being created between Šumavská and Sportovní streets. A new block of flats is proposed here, containing the functions of housing, services, hotel accommodation and a multifunctional building. This project uses the potential of the area near to the city center and proposes other elements such as a new tram loop, two new streets and a living parterre oriented to the main street with commercial areas. The use of newly created courtyards in the form of front gardens and publicly accessible areas of urban greenery is also addressed here. This will create a new park inside the block itself. The proposal deals in more detail with possible layout solutions and variants of modern living in city center and offers apartments from the smallest sizes to above-standard housing layouts. The buildings facing Štefánikova Street are based on the traditional concept of facades and layouts. On the contrary, the proposed buildings in the eastern and southern part of the complex are based on the modern concept of apartment layouts and structural solutions of individual houses. In several buildings, large accessible galleries are designed, which allow to improve communication between the inhabitants of the house, but also mainly the comfort in using the house. All apartment buildings in the basement are equipped with garages designed for apartment residents. The dominant feature of the whole complex is a designed corner building and an axially mirrored hotel. For the rest of not only the locals, a simple wellness spa facility has been designed here, which gives a different view of our traditional czech spa. To complement the newly created apartments in this locality, there is also a location for a kindergarten, which is designed according to modern teaching methods and as much as possible with a feeling for the needs of little
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No description available.
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Utformning av offentliga platser för social hållbarhet : En del av den sociala handboken för Värmdö Kommun / Design of public places for social sustainability : A part of the social handbook for Värmdö MunicipalityJanzon, Ninve January 2022 (has links)
Social hållbarhet innefattar värdegrunder som är viktiga att främja för att möta de sociala utmaningar som samhället står inför. Inom stadsplanering tar arbetet med sådana frågor ofta skepnad som visioner och mål, men vägen från dessa strategiska principer till detaljplan och slutlig projektering är inte lika tydlig. Offentliga platser har en betydande roll i stadsutvecklingsfrågor gällande social hållbarhet, då de utgör rum för möten mellan människor. Den fysiska miljön kan användas för att främja inkludering, trygghet, och andra sociala värden i staden. Det finns olika teorier och perspektiv på vad som gör en offentlig plats framgångsrik, och hur den fysiska utformningen kan skapa förutsättningar för att stärka sociala värden. Bland annat bör en offentlig plats vara mångfaldig och skapa rum för engagemang och aktivitet i syfte att främja delaktighet och gemenskap. Samtidigt bör det formas förutsättningar för välbefinnande och inkludering av alla människor. Det finns teorier om gestaltningsprinciper för hur en offentlig plats kan formas för att främja dessa värden. Man talar bland annat om att skapa aktiva bottenvåningar och erbjuda en variation av aktiviteter. Även utformning av formella och informella sittplatser, samt beaktande av orientering, placering, avstånd och dimensioner kan skapa förutsättningar för olika former av sociala möten. Denna studie genomförs på uppdrag av Värmdö Kommun i syfte att ta fram en handbok för hur offentliga platser kan utformas för att främja social hållbarhet. Förutom en litteraturstudie av relevanta teorier och forskning genomförs denna uppsats med hjälp av en fallstudie. Med fokus på Gustavsberg i Värmdö Kommun har tre olika offentliga platser studerats; Gustavsbergs centrum, Stadsparken, och Gustavsbergs hamn. En platsanalys av områdena har genomförts för att studera attribut i den fysiska utformningen som främjar sociala värden i enlighet med identifierade teorier och forskning. Även en stadsrumsanalys har genomförts i syfte att studera vilka förutsättningar som skapas av stadens struktur. Utformningen av Gustavsbergs centrum karaktäriseras av främjande faktorer för att skapa engagemang och mångfaldighet, som följd av den variation av funktioner som finns. Stadsparken och dess öppna grönyta främjar välbefinnande och den framtida utvecklingen, med större variation av aktiviteter, erbjuder kvalitéer som kan tilltala fler målgrupper och skapa delaktighet och inkludering. Gustavsbergs hamn karaktäriseras av områdets kulturhistoria som bruksort, och utformningen av området präglas av den lokala identiteten. Även välbefinnande främjas genom bland annat offentlig konst, promenadstråk och sittplatser. Åtgärder för att skapa social blandning förespråkas också, genom att en variation av aktiviteter och stadsrum utformas för att tilltala fler målgrupper. / Social sustainability embraces values that are important to foster to meet the social challenges that society faces. In urban planning, working with such issues often involves creating visions and goals. However, the steps from these strategic principles to detailed and final planning are often unclear. Public places play a significant role in urban development issues regarding social sustainability, as they provide space for meetings between people. The physical environment of public places can be used to promote inclusion, safety, and other social values in the city. There are different theories and perspectives on what makes a public place successful, and how physical design can create the conditions for strengthening social values. Among other things, a public place should be diverse and create space for involvement and activity to promote participation and community. At the same time, conditions should be formed for the well-being and inclusion of all people. There are theories of design principles for how a public place can be shaped to promote these values. Among other things, there is talk of creating active ground floors and offering a variety of activities. Formal and informal seating, as well as consideration of orientation, location, distance, and dimensions can also create conditions for various forms of social meetings. This study is carried out on behalf of Värmdö Municipality to produce a handbook for how public places can be designed to promote social sustainability. In addition to a literature study of relevant theories and research, this essay is conducted as a case study. With a focus on Gustavsberg in Värmdö Municipality, three different public places have been studied; the Centrum for Gustavsberg, the City Park, and the Port of Gustavsberg. A site analysis of the areas has been conducted to study attributes in the physical design that promote social values in accordance with identified theories and research. An urban space analysis was also carried out to study the conditions created by the city's structure. The design of the Centrum of Gustavsberg is characterized by promoting factors for creating commitment and diversity, because of the variety of functions that exist. The City Park and its open green space promotes well-being, but the future development with greater variety of activities offers qualities that can appeal to more target groups and create participation and inclusion. The Port of Gustavsberg is characterized by the cultural history as an industrial area, and the design of the area is characterized by the local identity. Well-being is also promoted with the use of public art, walking paths and seating. Measures to create social mixing are also advocated, by designing a variety of activities and urban spaces to appeal to more target groups.
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Den förändrade användningen av allmänna platser under Covid-19-pandemin : En studie om hur samtida stadsutvecklingsprojekt fungerar i kristider / The changing use of public places during the Covid-19-pandemic : A study of contemporary development projects and how they operate in times of crisisSöderqvist, Alice, Billberg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Det har gått över ett år sedan viruset Covid-19 klassificerades som en pandemi i världen. Händelsen har förändrat vårt sätt att leva, på ett sätt som vi inte hade en aning om innan. Restriktioner, rekommendationer och nya lagändringar har abrupt implementerats i samhället. Genom att stanna hemma från vardagliga aktiviteter som skola och jobb, liksom att begränsa antalet personer i sin närhet, skulle sociala möten minska och viruset därmed hämmas. Viruset finns dock fortfarande omkring oss och vi fortsätter att anpassa oss. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur behovet av offentliga platser har förändrats under covid-19-pandemin och om dessa behov möts av stadsutformningen i Stockholm. Vidare undersöks om det är möjligt att skapa en tät stadsbebyggelse som främjar social hållbarhet och som fungerar i kristider. Stadsplaneringsideal förändras över tid och i detta nu ligger betoningen på mångfald, hållbarhet och stadsmässighet. Områdena Hammarby Sjöstad, Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Liljeholmskajen i Stockholm ligger till grund för undersökningen eftersom dessa är uppförda under samma tid och präglas av liknande stadsplaneringsideal. Metoden som har använts i studien utgörs av enkäter, en kvalitativ områdesanalys och intervjuer med boende i respektive område. Studien visar att varken de nationella rekommendationerna eller stadens egna visioner för utformning av nya stadsbyggnadsprojekt har beaktats någon högre grad i de undersökta områdena. Låg prioritering av grönområden och parker är ett exempel, ytor för barn är ett annat, vilket framkommer av de kvalitativa områdesanalyserna. Enkätresultatet från områdesundersökningen stöder tidigare studier som visar att människor använder rekreationsområden, som parker och grönområden, i större utsträckning under pandemin. Utbudet av service i närområdet verkar också spela en större roll under pandemin. En slutsats är att den upplevda tätheten bör prioriteras i stadsplaneringen för att skapa socialt hållbara stadsmiljöer. Genom att inkludera multifunktionalitet i formandet av allmänna platser tror vi att temporära samhällsförändringar och krav lättare kan mötas. / It has been over a year since the cov-sars-19 virus was categorised as a pandemic across the world. It has changed our way of living in a way we did not see coming. Restrictions, recommendations and laws were rapidly introduced in society. By staying home from everyday activities such as school and work, as well as reducing the amount of people one meets, gatherings would be reduced, and the virus could be fought. Yet, we are still trying to adapt. The aim of this study is to analyse the new needs of public spaces during the pandemic and whether the built environment in Stockholm meets those expectations. Further, it seeks to examine whether it is possible to create an urban agglomeration while focusing on a socially sustainable environment that would also be suitable during times of crisis. City planning changes over time and forms new ideals and principles. Currently, diversity, sustainability, and urbanity are important ways of thinking about city planning. Therefore, this study has focused on three areas in Stockholm: Hammarby Sjöstad, The Stockholm Royal Seaport, and Liljeholmskajen. Those areas are all the result of the same way of planning. The methods used in this study are questionnaires for each area, as well as a qualitative analysis and interviews. Despite the existence of national recommendations and visions for planning new urban areas, it appears that there is a difference in how they have been taken into consideration for the areas in this study. Between the areas, there is an obvious difference in the implementation of green areas, playgrounds, and parks, among other things. This observation emerges from the results of the questionnaires, as well as from the theory. A distinct pattern of much greater use by residents of recreational areas such as parks and other green spaces than before the pandemic can also be observed. This is a result of needing spaces in the city where distancing is possible. The neighborhood and its supply of services tends to play a bigger role during the pandemic. The study concludes that to be able to create socially sustainable environments, it is important to focus on the perceived density in city planning. By incorporating multifunctionality in the form of public spaces, we believe temporary changes and demands can more easily be met.
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Canvas and Catalyst: Reinventing Urban SpaceBorges, Ricardo A 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
As an intervention strategy set amid a stark and neglected, yet highly energized urban setting of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this project seeks to relieve a stagnating urban condition through the introduction of contemporary and dynamic forms of expression. Skateboarding and street art can be seen as interpretative modes of action that reinvent objects, spaces, and conditions within the urban landscape, lending creative and engaging gestures to the everyday. As (sub) cultural expressions in their own right, these practices transcend their mere formal representations, and present unique identities, spaces, and modes of engagement within a society, initiating a creative mindset and DIY ethos among its respective practitioners. By putting these forms into action through programmatic functions of exhibition, practice, cultivation and production, this project aspires to channel the transformative qualities of these art forms into a design intervention that will animate a neglected urban space with new activities and opportunities as well as serving as a much needed public space of art, leisure, and excitement.
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