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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daňové podvody v oblasti DPH / VAT frauds

Kohoutová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the dissertation thesis is a case of the right deduct to input VAT which let companies to be involved into carousel frauds. The thesis analyses the related cases and examines in which conditions it may be legitimate to entitle the right to deduct recognize and when it is not. It also discusses the possible ways how to deal safely with partners. Moreover, it also examines which steps need to be taken into the consideration to reduce tax evasion on VAT which have been done recently in the Czech Republic.

The consequences of land expropriations in terms of the South African Vat Act

Smit, Roxane 19 July 2013 (has links)
The VAT consequences of land expropriations appear to be a grey area with no definitive answer as to which expropriations are zero rated or vatable at 14%. While it is generally understood that the government performs expropriations, there are many departments within the government that have authority to perform these expropriations independently. Based on section 11(1)(s) and (t) of the VAT Act, depending on which department performs the expropriation and under which Act the expropriations are made it will be determined whether the expropriation will attract VAT at 14% or 0%. However, the detail contained in section 11(1)(s) and (t) does not lend itself to a clear cut explanation as to the motive behind why some expropriations are zero rated and others that are fundamentally similar are vatable at 14%. This study performs a comparison of expropriations under the Housing Act, Restitution of Land Rights Act and the Provision of Land and Assistance Act and their VAT consequences. The purpose of this study is to try and find the driving factor that determines the VAT consequences of the different expropriations and to determine whether there is a commonality. The study performs an analysis of the expropriating authorities of the different Acts mentioned above and determines whether their VAT vendor status has an influence as to whether VAT is levied at 0% or 14% or whether the entire transaction is an exempt supply. The conclusion reached is that the most appropriate course of action would be to apply a blanket rule of zero rating the supply. This would reduce confusion and uncertainty relating to the VAT consequences and would also assist all parties concerned to have the same expectation. It is important that the South African Revenue Service provides some guidelines to assist in understanding the VAT consequences of expropriations in South Africa, as they will be required to enforce the legislation. AFRIKAANS : Die BTW-gevolge van grondonteienings blyk ‘n grys gebied te wees met geen duidelike antwoorde wanneer dit kom by watter van hierdie onteienings onderhewig is aan nulkoers en watter onteienings belasbaar is teen 14% nie. Alhoewel die algemene gevoel is dat die regering onteienings uitvoer, is daar wel departemente binne die regering wat die volmag het om hierdie onteienings onafhanklik toe te pas. Op grond van artikel 11(1)(e) en (t) van die BTW-wet, sal vasgestel word watter onteienings aan 14% of nulkoers BTW onderhewig is deur te kyk na watter departement die onteienings uitvoer en onder watter wet die onteienings gemaak is. Die detail wat in artikel 11(1)(e) en (t) vervat word is nie heeltemal duidelik oor hoekom sekere onteienings aan nulkoers onderhewig is en ander, wat fundamenteel dieselfde is, belasbaar is teen 14% nie. ʼn Vergelyking van onteienings wat onder die Wet op Behuising, Wet op Herstel van Grondregte en die Wet op die Beskikbaarstelling van Grond en Bystand plaasvind, asook die BTW-gevolge van elke wet, word deur middel van hierdie studie gemaak. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal watter faktore die BTW-gevolge van die verskillende onteienings bepaal, en of die faktore iets in gemeen het. Die studie analiseer die onteieningsgesag wat by die verskillende wette soos hierbo genoem ter sprake is en bepaal of die BTW-ondernemer-status ‘n invloed het op of 1) BTW teen nulkoers of 14% toegedien word en of 2) die hele transaksie ‘n nie-belasbare lewering is. Die gevolgtrekking wat bereik word is dat die mees geskikte plan van aksie sal wees om alle lewerings onderhewig te maak aan ‘n nulkoers. Dit sal verwarring en onsekerheid met betrekking tot die BTW-gevolge verminder en verseker dat alle betrokke partye dieselfde verwagting sal hê. Dit is belangrik dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens riglyne sal verskaf wat kan help om die BTW-gevolge van onteienings in Suid-Afrika verstaanbaar te maak, aangesien daar in elk geval van die regering vereis word om wetgewing af te dwing. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Taxation / unrestricted

Daňová optimalizace při změně právní formy podnikání z fyzické osoby na společnost s ručením omezeným / Tax Optimization in Change of Legal Form from a Sole Entrepreneur to a Limited Company

Němcová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the changes in the legal form of business from individuals to corporate, namely the limited liability company. The work is focused on the method of taxation of natural and legal persons, individual ability to switch between these legal forms and evaluate the pros and cons of various forms of business. The aim is to communicate the business advantages and disadvantages of different forms of taxation of business, entrepreneurs propose a change of legal form and to acquaint him with the steps that are needed to change the legal form to do.

Tax implications for business rescues in South African Law

Du Toit, Leo 24 July 2013 (has links)
The South African Revenue Service has in the past had difficulty in applying debt forgiveness in cases of corporate and business rescues. Taxation legislation was drafted to counter innovative section 311 schemes of arrangements where the sole purpose was to obtain maximum taxations benefits in relation to entities in financial difficulties. This approach was only concerned with the interests of the Revenue authorities. The central theme of this study focuses of the procedures now available to tax authorities and debtors alike when compromises were and are considered in South Africa in terms of income tax and company legislation. The South Africa Revenue Service’s approach the corporate rehabilitation is examined which is vital for investors, creditors and debtors alike. A comparative study with similar procedures in England is undertaken to establish how valid the procedures are in establishing a viable corporate rescue environment in South Africa in the future. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Procedural Law / unrestricted

I problemi del fondamento e della genesi delle azioni collettive nel sistema filosofico di John Searle.

Zucatti, Tommaso 26 July 2022 (has links)
La presente tesi ha come oggetto due problemi della filosofia di John Searle, entrambi definibili come problemi del fondamento. Il primo è il problema del fondamento vero e proprio, e cioè il problema del tentativo di Searle di ancorare la mente umana (con la sua irriducibilità ontologica) alla realtà fisica e naturale, attraverso un’inedita soluzione del problema mente-corpo che prende il nome di naturalismo biologico. Il secondo è, invece, il problema del fondamento della realtà sociale, e cioè il problema del tentativo di Searle di collocare tanto l’origine ontologica quanto il principio esplicativo della realtà sociale e istituzionale dentro la coscienza (ogni singola coscienza) e, in particolare, nell’intenzionalità collettiva. In questo senso, la presente tesi ha lo scopo di mostrare che i tentativi di Searle non sembrano essere andati del tutto a buon fine. Per quanto riguarda il primo – e cioè il problema del fondamento vero e proprio – si cercherà di mostrare che a) il naturalismo biologico sembra essere fondato su una metafisica a livelli non adeguatamente sviluppata per sorreggerlo e giustificarlo, e che, di conseguenza, b) il naturalismo biologico non sembra essere quella soluzione semplice al problema mente-corpo che pretende di essere. Per quanto riguarda il secondo – e cioè il problema del fondamento della realtà sociale – si cercherà di mostrare che a) il costruttivismo sociale di Searle sembra sfociare in una forma di solipsismo apparentemente incompatibile con qualsiasi concetto di intenzionalità collettiva, ma che, ciononostante, b) sembra esserci una soluzione per questo problema non solo interna alla filosofia della mente di Searle, ma anche in grado di svilupparne le potenzialità inespresse.

Postglazialer Anstieg des Meeresspiegels, Paläoklima und Hydrographie, aufgezeichnet in Sedimenten der Bermuda inshore waters / Postglacial rise of sea level, palaeoclimate and hydrography, recorded in sediments of the Bermuda inshore waters

Vollbrecht, Rüdiger Dr. 13 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

A critical evaluation of the VAT treatment of transactions commonly undertaken by a partnership

Scholtz, Ricardo Christian 18 November 2019 (has links)
In this dissertation, I critically evaluate the VAT treatment of common partnership transactions that are encountered during the life of a partnership. Of great significance, is that at common law a partnership is not regarded as a person, but for VAT purposes it is treated as a separate person. This creates a strong dichotomy between the general legal nature, and the VAT character of a partnership transaction. The partnership and the VAT law dichotomy, is an important theme that runs through most of the thesis. Only once I have established the nature of the transaction for VAT purposes – whether in keeping with or differing from the common law – do I apply the relevant provisions of the VAT Act to determine the VAT implications of the transaction. An important general principle is that what is supplied or acquired by the body of persons who make up the partnership, within the course and scope of its common purpose, is for VAT purposes, supplied or acquired by the partnership as a separate person. I conclude that there are difficulties and uncertainties regarding the application of the provisions of the VAT Act to various partnership transactions. For the sake of certainty and simplicity, I propose amendments to the current provisions that are relevant to partnership transactions, and also propose additional provisions. The proposed amendments seek to align with the purpose of the VAT Act and the principles upon which it is based, and also to adhere to internationally accepted principles for a sound VAT system. I also pinpoint those aspects of the VAT Act that can be clarified by the SARS in an interpretation statement. I further identify issues that require more research, eg issues arising from a partnership’s participation in cross-border trade. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Geochemie Porifera-reicher Mud Mounds und Mikrobialithe des Mittel- und Oberdevons (Westaustralien, Nordfrankreich) / Geochemistry of Porifera-rich mud mounds and microbialites of the Middle and Upper Devonian (Western Australia, Northern France)

Hühne, Cathrin 07 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Les dates de naissance des créances / Dates of origination of claims

Noirot, Renaud 28 November 2013 (has links)
C’est le droit des entreprises en difficulté qui a permis de mettre en évidence la complexité que pouvait revêtir la détermination de la date de naissance des créances. Or, celle-ci apparaît fondamentale en droit privé. Constituant le critère d’application de certains mécanismes juridiques, elle incarne l’existence de la créance et représente dès lors un enjeu pour toute règle de droit ayant celle-ci pour objet ou pour condition. Deux courants doctrinaux s’opposent, la thèse classique fixe la date de naissance au stade de la formation du contrat, tandis que des thèses modernes la fixent au stade de l’exécution du contrat. La thèse matérialiste, fondée sur le droit des entreprises en difficultés, fait naître la créance de prix au fur et à mesure de l’exécution de la contre-prestation. La thèse périodique, reposant sur une réflexion doctrinale quant aux contrats à exécution successive, fait renaître toutes les créances du contrat à chaque période contractuelle. L’examen des thèses moderne à l’aune des mécanismes juridique qui ne peuvent qu’incarner la véritable date de naissance de l’authentique créance aboutit à leur invalidité. La thèse classique se trouve donc à nouveau consacrée. Mais la résistance que lui oppose le droit des entreprises en difficulté ne peut reposer sur la technique d’une fiction juridique, car d’autres manifestations du même phénomène peuvent être mises en évidence en dehors de ce domaine. Un changement de paradigme s’impose donc pour résoudre le hiatus. Derrière ce phénomène persistant se cache en réalité une autre vision, une autre conception de la créance, la créance économique qui vient s’articuler avec la créance juridique dans le système de droit privé pour le compléter. La dualité des dates de naissance recèle donc en son sein une dualité du concept de créance lui-même, la créance juridique classique et la créance économique. La créance économique n’est pas un droit subjectif personnel. Elle n’est pas la créance juridique. Elle n’est pas autonome de la créance juridique et ne doit pas être confondue avec une créance née d’un cas d’enrichissement sans cause. La créance économique représente la valeur produite par le contrat au fur et à mesure de l’exécution de sa prestation caractéristique. Elle permet de corriger l’application ordinaire du concept de créance juridique par en assurant la fonction de corrélation des produits et des charges d’un bien ou d’une activité. Ses domaines d’application sont divers. Outre son utilisation dans les droits comptable et fiscal, la créance économique permet la détermination de la quotité cédée dans le cadre d’une cession de contrat, la détermination du gage constitué par un patrimoine d’affectation dans le cadre de la communauté légale, de l’EIRL ou encore de la fiducie, ainsi que la détermination du passif exempté de la discipline d’une procédure collective. Dans ces domaines, ce n’est donc pas la date de naissance de la créance juridique qui s’applique, mais la date de naissance de la créance économique. La cohérence du système de droit privé se trouve donc ainsi restaurée quant à la date de naissance de la créance. / It is the laws governing companies experiencing difficulties which have revealed the complexity of determining the dates of the origination of the claims. And yet this appears to be fundamental in private law. As it constitutes the criterion for implementing certain legal mechanisms, it epitomizes the existence of the claim and hence represents a challenge for any rule of law in which the existence of this claim is a goal or condition. There are two conflicting doctrinal currents: the traditional approach sets the date of origination at the stage of the formation of the contract, while modern approaches situate it at the stage of the execution of the contract. The materialistic approach, based on the law governing companies experiencing difficulties, staggers the origination of the price debt over the period of the execution of the service. The periodical approach, which relies on a doctrinal reflection on successive execution contracts, is that of the re-origination of all the claims under the contract at each contractual period. An examination of the modern approaches, under the auspices of the legal mechanisms which can only epitomize the true date of origination of the authentic claim leads to the invalidity thereof. The traditional approach is therefore once again consecrated. But the resistance constituted by the laws governing companies in difficulty cannot rely on the technique of legal fiction, because other manifestations of the same phenomenon can be identified outside this domain. Therefore, a change of paradigm is in order if the hiatus is to be resolved. Behind this persistent phenomenon lies in fact another vision, another concept of the claim: the economic claim which, interwoven with the legal claim in the private law system, supplements it. The duality of the dates of origination therefore conceals in its bosom the duality of the very concept of a claim, the traditional legal claim and the economic claim. The economic claim is not a subjective personal right. It is not a legal claim. It is not autonomous of the legal claim and must not be confused with a claim originating in a case of unwarranted enrichment. The economic claim represents the value produced by the contract as the service which characterizes it is provided. It permits the rectification of the ordinary application of the concept of legal claim by ensuring the function of correlating the proceeds with the costs of a commodity or an activity. Its domains of application are varied. In addition to its use in accounting and fiscal law, the economic claim permits the determination of the portion transferred in the context of the transfer of a contract, the determination of the collateral consisting in a special-purpose fund in the context of a legal joint estate, a limited liability individual contractor or a trust, as well as the determination of the liabilities which escape the discipline of collective proceedings. In these domains, it is therefore not the date of origination of the legal claim which applies, but the date of origination of the economic claim. The coherence of the private law system is therefore restored as concerns the date of the origination of the claim.

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