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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre percepções e práticas narradas por consumidores em relação a dietas baseadas em plantas, como subsídio para soluções climáticas e transformações sociais

Lazarin, Lucas Roecker January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação se compõe, primeiro, de uma análise interdisciplinar e de macromarketing sobre o mercado alimentar com enfoque nos problemas da atual configuração centrada em carnes e lácteos. Levantando diversos estudos recentes e relatórios de áreas climática, ambiental, econômica, da saúde, da nutrição, da antropologia e da ética, apresenta-se vantagens de uma reconfiguração na ordem do mercado alimentar devido ao protagonismo dos produtos de origem animal na emissão de gases de efeito estufa, mudança no uso da terra, pressão pelo desmatamento, uso e poluição da água, perda da biodiversidade, ameaça à segurança alimentar global, inerente ineficiência econômica, reforço às desigualdades socioeconômicas, proliferação de novas doenças transmissíveis, impactos à saúde do consumidor, sustentação de altos índices de mortalidade humana e violação dos direitos dos animais. A partir dessa análise de macromarketing, se propõe uma reconfiguração vegana do mercado alimentar como importante alternativa para aliviar, de modo integrado, esse conjunto de problemas enfretandos pela sociedade contemporânea. Nesse sentido, uma reconfiguração sociotécnica para favorecer padrões alimentares veganos mostra-se como alternativa à sustentabilidade, especialmente em relação às mudanças climáticas, dado que essa transformação é indicada como relevante estratégia de mitigação e de adaptação, concomitantemente Diversas dificuldades para tal reconfiguração estão alinhadas à constante reiteração das práticas sociais através do habitus e outros dispositivos para a manutenção da atual estrutura e ordem socioecônomica. Por isso, transformações no mercado alimentar são complexas, dadas as relações de poder, relativas aos interesses dos diversos atores direta e indiretamente beneficiados economicamente, e das bases culturais e históricas que sustentam práticas envolvidas nesse consumo. Assim, compreender as influências sobre o comportamento do consumidor, entendendo-o como um agente inserido em estruturas e dinâmicas sociais, é essencial — embora não suficiente — para estudar a transformação de um mercado. Por isso, propõe-se um estudo, de certa forma amplo, com consumidores para compreender elementos que operam dificultando, e eventualmente facilitando, a transformação vegana de suas práticas de consumo alimentar. Através de uma coleta empírita, exploratória e de multimétodo, com ativa participação de 54 consumidores que mantêm diferentes padrões de consumo alimentar em relação à ingestão de produtos de origem animal, foi possível identificar e compreender elementos que operam como barreiras e como facilitadores à ruptura de hábitos alimentares baseados em carnes e derivados de animais e à manutenção de novos hábitos alimentares à base de plantas Para tanto, utilizou-se entrevistas em profundidade e questionários abertos aplicados online; estratégias de coleta essas em que se pôde obter reconstruções narrativas de memórias, experiências cotidianas e crenças com a participação de consumidores categorizados como reducetarianos, vegetarianos e veganos; e também se obteve percepções, projeções e algumas experiências de consumidores que mantêm suas práticas alimentares conforme o padrão centrado em carnes. Em análises integradas desses diversos dados qualitativos, incluindo também, para ilustração, evidências midiáticas e dados de coleta de campo do contexto em estudo, pôde-se compreender como operam enquanto barreiras e facilitadores alguns elementos. Nessas análises, os comportamentos de consumo alimentar puderam ser compreendidos como práticas sociais inseridas em dinâmicas complexas, envolvendo não apenas aspectos individuais de nível cognitivo e biofísico, mas aspectos materiais e aspectos de ordem sociocultural — sobretudo da ordem de mercado. Intenciona-se contribuir teórica e metodológicamente para estudos sobre transformações nos padrões de consumo em favor de lógicas mais sustentáveis e gerar subsídios a organizações alinhadas a transformações veganas no mercado alimentar. / This master's thesis is composed, firstly, by an interdisciplinary and macromarketing analysis of the food market, focusing on the problems of the current configuration centered on meats and dairy products. Collecting several recent studies and reports of climate, environmental, economic, health, nutrition, anthropology and ethics areas, is presented problems due to the leading role of animal products in the greenhouse gas emissions, land use change, deforestation pressure, water use and pollution, biodiversity loss, threats to global food security, its inherent economic inefficiency, socio-economic inequalities, new communicable diseases, impacts on consumer health, high levels of human mortality and animal rights violations. From this macromarketing analysis, a vegan reconfiguration of the food market is proposed as an important alternative to alleviate, in an integrated way, this set of problems faced by contemporary society. In this sense, a socio-technical reconfiguration, to vegan food standards, is proposed as an alternative to sustainability, especially in relation to climate change, since this transformation is indicated as a relevant mitigation and adaptation strategy, concomitantly Several difficulties for such reconfiguration are supposed considering the constant reiteration of social practices through the habitus and other social and material devices operating for the maintenance of the current socioeconomic structure and order. Therefore, transformations in the food market are complex, given the power relations relative to the interests of the various actors directly and indirectly benefited economically, and the cultural and historical bases that sustain practices involved in food consumption. Thus, understanding the influences on consumer behavior, considering consumers as an agents embedded in social structures and dynamics, is essential — though not sufficient — to study a market transformation. Therefore, it is proposed a, somewhat broad, study with consumers to understand elements that operate by making difficult, and eventually facilitating, a vegan transformation of their food consumption practices. Through an empirical, exploratory and multi-method data collection, with active participation of 54 consumers that maintain different food consumption patterns in relation to the intake of products of animal origin, it was possible to identify and understand elements that act as barriers and as facilitators to the rupture of daily eating practices centered in animal products and the maintenance of new plant-based dietary consumption For that, long interviews and open questionnaires were applied online. These collection strategies allowed to obtain narrated reconstructions of memories, daily experiences and beliefs with the participation of consumers categorized as reducetarians, vegetarians and vegans; these strategies also allowed to obtain narrated perceptions, projections and some experiences related to plant-based food of consumers that maintain their food practices according to the meat-centered standard. In integrated analyzes of these various qualitative data, including media evidences and field collection data of the context under study, used for illustration, it was possible to understand how some elements operate as barriers and facilitators. In these analyzes, food consumption behavior could be understood as social practices inserted in complex dynamics, involving not only individual aspects of cognitive and biophysical level, but also socio-cultural and material aspects — especially related to the market. It is intended to contribute theoretically and methodologically to studies on changes in consumption patterns in favor of more sustainable logics and to generate subsidies to organizations aligned to vegan transformations in the food market.

DeliYummy Repostería Saludable Vegana / DeliYummy Healthy Vegan Pastry

Bedia De La Cruz, Sandy Fiorella, Onofre Galecio, Juliana Lizet, Ponce Moya, María Del Pilar Katterine, Ramirez Alor, Anyela Yuliana 03 March 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo es demostrar qué tan viable y escalable es la idea de negocio de la empresa DeliYummy, la cual fue creada con el propósito de ofrecer postres veganos saludables a los consumidores peruanos. Esta idea nació, debido a que se observó la gran necesidad que hay, actualmente, por parte de muchos consumidores que llevan una alimentación saludable y que se les dificulta encontrar postres que se adapten al estilo de alimentación que tienen. Como parte de la investigación para conocer con mayor profundidad a este público y al sector de los alimentos saludables, se descubrió que muchos tienen el pensamiento erróneo de que los postres veganos son saludables, en su totalidad. Sin embargo, es importante aclarar que, también, se identificó que gran cantidad de los postres veganos que se comercializan en Lima, son elaborados con insumos que no aportan ningún tipo de beneficio nutricional como vitaminas, minerales, fibra, entre otros. Por tal motivo, DeliYummy vio una gran oportunidad de negocio, pero, sobre todo, se detectó la gran posibilidad de poder contribuir con aquellas personas que buscan mantener su de alimentación saludable a un largo plazo sin necesidad de privarse de consumir postres exquisitos. De este modo, es que nace la idea de introducir al mercado limeño donuts veganas hechas a base de harina de legumbres como garbanzos y quinua, los cuales aportan una gran cantidad de proteína vegetal, vitaminas y minerales. Además, estarán bañadas con chocolate belga y decorada toppings saludables, los cuales podrán ser seleccionados por los propios clientes. Con esta idea deseamos aportar con este segmento de clientes que día a día está en busca de nuevas opciones para complementar y disfrutar a plenitud su estilo de alimentación. / The objective of this work is evidence how viable and scalable DeliYummy’s business idea is, which was created with the purpose of offering healthy vegan desserts to public from Lima. This idea was born because it was observed that there is currently a great need on the part of many consumers who eat a healthy diet and who find it difficult to find desserts that adapt to the style of eating they have. As part of the research to gain a deeper understanding of this target and the health food sector, it was discovered that many have the misconception that vegan desserts are healthy. However, it’s important to clarify that it was also identified that the most of vegan desserts marketed in Lima are made with ingredients that don’t provide any nutritional benefits such as vitamins, minerals, fibre, among others. For this reason, DeliYummy identified a great business opportunity, but, above all, the company detected the great possibility of being able to contribute to those people who seek to maintain their healthy eating habits in the long term without having to deprive themselves of delicious desserts. In this way, it’s how was born the idea of introducing vegan donuts to the Lima market, made from legume flour such as chickpeas and quinoa, which provide a large amount of vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals.In addition to this, our donuts will be covered with Belgian chocolate and decorated with healthy toppings, which can be selected by the customers themselves. With this idea, we want to contribute to this target, who every day are looking for new options to complement and enjoy their eating style. / Trabajo de investigación

Yogurt vegano con alto nivel de proteínas: Vegigurt

Chauca Dulce, Richard, Espinal Guillen, Cliff Jefferson, Lescano Chávez, Jorge Enrique Jesús, Olivera Vera, Percy Renato, Osorio Ocaña, Brenda Alexandra 08 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto consiste en la edificación de un plan de emprendimiento siguiendo los conocimientos aprendidos durante toda la carrera universitaria. Este plan se enfoca en aquellas personas que por algún motivo siguen una tendencia de consumo de alimentos saludable, como por ejemplo: Intolerantes a la lactosa, Veganos y Celíacos. Hemos creado Vegigurt, el cual es un Yogurt vegano con grandes beneficios y proteínas necesarias que requiere el cliente, además que puede ser consumido por personas con Intolerancia a la lactosa, Veganas y Celíacas. A través de nuestras investigaciones encontramos que en el Perú para el 2019 hay una población de 32,495.5 miles de personas de los cuales el 35.6% pertenece a la ciudad de Lima que sufren de intolerancia a la lactosa, que en último censo de la red vegana del Perú, la mayor concentración de consumidores veganos y vegetarianos se encuentra en la ciudad de lima la cual y que estos tienen un rango de edad entre 18 y 34 años, y que más del 1% de la población peruana sufre de celiaquía y que actualmente existen muy pocos fabricantes de productos libre de gluten. Con toda esta información, Vegigurt, es considerado un negocio innovador que busca beneficiar a distintos segmentos de clientes. Durante estas 15 semanas que ha durado el curso, se ha podido validar la viabilidad de este proyecto, es decir que el modelo de negocio presentado genera rentabilidad para sus inversores. / The present project consists of the creation of an entrepreneurship plan following the knowledge learned throughout the university career.. This plan focuses on those people who for some reason follow a trend of healthy food consumption, such as: Lactose intolerant, Vegans and Celiacs. We have created Vegigurt, which is a vegan yogurt with great benefits and necessary proteins that the client requires, in addition to being consumed by people with lactose intolerance, vegan and celiac. Through our investigations we found that in Peru for 2019 there is a population of 32,495.5 thousand people of which 35.6% belong to the city of Lima who suffer from lactose intolerance, which in the last census of the vegan network of the Peru, the highest concentration of vegan and vegetarian consumers is found in the city of Lima which and that they have an age range between 18 and 34 years, and that more than 1% of the Peruvian population suffers from celiac disease and that currently exist very few manufacturers of gluten-free products. With all this information, Vegigurt is considered an innovative business that seeks to benefit different customer segments. During these 15 weeks that the course has lasted, the viability of this project has been validated, that is, the business model presented generates profitability for its investors. / Trabajo de investigación

Becoming Vegan : Consumers’ perceived barriers when transitioning to a vegan diet

Burenius, Johanna, Lien, Louise January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to identify challenges experienced amongst consumers in Stockholm when transitioning to a vegan diet. Five consumers between the ages of 24-27 have during a period of one month assumed the task of transitioning to a vegan diet. The results were analyzed through the lens of The Multidisciplinary Model of the main factors affecting consumer behaviour in the food domain and as well as the Cognitive dissonance theory to enable a deeper analysis. The study shows that information, supply and psychological influences are three main areas in which barriers are present. Lack of marketing in store and online, lack of clear labeling on products and lack of supply in both stores and restaurants were the most apparent challenges experienced amongst consumers which can be barriers when transitioning to a vegan diet. Furthermore, psychological influences that were perceived as barriers by the consumers was the presence of dissonance and the feeling of lack of support and inspiration.

Asociación entre la dieta vegana y la autopercepción del estado periodontal en la población de Lima Metropolitana, Perú

Reyes Izquierdo, Alicia, Flores Gonzales, Leonardo Alfredo 18 February 2022 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la dieta vegana y la autopercepción del estado periodontal en la población vegana de Lima Metropolitana, Perú.  Materiales y Métodos: Un total de 240 personas (120 veganas y 120 no veganos) fueron encuestadas en este estudio durante los meses de agosto a diciembre del año 2020 de manera virtual. Para evaluar la autopercepción del estado periodontal y hábitos de higiene oral se utilizó el autoreporte de enfermedad periodontal, el cual se encuentra validado con un alfa de cronbach de 0.77. Además, se evaluaron otras variables como la edad, sexo, nivel socioeconómico, grado de estudio, consumo de tabaco. Se utilizó la regresión de Poisson con estimador robusto de varianza para la asociación de las variables y se reportaron razones de prevalencia en un modelo crudo y ajustado. El nivel de confianza fue al 95% y el de significancia fue de p <0.05. Resultado: Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la apariencia de encías rojizas y/o hinchadas (RP=0.67; IC 95%:0.25-0.54) y la mala percepción del estado de las encías (RP=0.43; IC 95%:0.33-0.56) con la dieta vegana. Por último, para la dimensión de sangrado de encías durante el cepillado no se observó diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las personas veganas y no veganas.  Conclusiones: Se encontró asociación entre la dieta vegana con las dimesiones apariencia de encías rojizas y/o hinchadas y mala percepción del estado de las encías de la autopercepción del estado periodontal. / Objective: To determine the association between vegan diet and self-perceived periodontal status in the vegan population of Lima Metropolitan, Peru.  Materials and Methods: A total of 240 people (120 vegans and 120 non-vegans) were surveyed in this study during the months of August to December 2020 in virtually way. To evaluate the self-perception of periodontal status and oral hygiene habits, the self-report of periodontal disease was used, which is validated with a cronbach's alpha of 0.77. In addition, other variables such as age, sex, socioeconomic level, educational level, and tobacco consumption were evaluated. . Poisson regression with robust variance estimator was used both for the association of the variables and prevalence ratios were reported in a crude and adjusted model. The confidence level was 95% and the significance level was p <0.05. Result: A statistically significant association was found between the appearance of reddish and / or swollen gums (PR = 0.67; 95% CI: 0.25-0.54) and poor perception of the state of the gums (PR = 0.43; 95% CI: 0.33-0.56) with the vegan diet. Finally, for the gum bleeding dimension during brushing, no statistically significant differences were observed between vegans and non-vegans. Conclusions: An association was found between the vegan diet with the appearance of reddish and / or swollen gums and poor perception of the state of the gums of the self-perception of the periodontal state. / Tesis

The Plant-Based Diet Transition among People with Cardiovascular Disease

Mollohan, Elise Ann 26 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Association between diet of the vegan population and self-perception of periodontal state in Metropolitan Lima / Asociación entre la dieta de la población vegana y la autopercepción del estado periodontal en Lima Metropolitana

Reyes-Izquierdo, Alicia, Flores Gonzales, Leonardo Alfredo, Caballero-García, Carmen Stephany, León-Ríos, Ximena Alejandra 09 February 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Objective: to determine the association between vegan diet and self-perceived periodontal status in a vegan population of Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: a total of 240 people (120 vegans and 120 non-vegans) were surveyed in this study during the months of August to December 2020 in a virtual way. To evaluate self-perception of periodontal status and oral hygiene habits, the self-report of periodontal disease was used, which is validated with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.77. In addition, other variables such as age, sex, socioeconomic level, educational level, and tobacco consumption were registered. A Poisson regression with robust variance estimator was used both for the association of variables, and prevalence ratios were reported in a crude and adjusted model. The confidence level was 95 % and the significance level was p < 0.05. Results and conclusions: a statistically significant association was found between the appearance of reddish and/or swollen gums (PR = 0.67; 95 % CI: 0.25-0.54) and poor perception of the state of the gums (PR = 0.43; 95 % CI: 0.33-0.56) with the vegan diet. Finally, for the gum bleeding dimension during brushing, no statistically significant differences were observed between vegans and non-vegans. / Introducción: Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre la dieta vegana y la autopercepción del estado periodontal en una población vegana de Lima Metropolitana, Perú. Materiales y métodos: un total de 240 personas (120 veganas y 120 no veganas) fueron encuestadas en este estudio durante los meses de agosto a diciembre del año 2020 de manera virtual. Para evaluar la autopercepción del estado periodontal y los hábitos de higiene oral se utilizó el autorreporte de enfermedad periodontal, que se encuentra validado con una alfa de Cronbach de 0,77. Además se registraron otras variables como la edad, el sexo, el nivel socioeconómico, el grado de estudio y el consumo de tabaco. Se utilizó la regresión de Poisson con estimador robusto de la varianza para la asociación de las variables y se reportaron razones de prevalencia en un modelo crudo y ajustado. El nivel de confianza fue del 95 % y el de significancia fue de p < 0,05. Resultados y conclusiones: se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la apariencia de encías rojizas y/o hinchadas (RP = 0,67; IC 95 %: 0,25-0,54) y la mala percepción del estado de las encías (RP = 0,43; IC 95 %: 0,33-0,56) con la dieta vegana. Por último, para la dimensión del sangrado de encías durante el cepillado no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las personas veganas y las no veganas. / Revisión por pares

Klimatsmart mat i Malmö

Källgarn, Olov, Jensen, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Malmö vill enligt sitt eget miljöprogram vara “Sveriges klimatsmartaste stad”. Alla livsmedel som köps in av kommunen ska vara ekologiska, och klimatgasutsläppen från maten ha minskat med 40% före utgången av 2020. Det ekologiska målet ser ut att kunna nås, men klimatgasutsläppen har endast gått ner med 15% i skrivande stund. Staden driver nu en ny satsning för att klara målsättningen. Denna undersökning granskar det förfarande som Malmö stads miljöförvaltning tagit fram och sätter det i relation till forskning om klimatkommunikation och beteendeförändring. Det är vanligt att utvärderingar av utbildningar fokuserar på deltagarnas attityd till utbildningen, istället för de beteendeförändringar som utbildningen uppmanar till. Genom gruppintervjuer med utbildare och projektdeltagare, samt innehållsanalys av utbildningsmaterialet söker undersökningen svar på frågan: leder miljöförvaltningens utbildning till ett förändrat beteende hos utbildningens målgrupp? Även om vi utifrån respondenterna kan konstatera att få konkreta förändringar hittills har skett i verksamheterna, har vi kunnat identifiera hinder, förbättringsåtgärder och kartlägga hur deltagarna på olika sätt förhåller sig till utbildningarna och till målet. Vi konstaterar att metoden för hur satsningen ska bedrivas inte använder sig av ett teoretiskt ramverk eller är konsekvent förankrad i vetenskap. Vi konstaterar att kommunen har en stark position för att verkliggöra miljövänligt beteende hos sina anställda, men att kommunen underutnyttjar potentialen. Konsekvenser och möjligheter diskuteras. / Malmö, according to its own environmental program, wants to be "Sweden's most climate friendly city". All food purchased from the municipality should be organic and the greenhouse gas emissions should decreased by 40% by the end of 2020. The ecological target seems to be achievable, but climate emissions have only fallen by 15% at the time of writing. The city is now running a new venture to meet the goals. This study examines the procedure developed by Malmö City Environmental Management in relation to research on climate communication and behavioral change.It is common for evaluations of education to focus on the attitudes of the participants, rather than the behavioral changes that the education encourages. Through group interviews with educators and project participants, as well as content analysis of the educational material, the survey seeks to answer the question: Does the management of the environmental administration lead to a change in behavior in the education target group?Even though, according to the respondents, few changes have taken place so far, we have been able to identify obstacles, improvement measures and map how the participants relate to the education and the goal in different ways. We note thatthe method of conducting the venture does not use a theoretical framework or is consistently rooted in science. We note that the municipality has a strong position to realize environmentally friendly behavior among its employees, but that the municipality underuses the potential. Consequences and opportunities is discussed.

Adventist Affiliation and Type 2 Diabetes Pre- and Post-Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)

Unruh, Janie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Adventists following a plant-based diet have half the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes than nonvegetarian Adventists. This study used a quantitative, correlational study design to assess if there was a significant difference in type 2 diabetes prevalence rate between Adventists and non-Adventists preprogram, and if there were significant differences in biometrics between Adventists and non-Adventists with diabetes pre- and post-Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP). This study incorporated the social ecological model for its conceptual framework and examined pre- and postprogram changes among Adventists (n=210; 20.1%) and non-Adventists (n=836; 79.9%) with type 2 diabetes. It used secondary data from participants in the volunteer-delivered CHIP intervention from 2006 to 2012 (n=7,172), a whole foods, plant-based, vegan health program. Analysis showed a significant difference in the pre-CHIP diabetic state between the two groups in step one, but not after controlling for covariates in step two (OR=0.96 and 0.91; CI=1.21 and 1.24). A repeated measures MANOVA analysis indicated that religious affiliation (Adventist or non-Adventist) was the determining factor in improved biometric outcomes pre- and post-CHIP for TC (F(1) = 5.65; p = 0.02), and LDL (F(1) = 5.76; p = 0.02) but not for HDL (F(1) = 0.00; p = 0.99), TG (F(1) = 0.19, p = 0.67), FPG (F(1) = 2.71, p = 0.10), SBP (F(1) = 2.25; p = 0.13), DBP (F(1) = 1.20; p = 0.27), and BMI (F(1) = 1.65; p = 0.20). However, both groups improved post-CHIP in all biometrics. The implications for positive social change from this study showed that CHIP is an effective lifestyle model for improving type 2 diabetes outcomes for both Adventists and non-Adventists, a model that does not involve the use of pharmaceuticals.

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident: The Need for Animal Rights in the United States of America

Sabo, Joseph Michael 15 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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