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Connections Between Inositol Phosphate Signaling and Energy Responses in PlantsWilliams, Sarah Phoebe 19 November 2015 (has links)
The ability for an organism to sense and respond appropriately to its environment is often critical for survival. One mechanism for this is the inositol phosphate (InsP) signaling pathway. This work focuses on the role of InsP signaling in maintaining energy homeostasis in the plant. InsP signaling is connected to energy sensing in plants via a protein complex containing both the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases (5PTase13) and the Sucrose non-Fermenting Related Kinase 1 (SnRK1). SnRK1 is considered a fuel gauge for the plant cell that senses energy status and reprograms growth appropriately. While the SnRK1.1 gene has been well studied, the role other SnRK1 isoforms play in energy or stress signaling is less well understood. This work examined the role of 3 SnRK1 isoforms in energy signaling, finding that SnRK1.1 and SnRK1.2 are regulated and function differently in Arabidopsis. The second part of this work focuses on the inositol pyrophosphates, which are a novel group of InsP signaling molecules containing diphosphate or triphosphate chains (i.e. PPx) attached to the inositol ring. These PPx-InsPs are emerging as critical players in the integration of cellular metabolism and stress signaling in non-plant eukaryotes. Most eukaryotes synthesize the precursor molecule, myo-inositol (1,2,3,4,5,6)-hexakisphosphate (InsP6), which can serve as a signaling molecule or as storage compound of inositol, phosphorus, and minerals. Even though plants produce huge amounts of InsP6 in seeds, almost no attention has been paid to whether PPx-InsPs exist in plants, and if so, what roles these molecules play. This work details the presence of PPx-InsPs in plants and delineates two Arabidopsis gene products (AtVip1 and AtVip2) capable of PP-InsP5 synthesis. We further examined the subcellular location of enzymes connected to PPx-InsP synthesis as well as the developmental and tissue specific patterns of expression of the genes that encode these enzymes. We localized the enzymes involved in InsP6 and PPx-InsP production to the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The subcellular compartmentalization of PPx-InsP signaling may be unique to plants. An increased understanding in the pathways involved in energy sensing and metabolic response may reveal novel strategies to improve crops for yield and viability in the future. / Ph. D.
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Moisture management in VIP retrofitted wallsSharma, Abhishek 07 June 2017 (has links)
Thermal resistance per unit thickness for Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) is 5 to 10 times higher than conventional insulation materials. This makes VIP an attractive option for retrofitting exterior building envelopes. Insulation can be added in an exterior wall either on the interior side, exterior side or in the available stud cavity. VIP has high vapor diffusion resistance factor and could lead to moisture management risk in the wall layers because of the steep temperature gradient in the wall generated due to very high thermal resistance of VIP. VIP is a relatively new insulation material for building envelope construction, thus the hygrothermal or moisture management performance of VIP-insulated exterior building envelopes need to be critically analyzed before its application. This study aims to evaluate the moisture management risk associated with wood-frame stucco-cladded exterior walls retrofitted with VIP using a 2-D hygrothermal simulation tool WUFI-2D. Eight North American locations were considered, based on Moisture Index (MI) which varied between 0.13 and 1.17, and two different indoor hygrothermal loading conditions as prescribed by the ASHRAE 160P and EN 13788, respectively. The outputs from hygrothermal simulations (water content, relative humidity and temperature) were critically analysed and expressed further using freeze-thaw cycles and RHT indices. The results show that the appropriately designed VIP retrofitted walls can have superior moisture management performance as compared to conventional stucco-cladded wall. / Graduate
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Estimating Carbon Footprint : A quantitative analysis of greenhouse gas emission related to human behavior and diet in Västerbotten.Sköld, Bore January 2015 (has links)
Background and objective: Researchers have been looking for a way to predict future emission rates, and come up with explanations on how to tackle the issue of global warming through changes in individual behavior for decades. The focus of these studies have, on the other hand, focused more on nutritional bases rather than cultural. This study’s objective is to provide a method, as a useful tool in further analysis on GHG-emission based on cultural behavioral factors such as socio-economic status as well as age, sex, etc. with diet as emission prediction factor. This could be a stepping stone toward future research on Co2e related to e.g. physiological factors such as BMI, blood pressure and diseases. Method: With the use of data obtained from the FFQ questionnaire within the VIP-program, combined with estimates of greenhouse gas-emission (Co2e) attributed to specific diets obtained from Röös, estimations of individual Co2e emission-levels were calculated using the software “R”. The dataset contained 159 687 observations and 152 different variables. The data was obtained from the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine at Umeå University. Portions sizes were mainly collected from the Swedish Food Composition Database. Box-plots and regression analysis were made to illustrate the main findings. Result: The result was a new dataset that could be applied to any population to estimate Co2e-emission on individual level based on an FFQ, given that the FFQ have the same structure as the one in the VIP. The variables that contributed to the highest amount of Co2e were animal products i.e. butter, milk and meat. Chicken, pork and fish were not nearly as Co2e heavy as the meat products containing beef such as “steak”, “minced meat” and “hamburgers”. The regression analysis showed that higher age had a positive effect on reducing emission, as well as being a woman. Education showed an increase in Co2e for higher education. There were some small differences among municipalities. Marital status gave a slight decrease in the regression, meaning married couples emits more than singles. Exercise showed an increase in Co2e for active individuals in the regression analysis. However, the most noticeable result were sex, yielding a relatively big decrease in Co2e-emission for women compared to men. Conclusion: People at younger ages, within the observed age groups 40-60, seemed to reduce their carbon footprint more in relation to the higher age groups over the last 20 years. Overall, the general diet-based carbon footprint in Västerbotten seems to have increased slightly during the last 17 years. A remarkable dip were noticed in 2003, however this might not have been due to any behavioral changes, since the trend broke in 2006 and instantly receded back to the normal levels. This study confirms the fact that meat and dairy products are responsible for a significant amount of the diet-based emission. This topic needs to be studied more, and with this method of applying GHG-emission measures to individual diet-based data, a gate has been opened for a new field of research.
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Eliminación biológica de nutrientes en un ARU de baja carga orgánica mediante el proceso VIPKnobelsdorf Miranda, Juliana 14 July 2005 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es profundizar en el conocimiento de los procesos biológicos responsables de la eliminación simultánea de nitrógeno y fósforo en un ARU de baja carga orgánica, mediante un reactor de flujo continuo del tipo Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP). Se han evaluado los parámetros limitantes del proceso y las formas de promover la disponibilidad de la materia orgánica fácilmente biodegradable para los OAF. Se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización de los parámetros físico-químicos del ARU, así como de sus fuentes de carbono, incluyendo la aportación de un sustrato externo, con el fin de determinar y estimular su aptitud para la EBIF. Se ha sistematizado el fraccionamiento de la DQO y la estimación del contenido de AGV y del potencial de AGV, mediante el desarrollo de una alternativa del método original para valorar el potencial de AGV, que simplifica el procedimiento operativo. Aunque el contenido de AGV fue bajo, el potencial de AGV y la fracción potencial AGV/PT fueron comparables a los valores recomendados para la EBIF. La mayor parte de la DQOFB y una fracción de la DQOLB se transformaron en AGV durante el ensayo del potencial de AGV. La aportación de acetato sódico permitió aumentar y mantener un porcentaje medio de AGV del 74% de la DQOFB, del 42% de la DQOs y del 20% de la DQO. La DQO del afluente sin decantar estuvo compuesta mayoritariamente por DQOBT (75% DQOLB y 25% DQOFB). Los incrementos de la DQOFB se tradujeron en incrementos de la DQOs. La mayor parte de la DQOLB del afluente estuvo formada por materia orgánica particulada, haciendo que la presencia de MES en el afluente fuera determinante para incrementar la aportación de DQOLB al sistema.Los rendimientos de eliminación fueron del 85% de la MES, el 87% de la DQO, el 99% del amoníaco y el 42% del P. La mayor eliminación de DQO se registró en la zona anaerobia, con independencia del grado de subdivisión del reactor. La DQO residual se eliminó progresivamente en las siguientes zonas del reactor (89%, 3,8%, 1,7% y 2,2%). La fracción F/M en la zona de contacto inicial estuvo determinada en gran medida por la subdivisión aplicada al reactor biológico.La mayor concentración de PT del efluente se registró los días con mayor recirculación de nitratos al reactor anaerobio y aquellos con episodios de bulking, debido a la adición de un exceso de sustrato. Concentraciones de nitratos en el afluente al reactor anaerobio superiores a 0,20 mg N/L se tradujeron en una liberación de fósforo inferior a 1 mg P/L. A medida que el flujo de nitratos recirculados al reactor anaerobio aumentó, la liberación de P registró una disminución progresiva, rebajando su asimilación posterior en el reactor aerobio. El valor medio de la fracción DQO/PT en el afluente fue inferior al recomendado en la bibliografía (77 mg/mg) para una óptima eliminación simultánea de nutrientes. La fracción DQO/PT máxima (72 mg/mg) se alcanzó agregando un sustrato externo fácilmente biodegradable. La menor concentración de P del efluente se alcanzó con valores altos de la fracción DQO/PT. La relación consumo/liberación de P registró un valor medio de 1,14, si se incluye la liberación en los reactores anaerobios y anóxicos, y de 1,57 si sólo se tiene en cuenta la liberación en el reactor anaerobio. La eliminación de P disminuyó cuando la adición de acetato sódico alcanzó 150 mg DQO/L, debido a un deterioro rápido de la decantabilidad del fango por formación de bulking. La asimilación de P en la zona aerobia fue proporcional a la liberación de P en la zona anaerobia. La liberación de P en la zona anóxica pudo ocurrir como resultado de la fermentación de una fracción de la DQOLB presente en esta zona. / The main objective of this thesis is to advance the knowledge of the biological processes for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorous from a low-strength municipal wastewater using a continuous flow reactor, based on a Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP) design. An evaluation was conducted of the limiting parameters of the process and the strategies for promoting the availability of easily biodegradable organic matter to the PAO microorganisms. A follow-up was conducted of common wastewater physico-chemical parameters, and its sources of carbon, including the contribution from an external substrate, to determine and promote its potential for the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process. A new protocol was developed for COD fractionation, and for estimating the VFA concentration and the VFA potential, using a modified VFA potential test that simplifies the original operating procedure.Although the VFA content was generally low, the values of the VFA potential and the VFA potential/P ratio were comparable to those required by the EBPR process. Most of the RBCOD and a fraction of the SBCOD were readily converted to VFA during the VFA potential test. The addition of sodium acetate contributed to increase and maintain a mean percentage of VFA at 74% of the RBCOD, 42% of the SCOD and 20% of the COD. The COD of the unsettled influent was mainly formed by TBCOD (75% SBCOD, and 25% RBCOD). Increments of RBCOD translated into increments of SCOD. Most of the influent SBCOD corresponded to particulate organic matter, making the influent TSS content a determining factor for increasing the SBCOD contribution to the system. The removal efficiencies were 85% for TSS, 87% for COD, 99% for ammonia, and 42% for P. The highest COD removal efficiencies were observed in the anaerobic zone, regardless of the reactor subdivision arrangement adopted. The residual COD was removed in subsequent zones of the reactor (89%, 3.8%, 1.7%, and 2.2%). The F/M ratio in the initial contact zone was largely determined by the reactor subdivision adopted. The highest effluent TP concentration was observed during the days with the largest nitrate recirculation rates to the anaerobic reactor, and also during bulking episodes generated by an excessive substrate addition. Influent nitrate concentration to the anaerobic reactor higher than 0.20 mg N/L resulted in a phosphorous release lower than 1 mg P/L. As the recycled nitrates flow to the anaerobic reactor increased, the phosphorous release rates showed a steady decrease, preventing its subsequent uptake in the aerobic reactor. The mean influent COD/TP ratio was lower than that recommended in the literature (77 mg/mg) for an optimum simultaneous nutrient removal process. The maximum COD/TP ratio (72 mg/mg) was reached by adding an easily biodegradable external substrate. The lowest effluent P concentration was observed with high values of the COD/TP ratio. The mean P uptake/release ratio observed was 1.14, when P release from the anaerobic and anoxic reactors was included, while it reached 1.57 when only the release at the anaerobic reactor was considered. Phosphorous removal decreased when sodium acetate addition reached 150 mg COD/L, due to a rapid deterioration of the sludge settling properties caused by bulking. Phosphorous uptake in the aerobic zone was proportional to P release in the anaerobic zone. Phosphorous release in the anoxic zone may have occurred by partial fermentation of the SBCOD input to this reactor zone.
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Early changes in firing properties of VIP interneurons and CA1 inhibition in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer's diseaseMichaud, Félix 12 February 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 5 février 2024) / La maladie d'Alzheimer (AD) est la forme de démence la plus commune. Au Canada, plus de 600 000 personnes souffrent actuellement de démence et 60 à 80% d'entre elles sont atteintes de l'AD. L'AD est caractérisée par une grande variété de symptômes incluant la perte progressive de la mémoire, les troubles du langage et les déficits en navigation spatiale. Les méthodes diagnostics présentement utilisées reposent sur l'identification de ces symptômes en milieu clinique, notamment par l'utilisation de tests standardisés pour évaluer les capacités cognitives des patients. Toutefois, il est maintenant évident que la neuropathogenèse de l'AD est déjà bien avancée lorsque les symptômes deviennent apparents. Le développement de traitements efficaces requiert un diagnostic plus précoce et la compréhension des mécanismes en jeu aux premiers stades de la maladie. L'un des premiers processus pathophysiologiques observé dans les études réalisées chez les humains atteints de l'AD ou les modèles animaux est l'hyperactivité neuronale dans l'hippocampe (HC). Une grande variété d'interneurones GABAergiques (INs) sont impliqués dans la coordination de l'activité neuronale dans les circuits hippocampiques. Les cellules *interneuron-specific* de type 3 (I-S3) coexpriment le peptide vasoactif intestinal (VIP) et la calrétinine et jouent un rôle important dans la formation de la mémoire en contrôlant l'entrée des signaux nerveux dans la région CA1 de l'HC par l'entremise de la désinhibition des cellules excitatrices principales. Il n'est toujours pas connu si, durant la progression de l'AD, l'activité des cellules I-S3 est altérée et si de tels changements peuvent induire les dynamiques pathologiques de la maladie. Dans cette étude, nous adressons cette question en examinant les propriétés des cellules I-S3 et celles des INs qu'elles ciblent - INs de l'oriens/alveus - dans les jeunes souris 3xTg-AD. Le modèle 3xTg-AD est utilisé pour étudier l'AD, alors qu'aux stades avancés, ces souris développent des déficits cognitifs et des neuropathologies similaires à ceux observés chez les patients humains. L'identification de changements dans les propriétés ou l'activité des cellules I-S3 et des INs qu'elles inhibent dans ce modèle pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre les mécanismes en jeu aux stades précoces de l'AD et de guider la recherche pour des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Nos données indiquent que, malgré une préservation de leur densité et de leur morphologie, les propriétés de décharge des cellules I-S3 montrent des changements significatifs chez les souris 3xTg-AD, associés avec une diminution de l'inhibition dirigée vers les INs de l'O/A. De plus, en utilisant la technique d'imagerie calcique par photométrie à fibre sans-fil, nous observons une augmentation de l'activité des INs de l'O/A durant l'exploration d'objets chez les souris 3xTg-AD. Ces résultats indiquent que l'altération du patron de décharge des cellules I-S3 dans les jeunes souris 3xTg-AD pourrait être responsable de perturbations de l'activité des INs dans la région CA1 de l'HC spécifique à certains comportements. Ultimement, ces changements pourraient affecter les dynamiques des circuits hippocampiques et mener aux premiers symptômes mnémoniques. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. In Canada, more than 600,000 people currently suffer from dementia, with 60 to 80% of them having AD. AD is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including progressive memory loss, language impairments, and deficits in spatial navigation. The diagnostic methods currently used rely on identifying these symptoms in a clinical setting, most notably through the use of standardized tests to assess the cognitive abilities of patients. However, it is now evident that the neuropathogenesis of AD is already well advanced when the symptoms begin. The development of effective treatments requires earlier diagnosis and a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during the early stages of the disease. Hippocampal hyperactivity is one of the earliest pathophysiological processes observed in both human patients of AD and animal studies. Various types of GABAergic interneurons (INs) are involved in the coordination of network activity in the hippocampus. The type 3 interneuron-specific (I-S3) cells co-express vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and calretinin, and play an important role in memory formation, as by providing disinhibition to principal excitatory cells, they can gate the inputs arriving to the hippocampal CA1 region. Whether the activity of these cells is altered in AD thereby shaping the pathological network motifs, remains unknown. Here, we address this question by examining the properties of I-S3 cells and their targets - oriens/alveus INs - in young 3xTg-AD mice. The 3xTg-AD model is used to study AD, as at advanced stage, mice display cognitive deficits and neuropathological hallmarks similar to those seen in human patients. The identification of changes in the properties or activity of I-S3 cells and the INs they inhibit could provide a better understanding of the mechanisms at play in the early stages of AD and guide research toward new therapeutic strategies. Our data indicate that whereas the density and morphological characteristics of I-S3 cells in 3xTg-AD mice remain unaltered, the I-S3 firing output can show significant changes. The latter was associated with a decreased inhibitory drive to O/A INs. Furthermore, using wireless fiber photometry calcium imaging in freely behaving mice, we observed an increased CA1 O/A INs activity in 3xTg-AD mice during object exploration. Together, these data indicate that the altered I-S3 cells' firing output in young 3xTg-AD mice may be responsible for a state-dependent altered activity of hippocampal CA1 network and cause further mnemonic dysfunctions.
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Klimatförändringens påverkan på inomhusklimatet och energibehovet i småhus / The impact of climate change on the indoor climate and energy demand in one- to two-family housesKällberg, Magnus, Bertilsson, Rikard January 2020 (has links)
Småhus byggs allt tätare och mer välisolerade för att klara de nationella målen på energieffektivisering samtidigt som klimatet beräknas bli varmare som följd av klimatförändringarna. Ett dåligt inomhusklimat kan leda till hälsoproblem och ökad dödlighet. Denna studie har som syfte att åskådliggöra hur inomhusklimatet med fokus på temperatur påverkas av klimatförändringarna i samband med val av olika byggnadstekniska lösningar för ett småhus. Studien bygger på simuleringar i programmet VIP-Energy för olika versioner av ett småhus placerat i Växjö i södra Sverige. Temperatur och energibehov sammanställdes i samband med olika klimatscenarier, energihushållningsnivåer och byggnadstekniska lösningar. Resultaten visar på att temperaturerna inomhus kan nå extrema nivåer om inte soltransmittansen begränsas och huset kyls med aktiv eller passiv kyla. Problemet förvärras när huset byggs efter striktare krav på energihushållning. / One- to two-family houses are being built to be more airtight and better insulated to meet the national goals for energy efficiency while the climate is getting warmer as a result of climate change. A poor indoor climate can lead to health problems and increased mortality rates. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the indoor climate with a focus on temperature is affected by climate change in conjunction with the choice of different building technical solutions for a single-family house. The study is based on simulations with the VIP-Energy program for versions of a singlefamily house placed in Växjö in southern Sweden. Temperature and energy requirements were compiled in conjunction with various climate scenarios, building energy efficiency levels and building technology solutions. The results show that indoor temperatures could reach extremely high levels unless the solar transmittance is limited, and the house is cooled with active or passive cooling. The problem is exacerbated when the house is built according to stricter energy regulations.
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Peptiderge Mediatoren und ihr Beitrag zur Pathophysiologie entzündlicher ErkrankungenGroneberg, Jan David Alexander 24 March 2004 (has links)
Peptiderge Mediatoren sind neben ihrer Funktion bei der Aufrechterhaltung der körpereigenen Homöostase unter physiologischen Bedingungen auch bei der Regulation pathopysiologischer und pathobiochemischer Prozesse chronisch-entzündlicher Erkrankungen maßgeblich beteiligt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde diese Rolle durch Untersuchung des Expressionsprofils peptiderger Mediatoren und ihrer Rezeptoren unter normalen Bedingungen charakterisiert und auf dieser Grundlage Veränderungen des Mediatorstoffwechsels bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen erfasst. Aufgrund der geringen Kenntnisse bezüglich der Rolle anti-inflammatorischer Mediatoren wurde dabei insbesondere die Expression und Genregulation des Mediators VIP und seiner Rezeptoren untersucht. Dabei wurden molekularbiologische Methoden verwandt, um definierte Rezeptoren für VIP und verwandte Mediatoren in den Atemwegen und der Haut zu identifizieren. Im Anschluss daran wurde anhand verschiedener entzündlicher Erkrankungen der oberen Atemwege nachgewiesen, dass sich das peptiderge Mediatorprofil krankheitsspezifisch ändert und diese Subgruppen-spezifischen Änderungen nicht als ein universelles Epiphänomen der Entzündungsreaktion zu sehen sind. Ebenso konnte die Veränderung der Genexpression von Rezeptoren für peptiderge Mediatoren untersucht werden, wobei am Beispiel der Hypoxie die Induktion eines in den Atemwegen exprimierten Rezeptors nachgewiesen wurde. Am Beispiel der atopischen Dermatitis konnte darüber hinaus bewiesen werden, dass die Expression von VIP-Rezeptoren im Rahmen einer allergischen Erkrankung vermindert sein kann. Letztlich wurden ebenfalls mit VIP interferierende Transduktionsmechanismen untersucht, wobei die genauen Interaktionen peptiderger Mediatoren mit diesen intrazellulären Molekülen im Rahmen entzündlicher Erkrankungen noch aufzuschlüsseln sind. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden kumulativen Arbeit weisen in ihrer Gesamtheit auf eine wesentliche Bedeutung neurogener Mediatoren für pathophysiologische Mechanismen allergisch-entzündlicher Erkrankungen der Atemwege und Haut hin und lassen zukünftige therapeutische Ansätze auf Basis neuro-immunmodulierender Mechanismen sinnvoll erscheinen. / Peptidergic mediators participate next to their physiological role for numerous aspects of systemic and local homeostasis also in the regulation of pathophysiological and pathobiochemical processes in chronic inflammatory diseases. In the present study this role was investigated by assessing the expression profiles of peptidergic mediators and their receptors under physiological conditions. Basing on these findings differences of the mediator expression in inflammatory diseases were examined. Due to the relatively little knowledge on the role of potentially anti-inflammatory mediators the expression and gene regulation of the mediator VIP und its receptors were analysed. In this respect molecular techniques were used to assess distinct receptors for VIP and related mediators in the airways and skin. IN a next Step inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract were examined and it was shown that the peptidergic mediators profile changes in relation to the disease entity and that this disease subtype-specific change is not a universal epiphenomenon of the ongoing inflammation. Also, alterations in the gene expression of peptidergic mediator receptors were analysed. Using hypoxia as an example the gene induction of airway-expressed receptors was demonstrated in relation to this stimulus. In further studies involving atopic dermatitis tissues a down-regulation of VIP receptor expression was demonstrated for allergic inflammatory conditions. In a last step VIP interfering signal transduction mechanisms were examined and future studies need to be carried out to fully assess the regulation of these interactions in relation to chronic inflammatory processes. The present results demonstrate an important role of neurogenic mediators in the pathophysiology of allergic inflammatory diseases of the airways and the skin and point to a potential use of neuro-immunomodulation in the future therapy of these diseases.
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Advances in Thermal Insulation : Vacuum Insulation Panels and Thermal Efficiency to Reduce Energy Usage in BuildingsThorsell, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
We are coming to realize that there is an urgent need to reduce energy usage in buildings and it has to be done in a sustainable way. This thesis focuses on the performance of the building envelope; more precisely thermal performance of walls and super insulation material in the form of vacuum insulation. However, the building envelope is just one part of the whole building system, and super insulators have one major flaw: they are easily adversely affected by other problems in the built environment. Vacuum Insulation Panels are one fresh addition to the arsenal of insulation materials available to the building industry. They are composite material with a core and an enclosure which, as a composite, can reach thermal conductivities as low as 0.004 W/(mK). However, the exceptional performance relies on the barrier material preventing gas permeation, maintaining a near vacuum into the core and a minimized thermal bridge effect from the wrapping of barrier material round the edge of a panel. A serpentine edge is proposed to decrease the heat loss at the edge. Modeling and testing shows a reduction of 60% if a reasonable serpentine edge is used. A diffusion model of permeation through multilayered barrier films with metallization coatings was developed to predict ultimate service life. The model combines numerical calculations with analytical field theory allowing for more precise determination than current models. The results using the proposed model indicate that it is possible to manufacture panels with lifetimes exceeding 50 years with existing manufacturing. Switching from the component scale to the building scale; an approach of integrated testing and modeling is proposed. Four wall types have been tested in a large range of environments with the aim to assess the hygrothermal nature and significance of thermal bridges and air leakages. The test procedure was also examined as a means for a more representative performance indicator than R-value (in USA). The procedure incorporates specific steps exposing the wall to different climate conditions, ranging from cold and dry to hot and humid, with and without a pressure gradient. This study showed that air infiltration alone might decrease the thermal resistance of a residential wall by 15%, more for industrial walls. Results from the research underpin a discussion concerning the importance of a holistic approach to building design if we are to meet the challenge of energy savings and sustainability. Thermal insulation efficiency is a main concept used throughout, and since it measures utilization it is a partial measure of sustainability. It is therefore proposed as a necessary design parameter in addition to a performance indicator when designing building envelopes. The thermal insulation efficiency ranges from below 50% for a wood stud wall poorly designed with incorporated VIP, while an optimized design with VIP placed in an uninterrupted external layer shows an efficiency of 99%, almost perfect. Thermal insulation efficiency reflects the measured wall performance full scale test, thus indicating efficiency under varied environmental loads: heat, moisture and pressure. The building design must be as a system, integrating all the subsystems together to function in concert. New design methodologies must be created along with new, more reliable and comprehensive measuring, testing and integrating procedures. New super insulators are capable of reducing energy usage below zero energy in buildings. It would be a shame to waste them by not taking care of the rest of the system. This thesis details the steps that went into this study and shows how this can be done. / QC 20120228
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Temps de cohérence temporelle de structures turbulentes porteuses de scalaires passifs au sein d'une turbulence homogène quasi-isotropeLenoir, Jean-Michel 18 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le but principal du présent travail est ainsi de réaliser une expérience de mélange par la turbulence, dans laquelle il est possible de déterminer et de quantifier les temps de cohérence des différentes échelles spatiales des fluctuations du champ de vitesse et du champ de concentration qu'il transporte et mélange. La turbulence est ici voisine de la situation idéale statistiquement homogène et isotrope, et la configuration est conçue pour qu'il en soit de même pour le champ de concentration. La turbulence est créée par une grille placée perpendiculairement à un écoulement uniforme à l'extérieur des couches limites qui se développent le long des parois de la veine d'essais à section carrée constante. L'écoulement de la présente étude est un écoulement d'eau, dans lequel le champ de concentration est celui d'une solution de Rhodamine B injectée au niveau de la grille à travers des injecteurs équi-répartis le long des barreaux de celle-ci. Ce choix, dicté par la technique de mesure du champ de concentration par Fluorescence Induite par Laser, permet en outre de mesurer le champ de vitesse par une autre technique optique, elle aussi non-intrusive. Pour se rapprocher le plus de la théorie d'un mélange idéal statistiquement homogène et isotrope sans vitesse moyenne, on considère dans l'expérience, conformément à l'hypothèse de Taylor, que toutes les échelles associées à chacun de ces champs, sont convectés à la vitesse moyenne U de l'écoulement, et l'on suit une "boîte de turbulence" qui se déplace à cette vitesse le long de la veine. Par suite déterminer l'état de la turbulence en un point donné de cette boite à l'instant t et à l'instant t'=t+dt, revient à l'étudier dans l'expérience à t à l'abscisse x de la veine d'essai, et à t' à l'abscisse x+dx , avec dx=Udt, où se trouve le point de la boîte aux deux instants successifs. Les résultats expérimentaux concernant les échelles pour lesquelles l'isotropie statistique est satisfaite, permettent alors de vérifier une phénoménologie de l'évolution de la cohérence temporelle des diverses échelles spatiales du champ des fluctuations de concentration fondée sur les idées de Comte-Bellot et Corrsin. Cette expérience, est en outre l'occasion de donner des résultats sur les densités de probabilité de diverses propriétés statistiques des champs de fluctuation de vitesse.
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An Approach Towards Sustainable BuildingGohardani, Navid January 2014 (has links)
The motivation for development of energy efficiency and implementation of novel advanced materials applied in buildings can be traced to increasing energy costs in conjunction with an enhanced environmental awareness among people. This doctoral dissertation presents contributions towards sustainable building, where factors such as building technology, energy efficiency in buildings, workers' health issues during construction measures, and certain economic considerations for renovation of buildings have been considered. The research study aims to provide a knowledge base for motivating building owners to renovate buildings based on energy efficiency and improved indoor environment. The initial phase of the research study identifies a detailed description of common drivers, expected in renovation projects by building owners. In the second phase, an information base is identified which may facilitate the bidding processes for decision makers by means of technological, social and economic aspects. The aforementioned information base can also contribute to attentive decisions regarding sustainable renovation and energy saving measures. A strategy was developed within the Renovation Workshop of Riksbyggen, in order to promote energy saving measures concurrent with major renovations in residential buildings. This operational decision support process was applied in a tenant owners' cooperative in Sweden. The objective of this process was to showcase and more importantly to implement energy saving measures, based on knowledge transfer between different parties involved in the renovation project. For the conducted case study, this process was shown to be of great importance when decisions regarding energy saving measures in conjunction with scheduled renovations are being planned. A unique case study was conducted on two of the most commonly used environmental certification programs for buildings in Sweden; Environmental Building (Miljöbyggnad) and GreenBuilding. Following a granted access to a limited database of submitted applications to Sweden Green Building Council, the most common mistakes in these were identified and categorized. This study contributed to further understanding about the level of ability among building consultants, comprehension of environmental certification, and enhancement of the ability to produce high-quality calculations concerning building-related energy usage. In addition, this insight can provide a basis for planning of continuing education of consultants within the field of building technology. For a church building, a study was conducted subsequent to an exchange of an existing electric coil heating system to a hydronic ground source heat pump system. Analyses of the energy demand and energy signature, prior to and after installation were carried out. The replacement of the original heating system with a ground source heat pump system for the church building constitutes a reduced energy consumption level of approximately 66%, at the average outside temperature of -2.30 °C. This study demonstrated that data from a detailed electric bill can be utilized in order to obtain the energy signature of the building and henceforth assess the energy savings. One aspect of the research, examined the decision making process related to sustainable renovation and refurbishment in buildings. The utilized methodology identified three distinct phases in order to instigate an engagement in sustainable renovation, by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In particular, the attitudes of stakeholders in Sweden, Denmark and Cyprus to sustainable building were studied through three separate case studies. Within the framework of this study, it was identified that building physics and durability are among the most important drivers for energy renovation. The results provided an insight into the renovation process in the aforementioned countries and identified that drivers such as improvement of indoor air quality and elimination of moisture in the building envelope are also of crucial importance. Another aspect of the conducted research highlights workplace accidents occurring within the Swedish construction sector. The purpose of this study was to serve as a useful tool to track the working environments of construction workers in order to reduce health and safety issues within the construction sector. The findings of this research suggest that despite laws, regulations or additional factors that seek to ensure a safe and healthy environment for construction workers, the Swedish construction work force still faces challenges. Moreover, it is identified that construction workers participating in the study call for additional measures to ensure occupational health and safety. Improved knowledge of economic performance and technical results of renovations can contribute to a snowball effect, with more property owners recognizing the value of energy aspects and thus provide an increased level of energy savings. / <p>QC 20140127</p> / A Concept for promotion of sustainable retrofitting and renovation in Early Stages (ACES)
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