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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitativní a kvantitativní parametry prezentace lexikální zásoby ve vybraných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / Qualitative and quantitative parameters of the presentation of vocabulary in selected textbooks of Czech for foreigners

Ouřadová, Zdeňka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims at the issue of teaching vocabulary and ways how it is processed in textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. Theoretical part of the thesis explains most important terms of language and linguistic didactics, describes the curriculum for teaching vocabulary in Czech as a foreign language and the role of textbooks in the educational process. Based on this information the research part analyzes a representative sample of textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. It compares its vocabulary with the appropriate level of vocabulary recommended by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Based on the findings of the analysis thesis provides recommendations for the practice of lingvistic didactics. Key words: vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, Czech as a foreign language, linguistic didactics, textbooks, textbooks of Czech as a foreign language, CEFR

När orden inte räcker till : En studie om ordförrådsutvecklande undervisning för elever med språkstörning / When words are missing : A study about vocabulary teaching for children with developmental language disorder

Leo, Kristina, Svensson, Catrine January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att bidra med kunskap om ordförrådsutveckling och dess främjande avseende elever med språkstörning, utifrån några lärares, speciallärares och skollogopeders beskrivningar. Elever med språkstörning utvecklar inte sina språkliga förmågor i samma takt som jämnåriga och utveckling av ordförrådet är ett vanligt svårighetsområde hos dessa elever. Ordförrådet spelar en avgörande roll för förståelsen i all undervisning och därför riskeras måluppfyllelsen hos elever med ordförrådssvårigheter. Den teoretiska ramen för studien utgörs av teorier om lexikala nätverk samt sociokulturell teori. Studiens ansats är fenomenografisk och empirin har inhämtats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I resultatet framkommer informanternas beskrivningar av hur svårigheter med ordförrådet yttrar sig, hur lärmiljön kan göras språkligt tillgänglig samt hur ordförrådsutvecklingen kan stimuleras och stödjas, både i klassrumsundervisningen och den individanpassade undervisningen. Informanterna beskriver att elever med språkstörning kan ha svårt att uttrycka sig, uttala och mobilisera ord vid olika tillfällen. Deras svårigheter med språklig förståelse påverkar förmågan att förstå innehållet i genomgångar, instruktioner och texter. I resultatet återfinns exempel på generella anpassningar i den ordinarie undervisningen som kan öka den språkliga tillgängligheten; en tydlig lektionsstruktur, muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner, visualisering, symbolstöd, konkret material och digitala lärverktyg. I studien ges exempel på hur ordförrådsundervisningen kan se ut för att stödja elever med språkstörning såsom högläsning, gemensam läsning samt läsgrupper där nya ord förklaras och knyts till elevernas erfarenheter. Ett fördjupat arbete med ämnesspecifika och ämnesövergripande ord beskrivs som innebär att ordet förklaras och knyts till en bild, sak eller erfarenhet samt används i språkliga aktiviteter. Förförståelse, många exponeringar och repetition är gynnsamt. Vid skrivande kan ordmobilisering underlättas av bilder, startmeningar, ordbankar, synonymlistor och ordprediktionsprogram. Resultatet visar att elever med språkstörning behöver mycket stöd, både i klassrumsundervisningen och individuellt. Speciallärarens roll blir att uppmärksamma språksvårigheterna, stödja läraren med ordförrådsundervisning i klassrummet och skapa en språkligt tillgänglig lärmiljö samt tillämpa individanpassade insatser för att stödja ordförrådsutvecklingen. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to provide further knowledge regarding vocabulary development of students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). It is based on the feedback from class teachers, learning support teachers and educational speech therapists. Students with DLD do not advance in their language skills at the same rate as their peers and vocabulary development is a common area of difficulty for these students. Vocabulary plays a crucial role in the process of learning and therefore poses a risk of not reaching the students full potential. The theoretical framework for this study consists of theories of lexical networks and sociocultural theory. The study approach is phenomenographic and the empirical evidence was obtained through semi-structured interviews. The results outline the assessors descriptions of how the challenges with vocabulary manifest itself whilst outlining how to create language-accessible learning environments. They also define how the development of vocabulary can be stimulated and supported, both in the classroom and through individualised learning. The assessors describe that students with DLD may have some difficulty expressing themselves, pronouncing and mobilising their words in certain situations. Their difficulties with linguistic comprehension affects the ability to understand the content of the teaching, instructions and texts. Results include examples of general adaptations in ordinary teaching that can increase language accessibility; a clear lesson structure, oral and written instructions, visualisation, symbol support, concrete material and digital learning tools. This study gives examples of what vocabulary teaching may look like when supporting students with DLD, like reading aloud, shared reading and reading groups where new words are explained and linked to the students experiences. In-depth work with specific and interdisciplinary words means that the word is explained and linked to an image, item or experience and used in linguistic activities. Prior understanding, increased exposure and repetition are all beneficial. When writing, word mobilisation can be facilitated by pictures, starting sentences, word banks, thesaurus lists and word prediction programs. End results show that students with DLD need a lot of support, both in the classroom and individually. The learning support teacher's role will be to bring attention to any language difficulties, support the teacher with vocabulary teaching in the classroom, create a linguistically accessible learning environment and provide individualised support to aid vocabulary development.

Élaboration d’un répertoire de ressources pour soutenir la planification de l’enseignement lexical au primaire : une recherche-développement

Proulx, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette recherche est d’élaborer un répertoire de ressources composé de capsules informatives sur la didactique du lexique et de nombreuses propositions d’activités lexicales afin de soutenir les enseignantes du primaire à planifier leur enseignement lexical. Cette idée est née de nos propres besoins de praticienne. Ces besoins faisaient écho aux travaux s’intéressant aux pratiques d’enseignement lexical qui ont relevé que malgré le rôle important joué par le vocabulaire dans la réussite scolaire, un temps limité était accordé à son enseignement, les interventions étaient plus spontanées que planifiées et les dispositifs choisis étaient peu variés. Bien que le champ de recherche de la didactique du lexique soit en plein essor, les enseignantes du primaire semblent peu outillées pour planifier des interventions lexicales de qualité. Nous nous sommes donc intéressée à l’étape préalable aux interventions en classe : la planification. Pour concevoir le répertoire, 19 professionnelles de l’éducation (enseignantes titulaires, enseignantes ressources, conseillères pédagogiques) ont été rencontrées en entretiens de groupe semi-dirigés afin de répondre au premier objectif de recherche : mieux connaitre leurs pratiques et leurs besoins en matière de planification. Ces entretiens ont également permis de relever les caractéristiques essentielles d’un outil de planification et de récolter les premiers commentaires au regard d’un prototype de répertoire de ressources pour soutenir la planification de l’enseignement lexical au primaire. Le deuxième objectif de recherche était de décrire les différentes mises à l’essai de notre répertoire. Une version améliorée du répertoire a été soumise à une mise à l’essai fonctionnelle auprès de huit expertes en didactique du lexique ou ayant une forte expérience en recherche-développement. Au moyen d’un questionnaire, elles ont donné des rétroactions au regard de l’utilité, l’utilisabilité et la valeur d’estime du prototype dans une visée d’amélioration. Enfin, des mises à l’essai empiriques auprès de 16 professionnelles de l’éducation ont permis d’apporter de nouvelles modifications au prototype. Plus de 13 versions ont été développées entre le prototype initial et le produit final que l’on retrouve au lien suivant : https ://view.genial.ly/64f11263810d1b001cc8da20. Les rétroactions des participantes ont porté sur l’utilité, l’utilisabilité et la valeur d’estime du répertoire. / The general objective of this research is to develop a resource directory consisting of informative capsules on lexical didactics and numerous proposals for lexical activities in order to support primary school teachers in planning their lexical interventions. This idea originated from our own practitioner needs. These needs resonated with studies focusing on lexical teaching practices, which highlighted that despite the significant role played by vocabulary in academic success, limited time was devoted to its teaching. Interventions were more spontaneous than planned, and the chosen methods were not very diverse. Although the field of lexical didactics research is growing rapidly, primary school teachers seem to lack the tools to effectively plan quality lexical interventions. Thus, we focused on the preliminary stage of classroom interventions: planning. To design the directory, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 education professionals (regular teachers, resource teachers, educational advisors) to better understand their planning needs (specific objective 1). These interviews also helped identify essential characteristics of a planning tool and gather initial feedback on a first prototype of the directory. The participants' responses enabled us to improve the prototype and submit an enhanced version for functional testing to eight experts in lexical didactics or those with strong experience in research and development. Through a questionnaire, they provided feedback on the usefulness, usability, and perceived value of the prototype for the purpose of improvement. Finally, empirical tests with 16 education professionals led to further modifications of the prototype. Over 13 versions were developed.

語料庫英語教學之研究:以“see, watch, look at”為例 / “See”, “Watch” and “Look at” : Teaching Taiwanese EFL students on a corpora-based approach

謝瑋倫, Hsieh, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
字彙的誤用,是台灣英語學習者易犯的毛病之一。由於中文與英文字詞並非呈現一對一的語意對應,加上國中英語教師多年來習慣要求學生以記誦中文意思的方式學習英文單字,導致學生常有用錯字的狀況發生,並造成語意上的誤解。有鑑於此,本文作者盼能以語料庫英語教學來改善這些現象,並以see, watch ,look三個意義相近字彙的區辨為例,呈現出完整的教學過程,供英語教師教學或學習者自修參考。 在教學前,教師應根據學生英文程度與教學需求,先行篩選並編輯語料,以利學生學習。在課堂上,藉由這些語料的呈現,讓學生觀察其中的規律性;透過問題的解決,用認知的手段讓學生觀察該字彙出現的語境及其易連結的字串;並以測驗的方式檢測學生的理解程度。此外,本文亦詳細歸納這三個單字的使用時機,並提出實用的區辨方式。 作者盼能藉由語料庫英語教學的實施,增強英語學習者的學習意願。透過類似活動的投入及參與,學習者將不再只是訊息接收者,而能藉由觀察來創造自己的知識、增進對英文的掌握度。 / In Taiwan, many EFL students have difficulty using the proper vocabulary at the right time. Due to the fact that Mandarin and English vocabulary are in a one-to-many semantically-corresponding relationship, and that Taiwanese EFL students are often taught to learn English vocabulary by memorizing its Mandarin equivalent, students often have difficulties choosing proper English equivalents in different contexts. Besides, the arrangement of junior high school English curriculum has made it even more difficult for students to learn vocabulary accurately. Because the improper use of vocabulary often brings about confusion or misunderstanding, a practical method is needed to cope with the concerned problems. Nowadays, Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) has been a trend. In this study, the researcher will take “see, watch, and look at” as examples to show a corpora-based teaching procedure. Subjects are 8th graders in junior high school. The scope of the research is confined to the prototypical meanings of these verbs; it is believed that students should possess the basic knowledge about these verbs before they continue to learn other extended meanings. Before the class, the conordance lines are selected and carefully edited by the teacher to meet the needs of the course. In class, consciousness-raising tasks, combined with quizzes and complementary materials, provide students with comprehensive knowledge about the three verbs. After the activities, crucial information of the verbs is clearly exhibited, and useful methods are also presented to help distinguish the verbs. With the “context providers”, namely, the corpora, both teachers and students are provided with authentic and plentiful examples, which are often insufficient for Taiwanese EFL learners. Through the participation of these activities, students become participants and create their own knowledge. It is hoped that with the assistance of data-driven learning (DDL), EFL teachers will then be able to provide their students with not only more reliable information, but more constructive and systematic instruction.

Porovnání učebnic angličtiny a němčiny pro 2. stupeň ZŠ z pohledu slovní zásoby / Comparison of textbooks of English and German for lower secondary schools from the point of view of vocabuary teaching

PAREISOVÁ, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the comparison of English and German textbooks for lower secondary schools from the perspective of vocabulary. The aim of the theoretical part of this Diploma Thesis is to make the readers familiar with the theoretical concepts which deal with the vocabulary teaching and serve as the theoretical source for the processing of the practical part. The aim of the practical part is the analysis of given textbooks for teaching English and German languages at the lower secondary schools. The analysis is not going to be done only on the basis of the theoretical findings, but also on the basis of criteria, which will be determined in the introduction of the practical part. The textbooks are going to be analysed from the perspective of vocabulary at first and then mutually compared.

L’enseignement centré sur la forme et l’apprentissage du vocabulaire en français langue seconde

Gazerani, Farzin 02 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a été subventionnée par Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) / Dans cette thèse, l’auteur s’est penché sur la question de l’apprentissage/enseignement du vocabulaire en français langue seconde (L2). Depuis plusieurs années, la recherche en L2 fait face à une question essentielle : celle de l’efficacité de différentes approches d’enseignement lexical afin de favoriser l’apprentissage des mots. Certains chercheurs (par ex. Krashen, 1982, 1989) considèrent que l’apprentissage du vocabulaire en L2, tout comme celui des aspects morphosyntaxiques, se produit uniquement de façon incidente pendant l’exposition aux différents échantillons de la langue (c.-à-d., l’intrant) et à travers des activités centrées sur le sens communicatif telles que la lecture de textes. D’autres (par ex. Laufer, 2005, 2006) préconisent une approche plus explicite de l’enseignement du vocabulaire, centrée sur les aspects formels des éléments lexicaux (form-focused instruction). Cette question n’a pas fait l’objet d’une recherche exhaustive, surtout en ce qui concerne les modalités de l’enseignement centré sur la forme (FFI) et le moment approprié (le FFI intégré vs le FFI isolé) pour le fournir, d’où l’importance de cette recherche. Trois études expérimentales ont été effectuées afin d’examiner l’efficacité de différentes approches d’enseignement du vocabulaire en français. Quarante-deux apprenants de français L2 ont participé à deux études de cas multiples (n = 9 et n = 10) et à une étude quasi-expérimentale (n = 23). Les deux premières études ont servi de pilotes pour l’élaboration de la méthodologie de la troisième étude. L'intervention expérimentale (quatre périodes de 45 minutes chacune) ciblant 36 mots a été réalisée à travers trois conditions expérimentales (FFI intégré, FFI isolé et répétition) et une condition de contrôle (apprentissage incident via la lecture). Chacun des participants a bénéficié de toutes les conditions. En d’autres termes, parmi les mots ciblés, certains devaient être appris incidemment, certains à travers une exposition répétée et certains ont été enseignés par le FFI intégré et le FFI isolé. Des tâches lexicales ont été administrées avant et deux fois après l'intervention. Les résultats indiquent les avantages du FFI en comparaison avec l'apprentissage incident et la répétition sans aucune différence significative entre le FFI isolé et le FFI intégré. La conclusion de cette thèse met l’emphase sur l’importance du FFI afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage du vocabulaire, tout en précisant le caractère indispensable des activités de récupération pour diminuer la perte de l’apprentissage produit. / In this thesis, the author examined the question of vocabulary learning/teaching in French as a second language (L2). L2 research has been interested in the effects of different approaches of lexical instruction on vocabulary learning. Some researchers (e.g. Krashen, 1982, 1989) contend that L2 learning, vocabulary and morphosyntax, occurs incidentally through the exposure to comprehensible input and through meaning-based activities such as reading. Others (e.g. Laufer, 2005, 2006) advocate a more explicit approach to vocabulary teaching, focused on the form of lexical elements. The effects of lexical form-focused instruction (FFI) have not been thoroughly investigated, particularly its different modalities and timing (integrated FFI vs isolated FFI), hence the relevance of this research. Three experimental studies were conducted to examine the effectiveness of different vocabulary teaching approaches in French as an L2. Forty-two L2 French learners participated in two multiple case studies (n = 9 and n = 10) and a quasi-experimental study (n = 23). Among other things, the first two studies were designed to serve as pilots for the methodological design of the third study. The experimental intervention (four periods of 45 minutes each) targeting 36 words was carried out through three experimental conditions (integrated FFI, isolated FFI and repetition) and a control condition (incidental learning through reading). Each participant benefited from all the conditions. In other words, among the targeted words, some had to be learned incidentally, some through repeated exposure and some were taught by the integrated FFI and the isolated FFI. Lexical tasks were administered before intervention started and twice after it ended (immediate posttest and delayed posttest). Results indicate the advantages of FFI compared to incidental learning and repetition. However, there is no significant differences between the isolated FFI and the integrated FFI. The conclusion of this thesis emphasizes the importance of FFI in order to improve the vocabulary learning, while specifying the necessity of the retrieval activities to reduce learning loss.

Лексика сферы «Погода. Времена года» в лингвометодическом аспекте : магистерская диссертация / The vocabulary “Weather. Seasons of the year” in lingvo-methodical approach

Космаков, А. М., Kosmakov, A. M. January 2016 (has links)
The diploma includes: 113 pages, 7 attachments and based on 71 scientific resources, 8 dictionaries. The diploma consists of introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, bibliography and 7 attachments. / Магистерская диссертация включает в себя 113 страниц, 7 приложений, 71 источников и 8 словарей. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, 2 глав, заключения, списка литературы и 7 приложений.

Метод тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств : магистерская диссертация / Training method for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia

Подъячева, А. М., Podyacheva, A. M. January 2021 (has links)
В настоящей работе тренинг рассматривается как метод обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств. Для достижения цели работы – теоретическое обоснование, разработка и опытная проверка эффективности метода тренинга, как способа обучению лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств – были выполнены следующие задачи: проведен сравнительный анализ традиционного метода обучения и метода тренинга на основе исследования научно-методической литературы, были рассмотрены понятие, функции, структура и приемы тренинга; описаны особенности использования тренинга в обучении иностранным языкам; описана технология подготовки и проведения тренингов, направленных на изучение лексики иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств; проведен анализ и апробацию учебного процесса, отвечающего требованиям метода тренинга; проверена эффективность разработанной методики для обучения лексике иностранного языка в ходе опытно-поисковой работы. Магистерская диссертация по теме «Метод тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств» содержит 80 страниц текстового документа, 10 рисунков, 70 использованных источников. В первой главе была рассмотрена роль мультимедийных средств в образовательном процессе, основные подходы и принципы обучения иностранному языку с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий и тренинг как метод обучения. Во второй главе описана организация, апробация и сделан анализ практической работы по проведению тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств. В заключении был сделан вывод об эффективности данного метода. / In this work, training is considered as a method of teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia. To achieve the goal of the work – theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the training method, as a way of teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia – the following tasks were completed: a comparative analysis of the traditional teaching method and the training method based on the research of scientific and methodological literature was carried out, the concept, functions, structure and methods of training were considered; the features of raining usage in teaching foreign languages are described; the technology of preparing and conducting trainings aimed at studying the vocabulary of a foreign language for special purposes using multimedia is described; the analysis and approbation of the educational process that meets the requirements of the training method was carried out; the effectiveness of the developed methodology for teaching foreign language vocabulary in the course of experimental search work was tested. Master's thesis on the topic "Method of training for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia" contains 80 pages of a text document, 10 pictures, 70 used sources. The first chapter examined the role of multimedia in the educational process, the main approaches and principles of teaching a foreign language using information and communication technologies and training as a teaching method. The second chapter describes the organization, approbation and analysis of practical work on conducting training for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia. To sum up, it was concluded that this method is effective.

L'oral réflexif entre pairs pour favoriser la consolidation du vocabulaire rencontré en lecture chez les élèves à risque du 1er cycle du primaire

Sauvageau, Claudine 12 1900 (has links)
Les élèves à risque sont au cœur des préoccupations éducatives actuelles qui priorisent, nommément, la prévention de l’abandon scolaire (MEQ, 2017). Or, ces élèves peinent souvent à atteindre les cibles de réussite, en particulier concernant le développement des connaissances lexicales (Roux-Baron, 2019). C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit cette recherche, qui vise à créer et à expérimenter des séquences basées sur l’enseignement direct de vocabulaire (EDV) et sur l’oral réflexif (OR) auprès d’élèves, notamment à risque, du 1er cycle du primaire. Si l’EDV se traduit par l’explication, par l’enseignante, de mots ciblés dans des œuvres jeunesse suivie de la consolidation de ces mots dans divers contextes de réemploi (Beck et coll., 2013), l’OR contribue plutôt à une connaissance en profondeur des concepts par la coconstruction des savoirs (Chabanne et Bucheton, 2002). Six enseignantes du 1er cycle du primaire et leurs élèves (n=126) ont participé à cette recherche quasi expérimentale. Chaque enseignante (et son groupe d’élèves) était associée à une condition expérimentale (activités de consolidation avec/sans OR) ; dans chaque groupe, certains élèves étaient considérés à risque en raison d’un bagage lexical plus limité. Les enseignantes et la chercheuse ont mis en œuvre trois blocs d’intervention basés sur la démarche d’EDV, qui ont conduit à une collecte mixte de données. Des pré/posttests ont renseigné sur les apprentissages lexicaux des élèves, selon leur condition expérimentale, leur profil et le type d’étayage reçu (soutenu ou non). Des données qualitatives, issues de bandes vidéos, de journaux de bord et d’entretiens ont permis de documenter le réemploi spontané des mots ciblés par les élèves et de valider les conditions de mise en œuvre de l’OR. L’évolution significative des scores globaux (pré/posttests) aux trois blocs confirme d’abord l’efficacité de la démarche d’EDV auprès de tous les élèves. L’analyse des données qualitatives témoigne par ailleurs de la qualité des discussions en OR, mais démontre une appropriation graduelle de la posture en OR chez les enseignantes et les élèves, des constats cruciaux pour valider et expliquer les résultats issus de la comparaison des conditions expérimentales. Ainsi, l’analyse des données quantitatives indique qu’une approche de consolidation des mots en OR parait favorable au rappel du sens des mots et à la production de leur forme orale, progressivement au fil de l’expérimentation. Chez les élèves à risque, l’influence favorable d’une approche en OR s’observe au bloc 3, cette fois sur l’ensemble des connaissances lexicales réceptives et productives. Les résultats comparés selon le profil des élèves ne démontrent toutefois pas l’effet de l’étayage soutenu offert aux élèves à risque ; ces derniers conserveraient néanmoins (comme leurs pairs) leurs apprentissages lexicaux dans le temps, du moins en réception. Enfin, les élèves à risque associés à la condition OR réemploieraient spontanément plus souvent les mots ciblés et utiliseraient une plus grande variété de mots appris que leurs pairs. En somme, notre étude démontre le bien-fondé de poursuivre la recherche sur l’OR et l’EDV, voire sur leur alliance, qui parait une avenue prometteuse, favorable au développement lexical de tous les apprenants, notamment des jeunes élèves à risque. / At-risk students are at the heart of current educational concerns, which aim to act preventively to counter the dropping out of school phenomenon (MEQ, 2017). However, these students often struggle to achieve success targets, particularly regarding the development of lexical knowledge (Roux-Baron, 2019). Our doctoral research takes place in this context, with the aim of creating and experimenting a teaching approach based on robust vocabulary teaching (RVT) and reflective oral (RO) with students, especially at-risk ones, in the 1st cycle of primary school. If RVT results in the explanation, by the teacher, of targeted words in children's book, supplemented by follow-up activities in various contexts of reuse (Beck et al., 2013), OR, for its part, contributes to an in-depth knowledge of concepts through the co-construction of knowledge (Chabanne and Bucheton, 2002). Six primary school teachers and their students (n=126) participated in this quasi-experimental research. Each teacher (and their group of students) was associated with an experimental condition (follow-up activities with/without RO). Furthermore, in each group, certain students were considered at-risk due to a more limited lexical background. The teachers, with the researcher, implemented three intervention sequences based on the RVT approach. The experiment led to the collection of mixed data. Pre/posttests provided information on students’ vocabulary learning, according to their experimental condition, their profile, and the type of support received (sustained support or not). Qualitative data extracted from videotapes, logbooks, and interviews, made it possible to keep traces of the spontaneous reuse of the targeted words by the students while also validating the conditions for implementing RO. The significant evolution of overall scores (pre/post-tests) in all three sequences first confirms the effectiveness of the RVT approach with all students. Moreover, the analysis of qualitative data reflects the quality of discussions but also demonstrates a gradual appropriation of the RO posture among teachers and students, crucial findings for validating and explaining the results arising from the comparison of experimental conditions. Thus, the analysis of the quantitative data indicates that an approach that consists of consolidating words in RO appears favorable to the recall of the meaning of the words and on the production of their oral form, gradually over the course of the experiment. Among at-risk students, the favorable influence of an RO approach is observed, more specifically in the third sequence, on all receptive and productive lexical knowledge. However, comparing results according to student profile does not demonstrate the effect of the sustained support offered to at-risk students; the latter would nevertheless maintain (like their peers) their vocabulary learning over time, at least in reception. Finally, at-risk students associated with the RO condition would spontaneously reuse targeted words more often and use a greater variety of learned words than their peers. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the merits of continuing research on RO and RVT, or even on the alliance between the two, which has shown itself to be a promising avenue for creating favorable conditions for the vocabulary development of all learners, particularly young at-risk students.

Effects of Exposure to L1 Translation in Vocabulary Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language with College Students

Palacios Vivar, Cristina 30 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] La adquisición de vocabulario es uno de los principales desafíos para los estudiantes de idiomas y la falta de un vocabulario adecuado es el primer impedimento para una comunicación exitosa. A través de una revisión de la literatura sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de vocabulario se identificó una brecha importante; la mayor parte de la investigación se lleva a cabo en condiciones controladas. Existe la necesidad de comprender la influencia de la enseñanza del vocabulario en el entorno real del aula. Este estudio examina específicamente la influencia de metodologías de enseñanza de vocabulario en el aula. Este estudio se realizó en una universidad privada con 37 participantes en un estudio piloto y 166 en el estudio principal, ambos divididos en grupos de control y experimentales utilizando un diseño de pretest-postest para analizar la influencia de la instrucción de vocabulario explícito en las clases. El conocimiento del vocabulario se evaluó antes y después de las intervenciones con una versión adaptada de la Escala de conocimiento del vocabulario (VKS por sus siglas en inglés) (Paribakht y Wesche, 1993). Esta investigación constó de dos fases. En primer lugar, se evaluó en un estudio piloto la instrucción de vocabulario explícito a través de la exposición visual al vocabulario objetivo con traducción al español y entrada auditiva, esta etapa se centró en el primer paso para el aprendizaje de vocabulario mencionado por Nation (2013): Prestar atención a las palabras. Los resultados obtenidos del estudio piloto no presentaron diferencias significativas entre el grupo control y el experimental. Por lo tanto, se decidió incluir una actividad adicional para mejorar el aprendizaje de vocabulario. En la segunda fase, que incluyó a 166 estudiantes, empleó una actividad de vocabulario basada en la web, así como la exposición visual. Esto se introdujo para evocar el segundo paso del aprendizaje de vocabulario: Recuperación. Esta metodología brindó oportunidades para que los participantes exploraran el vocabulario con una nueva herramienta de aprendizaje; permitiendo a los estudiantes no solo notar el vocabulario clave, sino también recuperarlo. Los resultados del estudio principal fueron alentadores, el grupo experimental superó al grupo de control en la prueba posterior (p<0,001) mostrando una mejora significativa en la mayoría de las palabras. Podemos suponer que la metodología adicional incluida en el estudio principal podría ser responsable de la mejora del vocabulario. Después de la intervención, una entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes del grupo experimental obtuvo información sobre sus ideas sobre su propio aprendizaje y la metodología utilizada. Los participantes dieron una opinión positiva de las actividades basadas en la web y reconocieron la importancia del desarrollo del vocabulario en su proceso de aprendizaje de idiomas. Este estudio destaca la influencia positiva de la instrucción de vocabulario explícito en el entorno del aula de aprendizaje de inglés. La tecnología brinda oportunidades para replicar esta metodología con poca inversión de tiempo; esta puede ser una herramienta beneficiosa para profesores y estudiantes. En este sentido, al final, se discuten las implicaciones pedagógicas. / [CAT] L'adquisició de vocabulari és un dels principals desafiaments per als estudiants d'idiomes i la falta d'un vocabulari adequat és el primer impediment per a una comunicació amb èxit. A través d'una revisió de la literatura sobre l'ensenyança i l'aprenentatge de vocabulari es va identificar una bretxa important; la major part de la investigació es du a terme en condicions controlades. Hi ha la necessitat de comprendre la influència de l'ensenyança del vocabulari en l'entorn real de l'aula. Aquest estudi examina específicament la influència de metodologies d'ensenyança de vocabulari en l'aula. Este estudi es va realitzar en una universitat privada amb 37 participants en un estudi pilot i 166 en l'estudi principal, ambdós dividits en grups de control i experimentals utilitzant un disseny de pretest-postest per a analitzar la influència de la instrucció de vocabulari explícit en les classes. El coneixement del vocabulari es va avaluar abans i després de les intervencions amb una versió adaptada de l'Escala de coneixement del vocabulari (VKS per les seues sigles en anglès) (Paribakht i Wesche, 1993) . Aquesta investigació va constar de dos fases. En primer lloc, es va avaluar en un estudi pilot la instrucció de vocabulari explícit a través de l'exposició visual al vocabulari objectiu amb traducció a l'espanyol i entrada auditiva, esta etapa es va centrar en el primer pas per a l'aprenentatge de vocabulari mencionat per Nation (2013) : Parar atenció a les paraules. Els resultats obtinguts de l'estudi pilot no van presentar diferències significatives entre el grup control i l'experimental. Per tant, es va decidir incloure una activitat addicional per a millorar l'aprenentatge de vocabulari. En la segona fase, que va incloure a 166 estudiants, va emprar una activitat de vocabulari basada en la web, així com l'exposició visual. Açò es va introduir per a evocar el segon pas de l'aprenentatge de vocabulari: Recuperació. Esta metodologia va brindar oportunitats perquè els participants exploraren el vocabulari amb una nova ferramenta d'aprenentatge; permetent als estudiants no sols notar el vocabulari clau, sinó també recuperar-lo. Els resultats de l'estudi principal van ser encoratjadors, el grup experimental va superar al grup de control en la prova posterior (p<0,001) mostrant una millora significativa en la majoria de les paraules. Podem suposar que la metodologia addicional inclosa en l'estudi principal podria ser responsable de la millora del vocabulari. Després de la intervenció, una entrevista semiestructurada amb els participants del grup experimental va obtindre informació sobre les seues idees sobre el seu propi aprenentatge i la metodologia utilitzada. Els participants van donar una opinió positiva de les activitats basades en la web i van reconèixer la importància del desenvolupament del vocabulari en el seu procés d'aprenentatge d'idiomes. Este estudi destaca la influència positiva de la instrucció de vocabulari explícit en l'entorn de l'aula d'aprenentatge d'anglès. La tecnologia brinda oportunitats per a replicar esta metodologia amb poca inversió de temps; esta pot ser una ferramenta beneficiosa per a professors i estudiants. En este sentit, al final, es discutixen les implicacions pedagògiques. / [EN] Vocabulary acquisition is one of the major challenges for language learners and the lack of proper vocabulary is the first impediment to successful communication. A literature review of vocabulary teaching and learning identified an important gap; most research is conducted under controlled conditions. There is a necessity to understand the influence of vocabulary instruction in real classroom settings. This study specifically examines the influence of vocabulary teaching methodologies in the classroom. This study was conducted in a private university with 37 participants in a pilot study and 166 in the main study, both divided into control and experimental groups using a pretest-posttest design in order to analyse the influence of explicit vocabulary instruction in classes. Vocabulary knowledge was assessed before and after interventions with an adapted version of the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) (Paribakht & Wesche, 1993). This research consisted of two phases. First, explicit vocabulary instruction through visual exposure to target vocabulary with Spanish translation and aural input was assessed in a pilot study. This stage focused on the first step for vocabulary learning mentioned by Nation (2013): Noticing. Results obtained from the pilot study presented no significant difference between the control and the experimental group. Therefore, it was decided to include an additional activity to enhance vocabulary learning. In the second phase, which included 166 students, employed a web-based vocabulary activity as well as the visual exposure. This was introduced to evoke the second step of vocabulary learning: Retrieval. This methodology provided opportunities for participants to explore vocabulary with a new learning tool; allowing students to not only notice target vocabulary, but also to retrieve it. The results from the main study were encouraging, the experimental group outperformed the control group in the posttest (p<0.001) showing significant improvement in most words in the experimental group. We may assume that the additional methodology included in the main study could be responsible for the vocabulary enhancement. After the intervention, a semi-structured interview with participants from the experimental group elicited information about their ideas toward their own learning and the methodology used. Participants gave a positive opinion of web-based activities and acknowledged the importance of vocabulary development in their language-learning process. This study highlights the positive influence of explicit vocabulary instruction in English Learning classroom settings. Technology provides opportunities to replicate this methodology with little time investment; a beneficial tool for teachers and students. In this sense, pedagogic implications are discussed. / Palacios Vivar, C. (2022). Effects of Exposure to L1 Translation in Vocabulary Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language with College Students [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183071

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