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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lengvojo automobilio stabdžių antiblokavimo sistemos tyrimas / Research of vehicle anti-lock brake system

Filipovičiūtė, Greta 27 June 2005 (has links)
In master work accomplished research of vehicle anti-lock brake system. ABS systems are simple, more complicated and complicated. In this work is separated summarize structural schemes of ABS systems and selected all parameters, which impacts ABS operating. In this work the experiment is done with computer ABS modeling cooperation. During experiment persuade that model only slightly differ from results of experiment done by Bosch company. Also in experiment established optimal comparative allowable wheels slip value for different road surfaces.

Elektroninės komercijos modeliai verslo efektyvumui didinti / Electronic commerce models for increasing business effectiveness

Šarapovas, Tadas 25 July 2005 (has links)
Objective of the research is to formulate an e-commerce model, aimed at increasing business effectiveness by minimising costs, which is based on the assessment of the impact of e-commerce on business effectiveness.

Švietimo įstaigų nekilnojamojo turto valdymo ypatybės / The Features of the Real Estate Management of Educational Institutions

Kiudulaitė, Indrė 06 June 2006 (has links)
This master‘s final paper formulates theoretical and practical features of the real estate management of educational institutions. Comprehensive school networks, buildings, and state of hygiene is analysed. A lot of attention is payed to the analyses of Lieporiai and „Saulėtekis“ high schools, their real estate and property management, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the state of the school buildings themselves. During the research the opinion of students about the state of the buildings was studied. Acknowledged hypothesis is that the real estate management of the educational institutions and their differences depend on the educational institutions themselves (on their popularity, initiative).

Šalčininkų teritorinės darbo biržos veiklos analizė / Analysis of Salcininkai territorial labour exchange‘s activities

Petuchova, Renata 12 December 2006 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir įvertinti Šalčininkų teritorinės darbo biržos veiklą ir rezultatus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti išanalizuojami įvairių teoretikų požiūriai į viešojo sektoriaus institucijų veikla ir jos efektyvumą; išnagrinėjamos Šalčininkų darbo biržos funkcijos, veiklos organizavimas, kai kurios jos valdymo proceso sudedamosios dalys: strateginis valdymas, planavimas, kontrolė, kokybės valdymas, bendradarbiavimas; išanalizuojamas Šalčininkų darbo biržos vykdomų aktyvių darbo politikos priemonių bei Europos socialinio fondo lėšomis finansuojamu projektu efektyvumas, didinant užimtumą Šalčininkų rajone; atliekama Šalčininkų teritorinės darbo biržos klientų apklausa dėl teikiamų paslaugų kokybės bei įvertinami apklausos rezultatai. Apibendrinus pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos. / The theme of Master‘s thesis – Analysis of Salcininkai territorial labour exchange‘s activities. The objective of Master‘s thesis is to analyze and evaluate Salcininkai territorial labour exchange‘s activities and their results. To attain this objective there are analyzed different theorists‘ views on public sector‘s organizations‘ activities and their efficiency; the main functions of Salcininkai territorial labour exchange; some its administrative process‘s constituent parts, such as strategic management, planning, control, quality management, cooperation; the efficiency of active labour market policy programs and European Social Fund projects, which Salcininkai territorial labour exchange realizes increasing employment in Salcininkai district; was carried out the survey of Salcininkai territorial labour exchange‘s clients about services‘ quality and analyzed this survey‘s results. Then are drawn conclusions and given recommendations.

Įvairių šalių audito patirties lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of audit experience in various countries

Lukauskaitė, Judita 15 December 2006 (has links)
Veiklos auditas – nauja viešojo sektoriaus institucijų veiklos kontrolės forma, analizuojanti ne finansinį tam tikros institucijos, o būtent veiklos, rezultatų pasiekimo aspektą, pasaulyje atsiradusi apie 1979 metus. Lietuva – jauna valstybė, neturinti itin daug viešojo sektoriaus institucijų veiklos audito patirties bei tradicijų šioje srityje, nėra ir pakankamai teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių veiklos audito procesą, taigi išsiaiškinti, išanalizuoti ir pritaikyti praktikoje kitų pasaulio valstybių veiklos audito atlikimo principus yra itin aktualu. Taigi toks ir yra pagrindinis mokslinio tiriamojo darbo “Įvairių šalių audito patirties lyginamoji analizė” tikslas: išanalizuoti trylikos pasaulio valstybių (Prancūzijos, Italijos, Olandijos, Vokietijos, Čekijos, Vengrijos, Didžiosios Britanijos, Suomijos, Norvegijos, Kanados, JAV, Australijos ir Slovėnijos) veiklos audito atlikimo procesą ir pateikti pasiūlymus, kas turėtų būti keičiama Lietuvos Respublikoje atsižvelgiant į pasaulio praktiką. / Performance audit is a new form of control of public sector institutions, which analyses not financial, as usually, but performance and achievements of results aspects in these institutions. This type of audit could be dated to 1979. Lithuania is very young country which does not have sufficient experience and traditions in performance audit, there are no appropriate amount of legislation for performance audit and its process regulation so it is eminently topical question to find out, analyze and put in practice the experience of other countries in performance audit principles and its process. So the main idea of the study “Comparative analysis of audit experience in various countries” is to analyze the process of performance audit in thirteen countries (France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Czech, Hungary, Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Canada, USA, Australia and Slovenia) and to offer the suggestions how the situation of performance audit system could be changed and improved in Lithuania by the practice of other countries. In the order to realize the main idea of the study, the author analyzes basic phases of performance audit process, such as the planning of performance audit, audit evidence, data analysis and reporting. In accordance with these phases of performance audit all thirteen countries are compared with each other; the author is looking for similarities and differences, advantages and defects of every single country and is system of performance audit: for... [to full text]

Viešieji e. pirkimai ir jų teisinis reglamentavimas Lietuvoje / Public e. procurement and its legal reglamentation in Lithuania

Sokolinskaja, Agata 19 December 2006 (has links)
Viešųjų pirkimų sistema yra svarbi kiekvienos Europos valstybės ekonomikos dalis. Viešiesiems pirkimams yra naudojama apie 30 procentų nacionalinių biudžetų ir kitų visuomeninių lėšų, todėl racionalus ir taupus jų panaudojimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių valstybės valdymo tikslų. Net iki 75 milijardų eurų Europos sąjungos lėšų ir apie 250 milijonų litų Lietuvos biudžeto pinigų galima sutaupyti perkėlus viešuosius pirkimus į elektroninę erdvę. Pagrindiniai įstatyminiai viešųjų e. pirkimų pagrindai numatyti 2004 m. kovo 31 dienos Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvoje 2004/17/EB (Direktyva dėl viešųjų pirkimų tvarkos vandens, energetikos, transporto ir pašto paslaugų sektoriaus koordinavimo) ir direktyvoje 2004/18/EB (Direktyva dėl darbų, prekių ir paslaugų viešojo pirkimo sutarčių sudarymo tvarkos koordinavimo), kurių normas perkeltos ir įgyvendintos 2005 m. gruodžio 15 d. priimtame LR Viešųjų pirkimų įstatymo pakeitimo įstatyme. / Public procurement system is a very important part of economy of every European country. National budgets spend almost 30% of its money on public sector procurements as well as other public spending. That is why it is very important every country has a goal of spending its money rationally and cutting its costs as much as possible. It is believed that the new e-procurement system would save at least 75 billion euros in Europe, and around 250 million litas of Lithuanian budget. The basis of public e. procurement law is set in the directory of European Parliament and Council, 2004/17/EB (directory of public procurement, water, energy, transport and post services coordination), and 2004/18/EB (directory that coordinates work services, goods and public sector procurement agreements). All these above mentioned directories are provided in Public Procurement law of Lithuania, on December 15, 2005. All European Union countries are undergoing the process of implementing public e. procurement system. New information systems of public procurement, central Web portals, the Procurement Monitoring Bureaus are being created. On 2004, April 25, EU Commission has set a goal in Communique of implementing a plan of action of public e. procurement system until 2010 in Europe. The main purpose - until the year 2010, public e. procurement process should be done 100% electronically (practically at least 50% of whole procurement system). The theme of this work is “Public e. procurement ant... [to full text]

Auditorių nuomonės apie veiklos audito kokybės problemas veiklos audito procese tyrimas / Investigation of performance audit quality problems in performance audit process according to the auditors

Burlėgaitė, Rasa 08 January 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti auditorių nuomonę apie veiklos audito kokybės problemas veiklos audito procese ir pateikti pasiūlymus dėl veiklos audito proceso tobulinimo. Darbui buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) Atlikti valdymo kokybės vertinimo teorinę analizę. 2) Išnagrinėti veiklos audito ypatumus. 3) Empirinio tyrimo pagalba identifikuoti Lietuvos veiklos audito specifika. 4) Nustatyti audito metodologijos (vadovo) naudojimo efektyvumą. 5) Suformuluoti veiklos audito proceso tobulinimo pasiūlymus. Darbo hipotezė - pagrindinė auditorių veiklos problema yra audito apimtis ir metodologijos stoka. / The study has an objective to analyze the opinions of auditors about performance audit quality problems in performance audit process and to offer suggestions in improvement of performance audit process. This study has few tasks: 1) to make a theoretical analysis of evaluation of possession quality; 2) to analyze the peculiarities of performance audit; 3) to identify empirically the specifics of Lithuanian performance audit; 4) to determine the effectiveness of audit methodology (guideline) usage; 5) to formulate suggestions in improvement of performance audit process. The study has a hypothesis – according to the auditors, the extent of audit and imperfections of methodology negatively influence over the process of performance audit. The master's degree study consists of three parts. The evaluation of the possession quality is analyzed, the problems of possession quality in organization's activity are discussed in the first part of the study. The specifics of performance audit are analyzed in the second part of this study. The results of this empirical study are presented in the third part. The results and recommendations are presented at the end of this study. Concluding this study, the majority investigators institutions activity management interpret this as an internal managemental behavior model, describing some sort of institutional quality, normative, relation, tradition and contact manner totality. Performance audit – the opportunity to conform the organizational... [to full text]

Vartotojų sąryšio informacijos valdymo sistema / Customer relationship management system

Selenis, Laimonas 27 May 2004 (has links)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the biggest problems for many companies today. By analyzing history records (profiles) of its customers, organization can effectively adapt its business activity to users needs and create better products and services. Proper analysis of customer profiles can help to predict the behaviour of the customers. After grouping customer profiles by similar attributes, company can easier handle its interactions with similar users. Such group profiling can also help to identify needs of new customers on their first interaction with the company. The biggest problem in implementing such systems is the management of a vast array of customer data. Data mining technologies can help to solve this problem and help the ebusinesses to better understand their e-customers. This work reviews data mining methods, such as Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees and Association Rules, which can be effectively used for customers grouping and profiling. A new conceptual model of Users Recognition System is suggested. The new model uses profiles created from customer history records for identifying new customers. The suggested model has been tested experimentally and results prove the possibility of practical application of this model.

Prekybos įmonės užsakymų ir pardavimų valdymo sistema / Ordering and Sales Control System in a Trading Company

Ulevičius, Arvydas 22 September 2004 (has links)
Ordering and sales control information system (IS), which is being introduced in the trading company „Egzotika“ Lipeikis enterprise. The firm is operating in wholesale and retail business of tires and wheel rims. Due to the growth of the company, increased number of selling locations, and constantly growing and changing market environment, it became crucial to optimize the work of various departments in the company. The new IS will eliminate the repetition of the tasks performed and will guarantee rapid exchange of the important information during the working day. The purpose of the new IS is to improve the control of ordering and sales. The new IS will supplement the existing corporate accounting IS, because it can’t solve the problems of ordering and sales control. The new IS allows to perform these tasks: The formation of the orders - Ability to work with data on stocks in the warehouses - The optimization of the flow of goods within the departments - Sales analysis Initial information is imported to new IS from the corporate accounting IS. The new IS is operating with Microsoft Access 2002 and Microsoft Visual Basic programs. The module of the importation of the data from corporate accounting IS to new IS is actualized using CA-Clipper 5.2e programming language.

Strateginio valdymo modeliavimas statyboje / Modelling of strategic management in construction

Lileikytė, Simona 16 June 2005 (has links)
Ekonomikos globalizacija, ES plėtra, statybos verslo perprodukcija ES šalyse, Lietuvos integracija į ES bendrąją rinką priverčia statybos įmonių vadovus ir savininkus siekti naujų tikslų. Pasikeitusi išorinė aplinka pakeičia ir vidinę statybos įmonės aplinką, o tai sąlygoja naujų tikslų siekim�� ir naujų strategijų atsiradimą. Šio darbo mokslinių tyrimų objektas yra strateginio valdymo modelio kūrimas. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti strateginio valdymo statyboje modeliavimą, integruojantis į Europos Sąjungą, ir įvertinti verslo perspektyvas, pasikeitusioje išorinėje aplinkoje. Darbas atliktas remiantis šiais mokslinio tyrimo metodais: statistine analize; SWOT analize; modeliavimu. Teoriniai darbo rezultatai: 1. Išanalizuotas strateginio valdymo teorinis pagrindas. 2. Pateikta SWOT analizės struktūra. 3. Išnagrinėti strateginio valdymo modelių variantai. 4. Parengta tyrimo rezultatų analizė. Praktiniai darbo rezultatai: 1. Atlikta statybos verslo dalyvių išorinės aplinkos analizė 2. Išanalizuota statybos įmonės UAB „Elidonas“ veikla, valdymo struktūra, veiklos plėtros kryptys. 3. Įvertinta įmonės išorinė ir vidinė aplinka, atlikta SWOT analizė. 4. Išnagrinėtas statybos proceso rizikingų sprendimų valdymas, atlikta UAB „Elidonas“ rizikingų sprendimų analizė – ANTI SWOT. 5. Suprojektuotas UAB „Elidonas“ strateginio valdymo modelis. 6. Išnagrinėtos SWOT analizės rezultatų realizavimo perspektyvos, parengtas UAB „Elidonas“ strateginis valdymo planas ir jo tikslų medis. / Secularization of economy, development of European Union, overproduction of construction business in European Union countrys, integration to common market of European Union force the heads and owners of construction companies reach new goals. Varied external environment shifts the internal environment of construction company, so reaching new goals and the rise of new strategies are necessitated by thies changes. The object of this work scientific research is creating the model of strategic management. The aim of this work is to analyse the modelling of strategic management in construction integrating to European Union and estimate business perspectives in varied external environment. The work was completed using thies methods of scientific research: statistical analysis; SWOT analysis; modelling. Theoretical work’s results: 1. Theoretical foundation of strategic management was analyzed. 2. The structure of SWOT analysis was presented. 3. The versions of strategic management models were analysed. 4. Analysis of research results was elaborated. Practical work’s results: 1. The analysis of external environment business partners was done. 2. The activity and management structure of construction company ELIDONAS and the directions for the company development were analysed. 3. The evaluation of internal and external environment of the company was performed and the SWOT analysis was provided. 4. The management of risky decisions in construction process was analyzed and the... [to full text]

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