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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La construction de la valeur en entrepreneuriat social : proposition d’un modèle pour la conception d’une valeur globale / The Construction of Value in Social Entrepreneurship : a Model Proposition for Global Value Design

Marin Pérez, José Aramis 29 November 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à comprendre comment les entrepreneurs sociaux créent de la valeur. Notre objectif est de modéliser le processus de création de valeur que nous avons observé sur un projet de circuits courts à travers d’une méthodologie de recherche intervention. La sociologie de la traduction et l’analyse de discours ont été mobilisés pour rendre compte de la complexité dans la définition, la perception et le partage de la valeur du dit projet d’entreprise social. Nous voulons démontrer que la création de valeur dans l'entrepreneuriat social est un processus de traduction interactif, dynamique et complexe, parmi une multitude des visions et représentations sur la satisfaction des besoins, propres à chaque partie prenante, qui vont toucher ne pas seulement au domaine de la conception, réalisation et valorisation de l’activité économique, mais aussi leurs répercussions dans le domaine social et environnemental. Nous avons observé que les entrepreneurs sociaux construisent la valeur de leur projet en repérant un besoin social, ou en s’engageant dans une idéale de société, qu’ils vont incorporer à son échelle personnelle des valeurs, fruit d’un contexte et d’une histoire particulière. Cette appropriation va déterminer l’intentionnalité de leur action entrepreneuriale dont la pérennité dépendra du soutien du réseau et de la cohérence globale de l’organisation elle-même. Nous avons proposé donc, au niveau terrain l’amélioration d’un outil heuristique pour accompagner la création de valeur, et au niveau théorique un cadre pour comprendre l’agir des entrepreneurs et la perception de leurs parties prenantes / In this thesis, we are interested in understanding how social entrepreneurs create value. Our goal is to model the process of value creation that we observed on a short supply chain project through an action research methodology. The sociology of translation and discourse analysis have been used to take into account the complexity of the definition, the perception and the process of sharing the value of a social enterprise project. We want to demonstrate that value creation in social entrepreneurship is an interactive, dynamic and complex translation process. It takes into account a multitude of visions and representations on the satisfaction of the needs of each stakeholder that will affect not only the design and the implementation of economic activity, but also their social and environmental impact. We have observed that social entrepreneurs construct the value of their project by identifying a social need, or by committing themselves to a societal ideal that they will incorporate into their values on a personal scale. This adoption process will determine the intentionality of their entrepreneurial action, the sustainability of which will depend on the support of their network and the overall coherence of the organization itself. We therefore proposed, at the field level, the improvement of a heuristic tool to support value creation and, at the theoretical level, a framework for understanding social entrepreneurship based on the actions of entrepreneurs and the perception of their stakeholders


[pt] Essa pesquisa pretende colaborar para um melhor entendimento da importância da governança e gestão de TI, à luz da Resource-based View, para vencer os modernos desafios que se impõem às organizações públicas brasileiras em sua missão institucional de oferecer uma prestação de serviços públicos aos cidadãos com qualidade, segurança e eficiência. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base nos dados coletados pelo TCU junto às 482 organizações que responderam ao Levantamento Integrado de Governança Organizacional Pública (iGov2017). Os dados foram tratados de forma quantitativa usando as técnicas multivariadas de análise de fatores e análise de cluster. Em seguida, comparou-se o desempenho dos quatro grupos formados, em termos de observância da legislação vigente no tocante à prestação de serviços públicos com qualidade. A pesquisa revelou que 47,7 por cento das organizações exibem níveis incipientes de governança e gestão de TI com impactos na qualidade da prestação de serviços públicos. Destacam-se negativamente os índices de gestão de riscos, gestão de níveis de serviço de TI e gestão da segurança da informação. Em contrapartida, 19 por cento das organizações revelaram níveis satisfatórios de resultados e maturidade de governança e gestão de TI. As evidências encontradas apontam uma correlação positiva entre a qualidade da governança e gestão de TI e os resultados finalísticos das organizações. Os resultados dessa pesquisa sugerem que uma orquestração multifacetada, harmônica e complexa, que assegure um alinhamento consistente e contínuo entre decisões estratégicas, alinhamento estratégico de TI, gestão de riscos, gestão e governança de TI, afeta decisivamente o desempenho das organizações brasileiras. / [en] This research aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the importance of IT governance and IT management, according to the Resource-based View, in order to overcome the modern challenges Brazilian public organizations face as part of their institutional mission of providing proper quality, secure and efficient public services to the citizens. The study was developed based on the data collected by the TCU from 482 organizations that responded to the Integrated Survey of Public Organizational Governance (iGov2017). The data was treated quantitatively using multivariate techniques such as common factor analysis and cluster analysis. Furthermore, a performance comparison of the concluding four groups was conducted, in terms of compliance with the current legislation regarding provision of high-quality public services. The survey revealed that 47,7 percent of the organizations exhibited incipient levels of IT governance and IT management with impacts on the quality of the public services provision. Indexes on risk management, IT service level management and information security management stood out negatively. On the other hand, 19 percent of the organizations showed satisfactory levels of results and maturity of IT governance and IT management. Evidence indicates that there is a positive correlation between the quality of IT governance and IT management and the targeted results of the organizations. The outcome of this research suggests that a complex, harmonious multifaceted orchestration that ensures a consistent and continuous alignment between strategic decisions, IT strategic alignment, risk management, IT governance and IT management decisively affects Brazilian public organizations performance.

Digital Service Innovation : A Case Study of a Web-based 3D Configurator in a Construction Context

Lundberg, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Innovating with digital technologies is becoming increasingly necessary as firms seek to remain competitive. Previous scholarship has showed how digital innovation can be managed to be competitive and gain value creation internally. However, the use of diverse digital resources in creating novel services has shaped an opportunity for research in Digital service innovation (DSI). To date, DSI have started to spread in Information System research. However, to understand DSI and its associated value creation dynamics – the relations between internal and external IT-based value creation are unreported. Therefore, in drawing on a qualitative case study of construction firm’s use of DSI capabilities through a Web-based 3D Configurator. This thesis aims to understand its role and dynamics between internal and external IT-based value creation. The results illustrate the role of the Web-based 3D configurator as a fundamental means for delivering both internal and external values. Contrasting previous research, the findings reveal how the firm first needed to achieve external IT-based value creation before internal IT-based values could be realized. This findings contributes to a deeper understanding of DSI and its value creation dynamics, which in the future can be a starting point for creation of new frameworks in managing DSI.

Data Mining in Knowledge Management Processes: Developing an Implementing Framework

Nguyen, Ngoc Buu Cat January 2018 (has links)
Analyzing a huge amount of data becomes a tricky challenge and an opportunity for data miners and businessmen today. Knowledge management processes can deal with big knowledge source to find tacit intelligence making businesses more agile and effective. Data mining is a powerful tool working with big data to create capabilities of forecasting and analysis. Yet there is a lack of research on where and how data mining can add value in knowledge management processes in organizations to maximize valuable knowledge for innovation and business management. The knowledge management processes of a psychiatry section in a Swedish hospital was used as a case study for this thesis. Interviews with manager, psychiatrist, auxiliary nurse and data scientists are conducted. Collected data is analyzed to create values of data mining based on a value creation framework through the knowledge management processes of psychiatry section in the hospital. Relying on this process, the limitations and strengths are exposed; whereby, a data mining implementing framework is formulated, and potentials of data mining for the process are suggested to support for all employees of psychiatry section in the hospital in decision making and caring for patients.

"Hej, behöver du hjälp?" : En studie om kunders erfarenheter av och önskemål om interaktion med personal i klädbutiker / ”Hi, can I help you?” : A study about customers' experiences and wants regarding interaction with clothing store personnel

Reihammar, Mariella, Sjöberg, Albina, Thoor, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka kunders erfarenheter av och önskemål kring interaktionen med klädbutikers personal. Vidare undersöker studien på vilket sätt kunder vill att interaktionen ska ske samt inom vilka zoner och vid vilka tillfällen. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och den empiriska datan är framtagen genom 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga konsumenter. Studien har till en början en deduktiv ansats som sedan övergår i inslag av induktiv ansats inom vilka studien sedan växlar mellan. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar att kunder har önskemål om ett individanpassat bemötande under interaktion med personal samt att kunder lägger vikt vid personalens beteende och tillgänglighet. Studien visar även att kunders erfarenheter av interaktion med personal i klädbutiker inte överensstämmer med kunders önskemål kring detta fenomen. Många kunder har visat sig ha relativt låga förväntningar gällande denna interaktion men trots detta har det visat sig att personal i många fall inte lyckas leva upp till dessa förväntningar. Interaktionen med personal i klädbutiker har även visat sig vara av stor vikt för såväl kundens image av företaget som för kunders upplevelse av ett butiksbesök. Det framgår att denna interaktion har stor inverkan på kunders fortsatta beteende gentemot företaget vilket visar på att interaktionen utgör en viktig del av klädbutikers konkurrenskraft. / Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to examine customers' experiences and wants regarding the interaction with clothing store personnel. Furthermore, the thesis explores how customers would like this interaction to occur as well as in what zones and in which situations. Method: The study in this thesis follows a qualitative research method and the empirical data is gathered through semistructured interviews with 15 female consumers. Conclusion: The thesis' results show that customers have the desire for an individualized response in interaction with personnel, and that customers attach importance to the personnel behavior and availability. The thesis also shows that customers' experiences of interaction with personnel in clothing stores do not match customer wants concerning this phenomenon. Many customers have been shown to have relatively low expectations regarding this interaction, but in spite of this, it has been found that in many cases personnel fail to live up to these expectations. The interaction with personnel in clothing stores has also proved to be of great importance to both the customer's image of the company and the customer's experience of a shop visit. It appears that this interaction has a major impact on customers' continued behavior towards the company, which shows that interaction is an important part of clothing stores' competitiveness.

Geração de riqueza em empresas vencedoras do PNQ: uma análise usando o EVA

Bassan, Heder 21 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3405.pdf: 1574526 bytes, checksum: b25d2fa10490e2fb34eceaca431bab35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-21 / The poor financial performance of some quality award winners in different countries arises the interest of researchers to investigate why that happened. The majority of this kind of investigations was carried out in United States and Western Europe. The most common performance measures were growth, profitability, market value, and customer satisfaction. In Brazil, there are few studies on this issue. This master thesis aims to analyze the value creation by National Brazilian Quality Award winners using Economic Value Added (EVA ) as the performance measure and comparing those values with competitors from the same economic sector. The application of EVA as performance measurement is a differential from other studies. The Brazilian database Economatica, financial websites, and companies websites were the main source of data. The data acquirement covered a period of time of ten (2000-2009). The parametric tests were applied to test the hypothesis. The main finding shows that the winner companies have increased the value creation to the shareholders after the awarding of National Brazilian Quality Award. Another main finding points out that the winner companies have increased the value creation in average to the shareholders more than the companies from the same economic sector after the awarding of National Brazilian Quality Award. It is important to highlight that before the awarding the studied companies were not creating more value to shareholders than the companies from the same economic sector. / O desempenho financeiro ruim de algumas empresas vencedoras de prêmios da qualidade em diversos países, despertou o interesse de pesquisadores em investigar se a premiação levou essas empresas a um desempenho superior. A maioria dessas pesquisas foi realizada nos Estados Unidos e na Europa e comumente foram utilizadas como medida de desempenho o crescimento, a lucratividade, o valor de mercado e a satisfação do cliente. No Brasil, esse tipo de pesquisa ainda é incipiente. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a geração de riqueza de empresas vencedoras do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade utilizando o Valor Econômico Adicionado e comparando esse valor com as demais empresas do mesmo setor. A utilização do EVA como medida de desempenho é um diferencial deste trabalho em relação às outras pesquisas. Os dados foram coletados do banco de dados do sistema Economática, em sites especializados em divulgação de demonstrações financeiras e nos próprios sites das empresas vencedoras objeto de estudo desta pesquisa. O período de análise compreendeu os anos de 2000 à 2009. Foram utilizados testes paramétricos para validar as hipóteses de trabalho. Os resultados apontam para a existência de fortes indícios de que as empresas da amostra melhoraram o EVA no período de pós-adoção do PNQ. Outro resultado é da existência de fortes indícios de que as empresas da amostra possuem Valor Econômico Adicionado superior às demais do setor no período de pós-adoção do PNQ, no entanto, isso não pode ser afirmado para o período de adoção do MEG.

Abordagens de cálculo do grau ótimo de endividamento: um estudo em empresas brasileiras

Varoli, Rita de Cássia 14 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RITA_VAROLI_ADM.pdf: 1159708 bytes, checksum: 8070f74bae277d874b99654abce2e142 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-14 / International and Brazilian s researchers have been showing studies to answer questions about an optimal leverage. Following evidences of an optimal capital structure s existence and its relevance for creation value, this paper shows the comparison of actual financing leverage with results of theoretical models, using different approaches to achieve the optimal financing mix. Five methods were applied, looking for those that are better fitted to predict leverage for food and beverage and paper and pulp firms. These approaches are: operational margin method, return differential method, adjusted present value method, average weighted cost of capital method and comparative method, in which a cross sectional with capital structure determinants is used to obtain the optimal leverage. / Estudos internacionais e brasileiros têm sido realizados por pesquisadores na busca de uma resposta para a existência de uma estrutura ótima de capital. Partindo da vertente das evidências de que esta existe com sua conseqüente relevância para a criação de valor, este trabalho mostra a comparação dos níveis de endividamento atuais com resultados de modelos teóricos ideais, usando diferentes abordagens que se propõem fornecer o chamado nível de endividamento ótimo. Foram aplicadas cinco abordagens de cálculo para estimar graus ótimos de endividamento em empresas do setor de alimentos e bebidas e de papel e celulose, procurando verificar quais abordagens se apresentam mais adequadas. Essas abordagens são: método do lucro operacional, método do diferencial do retorno, método do custo de capital, método do valor presente ajustado ao método comparativo por regressão cross sectional, na qual dados determinantes de capital são usados para obter o endividamento em nível ótimo.

O impacto das decisões de investimentos estratégicos sobre o valor de mercado das empresas quando tomadas por gestores otimistas e excessivamente confiantes

Oliveira Neto, Luis Elesbão de 05 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luis Elesbao de Oliveira Neto.pdf: 882668 bytes, checksum: 8fd9f6c5b6a38e2901e75be4072b5e59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-05 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This quantitative research aims to investigate the impact of strategic investment decisions on firm value creation, when taken by optimistic and overconfident managers. The research was conducted under the irrational managers approach (BAKER et al., 2005) and used a sample consisting of 502 strategic investment announcements made by 131 managers from 116 different Brazilian publicly traded companies, from January/2005 to December/2009. Strategic investments are considered as being all capital expenditures which create growth opportunities for companies (KESTER, 1984). The empirical results suggest that investors react negatively to announcements of strategic investments when made by optimistic and overconfident managers, pointing that differences in style, opinion and perception of reality motivated by personal managers characteristics are perceived by the market and thus discounted from companies stock price. Unlike the models prescribed by Gervais et al. (2003) and Hackbarth (2004), which predict that moderate levels of optimism and overconfidence exhibited by managers are beneficial for firm s shareholders, only partial support was found to the hypothesis that the magnitude or degree of manager s optimism/overconfidence is relevant. The results suggest that managers who exhibit a moderate degree of optimism and overconfidence are better perceived by investors than others considered markedly biased. However, the results do not confirm the existence of a degree or level for optimism/overconfidence that is beneficial to the firm and also superior to others. Managers regarded as rational and less biased were those who had their strategic investment announcements best assessed by the market. / Esta pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa, buscou investigar o impacto das decisões de investimentos estratégicos na criação de valor para as empresas, quando tomadas por gestores otimistas e excessivamente confiantes. A pesquisa, conduzida dentro da abordagem dos gestores irracionais (BAKER et al., 2005), utilizou uma amostra formada por 502 anúncios de investimentos estratégicos, realizados por 131 gestores de 116 diferentes empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, no período compreendido entre janeiro/2005 e dezembro/2009. São considerados investimentos estratégicos todos aqueles dispêndios de capital que criam oportunidade de crescimento para as empresas (KESTER, 1984). Os resultados da pesquisa empírica sugerem que os investidores reagem negativamente aos anúncios de investimentos estratégicos quando realizados por gestores otimistas e excessivamente confiantes, indicando que as diferenças de estilo, opinião e de percepção da realidade motivadas por características pessoais dos gestores são consideradas pelo mercado e descontadas do preço das ações das empresas. Ao contrário dos modelos prescritos por Gervais et al. (2003) e Hackbarth (2004),os quais predizem que a presença de um nível moderado desses vieses nos gestores é benéfica aos acionistas das empresas, encontrou-se suporte apenas parcial à hipótese de que a intensidade ou grau de enviesamento do gestor é relevante. Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que os gestores que exibem grau moderado de otimismo e confiança excessiva são melhor percebidos pelos investidores do que outros considerados pronunciadamente enviesados.Entretanto, os resultados não confirmam a existência de um grau de intensidade para otimismo/confiança excessiva que seja benéfico à empresa e, ainda, superior aos demais.Gestores tidos como racionais e menos enviesados foram os que tiveram seus anúncios de investimentos estratégicos melhor percebidos pelo mercado

Capital intelectual e criação de valor nas empresas brasileiras: uma análise setorial na indústria de transformação no período de 2000 a 2006

Aguiar, Joao Francisco de 14 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T00:36:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Joao Francisco de Aguiar1.pdf: 1521288 bytes, checksum: 12c793c2bd4edcf459af8c0bd0c4e178 (MD5) Joao Francisco de Aguiar2.pdf: 1430280 bytes, checksum: 1496a64466299ab01cb45e5bf83ab6bd (MD5) Joao Francisco de Aguiar3.pdf: 1408783 bytes, checksum: 538e78badd398155d47774982d672ab2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-14 / In observing the growth of the market to book value ratio of companies in the period from 1959 to 2007, we can see an uptrend period from 1974 to 2007; in this period the same trend is confirmed this time by the ratio of Investments in Intangible Assets over GDP, reaching a percentage of 8 to 10% in the USA in 2007, just as important as that of Tangible Assets on the same date. What has been surprising is the ratio of Investments in Intangible Assets over GDP growth beyond expectations in the last 40 years. For this reason, entrepreneurs, scholars and researchers, particularly, have shown growing interest in getting to know, classifying and creating indicators, estimating value, and above all, understanding its influence in the creation of value at companies. an important group of researchers, led by economist John Kenneth Galbraith, in 1969, began to perceive intangible assets as Intellectual Capital in 1969. There are several proposals regarding its classification, including one that proposed three components: Structural Capital, Human Capital and Relational Capital. In this context, the aim of the current survey was to test Pulic‟s Model (2000) of the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC), seeking to evaluate its significance and that of its components (Capital Employed Efficiency, Human Capital Efficiency and Structural Capital Efficiency) in the creation of value. This model was applied and confirmed to a database adjusted from IBGE‟s Annual Industrial Survey PIA, in the period from 2000 to 2006 with a static panel data for all the five sectors studied, belonging to the Brazilian transformation industry comprising companies with more than 100 employees. Dynamic panel data was also corroborated in three sectors of the Brazilian Manufacturing Industry ( Manufacturing and Assembling Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Chassis; Furniture, Manufacturing and Sundry Industries (Toys) and Machinery and Equipment Industry). / Ao se observar a evolução da razão valor de mercado das empresas pelo valor patrimonial, no período que vai de 1920 a 1997, observa-se uma forte elevação entre 1974 e1997. Esta mesma tendência é confirmada desta vez pela razão dos Investimentos em Ativos Intangíveis sobre o PIB, no mesmo período, de 1974 a 2007, alcançando, em 2007, uma participação da ordem de 8ª a 10% nos EUA, tão importante quando a dos Ativos Tangíveis na mesma data. O que tem surpreendido é o crescimento acima do esperado pela razão dos Investimentos em Ativos Intangíveis sobre o PIB, nos últimos 40 anos . Por este motivo, empresários, acadêmicos e pesquisadores, principalmente, têm manifestado crescente interesse em conhecer, classificar, criar indicadores, estimar o valor e, sobretudo, compreender sua influência na criação de valor nas empresas. |Um grupo importante de pesquisadores, liderados pelo economista John Kenneth Galbraith, em 1969, passou a conceituar os intangíveis como Capital Intelectual. Há várias propostas quanto à sua classificação, dentre elas uma que propôs três componentes: Capital Estrutural, Capital Humano e Capital Relacional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa, foi o de testar o Modelo de Pulic (2000), do Coeficiente Intelectual do Valor Adicionado (em inglês VAIC), buscando avaliar a sua significância e a de seus componentes ( Eficiência do Capital Empregado, Eficiência do Capital Humano e Eficiência do Capital Estrutural) na criação de valor . Este modelo foi aplicado a uma base de dados ajustada a partir da Pesquisa Industrial Anual PIA, do IBGE, no período 2000 a 2006, por meio de painel de dados estáticos para os cinco setores da Indústria Brasileira de Tranformação analisados, compreendendo empresas com mais de 100 empregados. O modelo estático foi corroborado para todos os setores. O modelo dinâmico de dados em painel foi testado e confirmado pelo método de Arelano & Bond para três setores, quais sejam Fabricação e Montagem de Veículos Automotores, Reboques e Carrocerias, Fabricação de Móveis e Indústrias Diversas e Fabricação de Máquinas e Equipamentos.

A medida de confiar é confiar sem medida? Estudo sobre o efeito da confiança na criação e na captura de valor na relação comprador-fornecedor

Martins, Guilherme Silveira 27 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Guilherme Martins (mr.gsmartins@gmail.com) on 2013-04-01T19:47:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Final_01042013.pdf: 4879598 bytes, checksum: ad9e9fccd73fa960914ec139995b092c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2013-04-01T21:02:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Final_01042013.pdf: 4879598 bytes, checksum: ad9e9fccd73fa960914ec139995b092c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-01T21:08:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Final_01042013.pdf: 4879598 bytes, checksum: ad9e9fccd73fa960914ec139995b092c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / Este trabalho buscou analisar o efeito da confiança tanto na criação de valor nas relações comprador-fornecedor quanto na sua captura. Partiu-se da perspectiva teórica da Visão Relacional, em que as relações colaborativas são capazes de criar um valor único, que não seria criado por nenhum dos membros da parceria de forma independente, nem mesmo em uma simples troca de mercado. A confiança tem papel central em relações colaborativas, pois atua como um efetivo mecanismo de governança relacional, que minimiza os custos de transação, como aqueles relacionados a monitoramento e controle, e promove o engajamento das firmas em atividades de criação de valor. Contudo, enquanto que a criação de valor é um cenário ganha-ganha, a captura de valor indica que, se uma fatia maior do bolo fica com uma firma, resta uma fatia menor para o outro parceiro. Se a presença da confiança é importante para o bom andamento de relacionamentos colaborativos, seu excesso pode fazer com que a firma se abstenha do uso do poder, o que significa deixar para o parceiro uma parte dos ganhos que seriam apropriáveis por ela. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 117 díades da indústria química brasileira, a partir dos relacionamentos das firmas desta indústria com compradores de outras indústrias. A modelagem de equações estruturais e a regressão múltipla compuseram as técnicas multivariadas de análise dos dados coletados. Os resultados do trabalho demonstraram a existência tanto do ‘lado brilhante’ quanto do ‘lado obscuro’ da confiança. Embora tenha ficado evidente a sua importância na criação das rendas relacionais para a díade, foi encontrado um limite para os benefícios crescentes do nível de confiança, pois seu excesso afetava negativamente a parcela de valor capturada pelo fornecedor. Os resultados do trabalho indicam ainda que o potencial de captura das rendas relacionais pelo fornecedor é prejudicado pelo aumento da sua dependência em relação ao comprador. Estes achados oferecem importantes contribuições teóricas e sugerem oportunidades para estudos futuros sobre o tema. / This study aims to analyze the effect of trust on both value creation and value capture in the buyer-supplier relationships. We have started from Relational Vision perspective, in which collaborative relationships are able to create a single value that would not be created by any of partnership members independently, even in a simple market exchange. Trust plays a central role in collaborative relationships, since it acts as an effective relational governance mechanism. Therefore, it minimizes transaction costs, such as those related to monitoring and controlling, and it promotes firms engagement in value creation activities. However, whereas value creation is a winwin scenario, in value capture, it means that, if a bigger slice of pie is taken by a firm, a smaller slice is left to the other firm. Thus, despite the importance of presence of trust to promote collaborative relationships, its excess makes firm forbear from bargain power use, meaning it would hand out to a partner a share of the gains that would be appropriated by the firm. The study was conducted on 117 dyads of Brazilian chemical industry, based on this industry firm’s relationships with buyers from others industries. Structural equation modeling and multiple regression techniques have formed the multivariate data analysis. Our results demonstrated the existence of both 'bright side' and 'dark side' of trust. Although the importance of trust was evident in relational rents creation on dyads, we found a limit to the benefits of the growing level of confidence. In excess, it actually hurts the potential of suppliers in capturing value. Our results also indicate that suppliers’ potential in capturing relational rents was hampered by high dependence in a particular buyer. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

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