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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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LUIZ FELIPE DA CUNHA E SILVA 26 April 2007 (has links)
[pt] Analisamos o fenômeno urbano a partir das origens da civilização e de seus fenômenos fundadores: a técnica e o poder sobre a natureza; a política e o poder de ordenação da vida social e do território onde ela ocorre; a reflexividade moral e o poder sobre a natureza implicada no corpo biológico humano. Nos três casos, o que está em jogo é o poder do homem sobre a natureza. No primeiro, sobre a natureza que, através das estruturas muradas que constrói, é excluída do ambiente onde habita. No segundo, sobre a natureza do outro com o qual convive. No terceiro, sobre aquela que o constitui. No primeiro capítulo, discute-se a recusa ao estado de natureza com Bataille; o poder com Nietzsche; a técnica e a tecnopolítica com Heidegger e Foucault e o Nome do Um e a Servidão Voluntária com La Boétie. No segundo, a relação simétrica entre o poder soberano e a vida nua através de Agamben. No terceiro, o laço libidinal que se estabelece entre as massas e o tirano com Freud. No quarto, a formação da consciência moral e a implicação dos sentimentos inconscientes de culpa nos fundamentos da civilização com Nietzsche e Freud; os reflexos disto nas formas da cidade e nas práticas estéticas e políticas da vida urbana com Le Corbusier, Bauman e Davis. As conclusões buscam demonstrar o modo como a relação de bando, apontada por Agamben como a relação política originaria, se reflete no estado político das sociedades contemporâneas / [en] The urban phenomenon is analized from the beginnings of civilization and its founding phenomena: the technical ability (téxne) and its power over nature; politics and its power to organize social life and the related settlement s territory; moral reflectiveness and its power over nature implied in the human biological body. In these three situations, what is at stake is man´s power over nature. Such power exerts itself , in the first one, by means of the walled structures whose building excludes from the surrounding environment one´s inhabited site. In the second case, by its interaction with the nature of the Other with which man is constrained to coexist. In the third situation, by man´s action over what constitutes himself. In the first chapter, with Bataille, we discuss the refusal of the state of nature; with Nietzsche, power; with Heidegger and Foucault, technics and technopolitics; with La Boétie, the Name of the One and Voluntary Servitude. In the second chapter, with Agamben, symmetrical relation between sovereign power and naked life. In the third chapter, with Freud, the established libidinal connection between the masses and the tyrant. In the fourth chapter, with Nietzsche and Freud, the moral conscience formation and unconscious guilt feelings implications on civilization s early stages. With Le Corbusier, Bauman and Davis, the results of this interaction in the forms of the city and in urban life´s aesthetical and political praxis. The conclusion attempts to demonstrate how the gang (bando) relationship, claimed by Agamben as the original political relation, reflects itself on the political state of today´s societies. / [fr] On analyse le phénomène urbain dès les origines de la civilisation et de ses phénomènes fondateurs: la technique et la maîtrise de la nature; la politique et le pouvoir d´organisation de la vie sociale et de l´aménagement du territoire où cette vie se déroule; la réflexivité morale et le pouvoir sur la nature qui est comprise dans le corps humain. Dans ces trois situations, ce qui est en jeu c´est le pouvoir de l´homme sur la nature. Dans la première, moyennant les structures murales, l´homme exclut la nature de l´endroit qu´il habite; dans le deuxième cas, ce pouvoir se manifeste par son interaction avec la nature de l´Autre, avec qui il est contraint de coexister; enfin, dans la troisième situation, par l´action de l´homme sur ce qui constitue sa propre nature. Au chapitre premier, avec Bataille, on discute le refus de l´état de la nature; avec Nietzsche, le pouvoir; avec Heidegger et Foucault, la technique et la technopolitique; avec La Boétie, le Nom de l´Un et la Servitude Volontaire. Au second chapitre, avec Agamben, on discute la relation symétrique entre le pouvoir souverain et la vie nue. Au troisième chapitre, avec Freud, on discute du lien libidinal établi entre les masses et le tyran. Au quatrième chapitre, avec Nietzsche et Freud, on parle de la formation de la conscience morale et des sentiments inconscients de culpabilité, et leurs effets sur les fondements de la civilisation; et avec Le Corbusier, Bauman et Davis, les conséquences de ce procès dans les formes de la ville et dans les pratiques esthétiques et politiques de la vie urbaine. La conclusion essaie de démontrer que le rapport de la bande, signalé par Agamben comme la relation politique originaire, se réfléchit dans la condition politique des sociétés contemporaines.

Histoire de la ville blanche de Tel-Aviv : l'adaptation d'un site moderne et de son architecture / History of the white city of Tel Aviv : evolution of a modern site and its architecture

Hoffmann, Jérémie 08 December 2014 (has links)
Après sa naissance en 1909, La ville de Tel Aviv continue son essor jusque dans les années 1930-1948 marquées par l'architecture modernes, sous l’influence de l’urbaniste Patrick Geddes. Celui-ci écrit son rapport à 1925, qui s’inspirent du modèle de la Cité Jardin. Le site comprend 3 000 bâtiments inspirés par des architectes modernistes européens : Mendelsohn, Le Corbusier, Gropius et autres. La déclaration d’indépendance d’Israël en 1948 entraîne l’établissement d’institutions nationales et la construction rapide de bâtiments publics et de logements. La prise de conscience de l’importance de la conservation de La Ville Blanche et sa patrimonialisation engendrent à leur tour un changement du tissu urbain et de son architecture (1977-2003). Nous tentons d’identifier ici les facteurs susceptibles de déclencher les mutations nombreuses qui ont pris place durant les années 1948 - 2003 et qui ont amené la ville de Tel Aviv jusqu'à son inscription au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. Nous avons analysé l’apparition de certains modes d’adaptation de la ville aux changements, à la lumière des principes de planification de Geddes, issus de la biologie organique. Les mécanismes d’adaptation sont analysés en fonction de 3 facteurs : Les processus de planification, les décisions d'ordre politique et la réception du public. Afin de comprendre les différentes représentations de chacun des trois facteurs, nous avons consulté les archives historiques des plans de la ville, les protocoles, les débats et publications officielles de la municipalité, ainsi que les représentations de la ville telle qu’elle apparait dans la littérature pour enfants, le cinéma, et la presse. Pour chacune de ces époques, nous avons identifié un modèle de comportement récurrent des changements. Ainsi sont discernés les modes d’influence des trois coefficients de planification - architectes, décideurs, et le grand public - et leur influence réciproque sur la ville est démontrée. / After its creation in 1909, the city of Tel Aviv continued to develop until the years 1930 – 1948 during which the Modern style was predominant. That took place under the remarkable influence of the urban planner sir Patrick Geddes whose vision on the extension of the city was published in 1925 inspired by the ideas of Garden-City. The site of the White City includes 3,000 buildings designed by Jewish immigrants under the influence of Modern European architects such as Mendelssohn, Le Corbusier and Gropius. The Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel in 1948 brought about the establishment of national institutions and the need for the quick solutions of construction of public buildings and social housing, meant for thousands of refugees. The awareness and importance of the conservation of the White City brought about significant changes in the local approach towards the existing urban tissue, and its architecture (1977-2003). This research aims at identifying the factors susceptible to trigger the architectural mutations that took place during the years 1948 – 2003 up until the final inscription of the White City as world heritage site by UNESCO. We have analyzed the emergence of a number of types of adjustment to changes within the City, from the field of organic biology. The various mechanisms of adjustment are analyzed according to three different factors: Planning process, the political decision making, and the reception of the values and myths of the city by the Public. In order to understand the different representations of each of those 3 factors, we have checked the historical archives of the City Planning Department, including protocols, debates and official publications. We have then gone through the representation of the city as it materializes in children literature, movies and the media. For each time period, a recurrent pattern of behavior of changes was identified. This method allows pinpointing the various types of influence of each of the three coefficients of planning: architects, Decision Makers, and the Public. The reciprocal influence of those factors on each other can then at last conclusively be established.

Aldo Rossi : trajectoire d'un architecte enseignant dans l'Italie des années 1960 : pour une approche dialectique et épistémologique de la théorie du projet / Aldo Rossi : trajectory of an architect in ltaly of the 1960s : for a doalectical and epistemological approach of the Factory of the project

Chatot, Tristan 24 September 2014 (has links)
L’esprit dialectique qui caractérise la posture intellectuelle d’Aldo Rossi en tant qu’enseignant et architecte, cristallise durant les années 1960, en Italie, une nouvelle approche de l’enseignement de la théorie du projet en architecture. Cherchant à être rationnel tout en intégrant la question de « l’élément subjectif » de l’architecte, au travers de son expérience, la posture intellectuelle de Rossi s’est positionnée en réponse à un contexte politique et universitaire en crise. Dans la continuité des recherches menées sur l’épistémologie et la pédagogie de l’architecture ainsi que sur son ouverture réflexive à d’autres champs disciplinaires, Rossi tente de construire un essai théorique à la Fabrique du projet (la Città analoga). Il y questionne la pensée analogique face aux études typologiques en cherchant à esquisser une méthode didactique fonctionnant par étapes. Face à la difficulté de rationaliser « l’élément subjectif », Rossi, prolonge son essai sur la Fabrique du projet, au travers de ses propres œuvres. / The dialectical spirit which characterizes Aldo Rossi's intellectual disposition as a teacher and architect practitioner, crystallized during the 1960s, in Italy, a new approach to the teaching of the theory of the project in architecture. Trying to be rational while integrating the question of " the subjective element " of the architect, through his experience, the intellectual posture of Rossi was positioned in response to a political and university crisis. In the continuity of the researches led by the epistemology and the pedagogy of architecture and on his reflexive openness to other disciplinary fields, Rossi tries to build a theoretical essay to the Fabric of the project (Città analoga). He questions the analogical thought in front of the typological studies and tries to sketch a didactic method step by step. Facing the difficulty of rationalising " the subjective element ", Rossi, extends his essay on the Factory of the project, through his own works.

Gouvernance et innovation sociale : le centre communal d'action sociale de Besançon (1972-2016) / Governance and social innovation : the municipal center of action social of Besançon (1972-2016)

Roy, Jean-Baptiste 28 November 2016 (has links)
Les Centres communaux d’Action sociale (CCAS), outils principaux des politiques de solidarité mises en œuvre par les municipalités, dispensent ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler une "aide facultative", en regard de l’aide traditionnelle des Conseils départementaux, chefs de file en ce domaine sur leurs territoires. À Besançon, depuis 1972, le CCAS est reconnu comme très en avance et très innovant. Mais, depuis quelques années, le sentiment d’un amenuisement de son champ d’action et de son influence se fait sentir : c’est dans ce contexte d’incertitude que l’institution a fait vœu de disposer d’un travail d’analyse et d’expertise prenant appui sur la sociologie des politiques sociales. L’organisation interne (les relations entre directions, les liens entre élus et techniciens…) et l’environnement externe (les rapports avec la mairie, le département, et l’ensemble des partenaires) posent la question de la place de l’intervention communale, en termes de prérogatives et de frontières. En partant de l’exemple bisontin, un regard plus général permet de mettre au jour les similitudes et les contrastes de structures comparables. Cette étude, appuyée par un financement CIFRE et reposant sur un paradigme interactionniste, allie à la fois approche technique et point de vue scientifique : elle propose des préconisations pratiques et des perspectives théoriques. / The Municipal Centers of Social Action (MCSA), main tools implemented and used by municipalities in promoting solidary policies, is providing what is well known under the name of a "facultative assistance", regarding the traditional help of Departmental councils, the leader in this domain on their territories. In Besançon, since 1972, the MCSA is recognize as well advanced and innovative. However, in the last couple of years, the MCSA usage has declined and its influence has been increasing. In this context of doubt, the institution has made the wish to provide the framework for the analysis and an expertise expanding on the sociology of social policies. The nature of the working relationships within the internal organization (relationships between the team Management, relationships between the elected officials and the technicians…) and the external environment (Relationships with the City, the Department, and the whole partner’s assembly), raise the question about the status of the municipal intervention, regarding the prerogatives and the boundaries. Referring to Bisontin’s example, a general vision allows enlightening of the similarities and the contrasts of comparable structures. This study, approved by an "ICFR" (Industrial Convention of Formation by the Research), and laying on an interactional paradigm, allies at the same time technical approach and scientific point of view: it suggests practical recommendations and theoretical perspectives.

Les ruelles de Hô Chi Minh Ville, Viêt Nam : trame viaire et recomposition des espaces publics / The alleyways of Hô Chi Minh City (Viêt Nam) : the street patterns and the evolution of ordinary public spaces

Gibert-Flutre, Marie 19 June 2014 (has links)
Au cœur d’une région urbaine de plus de dix millions d’habitants, Hô Chi Minh Ville s’affirme aujourd’hui comme moteur économique du Viet Nam. Les autorités de la ville-province entendent témoigner de ce statut métropolitain par une reprise en main de la planification, après des décennies de développement urbain spontané. La démarche de cette recherche doctorale en géographie urbaine consiste alors à décrypter les mutations contemporaines des dispositifs spatiaux hérités que sont les ruelles (hem) de Hô Chi Minh Ville, à la fois dans leur dimension de composantes de la trame viaire et d’espaces publics. La trajectoire historique contrariée de la ville permet d’éclairer la spécificité de sa morphologie, marquée par une très faible emprise de la trame viaire, dont la hiérarchie demeure incomplète. Près de 85% des rues sont inférieures à douze mètres de large. Les ruelles forment ainsi le cœur de l’armature urbaine, tout autant que le cadre de vie de la grande majorité de la population. A l’interface entre le public et le privé, entre le collectif et l’individuel, la ruelle, envisagée comme forme urbaine dynamique, permet de penser les mécanismes de recomposition urbaine et l’évolution des pratiques citadines qui s’y déploient. En cela, cette recherche souhaite appréhender la réception par les citadins des normes de la « modernité urbaine », telles qu’elles sont aujourd’hui redéfinies par les autorités de la ville-province et qu’elles affectent la conception et le fonctionnement des espaces publics au quotidien. / At the heart of an urban region of more than ten millions inhabitants, Hô Chi Minh City is considered today as the economic engine of Viêt Nam. The authorities of the city-province are seeking to assert its new metropolitan status by regaining control of urban planning after decades of spontaneous development. This thesis proposes to decipher the contemporary mutations of the inherited spatial frame of the Hô Chi Minh City alleyways, taken both as an element of the street network and as ordinary public spaces. The turbulent history of the city contributes to explaining the specificity of its morphology, with very few spaces dedicated to the street network, whose hierarchy remains incomplete. Nearly 85% of the streets are less than twelve meters wide. Thus, the alleyways constitute both the heart of the urban framework and the living environment of the large majority of the population. Poised between public and private spheres, between collective and individual dynamics, the alleyway is an urban form in constant flux. This understanding of streets as an interface makes it possible to rethink the mechanisms of the urban fabric and the evolution of urban practices in the metropolisation of Hô Chi Minh City. In doing so, this research seeks to grasp the way in which urban dwellers are adapting to the norms of “urban modernity” as redefined by the authorities of the city-province today, as well as the way these norms affect the daily functioning of ordinary public places.

La "ville intelligente" : de l'utopie urbaine au populisme technologique / Smart city : from urban utopia to techno-populism

Rabot, Éric 10 January 2019 (has links)
L’enjeu de la thèse est de repérer et caractériser la circulation, à travers l’utopie de la « ville intelligente », d’un discours favorable à une gestion des affaires publiques apparemment dépolitisée, mais aux multiples soubassements idéologiques : le « populisme technologique ». Cette recherche en sciences de l’information et de la communication explore les différentes significations attribuées à la « ville intelligente », envisagée comme une « formule dans le discours » (Krieg-Planque, 2009). Nous nous interrogerons sur le statut d’utopie pouvant être attribué à la « ville intelligente », à la croisée des utopies urbaines (Picon, 2000 ; Riot-Sarcey, 2002) d’une part, et des utopies technoscientifiques et communicationnelles d’autre part (Breton, 1997 ; Musso, 2003 ; Mattelart, 1999). A cette fin, nous nous appuierons sur l’analyse des discours ayant pour objet la « ville intelligente » en France, sur la période de 2010 à 2017, et plus particulièrement sur l’étude de trois cas de projets de « ville intelligente », dans les villes et métropoles de Nice, Lyon et Paris. / The aim of the thesis is to identify and characterize the circulation, through the utopia of the "smart city", of a discourse favorable to an apparently depoliticized management of public affairs, but with multiple ideological bases: "technological populism" ". This research in information and communication sciences explores the different meanings attributed to the "smart city", considered as a "formula in the discourse" (Krieg-Planque, 2009). We will examine the utopian status that can be attributed to the "intelligent city", at the crossroads of urban utopias (Picon, 2000 ; Riot-Sarcey, 2002) on the one hand, and techno-scientific and communication utopias on the other part (Breton, 1997 ; Musso, 2003 ; Mattelart, 1999). To this end, we will rely on the analysis of the discourses on the smart city in France, from 2010 to 2017, and more particularly on the study of three cases of "smart city" projects, in the cities and metropolises of Nice, Lyon and Paris.

Instituições Para Idosos, Uma Nova Cultura Estudo de Caso: Solar Ville Garaude

Greven, Paulo 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:47:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PAULO GREVEN.pdf: 12070633 bytes, checksum: cf91d06cb70d823be9b6df8856b625af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / This essay handles the discussion on the process of human aging. The attendance offer is respectful and shows dignity towards the elderly. It is a theme that seeks to open up space for a debate on a new vision other than what is aging in the 21st century. It is a case study, whose hypothesis is tested by means of a qualitative research done on elders which are hosted in an enterprise that is specifically designed for this age cluster. This research attempts to comprehend why and how the elder decides to venture out of his establishment to live in a hotel-residence, using the interviews with a group of elders living in the Solar Ville Garaude institution, located in Alphaville, district of Barueri, state of Sao Paulo, as backbone for the research. It analyses how the institution ministers to their bio psychosocial needs, using the method of participative observation. The analysis of the results consolidates itself within parameters defined by bibliographic researches and documentaries on the matter of aging and is complemented by the daily work experience of the researcher in institutions that are concentred on this segment. It discusses a question that shows itself to be valid in view of the constant increase of this population. It still reflects the importance of caring, creative and innovative attendance to this social group by the public and private institutions, avowing the value of respecting and even surpassing the basic principles of caring for elderly, fragile or active, in his moment in live and in his singularity. It is a calling towards a new culture, one in which the individual awareness of eudaemonia is the main parameter / Quais os motivos que levam o idoso, por vontade própria a sair de casa para morar em uma instituição de longa permanência? Esta foi a pergunta guia da entrevista feita a um grupo de 10 idosos de condição sócio cultural de classe média e alta, com 60 anos ou mais, de ambos os sexos, hospedados em um empreendimento voltado para essa faixa etária, conferindo se a proposta de uma casa construída, administrada e voltada para os cidadãos mais velhos, é viável. Analisa como a instituição, Solar Ville Garaude, localizado no município de Barueri, estado de São Paulo, atende suas necessidades biopsicossociais, usando o método da observação participante.Entre os principais motivos que levam o idoso a sair de casa para morar em um hotel-residência, podemos elencar: solidão, sensação de insegurança, dificuldades quanto a acessibilidade, cansaço em relação à administração da casa, percepção de fragilidade e medo de não ter a quem recorrer, além de relatos de estados de depressão. A análise dos resultados se apóia em parâmetros definidos a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais sobre o processo de envelhecimento e é complementada pela experiência do trabalho diário do pesquisador na instituição. É relevante e significativo entender por que e como o idoso com poder aquisitivo de padrão classe média, decide sair de sua moradia e morar em um hotel-residência. Questão que se mostra válida em vista do constante aumento dessa população. A pesquisa reflete ainda sobre a importância do bom atendimento, criativo e inovador, a esse grupo social pelas instituições públicas e privadas. Ressaltando o respeito e a superação dos princípios básicos de atendimento ao idoso, frágil ou ativo, em sua singularidade, e com diferentes situações de dependência. A moradia fora da residência familiar possibilita boa qualidade de vida, permitindo ao idoso e à família novos laços relacionais e atendimento satisfatório. O caso estudado mostrou que a instituição é um local de inclusão, apresentando a possibilidade de uma nova cultura de acolhimento ao cidadão que envelhece, em que a sensação individual de bem-estar e felicidade seja o parâmetro principal. Um ensaio que abre espaço para a discussão de uma nova visão sobre o morar no século XXI

Les céramiques et les réseaux maritimes du fort de Ville-Marie, Montréal, 1642-1688.

Bourgela, Samuel 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Reconhecimento e diferenciação nos caminhos da integração : a identidade judaica nas colônias agrícolas da Jewish Colonization Association - Quatro Irmãos e Moisés Ville (1890-1930)

Barboza, Tatiana Machado January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma análise sobre a identidade judaica nas colônias agrícolas empreendidas pela Jewish Colonization Association (ICA), especificamente Quatro Irmãos (Brasil) e Moisés Ville (Argentina), no período entre 1890 e 1930, período de construção e consolidação de Estados Nacionais, onde a entrada de imigrantes estava intimamente relacionada às idéias sobre o futuro das nações. O objetivo central desse estudo é discutir de que forma o sentimento de pertencer a uma coletividade judaica pôde estabelecer vínculos com uma identidade regional, num período em que o processo de construção da nação estava se consolidando e perpassando as demais formas de identificação social do sujeito, passando por questões como a afirmação da identidade cultural judaica pré-migratória, o conflito identitário entre a sociedade pré-migratória e a sociedade receptora e a adoção parcial de uma identidade local (regional). A hipótese central deste trabalho é de que as condições de assimilação, e portanto de construção de uma nova identidade, variam de acordo com as condições concretas de formação e existência destas colônias. A formação destas colônias, por sua vez, envolvia a constituição de dois espaços diferenciados: o espaço concreto, vivido cotidianamente, ou seja, a colônia e sua estrutura de preservação da identidade judaica, e a sociedade de instalação destas colônias, um espaço diferenciado onde era preciso integrarse/ adaptar-se. Partindo de um estudo comparativo, defendo a idéia de que a constituição das colônias da ICA, considerando as formas por estas assumidas, e considerando as sociedades receptoras, permitiram a construção de uma nova identidade, sem que isto implicasse numa renúncia ao judaísmo diante da integração. / This dissertation proposes an analysis about the Jewish identity in the agricultural colonies carried by the Jewish Colonization Association (ICA), specifically Quatro Irmãos (Brazil) and Moises Ville (Argentine), in the period between 1890 and 1930, period of National Estates building and consolidation, when the immigrants entrance was closely related to the ideas about the nations’ future. The main objective of this study is to discuss which way the Jewish collectivity belong feeling could establish links with a regional identity, in a period when the nations building process was consolidating and arising together with the other individual social identification ways, going through questions as the pre-migratory Jewish cultural identity consolidation, the identifiably conflict between the pre-migratory society and the host society and the partial adoption of a local identity (regional). This work central hypothesis is that the assimilation conditions, and so the building of a new identity vary according the concrete formation and being conditions of these colonies. The formation of these colonies, by itself, involves the constitution of two different spaces: the concrete space, daily lived, or, the colony and its Jewish identity preservation structure, and these colonies host society, a different space where adaptation/integration was required. From a comparative study, defending the idea that the ICA colonies constitution, considering the form they assumed, and considering the host societies, allowed the building of a new identity, without implying in a refuse to the Jewishly in the presence of the integration.

Urbanisation capitaliste, justice urbaine et démocratie participative : pour une transformation quasi-perfectionniste des institutions municipales

Ruellan, Margaux 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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