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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Audiovisual integration for perception of speech produced by nonnative speakers

Yi, Han-Gyol 12 September 2014 (has links)
Speech often occurs in challenging listening environments, such as masking noise. Visual cues have been found to enhance speech intelligibility in noise. Although the facilitatory role of audiovisual integration for perception of speech has been established in native speech, it is relatively unclear whether it also holds true for speech produced by nonnative speakers. Native listeners were presented with English sentences produced by native English and native Korean speakers. The sentences were in either audio-only or audiovisual conditions. Korean speakers were rated as more accented in audiovisual than in the audio-only condition. Visual cues enhanced speech intelligibility in noise for native English speech but less so for nonnative speech. Reduced intelligibility of audiovisual nonnative speech was associated with implicit Asian-Foreign association, suggesting that listener-related factors partially influence the efficiency of audiovisual integration for perception of speech produced by nonnative speakers. / text

Mechanisms of cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus, resistance associated with novel germplasm derived from Sinapis alba x Brassica napus

Tansey, James 11 1900 (has links)
The cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is an important pest of brassicaceous oilseed crops, especially canola (Brassica napus L. and Brassica rapa L.) in North America and Europe. Application of foliar insecticide is the only method currently employed to control C. obstrictus populations; because this approach is environmentally unsustainable, alternatives including host plant resistance have been explored. White mustard, Sinapis alba L., is resistant to C. obstrictus and was chosen as a potential source of resistance for B. napus oilseed. Interspecific crosses of S. alba x B. napus have produced several lines that are resistant to C. obstrictus feeding and oviposition and yield fewer, lighter-weight weevil larvae that take longer to develop. I investigated potential mechanisms of this resistance, including assessing differences in visual and olfactory cues among resistant and susceptible genotypes, and antixenosis and antibiosis. Determining effects of visual cues associated with host plant resistance required investigation of weevil vision. Deployment strategies for resistant germplasm were assessed to evaluate incorporation of susceptible refugia to promote long-term durability of resistance traits. Results reported in Chapter 2 indicate that the C. obstrictus visual system is apparently trichromatic and incorporates receptors with response maxima near 350, 450, and 550 nm. Modelling indicated that UV light alone reduced weevil responses but the interaction of yellow and UV light increased responses at a threshold reflectance level of UV. Results reported in Chapter 3 indicated that differences in yellow and UV reflectance among host plant flowers influence host selection in C. obstrictus. Results described in Chapter 4 determine differential attraction to the odours of S. alba and B. napus and among resistant and susceptible accessions. Inferences of the identities of glucosinolates found in varying amounts among susceptible and resistant genotypes suggested that 2-phenylethyl glucosinolate influenced attractiveness. Results described in Chapter 5 indicate differences in adult feeding and oviposition preferences among resistant and susceptible genotypes. Oocyte development, larval biomass and larval development time varied among weevils feeding on resistant and susceptible genotypes. Based on results of Chapter 4, 1-methoxy-3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate was implicated as contributing to antixenosis and antibiosis resistance. Results reported in Chapter 6 describe effects of mixed plots of resistant and susceptible genotypes on weevil spatial distribution and oviposition. These results are consistent with associational resistance and attributed to reduced apparency of susceptible plants in mixtures and antixenosis resistance associated with resistant germplasm. / Plant Science

Mechanisms of cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus, resistance associated with novel germplasm derived from Sinapis alba x Brassica napus

Tansey, James Unknown Date
No description available.

Processus d'intégration des informations visuelles et gravito-inertielles pour l'orientation spatiale et le contrôle sensorimoteur / Integration process of visual and gravitoinertial cues for spatial orientation and sensorimotor control

Scotto di cesare, Cecile 26 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral questionne le processus d’intégration des informations visuelles et gravito-inertielles à l’origine de comportements perceptivo-moteurs. Pour cela, nous avons manipulé l’orientation dans le plan sagittal d’une scène visuelle, du corps ou du vecteur gravito-inertiel, grâce à la rotation de cette scène ou du corps et par centrifugation. Nous avons mesuré les conséquences de ces modifications sur la capacité à localiser le corps ou une cible par le biais d’un mouvement de pointage manuel. Au cours de 3 expérimentations, nous avons manipulé un ensemble de facteurs associés au contexte de présentation des stimulations visuelles et gravito-inertielles (e.g., dynamique de rotation : rapide vs. lente), à la combinaison de ces stimulations (i.e., congruence vs. incongruence spatiale), au mode de réponse spatiale (i.e., tâche de détection de l’inclinaison, pointage discret ou continu) et aux caractéristiques individuelles (i.e., style perceptif). De façon générale, les études réalisées montrent que les règles de pondération sensorielle dépendent de l’interaction entre ces différents facteurs. Nous avons pu ainsi déterminer 2 grands types d’effets sur la pondération sensorielle : i) La non congruence spatiale entre les stimulations entraine une dominance relative des informations gravito-inertielles quelles que soient la tâche ou les caractéristiques de la scène visuelle ; ii) Par contraste, lorsque ces stimulations sont congruentes, les règles de pondération sensorielle dépendent de la tâche (i.e., perceptive vs. sensorimotrice). / This dissertation investigates the integration process of visual and gravitoinertial cues at the origin of perceptual-motor skills. To that aim, we manipulated sagittal orientation of a visual scene, the body and the gravitoinertial vector by means of scene and body rotations, as well as centrifugation. Self-orientation perception and target localization were analyzed during these modifications. In 3 experiments we modulated several factors associated with i) the presentation of visual and gravitoinertial stimulations (e.g., rotation dynamics: fast vs. slow), ii) the combination of these stimulations (i.e., spatial congruence vs. non-congruence), iii) the task (i.e., self-tilt detection, continuous and discrete arm pointing movements), iv) individual characteristics (i.e., perceptive style). Overall, we show that sensory integration rules depend on these interacting factors. Two global effects were revealed on sensory weighting: i) spatial non-congruence between stimulations induces relative gravitoinertial dominance, whatever the task or visual scene properties; ii) by contrast, spatial congruence between stimulations could be associated to sensory weighting rules which are task dependent (i.e., perceptive vs. sensorimotor).

How Polarized Light and Semiochemical Cues Influence Oviposition Site Selection Behavior in Chironomid Midges (C. riparius)

Walsh, Wesley 15 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

When Messages Matter More: The moderating effect of avatar presence on message cue processing in cross-cutting political discussion

Kiefer, Elizabeth Feldman 27 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Legible Ledges : Evaluating the Consistency of Visual Cues for Climbable Gameplay Elements

Chang, Lucas, Michaneck, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Climbing in video games is a game mechanic that, after the introduction of three-dimensional movement, became more and more common and extended the movement options of the player character. Climbing, as used in this thesis, is a very specific action that can only be performed by interacting with a climbable gameplay element in the game world. A visual analysis is applied to investigate how objects in action-adventure games depict climbable gameplay elements: specifically, whether the way the games communicate climbability through visual communications is consistent or not. Four games are included in this study and the results point towards an overarching consistency for each of the games' use of visual cues to communicate climbability. However, the consistency is affected by the gameplay experience of each game. The linear games use very clear and controlled visual cues to describe the climbable gameplay elements, and the player often only interacts with a climbable gameplay element once per section, similar to an obstacle course. The games that emphasize exploration of a gameplay area, akin to a playground, place climbable gameplay elements around the environment for the player to freely interact with and have less clear visual cues. Climbable gameplay elements, like ledges, are found to be unique in the interaction they provide, and this is proven by the many different methods of visual communication that are used to convey the affordance of climbing. / Klättrande i dataspel är en spelmekanik som efter introduktionen av tredimensionell rörelse, blivit allt vanligare och utvidgat möjligheterna för spelarkaraktärens rörelser. Klättrande, som använt i denna uppsats, är en mycket specifik handling som endast kan utföras genom att interagera med ett klättringsbart spelelement i spelvärlden. En visuell analys appliceras för att undersöka hur objekt i action-äventyrsspel avbildar klättringsbara spelelement. Specifikt, huruvida sättet spelen kommunicerar klättringsbarhet genom visuell kommunikation är konsekvent eller ej. Fyra spel är inkluderade i denna studie och resultaten pekar mot att det finns en övergripande följdriktighet för varje spels användande av visuella signaler för att kommunicera klättringsbarhet. Följdriktigheten är dock påverkad av spelupplevelsen i varje spel. Dem linjära spelen använder mycket tydliga och kontrollerade visuella signaler för att beskriva klättringsbara spelelement, och spelaren interagerar oftast endast med ett klättringsbart spelelement en gång per sektion, likt en hinderbana. Spel som betonar utforskande av ett spelområde, likt en lekplats, har mindre tydliga visuella signaler. Klättringsbara spelelement, såsom avsatser, upptäcks vara unika i interaktionen de förmedlar, och detta påvisas av de många olika metoderna för visuell kommunikation som används för att förmedla klättringsbarhet.

Comportement d’évitement des congénères parasités chez le crapet-soleil (Lepomis gibbosus)

Côté, Ariane 02 1900 (has links)
Les animaux infectés ont une odeur, une apparence, un comportement et/ou un son différent de leurs congénères non infectés. Ces différences peuvent servir d'indices pour reconnaître et éviter les individus infectés. Des études récentes montrent que les hôtes potentiels peuvent utiliser les indices visuels et/ou chimiques pour éviter les individus infectés et minimiser les risques d'infection. Par ailleurs, la prévalence d’un parasite dans l’environnement peut influencer l’apprentissage ainsi que la force de sélection pour la reconnaissance et l’évitement de ce parasite. Bien qu'il existe des preuves que les poissons utilisent des comportements d’évitement pour réduire le risque d'infection, les mécanismes sous-jacents restent peu connus. Nous avons examiné la capacité de deux populations (naïves et expérimentées aux parasites) de crapets-soleil (Lepomis gibbosus) à distinguer les congénères infectés par des vers parasites et les congénères non infectés (c.-à-d. expériences de choix binaires) en utilisant séparément les indices visuels et chimiques. En présence d’indices visuels, les crapets ont montré une forte préférence pour leurs congénères, quel que soit le niveau d'infection, plutôt que d'être seuls. À l’inverse, les crapets évitaient leurs congénères et restaient seuls en présence d’indices chimiques. Nous suggérons que les indices visuels et chimiques ne sont pas redondants et que les crapets utilisent les deux pour prendre des décisions sociales adéquates. Les poissons des deux populations n'ont montré aucune préférence en présence d’indices visuels de congénères infectés et non infectés. Cependant, en présence d’indices chimiques, il existait une grande variation en termes de préférence : certains préférant les congénères non infectés et d'autres préférant les congénères infectés. En moyenne, notre population naïve a évité les congénères infectés alors que notre population expérimentée n'a montré aucune préférence, ce qui suggère une habituation aux signaux d'infection dans la population expérimentée. Nous proposons que les crapets utilisent des indices chimiques plutôt que visuels pour discriminer leurs congénères infectés et non infectés. Notre étude souligne l'importance de prendre en compte différents indices sensoriels ainsi que la charge parasitaire lors de l'étude des comportements d'évitement et de formation de bancs. Ceci est particulièrement important sachant que l'environnement chimique et visuel ainsi que l'abondance des parasites sont modifiés par les changements globaux tel que les pluies acides, le brunissement et l’eutrophisation des écosystèmes d’eau douce. / Infected animals smell, look, behave and/or sound different from uninfected conspecifics. These differences can serve as cues used to recognize and avoid infected individuals. Recent studies show that visual and/or chemical cues of infected individuals can be used by potential hosts to modify their movement behaviours and minimize risks of infection. Furthermore, the prevalence of a parasite in the environment can influence learning and the strength of selection for parasite recognition and avoidance. Although there is some evidence that fishes use prophylactic behaviours to reduce infection risk, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We investigated the ability of two populations (naive and experienced to parasites) of wild caught pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in distinguishing between conspecifics infected with parasitic worms versus uninfected individuals (i.e. binary choice experiments) using visual and chemical cues separately. Pumpkinseeds showed a strong preference for conspecifics, regardless of their infection level, over being alone when given visual cues but avoided conspecifics and remained alone when given chemical cues. We suggest that visual and chemical cues are not redundant, and that pumpkinseeds use both to make relevant social decisions. Fish of both populations did not show any preferences when given visual cues of infected and uninfected conspecifics. However, in the presence of chemical cues, there was a great variation in terms of preference: some preferring uninfected conspecifics while others preferring the infected ones. On average, our naive population avoided infected conspecifics whereas our experienced one did not show any preferences, suggesting habituation to infection cues in the experienced population. We propose that pumpkinseeds use chemical rather than visual cues to discriminate between infected and uninfected conspecifics and make a shoaling decision. Our study highlights the importance of considering different sensory cues as well as parasite load when studying avoidance and shoaling behaviours. This is particularly important in a time of modifying chemical and visual environment as well as parasites abundance through global change such as acid rain, browning and eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems.

不同甄選情境中人格印象、能力評估、喜好程度及應對表現對口試成績的影響 / Effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability and interview performance on university enrollment interview with different settings

袁明玉, Meng Gek WANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同甄選情境中(視聽組、聽覺組、文字組),「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」及「應對表現」對「口試成績」的影響。 本研究以實驗法進行,採3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」二因子混合設計。其中「甄選情境」分為「視聽組」、「聽覺組」及「文字組」三組,「考生」則分為「甲生」、「乙生」、「丙生」、「丁生」及「戊生」五位。每組均由17位口試委員對5位考生進行評分。由於三組之口試委員不同,各組之評分不會彼此影響,因此「甄選情境」為獨立樣本,即受試者間設計;五位考生均會接受17位口試委員之評分,因此「考生」乃相依樣本,即受試者內設計。 本研究以碩博士班研究生為研究對象,請他們在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)口試錄影帶(謄本)後,以大學推甄口試委員的立場對影片中人物所形成之「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」及「應對表現」予以評分,並評定其「口試成績」。本研究採隨機分配,將研究對象分為「視聽組」、「聽覺組」及「文字組」三組。每組17位口試委員,共計51位。在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)口試錄影帶(謄本)前,受試者有5分鐘時間閱覽考生之書面資料,然後在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)考生之口試錄影帶(謄本)後,填寫「人格印象量表」及「口試評量表」。 本研究以3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」混合設計二因子變異數分析檢定不同的甄選情境在「人格印象」(他人親和取向、個人愉悅取向)、「能力評估」(專業能力、問題處理能力、人際關係處理能力、行政能力、外語能力)、「喜好程度」、「應對表現」及「口試成績」上之差異情形,結果發現處在不同甄選情境中的口試委員在這些變項上(外語能力除外)均可獲得頗為一致的判斷。研究者認為造成此結果的可能原因為:(1)參與推甄口試的考生無論是在課業或是人格特質、能力上均有相當程度的相似性;(2)大學推甄所使用的書面審查資料較職場口試中所使用的豐富,足以提供考生之人格、能力相關訊息;(3)實驗過程中口試委員閱讀書面審查資料的時間和口試時間的間隔太短,考生書面資料造成的初始效應過於強烈。 在不同甄選情境(視聽組、聽覺組、文字組)中,「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」、「應對表現」對「口試成績」之影響方面,研究結果發現:(1)「口試成績」與「應對表現」有高度相關;(2)「個人愉悅取向」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「聽覺組」口試成績具高度相關;(3)「專業能力」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「聽覺組」口試成績之間具高度相關;(4)「問題解決能力」與「視聽組」及「聽覺組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「文字組」口試成績之間具高度相關;(6)「喜好程度」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績僅具低度相關,但與「聽覺組」口試成績則具高度相關;(7)「口試成績」與「他人親和取向」、「人際關係能力」、「行政能力」、「外語能力」僅有低度相關。 研究者認為本研究之所以發現「人格印象」與「視聽組」和「文字組」口試成績之間並沒有很高的相關,其可能的原因如下:(1)有些人格特質是無法在短時間內被覺察到的;(2)有些人格特質是比較容易用聽的方式覺察到的;(3)人格特質的判斷通常是以潛意識的方式在進行的;(4)人格特質是可以經由大學四年的教育慢慢成形的;(5)人格特質對口試的影響主要是在對應試者未來工作表現的預測上,而大學校系並不需預測考生未來工作表現。 綜合本研究發現,在大學推甄口試方面,考生的肢體語言、外表、聲音等對口試委員的影響並不是很重要。此外,人格特質在大學推甄口試上的影響亦非常輕微,因此研究認為大學學系應重新衡量是否應繼續保有口試?抑或改以其他方式進行學生的甄選,以達到既有效又節省的取才方式。 / The purpose of the study is to identify which of the following variables: personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance, is actually affecting the outcome of the university enrollment interview with different settings. Subjects were 51 post-graduate students, randomly assigned to three groups – “Audio-visual Group”, “Audio Group”, and “Script Group”. Those in video group watched the video of the university enrollment interview, while those in audio group listened to the audio of the same interview, and those in script group read the transcript of the said interview. Vitae of the applicants were given to the subjects for reference prior to the stimulus. Each subject reviewed 5 applicants’ video (audio/transcript), and filled in the Personality Impression Form and Interview Assessment Form. 2-way ANOVA is used to examine the effect of different settings (audio-visual, audio, or transcript) on personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview content, and it is found that all variable can be judged in coincidence among subjects within different settings. Pearson correlation is used to examine the effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance on the decision-making of interview in different settings, and it is found that interview result is (1) highly correlated to interview performance in all settings; (2) highly correlated to personality impression, specialty, and likeability in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (3) highly correlated to problem solving skills in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (4) loosely correlated to inter-personal skills, administrative skills and foreign language in all settings.

Hur hittar vi fram? : En studie om hur spelare navigerar i 3d miljöer / How do we find the way? : A study on how players navigate a 3d environment

Asplund, Einar, Bergsten, Max January 2020 (has links)
Is it important that a player can navigate easily through a level? To get the answer ten participants were tested during a short play-session of a game made for the study. By looking at prior research, themes could be found that were all common. To learn the player to recognize what a goal looks like, to get the player to understand what the goal is. That the player can navigate to the goal and that the level should have flow is also important. This study shows that what earlier research suggests seems to have merit. Of all participants that played the game, almost everyone that played where navigational techniques were implemented spoke of how they felt certain in where to go.

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