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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ontological lockdown assessment : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Information Technology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Steele, Aaron January 2008 (has links)
In order to keep shared access computers secure and stable system administrators resort to locking down the computing environment in order to prevent intentional and unintentional damage by users. Skilled attackers are often able to break out of locked down computing environments and intentionally misuse shared access computers. This misuse has resulted in cases of mass identity theft and fraud, some of which have had an estimated cost ranging in millions. In order to determine if it is possible to break out of locked down computing environments an assessment method is required. Although a number of vulnerability assessment techniques exist, none of the existing techniques are sufficient for assessing locked down shared access computers. This is due to the existing techniques focusing on traditional, application specific, software vulnerabilities. Break out path vulnerabilities (which are exploited by attackers in order to break out of locked down environments) differ substantially from traditional vulnerabilities, and as a consequence are not easily discovered using existing techniques. Ontologies can be thought of as a modelling technique that can be used to capture expert knowledge about a domain of interest. The method for discovering break out paths in locked down computers can be considered expert knowledge in the domain of shared access computer security. This research proposes an ontology based assessment process for discovering break out path vulnerabilities in locked down shared access computers. The proposed approach is called the ontological lockdown assessment process. The ontological lockdown assessment process is implemented against a real world system and successfully identifies numerous break out path vulnerabilities.

Entre mobilité et sédentarité : les Mising, "peuple du fleuve", face à l'endiguement du Brahmapoutre (Assam, Inde du Nord-Est) / Between mobility and a sedentary lifestyle : the Misings, "river people" faced with measures to contain the Brahmaputra River (Assam, North-East India)

Crémin, Émilie 09 December 2014 (has links)
Les catastrophes naturelles au nord-est de l’Inde, tout comme dans le reste du monde, attirent régulièrement l’attention des médias. Au-delà des interventions d’urgence, il s’avère nécessaire de prendre du recul afin de mieux cerner l’origine des évènements et les stratégies d’adaptation déployées par les populations pour y faire face. Suivant une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant hydro-géomorphologie, éco-anthropologie et political ecology, cette thèse apporte un éclairage nouveau sur les dynamiques du Brahmapoutre, les interactions sociétés-milieux et la gestion des risques dans une région peu étudiée. En Assam, chaque année au cours de la mousson, le fleuve Brahmapoutre entre en crue et déborde dans sa plaine, déposant sur son passage des sédiments sableux et des limons fertiles. Dans cet espace densément peuplé, les Mising - population originaire de l’Himalaya oriental, Scheduled Tribe d’Assam - ont longtemps adapté leurs modes de vie à ce milieu dynamique. Au rythme du fleuve, les Mising pratiquent plusieurs types de riziculture, utilisent différentes techniques de pêche et déplacent leurs villages dans les espaces exposés aux inondations en suivant le mouvement des chenaux. Or, en 1950, un séisme majeur provoqua d’importantes modifications de l’hydrosystème fluvial, bouleversant ce système socio-écologique fragile. Pour contrôler le Brahmapoutre et mettre en valeur les territoires, la région connut dès le XIIe siècle des programmes d’endiguement et d’administration foncière sur la rive sud. À partir de 1954, l’État d’Assam étendit l’endiguement de part et d’autre du lit mineur. Ces aménagements incitèrent les communautés paysannes à se sédentariser dans les périmètres protégés en les contraignant à respecter les nouvelles délimitations foncières. Toutefois, depuis 1988, des ruptures de digues soudaines ont été à l’origine d’inondations récurrentes dans les espaces censés être protégés, tandis que l’érosion se poursuit, emportant les terres de plusieurs villages des subdivisions de Bokakhat, Majuli et Dhakuakhana, objets de cette thèse. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de montrer – à l’aide d’exemples pris dans trois localités – comment les aménagements fluviaux et les politiques foncières ont provoqué une crise sociale et environnementale obligeant les Mising à réajuster leurs pratiques agricoles tout en renégociant leur place au sein de la société et du territoire assamais. Ainsi, à Bokakhat, les Mising négocient leurs droits d’accès aux ressources avec les autorités du parc national de Kaziranga ; à Majuli, ils travaillent pour les institutions religieuses vaishnavites et les propriétaires terriens assamais ; à Dhakuakhana, certains d’entre eux se réfugient illégalement sur les débris de digues et espèrent que leurs terres pourront redevenir fertiles, tandis que d’autres émigrent. Dans ces situations socio-économiques distinctes, les Mising adoptent différentes stratégies socioreligieuses. Ils sont partagés entre ceux qui souhaitent s’insérer au sein de la société assamaise en adoptant les cultes vaishnavites localement dominants, ceux qui envisagent d’accéder au monde globalisé par une conversion au christianisme, et ceux qui affirment une identité tribale en faisant revivre des cultes plus anciens. En représentant l’ensemble de la communauté devant l’État d’Assam, les organisations politiques mising demandent plus d’autonomie territoriale vis-à-vis de Delhi. Un projet néanmoins difficile à mettre en œuvre, car les villages mising sont dispersés parmi ceux d’autres communautés d’Assam. Dans quelle mesure ces stratégies permettront-elles aux Mising de maintenir leurs capacités d'adaptation dans un milieu changeant ? / Natural disasters in Northeast India and in the rest of the world regularly attract media’s attention. Besides an emergency response to these events, it is necessary to distance oneself from the disaster in order to acquire a better understanding of the cause of the events and the coping strategies adopted by the population. Following on an interdisciplinary approach combining disciplines such as hydro-geomorphology, eco-anthropology and political ecology, this thesis sheds new light on the dynamics of the Brahmaputra River, the socio-environmental interactions and risk management in an area where few studies have been conducted.In Assam, every year during the monsoon, the level of the Brahmaputra River rises and overflows into the floodplain, covering sandy land and carrying fertile silts. In this densely populated area, the Mising tribe - a group from the eastern Himalayas, a scheduled tribe of Assam - has for long time managed to adapt its way of life to this dynamic environment. The Misings practise several types of rice cultivation; use different fishing techniques and move their villages according to the flow of the braided river’s channels. However, in 1950, a major earthquake brought about important modifications in the river’s hydrosystem, seriously upsetting this fragile socio-ecological system. Embankments have been built and land has been administrated on the south bank of the Brahmaputra since the twelfth century to control the river and to establish territories. But since 1954, the State of Assam has extended the embankments on both sides of the river. These infrastructures have encouraged farming communities to settle on these new protected lands, forcing them to respect cadastral boundaries. However, since 1988, breaches in the embankment have frequently led to flash floods, while erosion has caused land belonging to several villages in Majuli, Bokakhat and Dhakuakhana subdivisions, which are discussed in this thesis, to be washed away. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate — using examples from these three territories — how river engineering and rigid administrative boundaries have led to a social and environmental crisis that leaves the Misings no option but to adjust their agricultural practices and to adopt various strategies to negotiate their space on Assamese land and within Assamese society. Thus, in Bokakhat, the Misings negotiate their right to access resources with the Kaziranga National Park authorities; in Majuli, they work as farmers for Vaishnavite religious institutions and Assamese landowners; in Dhakuakhana, some of them take shelter illegally on portions of the embankment in the hope that their land will be restored to them, while others choose to migrate. In these distinct socio-economical conditions, they are divided into those who are assimilated into Assamese society through Vaishnavite cults, those who have converted to Christianity, which is gaining a foothold in the globalized world, and those who defend their tribal identity and who are reviving ancient faith. Finally, Mising political organizations are claiming to the State of Assam and to Delhi for more territorial autonomy. This would be a difficult undertaking as their villages are scattered among the other communities of Assam. To what extent these strategies will help the Misings to maintain their adaptability in a changing environment?

Usages et conservation des communs en contexte de changement climatique dans le delta du Saloum au Sénégal / Use and conservation of commons in the context of climate change in the Saloum Delta, Senegal

Sarr, Serigne Momar 14 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet une exploration des communs sur les modes de gestion ainsi que sur les usages par rapport aux bénéfices collectifs issus de leur exploitation en contexte de changement climatique dans le Delta du Saloum (Centre-Ouest du Sénégal). La recherche prend appui sur un cadre théorique construit à partir de la théorie de la gouvernance des communs à laquelle nous avons combiné les approches de la psychosociologie des représentations sociales, de la socio-anthropologie du développement et de la sociologie de la transaction sociale. Notre zone d’étude est constituée par le delta du Saloum qui est formé par un entrelacs d’îles riches en biodiversité mais vulnérables au changement climatique. En outre, les dynamiques sociales témoignent de l’entrain dans la production du quotidien par les femmes, les jeunes et les projets de développement. À partir d’une posture épistémologique basée sur le « paradigme » de la pensée complexe et la perspective d’une « connaissance subjectale », la méthode de recherche est essentiellement qualitative avec une démarche ethnographique. À partir de l’étude de cas, l’utilisation d’une batterie d’outils (revue documentaire, observation, entretiens individuels et de groupe) a débouché sur une diversité de matériaux discursifs et factuels. L’analyse des données de terrain a été menée par rapport aux dimensions suivantes : les dispositifs organisationnels, les rapports d’action et d’interaction dans l’action collective, l’intentionnalité et l’incertitude des pratiques sociales, l’historicité, l’espace et la prospective. Nos résultats de recherche laissent voir que, nonobstant un contexte de changement climatique contraignant et l’existence de représentations sociales différentielles dues à la présence d’une multiplicité d’acteurs au sein de l’espace du delta du Saloum, la gestion des communs (pêcheries et foresterie) est réussie à travers les organisations communautaires et les structures mêlées de compétences d’acteurs sociaux, étatiques et non-gouvernementaux au moyen de transactions sociales pour la conservation des ressources naturelles par un « ordre négocié » de durabilité d’une part, et d’autre part, les usages des bénéfices collectifs issus de leur exploitation pour réaliser des projets communautaires. En effet, l’action collective des différents acteurs sociaux et institutionnels qui a été désignée « connexité socio-institutionnelle » est une condition à la réussite de la gestion des communs comme celle-ci est une forme d’adaptation au changement climatique par le construit social de l’espace à partir de l’historicité de la communauté des Niominka qui habitent en majorité cet espace. Par ailleurs, les rapports entre les multiples acteurs ainsi qu’avec les objets environnementaux comme les ressources naturelles et l’espace exigent de l’objet de la sociologie un prolongement et un intérêt vers les faits de nature après que l’approche psychosociologique a obtenu droit de cité. Cette voie n’est possible pour l’heure qu’avec l’inter/transdisciplinarité dans les sciences de l’environnement à partir du concept de vulnérabilité. / This PhD thesis explores the management and use of commons in relation to the collective benefits derived from their exploitation in the context of climate change in the Saloum Delta, in central-western Senegal. The research is based on a theoretical framework built on the theory of the governance of the commons, to which we combined approaches of psychosociology of social representations, socio-anthropology of development, and sociology of social transaction. The research was conducted in the Saloum Delta, which is formed by an interlacing of islands rich in biodiversity but vulnerable to climate change. In addition, social dynamics show the drive with which women, youth and development projects produce the everyday. Building on an epistemological posture based on the ‘paradigm’ of complex thought and the perspective of a ‘subjectal knowledge,’ the research methodology is primarily qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Based on a case study, the use of a set of tools (documentary review, observation, individual and group interviews) produced a diversity of discursive and factual data. The analysis of the data collected in the field was conducted with a focus on the following dimensions: organisational settings, action and interaction relations in collective action, intentionality and uncertainty of social practices, historicity, space, and forecasting. Research findings show that commons (fishery and forestry), despite a constraining context of climate change and the existence of differential social representations resulting from the presence of a multiplicity of actors in the Saloum Delta, are successfully managed by community organisations and groups of actors working together, including social, state and non-state actors. This is done through social transactions for the conservation of natural resources through a ‘negotiated order’ of sustainability on the one hand, and the uses of collective benefits derived from their exploitation to carry out community projects on the other hand. In fact, collective action of various social and institutional actors – which has been referred to as ‘socio-institutional connection’ – is a condition for the successful management of commons. It is also an adaption strategy to climate change by the social construct of space based on the historicity of the Niominka community – the main group in this region. Furthermore, relations among various actors and with environmental objects such as natural resources and space require the object of sociology to be extended and an interest in facts of nature after the psychosociological approach gains acceptance. For now, this is only possible with inter- and transdisciplinarity in environmental science starting from the concept of vulnerability.

Bahia de Todos os Santos: vulnerabilidades e ameaças.

Peixoto, José Augusto Saraiva January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-10T19:12:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 José.pdf: 1419530 bytes, checksum: 4209d589859c5afd7252296c118864b3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-04-13T19:58:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 José.pdf: 1419530 bytes, checksum: 4209d589859c5afd7252296c118864b3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-13T19:58:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 José.pdf: 1419530 bytes, checksum: 4209d589859c5afd7252296c118864b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Efetuou-se um levantamento dos conceitos de desastres, riscos, vulnerabilidades, ameaças,capacidade e termos associados advindos de diferentes autores, comparando-os entre si. São apresentados e identificados processos de geração de desastres ao longo do tempo, considerando-se as diversas forças sociais e políticas, concluindo-se nessa revisão que o desastre é gerado ao longo do tempo. É descrita a situação de risco que se encontra no Quadrante Nordeste da Baía de Todos os Santos (QUANEBTS), cuja área de estudo compreende porções dos municípios de Santo Amaro, São Francisco do Conde, Candeias, Simões Filho e Salvador e todo o território municipal de Madre de Deus. Estende-se da foz do rio Subaé, ao norte, até a Baía de Aratu, à leste, passando pelo corpo hídrico da baía e pelas ilhas de Maré, dos Frades e de Bom Jesus dos Passos pertencentes à Salvador. Apresentam-se também os conceitos de bacias hidrográficas, dos processos naturais, do uso e ocupação do solo e as conseqüências socioambientais na pessoa humana e nas comunidades e sua interferência em situações adversas. Os dados secundários foram coletados sobre os empreendimentos em documentos oficiais e sítios eletrônicos de órgãos públicos (CEPRAM, IMA, INGÁ, IBAMA, dentre outros), empresas (Petrobras, Brasken, CODEBA e Porto de Aratu), assim como nos planos diretores de grandes empreendimentos instalados no CIA. Os dados primários são oriundos de anotações elaboradas ao longo do tempo, a partir do início da década de 1990, até a presente data, em diversas visitas efetuadas e pareceres redigidos em variados temas para regiões continentais e insulares da área em estudo. Todos esses dados geraram uma caracterização e um diagnóstico socioambiental. Usou-se como critério básico, o levantamento de dados físicos, biológicos e antrópicos. Analisou-se mais profundamente a indústria do petróleo e gás, a contaminação de chumbo em Santo Amaro e o fenômeno da Maré Vermelha ocorrido em março de 2007. Os riscos e seus fatores internos foram identificados nos empreendimentos e situações levantadas, aplicando-se o referencial teórico desenvolvido neste trabalho. A análise contemplou também os efeitos cumulativos advindos dos processos industriais e das atividades portuárias. A principal conclusão é a existência de vulnerabilidades institucionais e sociais, dentre as quais se destaca a falta de inserção do risco na cultura gerando a não percepção das ameaças, das vulnerabilidades, das capacidades e das ações prospectivas mais conseqüentes. Os resultados podem servir de ponto de partida na avaliação e interpretação de simulações de cenários futuros, com efeitos ambientais e socioeconômicos a serem considerados no planejamento para o desenvolvimento desta região e outras. / Salvador

Malicious trafic observation using a framework to parallelize and compose midpoint inspection devices / Observation du trafic malveillant en utilisant un cadriciel permettant la composition d'inspecteurs de point d'interconnexion

Alberdi, Ion 09 April 2010 (has links)
Notre thèse stipule qu'au vu de l'ampleur des agissements malveillants dans l'Internet, les logiciels d'extrémité doivent être surveillés. Pour limiter le nombre de points de surveillance, nous proposons de surveiller les logiciels depuis un point d'interconnexion. Nous avons dans ce but conçu Luth, un outil permettant de composer et de paralléliser un ensemble d'inspecteurs de points d'interconnexion (appelés MI) qui implémentent des mini IDS, IPS ou pare-feux, tout en vérifiant la correction et l'optimalité de ces derniers, à l'aide d'un langage de configuration et des algorithmes associés. Nous utilisons ensuite cet outil pour surveiller des logiciels d'extrémité permettant l'observation de trafic malveillant. Premièrement, après avoir démontré la nécessité de surveiller des pots de miels collecteurs de logiciels malveillants en concevant une attaque originale, nous montrons comment nous configurons Luth pour bloquer les attaques précédemment créées tout en laissant passer les attaques émulées par le pot de miel. Dans un second temps, nous utilisons Luth pour implémenter un bac-à-sable permettant d'analyser dynamiquement et aussi sûrement que voulu, les communications réseaux des logiciels malveillants. Nous montrons comment les informations obtenues par cette analyse permettent de regrouper ces logiciels et ainsi de limiter le nombre de binaires à analyser manuellement. Ensuite nous montrons comment nous générons automatiquement des signatures permettant la détection de ces virus depuis un point d'interconnexion / Our Ph.D states that given the magnitude of malicious behavior in the Internet, end-host software must be monitored. To limit the number of monitoring points, we propose to monitor the software from an interconnection point, i.e. a midpoint. We have designed for this purpose Luth, a tool to compose and parallelize a set of midpoint inspectors (MI) that implement mini IDS, IPS or firewall-s, while checking the correction and optimality of the resulting inspection tree, using a configuration language, its interpreter and associated algorithms. We then configure this tool to monitor some end-host software used to observe malicious traffic. First, we demonstrate why malware downloading honeypots must be monitored by designing an original attack. Then, we show how we configure Luth to block these attacks while accepting the intrusions emulated by the honeypot. In a second step, we use Luth to implement a sandbox that analyzes dynamically and as safely as wanted malware's network communications. We show how the information obtained by this analysis enables us to cluster the analyzed malware and therefore limit the number of malware to analyze manually. Finally, we show how we automatically generate signatures from this analysis to detect those malware from a midpoint device

Recherche de vulnérabilités logicielles par combinaison d'analyses de code binaire et de frelatage (Fuzzing) / Software vulnerability research combining fuzz testing and binary code analysis

Bekrar, Sofia 10 October 2013 (has links)
Le frelatage (ou fuzzing) est l'une des approches les plus efficaces pour la détection de vulnérabilités dans les logiciels de tailles importantes et dont le code source n'est pas disponible. Malgré une utilisation très répandue dans l'industrie, les techniques de frelatage "classique" peuvent avoir des résultats assez limités, et pas toujours probants. Ceci est dû notamment à une faible couverture des programmes testés, ce qui entraîne une augmentation du nombre de faux-négatifs; et un manque de connaissances sur le fonctionnement interne de la cible, ce qui limite la qualité des entrées générées. Nous présentons dans ce travail une approche automatique de recherche de vulnérabilités logicielles par des processus de test combinant analyses avancées de code binaire et frelatage. Cette approche comprend : une technique de minimisation de suite de tests, pour optimiser le rapport entre la quantité de code testé et le temps d'exécution ; une technique d'analyse de couverture optimisée et rapide, pour évaluer l'efficacité du frelatage ; une technique d'analyse statique, pour localiser les séquences de codes potentiellement sensibles par rapport à des patrons de vulnérabilités; une technique dynamique d'analyse de teinte, pour identifier avec précision les zones de l'entrée qui peuvent être à l'origine de déclenchements de vulnérabilités; et finalement une technique évolutionniste de génération de test qui s'appuie sur les résultats des autres analyses, afin d'affiner les critères de décision et d'améliorer la qualité des entrées produites. Cette approche a été mise en œuvre à travers une chaîne d'outils intégrés et évalués sur de nombreuses études de cas fournies par l'entreprise. Les résultats obtenus montrent son efficacité dans la détection automatique de vulnérabilités affectant des applications majeures et sans accès au code source. / Fuzz testing (a.k.a. fuzzing) is one of the most effective approaches for discovering security vulnerabilities in large and closed-source software. Despite their wide use in the software industry, traditional fuzzing techniques suffer from a poor coverage, which results in a large number of false negatives. The other common drawback is the lack of knowledge about the application internals. This limits their ability to generate high quality inputs. Thus such techniques have limited fault detection capabilities. We present an automated smart fuzzing approach which combines advanced binary code analysis techniques. Our approach has five components. A test suite reduction technique, to optimize the ratio between the amount of covered code and the execution time. A fast and optimized code coverage measurement technique, to evaluate the fuzzing effectiveness. A static analysis technique, to locate potentially sensitive sequences of code with respect to vulnerability patterns. An origin-aware dynamic taint analysis technique, to precisely identify the input fields that may trigger potential vulnerabilities. Finally, an evolutionary based test generation technique, to produce relevant inputs. We implemented our approach as an integrated tool chain, and we evaluated it on numerous industrial case studies. The obtained results demonstrate its effectiveness in automatically discovering zero-day vulnerabilities in major closed-source applications. Our approach is relevant to both defensive and offensive security purposes.

Saúde mental masculina: prevalência e vulnerabilidades aos transtornos mentais comuns nos contextos rural e urbano

Bezerra, Edilane Nunes Régis 09 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-07-06T14:34:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2524791 bytes, checksum: 15d07d9937e0452b345edd0616d97937 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T14:34:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2524791 bytes, checksum: 15d07d9937e0452b345edd0616d97937 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Psychic illness, highlighting Common Mental Disorders (CMD), one of bigest issues menking is facing actually, from non-psychotic nature. Those disorders involves a sinals set and related symptoms, mainly, to somatic problems and depressive and anxiety symptons generally related to life conditions and occupational structure. So, our goal is to analyse the vulnerabilities aspects on common mental disorders in Paraíba’s men, comparing urban and rural contexts. There were realized two empiric studies. The first is a quantitative epidemiological research wich its objective was estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders in capital and rural cities’ on men from Paraíba, associated to social economic factors, life style, search for treatment and mental health. In a sample of 432 men (160 linving in capital and 272 living in rural cities), from 21 to 59 years-old age group, were applyed a set of instruments: SRQ-20; Life Style, Acess and Health Atendance, Mental Health and Social-Demographic Questionnaries, which results were evaluated by descriptive statistics, Prevalence ratio, association (chi-square and test t) and multivariate. The CMD prevalence found among men from urban context was 46,3% and 18,4% from rural. It was observed the association between CMD presence and the age group (X2=9,183; p=0,01), with higher prevalence on yougest age group (44%), decreasing during life course (40% on group between 30 and 49 years-old and 15% on group above 50 years-old). The schoolarity association (X2=11,182; p=0,01) points to prevalence increase with schoolarity (basic: 29%; high school: 38%; university: 30%); so, we can deduce, given sample’s low Family income, that suffering can come from Family income increasing abstance after increasing the schoolarity level. At last, there was the association of CMD presence with marital status (X2=11,755; p=0,008), with bigger difference between singles (43%). The second study, qualitative, had as objective to analyse – from the participants description, which vulnerabilities elements (individuals, socials and programmatic) to CMD are presents on men’s lives from cities rurals and urbans. There were 07 men from rural context and 16 from urban context participating, with ages from 21 to 59 years-old, it was utilized individual enterviews analyzed through themactic categorial technique. Thematic categorization allowed obtaining three thematic classes: the first named “Male Suffering Contexts” refered to suffering individual aspects and involved seven analysing categories, a) Symptomatology; b) Main motives to getting ill; c) Illness consequences; d) Selfcare practices; e) Health care; f) Metal Health Care; g) Social support net. In second thematic class, named “Male Psychic Suffering Experiences”, had made refference to suffering social and intersubjetives aspects involved four analysis categories: a) Marital Relations; b) Gender Relations; c) Labor factors which step in metal health; d) Rural and urban everyday. The third thematic class was named “Professionals more sensitive and humanized to male suffering”. The results allowed to conclude, in urban context, that the relation between individual, social and programatic aspects associated to urban violence, finantial issues, unemployment, marital issues, lack of perspective and professional grown, health issues (family and personal), work oveload, social isolation, contrinute to CMD vulnerability situations between men linving on urban context. / O adoecimento psíquico, com destaque para os Transtornos Mentais Comuns (TMC), é um dos grandes problemas enfrentados na atualidade, de natureza não psicótica, tais transtornos envolvem um conjunto de sinais e sintomas relacionados, principalmente, às queixas somáticas e sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, geralmente associadas às condições de vida e à estrutura ocupacional. Neste sentido, objetiva-se analisar os aspectos de vulnerabilidades aos transtornos mentais comuns em homens paraibanos comparando os contextos urbano e rural. Foram realizados dois Estudos Empíricos. O primeiro trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, epidemiológica, com objetivo de estimar a prevalência dos transtornos mentais comuns em homens da capital e de cidades rurais paraibanas, associados com fatores socioeconômicos, de estilos de vida, busca por atendimento e saúde mental. Para uma amostra de 432 homens (160 residentes na capital e 272 em cidades rurais), na faixa etária de 21 a 59 anos, foi aplicado um conjunto de instrumentos: SRQ-20; Questionários de Estilo de Vida; de Acesso e Atendimento em Saúde; de Saúde Mental; Sócio-demográfico, cujos resultados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, razão de prevalência, de associação (qui-quadrado e test t) e multivariada. A prevalência de TMC encontrada entre os homens do contexto urbano foi de 46,3% e 18,4% no rural. Observou-se associação entre a presença de TMC com a faixa etária (X2=9,183; p=0,01), com maior prevalência na faixa etária mais jovem (44%), diminuindo no decorrer da vida (40% na faixa entre 30 e 49 anos e 15% na faixa acima de 50 anos). A associação com a escolaridade (X2=11,182; p=0,01) aponta o aumento da prevalência juntamente com o aumento da escolaridade (fundamental: 29%; médio: 38%; superior: 30%), podendo-se inferir, dado a baixa renda familiar da amostra, que o sofrimento pode decorrer pela ausência de melhoria na renda após o aumento da escolaridade. Por fim, houve associação da presença de TMC com o estado civil (X2=11,755; p=0,008), com maior diferença entre os solteiros (43%). O segundo estudo, qualitativo, objetivou analisar – a partir do relato dos participantes, quais elementos (individuais, sociais e programáticos) de vulnerabilidades aos TMC estão presentes nas vivências dos homens de cidades rurais e urbana. Participaram 07 homens do contexto rural e 15 do contexto urbano, com idades entre 21 e 59 anos, utilizando-se de entrevistas individuais, analisadas por meio da técnica de análise categorial temática. A categorização temática permitiu a obtenção de três classes temáticas: a primeira intitulada “Contextos de sofrimento masculino” fez referência aos aspectos individuais do sofrimento e envolveu sete categorias de análise, a saber, a) Sintomatologia; b) Principais motivos para o adoecimento; c) Consequências do adoecimento; d) Práticas de autocuidado; e) Cuidado em saúde; f) Cuidado em saúde mental; g) Rede de apoio social. Já a segunda classe temática, intitulada “Vivências de sofrimento psíquico masculino, fez referência aos aspectos sociais e intersubjetivos do sofrimento e envolveu quatro categorias de análise, a) Relações Conjugais; b) Relações de gênero; c) Fatores no trabalho que interferem na saúde psíquica; d) Cotidiano urbano e rural. A terceira classe “Profissionais mais humanizados e sensibilizados ao sofrimento masculino”. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, no contexto urbano, há uma maior prevalência de transtorno mental comum, a relação entre os aspectos individuais, sociais e programáticos, associados à violência urbana, problemas financeiros, desemprego, problemas conjugais, falta de perspectiva e crescimento profissional, problemas de saúde (familiares, pessoal), sobrecarga de trabalho, isolamento social, contribuem para situações de vulnerabilidades aos TMC entre os homens residentes no contexto urbano.

A gestão cotidiana e a dignidade humana de quem vive com HIV: um estudo à luz da teoria das representações sociais

Pereira, Mariana Galvão 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-28T15:52:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marianagalvaopereira.pdf: 1124634 bytes, checksum: 8d1063903d1807b603644557173de64c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-10-09T19:22:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marianagalvaopereira.pdf: 1124634 bytes, checksum: 8d1063903d1807b603644557173de64c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-10-09T19:23:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marianagalvaopereira.pdf: 1124634 bytes, checksum: 8d1063903d1807b603644557173de64c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T19:23:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marianagalvaopereira.pdf: 1124634 bytes, checksum: 8d1063903d1807b603644557173de64c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O valor da vida humana é um dos poucos consensos contemporâneos. A dignidade humana, por meio do caráter filosófico do termo pode ser considerado um conceito frágil e subjetivo, porém o mesmo é plano de fundo de diversas Cartas Magnas, buscando garantir o mínimo existencial às pessoas. As representações sociais da Aids que circulam no imaginário social acarretam um estigma às pessoas que vivem com HIV. O estigma é reconhecido como uma barreira que impede os avanços no que tange ações e políticas em busca da garantia da dignidade humana. Este estudo insere-se no Grupo de Pesquisa Cotidiano do Cuidar em Saúde e em Enfermagem, em sua linha cuidando do adulto e do idoso: o cotidiano como espaço de representações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Aborda o momento de descoberta da sorologia positiva para o HIV e o cotidiano. Assim, teve-se por objetivo analisar as representações sociais de pessoas que vivem com o HIV sobre a descoberta e os elementos da dignidade humana que orientam a gestão cotidiana de ser positivo. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, tendo os pressupostos de análise a Teoria das Representações Sociais, na abordagem processual de Denise Jodelet. Aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFJF, sob CAAE 57724016.2.0000.5147. O cenário foi um Serviço de Atendimento Especializado, os participantes foram 12 pessoas que vivem com HIV há no mínimo 6 meses e no máximo 3 anos. A coleta das informações aconteceu nos meses de outubro de 2016 a fevereiro de 2017. Utilizou-se de duas técnicas de coleta: a entrevista aberta e uma técnica projetiva. Para organizar as informações utilizou-se a proposta de Análise do conteúdo, proposta por Bardin as quais foram analisadas ancoradas nos pressupostos da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os resultados se revelam em duas categorias: representações sobre o sentido de descobrir-se soropositivo, e os elementos da dignidade que orientam a gestão cotidiana de pessoas que vivem com hiv. As representações revelam ambiguidade, pois ao mesmo tempo em que há uma representação de normalidade ao viver com o vírus, os participantes relatam um cotidiano marcado pelas situações de violência: simbólicas ou não. Os achados orientam a importância da terapia antirretroviral, do apoio familiar e do trabalho no processo de gestão. Em relação às violações dos componentes da dignidade humana, o estigma parece ocupar o lugar principal, pois, devido a ele, as pessoas que vivem com HIV diminuem suas relações sociais, e os impactos desse isolamento vão da solidão à privação direta de bens materiais e simbólicos. / The value of human life is one of the few contemporary consensuses. Human dignity, through the philosophical character of the term can be considered a fragile and subjective concept, but the same is the background of several Magnes Letters, seeking to guarantee the existential minimum to the people. The social representations of AIDS that circulate in the social imaginary cause stigma to people living with HIV. Stigma is recognized as a barrier that prevents advances in actions and policies in pursuit of the guarantee of human dignity. This study is part of the Research Group on Health Care and Nursing, in its care of the adult and the elderly: daily as a space for representations of the Graduate Program in Nursing of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora ( UFJF). It addresses the moment of discovery of positive serology for HIV and daily life. Thus, the objective was to analyze the social representations of people living with HIV on the discovery and elements of human dignity that guide the daily management of being positive. It is a qualitative research, having the assumptions of analysis the Theory of Social Representations, in the procedural approach of Denise Jodelet. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFJF, under CAAE 57724016.2.0000.5147. The scenario was a Specialized Attendance Service, participants were 12 people living with HIV for at least 6 months and a maximum of 3 years. Information collection took place from October 2016 to February 2017. Two collection techniques were used: the open interview and a projective technique. In order to organize the information we used the proposal of Content Analysis, proposed by Bardin, which were analyzed anchored in the assumptions of Theory of Social Representations. The results are presented in two categories: representations about the meaning of finding themselves seropositive, and the elements of dignity that guide the day-today management of people living with HIV. The representations reveal ambiguity, because at the same time that there is a representation of normality when living with the virus, the participants report a daily life marked by situations of violence: symbolic or not. The findings guide the importance of antiretroviral therapy, family support and work in the management process. In relation to violations of the components of human dignity, stigma seems to occupy the main place because, because of it, people living with HIV diminish their social relations, and the impacts of this isolation go from solitude to direct deprivation of material goods and symbolic.

Virtualization Security Threat Forensic and Environment Safeguarding

Zahedi, Saed January 2014 (has links)
The advent of virtualization technologies has evolved the IT infrastructure and organizations are migrating to virtual platforms. Virtualization is also the foundation for cloud platform services. Virtualization is known to provide more security into the infrastructure apart from agility and flexibility. However security aspects of virtualization are often overlooked. Various attacks to the virtualization hypervisor and its administration component are desirable for adversaries. The threats to virtualization must be rigorously scrutinized to realize common breaches and knowing what is more attractive for attackers. In this thesis a current state of perimeter and operational threats along with taxonomy of virtualization security threats is provided. The common attacks based on vulnerability database are investigated. A distribution of the virtualization software vulnerabilities, mapped to the taxonomy is visualized. The famous industry best practices and standards are introduced and key features of each one are presented for safeguarding the virtualization environments. A discussion of other possible approaches to investigate the severity of threats based on automatic systems is presented.

Entre insécurités alimentaires et impératifs culturels au Niger : le cas du département de Gouré en 2005 / Between food insecurity in Niger and cultural imperatives : the case of the 2005 crisis in the departement Goure

Malam Mamane Sani, Ibrahim 07 December 2015 (has links)
Dans un pays sahélien comme le Niger, l'espace social dédié à l'alimentaire est culturellement riche de savoirs. Pourtant, peu d'écrits font de ce constat un objet d'étude sociologiquement pertinent. La présente réflexion se donne pour tâche d'analyser la portée des déterminants culturels dans la survenance des famines. S'appuyant sur des matériaux de nature socio-anthropologiques, cette thèse met en exergue des problèmes de gouvernance pour expliquer le prégnance des crises de subsistance. Malgré le poids des facteurs culturels sous-tendant le modèle de consommation des Gouréens, il est intellectuellement risqué d'affirmer que les tabous alimentaires peuvent constituer des causes sérieuses de disettes dans cette partie du Niger confrontée à une succession de déficit de productions vivrières. Toutefois, notre contribution montre que ces interdits demeurent un élément amplificateur, surtout dans des milieux à forte croyance traditionnelle. La méthodologie utilisée tout au long de cette démarche se fonde sur des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives et prend appui sur divers outils de collecte comme les guides d'entretien semi-directifs, les focus groups et un questionnaire de type CAP (connaissance, attitudes, pratiques). / In a Sahelian country like Niger, the space dedicated to food is culturally rich for learnings. However, there are a few writings which make this as a valid sociologically subject of study. This reflection gives itself a taskto analyze the scope of cultural determinants in the occurence of famines. Based on socio-anthropological materials, this thesis highlights social governance to explain the salience of subsistence crises. Despite the weight of cultural factors underlying consumption model of the people in Goure, it is intellectually risky to assert that food taboos may constitute serious causes of food shortages in this part of Niger which faces a succession of food production deficit. However, our contribution shows that these taboos remain enhancing element, especially in high-traditional belief backgrounds. The methodology used in this approach is based on qualitative and quantitative methods using the following collection tools : semi-structured interview guides, focus groups and a questionnaire type KAP (knpwledge, attitudes, practices).

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