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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

二十一世紀初新疆王洛賓現象解讀. / 21世紀初新疆王洛賓現象解讀 / Reading "Wang Luobin phenomenon" in the early twenty-first century Xinjiang / Er shi yi shi ji chu Xinjiang Wang Luobin xian xiang jie du. / 21 shi ji chu Xinjiang Wang Luobin xian xiang jie du

January 2005 (has links)
鄭燕虹. / "2005年9月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(leaves 97-108). / "2005 nian 9 yue". / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zheng Yanhong. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 97-108). / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究背景及研究目的 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究動機 --- p.2 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究焦點與研究限制 --- p.3 / Chapter 第四節 --- 研究角度 --- p.4 / Chapter 第五節 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.6 / Chapter 第六節 --- 研究方法 --- p.8 / Chapter 第七節 --- 内容簡述 --- p.10 / Chapter 第二章 --- 新疆漢族人的身份危機 --- p.11 / Chapter 第一節 --- 新疆的史地和民族現況概述 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二節 --- 民族意識在新疆 --- p.16 / Chapter 第三節 --- 導致新疆漢族身份危機的社會、文化和歷史因素 --- p.17 / Chapter 小結 --- 新疆漢人的身份危機 --- p.21 / Chapter 第三章 --- 王洛賓現象在新疆 --- p.23 / Chapter 第一節 --- 王洛賓生平概述 --- p.23 / Chapter 第二節 --- 有關歌曲的改編或再創作過程 --- p.28 / Chapter 第三節 --- 王洛賓現象在新疆 --- p.34 / Chapter 第四節 --- 新疆維吾爾族人對王洛賓及有關作品的看法 --- p.39 / Chapter 第五節 --- 新疆的漢族人對王洛賓的看法 --- p.42 / Chapter 小結 --- 王洛賓作為新疆漢人身份認同的重要媒介 --- p.44 / Chapter 第四章 --- 音樂與身份認同:新疆漢族人與新疆民歌的想像 --- p.55 / Chapter 第一節 --- 資料的選擇´ؤ´ؤ王洛賓改編歌曲的音像產品 --- p.55 / Chapter 第二節 --- 以音樂建構形象:新疆漢族人對音樂想像的意識 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三節 --- 音像產品的風格與新疆形象的想像 --- p.59 / Chapter 小結 --- 音樂作為一個超越時空的想像空間 --- p.65 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.72 / 附錄 --- p.76 / 參考資料及相關文獻 --- p.97 / 鳴謝 --- p.109

神像的創生: 漢代西王母圖像研究. / Emergence of the human religious icon in early China: Xiwangmu image during the Han period (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) / 漢代西王母圖像研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Shen xiang de chuang sheng: Han dai Xiwangmu tu xiang yan jiu. / Han dai Xiwangmu tu xiang yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
王蘇琦. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 357-385). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Wang Suqi.

王覺一生平及其《理數合解》理天之研究 / A study of the Life of Wang Juei Yi and the concept of "Lii Tian " in His"Lii Shuh Her Jiee"

鍾雲鶯, Jong, Yun-Ing Unknown Date (has links)
王覺一是清末末候一著教的創始者,也是近代一貫道的開山祖師,藉著對其著作<<理數合解>>的研究,可以對清代民間宗教的信仰核心與教義思想略做了解,本研究的撰述方向如下: 第一章緒論說明研究的動機、目的、方法及預期目標。 第二章,王覺一生平其及其教案析探。想要了解一個人的思想,必須先對此人的人生經歷做一番認識。因此本研究將王覺一的生平考述列為本論首章。這一章係借助故宮<<月摺檔>>的資料,對於其教派的成立與發展做合理的推測,以及他如何成為一方之領導者。並且對於光緒九年王氏領導的教派所發生的教案始末,作一較詳細的釐析,並由此一分析中重新檢視王覺一的角色定位。 第三章,王覺一對「理」觀念的承襲與轉化。本章乃追溯王氏思想的啟蒙根源,探討他對於「理」觀念的承襲,並且解析他對「理」的詮釋與所賦予的意義,為下一章的主題作引子。 第四章理天析探本章乃承上一章的敘述觀念,探討王氏理論的核心主旨,撰述理天在他思想體系中的重要性,以及他如何傳承理學思想,轉化思想家思考範疇中「理」的觀念,並且由此而開展的宇宙論與心性論。身為民間宗教的傳道者,如何來看待這些問題,如何由此問題觀攝宇宙的整體與主宰,本章擬由此探討王覺一的理天思維。 第五章,理天在宗教上的意義。如何呈現理天在修道上的意義,才是王覺一思想的關鍵所在。他如何在整體思想中展現人生的終極目的,強調宗教修煉的意義,亦即討論宗教人修道的最後目標與正鵠,尋探回歸人的根源處,本章擬就扣緊宗教意義以探討理天主體的核心。 第六章結論將本論文所作的研究結果,作一綜合性的討論,並敘述王覺一思想對一貫道教義的影響,以及以王覺一做為主題所開演的研究展望,總結王覺一在民間宗教史的價值與意義。

擴展道教醮儀的概念:以晚帝國湖北與江西的靈官醮科為例 / Broadening Notions of Daoist Offering Rituals: A Case Study of Late Imperial Numinous Officer Liturgies (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科) of Hubei and Jiangxi

費昭, Tyler Feezell Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探索從《道法海涵》中挑出的集中於王靈官道教醮抄本,兩抄本的書名皆是「靈官醮科」,一本源自於江西1861年或1921年,另一本源自於湖北木蘭1855年或1915年。江西的抄本是第一章節的中心點,進而追蹤抄本作者寫作參考的可能源始資料,包括道藏裡的節選;第二章節以兩抄本作為儀式內容與架構對比。本論文的目的是觀察以前沒研究的地方醮儀,因此擴展學術界對此在華人社會關鍵的儀式的概念。 關鍵字: 道教醮儀,靈官醮科,王靈官,江西,湖北,道法海涵 / This thesis explores two Daoist jiao ritual 道教醮儀 manuscripts from the Daofa haihan devoted to Numinous Officer Wang (Wang lingguan 王靈官). Both texts are titled “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer” (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科), one originating in Jiangxi 江西 in 1861 or 1921 and the other from Mulan, Hubei 木蘭湖北 in 1855 or 1915. Chapter one focuses on the Jiangxi text and traces possible source material, including Daoist canonical selections, referenced to compose the ritual. Chapter two compares the ritual content and structure of the two ritual texts. The purpose of this thesis is to explore local jiao rituals in a setting previously unstudied, thus augmenting scholarly notions of this pivotal communal ritual Keywords: Daoist jiao rituals, “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer”, Numinous Officer Wang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Daofa haihan

La notion d'enseignement parfait (yuanjiao) dans la pensée de Mou Zongsan (1909-1995)

Boisclair, Annie 11 1900 (has links)
Personnage central du néoconfucianisme contemporain, Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) a écrit un nombre impressionnant de livres philosophiques. Loin d’ignorer les penseurs d’autres courants, il les intègre à ses théories pour en utiliser les forces. Ainsi, il s’intéresse au concept d’enseignement parfait (yuanjiao圓教). Cette notion fut introduite par l’école bouddhique Tiantai (Tiantai天台). Après une classification de tous les enseignements bouddhiques, il fut conclu que l’enseignement parfait consiste en un enseignement complet reflétant parfaitement l’intention ultime du Bouddha. Mou considère quatre critères pour déterminer quelle doctrine est conforme à cette idée : la préservation de tout ce qui existe, la possibilité pour tous d’atteindre l’illumination, englober tout sans distinction et utiliser un langage qu’il qualifie de non analytique. Dans cette étude, nous allons examiner l’utilisation faite par Mou du concept d’enseignement parfait. Il démontre la nécessité pour l’être humain d’avoir un esprit qui saisit à la fois la sphère phénoménale et nouménale. De cette façon, tout ce qui compose la réalité, pur et impur, est conservé. Il emprunte ensuite le concept du summum bonum kantien, c’est-à-dire le ratio proportionnel entre la vertu et le bonheur, et le révise à l’aide de l’enseignement parfait. Le résultat est tout à fait étonnant : l’être humain possède l’intuition intellectuelle, normalement réservé à Dieu chez Kant, et est ainsi responsable de son propre bonheur grâce à l’accomplissement d’actions morales. Cependant, le bouddhisme ne fournirait pas le cadre théorique idéal pour la notion très importante du summum bonum puisque l’aspect moral n’y serait pas assez développé. Mou affirme que, malgré leur origine bouddhique, les critères qui définissent un enseignement parfait peuvent être appliqués à d’autres courants de pensée. Il propose donc le confucianiste Wang Longxi王龍溪 (Wang Ji王畿 1498- 1583), dont les théories correspondent aux caractéristiques de l’enseignement parfait, pour établir un concept du summum bonum novateur. / Mou Zongsan (1909-1995), a central figure in the emergence of New confucianist thought, wrote an impressive number of books on philosophy. One of the most interesting aspects of Mou’s writings is that he distilled and integrated concepts of other philosophical schools he considered relevant and valuable for his works. One example for this notion is his extensive use of the concept of the perfect teaching (yuanjiao圓教), which was originally introduced by the Buddhist school of Tiantai (Tiantai天台). They first classified all Buddhist teachings before concluding that only the doctrine of perfect teaching truly reflects the ultimate wisdom envisioned by the Buddha. Mou determines that this concept fulfill four necessary criteria: (1) the preservation of all that exists, (2) the possibility for all sentient beings to achieve illumination, (3) to encompass everything without distinction, and (4) to utilize a non-analytical language. In this study, we will analyse Mou’s use of the concept of perfect teaching. He argues that the human mind must be capable of perceiving both the phenomenal and the noumenal world. This postulate ensures the preservation of all realities, inclusive of both what is ‘pur’ and ‘impure’. Mou utilizes the summum bonum, a Kantian concept that postulates that virtue and happiness are proportionally linked, and modifies it with the help of the perfect teaching. As a result of this fusion of occidental and oriental thought, human beings are attributed intellectual intuition, which according to Kant is God’s privilege. As a consequence, humans ultimately determine their own happiness by their moral behavior. Although Mou uses the originally Buddhist doctrine of perfect teaching to revise the concept of summum bonum, he also concludes that the lack of a moral foundation renders Buddhism ultimately unfit to act as the theoretical framework of summum bonum. However, Mou claims that the four characteristics that define a perfect teaching can, irrespective of their origin, be applied to other schools of thought. Therefore, he proposes that the theories of the confucianist Wang Longxi王龍溪 (Wang Ji王畿 1498- 1583) fulfil these attributes, and uses them to establish a revised concept of summum bonum that preserves the proportionality of virtue and happiness but bypasses the requirement of God as the sole proprietor of intellectual intuition.

Transport optimal : régularité et applications

Gallouët, Thomas 10 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse comporte deux parties distinctes, toutes les deux liées à la théorie du transport optimal. Dans la première partie, nous considérons une variété riemannienne, deux mesures à densité régulière et un coût de transport, typiquement la distance géodésique quadratique et nous nous intéressons à la régularité de l'application de transport optimal. Le critère décisif à cette régularité s'avère être le signe du tenseur de Ma-Trudinger-Wang (MTW). Nous présentons tout d'abord une synthèse des travaux réalisés sur ce tenseur. Nous nous intéressons ensuite au lien entre la géométrie des lieux d'injectivité et le tenseur MTW. Nous montrons que dans de nombreux cas, la positivité du tenseur MTW implique la convexité des lieux d'injectivité. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est liée aux équations aux dérivées partielles. Certaines peuvent être considérées comme des flots gradients dans l'espace de Wasserstein W2. C'est le cas de l'équation de Keller-Segel en dimension 2. Pour cette équation nous nous intéressons au problème de quantification de la masse lors de l'explosion des solutions ; cette explosion apparaît lorsque la masse initiale est supérieure à un seuil critique Mc. Nous cherchons alors à montrer qu'elle consiste en la formation d'un Dirac de masse Mc. Nous considérons ici un modèle particulaire en dimension 1 ayant le même comportement que l'équation de Keller-Segel. Pour ce modèle nous exhibons des bassins d'attractions à l'intérieur desquels l'explosion se produit avec seulement le nombre critique de particules. Finalement nous nous intéressons au profil d'explosion : à l'aide d'un changement d'échelle parabolique nous montrons que la structure de l'explosion correspond aux points critiques d'une certaine fonctionnelle.

Fenomen helsinské školy / Phenomenom of the Helsinki school

Zahradníčková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This final thesis aims to introduce the reader with the Helsinki School phenomenon especially with the less known facts. The great deal of attention is dedicated to the historical development of teaching photography in Finland which precede the phenomenon itself. First chapter is chronologically ordered for better clarity, since the origination to present time. Other important part is dedicated to the term of the Helsinki School and to Timothy Persons as its founder. The third and last chapter is focused to selection of six artists of the Helsinki School. Their work is described by the monographic method. After reading my work, the reader should have a clear idea of what preceded the Helsinki School, what is characteristic for it and who are its members. I would like to approach the reader with this topic from as many angels as possible so that the picture of the Helsinki School is complete.

Simulation of Crystal Nucleation in Polymer Melts

Kawak, Pierre 03 August 2022 (has links)
Semicrystalline polymers are an important class of materials for their prevalence in today's markets and their desirable properties. These properties depend on the early stages of the polymer crystallization process where a crystal nucleates from the polymer melt. This nucleation process is conventionally understood via an extension of Classical Nucleation Theory to polymers (CNTP). However, recent experimental and simulation evidence points to nucleation mechanisms that do not agree with the predictions of CNTP. Specifically, these experiments suggest a previously unrecognized role of nematic phases in mediating the melt"“crystal transtion. To explain these observations, several new theories of nucleation alternate to CNTP have emerged in the literature, all of which suggest specific modifications to the free energy landscape (FEL) near-equilibrium. To address these theoretical controversies, this dissertation aimed to study the equilibrium phase behavior of polymers via Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Simulating equilibrium phase behavior of polymer melts is not a trivial task due to the large free energy barriers involved. Throughout this research, we employed a combination of strategies to speed up these molecular simulations. First, we employed a domain decomposition to divide the simulation box into multiple independent simulations that execute independent MC trajectories in parallel. The novel GPU-accelerated MC algorithm successfully and accurately simulated the phase behavior of bead spring chains. Additionally, it sped up MC simulations of Lennard Jones chains by up to 10 times. In its current form, the GPU-accelerated algorithm did not achieve significant speedups to improve outcomes of simulating large polymer melts with detailed potentials. We recommended various strategies to improving the current algorithm. This reality motivated the use of biased MC simulations to study the phase behavior of polymers more expediently without the need for GPU acceleration. Specifically, the latter part of the Dissertation employed Wang Landau MC (WLMC) simulations to build phase diagrams and expanded ensemble density of states (EXEDOS) simulations to construct FELs. Phase diagrams from WLMC simulations divided volume-temperature space into melt, nematic and crystal phases. Then, FELs from EXEDOS simulations at equilibrium provided direct access to the relative stability and minimum free energy paths between coexistant states. By employing a two-dimensional EXEDOS sampling in both crystal and nematic order for hard bead semiflexible oligomers with a stepwise bending stiffness, we built FELs that show that the crystalline transition cooperatively and simultaneously formed crystal and nematic order. This nucleation mechanism was not in agreement with predictions from CNTP or newer theoretical formulations. To investigate the sensitivity of the phase behavior to the employed polymer model, we then employed WLMC simulations to build phase diagrams for a number of different polymer models to ascertain their impact on the resulting nucleation mechanism. We found that the phase behavior was sensitive to the form of the bending stiffness potential used. Chains with a stepwise bending stiffness yielded the previously mentioned cooperative and simultaneous crystal and nematic ordering. In contrast, chains with a harmonic bending stiffness potential crystallized via a two-step nucleation process, first forming a nematic phase that nucleates the crystal. The latter nucleation mechanism was in line with predictions from new theories of nucleation that incorporate the nematic phase as a precursor. Furthermore, we found that it is important to correct for excluded volume differences when comparing chains with soft and hard beads or chains with differing bending stiffnesses.

Cultural Exchange and Media Evaluations Behind Transnational Business Acquisition Between China and the United States: A Qualitative Study of Dalian Wanda-AMC

Zhao, Sisi 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Tile-based Method for Procedural Content Generation

Maung, David 26 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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