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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma estratégia de interação na Web para a análise de sistemas elétricos de potência

Tamashiro, Márcio Augusto 14 October 2016 (has links)
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atualmente, muitos trabalhos técnicos e científicos importantes só são possíveis com o auxílio de computadores e de programas específicos. Na Engenharia Elétrica esses recursos são utilizados em estudos estáticos e dinâmicos de sistemas elétricos de potência, os quais dão suporte, por exemplo, ao planejamento e a operação da rede elétrica realizados pelas empresas do setor. Em função dessa importância é grande a quantidade de programas disponíveis, comerciais ou não. As aplicações comerciais são conhecidas por serem computacionalmente eficientes, bem como pela quantidade de recursos oferecidos, mas apesar disso, não são adequadas para fins educacionais ou para a realização de pesquisas. Um dos principais motivos apontados é porque o código fonte não é fornecido, e assim não podem ser estudados ou adaptados conforme a necessidade. Por isso muitos usuários principalmente do meio acadêmico preferem criar suas próprias aplicações, sendo a maioria delas desenvolvidas no MATLAB ou escritas nas linguagens de programação FORTRAN e C++. Esses programas são disponibilizados como aplicações desktop destinadas geralmente a somente um tipo de estudo e com uma interface pouco amigável. Entretanto, existem algumas opções com características mais atrativas como a existência de uma interface gráfica com o usuário, e número de recursos computacionais próximos àqueles encontrados nas aplicações comercias. Na literatura há ainda propostas de aplicações web cuja principal vantagem é o acesso remoto e simultâneo por qualquer computador. No geral, as aplicações existentes não disponibilizam recursos de colaboração em tempo real, e não permitem a interoperabilidade com outras aplicações. Nesse contexto, esta tese focou na investigação da implementação de uma aplicação web para a análise de sistemas elétricos, explorando esses dois aspectos supracitados. Para isso alguns programas similares, sem fins comerciais e com código fonte disponível, foram investigados. E também foram selecionadas e apresentadas as ferramentas computacionais necessárias ao desenvolvimento da aplicação. As investigações e as implementações computacionais realizadas, bem como os resultados obtidos são devidamente apresentados e analisados ao final deste trabalho. / Currently, many important technical and scientific works are only possible with the aid of computers and specific programs. In Electrical Engineering, these resources are both used in static and dynamic studies of electric power systems, which give support, for example, to the planning, and operation of the grid performed by companies in the sector. Because of this, there is a large number of commercial or non-commercial programs available. Commercial applications are known to be computationally efficient as well as the amount of offered resources; nevertheless, they are not suitable for educational purposes or for conducting research. One of the main reasons pointed out is because they are not open source, and thus they cannot be studied or adapted as needed. Thus, many users, quite often in academia, prefer to create their own applications, most of them written in MATLAB, FORTRAN and C ++ programming languages. These programs are provided as desktop applications usually designed to only one type of study and without user-friendly interface. However, there are a few options with more attractive features such as the existence of a graphical user interface, and number of computational resources close to those found in commercial applications. There are also proposals in the literature for web applications whose main advantage is the remote and simultaneous access by any computer. Generally, the existing applications do not make available real-time collaboration features, and no interoperability with other applications. In this context, this thesis focused on the research of the implementation of a web application for analysis of electrical power systems, exploring these two aspects above mentioned. For that, some similar non-commercial programs and open-source were deeply investigated. In addition, the computational tools necessary to develop the application were selected and presented. The investigations and computational implementation performed here, as well as the results are properly presented and analyzed at the end of this work. / Tese (Doutorado)

Interaktiv Produktpresentation åt Abu Garcia / Interactive Productpresentation for Abu Garcia

Edvardsson, Kristoffer, Högkvist, Conny, Nilsson, Tobias, Nilsson, Carl-Johan January 2006 (has links)
Detta projekt har producerats i samarbete med Abu Garcia i Svängsta, Blekinge. Vårat projekt är en interaktiv produkt presentation gjord i flash med inslag av 3d, video och ljud. Våran tanke är att användaren ska kunna se hur en Ambassadeur Record fiskerulle ser ut både på insidan och utsidan, hur den fungerar och vad som gör den så unik. Det finns också video filmer som beskriver tillverknings processen, och hur man som förstagångs användare använder en Ambassadeur rulle. Design och bakgrundsljud är anpassad så att den ska väcka en känsla av fiske och fridfull utomhus miljö. / This project has been produced in cooperation with Abu Garcia in Svängsta, Blekinge. Our project is an interactive presentation of a product made in Flash with 3D, video and sound. The idea is to show the user what an Ambassadeur Record looks like both on the inside and the outside, how it works and what makes it unique. / Carl-Johan Nilsson, cjni03@student.bth.se Conny Högkvist, coho03@student.bth.se Kristoffer Edvardsson, kred03@student.bth.se Tobias Nilsson, tona03@student.bth.se

Utvärdering av hybrida ramverk för mobil applikationsutveckling mot småföretag

Edström, Christoffer, Jalsing, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
Mobilindustrin är under ständig förändring vilket har lett till en fragmenterad marknad somsmåföretag har haft svårt att etablera sig i. Småföretag har haft problem med att utvecklakvalitativa applikationer till olika mobila plattformar. Anledningen är att det varitresurskrävande att utveckla native applikationer till flera plattformar och underhålla flerakodbaser. Till följd av detta har mindre företag oftast valt att utveckla webbapplikationer för attleverera tjänster som når ut till många konsumenter. Hybrida ramverk har på senare år etableratsig som en potentiell lösning för att utveckla mobila applikationer med högre prestanda ochfunktionalitet än webbapplikationer och samtidigt möjliggjort för utvecklare att dela kod mellanolika plattformar. I denna studie intervjuades anställda på tre mindre företag för att identifierakrav som småföretag anser vara viktiga vid val av ramverk för applikationsutveckling. Utifrånkraven jämfördes tre hybrida ramverk för att ta reda på vilket som passar småföretag. Resultatenvisade att småföretag är olika med varierande behov och att det inte finns ett specifikt ramverksom passar alla. Däremot konstaterades det att alla tre hybrida ramverk som jämfördes i studienvar tillräckligt sofistikerade att implementeras som potentiella lösningar. Med det sagt ärhybrida ramverken inte kompromisslösa. Applikationer som utvecklas med hybrida ramverkuppnår ännu inte samma prestanda som native applikationer och är inte plattformsoberoende isamma grad som webbapplikationer. / The mobile industry is constantly changing, which has led to a fragmented market that smallbusinesses have difficulties to successfully establish in. Small businesses have had problemswith developing qualitative applications for different mobile devices. The main reason is theresource intensive process to develop native applications for multiple platforms andmaintaining the different codebases. Thus, smaller companies have usually chosen to developweb applications to deliver services to a more widespread target audience. Hybrid frameworkshave established themselves as a potential solution for developing mobile applications withhigher performance and functionality than web applications, while allowing developers to sharecode between platforms. In this study, employees of three smaller companies were interviewedto identify shared requirements held by small businesses to select a framework for applicationdevelopment. Based on the requirements, three hybrid frameworks were compared with thepurpose to identify which one was most suitable for small businesses. The results showed thatsmall businesses are different with varying needs and that there is no specific framework thatsuits all companies. On the other hand, it was found that all three hybrid frameworks comparedin the study were sufficiently developed to be implemented as potential solutions. With thatsaid, hybrid frameworks are not without flaws. Applications developed with hybrid frameworksdoes not yet achieve the same level of performance as native applications and is not platformindependent to the same extent as web applications.

Rapportsystem för Active Directory-information / REPORTSYSTEM FOR ACTIVE DIRECTORY INFORMATION

Sjödahl, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
När det gäller fakturering av ett företags tjänster har det visat sig att den manuella hanteringen ofta är tidskrävande och att det lätt blir fel. Därför har det tagits fram många faktureringssystem för olika datorsystem. Detta examensarbete går ut på att ta fram en prototyp av ett automatiskt rapportsystem baserat på utvald användarinformation i Active Directory, informationen ska sedan användas som faktureringsunderlag. Informationen sammanställs i en databas där användaren på ett lätt sätt ska kunna ta fram en sammanställning av kundernas användning av diverse tjänster för en specifik domän. / When it comes to invoicing a company’s services it has become evident that the manual handling very often is time-consuming and easily becomes wrong. Therefore many developers have developed different invoicingsystems for different computersystems. This diploma work is about developing a prototype of a fully automatic reportsystem based on Active Directory-information. This information will later on be used as basic data for the invoice. The information will be put together in a database where the user easily can retrieve a compilation about a customer’s usage of different services.

Kvalitetsregister för epikutantestning / Patch register

Jakobsson, David, König, Bettina January 2010 (has links)
Inledning: Epikutantester används för utredning av kontaktallergier. Det görs ca 3000 tester varje år i Sverige som överförs till ett kvalitetsregister.  Målet med projektet var att utveckla en webbapplikation och en underliggande databas för hantering och lagring av ett nationellt kvalitetsregister för epikutantester (The Swedish Patch Register). Databasen skall lagras på en central server lokaliserad på Universitetssjukhuset, Örebro. Metoder: Lösningen blev en applikation för webbläsare programmerad i språket C# med hjälp av Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 och ramverket ASP.NET 3.5. MySQL .NET connector tool 6.2.2 möjliggjorde anslutningen mellan ASP.NET och databasen. Databasen skapades på MySQL Server 5.1, en databasserver med öppen källkod. Driftsättning av webbapplikationen testades med IIS 7. Resultat: En webbapplikation, med en design liknande Örebro Läns Landsting webbplats och med följande funktionalitet skapades: Säker inloggning (https, SSL-certifikat), registrera testresultat, hantera användarkonton och behörigheter, skapa standardtester och lägga till nya ämnen för allergitestning, och en hjälpsida. Inmatningen av data standardiserades genom användning av kalenderkomponenten och DropDownLists med förvalda svar för testreaktioner, bedömning, relevans och ett fördefinierat standardtestsystem, för att minska antalet möjliga felkällor. Databasen inkluderar åtta tabeller och informationen har företrädesvis lagrats som heltalsvärden för att förenkla framtida statistiska beräkningar. Diskussion: I brist på licens för Microsoft SQL Server 2008 utvecklades projektet med hjälp av en lösning med öppen källkod som fungerar bra i utvecklingsmiljön. En lösning kopplad till en Microsoft SQL Server 2008 kräver en viss anpassning av källkoden. / Introduction: Epicutaneous patch testing is used to evaluate contact allergies. Every year approximately 3000 tests are performed in Sweden and the results are entered in a quality registry. The aim of the project was to develop a web application and a corresponding database for managing and storage of a national dermatologic quality registry (The Swedish Patch Test Register). The database will be located on a central server at the University hospital, Örebro. Methods: The solution required programming of an application for web browsers in the language C# with the help of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the web framework ASP.NET 3.5. The .NET connector tool 6.2.2 enabled the connection between ASP.NET and the database created on the open source database server MySQL Server 5.1. Web server hosting was tested with IIS 7. Results: A web application in a design equivalent to the Örebro Läns Landsting web site and with the following functionalities was created: Secure Login (https, SSL-certificate), recording of test results, managing of user accounts and eligibility, creating test series and adding new substances for allergic skin testing respectively, and a help page. The input of data was standardised by means of the calendar component and DropDownLists with pre-selected answers for test reactions, evaluation, relevance of test results and a predefined standard test system in order to reduce possible handling errors. The database includes eight tables and information is preferably stored as integer values to facilitate future statistical calculation.' Discussion: Due to a lack of license for Microsoft SQL server 2008, the project was accomplished by means of an open source solution, and has full functionality in the corresponding environment. A solution in a Microsoft SQL server 2008 environment requires certain adapting of the source code.

Utveckling av bokningssystem för Moridge AB / Development of a Booking System for Moridge AB

Gummus, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av ett nytt bokningssystem för företaget Moridge AB. Bokningssystemet består av en förardel där förare kan hantera sina bokningar och arbetsschema samt en administrationsdel för hantering av alla förare och statistikvisning avseende kunder och förares bokningar. Rapporten går igenom hela utvecklingens process från systemets krav till designplanering till slutfärdigt resultat och en avslutande diskussion.   Bokningssystemet är en webbapplikation för mobila enheter utvecklad med ASP.NET MVC Razor och jQuery Mobile. Systemet består av ett säkert inloggningssystem med uppkoppling till en databas med hjälp av Entity Framework och bokningshantering via Google Calendar API.   Projektet lade stor vikt vid design för optimal användarupplevelse och säkerhetslösningar. Användargränssnitten togs fram med kontemporära tekniker och användarupplevelsen kontrollerades med användartest. Säkerheten garanteras genom användning av en kraftfull kryptografisk algoritm för lösenordshantering och autentisering via ASP.NET Identity och Forms Authentication som begränsar åtkomst till enbart behöriga användare. / This report describes the development of a new booking system for the company Moridge AB. The booking system is composed of a driver section where drivers can handle their bookings and work schedule as well as an administration section for the management of all drivers and statistics showing customers and drivers bookings. The report goes through the entire development process from system requirements to design planning to the final finished system, and a concluding discussion.   The booking system is a web application for mobile devices developed with ASP.NET MVC Razor and jQuery Mobile. The system consists of a secure login system with a connection to a database using Entity Framework and booking management via Google Calendar API.   The project placed great importance on user experience design (UX) and security. The user interfaces were developed with contemporary technologies and user experience were controlled by user test. Safety is ensured by the use of a powerful cryptographic algorithm for password management and authentication through ASP.NET Identity and Forms Authentication, which limit access to only authorized users.

Integration av XMPP-baserad chatt och flexiteBPMS / Integration of XMPP based chat and flexiteBPMS

Tibell, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
Större kommuner och industrier använder alltmer automatiserade processer för tjänster och rutinerså som kundcenter och felhantering. Flexeurope AB är ett företag med flera års erfarenhet av auto-matiserade processer och arbetar med att definiera, visualisera, konstruera och optimera processer.Företaget utvecklar även ett webbaserad IT-system för processhantering, kallat flexiteBPMS. Inom en kommun eller industri arbetar ofta flera handläggare, ibland uppemot hundratals, med atthantera ärenden i processer. Detta ställer krav på att handläggare kan kommunicera med varand-ra. Effektivare kommunikation där handläggare snabbare får svar innebär effektivare hantering avärenden. Marknaden har till följd av detta uttryck önskningar om att möjliggöra en form av realtids-kommunikation kring ärenden i flexiteBPMS. Med detta som bakgrund har det här arbetet undersökt, planerat och genomfört en integration av enXMPP-baserad chatt med flexiteBPMS. Det slutgiltiga integrerade systemet möjliggör för handläggareatt chatta med andra handläggare samt att spara delar av en chattkonversation som ett meddelandekopplat till ett ärende; alternativt att skapa ett nytt ärende i flexiteBPMS. Resultatet av arbetet inne-bär, vid eventuell framtida lansering, bättre förutsättningar för handläggare att effektivare utföra sittarbete, vilket medför att tiden för ärendehantering kan reduceras. / Municipality, large enterprises and companies are using more and more automated processes forprocedures such as service recovery and customer services. Flexeurope AB is a company speciali-zed in business process automation and it has several years of experience of defining, visualizing,constructing and optimizing processes. The company is also developing a commercial web basedapplication for managing processes called flexiteBPMS. Within a municipality or enterprise it is not unusual that a large amount of administrators and caseworkers are dealing with processes and errands. In large organizations, who may consisting of up toa hundred case workers, the communication possibilities are vital for the work effectiveness, whenadministrators needs information from each other. Due to this realization Flexeurope AB have recei-ved requests of enabling another type of communication in flexiteBPMS. As a result of the above described background, this work have studied, planned and carried outan integration of a XMPP based instant messaging system, called chat, with flexiteBPMS. The final,integrated system enables peer-to-peer conversation in real time between case workers and offers thepossibility to save a chat conversation in flexiteBPMS, either as a message linked to an errand or as anew errand connected to a process. The result of this work, in case of a possible future launch, wouldinduce for administrators to work more effective and in course of time this means a reduced time forhandling of a matter.

Využití HTML5 při vývoji webových aplikací / The use of HTML5 in web development

Hanyš, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Currently, on the Internet we can see most of the time clasic website that offer multimedia content to users in the form of texts, pictures and videos or favorite e-shops to enable the purchase of various goods from the comfort of home. More and more we can see website sites, or applications that provide the user with a specific service. This thesis describes a new modern approaches for creating web sites and applications using the latest version of the markup language HTML, which is HTML5. The work is primarily intended for Web developers and encoders, which should provide an overview and basic information in the field of web applications. The acquired knowledge would be to simplify and streamline the work and especially to save time, which can undo web users in the form of new features. The result of their work can be faster, more comfortable user web application (website) that fully exploit potential of web browsers.

Klíčové aspekty webových aplikací dle jejich obchodního zaměření / Key aspects of web applications according to their business focus

Nemejovský, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is the characteristics of key aspects, which are important when designing, implementing and maintaining web application, whereas these aspects differ according to business model of the web application. The thesis reflects modern trends in the areas of web project management, UX, web design, E-Commerce process management etc. The thesis consists of the introduction, theoretical part, practical part and conclusion. In the introduction I present the reason for picking this topic, the more in-depth targets of the thesis, preconditions, restrictions, in-depth structure, sum-up the expected contribution and present research of the field. The theoretical part consists of the information about online business and introduction of the web applications. Furthermore, the key domains are presented with the new trends in different areas of web applications. In the practical part, at the beginning, there are categories of web applications defined, which are based on different business models introduced earlier. This part is followed by the comprehensive analysis in the field of web E-Commerce applications for each category of the web application, with the output of trends and best practices in the field according to each domain of the web application. It is then followed by the analysis of situation around web applications in general, because here were also some trends and best practice noticed. In conclusion I sum up the acquired results, introduce the contribution of the thesis and think about the situation around the web applications.

Nástroj pro správu a vizualizaci rizik v managementu projektů / Project Management and Risks Visualization Support Tool

Přibylová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topic of risk management and explains its importance during project management in IT projects. It descibes every phase of the risk management life cycle and also methods and procedures used in each phase. After that the thesis focuses on decision analysis, mainly on decision trees and Monte Carlo simulation. The last part contains the design of an application for risk management and visualization. Prototype of this system has been implemented based on this design in PHP framework Laravel. Details of the implementation and testing are in the next part of this thesis. In the end there is an assessment with discussion of possible expansions.

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