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Topplistan som motivationsfaktor / The highscore list as motivational factorBergeling, Rickard, Forsberg, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Väldesignade spel är naturligt motiverande för att hålla kvar sina spelare. För att ett spel ska bli framgångsrikt är det viktigt att det innehåller motivationsförstärkare. På senare år har element hämtade från speldesign även använts inom andra områden, utanför sin vanliga kontext. Detta sammanfattas i begreppet gamification (sv. spelifiering). Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka hur gamification kan påverka användandet av en applikation som är skapad i syfte att uppmuntra en miljövänlig livsstil. Detta gjorde vi genom att låta två testgrupper med studenter från programmet för Medieteknik vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan använda varsin applikation under åtta dagar. Applikationerna var identiska sånär som på en komponent: en av dem innehöll en topplista, vilket är en vanlig motivationsförstärkare inom speldesign. Utöver de data som vi samlade in genom applikationerna så lät vi även användarna svara på ett antal enkäter för att få kvalitativa svar angående deras användning av applikationen. Resultaten visar att topplistan inte har fungerat som en motivationsförstärkare i det här fallet, men att många användare funnit motivation i att se sin personliga statistik. Införandet av topplistan krävde också att vi införde ett underliggande poängsystem. I diskussionen och analysen för vi resonemang om möjliga orsaker till undersökningens utfall. En möjlig förklaring till varför topplistan inte har höjt användarnas motivation kan vara poängsystemets utformning. Vidare visar resultatet att användare från olika årskurser visat på varierad motivation att använda applikationen. Studenter i årskurs ett och två har generellt presterat bättre än studenter i högre årskurser. / Well-designed games are naturally motivational to keep the players interested. For a game to be successful, it has to contain motivators. Recent years have seen elements from games used in other areas, out of their normal context. This is what is called gamification. The purpose of our study is to examine how we can use common gamification elements to motivate our users to be more environmentally friendly. We have done this by letting two groups of students from the Programme of Media Technology at The Royal Institute of Technology use two separate applications. The study lasted for eight days and the two applications were identical except for one component – one of them contained a leaderboard, which is a common motivator in game design. We can see from our results that the leaderboard has not motivated our participants to be more considerate of the environment. A lot of people did however find motivation in their personal statistics. The use of a leaderboard required us to also implement an underlying points-system, one explanation to our outcome could be how this system was designed.
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Developing an Analysing a Web Application made for Teachers to Evaluate Students' Performance : Utveckling och analys av en webbapplikation för examinatorers analys av elevers lärandeHultqvist, Andreas, Hultqvist, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
The need to learn programming increases as more jobs require basic programming skills and computer knowledge. Compulsory school is adding programming to the curriculum, which leads to challenges due to both teachers and students are new to this subject. Even at the university level some students get in touch with programming for the first time in their lives. This thesis aim to develop a web application that can be used by teachers as a reliable and informative tool when evaluating the learning process of its students, by combining data collected through user interactions while solving programming related puzzles in Python, with answers from periodic self-evaluation surveys. The study shows that the web application can be seen as a valid tool when evaluating the students' learning process.
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Propuesta para la automatización de los procesos del producto de Rentas Vitalicias utilizando aplicaciones Web MVC, RPA y BI para una Compañía de Seguros / Proposal for the automation of the Life Annuity product processes using MVC, RPA and BI Web applications for an Insurance CompanyGuerrero Torres, Jaime Jesús, Medrano Osorio, Wilmer Elias 10 December 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como objeto de estudio una Compañía de Seguros que forma parte del Sector Asegurador. Por motivos de confidencialidad, mantendremos en reserva el nombre de la empresa y se utilizará el seudónimo “Seguros Rojo” cuando se desee hacer referencia a ella. El desarrollo del trabajo se centra en los procesos del producto Rentas Vitalicias, que es el producto que genera mayores ingresos para la empresa.
El proyecto de tesis tiene como objetivo proponer el diseño de la arquitectura de solución informática web, para generar una oportunidad de mejora en el proceso de Administración de Reservas mediante la automatización de las actividades manuales que pueda tener con el fin de reducir los errores operativos, los errores en la información, el tiempo en la ejecución de las actividades y así los usuarios podrán enfocarse en el análisis de los resultados.
Para lograr la propuesta se utilizará el marco de trabajo de Zachman para el análisis del negocio, el modelado del proceso usando la notación BPMN, la identificación de los drivers arquitectónicos en base a los requisitos funcionales y no funcionales, y el diseño de la arquitectura de la solución mediante el Modelo C4. Finalmente, la Guía del PMBOK® se utiliza para la gestión del proyecto. / The present thesis project has as object of study an Insurance Company that is part of the Insurance Sector. For confidentiality reasons, we will keep the name of the company in reserve and the pseudonym "Seguros Rojo" will be used when it is desired to refer to it. The development of the work focuses on the processes of the Life Annuity product, which is the product that generates the highest income for the company.
The thesis project aims to propose the design of the web computing solution architecture, to generate an opportunity for improvement in the Reservation Administration process by automating the manual activities that it may have in order to reduce operational errors, the errors in the information, the time in the execution of the activities and thus the users will be able to focus on the analysis of the results.
To achieve the proposal, the Zachman framework will be used for business analysis, process modeling using the BPMN notation, identification of architectural drivers based on functional and non-functional requirements, and design of the architecture of the solution using Model C4. Finally, the PMBOK® Guide is used for project management. / Tesis
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Rozšířená realita (AR) a její možnosti využití ve vzdělávání: zhodnocení přínosu AR pro výuku lexika v němčině na základě komparace klasické a experimentální metody učení / Augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities of use in education: evaluation of the contribution of AR for teaching vocabulary in German based on a comparison of classical and experimental learning methodsStudničková, Anežka January 2021 (has links)
Title of the master's thesis: Augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities of use in education: Evaluation of the contribution of AR for teaching vocabulary in German based on a comparison of classical and experimental learning methods Abstract: This master's thesis focuses on the use of augmented reality (AR) in the context of education. AR currently represents a dynamically evolving technology. The aim was to explore the benefits of using AR for foreign language teaching, to compare the possibilities of didactic application with the traditional way of teaching and to find out whether learning with AR is a motivating factor stimulating students' interest and a tool for better understanding and memorizing through visualization and acting on emotions. The theoretical part of the work presented the characteristics of augmented reality, its types and areas of use and compared it with virtual and mixed reality. It briefly mentioned the history of AR, the advantages and negative aspects of the use of this method, the current state of research in language didactics and cases of the use of AR in education in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the practical part, a web interface was created using the Model Viewer tool, which allows users to view 3D objects in augmented reality. Then, quantitative research was...
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Transformace webových aplikací na webové služby / Transformation of Web Applications into Web ServicesZámečník, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
Present web is aiming to the possibility of automatization of user behavior on web applications. Adding of semantics and creation of web service interface are the main approaches for accomplishment of this user comfort. Nevertheless, this direction brings some problems which can make more difficult publishing and implementation of web documents. Web services can connect heterogeneous systems, because they are based on XML markup language that is a place where all applications can meet without lost of platform independence. The automatic transformation of a web application into a web service could be considerably more effective than to create a web service from the beginning. However, this step is for some applications almost unreal without knowledge of their inner structure. In most cases, the transformation will be done semiautomatically with help of human decisions.
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Konverze ASP do ASP.NET / Translation of ASP into ASP.NETVilímek, Jan January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to implement an application for ASP to ASPX conversion. The ASP pages should be written in the VBScript language, the target language for ASPX will be C#. The application is developed on the .NET platform. The conversion process should be automatic. There should be no need to alter the converted files by a programmer. The first part of this dissertation introduces the whole problematic. It shows also current solutions. The next part is the analysis and the design of the application itself. The main part of this dissertation is the VBScript grammar conversion, problems while conversion and its solving.
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Datové rozhraní pro sdílení "městských dat" / Data Interface for Sharing of "City Data"Fiala, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explore existing solutions of closed and open data sharing, propose options of sharing non-public data, implement selected solution and demonstrate the functionality of the system for sharing closed data. Implementation output consist of a catalog of non-public datasets, web application for administration of non-public datasets, application interface gateway and demonstration application.
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Visualisering av SkördardataWikström, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
Datavisualisering är en vanlig metod för att öka förståelsen av data genom att omvandla den från text till bild. Genom datavisualisering kan en gigantisk mängd data omvandlas till diagram och bilder som bidrar till att ge en användare en tydlig förståelse över vad denna data representerar. Det medlemsägda företaget Biometria verkar inom skogsnäring och har som uppgift att mäta skogsprodukter, så som trädstammar och stockar. Mätdatat lagras i skördspecifika XML-filer och görs tillgängligt för de som är involverade i skörden. Problemet är att dessa filer tenderar att bli extremt stora och svårtydda för någon som söker en överblick av en specifik skörd. Detta projekt har gått ut på att undersöka huruvida Biometrias data kan visualiseras och på så sätt förtydligas. Undersökningen resulterade i utvecklingen av en prototyp av en webbapplikation som tar emot en skördefil och visualiserar vissa mätdata från den. Den slutgiltiga prototypen bestod av en punktkarta som visar var stammarna fälldes, två cirkeldiagram som visar proportioner av trädarter samt sortiment av stockar, och ett stapeldiagram som visar max, minimi och medelvärden av stammarna och stockarnas diametrar. Resultatet var lyckat, eftersom de anställda på Biometria som resultatet presenterades för var överens om att visualiseringen bidrog till en mycket högre förståelse av den data som visualiserades. / Data visualization is a common method to increase the understanding of data by converting it from text to image. Through data visualization, a large amount of data can be transformed into diagrams and images that helps giving a user a clear understanding of what the data represents. The member-owned company Biometria operates in the forest industry and is tasked with measuring forest products, such as tree trunks and logs. The measurement data is stored in harvest-specific XML-files and are made available for those involved in the harvest. The problem is that these files tend to get extremely large and difficult to read for someone who wants an overview of a specific harvest. This project has aimed to investigate whether Biometria's data can be visualized and thus clarified. The study resulted in the development of a prototype of a web application that receives a harvest file and visualizes some measurement data from it. The final prototype consisted of a dot map showing where the trees were felled, two pie charts showing proportions of tree species and assortment of logs, and a bar chart showing the maximum, minimum and mean values of the trees and log diameters. The result was successful, since the employees at Biometria for whom the result was presented all agreed that the visualization contributed to a much higher understanding of the data that was visualized.
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Utveckling av en webbapplikation för bokning av testresurser : Applikationsutveckling i React och Node.js / Development of a web application for booking test resources : Application development in React and Node.jsAl Sabbagh, Madian, Al Sabbagh, Luay January 2023 (has links)
The web application Testpersonbokaren is used by Nordic Medtest to book fake test persons for various actors in healthcare so that they can test and validate their environments without being dependent on real personal data. The purpose of this project is to develop a new version of Testpersonbokaren with new technologies and frameworks as the existing version has several problems and limitations. This was achieved by creating a Node.js server and developing two new web interfaces for Testpersonbokaren, where one is only used by Nordic Medtest and the other is used by Sweden's regions, municipalities and private actors. Both web interfaces are developed with the React framework. The new Testpersonbokaren has a more modern look and more functionality than the old one. Unlike the old version, the new one has good documentation, which makes the further development of the web application easier. The new Testpersonbokaren is ready to be put into operation at Nordic Medtest. / Webbapplikationen Testpersonbokaren används av Nordic Medtest för att boka påhittade testpersoner åt olika aktörer inom hälso- och sjukvården så att de kan testa och validera sina miljöer utan att vara beroende av riktiga personuppgifter. Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en ny version av Testpersonbokaren med nya tekniker och ramverk då den befintliga versionen har flera problem och begränsningar. Detta uppnåddes genom att skapa en Node.js-server och utveckla två nya webbgränssnitt för Testpersonbokaren, där det ena endast används av Nordic Medtest och det andra används av Sveriges regioner, kommuner och privata aktörer. Båda webbgränssnitten är framtagna med React-ramverket. Den nya Testpersonbokaren har ett modernare utseende och mer funktionalitet än den gamla. Till skillnad från den gamla versionen har den nya bra dokumentation vilket underlättar vidareutvecklingen av webbapplikationen. Den nya Testpersonbokaren är redo att sättas i drift hos Nordic Medtest.
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Service Design / Service DesignFišerová, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the design of your own web application within the long-term collaborative project co.llaborate.online. In a small team, we reflect on our own workflow and designer work. Currently, the common goal is the design and development of MVP for processing text, images and other graphic material into any graphic output - graphic editor co.design. As part of the project, we have also focused for a long time on the concept of compatible MVPs for text editing or data management and user research. The starting point of co.llaborate.online is the principle of DRY (Don't repeat yourself) and the principles of web technologies. We test how certain workflows can be automated and facilitate the collaboration of designers, text authors, editors, proofreaders, etc., or emancipate users from unnecessary activities.
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