Spelling suggestions: "subject:"waste aorting"" "subject:"waste aborting""
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Fusion de données : approche evidentielle pour le tri des déchets / Data Fusion : an evidential approach for waste sortingLachaize, Marie 30 May 2018 (has links)
Le tri automatique des déchets est un sujetcomplexe en raison de la diversité des objets et desmatériaux présents. Il nécessite un apport de donnéesvariées et hétérogènes. Cette thèse traite du problème defusion de données découlant d’un dispositif de troiscapteurs dont une caméra hyperspectrale dans ledomaine NIR. Nous avons étudié l’avantage d’utiliser lecadre des fonctions de croyance (BFT) tout au long de ladémarche de fusion en utilisant notamment la mesure deconflit comme un critère clé de notre approche. Dans unepremière partie, nous avons étudié l'intérêt de la BFTpour la classification multiclasse des donnéeshyperspectrales à partir d’Error Correcting OutputCodes (ECOC) qui consistent à séparer le problèmemulticlasse en un ensemble de sous-problèmes binairesplus simples à résoudre. Les questions de commentidéalement séparer le problème multiclasse (codage)ainsi que celle de la combinaison des réponses de cesproblèmes binaires (décodage) sont encore aujourd’huides questions ouvertes. Le cadre des fonctions decroyance permet de proposer une étape de décodage quimodélise chaque classifieur binaire comme une sourceindividuelle d'information grâce notamment à lamanipulation des hypothèses composées. Par ailleurs laBFT fournit des indices pour détecter les décisions peufiables ce qui permet une auto-évaluation de la méthoderéalisée sans vérité terrain. Dans une deuxième partietraitant de la fusion de données, nous proposons unedémarche ‘orientée-objet’ composée d’un module desegmentation et d’un module de classification afin defaire face aux problèmes d’échelle, de différences derésolutions et de recalage des capteurs. L’objectif estalors d’estimer une segmentation où les segmentscoïncident avec les objets individuels et sont labellisés entermes de matériau. Nous proposons une interactionentre les modules à base de validation mutuelle. Ainsi,d’une part la fiabilité de la labellisation est évaluée auniveau des segments, d’autre part l’information declassification interagit sur les segments initiaux pour serapprocher d’une segmentation au niveau « objet » : leconsensus (ou l’absence de consensus) parmi lesinformations de classification au sein d’un segment ouentre segments connexes permet de faire évoluer lesupport spatial vers le niveau objet. / Automatic waste sorting is a complex matterbecause of the diversity of the objects and of the presentmaterials. It requires input from various andheterogeneous data. This PhD work deals with the datafusion problem derived from an acquisition devicecomposed of three sensors, including an hyperspectralsensor in the NIR field. We first studied the benefit ofusing the belief function theory framework (BFT)throughout the fusion approach, using in particularconflict measures to drive the process. We first studiedthe BFT in the multiclass classification problem createdby hyperspectral data. We used the Error CorrectingOutput Codes (ECOC) framework which consists inseparating the multiclass problem into several binaryones, simpler to solve. The questions of the idealdecomposition of the multiclass problem (coding) and ofthe answer combination coming from the binaryclassifiers (decoding) are still open-ended questions. Thebelief function framework allows us to propose adecoding step modelling each binary classifier as anindividual source of information, thanks to the possibilityof handling compound hypotheses. Besides, the BFTprovides indices to detect non reliable decisions whichallow for an auto-evaluation of the method performedwithout using any ground truth. In a second part dealingwith the data fusion,we propose an evidential version ofan object-based approach composed with a segmentationmodule and a classification module in order to tackle theproblems of the differences in scale, resolutions orregistrations of the sensors. The objective is then toestimate a relevant spatial support corresponding to theobjects while labelling them in terms of material. Weproposed an interactive approach with cooperationbetween the two modules in a cross-validation kind ofway. This way, the reliability of the labelling isevaluated at the segment level, while the classificationinformation acts on the initial segments in order toevolve towards an object level segmentation: consensusamong the classification information within a segment orbetween adjacent regions allow the spatial support toprogressively reach object level
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Targeting Plastic Recycling Intentions : Insights from a Community-Based Social Marketing ApproachDagarp, Veronica, Svensson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Mitigating the negative environmental impact of plastics is an important part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite plastics having great recycling potential, it is the waste fraction with the lowest recycling rate in Sweden (with 33% being recycled). Hence, efforts must be made to promote households' engagement in plastic recycling. Therefore, an informational campaign with the aim of increasing residents’ plastic recycling intentions was designed, using Community-Based Social Marketing. The campaign was made in collaboration with the real estate company Ikano Bostad, and was implemented in their residential area in Danderyd, Sweden. The campaign was running for 5 weeks and was designed and distributed as two posters, which addressed the context-specific barriers and enablers to plastic recycling among residents. To aid the design and evaluation of the campaign, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was applied for a deeper understanding of the underlying constructs of plastic recycling intentions. To measure the campaign's effectiveness, two questionnaires (one pre-campaign and one post-campaign) were distributed to the residents, consisting of 294 individuals, to obtain quantitative data about their intentions towards plastic recycling. The results did not show any empirical support for the campaign's effectiveness in increasing residents’ plastic recycling intentions. However, this study contributes important insights and recommendations for increasing future campaign effectiveness, such as highlighting the importance of empowering and motivating individuals and the benefits of conducting a profound pre-study before designing the campaign.
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Digital Dashboard for Enhanced Waste Management in the Stockholm Municipality : Bridging Data Insights and Sustainable Practices / Digitalt instrumentpanel för förbättrad avfallshantering i Stockholms kommunFam, Youssef Ramy Farouk January 2024 (has links)
The surging global trend in waste generation, currently surpassing 2 billion tons annually in cities,stands as a pressing concern amid escalating climate change threats. This master's thesis aims todesign a digital dashboard tailored to the needs of the Stockholm Municipality's waste managementsystem and its different stakeholders. While digitalization in the waste management sector remains inits early stages globally, this thesis presents an innovative approach to foster more efficient wastemanagement practices and advance sustainability goals through various data visualization techniques. To ensure the dashboard's effectiveness and relevance, this thesis revolves around two pivotalresearch questions. The first research question is: What are the needs and requirements of the wastemanagement sector in the Stockholm municipality for a digital waste dashboard? The second researchquestion is: How to visualize the performance of the waste management in the Stockholm municipalitythrough a digital dashboard? To answer these 2 questions, a research approach was employed. Sevenin-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders within the waste management sector inStockholm, revealing insights into their needs and requirements. These insights served as thefoundation for an initial prototype of the dashboard. This Initial prototype was followed by a designthinking workshop, held in collaboration with LocalLife, a startup working with climate digital solutionsfor local neighborhoods, to refine the initial prototype and generate new design ideas for thedashboard. The outcomes of this workshop were implemented on the initial prototype resulting in afinal set of interactive mockups of a waste management digital dashboard. The resulting digital dashboard design offers an interface with several data visualization capabilities.This empowers stakeholders, including waste management officials, city planners, and environmentalpolicymakers, to gain valuable insights into waste behavior. By analyzing real-time and historical data,these stakeholders can track progress, identify patterns, and anticipate future trends in wastegeneration, collection, and disposal. The dashboard facilitates informed decision-making by enablingusers to optimize resource allocation, implement targeted interventions, and develop evidence-basedwaste management strategies. This thesis demonstrates the capabilities of digitalization in wastemanagement and provides a tangible solution tailored to the unique challenges faced by the wastemanagement stakeholders in the Stockholm municipality. / Den växande globala trenden inom avfallsgenerering, som för närvarande överstiger 2 miljarder tonårligen i städer, utgör ett akut problem i ljuset av de eskalerande hoten mot klimatförändringarna.Dettaexamensarbete syftar till att designa en digital instrumentpanel skräddarsydd för behoven inomStockholms kommuns avfallshanteringssystem och dess olika intressenter. Även om digitaliseringeninom avfallshanteringsbranschen fortfarande befinner sig i ett tidigt skede globalt, presenterar dennaavhandling ett innovativt tillvägagångssätt för att främja effektivare avfallshanteringsmetoder ochfrämja hållbarhetsmål genom olika datavisualiseringstekniker. För att säkerställa instrumentpanelens effektivitet och relevans fokuserar denna avhandling på tvåcentrala forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan är: Vilka är behoven och kraven iavfallshanteringssektorn i Stockholms kommun för en instrumentbräda för digitalt avfall? Den andraforskningsfrågan: Hur visualiserar du prestandan för avfallshantering i Stockholms kommun genom endigital instrumentbräda? För att besvara dessa två frågeställningar användes en forskningsansats. Sjudjupintervjuer genomfördes med nyckelaktörer inom avfallshanteringsbranschen i Stockholm, vilketgav insikter om deras behov och krav. Dessa insikter låg till grund för den första prototypen avinstrumentpanelen. Denna första prototyp följdes av en workshop om designtänkande, som hölls isamarbete med LocalLife, en startup som arbetar med digitala klimatlösningar för lokala stadsdelar, föratt förfina den första prototypen och generera nya designidéer för instrumentpanelen. Resultaten avdenna workshop implementerades på den ursprungliga prototypen, vilket resulterade i en slutliguppsättning interaktiva mockups av en digital instrumentpanel för avfallshantering. Den resulterande digitala instrumentpanelen erbjuder ett gränssnitt med flera datavisualiseringfunktioner. Detta gör det möjligt för intressenter, inklusive avfallshanteringstjänstemän, stadsplanerareoch miljöbeslutsfattare, att få värdefulla insikter om avfallsbeteende. Genom att analysera realtidsdataoch historiska data kan dessa intressenter spåra framsteg, identifiera mönster och förutse framtidatrender inom generering, insamling och bortskaffande av avfall. Instrumentpanelen underlättarvälgrundat beslutsfattande genom att göra det möjligt för användare att optimera resursfördelningen,genomföra riktade insatser och utveckla evidensbaserade strategier för avfallshantering. Dennaavhandling demonstrerar digitaliseringens möjligheter inom avfallshantering och ger en konkret lösningsom är skräddarsydd för de unika utmaningar som avfallshanteringsintressenterna i Stockholmskommun står inför.
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Nouvelles méthodes de tri des déchets par rayons X / New methods of waste sorting by X-rayMontagner, Florian 20 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux proposés portent sur la caractérisation par rayons X des matériaux, en vue du tri de certains d'entre eux dans un flux de déchets. L'objectif final du tri est la valorisation de certains matériaux par le biais des circuits de recyclage. Deux méthodes d'analyse utilisant les rayons X sont décrites : la méthode par transmission bi-énergie et la fluorescence X. Ces deux méthodes sont abordées sous un angle théorique et expérimental. Le mémoire se compose de trois parties. La première partie présente le contexte général de l'étude, les différents scénarios de tri envisagés, les différentes méthodes existantes ainsi que les machines de tri industrielles déjà commercialisées. La seconde partie est consacrée à l'analyse par transmission X bi-énergie. Dans cette partie nous présentons tout d'abord le principe de la décomposition d'un matériau dans une base de deux autres matériaux. Ensuite nous utilisons un code de simulation analytique développé au laboratoire afin d'une part d'optimiser la géométrie du détecteur mais également de prévoir les performances de cette méthode en fonction des scénarios et des matériaux recherchés. Nous avons introduit un critère permettant de quantifier la performance d'un scénario donné. Cette méthode a permis de montrer que plusieurs scénarios de tri et en particulier celui du tri des retardateurs de flamme dans un flux de plastiques sont envisageables par cette méthode. Un prototype de machine industrielle a été construit par la société Bertin Technologies et installé dans les locaux de la société Pellenc ST pour réaliser des tests en conditions réelles de tri. Les résultats de simulation ont été comparés aux essais en conditions réelles. Cette partie se conclue avec une introduction aux méthodes multi-énergie. La troisième et dernière partie s'intéresse à la fluorescence X. L'objectif est de mettre au point une méthode permettant d'identifier la nature du matériau en tenant compte des contraintes industrielles (temps d'acquisition faible), c'est-à-dire lorsque le niveau de signal contenu dans le spectre de fluorescence est faible et bruité. Un banc expérimental a été mis au point au laboratoire et a permis de définir la limite de détection qui dépend du matériau analysé et du temps d'acquisition pour réaliser la mesure. Le second point développé dans cette partie est la mise au point d'une technique de simulation de fluorescence combinant le calcul analytique et le calcul par méthode Monte Carlo. L'avantage de cette technique est d'avoir une méthode de simulation plus rapide par rapport à un calcul qui serait réalisé entièrement par Monte Carlo. En conclusion, nous discutons de la complémentarité des informations issues de ces différentes techniques ainsi que leurs avantages et inconvénients. / The proposed work focuses on the characterization of materials by X-ray to sort some of them in a waste stream. The main aim is the valorization of certain of these materials through recycling loops. Two methods of analysis using X-rays are described : dual energy X-ray transmission and X-ray fluorescence. These two methods are discussed from a theoretical and experimental point of view. The memory consists of four parts. The first part presents the general context of the study, the different sorting scenarios considered, the existing methods and industrial sorting systems already in application. The second part is devoted to analysis by dual energy X-ray transmission. In this section we first present the principle of decomposition of a material in a basis of two other materials. Then we use the VXI simulation tool to optimize the geometry of the detector and to predict the performances of the method according to the scenarios and refined materials. This method showed that several sorting scenarios and particularly sorting of flame retardants in plastic flow are possible by this method. An industrial prototype was built by Bertin Technologies and installed in the premises of Pellenc ST to realize sorting tests under actual conditions. Then the results of simulation have been compared to these tests. This section concludes with an introduction of multi-energy methods. The third part deals with X-ray fluorescence. The aim is to develop a method to identify the nature of the material even if the signal contained in its fluorescence spectrum is low and noisy. A experimental bench was developed in the laboratory to define the limit of detection wich depends on the material analyzed and the acquisition time of the measurement. The second point developed in this part is the development of a simulation technique that combines fluorescence analytical calculation and Monte Carlo calculation. The advantage of this technique is to have a faster simulation method compared to a calculation that would be fully realized by Monte Carlo. In conclusion, we discuss the complementarity of information extracted from these different techniques and their respective advantages and drawbacks.
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Diversité microbienne dans les bioaérosols émis dans les centres de tri des déchets / Microbial diversity in bioaerosols emitted in waste sorting plantsDegois, Jodelle 08 February 2018 (has links)
Le secteur du tri des déchets est en pleine expansion. De par la nature de leurs activités, les centres de tri des déchets sont une source d’émission de bioaérosols dont l’exposition peut entrainer diverses troubles sur la santé des travailleurs. La composition des bioaérosols dans les centres de tri est peu documentée. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de la thèse étaient de caractériser et de déployer dans un centre de tri (pour un suivi d’un an) une méthode d’analyse de la biodiversité microbienne dans les bioaérosols par séquençage à haut débit. Les travaux ont permis de connaitre les avantages et les limites de plusieurs méthodes d’analyse de la biodiversité et de mettre en lumière la nécessité de standardiser un processus de mesure dans le cadre d’études de comparaison. Le suivi de la biodiversité microbienne dans les bioaérosols émis en centre de tri a permis de mettre en évidence la grande complexité et la variabilité des taxons bactériens et fongiques à différents postes de l’entreprise. L’analyse statistique a mis en évidence le caractère multifactoriel de la variation et de la composition des bioaérosols émis en environnement professionnel. La quantité importante de données a permis d’améliorer les connaissances sur la composition des bioaérosols émis en centre de tri des déchets et sur la stratégie de prélèvement à adopter pour une évaluation du risque biologique représentative de l’entreprise / The waste sorting activities is constantly increasing. Due to the nature of their activities, waste sorting plants are a source of bioaerosol emissions whose exposure can lead to various health problems for workers. The composition of bioaerosols in sorting centers is poorly documented. In this context, the aims of the thesis were to characterize and deploy in a sorting center (for a follow- up of one year) a method of analysis of microbial biodiversity in bioaerosols using high throughput sequencing. The work provided information about the advantages and the limits of several methods of analysis of the biodiversity and highlighted the need to standardize a process of measurements for comparative studies. The monitoring of microbial biodiversity in bioaerosols emitted in a sorting plant revealed the high complexity and the variability of bacterial and fungal taxa at different places in the company. Statistical analysis highlighted the multifactorial nature of the variation and composition of bioaerosols emitted in this occupational environment. The large amount of collected data improved the knowledge on the composition of bioaerosols emitted in the waste sorting plant and the sampling strategy to be conducted for a representative biological risk assessment in the company
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Lietuvos mokyklų iniciatyvų atliekų rūšiavime vertinimas / Waste Sorting Initiatives of Lithuanian SchoolsNemčinskaitė, Daiva 07 February 2011 (has links)
Atliekų problema šiuo metu yra pripažinta svarbiausia ir sudėtingiausia aplinkos apsaugos sritimi. Atliekų surinkimas ir pirminis rūšiavimas daugiausia priklauso nuo visuomenės narių geranoriškumo ir sąmoningumo, todėl čia ypač svarbus visuomenės švietimas ir mokymas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad sėkmingo atliekų rūšiavimo prielaida yra aplinkosauginis švietimas, galima teigti, jog viena iš priemonių jam įgyvendinti yra mokyklų vykdomos iniciatyvos. Tačiau išryškėja problema, jog dėmesys jų įgyvendinimui nėra pakankamas, nes mokyklų atliekų rūšiavimo iniciatyvos nėra vertinamos ir analizuojamos, siekiant nustatyti jų veiksmingumą. Darbe remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir empirinio tyrimo duomenimis ši problema išspręsta. Nustatytas darbo tiklas – išanalizuoti ir įvertinti Lietuvos mokyklų atliekų rūšiavimo iniciatyvas.
Darbo pirmame skyriuje aptartas aplinkosauginio švietimo vaidmuo, siekiant ugdyti asmenį sąmoningai suvokiantį atliekų rūšiavimo svarbą. Išanalizuoti Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių mokslo darbai. Panaudoti lyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodai bendroms tendencijoms ir įžvalgoms pateikti.
Antrame skyriuje, reminatis Tarptautinių, Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos teisės aktų analize, išanalizuotas aplinkosauginio švietimo teisinis reglamentavimas ir nustatytas teisinis pagrindas atliekų rūšiavimo iniciatyvų vykdymui Lietuvos mokyklose.
Trečiame skyriuje naudojant duomenų analizės metodą nustatytos ir išanalizuotos Lietuvos mokyklose vykdomos atliekų rūšiavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The waste problem is now recognized as the most important and difficult area of environmental protection. Waste collection and initial sorting depends largely on the goodwill and awareness of society, so education and training of society are very important. In respect that the environmental education is an assumption for a success of waste sorting, it can be argued that one of the tools to implement it is schools’ initiatives. However, there is a problem that the focus on the implementation of these initiatives is not sufficient because the schools’ waste sorting initiatives are not evaluated and analyzed in order to determine their effectiveness. In this paper this problem is solved on the basis of scientific literature and data of empirical study.
In the first section of paper it is discussed the role of environmental education on a purpose to educate a person consciously understanding the importance of waste sorting. Scientific works of Lithuanian and foreign authors’ were analyzed. The comparison and summary methods were used in order to submit the common trends and providences.
In the second section on the basis of International, European Union and Lithuanian legislation analysis, legal regulation of environmental education was analyzed, and a legal basis to implement waste sorting initiatives at schools of Lithuania was identified.
In the third section using the method of data analysis the waste sorting initiatives implemented by Lithuanian schools were identified... [to full text]
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Hospodaření s odpady ve vybraném městě / Waste management in selected cityMRÁZEK, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the waste management in the town of Tábor. The main aim is to determine the inhabitant's satisfaction with collecting waste, identify main problems and give suggestions to improve the current situation. The theoretical part focuses on legislation and basic concepts of waste management. The practical part analyses the quantities of each type of waste, that were produced in Tábor in 2015. There are determined costs and revenues associated with waste management too. At the end of the thesis is made a research about inhabitant's satisfaction with waste management in the town of Tábor. There are given some suggestions, which help to improve current situation there.
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Compostagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos no estado de São Paulo / Composting of municipal solid waste in the state of São PauloSiqueira, Thais Menina Oliveira de 18 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-18 / Are there successful composting experiences of municipal solid waste (MSW)? Is it possible to have alternative solutions for urban organic waste different from the conventional model of centralized composting plants? Answering these questions was the main objective of this work. The state of São Paulo was the focus of the research. Methodology included a survey of primary and secondary data of centralized and decentralized composting experiences in São Paulo and semi-structured interviews with managers in face to face, telephone or e-mail contacts. Six modalities of composting and fifteen treatment routes of organic waste with source separation had been identified, as well as factors boosting and restricting the development of composting activities in the State. The results showed the diversity of alternatives for organic waste recovery in urban areas, pointed out gaps that benefit final disposal groups and revealed the lack of public support to the composting activities undertaken by several actors in the State. The study concludes that decentralizing activities, diversifying technological routes of composting and stimulating social, public and private entrepreneurs can accelerate the diversion of MSW from landfills and dumps. Such actions can also contribute to urban and rural agriculture and enable implementation of a rational culture of solid waste management. / Existem experiências bem sucedidas com compostagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU)? É possível implantar soluções para os resíduos orgânicos urbanos, alternativas ao modelo convencional de usinas de triagem e compostagem? Responder a estas perguntas foi o principal objetivo deste trabalho. O estado de São Paulo foi o foco da pesquisa. A metodologia incluiu o levantamento de dados primários e secundários acerca de experiências paulistas de compostagem centralizada e descentralizada e entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores, em contatos pessoais, telefônicos ou via correio eletrônico. Foram identificadas seis modalidades de compostagem e quinze rotas de tratamento de resíduos orgânicos com separação na fonte, além de fatores que impulsionam e que restringem o desenvolvimento de atividades de compostagem no estado. Os resultados desvelam a diversidade de alternativas para valorização de resíduos orgânicos em meio urbano, apontam brechas para a atuação de grupos que lucram com a disposição final e revelam a falta de apoio e incentivo público às atividades de compostagem empreendidas por diversos atores no estado. Conclui-se que a descentralização da atividade, a diversificação das rotas tecnológicas de compostagem e o estímulo aos empreendedores sociais, públicos e privados pode acelerar o desvio de RSU dos aterros sanitários e lixões, contribuir para a agricultura urbana e rural e permitir a implantação de uma cultura racional de gestão de resíduos sólidos.
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Relationship between waste management in student accommodation and students' knowledge of waste management in relation to energy transitionLin, Yong January 2023 (has links)
In the context of the current energy transition and sustainable development, the promotion of waste separation and waste management is a good means of promoting the energy transition. Waste, when recycled, can contribute to the energy transition in many ways, for example by generating electricity, heating, recycling into raw materials for reuse and producing biofuels. In the process, fossil fuels and overall energy use can be reduced. Sweden is a country with excellent waste management. However, with the current increasing number of university students, many student residences with characteristics that make them isolated from the local community and difficult to manage are emerging. This study was carried out in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. It explored the waste sorting behaviour of students in student accommodation and the extent to which students have knowledge about waste sorting in relation to the energy transition. At the same time, the study attempts to dataset student waste sorting behaviour and knowledge of waste sorting and energy transition, and to find whether there is a relationship between these two variables. The study uses a survey method, and the results are analysed using both qualitative and Pearson’s Correlation test. It was found that the current waste sorting behaviour of students in student accommodation is not very good. This is related to a number of factors, such as whether the students have completed their pre-university studies in Sweden and the students' academic qualifications. According to the survey, the three factors that students think affect their waste sorting behaviour are the benefits of sorting waste, food waste needs to be sorted in special bags and it is difficult to get used to the complex waste sorting system in Sweden. The largest number of respondents felt that it would help them to be more diligent in sorting their waste if waste sorting initiatives could be set up in student residences. The research found a moderate correlation between the waste sorting behaviour of students at Visby and knowledge related to waste sorting and energy transition.
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On the Way to the Convenient Hazardous Waste Collection System in Malmo, Sweden. Users’ PerspectiveBelorusova, Olga, Belorusova, Olga January 2012 (has links)
Waste management is an integral part of sustainable urban development. In the modern world, when attitude to waste is being shifted towards “waste as resource” and “waste as income generator”, ensuring separation of hazardous waste from the general waste stream becomes increasingly important. Sorting hazardous waste is critical in light of the whole recycling idea. Hazardous elements, while bearing a certain value if properly handled, can negate the costs of the recyclable materials if found in their stream. They present enormous long-term losses, if introduced into the environment, and can negatively influence our ability to benefit from recycling. Convenience is one of the most effective tools in increasing recycling rates (Carlson 2001, p.1275). It is a personally defined concept, and often depends on the users’ lifestyle-related factors. This thesis explores users’ understanding and habits of handling hazardous waste, as well as the challenges they encounter and their views and suggestions on convenience of hazardous waste recycling systems. The main method used in this comparative case study research is qualitative interviews conducted with a variety of people with different lifestyles living in Malmo. First, the thesis develops a list of lifestyle-related factors which lower the perceived convenience of recycling. People consider recycling to be effort demanding or easy not just because they are women or men, young or old, live in a dense area or not. But this perception is influenced by having or not having access to a transporting vehicle and time available, their household’s waste producing rates, time spent living in a certain place, available space for storing waste; physical constraints or difficulties with self-organization at home; established or not recycling habits or level of environmental concern. People’s recycling behavior is determined by these personal lifestyle-related factors. Second, aspects of convenience are being presented as the focus areas which planners should consider in increasing recycling rates. The convenience aspects are developed with regards to the challenges people with different lifestyles experience in recycling. While lifestyle-related factors cannot be influenced directly, aspects of convenience can be employed in ensuring efficiency of hazardous waste collection system. It is important that the hazardous waste collection system design takes them into the full account. Detailed descriptions of the aspects of perceived convenience are presented. They are grouped into convenience of access to information and convenience through facilities and services. The final conclusion of the thesis is that involving users would assist in addressing key aspects of recycling systems’ perceived convenience and increase their efficiency. It is hoped that the information can be helpful in designing successful hazardous waste collection systems with increased capability to reach national goals in recycling and reduce the amounts of hazardous substances in general waste. / Master Programme: Sustainable Urban Management, 2011-2012Thesis: On the Way to the Convenient Hazardous Waste Collection System in Malmo, Sweden. Users’ PerspectiveAuthor: Olga Belorusova (OB)Tutor: Peter ParkerDate of Submission: 24 May, 2012.
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