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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När välfärdsteknik flyttar in i hemmet hos den äldre : En gåva eller enbörda? / When welfare technology moves into the home of the elderly : A gift or a burden?

Svobodová, Andrea, Fransson Granudd, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Befolkningens åldrande och brist på vårdpersonal kommer kräva innovativa lösningar inom hälso-och sjukvård. Brist på vårdpersonal samt att fler äldre bor kvar hemma längre kommer ställa höga krav på vård och omsorgen. Att bli äldre kan innebära att självständighet, autonomi och värdighet drabbas. För att stödja äldres självständiga liv i hemmet och effektivisera vården har svenska kommuner arbetat med att införa olika typer av välfärdsteknik För att införandet av välfärdsteknik ska vara individanpassat behövs mer kunskap om aspekter som är viktiga utifrån användarperspektivet. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att belysa den äldres och anhörigas upplevelse av välfärdsteknik i hemmet inom vård och omsorg. Metod: Tio artiklar analyserades och bearbetades genom en integrativ analysprocess utifrån Whittemore och Knafl. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Trygghet och säkerhet, självständighet och autonomi samt delaktighet och ansvar. Kategorierna beskrev den äldres och anhörigas upplevelser med välfärdsteknik i den äldres hem. Slutsats: I denna studie har det framkommit flera olika faktorer som har betydelse för användandet av välfärdsteknik i den äldres hem. Införandet av välfärdsteknik måste ske med hänsyn till den äldres enskilda behov och önskemål. Individanpassad information och utbildning om hur tekniken fungerar spelar väsentlig roll för korrekt och säker användning av välfärdsteknik. Detta kan bidra till att minska oro och stress och öka delaktighet hos den äldre och dess anhöriga. / Background: The aging population and shortage of healthcare professionals will require innovative solutions in healthcare. A shortage of care staff and the fact that more elderly people are staying at home will place high demands on the care for elderly. Getting older mean that independence, autonomy, and dignity can be affected. To be able to extend the elderly's independent in their home and to make care more efficient, Swedish municipalities have worked to introduce various types of welfare technology in care for the elderly. In order for the introduction of welfare technology to be individually adapted, more knowledge is needed about aspects that are important from the user's perspective. Aim: The purpose of the work was to shed light on the experience of the elderly and their relatives when using welfare technology in home of the elderly and their relatives when using welfare technology in home care. Method: Ten articles were analyzed and processed through an integrative literature review based on Whittemore and Knafl. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories: Safety and security, independence and autonomy, and participation and responsibility. The categories described the experiences of the elderly and their relatives with welfare technology in the elderly's home. Conclusion: In this study, several different factors have emerged which are important for the use of welfare technology in the elderly´s home. The introduction of welfare technology must consider the individual needs and wishes of the elderly. Individualized information and training how the technology works play an essential role for the correct and safe use of welfare technology. This can help to reduce anxiety and stress and increase the participation of the elderly and their relatives.


Norgren, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trots att det är mycket fokus på kunskapsbaserad socialtjänst och evidensbaserad vård och omsorg, finns det indikationer på att arbetet med hälso- och välfärdsteknik (HVT) inte uppfyller dessa krav. Kommuner tycks dessutom ha svårigheter med strukturerade processer kring HVT. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur evidens används när kommuner i Sverige upphandlar, implementerar och utvärderar HVT, samt vilket eventuellt stöd kommuner önskar med detta arbete. Metod: Förklarande sekventiell mixad metod-design användes i den här studien och tjänstemän i fem svenska kommuner deltog i enkät samt uppföljande intervju. Resultat: Kommuner arbetar inte systematiskt och strukturerat med evidens vid upphandling, implementering och utvärdering av HVT. Kommuner lade stor vikt vid underlag från andra kommuner inför upphandling. Två kommuner hade en beslutad process för implementering och tre hade en plan för systematisk uppföljning av HVT. Mer än hälften av kommunerna ansåg att de behövde stöd i arbetet med HVT, exempelvis med strukturerade utvärderingar, framför allt med kvalitativ uppföljning. Det fanns också ett behov av vägledningar och mallar, trots att det finns mycket stödmaterial inom området från flera olika myndigheter. Slutsats: Det finns ett behov av nationellt stöd i processerna och att tydliggöra hur kommuner kan bidra till att skapa evidens. Det finns ett behov av fortsatt forskning om hur bristen på en röd tråd med evidens genom processerna påverkar slutanvändarna/brukarna. / Background: Despite much focus on knowledge-based social services and evidence-based health and social care, there are indications that the work with health and welfare technology (HWT) does not meet the requirements to be considered evidence-based. Municipalities also seem to have difficulties in establishing processes regarding HWT. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how evidence is used when municipalities in Sweden procure, implement, and evaluate HWT, and to investigate what possible support municipalities would like regarding this. Method: Explanatory sequential mixed-methods design was used and officials in five different municipalities conducted surveys and subsequent interviews. Results: Municipalities do not consistently work with evidence in the procurement, implementation, and evaluation of HWT in a systematic and structured manner. Municipalities placed great emphasis on input from other. Two municipalities used an established process for the implementation of HWT and three had a plan for systematic follow-up. More than half of the municipalities felt that they needed support in their work with HWT, for example with structured evaluations, and especially qualitative follow-up. There was also a need for guidance and templates even though much support material from several different national authorities exists. Conclusion: There is a need for national support in establishing processes, and in clarifyinghow municipalities can contribute to evidence generation. Continued research on how the lack of an integrated use of evidence throughout municipal care processes affect the end users is necessary.

”Det är ju svårt att driva någonting själv” : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker enhetschefer inom äldreomsorgens erfarenheter av genomförda utbildningsinsatser inom förändringsledning och digitalisering

Karlsson, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Background: The care for the older adults is facing major challenges with the growing proportion of older people. This entails a need to find new ways to cope with the tasks of elderly care, and digitalization is seen as part of the solution. In order to succeed with digitalizing, the first-line managers in elderly care needs knowledge of change management and digitalization. That knowledge needs to be obtained via educational efforts. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the experiences of first-line managers within elderly care after they recieved training in change management and digitalization. The aim was further to examine their perspectives on the influencing factors when it comes to leading change management in digitalization. Method: The method was a qualitative interview study with an inductive research approach and the sample consisted of first-line managers within elderly care in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. Semi-structured interviews were conducted which were analyzed by qualitative inductive content analysis.  Results: Four main categories emerged; perspectives on implemented educational efforts; identified potential, barriers and needs in change management and digitalization; responsibilities and roles in change management and digitalization; and perspectives on care users when using health and welfare technology. Potential and barriers included assent from management, cooperation between colleagues, influence of the first-line managers' level of interest, resources, goals and strategies. It also included prioritization of daily operations, employee needs, resistance and information about purpose, implementation process and technology. In order for the first-line managers in elderly care to achieve the expected benefit with training on change management and digitalization, the expectations needs to be well defined. Conclusion: Educational efforts in change management and digitalization alone are not enough to achieve a successful implementation of health and welfare technology in municipal care for the elderly. Digitalization is an ongoing process of changes and the first-line managers can-not do it by themselves. The preferred practice is to be able to create the conditions for interested employees to drive the work of digitalization within their respective operation.

Chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter av anpassning till digital transformation i äldreomsorgen - en kvalitativ fallstudie med deduktiv ansats / Managers' and employees' experiences of adapting to digital transformation in elderly care - a qualitative case study with a deductive approach

Andersson, Marie January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det råder en obalans i den svenska välfärdssektorn på grund av den demo­grafiska utvecklingen. Äldreomsorgen är ett välfärdsområde där digitaliseringen kan skapa stora möjligheter genom att tänka och arbeta på nya sätt i kombination med att använda digital teknik och e-hälsa men för att nyttja digitaliserings möjligheter behö­ver anpassningar göras inom äldreomsorgen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter av hur anpassning till förutsättningar vision, kompetens, belöning, resurser och handlings­plan kan främja förändring vid en digital transformation av en kommuns äldreomsorg. Metod: Genom en kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes tre fokusgrupps­intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare inom äldreomsorgen i en mindre kommun. Urvalet av informanter baserades på ett generiskt ändamålsstyrt urval och fokus­gruppsintervjuerna utgick från en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Resultatet analyse­rades genom kvalitativ riktad innehållsanalys med deduktiv ansats utifrån byggsten­arna i Thylefors förändringsmodell. Resultat: Chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter av hur anpassningar till förutsätt­ningar kan främja digital transformation inom äldreomsorgen i en kommun beskrivs samt chefers och medarbetares behov av stöd i förändringen. Totalt tio subkategorier identifierades till Thylefors byggstenar vision, kompetens, belöning, resurser och handlingsplan. Slutsats: Chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter av hur anpassningar kan främja för­ändring inom äldreomsorgen vid en digital transformation, i den kommun där studien genomfördes, visar att vision, förändringsledning och digital kompetens spelar en central roll. Chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter av stöd i förändringsprocessen vi­sar på behov av tid för utbildning och innovation samt en handlingsplan som bör in­kluderas i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Chefer och medarbetare erfar liknande behov av anpassningar och stöd vilket skulle kunna indikera att resultatet kan beaktas vid digital transformation inom äldreomsorgen i en liknande kontext. Förslag till framtida forskning är bland annat att undersöka hur digital transformation inom äl­dreomsorgen kan främja ett hållbart ledarskap och utvecklande medarbetarskap. / Background: There is an imbalance in the Swedish welfare sector due to demogra­phic changes. Elderly care is an area of welfare where digitization can create great opportunities by thinking and working in new ways in combination with using digital technology and e-health. However, to take advantage of the opportunities, adaptations need to be made within the elderly care.  Aim: The purpose of the study is to describe managers' and employees' experiences of how adaptation to conditions such as vision, competence, incentives, resources, and action plan can promote change in a digital transformation of a municipality's elderly care.  Method: A qualitative case study was conducted, including three fo­cus group interviews with managers and employees in elderly care in a small muni­cipality. The selection of informants was based on a generic purpose-driven selection and the focus group interviews were based on a semi-structured interview guide. The data were analyzed through qualitative directed content analysis with a deductive ap­proach based on the building blocks in Thylefors' change model. Results: Managers' and employees' experiences of how adaptations to conditions can promote digital transformation in elderly care in a municipality are described, as well as managers' and employees' needs for support in the change. A total of ten subcate­gories were identified related to Thylefors' building blocks: vision, competence, in­centives, resources, and action plan.  Conclusion: Managers' and employees' experiences of how adaptations can promote change in elderly care during digital transformation, in the municipality where the case study was conducted, show that vision, change management and digital compe­tence play a central role. Managers' and employees' experiences of support in the change process show the need for time regarding training, innovation and an action plan which should be included in systematic quality management. Managers’ and em­ployees’ experience similar needs for adaptations and support, which could indicate that the findings can be considered in a similar context of digital transformation in elderly care. Suggestions for future research include for example investigating how digital transformation in elderly care can promote sustainable leadership and emplo­yee empowerment skills.

Investigation of Procurement Practices for Welfare Technologies in Municipalities in Sweden / Undersökning av upphandlingspraxis för välfärdsteknik I svenska kommuner

Dahn, Marcus Anthony January 2020 (has links)
Major demographical changes, such as aging population, constantly increases the demand for healthand social care services and technologies. The concept of welfare technologies is a response to meet this demand, since it increases independency, activity, participation and safety for people that has or is at risk of developing a disability. The procurement process of welfare technology is described as ineffective and problematic and is one of the major bottlenecks in implementing this type of technology. The aim of this study was to explore how the practical procurement process of welfare technology is performed in Swedish municipalities, an area which is currently under-researched. Moreover, the main problematic areas in the procurement, and their causes were investigated, which was carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with municipal actors. Data was collected from 3 municipalities, with 8 interview participants in total. The collected data from these interviews was transcribed, using intelligent verbatim, and analyzed inductively in the framework of qualitative content analysis. The data analysis yielded 7 main categories of problematic areas in the procurement process, along with 47 sub-categories. The main issues discussed were related to insufficient resources, such as competence, time and money, too little focus on the userneed, and difficulties with integrating welfare technology with other technical systems. A set of concrete advices for how to target some of the identified problems was generated, along with a couple guidelines for how to streamline the procurement process of welfare technology. It is argued in this report that the municipal organization of this process needs to be looked over, which cannot solely occur within municipalities, but must also be decided from a higher political level.

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