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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför uteblir sjuksköterskor från arbetet? : En litteraturstudie om arbetsmiljörelaterade sjukskrivningar hos sjuksköterskor / Why are nurses absent from work?

Ström, Hanna, Meius, Carolina January 2017 (has links)
Sjukskrivningar hos sjuksköterskor är ett utbrett problem, både i Sverige och globalt. Orsaker i arbetsmiljön gör att sjuksköterskor löper risk för sjukskrivning. Syftet med studien var att beskriva orsaker till arbetsmiljörelaterade sjukskrivningar hos sjuksköterskor. En allmän litteraturstudie användes som metod för studien. Studien baserades på nio kvantitativa samt två kvalitativa artiklar. Resultatet visade att orsaker till sjukskrivning hade sitt ursprung i tre områden, som bildade tre kategorier. Sjukvårdsorganisatoriska brister och problem, En psykosocial arbetsmiljö präglad av höga krav och otillfredsställande relationer samt Ogynnsamma förutsättningar i den fysiska arbetsmiljön. Genom att erhålla förståelse och kunskap till vad som bidrar till arbetsrelaterade sjukskrivningar skulle åtgärder kunna vidtas för att främja en god arbetsmiljö både för hälso-och sjukvårdspersonal men även utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. En djupare förståelse av problematiken ökar möjligheten för sjuksköterskor att ställa krav på organisationen i syfte att ge en patientsäker vård. / Sickness absence in nurses is a widespread problem, both in Sweden and globally. Causes in the working environment make nurses at risk of sick leave. The purpose of the study was to describe the causes of occupational health-related sick leave in nurses. A general literature study was used as a method. The study was based on nine quantitative and two qualitative articles. The results show that several causes of sick leave originated in three areas, which formed three categories. Healthcare organizational shortcomings and problems, A psychosocial work environment characterized by high demands and unsatisfactory relationships, as well as Unfavorable conditions in the physical working environment. By gaining understanding and knowledge of what contributes to work-related sick leave, measures could be taken to promote a good working environment for healthcare professionals, but also from a nursing perspective. A deeper understanding of the problem increases the possibility for nurses to claim the organization in order to provide patient-safe care.

The relationship between authentic leadership, psychological capital, psychological climate, team commitment and the intention to quit in a South African manufacturing organisation

Munyaka, Sharon Audley January 2012 (has links)
Grounded in the positive psychology paradigm the recently recognised core construct of psychological capital was focussed in a South African study. A non-experimental, correlational study (n=204) examined the relationship between authentic leadership, psychological capital, psychological climate, team commitment and intention to quit. The present study was exploratory in nature and the pattern of relationships being investigated had not been previously tested in a South African context. A self-administered composite questionnaire consisting of five psychological scales were distributed to employees in the junior to senior management level at a global tyre manufacturing organisation based in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The five scales were the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire by Walumbwa, Psychological Capital Questionnaire by Luthans, Psychological Climate by Koys and DeCotiis, Team Commitment by Bennett and the Intention to Quit Scale by Cohen. All the measures applied on the South African sample were developed outside South Africa and model equivalence had to be established. The content and structure of the measures were investigated through confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis. With the exception of the Cohen scale of intention to quit, all other measures changed their factorial structures to suit the present data. The propositions in the study were tested through descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, post hoc tests, Cohen’s d, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regressions. Structural equation models were built to test the relationships between the scales and sub scales of authentic leadership, psychological capital, psychological climate, team commitment and intention to quit. Results of the analyses carried out, show significantly strong relationships between the variables. Of note is the marked relationship between authentic leadership and psychological climate. Most of the propositions were accepted in light of the relationships that emerged. The proposition indicating structural equation models was rejected because none of the models built in the study successfully produced an adequate fit on the data. Contributions of the study were in terms of the portability of the measurement instruments applied in the study as well as the relationships that emerged. Re-validation of the measures is required to enable clarity on how the variables in the study are interpreted across cultural contexts. Directions for future research include extending the study to other samples and other cultures. Measuring social desirability of the instruments could possibly provide clarity on how the different samples respond to the measures. Studies that compare the reading ability as well as the ability to comprehend the items in the measures would provide valuable information.

Den psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljön bland distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor i primärvård respektive hemsjukvård

Ekman, Anna, Stensson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Primärvård och hemsjukvård skiljer sig åt organisatoriskt och ledningsmässigt vilket kan påverka verksamhet och arbetsuppgifter, detta kan i sin tur påverka den psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljön för distriktsköterskor/sjuksköterskor. Syftet med studien var att jämföra eventuella skillnader i den psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljön hos distriktsköterskor/sjuksköterskor inom primärvården respektive hemsjukvården. Metoden var en kvantitativ jämförande tvärsnittsstudie med datainsamling via enkäten QPSNordic 34+. Enkäten administrerades till 159 utvalda deltagare inom primärvården och 148 utvalda deltagare inom hemsjukvården. Enkäten besvarades 39 distriktssköterskor/sjuksköterskor inom primärvården och 39 distriktsköterskor/sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvården. Resultatet visade signifikanta skillnader i fyra av elva kategorier av den skattade psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljön mellan primärvårdens distriktssköterskor/sjuksköterskor och hemsjukvårdens distriktssköterskor/sjuksköterskor. Skillnaderna fanns i ”arbetskrav”, ”kontroll i arbetet”, ”skicklighet i arbetet” och ”stress”. I samtliga av dessa fyra kategorier skattade primärvårdens deltagare sin psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljö lägre jämfört med skattningen från hemsjukvårdens deltagare. Slutsatsen är att distriktsköterskor/sjuksköterskor inom primärvården skattar sin psykologiska och sociala arbetsmiljö lägre jämfört med distriktssköterskor/sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård. / Background: There is a different in management and organization in primary health care and in municipal home health nursing. This different may effect activities and tasks at work, which in turn can affect the psychological and social work environment of district nurses / nurses. The purpose of this study was to compare any differences in the psychological and social work environment of district nurses/nurses in primary health care and home health nursing. Method: A quantitative, comparative cross-sectional study was conducted and the data was collected with the survey QPSNordic 34+. The survey was administred to 159 participants in primary care and to 148 participants in home health nursing. The survey was answered by (n = 39) district nurses /nurses in primary health care and (n = 39) district nurses/nurses in home health nursing. The result showed significant differences in four out of eleven categories in the psychological and social work environment between the district nurses/nurses in primary care and the district nurses/nurses in home care. Differences were found in "work requirements", "control at work", "work skills" and "stress". In all of these four categories, district nurses/nurses in primary health care estimated their psychological and social work environment lower than the estimation from district nurses/nurses in home health nursing. The conclusion of this study was that district nurses/nurses in primary health care estimate their psychological and social work environment lower in comparison to the district nurses/nurses in home care nursing.

Fungerande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM) på småföretag : En kvalitativ undersökning av arbetsmiljöansvarigas attityder till SAM på fyra småföretag

Swedman, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt svensk lagstiftning ska alla arbetsgivare bedriva ett systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM). Även om majoriteten av arbetsgivare anser att de följer lagens krav, visar såväl arbetsmiljöverkets statistik som empiriska undersökningar att detta inte alltid är fallet. Brist på tid, pengar och kunskap är de främsta förklaringarna till företagares oförmåga att bedriva ett fungerande SAM. Speciellt småföretagen har det svårt att uppfylla kraven. Vissa företag lyckas dock ovanligt bra med SAM, men om dessa goda exempel finns det lite forskning. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka och beskriva arbetsmiljöansvarigas attityder till systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM), på företag som bedriver ett fungerande SAM. Metod: Studien tillämpade en kvalitativ tvärsnittdesign. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex arbetsmiljöansvariga från fyra småföretag (<50 anställda). Datamaterialet analyserades genom metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsats: Undersökningen resulterade i huvudtemat att ett systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete är en investering som ger många fördelar för företaget och anställda, men kräver anpassning efter företagets upplevda behov. Huvudtemat konstruerades utifrån fem identifierade sub-kategorier: ”SAM skapar en god image”, ”SAM är en konkurrensfaktor”, ”SAM är lönsamt för företaget och de anställda”, ”SAM är en dyr och tidskrävande investering” och ”SAM kan och måste anpassas till den egna verksamhetens behov”. Studiens slutsats var att de arbetsmiljöansvarigas attityder till SAM präglas av att det ger positiva effekter framförallt för företaget och även för de anställda. För att det ska fungera måste det anpassas till de egna företagets upplevda behov. Uppfattas behovet vara att förbättra arbetsmiljön anpassas SAM därefter, så att det blir en del av kvalitetsstyrningen. Uppfattas behovet framförallt vara att ge en god image och öka konkurrenskraften anpassas SAM så att kraven uppfylls, men attityden är att det egentligen inte är nödvändigt då den egna arbetsmiljön uppfattas som väldigt bra. / Background: According to Swedish legislation, all employers must conduct a systematic work environment management (SAM). Although most employers consider that they comply with the law's requirements, both statistics from the Swedish Work Environment Authority and empirical studies show that this is not always the case. Lack of time, money and knowledge are the most common explanations for entrepreneurs' inability to conduct a functioning SAM. Especially the small businesses have problems to meet the requirements. However, some companies are doing very well with SAM, but for those good examples there is little research. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate and describe the attitudes of work environment managers, to systematic work environment management (SAM), on companies operating a functioning SAM. Method: The study applied a qualitative cross-sectional design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six work environment managers from four small businesses (<50 employees). The data was analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Result and conclusion: The study resulted in the main theme that systematic work environment work is an investment that provides many benefits for the company and employees, but requires adaptation to the company's perceived needs. The main theme was constructed from five identified sub-categories: "SAM creates a good image", "SAM is a competitive factor", "SAM is profitable for the company and employees", "SAM is an expensive and time-consuming investment" and "SAM can and Must be adapted to the company needs". The study concluded that the attitudes of the work environment managers to SAM are characterized by positive effects primarily for the company but also for the employees. For SAM to work, it must be adapted to the company perceived needs. If the perceived need is to improve the work environment, SAM is subsequently adapted to become part of quality management. If the need is seen above all to become a good image and to increase competitiveness, SAM is adapted to meet the requirements, but the attitude is that it is not necessary when the own working environment is perceived as very good.

Psychická zátěž a její význam v pracovním prostředí / Psychological Stress and its Importance in the Work Environment

Podešvová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Psychological stress is currently a very topical and discussed matter which is mainly caused by the increasing life expectancy, more hectic time period and the accelerating pace of life that increase the pressure on the individuals. The diploma thesis deals with the issue of psychological stress in general but also focuses on the effect of psychological stress in the work environment and whether the work psychological stress affects work performance, work satisfaction and quality of work of employees. The theoretical part deals with the causes of psychological stress, its sources, effects and coping with it. The empirical part focuses on the custom made inquiry, evaluates and interprets the results and gives possible suggestions and recommendations for an improvement of outcome. The diploma thesis aims to analyze the issue of psychological stress, appreciate its importance in the work environment and verify this fact on those respondents who participated in the research.

Social responsibility in higher education : conducting a social audit of a community college

Holden, Jennifer 11 1900 (has links)
Social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting (SEAAR) is a process with a range of tools and techniques that enables an organization to measure, account for, understand, report on and improve its social performance over time. Before 1993, British Columbia's post secondary education institutions implemented public policy and operated with a level of autonomy that enabled them to meet the needs of their students, employees and distinct communities. After 1993, public policy aimed at increased efficiency, effectiveness and accountability centralized major aspects of human resource and labour relations policy in British Columbia's public sector. This thesis describes the process, the results and the implications of conducting a social audit to assess the social performance of one particular community college. During the years 1991 - 2000, the College grew; diligently balanced its budgets through significant entrepreneurial efforts and employees remained committed to their students and the purpose of the College. However, as entrepreneurial efforts increased, it was apparent that the increased productivity had stretched the capacity of employees to deliver services and the consequences were evident. The use of sick leave increased with a concomitant increase in the incidence of short and long-term disability leaves. More employees reported feeling stressed and expressed less satisfaction about their work at the College. Social auditing is about accountability. Its stakeholder process complements traditional strategic planning processes. Within the context of a public sector organization, a process of social auditing, previously used in the private sector, was adapted to evaluate a broad range of organizational issues related to human resource policies and managerial practices. The College had a foundation of human resource policies, practices and programs that had achieved some of their purposes over time, and the social audit clearly identified where improvements where required. Key findings included the need to attend to workload and work design issues that were creating stress, the need to refocus performance evaluation, professional development and to enhance programs that recognized the contribution of employees. Training, particularly in the area of technological skills was recognized as critical for ensuring that employees were prepared for workplace changes. In particular, the social audit provided feedback on communication processes and identified improvements necessary to enhance open and transparent decision-making. Health and wellness programs were recognized as key to restoring balance to employees' work lives and reducing stress. A number of recommendations from the social audit were integrated into the College's Strategic Plan 2000 - 2003, and funds were allocated during the College's 2000 - 2001 budget process. In June 2000, the Board of Governors allocated additional funding to manage issues related to workload and stress that arose from the strategic plan and the social audit. Through a reflective process, the research enabled a human resource practitioner to develop and implement a process of social auditing, examine and understand the effects of centralized public policy on human resource management and labour relations policy in British Columbia's public sector and make recommendations for improvement to human resource policy in one of British Columbia's community colleges. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : En studie om avdelningschefer på Högskolan Dalarna / Psychosocial work environment for middle managers at Dalarnas University

Sundell, Hans, Edoff, Tom January 2017 (has links)
Psykosocial arbetsmiljö är något som påverkar oss alla i vårt dagliga yrkesliv. Vår undersökning syftar till att studera just den psykosociala arbetsmiljön som avdelningschefer upplever på Högskolan Dalarna. Studien är en kombination av semistrukturerade intervjuer och en medarbetarundersökning som man fyllt i på Högskolan Dalarna. Semistrukturerade intervjuerna är 5 till antalet och tjänar till att få mer djup i undersökningen. Intervjuerna genomfördes på plats och kommer att vara anonyma. Den insamlade data från medarbetarundersökningen kommer att testas mot KASAM teorin. Undersökningen påvisar att den generella psykosociala arbetsmiljön på Högskolan Dalarna är bra hos avdelningscheferna. Undersökningen påvisar även att kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö var lite bättre än männens på Högskolan Dalarna. Undersökningen påvisar att det är främst inom KASAM-byggstenen hanterbarhet som Högskolan Dalarna har en utvecklingsresa att göra. / The psychosocial work environment is something that affects all of us in our daily working life. Our study will seek to look at the psychosocial work environment for departments heads at Dalarna University. The studies method is a combination of both questionnaire survey of the psychosocial work environment sent to all department heads and semi-structured interviews with five of the department heads. The collected data will be tested against both KASAM theory and gender perspective theory. The study shows that according to our research the psychosocial work environment is in general good at Dalarna university. The study also shows a difference between the genders in how they experience their psychosocial work environment. Women are happier in their work environment than men. Women find that they receive more help from their colleges and department heads than men do. The research points to a few number of areas where improvements are needed to make the psychosocial work environment better at Dalarna University.

The Making of the Documentary Women at Work

Bussart, Anna Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
Women have fought for their rights to equal opportunity employment for more than a millennium. Even now, in the 21st century the fight continues. Women at Work explores the experiences of three women who work in male-dominated blue-collar jobs and discuses their struggles and successes within their employment. Their career choices have required each to address their individual views on feminism and femininity, as well as views on education and family.

Formação continuada no local de trabalho do professor : possibilidades de agência e construção de sentidos para a docência / Teacher's education at the workplane : agency possibilities and meaning construction for teaching

De Grande, Paula Baracat, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Angela Bustos Romero de Kleiman / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T16:21:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeGrande_PaulaBaracat_D.pdf: 5260797 bytes, checksum: fa55a4459fe92e02e221f82dcae36137 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: / Resumo: A pesquisa tem como objetivo geral conhecer e compreender práticas de letramento formativas do professor em seu local de trabalho. Mais especificamente, a investigação busca identificar e analisar eventos de letramento de formação em reuniões de corpo docente dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental que, no Estado de São Paulo, eram chamadas de Hora de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (HTPC). A perspectiva teórica adotada é baseada na abordagem sociocultural dos Estudos de Letramento e na concepção dialógica de linguagem do Círculo de Bakhtin. De caráter qualitativo-interpretativista e de cunho etnográfico, a pesquisa tem como corpus dados gerados em observação participante realizada durante um ano com um grupo de professoras em uma escola pública do interior paulista. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que as professoras construíram dois tipos de eventos bastante distintos no tempo oficialmente dedicado à sua formação no local de trabalho: um deles, aqui chamado de HTPC-aula, ocorria entre professoras de uma mesma unidade escolar e a coordenadora pedagógica e se aproximava de características interacionais da aula expositiva, seguindo o padrão IRA de interação; o outro tipo de evento, chamado HTPC-oficina, era realizado entre professoras de toda a rede de ensino atuantes em um mesmo ano tendo em vista conteúdos cobrados em avaliações externas dos governos estadual e federal e se assemelhava, em termos interacionais, a uma oficina, em que as professoras encenavam situações e estratégias de ensino de sala de aula. Ao serem colocadas no lugar e na função de formadoras de suas colegas, as professoras adotam a brincadeira, o jogo simbólico, que atualiza os papéis de alunos e professores e dissolve relações de poder que as colocam em papéis assimétricos. As diferenças interacionais nas estruturas de participação de cada tipo de evento, nas relações entre as participantes e em suas identidades construídas na interação têm reflexos nos gêneros mobilizados e nos temas desenvolvidos, no sentido bakhtiniano. Outra prática de formação do professor bastante presente nas HTPCs, principalmente nas reuniões que adotam como modelo de interação a aula, era a leitura de textos dos gêneros de autoajuda e religiosos. Em um contexto cada vez mais complexo para atuação docente, a função da autoajuda e da religião na formação do professor é a de dar sentido à docência, de construir alternativas possíveis nos limites postos pela realidade onde realizam suas funções. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa podem contribuir para que formadores de professores (re)pensem sua atuação na formação docente inicial e continuada e para o (re)planejamento de políticas públicas que têm em vista o professor / Abstract: / Abstract: The present research aims to know and understand teachers' formative literacy practices at their workplace. More specifically, the investigation identifies and analyzes literacy events in meetings designed for elementary school teacher¿s continuing education at the workplace. The theoretical perspective adopted is based on the New Literacy Studies sociocultural approach and on the dialogical conception of language of Bakhtin's Circle. From a methodological perspective, the research is qualitative-interpretative and ethnographic, with a corpus generated through participant observation carried out for over a year with a group of teachers in a public school in the state of São Paulo. The results show that the teachers developed two different types of events in the time officially dedicated to their workplace continuing education: one of them, a classroom lesson event type (HTPC-aula), occurred when the teachers belonged to the same schools, and followed the interactional patterns of a school lesson IRA; in the second type of event, that functioned interactionally like a workshop, teachers simulated classroom situations and teaching strategies and occurred when the teachers of more than one school, teaching the same grade level, were involved, with the objective of preparing their students for national and state achievement. When trey are put in the place of instructors of their colleagues, the teachers adopt the symbolic play, which updates the roles of students and teachers and dissolve power relations that put them in asymmetric roles. Interactional differences in participation structures of each type of event, in the relation among the participants and their identities constructed in the interaction had effects on the genres mobilized and the themes, in Bakhtin's sense, that were developed. Another practice observed, mainly in the meetings that follow the class interaction model, was the reading of texts of the self-help genre and religious genre. In an increasingly complex context for teaching practice, the role of self-help and religion genres in teacher formative practices is to give meaning to teaching, to build alternatives within the limits posed by the reality where they perform their work. The results of the research may contribute to teachers¿ conitinuing education programs and to (re)design public policies aimed at teachers¿ development and continuing education / Doutorado / Lingua Materna / Doutora em Lingüística Aplicada

"Vi jobbar utifrån det positiva" : Hälsofrämjande på arbetsplatser som mål och medel

Palacios, Jaqueline January 2021 (has links)
I det komplexa och moderna arbetslivet förändras både människor och organisationer. Detta leder till att hälsofrämjande på arbetsplatser får en allt större betydelse i samband med att alla förändringar ställer nya krav på organisationer och dess anställda. Syftet med studien var att undersöka på vilka sätt chefer aktivt arbetar för att främja och bibehålla den arbetsrelaterade hälsan hos medarbetare. Det genomfördes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med åtta första linjens chefer, vilka var aktiva inom skolverksamheten, fritidsgårdsverksamheten, rättspsykiatriska vården och kommunen. Intervjuerna bearbetades genom tematisk analys, något som visade att chefer främjar och bibehåller sina medarbetares hälsa genom att ge medarbetarna möjlighet till kontroll och delaktighet i arbetet samt genom ett närvarande och stöttande ledarskap. Studien ansågs vara praktiskt användbar av nuvarande och framtida chefer som vill arbeta hälsofrämjande samt av intresse för de undersökta arbetsplatserna där studien kan fungera som ett synliggörande underlag kring det hälsofrämjande arbetet.

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