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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work-life balance, job satisfaction and turnover intention amongst information technology employees

Munro, Zanel 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between the demographic variables, work-life balance (as measured by the Survey Work-Home Interaction - Nijmegen), job satisfaction (as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) and turnover intention (as measured by the Turnover Intention Scale); to determine whether the demographic variables and work-life balance significantly predict job satisfaction and turnover intention; and to determine the differences between biographical groups. A quantitative cross-sectional survey research design was applied to a stratified random sample of 79 employees in a South African IT company. Descriptive statistics, correlations, independent t-tests and regressions were used to analyse the data. Analysis revealed that job satisfaction has a significant negative relationship with turnover intention. Furthermore, the work-home interface sub-dimensions of work-life balance have both a positive and negative relationship with job satisfaction and turnover intention. There are significant differences between the various biographical groups. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Bättre idag, sämre förr : En kvalitativ studie om avtalsformen förtroendearbetstid och desspåverkan på individen

Vesterlund, Karolina, Cromsjö, My January 2018 (has links)
denna studie undersöks vilka upplevda effekter avtalsformen förtroendearbetstid har på den enskilda individens välmående och dess balans mellan privat- och arbetsliv. Studien granskar även om personalansvar har betydelse för individens upplevelse av avtalsformen. En kvalitativ ansats har tillämpats för att ha möjlighet att skapa en djupare förståelse gällande individers upplevelse kring avtalsformen. I studien intervjuades sex stycken individer med avtalsformen förtroendearbetstid, varav tre av dessa innehar personalansvar. Resultatet visar att samtliga respondenter idag ställer sig positiva till förtroendearbetstid då avtalsformen skapar flexibilitet och således gynnar deras balans mellan privat- och arbetsliv. Däremot visar studien att gränsdragning mellan dessa sfärer inte alltid varit enkel vilket under tidigare perioder resulterat i stress och minskad återhämtning. Resultatet påvisar ingen större skillnad mellan de två urvalsgrupperna förutom att individerna som innehar personalansvar har större möjlighet att styra sin arbetstid. Teorier som används för att analysera materialet är bland annat krav, kontroll- och stödmodellen (Karasek & Theorell, 1990) samt Work life balance (Greenhaus, Collins & Shaw, 2003). Socialt stöd och vilka förväntningar organisation och kollegor har på individen är något som framkommit som betydande för individens upplevelse av förtroendearbetstid. Även individens personlighet samt erfarenhet av förtroendearbetstid har visat sig ha stor betydelse för hur personen hanterar och påverkas av avtalsformen. / This study investigates the effects of the Swedish contract form “förtroendearbetstid” on the individual's well-being and balance between private and working life. The study also examines if managers experience the contract form different from other employees. A qualitative approach has been applied to provide a deeper understanding of the individual's experience of the contract form. Six individuals were interviewed with the contract form “förtroendearbetstid” in this study, three of them were managers. The result shows that all respondents today are positive about the contract form and think it creates flexibility and benefits their balance between private and working life. On the other hand, the study shows that boundaries between the private and working life has not always been simple, which in earlier periods resulted in stress and reduced recovery. The result shows no bigger difference between the two selection groups, except that the managers has major opportunity to control their working hours. An analysis was made based on different theories, for instance the job demands, control and support model (Karasek & Theorell, 1990) and work Life Balance theory (Greenhaus, Collins & Shaw, 2003). Something that has emerged as important to the individual with the contract form is social support and also which expectations the organization and colleagues have on the individual. The person's characteristics, personality and experience of the contract form has prove to be of great relevance to how the person manages and is affected by the contract form.

Návrh na efektivní slaďování pracovního a soukromého života ve vybrané organizaci / The Proposal of Effective Work-life Balance in Selected Company

Večerková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The aim of thesis is a proposal how to improve a work-life balance at the city council and identify the most common problems the company and people are dealing with. The main highlighted benefit are factual results of research – data from real respondents – employees working hours and the analysis of the real benefits for the company which are used as a base for the real proposal of the implementation.

This is your captain speaking : En studie om kvinnliga och manliga piloters upplevda balans mellan arbete och familjeliv

Lekare, Denise, Jacobsen, Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie av Lotta Jacobsen och Denise Lekare syftar till att undersöka hur manliga och kvinnliga piloter vilka flyger långdistans upplever sin arbetssituation, särskilt i relation till familjelivet. Metoden som tillämpats är kvalitativ i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex piloter. För att analysera intervjusvaren har vi använt oss av en feministisk organisationsteori och en teori om work-life balance. Resultaten visade att informanterna upplevde en hög grad av balans mellan sfärerna, till följd av starka fysiska, temporära och psykologiska gränser mellan arbete och familjeliv, vari arbetssfären är starkt avgränsad från familjesfären och vice versa. Denna balans hotas när arbetsperioderna blir för långa eller piloterna är oense med andra sfärmedlemmar om gränsernas karaktär. Ytterligare ett resultat var att de kvinnliga piloterna inte kände sig direkt diskriminerade, men att det däremot fanns en hög grad av indirekt diskriminering mot kvinnor inom flygbranschen. Detta har resulterat i att kvinnliga piloter får det svårare att avancera i sina karriärer. Därför är ett utmärkande drag för denna studie den undersökning av flygbranschen som görs, som resulterar i skilda möjligheter för män och kvinnor till avancemang i karriären, särskilt i kombination med familjebildning. / This essay by Lotta Jacobsen and Denise Lekare examines how male and female long haul pilots experience their work situation, especially in relation to their family life. A qualitative method was applied, consisting of semistructured interviews with six pilots. To analyze the interview responses, we used a feminist organizational theory and a theory of work-life balance. The results showed that our respondents experienced a high level of balance due to the strong physical, temporary and psychological borders between work and family life, as the work sphere is strongly delimited from the family life sphere and vice versa. This balance is threatened when the working periods is too excessive or the pilots disagree with other sphere- members about the nature of the borders. Another result was that the female pilots did not feel directly discriminated against, however, there was a great amount of indirect discrimination in the aviation industry against women. This has resulted in female pilots having a harder time advancing in their careers. Therefore, a key characteristic for this essay is its examination of the aviation industry that results in different possibilities for men and women to advance in their careers, especially in relation to building a family.

L’effet de la présence syndicale sur l’accès à des mesures de conciliation emploi-famille et leur efficacité perçue par les professionnel(le)s en ressources humaines

Gauthier-Daigneault, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Malgré que les milieux de travail aient subi plusieurs transformations dans les dernières décennies, les employeurs sont en constante recherche de flexibilité ce qui crée des impacts notamment sur les statuts d’emploi et le temps de travail. Ces changements ont eu pour effet de placer l’enjeu de la conciliation emploi-famille (CEF) au cœur des discussions. Bien qu’il y ait eu du progrès sur le marché du travail concernant la conciliation emploi-famille (CEF) durant les dernières années, certaines problématiques demeurent. La principale problématique étant l’incompatibilité entre les sphères professionnelles et familiales et ces dernières peuvent avoir des répercussions négatives chez les différents acteurs. Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’effet de la présence syndicale sur l’accès à des mesures de CEF et leur efficacité perçue par les professionnel(le)s en ressources humaines. Cette étude quantitative se base sur des données secondaires qui ont été recueillies par Émilie Genin et Mélanie Laroche, professeures à l’École des Relations industrielles de l’Université de Montréal entre 2017 et 2018. La collecte des données a été réalisée en partenariat avec l’Ordre des conseils en ressources humaines et relations industrielles agréés du Québec (CRHA). Notre échantillon est représenté par un total de 249 répondants. Les hypothèses de recherche ont été testées en utilisant des données recueillies auprès de professionnel(le)s en ressources humaines ou en relations industrielles, membres de l’Ordre des CRHA du Québec. Nous cherchions à comprendre si la syndicalisation a un effet sur le nombre de mesures offertes de CEF et si la syndicalisation a un effet modérateur sur la relation entre les mesures de CEF et leur efficacité perçue. Notre modèle d’analyse nous permet de dégager différents constats. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que la syndicalisation n’a pas d’effet sur le nombre de mesures de CEF offertes dans les organisations. Une relation positive a aussi été constatée entre le nombre de mesures de CEF et leur efficacité perçue par les professionnel(le)s en ressources humaines. Finalement, nos résultats montrent que la syndicalisation n’a pas de relation de modération sur la présence de mesures de CEF et leur efficacité perçue. Face à ces constats, nous visons de contribuer à la littérature en se centralisant sur l’effet de la présence syndicale quant à l’accès aux mesures de CEF et leur efficacité perçue. Alors que peu de recherches s’intéressent de manière spécifique à ces éléments, notre étude permet une réflexion quant à l’impact de la présence syndicale sur la CEF. Cette étude sert aussi de référence à tous les employeurs, les syndicats et les gouvernements qui souhaitent mettre au premier plan l’enjeu de la CEF. / Even though workplaces have undergone several transformations in recent decades, employers are constantly looking for flexibility, which has particularly impacted employment status and working time. These changes had the effect of raising the issue of work/life balance (WLB) at the heart of discussions. Although there has been progress in the labor market regarding WLB in recent years, some issues remain. The main one being the incompatibility between the professional and family spheres which can have negative repercussions. This research will examine the effects of union presence on access to WLB measures and their perceived effectiveness by human resources professionals. This quantitative study is based on data collected by Émilie Genin and Mélanie Laroche, professors at the School of Industrial Relations of the University of Montreal between 2017 and 2018. The data was collected in partnership with the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et relations industrielles agréés du Québec (CRHA). Our data is constituted by a sampling of 249 respondents. The research hypotheses were tested using data collected from human resources or industrial relations professionals, members of the Ordre des CRHA du Québec. In this research, we sought to understand whether unionization has an effect on the number of WLB measures offered in the workplace and whether unionization has a moderating effect on the relationship between WLB measures and their perceived effectiveness. Our model allows us to make various findings. Research results show that unionization has no effect on the number of WLB measures offered in organizations. A positive relationship was also observed between the number of WLB measures and their perceived effectiveness by human resources professionals. Finally, our results show that unionization does not have a moderating relationship on the presence of WLB measures and their perceived effectiveness. We aimed to contribute to the literature by focusing on the effect of union presence on access to WLB measures and their perceived effectiveness. While little research specifically examines these elements, our study allows for reflection on the impact of union presence on the WLB. This study also serves as a reference for all employers, unions and governments who wish to shed some light on the issue of WLB.

Coronapandemins frammars : En kvalitativ studie om Covid- 19 pandemins effekter på arbetsliv och hälsa

Lillbacka, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Arbetsmiljö och arbetsförhållanden utgör centrala bestämningsfaktorer för individers hälsa och välbefinnande, både inom arbetslivet och utanför. Medarbetarnas hälsa, välbefinnande och arbetsprestation påverkas vidare av såväl kontextuella faktorer och arbetsförhållanden som av ledarskapet ledarskapsstil. Covid-19 pandemin som yttre påverkansfaktor har påskyndat den digitala samhällsutvecklingen vilket lett till förändrade arbetsstrukturer och arbetsvillkor, som medfört ökade möjligheter till ett flexibelt arbetsliv för individen men även ökade arbetsrelaterade krav och arbetsmiljörisker. En studie som belyser hur strukturer och förhållanden för ledarskap på arbetsplatser har påverkats och förändrats kan därav ses som relevant ur ett folkhälsovetenskapligt perspektiv. Syfte med denna studie var att undersöka hur chefer upplever att Covid-19 pandemin inverkar på deras verksamheters arbetsmiljö.  Studien empiriska data samlades in genom sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer vars verksamhet till följd av Covid-19 pandemin ställt om till arbete på distans. Studiens informanter rekryterades genom ett målstyrt bekvämlighetsurval. Data transkriberades ordagrant, analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och svaren kategoriserades i 5 underkategorier och två huvudkategorier. Resultatet påvisar att Covid-19 pandemin kan ha haft en påskyndande effekt på arbetslivets digitala utveckling vilket lett till en ökad användning av IT- baserade digitala verktyg. Vidare tydliggörs att Covid-19 pandemin inverkan på verksamheters arbetsstrukturer och arbetsmiljö vilket påverkat såväl chefernas som medarbetarnas förutsättningar för hälsa och välbefinnande. Tydlig och regelbunden kommunikation chefer och medarbetare emellan samt ökad delaktighet i beslutandeprocesser kan av studiens resultat härledas till friskfaktorer som reducerar det digitala distansarbetets uppkomna risker. / Working environment and working conditions are found among the layers in the rainbow with the determinants of health. Work-related factors have been shown to be central influencing factors on individuals' health and well-being, both within working life and beyond. Employees' health, well-being and work performance are further affected by contextual factors and working conditions as well as by leadership style. Covid-19 pandemic as an external influencing factor has accelerated the digital development of society, bringing changed work structures and working conditions, which has increased opportunities for a flexible working life for the individual but also increased work-related demands and work environment risks. A study that sheds light on how structures and conditions for leadership in workplaces have been affected and changed can therefore be seen as relevant from a public health science perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate how managers feel that the Covid-19 pandemic affects the working environment of their operations. The empirical data study was collected through six qualitative semi-structured interviews with managers whose activities because of the Covid-19 pandemic shifted to remote work. The study's informants were recruited through a goal-oriented convenience sample. Data were transcribed verbatim, analyzed by a qualitative content analysis and the responses were categorized into 5 subcategories and two main categories. The results show that the Covid-19 pandemic may have an accelerating effect on the digital development of working life, which led to an increased use of IT-based digital tools. It is further clarified that the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on companies' work structures and work environment, which has affected both managers' and employees' conditions for health and well-being. Clear and regular communication between managers and employees as well as increased participation in decision-making processes can be derived from the results of the study to health factors that reduce the risks of distance working.

"När arbetsplatsen flyttar hem" : En kvalitativ undersökning om kvinnor och mäns upplevelser kring effekterna av arbete hemifrån / "When the workplace moves home" : A qualitative study of women and men´s experiences of the effects of working from home

Kling, Johan, Joakim, Petersson January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den ökande andelen av betalt arbete hemifrån upplevs ha förändrat gränsdragningen mellan arbetsliv samt familjeliv för kvinnor och män. Studien syftar vidare till att undersöka om mängden ökat arbete hemifrån förändrat upplevelsen av att arbetslivet och familjelivet kommer i konflikt samt att se om fördelningen av det obetalda arbetet har påverkats av den förändrade arbetssituationen.   Frågeställningarna har tagits fram för att besvara studiens syfte: ”Hur påverkar det obetalda arbetet kvinnor och män som utför betalt arbete hemifrån?”, ”Hur upplever arbetstagaren att gränsen mellan privatliv och arbete påverkas av betalt hemarbete?”, ”Hur påverkas det betalda arbetet av hemarbete?”. Den teoretiska referensramen fokuserar på gränslöst arbete med fokus på begreppen betalt hemarbete samt obetalt arbete. Det obetalda arbetet beskriver det oavlönade arbete som utförs i hemmet som historiskt sett i hög grad utförts av kvinnor. Det växande begreppet gränslöst arbete belyses ur nya vinklar i studien då rådande Covid-19 pandemi samt ny teknik möjliggjort till större flexibilitet för hur, var och när de betalda arbetsuppgifterna utförs vilket skulle kunna bidra till en obalans mellan arbets- och privatliv. Studien utgår från kvalitativ ansats där vi genomfört sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter i åldrarna från 25 till 40 år. Resultatet visar på att studiens respondenter upplever att de lever i ett jämställt förhållande där det obetalda arbetet fördelas jämnt mellan könen. Studien finner att respondenterna är mer effektiva vid utförandet av betalt arbete hemifrån. Trots den svåra gränsdragningen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv känner sig respondenterna mer tillräckliga mot de båda sfärerna där de i framditiden önskar att få arbeta varierat där de delvis arbetar hemifrån och delvis på arbetsplatsen. / The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to examine how the increasing proportion of paid work from home is perceived to have changed the demarcation between work life and family life for women and men. The study also aims to investigate whether the amount of increased work from home has changed the experience that work life and family life come into conflict and to see if the distribution of unpaid work has affected the changed work situation. The questions have been developed to answer the purpose of the study: "How does unpaid work affect women and men who perform paid work from home?", "How does the employee feel that the boundary between private life and work is affected by paid work from home?", “How is paid work affected by homework?”. The theoretical frame of reference focuses on boundless work with a focus on the concepts of paid homework and unpaid work. The unpaid work describes work performed at home that has historically been performed to a large extent by women. The growing concept of borderless work is highlighted from new angles in the study as the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic and new technology enabled greater flexibility in how, where and when the paid work tasks are performed, which could contribute to an imbalance between work and private life. The study is based on a qualitative approach where we conducted six semi-structured interviews with respondents aged between 25 to 40 years. The results show that the study's respondents feel that they live in an equal relationship where the unpaid work is distributed evenly between the sexes. The study finds that the respondents are more efficient at homework. Despite the difficult demarcation between work and family the respondents now feel more sufficient towards the two spheres where in the future they wish to work at varied places where they could work partly from home and partly from the office.

"Det är en livsstil att vara ledare" : Kvinnliga chefers upplevelser av balansen mellan chefskap och hemmaliv / "Being a leader is a lifestyle" : Female managers perception of balance between leadership and homelife

Artan, Josefine, Gjedsted, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Having a managerial position and being a woman at the same time can amount to certain problems. Women often have the main responsibility in the houshold whilst also maintaining a great extent of responsibility in the worklife. High demands on the individual in both spheres can make the perceived balance between work life and private life fragile and create difficulties for the individual to achieve balance between the two spheres. To have a great responsibility at the workplace also entails a requirement of accessibility and this requirement could intrude on the perceived balance between work life and private life. This paper examines two main questions: How can the perceived balance between work life and private life be portrayed among female managers? How may the perceived balance differentiate between work life and private life among women in leading positions since they became managers? The theoretical frame of reference form the basis of the study and addresses theories on work-life balance, gender studies and management studies. The study was carried out by using a qualitative method and utilized interviews as the main method for data collection. Ten female managers have participated in the survey. These respondents were selected according to set criterias: to be a female in a leading position working in the public sector. The results show that female managers have great experiences of work-life balance. The perceived balance between work life and private life was based on four different points: the importance of having the ability to keep work life and private life separate, flexibility in the profession, support from your surroundings and time for yourself. The results also show that the balance between work life and private life is something that could be affected by the profession itself. The female managers argue that the managerial position offers a type of freedom which makes them perceive their experience of work-life balance as better in the managerial position than before they became a manager.

Effekter av det påtvingade distansarbetet : En studie om hur medarbetare upplever att det påtvingade distansarbetet påverkar motivationen / The effects of the forced telework : A study of how employees experience that the forced telework affects their motivation

Mattsson, Hilda, Bohlin, Linnéa, Björkqvist, Jonthan January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företag blir alltmer beroende av sina medarbetare då organisationens värdeskapande process till stor del sker genom dem. Det är således viktigt att motivera, bibehålla och utveckla sina medarbetare. Tidigare studier om hur motivationen påverkas av distansarbete skiljer sig åt, där vissa menar att distansarbetet har en positiv inverkan på motivationen medan andra menar motsatsen. Innan Covid-19-pandemin har distansarbetet skett på en mer frivillig nivå men till följd av Covid-19-pandemin har många företag varit tvungna att införa det. Syfte och problemformulering: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur medarbetare upplever att motivationen påverkas av det påtvingade distansarbetet. Studiens problemformulering är “Hur upplever medarbetare som innan Covid-19-pandemin inte arbetade på distans samt medarbetare som innan Covid-19-pandemin arbetade deltid på distans att motivationen har påverkats av det påtvingade distansarbetet?” Litteraturgenomgång: I litteraturgenomgången presenteras teorier kring konceptet motivation där inre och yttre motivation samt amotivation behandlas. Även teorier kring distansarbetet presenteras där kommunikation och work life balance behandlas.  Metod: Vid genomförandet av studien har forskarna i föreliggande rapport använt sig av en kvalitativ metod. För att samla in det empiriska materialet har forskarna använt sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det har intervjuats fyra respondenter som innan Covid-19-pandemin inte arbetade på distans samt fyra respondenter som innan Covid-19-pandemin arbetade deltid på distans.  Slutsats: Det har framgått att det påtvingade distansarbetets påverkan på motivationen är oberoende av ifall medarbetaren har en vana av distansarbete eller inte. Det framgår snarare att det är hur väl medarbetarens individuella behov uppfylls som avgör hur motivationen påverkas av det påtvingade distansarbetet. / Background: Companies are becoming increasingly dependent on their employees, as the organization's value-creating process largely takes place through them. It is thus important to motivate, retain and develop the company's employees. Previous studies on how motivation is affected by teleworking differ, where some believe that telework has a positive effect on motivation while others believe the opposite. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, teleworking took place on a more voluntary level, but as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have had to implement it. Purpose and research question: The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of how employees feel that motivation is affected by the forced distance work. The study's research question is "How do employees who before the Covid-19 pandemic did not work remotely and employees who before the Covid-19 pandemic worked part-time remotely feel that motivation has been affected by the forced telework?" Literature review: The literature review presents theories about the concept of motivation, where internal and external motivation as well as amotivation are treated. Theories about telework are also presented where communication and work life balance are treated. Method: The researchers in the present study have used a qualitative method. To collect the empirical material, the researchers used semi-structured interviews. Four respondents who before the Covid-19 pandemic did not work remotely and four respondents who before the Covid-19 pandemic worked part-time remotely were interviewed. Conclusion: It has emerged that the impact of forced telework on motivation is independent of whether the employee has a habit of telework or not. It is rather clear that it is how well the employee's individual needs are met that determines how motivation is affected by the forced distance work.

Between a baby and a boardroom : social constructions of mothers' employment decisions

Van Beek, Liezel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, isiZulu and Afrikaans / The topic of work-life balance has gained much attention in recent years. A focal point remains the effects of maternal employment on the well-being of women and children, despite shifts in society towards gender equality. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of mothers who either had chosen to stay at home after having children or to continue with full-time employment; and how their decision impacted their lives. This qualitative study, based on the Social Constructionist paradigm, and Second Order Cybernetics and Feminist Theories, included interviews with four full-time employed and four stay-at-home South African mothers. The data were analysed using hermeneutic analysis. The findings suggest that the participants’ tensions regarding motherhood and employment were strongly influenced by structural obstacles at work and at home, interpersonal relationships with other mothers, as well as intrapersonal experiences. Breastfeeding was identified as a prominent topic within the various themes. / Eminyakeni yamuva nje ukulinganisela phakathi komsebenzi nokuphila kwasekhaya kube undabamlonyeni. Indaba eseqhulwini kuseyiwo umthelela wokusebenza komama enhlalakahleni yabesimane nezingane, yize sekube nezinguquko emphakathini endabeni yokulingana kobulili. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlola lokho okwehlele omama abakhethe ukuhlala ekhaya ngemva kokuzalwa kwezingane noma abaqhubeka besebenza isikhathi esigcwele; nokuthi isinqumo sabo sibe namuphi umthelela ekuphileni kwabo. Lolu cwaningo olwalubheka umnyombo, olusekelwe embonweni weNhlanganyelo Yomphakathi, kanye ne-Cybernetics Yohlelo Lwesibili Nemibono Yabalweli Besifazane, lwalubandakanya izingxoxombuzo nomama abane baseNingizimu Afrika abasebenza isikhathi esigcwele kanye nabanye abane abahlala ekhaya. Ulwazi lwahlaziywa kusetshenziswa uhlaziyo lokucubungula okulotshiwe. Okwatholakala kubonisa ukuthi izinto ezaziyingqinamba kubabambiqhaza ngokuphathelene nokuba umama nokusebenza zazilawulwa kakhulu yizithiyo zesikhundla emsebenzini nasekhaya, ubudlelwano nabanye omama, kanye nalokho ababhekana nakho uma bezihlola ekujuleni. Ukuncelisa ibele kwakubhekwa njengesihloko esiqavile phakathi kwalezo zihloko ezinhlobonhlobo. / Die kwessie van ‘n werk-lewe balans geniet die afgelope paar jaar baie aandag. 'n Brandpunt in die literatuur is steeds die gevolge van ma’s se indiensneming op die welstand van vroue en kinders, ondanks verskuiwings in die samelewing ten opsigte van geslagsgelykheid. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die ervarings van vroue te ondersoek wat óf kies om tuis te bly, óf om voltyds te bly werk wanneer hulle kinders kry; en hoe die besluit hul lewens beïnvloed. Die kwalitatiewe studie, gebaseer op ‘n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese uitgangspunt, en ekosistemiese en feministiese teorieë, het onderhoude met vier voltydse werknemers en vier tuisbly ma’s in Suid-Afrika ingesluit. Die data is ondersoek met behulp van hermeneutiese analise. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die deelnemers se spanning rakende. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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