Spelling suggestions: "subject:"work life"" "subject:"york life""
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"Är det ens en privat angelägenhet?" : En studie om utförande av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid inom restaurangbranschen / “Is it even a personal business?” : A study about personal business at work during working hoursSandberg, Elin, Spännar, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
Vår studie handlar om utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid inom restaurangbranschen. Frågor som vad de anställda sysslar med på arbetstid och hur de hanterar privata angelägenheter framför gäster kommer besvaras. Även varför respondenterna utför privata angelägenheter kommer att undersökas. Restaurangbranschen är speciellt intressant att undersöka då ständig kundkontakt förekommer. Servitriser och servitörer deltar i undersökningen då dessa har daglig kontakt med kunder och vi vill undersöka vilka och varför de utför privata angelägenheter dels framför gäster. Tidigare forskning har undersökt utförandet av privata angelägenheter i andra miljöer som kontor men vi anser att vidare studier om serviceyrken behövs.I teoriavsnittet finns relevanta teorier kopplade till utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid. Teorier om work-life balance, digitalisering, organisationskultur och neutraliseringstekniker etc. Sex respondenter, blandat servitriser och servitörer från olika företag deltar i undersökningen. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Svar från intervjuer jämfördes med teorier och en analys växte fram. Analysen mynnade ut i svar till våra frågeställningar och det framkom att det vanligaste våra respondenter ägnar sig åt när det gäller privata angelägenheter under arbetstid är mobilen, dator och olovliga pauser. Det kan handla om sms, telefonsamtal, spel på mobilen, surfa och ägna sig åt sociala medier. Varför våra respondenter utför privata angelägenheter är dels för att få ihop arbete och fritid, alltså att ha ett fungerade work life-balance, för att det är okej inom organisationen och för att de behöver en paus i arbetet. Vidare visar det sig att respondenterna använder sig av olika tekniker för att rättfärdiga sitt beteende kring utförandet av privata angelägenheter. Vissa respondenter tycker att de förtjänar att ägna sig åt annat än arbete för de jobbar så hårt, andra förhåller sig till hur mycket kollegorna arbetar och gör inte mer eller mindre och då kan utrymme för privata angelägenheter finnas. Respondenterna berättar även att de utför privata angelägenheter framför gäster. De använder mobil och dator framför gäster men i kontrast till det beteendet vill respondenterna även agera professionellt i yrkesrollen och framför gästen. Slutsatserna som kunde dras var bland annat att mobilen är den absolut största faktorn till att privata angelägenheter utförs. Vanligt förekommande var att datorer och annan elektronisk utrustning användes för att svara på privata samtal, spela spel eller skicka e-mail. Det framkom att organisationskultur, sättet att leda personalen samt work life balance var faktorer som svarade på varför privata angelägenheter utförs. Det framkom även att medarbetarna rättfärdiga sitt beteende genom att förminska, normalisera eller jämföra arbetsprestationer sinsemellan.
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WLB - en fråga om balansen mellan arbete och privatlivEriksson, Sara, Nässlin, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida det finns en skillnad i graden av Work life balance (indelat i grupperna Work Family Conflict och Family Work Conflict) mellan de som har möjlighet att distansarbeta och de som inte har det och mellan de som har barn under 13 år och de som inte har det. Vidare undersöktes om arbetsengagemang kan predicera WLB. För att genomföra studien användes en pappersenkät som delades ut till samtliga anställda på den deltagande organisationen. Totalt samlades 85 enkäter in, varav 84 hade besvarats fullständigt. Resultatet visade en huvudeffekt av distansarbete gällande Work Family Conflict, där de anställda med möjlighet att distansarbeta upplevde en högre grad av Work Family Conflict än de som inte har möjlighet att distansarbeta. Resultatet visade dessutom att de anställda med högre värde på arbetsengagemang upplevde mindre av både Work family Conflict och Family Work Conflict.
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Violência psicológica e assédio moral no trabalho enquanto expressões de estratégias de gestãoAmazarray, Mayte Raya January 2010 (has links)
Investigou-se a presença de assédio moral no trabalho e suas inter-relações com dimensão psicossocial, bem-estar e adaptação psicossocial positiva. As bases teóricas compreenderam: Abordagem Ecológica, Saúde Mental e Trabalho e Psicologia Positiva. No Estudo I, participaram 598 bancários, que responderam questionário biosociodemográfico e laboral, Questionário de Atos Negativos, Job Content Questionnaire, Medidas de Bem-Estar no Trabalho e Escala de Adaptação Psicossocial Positiva. Os dados foram submetidos a estatísticas descritivas, exploratórias e inferenciais. No Estudo II, realizaram-se 4 estudos de casos, e os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Houve alta prevalência de assédio moral e associação com baixo controle, altas demandas, baixo apoio e alta insegurança no emprego. Os níveis de bem-estar no trabalho foram menores para as vítimas. Diferentes fontes de dados (incidência, correlações, preditores e vivências concretas de trabalhadores) indicaram transições ecológicas entre os papéis de vítima, testemunha e agressor e natureza principalmente organizacional do fenômeno. / The aim of this study was to investigate workplace bullying and its relations to psychosocial dimension, well-being and positive psychosocial adaptation. Theoretical basis comprehended: Ecological Theory, Work and Mental Health and Positive Psychology. In the first study, 598 banking workers answered demographic and labor questionnaire, Negative Acts Questionnaire, Job Content Questionnaire, Measurements of Well-Being at Work and Positive Psychosocial Adaptation scale. Data were submitted to descriptive, exploratory and inferential statistics. In the second study, 4 multiple case studies were conducted. Data were submitted to qualitative content analysis. The prevalence of workplace bullying was high. It was observed association with low control, high demands, low social support and high job insecurity. The taxes of well-being at work were lower for the victims. Different data resources (incidence, correlations, predictors and concrete experiences of worker) indicate ecological transitions among victims, observers and perpetrators, as well as a mainly organizational nature of workplace bullying.
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Emotional labour amongst women leaders within the consulting industry: a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiryPillay, Reevasha 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how women leaders within the consulting industry experience emotional labour in South Africa. I followed a qualitative research approach informed by the hermeneutic phenomenological paradigm, making use of a case study approach and in-depth semi-structured interviews with eight women leaders with a minimum of eight years’ experience within the consulting industry, all of whom resided in the Gauteng region. The questions posed to participants aimed to understand the various emotions experienced during pre-set scenarios. The empirical findings suggest that women leaders naturally adopt a transformational leadership style. The empirical research exposes that women leaders within the consulting industry do not have any form of work-life balance. Furthermore, the empirical research reveals that most of the women experience both negative and positive emotions due to the ups and downs exposed to at work, there is no organisational support to overcome these emotions / Colleges of Economic and Management Sciences / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutus terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiinErvasti, T.-M. (Tytti-Maarit) 13 November 2018 (has links)
In this study constructed a life course –aware age management model for the health care sector so it can be exploited by health care organizations nationally. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how leadership, through the use of life course –aware age management, affects the well-being, and describe amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The research consisted of three parts: 1) a description of earlier age management models, 2) a description of the needs and requirements of age-diverse employees for age management, and 3) a description of life course –aware age management effect on the well-being of an age-diverse workforce in the health care sector, and a description of amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The results of parts one and two were made into the Life course –Aware Age Management Model.
The well-being data were collected from nurses and doctors from one central hospital´s area of operation in 2014 (N = 702) and 2016 (N = 764). The research was conducted using intervention research methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical multivariate methods. Statistics on sick leave and retirement were also exploited in the data comparison. Employee age management needs were surveyed in connection with the first well-being measurement. Qualitative data were analyzed using deductive content analysis.
The doctors and nurses valuated the realization of well-being mainly in the same way. No significant statistical association was found between employee age and well-being. Management using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model influenced employee well-being so that the way in which leadership was experienced improved between 2014 and 2016. The change was statistically extremely significant (p = 0.001). No impact was found on the amount of sick leaves and retirements. The amount of sick leaves and retirement was found no statistically significant change.
The knowledge generated in this study can be exploited in the management of age-diverse workforces in health care. Using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model, employers can identify the support an age-diverse workforce requires to maintain their know-how, working ability and work-life balance. The results of this study can be utilized in leadership, education, and age management and well-being research. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli terveysalalle. Malli on hyödynnettävissä terveysalalle valtakunnallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää miten Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen toimintamallin mukainen johtaminen vaikuttaa terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin, sekä kuvata sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismääriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta: 1) kuvattiin kirjallisuuden perusteella aiempia ikäjohtamisen toimintamalleja, 2) kuvattiin terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön ikäjohtamiskeinoja ja ikäjohtamistarpeita laadullisen aineiston perusteella, ja 3) kuvattiin ja selitettiin elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutusta terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin interventiotutkimuksella, johon kuului alkumittaus ja vuoden kuluttua seurantamittaus ja kuvattiin sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten määriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Osatutkimusten 1 ja 2 perusteella muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli.
Osatutkimusten 2 ja 3 aineistot kerättiin yhden keskussairaalan operatiivisen toimialueen lääkäri- ja hoitohenkilöstöltä vuosina 2014 (N = 702) ja 2016 (N = 764). Vaiheen 2 aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla ja määrällinen aineisto tilastollisin monimuuttujamenetelmin. Lisäksi kerättiin työterveyshuollon ja henkilöstöhallinnon tilastoista tietoja henkilöstön sairauspoissaoloista ja eläköitymisestä.
Hoitajat ja lääkärit arvioivat työhyvinvoinnin toteutumista osapuilleen samansuuntaisesti. Iän ja työhyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden välistä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ei ollut. Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamismallin mukainen toiminta vaikutti työhyvinvointiin siten, että esimiestyön koettiin parantuneen vuodesta 2014 vuoteen 2016 ja työhyvinvoinnin muutos oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä (p = 0,001). Sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismäärissä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ennen ja jälkeen intervention.
Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön johtamisessa. Tutkimuksessa muodostettua Elämänkulkutietoista ikäjohtamisen toimintamallia hyödyntämällä terveysalan esimiehet voivat paremmin huomioida eri-ikäisen henkilöstönsä tuen tarpeita osaamisen johtamisessa, työkyvyn ylläpitämisessä, sekä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää henkilöstöjohtamisessa, koulutuksessa, sekä työhyvinvoinnin ja ikäjohtamisen tutkimuksessa.
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Modelo conceitual de gestão da qualidade de vida no trabalho em instituições de educação superiorGüths, Henrique January 2016 (has links)
A Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) é tema relevante para as pessoas e as instituições, tem sua origem no ambiente fabril, industrial e de manufatura A sua aplicabilidade em Instituições de Educação Superior (IES) necessita aprofundamento devido à incompatibilidade da simples transposição dessa temática para tal realidade. A partir desse cenário, esta tese tem como temática geral a apresentação de uma proposta de modelo conceitual de gestão da qualidade de vida no trabalho (G-QVT) em IES. A questão da presente tese é: Como estruturar e viabilizar a implementação da QVT em IES a partir de um modelo conceitual de G-QVT? Tem por objetivo geral elaborar um modelo conceitual de G-QVT em IES. O método desenvolvido utilizou o Design Science Research onde foi construído o modelo conceitual para a G-QVT e o Roadmap como proposta de implementação deste modelo. O campo empírico de investigação foi uma IES Comunitária do Sul do Brasil. Os Resultados se expressam em nove Macroelementos: Políticas, Estratégia, Processos, Liderança, Estrutura, Recursos, Cultura, Recompensas e Resultados. Estes apresentam-se associados aos determinantes da literatura e aos fatores críticos de gestão. Tais Macroelementos foram base para a construção de um Roadmap estratégico para a implementação do modelo conceitual de gestão proposto. As considerações finais apontam para a necessidade da definição de uma política institucional que suporte a estratégia e uma implementação do modelo proposto apoiada nos colaboradores da organização alinhada à cultura organizacional. / The Quality of Work Life (QWL) has its origin in the industrial, manufacturing and manufacturing environment. Its applicability in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) needs to be deepened due to the incompatibility of the simple transposition of this theme to such reality. This thesis has as general theme the presentation of a proposal of a model of management of QWL in HEI. The question of this thesis is: How to structure and make feasible the implementation of QWL in HEI from a conceptual framework of Quality of Work Life Management (QWL-M)? Its general objective is to elaborate a conceptual framework of QWL-M in HEI. The developed method used the Design Science Research where the framework for the management of the quality of work life was constructed and the Roadmap as proposal of implementation of this model. The empirical field of research was a Community HEI of Southern Brazil. The Results are expressed in nine macro elements: Policies, Strategy, Processes, Leadership, Structure, Resources, Culture, Rewards and Results. These are associated with the determinants of literature and with critical factors of management. Such macro elements were the basis for the construction of a strategic Roadmap for the implementation of the proposed conceptual framework. The final considerations point to the need to define an institutional policy that supports the strategy and an implementation of the conceptual framework supported by the employees of the organization aligned to the organizational culture.
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Six-hour workday as an employer branding strategy : A multiple case studyDilani, Sara, Papadopoulos, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Background - In pace with increased work-related stress and the difficulty in attracting and retaining skilled staff, companies find new ways to rationalize the organization. Working-time reduction is one of these strategies in connection to an effective employer branding attribute. Purpose - The aim is to examine the rationale behind the six-hour workday and how it is used as an employer branding strategy. Additionally, the aim is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the six-hour workday as an employer branding strategy as well as the future prospects. Method - This study has applied a qualitative method with an inductive approach and a multiple case study. Six semi-structured interviews were performed with five case companies and an additional interview was conducted with a consultancy firm. Conclusion - Organizations choose the six-hour workday because of work-life balance and well-being for employees. Also, the findings show that employers adopt the six-hour for the purpose of attracting and retaining staff. Advantages include happier staff, increased productivity and efficiency. A major disadvantage is the lost hours because of working-time reduction. The empirical findings indicate that the six-hour workday is suited in every organization, however, adjustments might be necessary.
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Graduate end postgraduate Institutions have felt the transformations that have been happening all over
the world, and this has influenced the quality of professors work life. Based on this fact, this work
aimed to: (i) comprehend how the quality of work life is perceived by professors in graduate and
postgraduate programs in the fields of Social and Human Sciences of a Federal University in a country
town of the South Region of Brazil; (ii) understand how the new employment configurations can
influence professors life quality; (iii) learn the meaning attributed by professors to the quality of
work life and (iv) identify aspects of professors QWL and relate them to the conditions of their
professional activity. This work consisted of an empirical, exploratory and descriptive study with a
qualitative approach. Data were obtained by means of a semi- structured interview, and the technique
of content analysis was used for analyzing the data. Ten professors participated in the research: five
taught undergraduates programs and the other 5 also worked in the postgraduate ones. All of them
hold a Doctoral Degree and have an exclusive dedication work regime at the University. Data were
collected in the months of April, May and June 2011. As a result of the study, two papers were
written. In the first article entitled work life quality of professors in graduate and postgraduate
programs , a non-systemic literature review of the comprehension of the life quality of professors
who work in graduate and postgraduate programs was undertaken. The study aimed to present the
main elements which are part of the notion of quality of work life emphasizing how professors dealt
with this issue especially in graduate and postgraduate programs. In the second article, the empirical
research called quality of working life from the perspective of professors of graduate end
postgraduate programs of a Public University , three categories were described: new demands and
greater requirements; meanings of the quality of working life, and aspects mentioned about professors
QWL which were discussed based on related theories. The results of the first study made it clear that
several elements are essential for the quality of work life of professionals in graduate and postgraduate
programs such as the individual pathway, the organizational aspects of the institutions and the social
environment in which these workers are incorporated. Therefore the set of these elements will
influence the way the teachers perceive their professional activity and this will reflect into the quality
of life at work as well as into the quality of their performance in the education process of future
professionals. In the second article, it became evident that regardless of whether the teachers were
working or not in postgraduate programs, they have the same perception about the increase of
workload, which happens after the qualification process, a requirement they need to fulfill. The
teachers feel they have to work harder to fulfill the requirements in the postgraduate programs, and
this seems to unleash a negative reaction once they recognize that teaching is being directed to other
purposes, that is, to fulfill the requirements of publications to achieve the score established by the
Ministry of Education. Moreover, it is necessary a discussion about the aspects that comprehend the
quality of work life, as a way of fostering an awareness on professors and Institutions about the care
they should take with the health of their professors and provide a better work environment to them. / As Instituições de Ensino Superior têm sentido as transformações que estão ocorrendo no mundo do
trabalho e isso tem influenciado a qualidade de vida no trabalho dos professores. Baseado neste fato, o
objetivo desse trabalho foi: (i) compreender como é percebida a qualidade de vida no trabalho sob a
perspectiva dos professores de ensino superior, na área de Ciências Sociais e Humanas de uma
Universidade Federal no interior da Região Sul do Brasil; (ii) como as novas configurações do
trabalho podem influenciar na qualidade de vida dos professores; (iii) conhecer o significado atribuído
pelos professores à qualidade de vida no trabalho e (iv) identificar aspectos sobre a QVT dos
professores e relacioná-los com as condições de sua atividade profissional. Este trabalho consistiu em
um estudo empírico exploratório-descritivo, de delineamento qualitativo, sendo que a coleta de dados
deu-se através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada e, para análise dos dados coletados, utilizou-se à
técnica da análise de conteúdo. Participaram da pesquisa dez professores, sendo que cinco
desenvolvem as suas atividades na graduação e os outros cinco trabalham também em pós-graduação.
Todos possuem titulação de doutorado e regime de trabalho de dedicação exclusiva com a
Universidade. A coleta de dados ocorreu nos meses de abril, maio e junho de 2011. Como resultado do
estudo, elaborou-se dois artigos: no primeiro, intitulado qualidade de vida no trabalho de professores
do ensino superior , foi realizada uma revisão não sistemática da literatura acerca da compreensão
sobre a qualidade de vida no trabalho dos docentes de ensino superior. O estudo objetivou apresentar
os principais elementos que fazem parte da noção de qualidade de vida no trabalho, destacando como
essa questão é tratada pelos professores, especialmente professores de ensino superior. No segundo, a
pesquisa empírica, chama-se qualidade de vida no trabalho sob a perspectiva de professores do
ensino superior de uma Universidade Pública , descreveram-se três categorias: novas exigências e
maiores cobranças; significados sobre a qualidade de vida no trabalho e aspectos mencionados sobre a
QVT dos professores, que foram tratadas de acordo com a teoria relacionada. Os resultados do
primeiro estudo evidenciaram que vários elementos são fundamentais para a qualidade de vida no
trabalho dos profissionais do ensino superior, tais como: a trajetória individual, os aspectos
organizacionais das instituições e o meio social em que esses trabalhadores estão inseridos. Assim, o
conjunto desses elementos é que influenciarão a maneira como os docentes percebem a sua atividade
profissional e isso refletirá na qualidade de vida no trabalho, bem como, na qualidade do seu
desempenho no processo educativo para a formação dos futuros profissionais. No segundo estudo,
evidenciou-se que os professores, trabalhando ou não com a pós-graduação, possuem a mesma
percepção sobre o aumento da carga de trabalho, que ocorre, posteriormente, ao processo de
qualificação, e que eles precisam atender. Eles possuem maior exigência em relação ao programas de
pós-graduação do que na graduação, e isso parece desencadear uma reação negativa, pois entendem
que o ensino está se voltando para outros fins, ou seja, na exigência de publicações para atingir a
pontuação estipulada pelo Ministério da Educação. Ainda, precisa-se refletir sobre os aspectos que
englobam a qualidade de vida no trabalho, pois há a necessidade de conscientização dos professores e
da Instituição sobre o cuidado que devem ter com a saúde dos docentes e proporcionar-lhes um melhor
ambiente de trabalho.
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho e valores organizacionais: a percepção dos técnico-administrativos de uma instituição federal de ensino superior / Quality of work life and organizational values: the perception of technical and administrative of a federal institution of higher educationLima, Alynne Virginya de Queiroz 31 July 2014 (has links)
The quality of work life (QWL) has an important space in academic and professional circles, being part of the working world since the 60s. Organizations began to deploy QWL programs in order to improve work conditions and increase employees productivity, getting better changes in their value system that make rules and behaviors are shared by its own staff. The organizations' operation is guided by its values, through establishment of goals and objectives to be met by its own members. In this manner, this study aims to investigate the link between quality of work life and organizational values, using the perception of some Federal University of Maranhão technical-administrative members. This study used the qualiquantitative method and its type going to be study of case. The research instruments consisted of Total Quality of Life Working (TQWL-42) that measured the quality of life and the Inventory of Organizational Values Profile (IOVP) to organizational values. Also, 301 questionnaires were applied for technical and administrative staff of UFMA in São Luís. Eight interviews, with a multidisciplinary team of QVT sector, were analyzed using the method of content analysis. The quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, medium differences test and Pearson's Correlation using SPSS and Microsoft Excel softwares. The quantitative results showed that QWL Aspects of Health Services and Social Assistance, Leisure Time, Financial Resources and Extras Benefits had low levels of satisfaction, while others had satisfactory levels. Priority values found by the sample were Tradition, Conformity, Achievement, Prestige and Concern with the Community. While the values of Wellbeing, Autonomy, and Domain had lower percentages and also found with less intensity. The Pearson correlation demonstrated that the organizational values of Autonomy, Welfare, Achievement and Concern with the Community have a high and medium linkage with QVT sphere. The values of Tradition has low or no correlation. And Prestige, Compliance and Domain values have a low or medium linkage with the QVT sphere. / O tema da qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) ocupa um importante espaço no meio acadêmico e profissional, por fazer parte do mundo do trabalho desde a década de 60. As organizações começaram a implantar programas de QVT com o intuito de proporcionar melhores condições de trabalho e aumentar a produtividade dos funcionários, ocasionando mudanças no seu sistema de valores. Estes por sua vez ditam regras de comportamentos e são compartilhados pelos indivíduos. No âmbito das organizações os valores orientam seu funcionamento a partir do estabelecimento de metas e objetivos a serem cumpridos por seus membros. Deste modo, este estudo se propõe a investigar a relação entre a qualidade de vida no trabalho e os valores organizacionais segundo a percepção dos técnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). Os instrumentos de pesquisa consistiram do Total Quality Working of Life (TQWL-42) que mensurou o nível de qualidade de vida dos servidores e o Inventário de Perfis de Valores Organizacionais (IPVO) para os valores organizacionais. Foram aplicados 301 questionários nos técnico-administrativos do Campus São Luís da UFMA. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas com a equipe multiprofissional do setor de QVT analisadas por meio do método de análise de conteúdo. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva, teste de diferença de médias e correlação de Pearson com o apoio do software SPSS e do Microsoft Excel. Os resultados quantitativos encontrados revelaram que os Aspectos de QVT Serviços de Saúde e Assistência Social, Tempo de Lazer, Recursos Financeiros e Benefícios Extras tiveram níveis baixos de satisfação, enquanto que os demais tiveram níveis considerados satisfatórios. Os valores prioritários percebidos pela amostra foram Tradição, Conformidade, Realização, Prestígio e Preocupação com a Coletividade. Enquanto que os valores de Bem-estar, Autonomia e Domínio obtiveram menores percentuais, sendo percebidos com menos intensidade pela amostra. A correlação de Pearson demostrou que os valores organizacionais de Autonomia, Bem-estar, Realização e Preocupação com a Coletividade tiveram uma correlação grande e média com a maior parte das Esferas de QVT. Enquanto que o valor de Tradição teve correlação pequena ou nula, e os valores Prestígio, Conformidade e Domínio tiveram uma relação pequena ou média com a maior parte das Esferas de QVT.
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Violência psicológica e assédio moral no trabalho enquanto expressões de estratégias de gestãoAmazarray, Mayte Raya January 2010 (has links)
Investigou-se a presença de assédio moral no trabalho e suas inter-relações com dimensão psicossocial, bem-estar e adaptação psicossocial positiva. As bases teóricas compreenderam: Abordagem Ecológica, Saúde Mental e Trabalho e Psicologia Positiva. No Estudo I, participaram 598 bancários, que responderam questionário biosociodemográfico e laboral, Questionário de Atos Negativos, Job Content Questionnaire, Medidas de Bem-Estar no Trabalho e Escala de Adaptação Psicossocial Positiva. Os dados foram submetidos a estatísticas descritivas, exploratórias e inferenciais. No Estudo II, realizaram-se 4 estudos de casos, e os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Houve alta prevalência de assédio moral e associação com baixo controle, altas demandas, baixo apoio e alta insegurança no emprego. Os níveis de bem-estar no trabalho foram menores para as vítimas. Diferentes fontes de dados (incidência, correlações, preditores e vivências concretas de trabalhadores) indicaram transições ecológicas entre os papéis de vítima, testemunha e agressor e natureza principalmente organizacional do fenômeno. / The aim of this study was to investigate workplace bullying and its relations to psychosocial dimension, well-being and positive psychosocial adaptation. Theoretical basis comprehended: Ecological Theory, Work and Mental Health and Positive Psychology. In the first study, 598 banking workers answered demographic and labor questionnaire, Negative Acts Questionnaire, Job Content Questionnaire, Measurements of Well-Being at Work and Positive Psychosocial Adaptation scale. Data were submitted to descriptive, exploratory and inferential statistics. In the second study, 4 multiple case studies were conducted. Data were submitted to qualitative content analysis. The prevalence of workplace bullying was high. It was observed association with low control, high demands, low social support and high job insecurity. The taxes of well-being at work were lower for the victims. Different data resources (incidence, correlations, predictors and concrete experiences of worker) indicate ecological transitions among victims, observers and perpetrators, as well as a mainly organizational nature of workplace bullying.
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