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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temps de travail au sein des ménages, normes légales sur le marché du travail et bien-être subjectif / Working time within households, legal norms on the labour market and subjective wellbeing

Lepinteur, Anthony 20 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la démarche de l’Économie du bien-être au sens où elle répond au double enjeu qui guide cette discipline, à savoir faire des mesures de bien-être subjectif des sujets d’analyse en soi et des outils visant à améliorer l’analyse économique. La première partie de cette thèse explore l’interaction existant entre temps de travail au sein des couples et le bien-être subjectif. Le Chapitre 1 démontre qu’être simultanément sur-employés peut avoir un effet positif sur le bien-être des deux membres du couple. Le Chapitre 2 démontre que les femmes travaillant plus que leurs maris subissent des baisses de bien-être. Ce Chapitre présente une posture nouvelle dans la littérature au sens où il prouve que cette baisse de bien-être ne semble pas imputable aux normes de genre mais à l’absence de justice dans la distribution des tâches au sein du ménage. La seconde partie de cette thèse adopte une posture différente au sens où le bien-être subjectif y devient un outil permettant l’évaluation de politiques du marché du travail. Le Chapitre 3 démontre que les réductions du temps de travail implantées en France et au Portugal à la fin des années 1990 ont amélioré en moyenne la satisfaction des travailleurs vis-à-vis de leur emploi et de leur temps de loisir. Le Chapitre 4 évalue l’effet direct et les externalités causés par la hausse de la contribution Delalande en France en 1999. Cette contribution visait à protéger l’emploi des seniors. Ainsi, l’augmentation de cette contribution a augmenté la perception de sécurité des seniors concernés mais ceci s’est fait aux détriments de leurs plus jeunes collègues, qui ont vu leur perception de sécurité de l’emploi diminuer. / The present thesis contributes to the literature by exploring how relative working time within households and changes in legal norms on the labour market are linked to subjective wellbeing. Bydoing so, this thesis matches the objectives of the Economics of Wellbeing in that it both considers subjective wellbeing as a subject of study per se and a tool for economic analyses. The first part ofthis thesis examines how relative working time in household affects subjective wellbeing. Chapter 1 demonstrates that being simultaneously overemployed may translate into higher wellbeing of both couple members. Chapter 2 shows that women working more than their husbands are likely to experience wellbeing losses. However, this Chapter is innovative in that it demonstrates that these losses in utility are not caused by violation of gender norms but because of the unfairness of the time allocation within household. The second part of this thesis adopts a different perspective sinceit takes subjective wellbeing as a tool to perform welfare analysis of labor market reforms. Chapter3 estimates the impact of working time reductions implemented in Portugal and France at the end ofthe 1990’s and concludes that workers experienced increases in job and leisure satisfaction. Chapter4 evaluates the impact of the increase in the Delalande tax in 1999. This tax aimed at keeping older workers in the labor force. Then, this Chapter shows that perceived job security of older workers increased thanks to the higher Delalande tax but this has been done at the cost of lower perceived job security of their younger colleagues.

O lugar do trabalho reprodutivo: um estudo com donas de casa da cidade de Fortaleza

AntÃnia Vaneska Timbà de Lima Meyer 00 March 2018 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente estudo teve por finalidade a compreensÃo do lugar do trabalho reprodutivo para donas de casa da cidade de Fortaleza - CE. Entendemos que a mulher sempre esteve inserida no mundo do trabalho, inicialmente no Ãmbito domÃstico e nos cuidados parentais, que aos poucos vem sendo reconhecido, por meio de novos regulamentos, como trabalho. ApÃs a RevoluÃÃo Industrial, essa atuaÃÃo feminina se torna mais representativa frente à massa de trabalhadores, e permanece crescente na contemporaneidade. Todavia, sua participaÃÃo no mundo do trabalho foi desde sempre marcadamente precÃria (jornadas parciais, subcontratos, trabalhos temporÃrios, terceirizaÃÃo, por exemplo). Somando-se a isso, à mulher ainda cabe grande parte dos trabalhos domÃsticos e cuidados parentais, como os estudos sobre DivisÃo Sexual do Trabalho apontam. Contudo, existe um contingente de mulheres que permanecem unicamente no Ãmbito domÃstico, doravante denominadas donas de casa, e que se ocupam, exclusivamente, do trabalho reprodutivo, invisÃvel e nÃo-remunerado. Ancorados nessa realidade, tomamos como sujeitos da pesquisa donas de casa da cidade de Fortaleza - CE, no intuito de compreender a realidade de trabalho dessas mulheres, que muitas vezes sÃo âinvisÃveis socioeconomicamenteâ. A metodologia da pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa, na qual foram utilizadas para coleta de dados o diÃrio de campo e as entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, que foram gravadas e transcritas. A anÃlise dos dados se deu atravÃs da AnÃlise TemÃtica, situada dentro da AnÃlise de ConteÃdo. Tomamos as teorias da DivisÃo Sexual do Trabalho, dentro da vertente das relaÃÃes sociais de sexo, e a Teoria dos Tempos Sociais, alÃm da Ãtica da Psicologia Social do Trabalho, como aportes teÃricos e analÃticos que respaldaram a anÃlise do material erigido no estudo. Como resultados, obtivemos que o trabalho das donas de casa pesquisadas ocupa o lugar de centralidade nas suas vidas, assumindo um carÃter estruturador e organizador do cotidiano dessas mulheres, que se veem como trabalhadoras legalmente nÃo reconhecidas. / The present study aimed to understand the place of reproductive work for housewives in the city of Fortaleza - CE. We understand that women have always been inserted in the working world, initially in the domestic sphere and in parental care, which is gradually being recognized through new regulations as work. After the Industrial Revolution, this feminine performance becomes more representative compare to the mass of workers, and remains increasing in contemporaneity. However, their participation in the working world has always been markedly precarious (partial days, subcontracts, temporary jobs, outsourcing, for instance). In addition to this, women still have a large part of domestic work and parental care, as studies on the Sexual Division of Labor point out. However, there is a contingent of women who remain exclusively in the domestic sphere, hereinafter referred to as housewives, and who exclusively deal with reproductive, invisible and unpaid work. Anchored in this reality, we take as research subjects the housewives of the city of Fortaleza - CE, in order to understand the work reality of these women, who are often âsocioeconomically invisibleâ. The methodology of the research was qualitative, in which were used for data collection the field diary and individual semi-structured interview, which were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the data was done through the Thematic Analysis, situated within the Content Analysis. We take the theories of the Sexual Division of Labor, within the framework of social sex relations, and the Social Times Theory, besides the optics of the Social Psychology of Work, as theoretical and analytical contributions that supported the analysis of the material erected in the study. As results, we have obtained that the work of the housewives researched occupies the place of centrality in their lives, exerting a structuring and organizing character

Ser caminhoneiro: a anÃlise das condiÃÃes de trabalho e suas relaÃÃes com a temporalidade laboral. / BEING A TRUCK DRIVER: ANALYSIS OF WORKING CONDITIONS AND ITS RELATIONS WITH LABOR TEMPORALITY

Khalina AssunÃÃo Bezerra 18 July 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Os caminhoneiros, aqueles que transportam, coletam e entregam cargas em geral (BRASIL, 2002) sÃo, atualmente, o principal modal de transporte das matÃrias primas e produtos manufaturados no Brasil. Essa profissÃo tem uma histÃrica trajetÃria de desvalorizaÃÃo e pouco reconhecimento, alÃm de condiÃÃes de trabalho precÃrias. Atà o ano de 2012 a profissÃo de motorista de caminhÃo nÃo era regulamentada, ocasionando extenuantes jornadas laborais, sem limite de tempo ou deveres e direitos assegurados. A partir da organizaÃÃo do trabalho peculiar a profissÃo e das demandas sociais acerca do excessivo tempo de trabalho desses profissionais, em 2015 entrou em vigor a Lei N 13.103 com a finalidade de resguardar os caminhoneiros e produzir bem-estar fÃsico, social e econÃmico. Em vista disso, foram investigadas nesta dissertaÃÃo as condiÃÃes de trabalho dos caminhoneiros e as suas relaÃÃes com a temporalidade laboral. A metodologia utilizada segue o modelo de pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva. O grupo de trabalho à composto por 5 caminhoneiros selecionados atravÃs de amostragem por conveniÃncia em espaÃos pÃblicos da cidade de ParnaÃba-PI, atà o alcance do ponto de saturaÃÃo. O procedimento de coleta dos dados se deu atravÃs de uma entrevista semiestruturada versando os apontamentos constituintes do fenÃmeno estudado. A anÃlise dos dados foi feita atravÃs da AnÃlise de ConteÃdo proposta por Bardin (2011). Nos resultados foram identificadas categorias finais, tais categorias dizem respeito a: organizaÃÃo do trabalho, condiÃÃes de trabalho, jornada laboral e sobre a regulamentaÃÃo da profissÃo e suas implicaÃÃes na atuaÃÃo profissional. Em meio Ãs discussÃes surgidas percebeu-se que as condiÃÃes de trabalho dos caminhoneiros estabelecem estreitas relaÃÃes com a organizaÃÃo do trabalho e assumem aspectos como representaÃÃes negativas, precÃrias e incompatÃveis. No tocante as conexÃes entre as condiÃÃes de trabalho e a questÃo temporal, identificou-se uma disparidade entre a prescriÃÃo legal da profissÃo e o real da atividade. Dessa forma, a atuaÃÃo dos motoristas de caminhÃo à marcada por uma organizaÃÃo do trabalho cansativa e estressante; por condiÃÃes de trabalho precÃrias na realidade brasileira e pelo predomÃnio do tempo de trabalho sobre os demais tempos sociais, considerado como origem de adoecimento fÃsico e mental. Nesse sentido, foi pontuada a relaÃÃo entre a deficiÃncia nos estudos acerca do tema implicado na realidade do Brasil, tendo em vista as especificidades desta realidade e importÃncia da categoria para o funcionamento da economia do paÃs.

Aposentadoria: o novo começo, expectativa e realidade. Uma análise com servidores técnicos-administrativos da UFG / Retirement: the new beginning, expectation and reality. An analysis with technical-administrative workers of UFG

Alves, Fleide Wilian Rodrigues 10 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-21T17:44:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fleide Wilian Rodrigues Alves - 2016.pdf: 6601059 bytes, checksum: 4809795dfbefb17a0b09be5b45d7c8a2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-11-21T20:18:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fleide Wilian Rodrigues Alves - 2016.pdf: 6601059 bytes, checksum: 4809795dfbefb17a0b09be5b45d7c8a2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-21T20:18:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fleide Wilian Rodrigues Alves - 2016.pdf: 6601059 bytes, checksum: 4809795dfbefb17a0b09be5b45d7c8a2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-10 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The work brings attached to itself a number of social protection mechanisms achieved by workers over the last two centuries. One of the most important is retirement, usually linked to aging, it presents as a social statute and a life transition that allocates the active worker erstwhile in the list of removed from the world of work. Of great importance in the personal and social context, this passage is a divider in the existence of workers, which has been enjoying retirement for more time due to increased life expectancy. This research aimed at understanding social aspects that permeate the retirement process of the Administrative Technical Education of Federal University of Goiás, in the period between his eminence and its recent acquisition.Regarding the worker about to retire, there was a discussion about the reasons that weighed in his decision, what are your expectations and plans for the future. After retirement, he was investigated as the worker just out of the labor market deals with your free time, if your plans and expectations have been met and as reestabelecem their family ties with their return home. Research has shown that the investigated statutory enjoy better quality of life when they are at work and in retirement, compared to CLT workers with the same training and educational level. This finding was justified by their income be higher, the job security and the possibility of coexistence of working times, and social times in their workplaces during the activity. / O trabalho traz vinculado a si uma série de mecanismos de proteção social conquistados pelos trabalhadores ao longo dos últimos dois séculos. Um dos mais importantes é a aposentadoria, geralmente vinculada ao envelhecimento, se apresenta como um estatuto social e uma transição de vida que aloca o trabalhador ativo de outrora no rol dos retirados do mundo do trabalho. De grande importância no âmbito pessoal e social, esta passagem representa um divisor na existência dos trabalhadores, que vem desfrutando da aposentadoria por cada vez mais tempo frente ao aumento da expectativa de vida. A presente pesquisa objetivou compreender aspectos sociais que permeiam o processo da aposentadoria entre os Técnicos Administrativos da Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás, no período compreendido entre a sua eminência e sua recente aquisição. No que concerne ao trabalhador prestes a se aposentar, realizou-se uma reflexão acerca dos motivos que pesaram em sua decisão, quais as suas expectativas e planos para o futuro. Após a aposentadoria, investigou-se como o trabalhador recém-saído do mercado de trabalho lida com o seu tempo livre, se seus planos e expectativas se concretizaram e como se reestabelecem as relações familiares na sua volta para casa. A pesquisa demonstrou que os estatutários investigados desfrutam de melhor qualidade de vida quando estão na atividade e na aposentadoria, se comparados com os celetistas com mesma capacitação e nível de escolaridade. Esta constatação se justificou por sua renda ser maior, pela estabilidade no emprego e pela possibilidade da coexistência dos tempos de trabalho e dos tempos sociais em seus ambientes laborais durante a atividade.

Verejná autobusová doprava v Prešovskom kraji so zameraním na organizáciu pracovného času vodičov / Bus public transportation focused on organization of working time of drivers in Prešov Region

Richnavský, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to analyse the legislation of the European Union concerning organization of working time of drivers in road transportation as well as functions and options of tachographs. The issue of working time of drivers will be applied to one of the suppliers of bus public transportation in Prešov Region, specifically SAD Prešov, a. s.. At first, there will be an introduction of the company, its history and offered transportation services. The work will also review a new-implemented IT software in a department of central control station (dispatching). Regarding the mentioned legislation, there will be a description of effectiveness of certain bus lines within 50 km, up to 50 km and one international line. The last part of the work will provide an overview of the most frequented matters of absence from work, fulfilling of working hours and availability of working capacity of the company's drivers. The results of the analysis will contribute to final conclusion and improvement suggestions in this area.

Les cadres et le droit du travail / Executives and labour law

Tahtah, Sabahe 11 December 2017 (has links)
L’apparition de nouveaux emplois et de nouvelles fonctions au sein de l’entreprise, l’existence quasi exclusivede hauts niveaux de qualifications dans certains secteurs, la gestion « en réseau » dans les groupes de tailleimportante ont rendu inadaptée la notion traditionnelle de cadre, mais sans pour autant la rénover en profondeurou lui en substituer une nouvelle, mieux adaptée.En droit du travail, le législateur qui intervient pour mettre en place des dispositifs qui leur sont spécifiques,oublie l’essentiel, celui de définir de manière cohérente la catégorie des cadres, en conséquence on assisteaujourd’hui à la construction d’un édifice pour le moins instable. Ainsi, il n’existe en droit du travail aucun textepermettant de définir précisément ceux qui relèvent de la catégorie des cadres.On constate donc qu’il n’est pas aisé d’appréhender la catégorie des cadres. Un examen des textes, notammentdes textes portant sur la durée du travail permet cependant de constater une réelle bipolarité des cadres. Lescadres non-dirigeants qui, dans certaines circonstances, bénéficient du même régime que les salariés, et àl’opposé, les cadres dirigeants qui, selon les hypothèses, sont ou non traités comme des salariés.A partir de la distinction cadre-dirigeant et cadre non-dirigeant, la présente étude tend à rechercher les élémentscaractéristiques de la notion de cadre mais aussi à rechercher les éléments constitutifs du régime des cadres. / Issue which is to give a comprehensive definition of the “executive” category, thus today one witnesses thecreation of an unstable structure. Also, in labour law no text allows for the identification of those whospecifically fall within the category of “executives”.It appears that it is not simple to apprehend the « executives » category. A study of the legal texts, particularlythose regarding working time, shows real bipolarity within this category. Indeed, on the one hand it appears thatsome non-executives, in certain circumstances, benefit from the same legal framework as employees, and on theother hand, executives, depending on the case, are, or are not, treated like employees.The distinction between executives and non-executives having been made, it becomes the basis of the presentstudy that aims to investigate the characteristics of the notion of executive, and the components of the specificlegal framework dedicated to executives.

Více času nebo více peněz? Prediktory délky pracovní doby v Evropské unii / More time or more money? Predictors of the length of working hours in the European Union

Lehmann, Štěpánka January 2016 (has links)
Štěpánka Lehmann: More time or more money? Predictors of the length of working hours in the European Union Dissertation thesis Abstract Present empirical study analyses important predictors of the length of working hours. It aims at integrating existing conceptions via an approach that would synthetize findings on the influence of different factors of the length of working hours at various levels into a consistent and complex model. For these purposes it uses explorative analytical methods applied on data from the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). The thesis is based on two assumptions. First, it is more appropriate to study the length of working hours on the basis of its distribution than based on the average number of working hours. Second, the specific working hours are being established simultaneously at four different levels, the mechanisms of which need to be understood: at the national, sectoral and professional, establishment and household levels. The analysis performed revealed the most important predictors of the length of working hours and their mutual ties. The integration of predictors that are effective at the individual levels resulted in a model which reflects the identified relevant factors when analysing patterns of the length of working hours. The complexity of the working time...

Le droit à la paresse en droit social / The right to be lazy in social law

Bouthière, Nicolas 07 November 2019 (has links)
La situation des individus situés en dehors du travail interroge sur la perception qu’a le droit des inactifs et sur les protections conférées à ces derniers, notamment la protection de leur dignité sociale. La notion de paresse, qui pourrait être définie comme la propension à ne rien faire, est absente des dictionnaires juridiques et revêt un sens péjoratif dans les rares textes qui en font usage. L’étude se propose de dessiner les contours de ce que pourrait être un droit à la paresse, et plus spécifiquement un droit collectif à la paresse, en étudiant dans l’ordre juridique français à l’aune de l’activité de travail et du droit de la protection sociale, la façon dont les comportements paresseux sont perçus par le droit et s’il est des situations empreintes d’oisiveté qui permettent de conférer à la paresse une forme de licéité. La recherche s’est intéressée à la fonction et la valeur sociale du travail, pour mieux déconstruire les rapports de dépendance à l’activité de travail qui s’établissent au préjudice du développement du temps de vie personnelle des travailleurs. / The situation of individuals outside work questions the perception of the law of the inactive and the protections afforded to them, including the protection of their social dignity. The notion of laziness, which could be defined as the propensity to do nothing, is absent from legal dictionaries and has a pejorative meaning in the few texts that make use of it. The study proposes to draw the outline of what could be a right to laziness, and more specifically a collective right to laziness, by studying in the French legal order in the yard of the work activity and the social welfare law, the manner in which lazy behavior is perceived by law, and the idleness of situations that make laziness a form of lawfulness. Research has focused on the function and social value of work, in order to better deconstruct the relationships of dependence on the work activity that are established to the detriment of the development of the personal life time of workers.

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Driving/Working Time Restrictions

Yang, Xiaozhe 29 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

'Working to live, not living to work': low-paid multiple employment and work-life articulation

Smith, Andrew J., McBride, J. 16 June 2020 (has links)
Yes / This paper critically examines how low-paid workers, who need to work in more than one legitimate job to make ends meet, attempt to reconcile work and life. The concept of work-life articulation is utilised to investigate the experiences, strategies and practicalities of combining multiple employment with domestic and care duties. Based on detailed qualitative research, the findings reveal workers with 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 7 different jobs due to low-pay, limited working hours and employment instability. The study highlights the increasing variability of working hours, together with the dual fragmentation of working time and employment. It identifies unique dimensions of work extensification, as these workers have an amalgamation of jobs dispersed across fragmented, expansive and complex temporalities and spatialities. This research makes explicit the interconnected economic and temporal challenges of low-pay, insufficient hours and precarious employment, which creates significant challenges of juggling multiple jobs with familial responsibilities.

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