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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'apprentissage collaboratif comme stratégie de développement professionnel chez des infirmières de soutien à domicile : une étude exploratoire

Ouellet, Jérôme 10 1900 (has links)
Le développement professionnel infirmier (DPI) constitue une condition sine qua non d’une prestation de soins de qualité dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population qui présente des problèmes de santé complexes et d’intensification des soins à domicile (SAD). Des infirmières décrient cependant une inquiétude grandissante quant aux barrières susceptibles de freiner leur DPI ainsi que l’intégration de leurs apprentissages à la pratique. Parmi ces barrières se trouvent notamment une difficulté d’accès à des activités de DPI pertinentes, des contraintes de ressources pour participer aux activités de DPI, un équilibre difficile entre la vie personnelle et professionnelle ainsi qu’un climat organisationnel rigide. Pour relever ces barrières et répondre aux défis de la complexité des soins et des environnements évoluant rapidement, la nécessité d’utiliser des stratégies intégrant l’apprentissage au travail afin de soutenir le développement professionnel des infirmières s’impose. À cet égard, des stratégies d’enseignement-apprentissage actives comme la simulation clinique, des clubs de lecture et des groupes de codéveloppement ont fait l’objet d’études dans un contexte de DPI et d’autres, comme l’apprentissage collaboratif (AC), beaucoup moins. Pourtant, l’AC permettrait de réduire certaines barrières au DPI en tenant compte des caractéristiques contextuelles et individuelles des apprenants. Cette recherche collaborative vise à explorer comment l’AC contribue au DPI d’infirmières de SAD auprès d’aînés présentant des problèmes de santé complexes en répondant à deux questions de recherche qui visent à identifier : (1) les éléments contextuels qui influencent la participation d’infirmières de SAD à des groupes d'AC ainsi que (2) les caractéristiques de l’AC qui contribuent à la réalisation d’apprentissages chez ces mêmes infirmières de SAD. Les résultats témoignent que (1) le rapport au temps, (2) le soutien du gestionnaire ainsi que (3) l’accompagnement des groupes d’AC sont des éléments contextuels qui influencent la participation d’infirmières de SAD à un groupe d’AC ainsi que le processus d’AC qui se veut évolutif, itératif et réflexif. Cette étude a aussi permis d’identifier cinq caractéristiques de l’AC qui contribuent à la réalisation d’apprentissages. L’AC : (1) exige une motivation à apprendre pour améliorer la qualité des soins; (2) conduit à une réflexion sur sa pratique professionnelle pour mieux la comprendre; (3) crée un espace de partage valorisant le développement de relations égalitaires empreintes de respect et d’écoute; (4) oriente vers une recherche collective de solutions pragmatiques aux problèmes rencontrés dans la pratique et (5) suscite un sentiment de réalisation et d’accomplissement de soi. Bien que cette recherche collaborative soit parmi les premières du genre à être réalisée en SAD au Québec, le futur du DPI devrait consister à créer des environnements d’AC en milieu clinique. Pour ce faire, un changement de culture doit s’opérer profondément pour embrasser une perspective plus holistique et scientifique du DPI qui valorise sa pertinence et sa signifiance, notamment par l’AC. / Nursing professional development (NPD) is a sine qua non condition for quality care in a context of aging population with complex health problems and increasing home care (HC). However, nurses describe a growing concern about the barriers that may impede their NPD and the integration of their learning into practice. These barriers include difficulty accessing relevant NPD activities, resource constraints to participate in NPD activities, difficult work-life balance, and inflexible organizational climate. To address these barriers and meet the challenges of complex care and rapidly changing environments, there is a need to use strategies that integrate learning at work to support nurses' professional development. In this regard, active teaching-learning strategies such as clinical simulation, journal clubs and co-development groups have been studied in a NPD context and others, such as collaborative learning (CL), much less so. However, CL could reduce some of the barriers to NPD by considering the contextual and individual characteristics of learners. This collaborative research aims to explore how CL contributes to the NPD of HC nurses working with seniors with complex health problems by answering two research questions that aim to identify: (1) the contextual elements that influence the participation of HC nurses in CL groups as well as (2) the characteristics of CL that contribute to the achievement of learning in these same HC nurses. The results show that (1) the relationship to time, (2) the manager's support and (3) the support provided for CL groups are contextual elements that influence the participation of HC nurses in a CL group as well as the evolutionary, iterative and reflective CL process. This study also identified five characteristics of CL that contribute to learning. CL: (1) requires motivation to learn in order to improve the quality of care; (2) leads to reflection on one's professional practice in order to better understand it; (3) creates a space for sharing that values the development of egalitarian relationships marked by respect and listening; (4) leads to a collective search for pragmatic solutions to the problems encountered in practice; and (5) creates a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment. While this collaborative research is among the first of its kind to be conducted in HC in Quebec, the future of NPD should be in creating CL environments in clinical settings. To do so, a profound cultural shift must occur to embrace a more holistic and scientific perspective of NPD that values its relevance and meaning, particularly through CL.

Att ta vara på “upward feedback” i verksamheter : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om chefers användning av feedback från medarbetare för att utveckla verksamhet och ledarskap / Utilizing upward feedback in organizations : A qualitative interview study about managers use of upward feedback to develop organizations and leadership

Johnsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Forskning om feedback har länge haft ett stort fokus på traditionell feedback inom organisationer, som sker från chef till medarbetare, och det har inte funnits ett lika starkt intresse för att studera feedback från medarbetare till chef, så kallad “upward feedback”, vilket gör det relevant att öka förståelsen inom detta område. Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för hur chefer använder feedback från medarbetare för att leda och utveckla verksamheten och sitt eget ledarskap. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats, vilket ligger till grund för insamling av data genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer från sex olika organisationer för att studera deras perspektiv på upward feedback och hur de skapar organisatoriska förutsättningar för att ta tillvara medarbetares feedback för att leda verksamheten. Resultatet visade att efterfrågan av och mottaglighet för feedback (både negativ och positiv) är en utmanande uppgift och behöver därför tränas upp. Därtill identifieras tillitsfulla relationer, trygghet i ledarskap och öppna dialoger som förutsättningar för cheferna att öka sin mottaglighet och förmåga att ta tillvara feedback. Slutsatsen dras att trygga chefer med tillitsfulla relationer till sina medarbetare använder upward feedback för att utveckla sig själva som chefer, utveckla en hälsosam arbetsmiljö och lärandeinriktad arbetsplats. / Research about feedback has mainly focused on traditional feedback within organizations, that is, feedback from managers to their employees, and little research has been made to study upward feedback, from employees to their managers. This makes it relevant to increase our understanding within this area. The aim of this study was therefore to contribute to the understanding of how managers utilize upward feedback to lead and develop organizations and their leadership. The study has a qualitative approach, which impacted the decision to gather data through ten semi-structured interviews with managers from six different organizations, with the aim to raise awareness about their perspective on upward feedback and how they use it as part of their leadership. The findings showed that receptivity towards feedback (both positive and negative) is a challenging task and therefore needs practice. Moreover, trustworthy relationships, confidence in leadership and open dialogues are essential conditions for managers to increase their receptivity for upward feedback and are therefore central aspects in utilizing feedback in a more favorable way. A conclusion is made that confident managers with trusting relationships with their employees utilize upward feedback to develop as leaders, develop a healthy working environment and work towards a workplace that fosters learning.

A Study of Managers’ Competence Needs and Potential Benefits of an LMS at the Workplace / En studie om chefers kompetensbehov och potentiella fördelar i ett LMS på arbetsplatsen

Olsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Technical development creates new opportunities for technical solutions, but also places higher demands on both users and people who develop it. In addition, trends and organizational changes in the workplace constantly place new demands on employees. Consequently, competence development is a key for companies that want to be at the forefront of technical development. This is sometimes arranged in the form of blended learning which refers to a blending of traditional face-to-face instruction and remote online teaching. The latter - online teaching - has become an increasingly popular and important method for competence development and is not seldom provided via a certain type of digital platform called learning management system (LMS). Consulting companies strive to offer customers smart solutions and competent consultants. While there are many stakeholders, managers, in particular, at consulting companies play a key role in meeting these aspirations. Therefore, this study focuses on three parameters of competence development among managers at consulting firms: what competencies are needed, wanted or expected from managers? what are the attitudes and expectations from managers on a digital platform for learning? and how can a LMS benefit managers’ competence development? To answer these questions, a literature review was performed in order to map features of LMS and create an understanding of workplace learning. Then, data was collected through the combination of semi-structured interviews and a collaborative creation of concept maps with seven managers from two departments of the Swedish engineering consulting company Etteplan. Subsequently, a thematic analysis of the collected data was performed, where interesting features of the data were coded. These codes were then arranged into 13 unique themes which represented common expressions and ideas. The themes were then grouped into categories: needs and wishes, expectations on and from Etteplan and learning opportunities and obstacles. Finally, each theme was clarified with definitions and exemplifying quotes from the interviews. The results show 13 concepts that managers want, need or are expected to develop, but also opportunities and obstacles related to competence development. Furthermore, most interviewed managers hold positive attitudes towards a digital platform for learning. Then, ten characteristics of how an LMS could benefit managers’ competence development are presented. Lastly, a discussion of functional design requirements on LMS systems from a literature review was provided to give a useful interpretation of the results. / Teknisk utveckling skapar nya möjligheter för tekniska lösningar, men ställer också högre krav på både användare och de människor som utvecklar den. Dessutom ställer trender och organisatoriska förändringar på arbetsplatser ständigt nya krav på medarbetare. Därför är kompetensutveckling en nyckel för företag som vill ligga i framkant av teknisk utveckling. Detta arrangeras ibland i form av blandat lärande vilket avser en blandning av traditionell klassrumsundervisning och distansundervisning online. Den senare delen– onlineundervisning – har blivit en alltmer populär och viktig metod för kompetensutveckling som inte sällan tillhandahålls via en viss typ av digitalplattform som kallas learning management system (LMS). Konsultföretag strävar efter att erbjuda kunder smarta lösningar och kompetenta konsulter. Även om det finns många inblandade aktörer spelar chefer på konsultföretag en nyckelroll för att uppfylla dessa ambitioner. Därför fokuserar denna studie på tre parametrar av kompetensutveckling bland chefer på konsultföretag: vilka kompetenser behövs, önskas eller förväntas av chefer? vilka attityder och förväntningar har chefer gemtemot en digital plattform för lärande? och hur kan ett LMS gynna chefers kompetensutveckling? För att besvara dessa frågor genomfördes en litteraturöversikt i syfte att kartlägga fördelar med LMS-system och skaffa en förståelse för lärandemiljöer på arbetsplatser. Sedan samlades dataunderlag in genom en kombination av semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett gemensamt skapande av koneceptkartor med sju chefer från två avdelningar på det svenska ingenjörskonsultföretaget Etteplan. Därefter genomfördes en tematisk analys av den insamlade datan, där intressanta drag av datan kodades. Dessa koder arrangerades sedan i 13 unika teman som representerade gemensamma tankar och idéer. Temana grupperades sedan i kategorier: behov och önskemål, förväntningar på och från Etteplan samt lärandemöjligheter och hinder. Slutligen förtydligades temana med definitioner och exemplifierande citat från intervjuerna. Resultaten visar på 13 områden som chefer vill, behöver eller förväntas utveckla, men även möjligheter och hinder kopplade till kompetensutveckling. Vidare visas att de flesta intervjuade cheferna hyser positiva attityder till en digital plattform för lärande. Därefter presenteras tio karakteristikor för hur ett LMS skulle kunna gynna chefers kompetensutveckling. För att slutligen ge en användbar tolkning av resultaten diskuterades funktionella designkrav på LMS-system från en literaturöversikt av publicerad forskning på området.

La régulation de l'activité en situation tutorale : le cas des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes / Activity regulation in a mentoring context : the case of physiotherapists

Sartier, Florence 11 September 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la régulation de l’activité des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, en situation tutorale.Nous nous proposons d’analyser les feedback de régulation privilégiés par les tuteurs à partir d’entretiens de régulation filmés post situation professionnelle. Nous étudions en parallèle la présence de marqueurs de régulation de la conception de l’activité dans le discours du stagiaire. Les thématiques abordées lors des interactions ainsi que les dilemmes/problématiques (Clot, 2014, 2000) exprimés par chacun des acteurs sont explorés, par l’usage de la méthodologie des entretiens d’autoconfrontation et de l’analyse de contenu (Bardin, 2007), dans une approche compréhensive du processus de régulation. Le cadre théorique prend appui sur l’apprentissage professionnel accompagné (Jorro et al, 2016) et la régulation des apprentissages (Allal, 2007), empruntés au champ de la formation des adultes. Les résultats obtenus, relatifs à l’analyse de l’activité de huit dyades associant tuteur et stagiaire, sont l’identification des feedback privilégiés par les tuteurs et des différentes modalités de régulation tutorale favorisant l’expression de la régulation de la conception l’activité par le stagiaire, ainsi que la mise au jour de marqueurs de régulation dans le discours de celui-ci et des éléments de contexte influençant le processus de régulation. Nous proposons une typologie des régulations de l’activité, celles réalisées par le régulateur (le tuteur) et celles exprimées par le régulé (le stagiaire ou le tutoré). / This research focuses on the regulation of the activity of physiotherapists in a mentoring context. To carry out our survey, we implemented video regulation interviews with eight dyads in the context of mentor regulation and exchanges between tutor and tutee, following a clinical learning situation. We opted for a discursive approach to analyse the types of regulation feedback favoured by mentors. We also examined regulation signs which correspond to regulation intents in tutee’s discourses. The content analysis methodology (Bardin, 2007) allowed us to highlight the topics most often discussed during the interactions which sustain the regulation interviews, in relation to professional representations. The self-confrontation interviews method enabled us to understand the regulation process: it allows to probe into the tutor and tutee dilemma inherent to regulation interviews, along with Clot (2014, 2000). The theoretical references come mainly from the field of adult training, for instance “accompanied professional learning” (Jorro et al, 2016) and the regulation of learning (Allal, 2007). Our results are manyfold: informative feedback is more used by the tutor than reflexive feedback or evaluation feedback. The tutees express their intentions to change their practices for improvement in varying proportions during both the regulation and the self-confrontation interviews. We could identify the mentoring feedback which best favours the student’s mental process of regulation practice. We also singled out the words used by the tutee, which are evidence of the regulation process at stake during the activity conception. We finally suggest a classification of the various activity regulations.

Informal Learning of Registered Nurses using Mobile Devices in the Healthcare Workplace

Fahlman, Dorothy (Willy) 06 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation research study explored how registered nurses (RNs) use mobile devices as tools to support and enhance informal learning in their work settings. The mixed methods inquiry involved select Canadian practicing and regulated RNs who used mobile devices in their workplaces. A sequential explanatory research design collected quantitative and qualitative data using an online survey and semi-structured interviews. Quota sampling for the quantitative component yielded 170 usable online surveys. From the survey respondents, interview volunteers were purposively selected and ten (10) interviews were conducted. Descriptive, inferential, inductive, and integrated data analyses were conducted in order to explore strategies, processes, purposes, modes of use (individual [non-collaborative] or collaborative), and age-generational differences associated with RNs’ use of mobile devices for informal learning in the workplace. Findings indicated that the study participants primarily used their handheld devices for self-directed informal learning with non-collaborative strategies or processes in their work settings for accessing online resources for a range of reasons including: evidence-based support, new procedures/treatments, professional development, patient/client teaching, and maintaining competency. Age differences related to the use of mobile devices for informal learning were minimal. However, workplace-related influences including deficiencies in formal educational resources, Internet access, and/or employer support were relevant to the informal learning experiences. Positive perceptions of efficiencies, self-confidence, patient/client safety, patients/clients’ reactions, and the need for sanctioned resources for using mobile technologies in the healthcare workplace were articulated. The findings pointed to the significance of mobile devices as learning tools for RNs’ informal learning for construction of knowledge and meaning-making to inform professional development and continuing competence. / 2013-01

Workplace learning in the South African Police Service (SAPS) : themes and perspectives in teaching research methodology module

Schwartz, Gerrit Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
This study captures the transformation of a research methodology module and the workplace learning resulting from teaching research to senior police officers. Using ethnography, the study explores the initial development and transformation of the research module content and the ways in which the police trainers developed their practices to teach research methodology in the regulated police work environment. Through interviews, observations, document analyses and an ethnographic essay, the researcher uncovers the experiences and construction of knowledge at a SAPS Academy where research was taught and in the workplace during the ensuing experiential learning. The study revealed how the research module evolved through compensations made for shortcomings in the initial design. This was done by addressing changing organisational expectations and responding to specific needs of the adult learners. The trainers subsequently adapted their teaching approaches to cater for the specific needs of the learners and the organisation. At the same time, they also protected the reputation of the organisation and the integrity of the research module. The findings indicate that informal learning, constructed unintentionally, was more prominent in the workplace than the intended development of research skills. Evidence suggested that learning is indeed reliant on personal agency and that learning in communities of practice is very effective for the community. However, culture can become a barrier to learning when newcomers resist entry into such community or when its sub-culture conflicts with that of the bigger organisation. These experiences and lessons enabled the construction of a new three-phased research teaching model for organisations that wish to inculcate research as a problem–solving mechanism. The study has implications for policy-makers and educators as it emphasises the need to understand the theory of workplace learning and the necessity of making a deliberate effort to support learning in the workplace. When learning is not supported, employees develop undesirable skills to cope with the pressure of having to work and learn simultaneously. The study contributes to the existing knowledge of workplace theory, ethnographic research in police settings and research teaching pedagogy. The study highlights the need for further exploration of knowledge construction in communities of practice in regulated work environments where sub-cultures are in conflict with the organisational culture. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

A framework to integrate the formal learning with the informal workplace learning of statisticians in a developmental state

Van der Berg, Gwendoline Hilary 01 1900 (has links)
The topic of integrating the formal learning of graduates with their informal workplace learning has been debated for many years. In practice, however, these two types of learning still exist as two polar opposites, especially in the field of statistics. This study examined the effectiveness of an internship programme as a means to integrate the formal learning of statisticians with their informal workplace learning. Based on the findings, a framework was proposed to ensure integration between the formal and informal workplace learning of statisticians. The study employed a mixed-method approach that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection. Quantitative data were collected from respondents (statisticians who participated in the internship programme and were permanently employed at the time of the study) through an online survey, and qualitative data were collected from managers (who served as mentors to the interns) through conducting semi-structured, one-on-one interviews. Documents pertaining to the internship programme in place at Statistics South Africa were also studied. Many developing countries still lack the capacity to produce, analyse and use the range of quality statistics required to support effective development progress. This study suggested a new way of integrating the formal learning with the informal workplace learning of statisticians, which involved adding a practical component (an internship) to the formal learning of statisticians, therefore, combining an internship during formal learning with an internship upon the completion of formal learning. In this way, statisticians are better capacitated because they can apply their formally obtained knowledge and skills in practice both while being engaged in their formal studies as well as after completing their studies, ensuring integration between formal and informal workplace learning. Crucial factors that would play a role in ensuring success are, for instance, if intern statisticians are placed in areas that are commensurate with their formal learning (thus ensuring utilisation of their skills) and if the level of the tasks assigned to them matches their cognitive ability. Support for interns’ informal learning in the form of mentorship, developmental assignments and training and development opportunities are also crucial to ensure integration between their formal learning and informal workplace learning. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Développement professionnel au regard de la littératie en santé : vers un modèle en milieu de travail

Bouffard, Maud 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat réalisée avec le soutien financier du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) du Canada / Problématique : Les milieux de la santé connaissent d’importants changements dans leur fonctionnement avec l’émergence de pratiques basées sur la participation et l’engagement des patients. Appelés à être partenaires, bon nombre d’adultes ne sont toutefois pas en mesure de traiter et d’utiliser l’information en lien avec leur santé en raison d’un faible niveau de littératie. Aussi, les intervenantes et intervenants du milieu cherchent à développer leur compréhension du phénomène et leurs compétences afin de fournir une information accessible à ces personnes et favoriser leur autonomie dans leurs démarches de santé. Or, peu de données empiriques existent quant au développement de ces compétences en milieu du travail. Objectif : Décrire la façon dont des intervenantes et intervenants développent, en cours de pratique, les compétences permettant de soutenir la participation d’une clientèle de faible niveau de littératie à ses soins de santé. Méthodologie : Trente entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès d’intervenantes et intervenants inscrits dans une pratique orientée vers l’autonomie et la participation d’une clientèle à risque sur le plan de la littératie : 9 en médecine et pharmacie, 9 en soins infirmiers, 9 dans des champs connexes (nutrition, psychologie, travail social, etc.) et 3 agissant à titre de pairs aidants. En s’appuyant sur Le Boterf (2009, 2010), un modèle de développement de la compétence articulant les trois dimensions suivantes a orienté l’analyse des données : 1) la pratique professionnelle et la performance, soit « ce que je fais/les résultats », 2) la réflexivité, « ce que je pense/vis dans ma pratique » et 3) les ressources, « ce que j'utilise pour apprendre/pour agir. » Le traitement des données, via des cartes conceptuelles, a mené à un modèle de développement professionnel en milieu de travail validé auprès de 5 des personnes interviewées, mais aussi à un modèle de bonnes pratiques au regard de l’agir en matière de pro-littératie. Résultats : Les « bonnes pratiques » identifiées reposent sur quatre piliers, soit 1) mettre en œuvre un partenariat dans et au regard des soins dans une perspective « patient » en lien avec la maladie, la langue et l’écrit; 2) porter attention à des indicateurs de la littératie autres que la scolarité; 3) personnaliser la communication; 4) faciliter l’accès et l’utilisation de l’information, notamment par un soutien pour Internet. Les résultats orientent vers un apprentissage professionnel essentiellement autodirigé s’actualisant par une orchestration de moyens pour apprendre, tant structurés que spontanés, dans l’environnement de travail. Les savoirs « experts » liés à une pratique pro-littératie semblaient détenus par les personnes au sein de l’organisation. Les patients intervenant dans les équipes interprofessionnelles se sont avérés des ressources clés pour développer des savoirs au regard de la communication avec une clientèle qui a un vocabulaire et une façon d’apprendre qui peuvent être différents. Retombées : Le modèle de développement professionnel proposé identifie plusieurs cibles pour soutenir et favoriser le développement des compétences en littératie en milieu de travail. Les groupes d’échange et de travail, notamment ceux intégrant des patients, créent des espaces propices à une coconstruction des savoirs nécessaires à une pratique pro-littératie. / Context : Health care organizations and communities are experiencing significant changes with the emergence of practices based on patients’ participation and engagement. Called to be partners, many adults, however, are not able to process and use information related to their health because of low literacy. Hence, health professionals and community stakeholders are expected to develop their practices and their skills in order to reach them adequately so that they take an active role for their health. However, little empirical data exist regarding the development of these skills in a work-based environment. Objective : Describe how health care practitioners develop their skills to support the participation of patients with low literacy. Methodology : Thirty semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female workers enrolled in practices oriented towards autonomy and participation of those at risk in terms of literacy : 9 in medicine and pharmacy, 9 in nursing, 9 in related fields (nutrition, psychology, social work ...) and 3 peer support workers. Building on Le Boterf (2009, 2010), a model of competence development articulating the following three dimensions has oriented data analysis : 1) professional practice and performance, that is "what I do / the results"; 2) reflexivity, "what I think and live in my practice"; and 3) resources, "what I use to learn / to act." Data processing, through concept maps, led to a model of workplace’s professional development validated with five of those interviewed and also to a model of good practices. Results : From the data, "good practices" emerged as based on the following four pillars that required to : 1) implement a partnership in health care within a patient’s perspective in terms of his or her disease and spoken/written language; 2) pay attention to indicators of literacy other than education; 3) personalize communication; 4) facilitate access and use of information, including support for Internet. Results show a professional development, mainly self-directed, together with structured and spontaneous learning within the work environment. Knowledge "experts" associated with "good practices" in health literacy seemed held by people within the organization. Patients involved in interprofessional teams appeared to be key resources to develop knowledge in terms of communication with an adult who has his own vocabulary and way of learning. Applications : The proposed professional development model identifies several targets in the workplace to support and promote skills development towards literacy. Exchange and working groups, including those incorporating patients, create spaces conducive to co-construction of necessary knowledge for effective practice in literacy.

Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale

Botha, Jo-Anne 02 1900 (has links)
This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness. This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness. / Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Die navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het. Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed. / Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness. Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i- ix construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)

The workplace training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company in South Africa

Du Plessis, Ferdinand Hermann 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company within SA. Training needs were identified through interviews. Qualitative interviews were conducted with learners from each of the generations. This was a case study and the population was taken from a company within SA. Data was collected through interviews with different generations of adult learners, as well as the field notes of the researcher before, during, and after the interviews. The interviews were transcribed. The data was coded and categories were identified. This was done through inductive and abductive reasoning. From the categories, data were placed into themes. From these themes, findings were made regarding the training needs of different generations. Recommendations were made that can significantly impact the approach companies take towards training different generations of adult learners. Research limitations were described, and recommendations for future study. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

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