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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyexaminerade röntgensjuksköterskors upplevelse av introduktionen på en ny arbetsplats. / New graduate radiographers experience of the introduction at a new workplace.

Osman, Subeda, Abdu, Mona January 2015 (has links)
Ett bra introduktionsprogram är grundläggande för en lång framgångsrik karriär och gör det lättare för den nyexaminerade att lära sig, då övergången från studier till att börja arbeta som en legitimerad röntgensjuksköterska kan vara en stressig period. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka nyexaminerade röntgensjuksköterskors upplevelse av introduktionen på en ny arbetsplats. Data samlades in till denna studie genom att intervjua nio röntgensjuksköterskor som tagit examen sommaren 2014. Dessa röntgensjuksköterskor arbetar på röntgenkliniker i mellan- och södra Sverige. All insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys och det resulterade i tre kategorier: Introduktionsprogrammet, Handledarnas kunskap och egenskaper och Sociala relationers betydelse och påverkan. De nyexaminerade röntgensjuksköterskorna upplevde att introduktionen var tillräcklig och bra. Det fanns vissa delar som var mindre bra, till exempel att de blev räknade som en av den ordinarie personalen medan de hade introduktion. Alla informanter ansåg att det blir bäst ifall de har en specifik handledare i början av introduktionen, då det lätt kan bli förvirrande med flera handledare. / A good introduction program is essential for a long successful career and makes it easier for new graduates to learn. As the transition from studies to beginning working as a licensed radiographer can be a stressful period. The purpose of this study was to investigate the new graduate radiographers experience of the introduction at a new workplace. Data was collected for this study by interviewing nine new graduate radiographers who graduated in the summer of 2014. These radiographers are working on radiology departments in central and southern Sweden. All collected data was analyzed using content analysis and it resulted in three categories: Introduction program, The preceptors knowledge and qualities and Social relationships importance and impact. The new graduate radiographers felt that the introduction was sufficient and good. There were some parts that were less good, for example, they were counted as one of the regular staff while they still had the introduction. All the informants believed that it will be best if they have a specific preceptor in the beginning of the introduction, as it can easily become confusing with several preceptors.

Mötesplatsen : Utformning av en plats för möten, kommunikation och återhämtning på jobbet

Eriksson, Sofia, Renöfält, Kristin January 2016 (has links)
Mötesplatsen är en utforskande designuppsats som behandlar ämnena möten, kommunikation och återhämtning på arbetsplatsen. Vi gör en litterär undersökning där vi tittar på forskning gjord av Rachel och Stephen Kaplan, Gary W. Evans och Janetta Mitchell McCoy med utgångspunkt i frågeställningarna: Hur skapas en plats för vila och återhämtning? Hur skapas en plats för naturliga möten och kommunikation? Hur skapas en samlingspunkt för att lära känna varandra? För att få ytterligare utgångspunkter utför vi även enkätundersökningar och intervjuar tre arkitekter. Baserad på en kreativ process resulterar undersökningen i ett inredningskoncept och en möbel utformad för en planerad mötesplats inför samlokaliseringen av en nybildad koncern. / The meeting place is an investigative design essay which covers the subjects meeting, communication and recovery at the workplace. A literary investigation is made where we study research by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, Gary W. Evans och Janetta Mitchell McCoy based on the questions: How could a restorative space be designed? How could a meeting place and a place for communication be designed? How could a meeting place to get to know each other be designed? To broaden our investigation we are carrying out surveys and interviewing three architects by profession. Based on a creative process the investigation results in an interior design concept together with a furniture designed for a planned meeting place for a recently united concern.

Challenging ageism in employment : an analysis of the implementation of age discrimination legislation in England and Wales

Irving, L. D. January 2012 (has links)
The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations were introduced in England and Wales in 2006, seeking to prohibit age discrimination in employment and vocational training. This thesis assesses whether the legislation adopted is an effective mechanism by which to address age discrimination in the workplace and achieve the dual but contradictory objectives of the European Union Framework Directive on Equal Treatment of achieving equal treatment between age cohorts whilst encouraging the active participation of older citizens in the workplace. The thesis sheds light on this hitherto unregulated suspect ground of discrimination by means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of all employment tribunal judgments which relate to an age discrimination claim over a three and a half year period. This study shows that very few claimants were successful if their claim of age discrimination was considered by a tribunal and there was considerable inconsistency of implementation and interpretation of the legislation by individual tribunals. Employers have quickly developed defences against claims of age discrimination in order to maintain their freedom to contract and the imbalance between the two parties was particularly noticeable with claimant credibility often under scrutiny – a process claimants appeared unprepared for. Regional discrepancies were found in terms of success rates and compensation awards. A gender award gap was found in both overall compensation and injury to feelings awards, with women given smaller awards than men, whilst younger workers were given smaller awards than older workers. Legal representation made a substantial difference to success rates and compensation awards, but the majority of awards were low and many would not have covered legal costs. The low compensation awards do not provide an effective deterrent, as required by the Article 17 of the Directive. The legislation is particularly ineffective for those who claimed they had suffered multiple discrimination. Although an important first step in regulating ageist behaviour, the Regulations and the subsequent Equality Act 2010 will be unlikely to achieve the aims of the Directive as they provide little incentive for claimants to undertake the stressful process of making a claim under the legislation, which relies upon individual fault-finding.

Belysningsnivåer vid receptionsdiskar / Illumination levels at reception desks

Berg, Therese, Siljeskog, Adam January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete undersöker hur belysningen vid receptionsdiskar faktiskt serut och hur personalen som arbetar där upplever den. Syftet med examensarbetetär att identifiera om det finns anledning att förändra de riktlinjer och rekommendationersom ställs på belysning på och omkring receptionsdiskar. På hotellen idag är oftast miljöerna dämpade och varierande då hotellens syfte äratt skapa en upplevelse för gästerna. Det har väckt ett intresse hos oss att undersökareceptionsdisken som är en viktig plats på hotellen. Vi har jämfört ”Ljus ochRums” rekommendationer (SIS, 2011) med faktiskt uppmätta ljusnivåer i fyra receptionsdiskaroch personalens upplevelse av hur det påverkar hur de kan utförasina dagliga arbetsuppgifter. De metoder vi har använt är ljusmätning, jämnhetsberäkning, visuell analys ochenkätundersökning. Ljusmätningarna utfördes på fyra olika hotell i Göteborg.Frågeformuläret vände sig till personalen på hotellen och handlade om deras upplevelseav ljuset på och omkring receptionsdisken. För att få en uppfattning ochövergripande förståelse utfördes en visuell analys på hotellen. Majoritet av personalen anser att belysningen var tillräcklig för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter.Det är tydligt att ljuset uppfattas olika på de fyra receptionsdiskarnaberoende på hur hotellet är utformat och designat. / The purpose of this study is to identify if there is reason to change the requirementsand recommendations for illumination in reception desks areas. This studyexamines how lighting in reception desks areas actually is and how the staff perceivesthe lighting. Hotels today usually have subdued environments that vary according to the typeof experience intended for their guests. Our interest has been to explore the receptiondesks area as an important and separate element within the hotel. We havecompared “Ljus och Rum” recommendations (Swedish Standards Institute [SIS],2011) with actual measured light levels for four reception desks areas and examinedhow the staff perceives how the lighting affects their performance of dailytasks. The methods we have used are light measurement, evenness calculations, visualanalysis and surveys. Lighting measurements were performed at four differenthotels in Gothenburg. The questionnaire was directed to the hotel staff in order toascertain their perception of the lighting in and around the reception’s desks area.In order to get an impression of and gain an overall understanding for the lighting,a visual analysis was done at each hotel. The majority of the staff considers the lighting sufficient to perform their duties.It is clear that the lighting is perceived differently in each of the four hotels, dependingon how each hotel is formed and how the lighting is designed.

Teoriegebaseerde programevaluering in die ontwikkeling en evaluering van `n alkoholmisbruikvoorkomingsprogram vir die werksplek

Steenkamp, Wilhelmina Carolina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The aim of the study was to design an alcohol abuse prevention program for the workplace that was based on a sound program theory. Ultimately the study aimed to indicate an approach to the improvement of social service programs by the incorporation of program theory in the design, implementation and evaluation of social service programs. In the first phase of the study the program theory was developed. Literature studies on the prevention of alcohol abuse and on program evaluation were done. This was followed by a survey in the workplace to determine alcohol consumption and abuse, factors contributing to alcohol consumption, workplace factors contributing to abuse and attitudes towards the responsible consumption of alcohol. The survey was complemented by focus group discussions. Eight hundred and fifteen respondents completed the survey. The most important findings were that 46% of respondents indicated that they drink alcohol, nine percent could be classified as alcohol dependent according to the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (Selzer, 1971) and 24% of men and 15 % of women drank at risky levels. The most important factors contributing to alcohol consumption were social problems, social drinking and dependence. Workplace factors contributing to alcohol consumption were the lack of control, availability of alcohol, social pressure to drink and the quality of work. The program theory was formulated from the results of the literature study, the survey and the focus group discussions. The all-inclusive program theory was that life skills training will lead to a reduction in frustration and therefore a reduction in the abuse of alcohol, within a positive work environment. In the following phase the program was implemented and evaluated. The program consisted of life skills training, supervisor training and the revision of the alcohol policy. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to test the program theory and evaluate the program. The life skills program was tested by means of an experimental design. The experimental groups showed an improvement in psychosocial functioning, but the differences were not statistically significant. The intervention had no significant effect on the consumption of alcohol. Respondents’ knowledge about the moderate drinking of alcohol improved significantly, but attitudes towards moderate drinking were not affected. Supervisor training was done to improve relationships at work and to lower frustration. Supervisors improved their knowledge of managing a troubled employee significantly and felt more comfortable in managing troubled employees after the training. The substance abuse policy of the workplace was revised successfully. The study contributes significantly to the methodological improvement of substance abuse prevention programs in the workplace and illustrates the importance of program theory in the design and evaluation of social programs. The study also illustrates how a process of formative evaluation can be used to improve social programs. More specifically the value of a systematic process of program development and program evaluation has been demonstrated, including that an in depth problem analysis has been done, an intensive and collaborative process of theory development has been undertaken and a rigorist evaluation design (with quantitative and qualitative components) has been applied.

The impact of methamphetamine (tik) use on the workplace

Hagen, Gawie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There has been a dramatic increase in the use of the drug methamphetamine, also known locally as tik, in the Western Cape, specifically in Cape Town. This trend impacts the availability and the quality of labour as well as the productivity of current employees. The presence of tik abuse in the workplace represents both legal and ethical challenges to employers. The Labour Relations Act of 1995 states that employers must ensure a safe working environment for their employees. The actions of tik users tend to increase the risk of injuries at work and the occurrences of workrelated accidents that may harm others. Social responsibility requires employers to operate their business in an honourable manner, to provide good working conditions and to work actively to better the quality of life of the local communities where it operates. This responsibility translates into helping the tik users that they employ. The current relationship between employer and employee regarding tik is marred by conflict and misunderstanding. Employers seem unsure what to do and are unaware of how far-reaching tik abuse is. Tik abuse causes many problems for employees and also for their family and friends. By gathering information in a structured way the study aims to improve the understanding of employers so that they can help and prevent tik-related problems in the future. The study utilized descriptive qualitative research in the form of a questionnaire given to recovering tik users at two treatment centres in Cape Town, SANCA and De Novo. The research ran for about a month and gathered 82 usable questionnaires. Results, along with a literature study, were used to create a framework to guide employers on identifying tik users and on how to deal with them. The framework, the Tik Identification and Intervention Protocol (TIIP), contains criteria to help identify employees that may be using tik. The study showed that many international trends are evident in Cape Town. Approximately 40% of participants indicated that they were absent from work more often than prescribed by labour legislation; 70% of participants experienced that tik affected their ability to perform their duties; 32% of participants admitted that they stole to obtain funding for their drug habit. Some new findings became evident, such as the impact of the family on the participant's decision to go for treatment. The Western Cape's treatment centres are severely hampered by a lack of resources and are incapable at present of dealing with the current flood of patients. While plans are in place to rectify this, it is clear that in the short term at least, employers will have to take up more of the slack. The recovery process for a drug addict takes a long time; experts suggest it may take up to two years. Therefore employers need to be involved and create support programs at work to assist employees in their recovery. Employees can be cured from their dependency on tik, so that they can become healthy and contribute to the community and to their employer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n dramatiese toename in die voorkoms en gebruik van metaphetamien (plaaslik bekend as tik) in die Wes-Kaap, spesifiek in Kaapstad. Die tendens het 'n impak op die verskaffing en die kwaliteit van beskikbare arbeid, sowel as die produktiwiteit van huidige werknemers. Die voorkoms en gebruik van tik in die werksplek het beide wetlike en etiese uitdagings vir werkgewers. Die Arbeidswet van 1995 verklaar dat die werkgewer daarvoor verantwoordelik is om te verseker dat hul werksplek veilig is vir hul werknemers. Tik gebruikers verhoog die risiko en die voorkoms van werksbeserings en werksongelukke wat ander werknemers ook mag beinvloed. Sosiale verantwoordelikheid vereis van werkgewers om hul besighede op 'n eerbare wyse te bestuur, om goeie werksomstandighede te verseker en 'n aktiewe bedrae te lewer in die plaaslike gemeenskap waar hulle hul ook mag bevind. Die verantwoordelikheid sluit tik gebruikers in. Die huidige verhouding tussen werkgewers en werknemers in verband met die misbruik van tik word gekenmerk deur konflik. Werkgewers blyk onseker te wees ten opsigte van wat hul te doen staan en hoe verreikend die impak van die misbruik van tik mag wees. Die misbruik van tik veroorsaak 'n menigte probleme vir werknemers, sowel as vir hul vriende en families. Hierdie studie poog am deur 'n gestruktureerde wyse informasie te versamel met die doel om die begrip van werkgewers te verbeter, sodat hul tik gebruikers kan help en tik-verwante probleme in die toekoms kan voorkom. Die studie is beskrywend kwalitatief van aard en gebruik 'n vraelys om informasie te versamel by twee behandelingsentrums in Kaapstad, SANCA en De Novo. Die navorsing het vir omtrent 'n maand geduur waarna 82 bruikbare vraelyste ingewin is. Die resultate, sowel as die literatuurstudie wat gedoen is, is gebruik om 'n raamwerk op te stel wat werkgewers kan help om tik gebruikers te identifiseer, sowel as hoe om hulle te ondersteun. Die eerste gedeelte van die raamwerk, die Tik Identifikasie en Ingrypings Protokol (TIIP), bestaan uit kriteria wat gebruik kan word om werknemers te identifiseer wat tik gebruik. Hierdie studie het gewys dat verskeie internasionale tendense sigbaar is in Kaapstad. Ongeveer 40% van die deelnemers het aangewys dat hulle meer as die wetlike hoeveelheid dae afwesig was van die werk, 70% van die deelnemers het erken dat tik hulle vermoe am hul werk behoorlik te kan doen beinvloed het en 32% van die deelnemers het erken dat hulle gesteel het om geld te verkry am tik te koop. Die studie het daarop gedui dat die familie 'n integrale rol gespeel het in die deelnemers se besluit om vir behandeling te gaan. Dit blyk dat die Wes-Kaapse behandelings-hulpbronne ver te kort skiet om die saak te hanteer. Daar is tans planne in plek am die probleem die hoof te bied, maar dit is duidelik dat in die korttermyn, werkgewers 'n groter rol sal moet speel. Die herstelproses is van lange duur, en kenners meen dat dit tot twee jaar mag neem voor tik gebruikers volkome herstel het. Die werkemers het ondersteuning nodig gedurende hierdie moeilike proses. Die studie het bevind dat werknemers herstel en gesond kan word om weer 'n bydrae te kan lewer vir beide die werkgewer en die bree samelewing.

Successful project teams

Giesler, Achmed 12 1900 (has links)
Mini-research report presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration at the University of Stellenbosch. / Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report is a literature study that focuses on the characteristics of successful project teams in the research and development environment. Successful project teams are becoming an increasingly important factor in business. However, traditional quantitative project management tools no longer give project teams a competitive edge - additional qualitative tools are required, following a systems approach. A number of characteristics of project teams, with the focus on the qualitative issues, particularly the people issues, are investigated. A project team operates in the context of its environment, mostly an organisation with a structure and an organisational culture. Methods and concepts in selecting and managing a dynamic project team within a turbulent and fast changing environment are discussed. The topics covered are: environmental fit, visions and goals, leadership and team roles, systems and procedures, values, organisational culture, rewards and recognition methods,and training and development. This literature study aims to encourage a paradigm shift away form the traditional triangle of budget, brief and time towards a stronger focus on people issues as people are the most important assets of a project team. As people do not behave in a linear way, as required for quantitative tools, new methods and tools are required. The hypothesis that was subsequently formulated from this study states that research and development teams can be more successful if they are regarded as a non-linear system consisting of various inputs, processes and outputs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag is 'n literatuurstudie wat fokus op die eienskappe van suksesvolle projekspanne in 'n navorsings en ontwikkelings omgewing. Suksesvolle projekspanne raak al hoe belangriker in besigheid. Tradisionele kwantitatiewe metodes is nie meer voldoende vir projekspanne om 'n kompeterende voordeel te bekom nie en moet hierdie metodes aangevul word met kwalitatiewe metodes gebaseer op 'n stelselbenadering. Verskeie karakteristieke van projekspanne, met die fokus op kwalitatiewe eienskappe, in besonder die menslike aspekte word ondersoek. 'n Projekspan funksioneer in die konteks van sy omgewing, meestal 'n organisasie met 'n struktuur en organisatoriese kultuur. Metodes en konsepte in die seleksie en bestuur van 'n dinamiese projekspan in 'n tubulente en vinnig veranderende omgewing word bespreek. Die temas wat gedek word is: omgewingsaanpassing,visie en doelwitte, leierskap en spanrolle, stelsels en prosedures, waardes, organisatoriese kultuur, vergoedings en erkennings metodes, en opleiding en ontwikkeling. Hierdie literatuurstudie mik om 'n paradigma skuif aan te moedig, weg van die tradisionele driehoek van begroting, doelwit en tyd, na 'n sterker fokus op menslikesake aangesien mense die belangrikste bates van 'n projekspan is. Aangesien mense nie op 'n liniere manier reageer soos wat nodig is vir kwantitatiewe metodes nie, word nuwe metodes en gereedskap benodig. Die hipotese wat geformuleer is uit hierdie navorsing, se dat navorsings en ontwikkelingspanne meer suksesvol kan wees indien hulle gesien word as 'n nie-liniere stelsel wat bestaan uit verskeie insette, prosesse en uitsette.

The impact of leadership style on team performance and cohesiveness within a technical environment

Joseph, Andy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study investigates the impact of different leadership styles on group performance and group cohesiveness within a highly technical environment. A secondary study is conducted to assess the relationship between group performance and group cohesiveness. The literature provides information on the three main topics, namely leadership, performance and cohesiveness. The statistical information was gathered using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, the Teamness Index Questionnaire and the 2008 performance ratings of the technical company. A sample of 16 leaders and 173 raters were used to complete the questionnaires. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to determine the transformational and transactional leadership dimensions of each leader, while the Teamness Index was used to assess the group cohesiveness. The group performance ratings were obtained from the managers of the respective groups. All the data was statistically analysed to determine the relationships between the dependent variables (performance and cohesiveness) and the independent variables (transformational leadership, transactional leadership and cohesiveness). The research revealed that there is a positive correlation between performance and the leadership styles, as well as between group cohesiveness and the leadership styles. The strongest positive correlation was found between performance and group cohesiveness. Although these positive correlations were present, the research found a single significant positive linear relationship through regression analysis between cohesiveness and the transformational leadership style. No other significant relationships could be established through hypotheses testing. This research adds a new dimension to group performance, leadership and group cohesiveness. This research is significant in that no similar research exists within the South African context and it thus adds to the body of leadership knowledge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die impak van verskillende leierskapstyle op groepprestasie en groepsamehang in 'n hoogs tegniese omgewing. 'n Sekondere ondersoek is gedoen om die verhouding tussen groepprestasie en groepsamehang te bepaal. Die literatuurstudie werp lig op die drie hoofonderwerpe, naamlik leierskap, prestasie en samehang. Die statistiese inligting is ingesamel deur die gebruik van die "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire", "Teamness Index Questionnaire" en die 2008-prestasiebeoordelings van die tegniese maatskappy. 'n Steekproef van 16 leiers en 173 beoordelaars is gebruik om die vraelys te beantwoord. Die "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire" is gebruik om vas te stel wat die transformasionele en transaksionele leierskapsdimensies van elke leier is, terwyl die "Teamness Index" die groepsamehang bepaal het. Die groepprestasiebeoordelings is van die bestuurders van die onderskeie groepe verkry. Al die data is op 'n statistiese wyse geanaliseer om die verhoudings tussen die afhanklike veranderlikes (prestasie en samehang) en die onafhanklike veranderlikes (transformasionele leierskap, transaksionele leierskap en samehang) te bepaal. Hierdie studie het bevind dat daar 'n positiewe korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasie en leierskapstyle, en ook tussen groepsamehang en leierskapstyle. Die sterkste positiewe korrelasie is tussen prestasie en groepsamehang bespeur. Selfs al is hierdie positiewe korrelasies geidentifiseer, kon slegs 'n enkele betekenisvolle positiewe liniêre verhouding vasgestel word tussen groep samehang en transformasionele leierskapstyl. Geen ander betekenisvolle verhoudings kon deur die toetsing van die hipotese vasgestel word nie. Die ondersoek voeg 'n nuwe dimensie tot groepprestasie, leierskap en groepsamehang. Die studie is betekenisvol omdat daar geen ander soortgelyke studie in 'n Suid Afrikaanse raamwerk bestaan nie, en dus dra dit by tot die leierskapskennisgebied.

Determining and overcoming the behavioural impediments to effective project team collaboration

Koen, Nolan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Research has shown that a large percentage of projects do not deliver expected outcomes on schedule and within budget. Further many projects are cancelled before completion. One of the reasons provided is that project managers usually only focus on three technical elements of a project; namely performance, cost and time. Literature on this matter indicates that project managers tend to neglect an important aspect of the process namely the people dynamics. The manner in which people are treated becomes a critical success factor in the successful execution of projects. Further reasons for project failure include bad team selections, poor communication and poor leadership. These hindrances need to be addressed in order for the project to be a successful. Guidelines to address these issues are available; however, research suggests that it is not commonly implemented. The aim of this research is to investigate project teams in practice. Questionnaires were sent to project managers enquiring whether the suggested guidelines are applied and whether any other behavioural problems, which are not identified in the literature, exist. After compiling and analyzing the data from the returned questionnaires, solutions were investigated to address these problems. Finally, feedback and recommendations were provided to the respective project managers. 56 Pages.

Determining the key components of a diversity management model : a qualitative case study approach

Engelbrecht, Carel 03 1900 (has links)
Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Graduate School of Business. / Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate diversity management practices as discussed in the literature and practiced in a South African manufacturing organisation, with the aim to determine key components of a diversity management model. Furthermore, the study aims to discuss diversity and the related concepts to create a clear understanding. The study reviews the rationale in creating and managing a diverse workforce and explores the benefits for the organisation. The study provides a synopsis of components of diversity management initiatives and diversity models from the literature with the view to include components in the proposed diversity management model. A qualitative methodological research design was selected with a single case study at Coca-Cola Canners. The case study examines in detail the diversity management practices at Coca-Cola Canners, which has applied diversity concepts. Through interviews with managers and employees data was collected and contrasted with theoretical premises on diversity management. The study found that although participants had a reasonable knowledge of diversity, misunderstandings still exist on the dimensions of diversity to be included and the relation of diversity with concepts such as affirmative action and equity legislation. Clarification on these concepts is essential before debating diversity management initiatives. Furthermore a real commitment from leadership to agree that valuing diversity can be leveraged to benefit both the organisation and the individual is required. The organisation needs to identify the transition to the ideal situation of a multicultural organisation, where differences are valued. Full integration exists structurally and informally. The key components identified in the study are integrated into a conceptual model that supports the desired outcomes. The study recommends that diversity management transcend above equity and affirmative action and requires a culture change that values differences and include all employees in the organisation. This process requires an integrated and ongoing strategy. Critical components include determine the status of the organisation, train ing and awareness workshops, re- establish internal systems and procedures, evaluation, communication and change management practices. Internal systems such as performance management, training, development planning and succession planning are critical to motivate and support employees. Specific focus on training diverse teams and team leaders on how to work together is essential / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om diversiteitsbestuur praktyke te ondersoek, 5005 bespreek in die literatuur en toegepas in 'n Suid Afrikaanse vervaardigingsorganisasie en om deur die proses sleutelkomponente van 'n diversiteitsbestuursmodel te identifiseer. Verder beoog die studie om diversiteit en verwante konsepte te bespreek, om sodoende die konsepte beter te verstaan. Die studie bespreek die motivering om 'n diverse werkersmag te skep en te bestuur. Die vaordele vir die organisasie, met'n diverse werkersmag word bespreek. Die studie bespreek die komponente van diversiteitsbestuurs inisiatiewe en madelle uit die literatuur met die doel om dit te inkorporeer in 'n voorgestelde diversiteitsbestuursmodel. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodiek is gevolg met'n enkeJe gevallestudie by Coca-Cola Canners. Die gevaliestudie ondersoek die diversiteitsbestuurspraktyke wat gevolg word in die organisasie. Onderhoude was gebruik om inligting te versamel en inligting is vergelyk met die teorie verkry vanaf die literatuuroorsig. Die studie het gevind dat, alhoewel deelnemers 'n redelike kennis het van diversiteit, misverstande nog steeds bestaan oor die dimensies van diversiteit, wat ingesluit moet word asook ten opsigte van die verwantskap met regstellende aksie en gelyke indiensneming. Ooreenstemming ten opsigte van die konsepte is belangrik voordat die debat oor bestuur van diversiteit voortgesit kan word. Verder word die ondersteuning en leierskap van bestuur benodig am waarde in diversiteit te sien, en om sodoende v~ordele vir die organisasie en individue te bewerksteHig. Die idea Ie situasie sal wees om die onderneming te verander na 'n multikulturele organisasie deur 'n transformasieproses. Integrasie word bewerkstellig in die formele en informele strukture, sonder voorkeure aan sekere groepe. Die sleutel - komponente geYdentifiseer, word ingesluit in 'n model wat die verwagte voordele nastreef. Die aanbevelings sluit in dat die bestuur van diversiteit, veel meer behels as regstellende aksie, gelyke indiensneming en dat die bestuur van diversiteit 'n organisasie-kultuuraanpassing verg deurdat waarde geheg word aan verskille en dat almal in die organisasie ingesluit word. Hierdie proses benodig 'n geO(ntegreerde en aaneenlopende strategie. Kritiese komponente sluit in die volgende: bepaal die status van die organisasie, opleiding en bewusmaking, hersien sisteme en prosedures, evaluasie, kommunikasie en die bestuur van verandering. Interne sisteme soos prestasiebestuur, opleid ing, ontwikkeling en opvolgbestuur is belangrik om werknemers te motiveer en te ondersteun. Spesiale fokus word benodig om spa nne met diverse lede te bestuur. Opleiding moet gereel word vir die spanlede en spanleiers.

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