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Reading All American Boys (2015) in the Swedish Upper Secondary School English 6 ClassroomAlanentalo, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Young adult literature is enjoyed by both adolescents and adults. This genre of literature is often contemporary and tends to deal with real life issues, for example cultural and social aspects of young people’s lives. Such social issues can be, for example discrimination and racism, topics highly relevant to discuss in the Swedish upper secondary English classroom. This essay performs a didactic literary analysis of All American Boys, a young adult novel dealing with racism and police brutality in the USA. The primary focus in this essay is arguing for how literature, specifically, All American Boys, can be used to promote students’ critical thinking and intercultural awareness in the Swedish upper secondary school English classroom. The literary analysis of All American Boys found that the novel’s dual narrative offers a powerful and complex insight to social issues, making it suitable a suitable material to use in the Swedish upper secondary English classroom. The dual narrative in the novel can help students develop, not only reading comprehension in English, but also intercultural competence, as well as an opportunity to practice their critical thinking skills, specifically through working with comprehension constructors.
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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: World Building in YA LiteratureWebb, Claire 01 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
World building is a key component to many young adult novels, but what is world building and what are some different styles and techniques that authors use when constructing fictional universes? In this thesis, Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: World Building Techniques in YA Literature, I will examine Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865), The Princess Bride by William Goldman (1973), and my own unpublished novel, The Sun Kingdom, to compare different techniques and styles of world building. These works will be explored through the aspect of world building, focusing specifically on the importance of the geography, language, and traditions and culture that were created for their respective worlds, how these elements were created, and what effect this has on the story.
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Developing a framework for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer StudiesDu Toit, Adri 06 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship education can contribute beneficially to learners’ schooling and should be structured and implemented (within programmes or curricula) to facilitate these benefits. In the South African secondary school curriculum, only Consumer Studies includes significant entrepreneurship education. Despite this potential of Consumer Studies, entrepreneurship education benefits do not always reach learners, due to underprepared teachers and the ineffective implementation of the curriculum. The study aimed to explore how and to what extent entrepreneurship education is embedded in the
intended and enacted curriculum for Consumer Studies, with the purpose of proposing a framework to provide guidance to teachers for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies. A multi-phase sequential exploratory and descriptive mixed-methods research design, rooted in constructivism, was used. Document analysis, an online survey and focus group interviews were used for data collection. Initially, entrepreneurship education in the overall South African secondary school curriculum was explored. Subsequently, entrepreneurship education in the Consumer Studies curriculum was focused on,
investigating (a) the potential value it contributes to the subject, (b) the extent to which the curriculum is structured to support trepreneurship education, and (c) how teachers implement it in practice. Phase 3 identified best practice for entrepreneurship education internationally, which was compared to the findings from the previous two phases. Based on the previous findings, a framework for the effective structuring and implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies, was ultimately proposed. It was apparent from the findings that entrepreneurship education only appears infrequently,
unstructured and in isolated subjects in South Africa. Furthermore, even though Consumer Studies has great potential to contribute value to learners’ lives and is well structured to support constructivist entrepreneurship education, it transpired that this potential does not always reach learners, owing to the ineffective structuring and
implementation of the curriculum. This study revealed the dearth of well-structured entrepreneurship education as part of the South African secondary school curriculum, with the exception of Consumer Studies. We anticipate that the framework will enhance teachers’ implementation of entrepreneurship education in Consumer Studies, which should augment the benefits thereof for learners. / Summary in English, Xhosa and Zulu / Thuto ya bogwebi e ka tshwaela ka tsela e e mosola mo go ithuteng ga morutwana mme e tshwanetse go rulaganngwa le go diragadiwa (mo mananeong gongwe kharikhulamo) go gokaganya dipoelo tseno. Mo kharikhulamong ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa, ke fela Dithuto tsa Badirisi tse di akaretsang thuto e e botlhokwa ya bogwebi. Le fa go ntse go na le bokgoni jono mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi, dipoelo tsa thuto ya bogwebi ga di fitlhelele barutwana ka gale ka ntlha ya barutabana ba ba sa ipaakanyang mo go lekaneng le tiragatso e e seng mosola ya kharikhulamo. Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso e ne e le go sekaseka gore thuto ya bogwebi e tseneletse go le kana kang le gone jang mo kharikhulamong e e lebeletsweng le e e fetisitsweng ya Dithuto tsa Badirisi, ka maikaelelo a go tshitshinya letlhomeso la go tlamela barutabana ka kaedi ya go rulaganya le go diragatsa thuto ya bogwebi mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi ka tsela e e mosola. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso wa magatomantsi le o o kopaneng mme o theilwe mo go lebeleleng maitemogelo. Go dirisitswe tshekatsheko ya dikwalo,
tshekatsheko ya mo inthaneteng mmogo le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di rileng go kokoanya data. Kwa tshimologong go ne ga sekasekiwa thuto ya bogwebi mo kharikhulamong ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa ka kakaretso. Morago ga moo, go ne ga lebelelwa thuto ya bogwebi mo kharikhulamong ya Dithuto tsa Badirisi, go sekasekiwa (a) boleng jwa bokgoni jo e bo tshwaelang mo serutweng, (b) gore kharikhulamo e rulagantswe go tshegetsa thuto ya bogwebi go fitlha fa kae, le (c) ka moo barutabana ba e diragatsang ka gona. Legato la 3 le supile ditiragatso tse di gaisang tsa thuto ya bogwebi boditšhabatšhaba, tse di neng tsa bapisiwa le diphitlhelelo go tswa kwa magatong a mabedi a a fetileng. Go ikaegilwe ka phitlhelelo tse di fetileng, go ne ga felelediwa go tshitshintswe letlhomeso la go rulaganya le go diragatsa thuto ya bogwebi ka bokgoni mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi. Go ne go bonala go tswa mo diphitlhelelong gore thuto ya bogwebi e tlhagelela fale le fale, e sa rulagana mme gape e le mo dirutweng tsele le tsele mo Aforikaborwa. Mo godimo ga moo, le fa Dithuto tsa Badirisi di na le bokgoni jo bogolo jwa go oketsa boleng mo matshelong a barutwana mme di rulagane sentle go ka tshegetsa thuto ya bogwebi e e ikaegang ka maitemogelo, go tlhageletse gore ga se gantsi bokgoni jono bo fitlhelelang barutwana, ka ntlha ya thulaganyo le
tiragatso e e seng mosola ya kharikhulamo. Thutopatlisiso eno e senotse tlhaelo ya thuto ya bogwebi e e rulaganeng sentle jaaka karolo ya kharikhulamo ya dikolo tsa sekontari tsa Aforikaborwa, kwa ntle fela ga Dithuto tsa Badirisi. Re solofela gore letlhomeso le tlaa tokafatsa tiragatso ya barutabana ya thuto ya bogwebi mo Dithutong tsa Badirisi, tse di tshwanetseng go oketsa mesola mo barutwaneng. / Imfundo yezamabhizinisi (intrepreneurship education) ingalekelela kakhulu impela, ihlomulise umfundi emfundweni yakhe, futhi kumele ihleleke futhi iqaliswe (ngaphakathi ezinhlelweni zokufunda noma amakharikhulamu) ngendlela ezohlinzeka umfundi ngale mihlomulo. Kwikharikhulamu yezikole zamabanga aphezulu (amasekhondari)
zaseNingizimu Afrika, yisiFundo Sezabathengi (Consumer Studies) kuphela esiqukethe ingxenye enkundlwana impela yemfundo yezamabhizinisi. Nakuba isiFundo Sezabathengi sihlinzeka ngalolu sizo, imfundo yezamabhizinisi ayivamisile ukufinyelela kubafundi, ngenxa yothisha abangavuthiwe kahle noma abangazilungiselele
ngokwanele, kanye nokuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa kwekharikhulamu ngendlela engagculisi neze futhi engakhiqizi izithelo ezinhle. Lolu cwaningo kuhloswe ngalo ukuhlola nokuhlaziya ukuthi imfundo yezamabhizinisi ifakwe kanjani futhi kangakanani kwikharikhulamu ehlosiwe futhi esiphasisiwe yesiFundo Sezabathengi, ngenhloso
yokwenza isiphakamiso sohlaka oluzolekelela futhi lube ngumhlahlandlela wothisha ekuhleleni kahle nokuqhuba imfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni Sezabathengi. Kulolu cwaningo kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo ehlolayo ezigaba-ziningi
ezilandelanayo kanye nedizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa izindlela ezixubile ezichazayo, ezigxile ku-constructivism. Ukuhlaziywa kwemibhalo, ucwaningokuhlola (isaveyi) lweinthanethi kanye nezimposamibuzo (interviews) ezigxile emaqenjini athile,
kwasetshenziselwa ukuqoqa idatha. Ekuqaleni, kwahlolwa futhi kwahlaziywa imfundo yezamabhizinisi kwikharikhulamu yonkana yezikole zamabanga aphezulu zaseNingizimu Afrika. Emva kwalokho, kwagxilwa kwimfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni
Sezabathengi, kuphenywa (a) ubugugu nokubaluleka kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi kulesi sifundo, (b) izinga lokuhleleka kwekharikhulamu ukuze ikwazi ukweseka imfundo yezamabhizinisi, kanye (c) nokuthi othisha bangayiqalisa futhi bayiqhube kanjani ngokoqobo futhi ngendlela ephathekayo imfundo yezamabhizinisi. Isigaba 3 sahlonza
inkambiso yemfundo yezamabhizinizi ephuma phambili emhlabeni wonke jikelele, eyaqhathaniswa nalokho okwatholwa ezigabeni ezimbili ezedlule. Ngokususela kulokho okwatholwa ezigabeni ezedlule, kwahlongozwa uhlaka lokuhlelwa nokuqaliswa kahle kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi esiFundweni Sezabathengi. Uma kubhekwa izinto
ezatholakala ocwaningweni, kwabonakala ngokucacile ukuthi imfundo yezamabhizinisi yayithe gqwa gqwa laphaya nalaphaya, futhi itholakala ngendlela engahlelekile, ezifundweni ezithile, ezimbalwa eNingizimu Afrika. Ngaphezu kwalokho, nakuba isiFundo Sezabathengi singaba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu ezimpilweni zabafundi futhi sikulungele noma sihleleke kahle ukuze sikwazi ukweseka i-constructivist
entrepreneurship education, kwahlaluka ukuthi lo mthelela omuhle awuvamisile nezeukufinyelela kubafundi, ngenxa yokungahlelwa kahle kanye nokungaqaliswa ngendlela efanele kwekharikhulamu. Lolu cwaningo lwabonisa ukuntuleka kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi ehleleke kahle, njengengxenye yekharikhulamu yezikole zamabanga aphezulu zaseNingizimu Afrika, ngaphandle kwesiFundo Sezabathengi. Sibheke ukuthi lolu hlaka lwenze ngcono ukuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa kwemfundo yezamabhizinisi ngaphansi kwesiFundo Sezabathengi, futhi lokho kuyokhulisa imihlomulo yemfundo yezamabhizinisi kubafundi. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Development)
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Obraz historie domu Zhou v Knize písní - mezi dějepisectvím, rituálem a literaturou / The Image of History of the House of Zhou in the Shijing - between Historiography, Ritual, and LiteratureŠkrabal, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Since the most ancient of the Shijing songs were accompanying the rites of the ancestral sacrifice, which already by definition represented communication with the past, the notion of history is present in these hymns as well. In the latter half of the Western Zhou period, significant changes occurred in the ritual practice. These changes are evident in the shift of perspective in several Zhou song hymns, too. At the same time, the banquet odes appear for the first time on Zhou court. These odes already explicitly describe the glorious history of the house of Zhou, and so become the means of legitimacy of the weakening royal clan. History here also represents the pattern of the exemplary rule and the source of premonitory precedents. By the end of the Western Zhou dynasty, the notion of remote past becomes fully idealized.
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Management of performance appraisal at institutions of Higher Learning : a case of the University of South AfricaMatjila, Maskhosana La-Portia 01 1900 (has links)
The research examines the management of performance appraisal at institutions of higher learning: a case of the University of South Africa (Unisa). Focus is placed on the Unisa, specifically the two administrative departments, DSAR and PGAD in the centre of providing a service to the most important client, the student.
The Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS) Policy is a tailor-made system that provides a systematic process for managing the cycle of events associated with ensuring that individual employees achieve their agreed performance outcomes and the university reaches its strategic goals. To enhance and contribute to the effective management of performance, at Unisa, it is necessary to research the performance appraisal system, a process in place to measure the performance of employees, using a performance rating or score to indicate the level of performance. Performance measurement is utilised by organisations to identify the strengths and developmental areas of employee and relations between the employee and the manager a need to facilitate successful operations. Provide feedback to the employees and management respectively, show flaws identified, suggested improvements to the system. To ensure achievement of performance targets and meet the set objectives of the institution, to the benefit of all stakeholders, i.e. the employer, employee and student alike. / Patlisiso e lekola botsamaisi jwa tshekatsheko ya tiragatso kwa ditheong tsa thuto e kgolwane: kgetsi ya Yunibesithi ya Aforikaborwa (Unisa). E totile mafapha a le mabedi a tsamaiso, DSAR le PGAD, a iphitlhelang a le mo bogareng jwa go tlamela tirelo go modirelwa yo o botlhokwa go gaisa, moithuti.
Pholisi ya IPMS ke thulaganyo e e diretsweng lebaka le le rileng e e tlamelang ka tirego e e rulaganeng ya go tsamaisa sediko sa ditiragalo tse di amanang le go netefatsa gore badiri ba ba farologaneng ba fitlhelela dipoelo tse go dumelanweng ka tsona tsa tiragatso ya bona, mme yunibesithi e fitlhelela maikaelelo a yona a togamaano. Ka jalo, go tokafatsa le go tshwaela mo bokgoning jwa Unisa, go ne go le botlhokwa go batlisisa thulaganyo ya yona ya tshekatsheko ya tiragatso, gonne go tlhokega thulaganyo e e fetotsweng ya tshekatsheko ya tiragatso go tsweletsa tiragatso e e nonofileng le botsamaisi jo bo bokgoni. Tekanyetso ya tiragatso e dirisiwa ke ditheo jaaka sediriswa se ka sona go ka sekasekwang dikarolo tsa maatla le tse di tlhokang kgodiso tsa badiri, mme go maatlafadiwe kamano magareng ga modiri le motsamaisi.
Dipholo tsa patlisiso eno di tlaa dirisediwa go tlamela badiri le botsamaisi ka pego le go bontsha moo go tlhokegang tokafatso ya thulaganyo e e dirisiwang mo tirong le mabaka a seo. Maikemisetso magolo a tshekatsheko ya tiragatso ke go netefatsa gore go fitlhelelwa diphitlhelelo tse di beilweng tsa tiragatso le maitlhomo a setheo, go ungwela baamegi, e leng, mothapi, modiri le baithuti ka go tshwana. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)
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A decision-making framework to facilitate cost savings and mitigate environmental impacts in the coal mining industryMbedzi, Mashudu David 10 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Emalahleni, situated in Mpumalanga Province in South Africa, has been exposed to over a hundred years of continuous mining of coal. Evident challenges include the sterilisation of land due to underground fires, polluted water, surface collapse and acidification of topsoil (McCarthy & Pretorius, 2009:65; Schneider, 2016:1). The researcher reviewed existing literature to determine existing frameworks thereby identifying gaps. Consequently, the researcher found no published decision-making framework that may assist coal mining companies in South Africa to preserve the environment and its natural resources. Research objectives and research questions as well as a preliminary framework were developed. A qualitative research design was adopted in which personal interviews were employed to gather primary data from coal mining companies in South Africa whilst a focus group was utilised to validate the framework. Personal interviews established that majority of participants were not familiar with EMA and that EMA tools such as ISO, LCC and the green strategy would add value to the coal mining industry. Furthermore, there was no consistency in the application and adherence to environmental regulations. Participants also indicated that current processes employed by the coal mining industry were not effective in saving the environment. In validating the framework, the focus group established that tools (methodologies) will serve the purpose as indicated in the framework and that the framework was relevant to the coal mining industry. There was a general consensus that regulatory aspects can go a long way in controlling adverse effects on the environment, so long as these would be applied to all industries, and not only the coal mining industry. Input from the focus group assisted in enhancing the framework by testing the associations and links. Key recommendations indicated that coal mining companies should incorporate environmental accountability in their corporate decisions; education and training should be conducted in all coal mining companies in order for these companies to know the type of information that they need to utilise in identifying waste. Future research could include a similar study of statistical nature that will test the decision-making framework developed in this study. Going to the coal mining companies to exercise the framework on a real-life setting. / Emalahleni, hu wanala kha Vundu ḽa Mpumalanga Afrika Tshipembe, ho ṱanea lwa miṅwaha i fhiraho ḓana nga migodi ya malasha ine ya khou bvela phanḓa. Khaedu dze dza vhonala dzi katela, nyiledzo ya mavu zwo vhangwa nga mililo ine ya thoma fhasi migodini, maḓi o tshikafhadzwaho, u wa ha nyalo na esidi kha mavu a nṱha. (McCarthy & Pretorius, 2009:65; Schneider, 2016:1). 65; Muṱoḓisisi vho sedzulusa hafhu maṅwalwa ane a vha hone u topola furemiweke dzi re hone, nga u topola zwikhala. Muṱoḓisisi a vho ngo wana furemiweke yo ganḓiswaho ya tsheo yo dzhiwaho ganḓiswaho ine ya nga thusa khamphani dza migodi ya malasha Afrika Tshipembe u vhulunga vhupo na zwiko zwadzo zwa mupo. Zwipikwa zwa ṱhoḓisiso na mbudziso dza ṱhoḓisiso na furemiweke thangeli zwo bveledziswa. Ho shumiswa ngona ya kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso kwa khwaḽithethivi he ha shumiswa inthaviwu dza vhuṋe u kuvhanganya data kha vhathu u bva kha khamphani dza migodini ya malasha Afrika Tshipembe ngeno tshigwada tsho sedzwaho khatsho tsho shumisiwa u khwaṱhisedza furemiweke.
Inthaviwu dza vhuṋe dzo sumbedzisa uri vhunzhi ha vhadzheneleli vho vha vha sa ḓivhi zwishumiswa zwa EMA na zwa EMA zwi nga ho sa ISO, LCCP na muṱalukanyo une wa dzhiela nṱha mveledziso ya matshilisano na mveledzwa dza vhupo zwi ḓo engedza ndeme ya nḓowetshumo ya migodi. Zwi tshi ya phanḓa, a hu na u tevhekana ha zwithu kha kushumisele na u tevhedza ndaulo dza vhupo. Vhadzheneleli vho dovha vha sumbedzisa uri maitele a zwino o shumiswaho nga nḓowetshumo ya migodi ya malasha o vha i si khou u shuma kha u vhulunga vhupo. Kha u khwaṱhisedza furemiweke, tshigwada tsho sedzwaho khatsho tsho bveledza uri zwishumiswa (ngona) dzi ḓo thusa kha ndivho sa zwo sumbedzwaho kha furemiweke na uri furemiweke yo tea kha nḓowetshumo ya mugodi wa malasha.
Hu na thendelano nyangaredzi uri zwiteṅwa zwa ndaulo zwi nga ya kule u langula masiandaitwa kha vhupo, tenda hezwi zwa shumiswa kha nḓowetshumo dzoṱhe, hu si fhedzi kha nḓowetshumo ya migodi ya malasha. Muhumbulo u bva kha tshigwada tsho sedzwaho khatsho wo thusa kha u khwinisa furemiweke nga u linga vhuṱumani na vhushaka. Themendelo khulwane dzo sumbedzisa uri khamphani dza migodi ya malasha dzi fanela u dzhenisa vhuḓifhinduleli ha vhupo kha tsheo dzayo dza bindu; hu fanela u farwa vhugudisi na pfunzo kha khamphani dzoṱhe dza migodi ya malasha uri khamphani idzi dzi ḓivhe lushaka lwa mafhungo ane vha tea u a shumisa kha u topola malaṱwa. Ṱhoḓisiso dza tshifhingani tshiḓaho dzi nga katela ngudo i fanaho ya nḓila ya zwitatisiṱika ine ya ḓo linga furemiweke ya u dzhia tsheo yo bveledziswaho kha ngudo iyi. Hezwi zwi do katela u ya kha khamphani dza migodi ya malasha u ita tsedzuluso ya furemiweke kha nyimele ya vhukuma. / Steenkool word langer as honderd jaar ononderbroke om Emalahleni in Mpumalanga ontgin. As gevolg hiervan raak grond steriel weens ondergrondse brande, word water besoedel, sak die grondoppervlak in en versuur die bogrond. In die literatuur kon die navorser kon geen besluitnemingsraamwerk waarvolgens Suid-Afrikaanse steenkoolmaatskappye die omgewing en natuurlike hulpbronne bewaar, vind nie. Navorsingsdoelwitte is gestel, en navorsingsvrae en ʼn voorlopige raamwerk is opgestel. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gevolg en persoonlike onderhoude is by Suid-Afrikaanse steenkoolmaatskappye gevoer om die primêre data te versamel. Die geldigheid van die besluitnemingsraamwerk is met ʼn fokusgroep getoets. Uit die persoonlike onderhoude het geblyk dat die meeste deelnemers onbekend was met omgewingsbestuuraanspreeklikheid (OBA) en dat hulle nie geweet het dat hulpmiddels soos ISO, ʼn lewensikluskosteberekening (LSK) en ʼn groen strategie waarde tot die steenkoolbedryf kan toevoeg nie. Afgesien hiervan is omgewingsregulasies nie eenvormig toegepas en nagekom nie. Deelnemers het eweneens laat blyk dat die steenkoolbedryf se huidige prosesse gemik op omgewingsbewaring oneffektief is. Die fokusgroep het vasgestel dat die hulpmiddels (metodologieë) die oogmerk van die raamwerk verwesenlik, en die raamwerk dus geldig en van groot nut vir die steenkoolbedryf kan wees. Daar was eenstemmigheid dat die regulerende aspekte die nadelige uitwerking van mynbouwerksaamhede op die omgewing kon beheer, op voorwaarde dat dit nie alleen in die steenkoolbedryf nie, maar in alle bedrywe toegepas word. Die raamwerk is aan die hand van die fokusgroep se insette verfyn deur die verbande en skakels te toets. Die belangrikste aanbevelings behels dat omgewingsaanspreeklikheid deel van steenkoolmaatskappye se besluitneming moet uitmaak, en dat alle steenkoolmaatskappye opgelei moet word in die soort inligting waarvolgens bepaal word wat afval is. In die toekoms kan ʼn soortgelyke statistiese studie onderneem word om die besluitnemingsraamwerk wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, te toets. Dit sal behels dat die raamwerk in lewensegte omstandighede by steenkoolmaatskappye ondersoek word. / Business Management / D. B. L.
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Staff experiences on engagement and retention in Polokwane's telecommunication company : a phenomenological studyKekana, Glenrose Mokgaetji 05 1900 (has links)
It is evident from the 2015 national employee strike at organisation A that something should be done immediately to regain stakeholders’ (employees, suppliers and customers) trust. Despite good initiatives to engage and retain talent, some employees are still resigning. The study aimed to understand staff experiences on engagement and retention in a Polokwane based telecommunications organisation. A qualitative research approach and an interpretative phenomenological analysis design were used to explore and interpret the lived experiences. In-depth interviews using open-ended questions were employed to collect data from participants, who were purposefully selected. The researcher interviewed seven employees. The main themes helped to summarise the individuals' responses. The following main themes emerged from the proposed employee engagement (EE) model: (i) communication, (ii) motivation, (iii) relationship, (iv) interest, (v) health and welfare, (vi) development and (vii) monetary value. / Megwanto ya boipelaetšo go bašomi ka kakaretšo ye e bilego gona ka 2015 go khampani ya A e bontšhitše gore go pepeneneng gore se sengwe se swanetše se dirwe go tliša tshepho go batšeakarolo (bašomi, batšweletši le badiriši). Le ge go na le maitapišo a poledišano le go se lobe talente, bašomi ba bangwe ba sa tšwelapele go tlogela mošomo. Lebaka legolo la go dira nyakišišo ke go le leka go kwešiša maitemogelo a bašomi mabapi le tshwaragano le go lota khamphani
ya tša megala Polokwane. Mokgwa wa dinyakišišo tše di tseneletšego le go hlathollwa ka mokgwa wa ponagalo le popego o somišitšwe go leka le go hlatholla maitemogelo a bona. Dipoledišano tše di
tseneletšego go šomišwa dipotšišo tša go nyaka mmono wa bašomi di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša dipalopalo go tšwa go batšeakarolo bao ba kgethilwego ka nepo. Monyakišiši o boledišane le bašomi ba šupa. Kgwekgwe tša taba di thušitše go akaretša diphetolo go tšwa go batšeakarolo ba go fapafapana. Mohlala wo o šišintšwego wa go kgokogana le bašomi o tšweleditše kgwekgwe tše dilatelago: poledišano, tlhohleletšo, kamano, kgahlego, katlego ya tša maphelo, kgatelopelo le boleng bja matlotlo. / Nadat maatskappy A se werknemers in 2015 landswyd gestaak het, moes ingegryp word om die vertroue van belanghebbendes (werknemers, verskaffers en kliënte) in die maatskappy te herstel. Ondanks daadwerklike pogings om bevoegde werknemers aan te stel en te behou, bedank werknemers steeds. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na werknemers se siening van die aanstelling en behoud van personeel in die telekommunikasiemaatskappy waarvan die hoofkantoor in Polokwane is. Oop vrae is in-diepteonderhoude aan opsetlik gekose deelnemers gestel om die data in te win. Die navorser het met sewe werknemers onderhoude gevoer. Hulle antwoorde is volgens temas opgesom. Die volgende temas blyk uit die voorgestelde werknemeraanstelling- of WA-model: (i) kommunikasie, (ii) motivering, (iii) verhoudings, (iv) belang, (v) gesondheid en welstand, (vi) ontwikkeling
en (vii) monetêre waarde. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Exploring Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Programmes in the South African Police Services in Tshwane West Clusters, Gauteng ProvinceMokobane, Godfrey January 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Southern Sotho / Affordable and accessible preventive health programmes within the South African Police Service (SAPS) could be the best measures for managing epidemic diseases in the organisation. Employee health and wellness (EHW) programmes, including those dealing with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), are often the subjects of debate among scholars and human resource management practitioners within the context of developing effective and efficient interventions in the workplace to enhance the health management of employees. This study explores the nature and extent of the employee wellness programmes that focus on HIV/AIDS in the SAPS. In particular, the research examines how EHW practitioners in the SAPS experience the programmes and what support they receive regarding HIV/AIDS in the workplace.
Data were collected from six EHW practitioners using semi-structured interviews. The study finds that HIV/AIDS programmes are categorised into different interventions, each with advantages and purpose. The findings will help determine if the HIV/AIDS programmes effectively cater to the health needs of employees within the SAPS. The findings from this study are limited to six EHW practitioners’ experiences in relation to how they perceive the employee wellness programmes in the SAPS, more specifically, the HIV/AIDS programmes. / Go hwetšagala ga mananeo a maphelo a thibelo ao a bolokegilego, ao a sa turego le a go fihlelelega ka gare ga Tirelo ya Maphodisa ya Afrika Borwa (SAPS) e ka ba legato le lekaone la thibelo la go laola malwetši a leuba ka gare ga tirelo ye. Mananeo a bophelo bjo bokaone bja bašomi, go akaretšwa ao a šomago ka twatši ya go palediša mašole a mmele go šoma (HIV) le bolwetši bja go šitwa ga mašole a mmele (AIDS), gantši ke seo se dirago gore dirutegi di ngangišane le bašomi ba lefapha la bašomi mabapi le go tšweletša ditsenogare tšeo di šomago gabotse le tša go hloka mathata ka mošomong ka nepo ya go maatlafatša taolo ya maphelo a bašomi. Maikemišetšomagolo a dinyakišišo e bile go utolla sebopego le bogolo bja mananeo a maphelo a makaone a bašomi ka go SAPS ao a lebeletšego kudu HIV/AIDS. Dinyakišišo di dirilwe go tseba ka fao bašomi ba maphelo a bašomi le go phela gabotse (EHW) ga bona ka SAPS ba itemogetšego mananeo ao le gore ke thekgo efe ye ba e hwetšago mabapi le HIV/AIDS ka mošomong.
Dipotšišo tša dipoledišano tšeo di nyakago gore baarabi ba fe mabaka di dirilwe ka nepo ya go kgoboketša tshedimošo go tšwa go bašomi ba tshela (6) ba EHW ba ka SAPS bao ba kgathilego tema ka dinyakišišong. Dikutollo di laetša gore mananeo a HIV/AIDS a hlophilwe ka mehuta ye e fapafapanego ya ditsenogare, gomme le lengwe le le lengwe le na le menyetla le maikemišetšo a lona. Dikutollo tše di tla ba mohola go tseba ge eba mananeo a HIV/AIDS a šoma gabotse go hlokomela dinyakwa tša maphelo tša bašomi ka gare ga SAPS. Dikutollo go tšwa ka mo dinyakišišong tše di tšwa fela go maitemogelo a bašomi ba tshela ba EHW mabapi le ka fao ba bonago mananeo a mabapi le go phela gabotse ga bašomi ka SAPS, kudukudu, mananeo a HIV/AIDS. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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The contribution of the Homestead Food Garden Programme to household food security in Region 7, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality / Seabe sa lenaneo la serapana sa dijo sa motsana go tshireletso ya dijo ya ka lapeng ka Seleteng sa 7, Mmasepala wa Metropolithene wa Toropo ya Tshwane / Xiavo lexi xi tlangiwaka hi nongonoko wa swirhapa/switanga lomu makaya ku sirhelela ku kumeka ka swakudya eka Region 7 Edorobeninkuklu ra Tshwane Metroplitan MunicipalityMalatsi, Ernest 02 1900 (has links)
English with Englsih, Northern Sotho and Tsonga summaries / Since the inception of the homestead food garden programme in Gauteng Province, more
than 3 000 individuals in the City of Tshwane Region 7 have benefited from the
programme. It is not known whether the gardens were actually established after
beneficiaries had received the tools from government, or whether the gardens still exist and
produce food. The aim of the study was to investigate the contribution of the homestead
food garden programme to household food security in Region 7 in the City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality. The study population consisted of beneficiaries of the homestead
food garden programme from 2013 to 2016 in various wards in the region. The objectives
of the study were to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the beneficiaries;
to assess the current status of the homestead food gardens and other support programmes
in which the beneficiaries were engaged; to assess the contribution of the homestead food
garden programme to household food security (availability, accessibility, utilisation and
stability); to ascertain the factors influencing food availability in the households of
beneficiaries; and to identify the constraints and benefits of homestead food production.
The study used a quantitative research approach involving a survey design. A semistructured
questionnaire was used for data collection through face-to-face interviews in the
homes of participants. The random sampling technique was employed to acquire a
proportionate sample of 258 participants. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The analysis of quantitative data included
frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation, standard error of mean, a
binomial test and the Ordered Logistics Regression (OLR) model. Themes and codes were
used to analyse data from open-ended questions (qualitative data) and convert them to frequencies and percentages. The results showed that 73% of women participated and96%
participants were Black Africans. Youth participation was 19%. The participants who could
read and write because they had received primary, secondary and tertiary education were
84%. The average family size of the respondents was five, ranging between 1 and 47
household members. 83% of the participants relied on social grants (child, old-age and
disability grants) from government as their main source of income. 83.3% participants had
backyard (homestead) gardens for their households and 26% of participants consumed
vegetables from their homestead food gardens. The household expenditure of 74% of
participants included the cost of vegetables, which they had to buy regularly. The food
availability results showed that 51% and 50% of the participants cultivated their backyard
gardens during summer and spring respectively. This implied that there were adequate
vegetables in the households of most participants during those seasons. It was discovered
that 60% of the participants experienced anxiety and uncertainty because they were
worried over the previous four weeks that their households would not have enough
vegetables. The coping strategy mostly adopted by 69% of participants was to purchase
cheap vegetables when there was lack of vegetables from the gardens. 55% participants
consumed vegetables frequently because they either had enough harvests from their
backyard gardens or had money to buy vegetables. The factors that positively influenced
vegetable availability were participants’ age; the number of support programmes available to them; the existence of backyard gardens; and access to water. Some of the major
challenges that systematically hindered homestead food gardens were insects; pests and
diseases; crop damage by livestock, birds and rats; a lack of water for irrigation; a lack of
production inputs (seeds, chemicals, fertilisers and others); and insufficient space to plant
or establish a garden. The study found that the major benefits of the homestead food gardens were the consumption of fresh, healthy vegetables from the backyard garden and
saving money by not having to buy vegetables. Based on the results of the current study, it
is suggested that youth participation should be bolstered to ensure the future of homestead
food gardens as the majority of the participants were older than 35 years. It is also
suggested that other support measures should be taken to ensure the continuity of the
homestead food garden programme, such as training programmes and access to water,
fencing and production inputs (seeds and fertilisers) for homestead food gardeners. / Go tloga mola go thongwago lenaneo la dirapana tša dijo la motsana ka Profenseng
ya Gauteng, batho ba go feta ba 3 000 ka Seleteng sa 7 sa Tshwane ba holegile ka
go fiwa dithulusi tša serapana, seabe sa tšweletšo le tlhahlo go thoma dirapana tša
ka mafuri tša malapa a bona. Ga go tsebege ge eba dirapana dihlomilwe ka nnete
morago ga gore baholegi ba amogele dithulusi go tšwa mmušong, goba ge eba
dirapana di sa le gona le gore di tšweletša dijo. Dinepo tša dinyakišišo e be e le go
nyakišiša seabe sa lenaneo la dirapana tša dijo la motsana go tšhireletšo ya dijo tša
lapa Seleteng sa 7 ka Mmasepaleng wa Metropothene wa Toropo ya Tshwane.
Bakgathema ba dinyakišišo ba bopilwe ke baholegi ba lenaneo la serapana sa dijo sa
motsana go tloga ka 2013 go fihla ka 2016 ka diwateng tša go fapana tša selete.
Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo e be e le laetša dipharologantšho tša batho le leago tša
baholegi; go sekaseka maemo a bjale a dirapana tša dijo tša motsana le mananeo a
mangwe a thekgo ao baholegi ba bego ba le karolo ya ona; go sekaseka seabe sa
lenaneo la serapana sa dijo sa motsana go tšhireletšo ya dijo (khwetšagalo, phihlelelo,
tšhomišo le tielelo); go laetša mabaka a go huetša khwetšagalo ya dijo ka malapeng a baholegi; le go hlaola mathata le dikholego tša tšweletšo ya dijo tša motsana.
Dinyakišišo di šomišitše mokgwa wa dinyakišišo tša khwalithethifi wa go akaretša
popo ya lenaneopotšišo. Lenaneopotšišo le beakantšwego seripa le go šomišetšwa
kgoboketšo ya datha ka dipoledišano tša go dirwa go lebelelanwe mahlong ka
malapeng a bakgathatema. Thekniki ya tiro ya sampole ya go se kgethe e
šomišeditšwe go hwetša sampole ya go lekanetšwa ya bakgathema ba 258. Datha di
sekasekilwe ka go šomiša tlhalošo ya 4 ya Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS). Tshekatsheko ya datha ya khwalithethifi e akareditše dikelo, diphesente, palogare, phapano ya tekanetšo, phošo ya tekanetšo ya palogare, teko ya phapano
le mmotlolo wa ponelopele ya diphetogo. Dikgwekgwe le Dikhoute di šomišitšwe go
sekaseka datha go tšwa go dipotšišo tše di bulegilego (datha ya khwalithethifi) le go
di fetolela go dikelo le diphesente. Dipoelo di laeditše gore phesente ya godimo (73%)
ya basadi e kgathile tema. Bontši (96%) e bile baarabi e bile Maafrika a Bathobaso.
Kgathotema ya baswa e be e le ka fase ga 19%. Bontši (84%) bja baholegi bo be bo
kgona go bala le go ngwala gobane ba amogetše thuto ya poraemari, sekontari le ya
godimo. Bogolo bja lapa bja palogare ya baarabi e be e le hlano, go tloga gare ga tee
le 47 ya maloko a lapa. Karolo ye kgolo (83%) ya baarabi ba tshephile dithušo tša
leago (dithušo tša bana, botšofadi le bogolofadi) go tšwa mmušong bjalo ka mothopo
wa bona wo mogolo wa letseno gomme bontši (83.3%) bo be bo na le dirapana
(motsana) tša ka mafuri tša malapa a bona. Go tloga go ponego ya tšhireletšo ya dijo,
dipoelo di laeditše gore 26% ya baarabi ba ja merogo ya go tšwa ka dirapaneng tša
dijo tša motsana wa bona. Ditshenyegalelo tša lapa tša bontši (74%) bja baarabi di
akareditše tshenyegelo ya merogo, yeo ba bego ba swanela ke go e reka kgafetša.
Dipoelo tša khwetšagalo ya dijo e laeditše gore 51% le 50% ya baarabi ba lemile
dirapana tša ka mafuri a bona nakong ya selemo le seruthwane ka tatelano, seo se
rago gore go bile le merogo ye e lekanego la malapeng a baarabi ba bantši dihleng tšeo. Ka go realo go utulotšwe gore, mabapi le phihlelelo ya dijo, bontši (60%) bja
baarabi ba itemogetše tlalelo le pelaelo bjalo ka ge ba laeditše gore ba be ba hlobaela
mo dibekeng tše nne tša go feta gore malapa a bona a ka se be le merogo ye e
lekanego. Leano la go laola le le amogetšwego gagolo ke bontši (69%) bja baarabi go
kgonthišiša tielelo ya dijo e be e le go reka merogo ka theko ya fase ge go sena
merogo go tšwa ka dirapaneng. Mabapi le tielelo ya dijo, bontši (55%) bja
bakgathatema ba be ba e ja merogo kgafetša gobane ba bunne tše di lekanego go tšwa dirapaneng tša ka mafuri a bona goba ba bile le tšhelete ya reka merogo. Mabaka
ao a hueditšego khwetšagalo ya merogo gabotse e bile mengwaga ya baarabi; palo
ya mananeo a thekgo ao ba ka a fihlelelago; go ba gona ga dirapana tša ka mafuri; le
phihlelelo ya meetse. Tše dingwe tša ditlhohlo tše kgolo tšeo di tshwentšego ka botlalo
dirapana tša dijo ka motsaneng e bile dikhunkhwane; disenyi le malwetši, tshenyo ya
dibjalo ka leruo, dinonyana le magotlo; tlhokego ya meetse a go nošetša; tlhokego ya
ditshepetšo tša tšweletšo (dipeu, dikhemikale, manyora le tše dingwe); le sekgoba se
lekanego go bjala le go hloma serapana. Dinyakišišo di hweditše gore dikholego tše
kgolo tša dirapana tša dijo tša motsana e be e le go ja merogo ye meswa, ye mebotse
go tšwa ka serapaneng sa ka mafuri le go boloka tšhelete ka go se reke merogo. Go
ya ka dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tša bjale, go šišintšwe gore kgathotema ya baswa e
swanetše go thekgwa go kgonthišiša bokamoso bja dirapana tša dijo tša motsana ka
ge bontši bja bakgathatema ba be ba le bogolo bja mengwaga ya ka godimo ga 35.
Gape go šišintšwe gore dikelo tša thekgo tše dingwe di swanela go tšewa go
kgonthišiša tšwelopele ya lenaneo la serapana sa dijo sa motsana, go swana le
mananeo a tlhahlo le phihlelelo ya meetse, legora le production inputs (dipeu le
manyora) ya boradirapana tša dijo tša motsana. / Ku sukela loko ku sunguriwe nongonoko wa swirhapa swa swakudya eka
Xifundzhankulu xa Gauteng, vanhu vo tlula nhlayo ya 3 000 eTshwane eka Region 7
va vuyeriwile hi ku pfunetiwa hi mathulusi ya swirhapa, swipfuneto swo rima na
vuleteri ku sungula swirhapa lomu majaratini ya miti ya vona. A swi tiveki loko
swirhapa swi sunguriwe endzhaku ka loko vavuyeriwa va amukerile mathulusi eka
mfumo, kumbe leswo xana swirhapa leswi swa ha ya emahlweni no rima swakudya.
Xikongomelo xa ndzavisiso lowu wa tidyondzo a ku ri ku endla vulavisisi hi ndlela
leyi nongonoko wa swirhapa swa swakudya wu pfunetaku hi yona eka ku sirheleleka
hi swakudya eka Region 7 eka Masipala wa Dorobankulu ra City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality. Vanhu lava a ku dyondziwa hi vona a va katsa vavuyeriwa
va nongonoko wa swirhapa swa swakudya lomu makaya ku sukela hi lembe ra 2013
ku fikela hi 2016 eka tiwadi to hlayanyana ta region. Swikongomelo swa ndzavisiso
lowu i ku vona muxaka wa vanhu lava nga vuyeriwa; ku kambela xiyimo xa sweswi
xa swirhapa swa swakudya na minongonoko yin'wana ya nseketelo laha vavuyeriwa
va nga na xiavo eka yona; ku kambela xiavo xa nongonoko wa swirhapa swa
swakudya eka ku sirheleleka hi ku kuma swakudya eka mindyangu (ku kumeka, ku
fikelela, ku tirhisa, na ku tshamiseka); ku kumisisa mintiyiso kumbe swilo leswi swi
nga na nkucetelo eka ku kumeka ka swakudya lomu makaya ya lava vuyeriwaka; na
ku vona leswi swi nga swihingakanyi eka mimbuyelo ya ku rima swakudya. Ndzavisiso wu tirhise fambiselo leri vuriwaka quantitative research ku nga ku hlayela
leswi a swi katsa dizayini ya survey. Ku tirhisiwe endlelo ra nongonoko wa swivutiso
leswi nga tsariwa ku nga semi-structured questionnare ku hlengeleta data hi ku
endla ti-interview ta xikandza-na-xikandza emakaya ya lava a va teka xiavo. Ku tirhisiwe thekniki ya random sampling ku kuma mpimanyeto wa proporionate sample
eka vanhu va 258 lava a va teka xiavo eka ndzavisiso. Data yi ve yi hlahluviwa hi ku
tirhisa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. Nhlahluvo wa
quantitative data a wu katsa vungani bya ku humelela ku nga frequences,
tiphesente, mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean, binomial test na
modlele wa Ordered Logistics Regresion (OLR). Eku hlahluveni ku tirhisiwe tithemes
na tikhodi ku kambela data eka swivutiso leswi a swi ri na tinhlamulo to
hambana-hambana ku nga open-ended questions (qualitative data) na ku swi
hundzuluxa ku va swikombisa leswo swi endleke kangani (frequencies) na
tiphesente ta ku endleka. Vuyelo byi kombise tiphesente ta le henhla eka vamanana
hi (73%) lava a va ri na xiavo. Vunyingi bya vanhu lava a va hlamula swivutiso a ku ri
Vanhu va Vantima va Ma-Afrika. Xiavo xa lavantshwa a xi ri ehansi ka 19%.
Vunyingi bya vavuyeriwa (84%) a va kota ku hlaya no tsala hikuva a va kumile
dyondzo ya prayimari, sekondari na ya le tikholichi na tiyunivhesiti. Mpimanyeto wa
nhlayo ya vanhu va mindyangu a ku ri vanhu va ntlhanu, ku sukela eka wun'we ku
fikela eka swirho swa 47 eka ndyangu. Ntsengo wa le henhla wo ringana (83%) wa
vahlamula swivutiso i vanhu lava va hanyaka hi mpfuneto wa mali ya mfumo eka
vanhu (ku nga xipfuneto xo wundla vana, mudende wa vadyuhari, na mpfuneto eka vo lamala) ku suka eka mfumo tani hi mali leyi nghenaka leyi va tshembeleke eka
yona ngopfu kasi vunyingi bya vona (83.3%) va na swirhapa (lomu makaya) emitini
ya vona. Mayelana na ku sirheleleka hi swakudya, vuyelo byi kombise leswo 26%
wa vahlamuri va swivutiso va dya miroho yo huma eka swirhapa swa swakudya swa
vona. Mpimanyeto wa mali lowu tirhisiwaka hi mindyangyu yo tala ku nga (74%) wa
vahlamuri va swivutiso va katse ntsengo wa nxavo wa miroho, leyi va yi tirhisaka ku
xava hi mikarhi na mikarhi. Vuyelo bya ku kumeka ka swakudya wu kombe leswo 51% wa vahlamuri va swivutiso va rima swakudya swa vona lomu swirhapeni swa le
makaya ya vona hi nkarhi wa ximumu na hi nkarhi wa ximun'wana, leswi swu vulaka
leswo a ku ri na miroho yo ringanela eka miti eka vahlamuri votala va swivutiso hi
mikarhi ya tisizini leti. Ku ve ku kumeka leswaku mayelana na ku kumeka ka
swakudya, vunyingi lebyi nga (60%) wa vahlamuri va swivutiso va karhateka na ku
va va nga ri na ku tiyiseka hikuva va kombise leswo va xaniseka eka mavhiki ya
mune lama nga hundza leswo mindyangu ya vona yi nga ka yi nga vi na miroho yo
ringanela. Leswi vunyingi byi swi endleka ku ringeta ku hanya eka xiyimo lexi,
vunyingi byi nga (69%) wa vahlamuri va swivutiso va vule leswo va xava miroho ya
ntsengo wa nxavo wa le hansi loko ku nga ri na miroho eswirhapeni swa vona.
Mayelana na ku tshamiseka hi swakudya, vunyingi bya vahlamuri va swivutiso (55%)
va dya miroho hakanyingi hikuva va ri na ntshovelo wo ringanela eka swirhapa swa
miroho ya vona kumbe hikuva va ri na mali yo xava miroho. Swilo leswi nga na
nkucetelo lowunene hi ku kumeka ka miroho, ku ve malembe ya vukulu bya
vahlamuri va swivutiso; nhlayo ya minongonoko ya nseketelo eka vona; vukona bya
swirhapa swa miroho lomu makaya; na ku kumeka ka mati. Swin'wana swa
mintlhontlho leyikulu leyi nga nkavanyeto eka swirhapha swa swakudya i
switsotswana na vuvabyi ya swimila; ku onhiwa ka swibyariwa hi swifuwo; swinyenyane na makondlo; ku pfumaleka ka mati yo cheleta; ku pfumaleka ka
swipfuneto swo rima (ku nga timbewu, tikhemikali, swinonisi na swin'wana swo
tano); ku ka vanhu va nga ri na ndhawu yo ringanela ku byala kumbe ku endla
swirhapa. Ndzavisiso wa dyondo wu kume leswo vunyingi bya vavuyeriwa eka
swirhapa swa swakudya ku ve ku kota ku va na miroho ya furexe, miroho leyi nga na
rihanyu eka swirhapa swa vona lomu makaya no hlayisa mali hikuva va nga xavi
miroho. Hi ku landza vuyelo bya ndzavisiso wa dyondo wa sweswi, ku ringanyetiwa leswaku ku fanele ku khutaziwa ku va na xiavo ka vantshwa ku tiyisa vumundzuku
bya swirhapa swa miroho, hikuva vunyingi bya lava va nga na xiavo a ku ri vanhu va
malembe ya le henhla ka 35 hi vukulu. Ku pimanyetiwa na leswo ku fanele ku va na
tindlela tin'wana to seketela ku tiyisa leswo nongonoko wa swirhapa swa swakudya
wu ya emahlweni, ku endliwa ka swilo swo fana na minongonoko ya vuleteri, ku
biyela swirhapa hi mifensi na swipfuneto swo byala (swo fana na timbewu na
swinonisi eka swirhapa swa swakudya lomu makaya. / Agriculture and Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Self-reported competence of newly qualified professional nurses in specific midwifery skills / Bokgoni bja go ipega ka nnoši bja baoki ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ka go bokgoni bjo bo itšego bja pelegišo / U di ripota nga ha vhukoni hau iwe mune kha vhaongi vha kha di bvaho u phasa vhuongi kha sia la zwikili zwa vhubebisi / Vuswikoti lebyi munhu yena n’wnyi a byi tivaka hi vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo eka swikili swo hlawuleka hi vusungukatiMafunzwaini, Mashudu Mercy 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Northern Sotho, Tshivenda and Xitsonga / The purpose of this study was to determine the self-reported competence of newly qualified professional nurses on the critical midwifery skills.
The study was conducted in the four public hospitals designated for community service in Gauteng Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used with a structured self-report questionnaire as data collection instrument. Non-probability convenience sampling was used for the study. The sample size was eighty-four newly qualified professional nurses. The Stata 15 software was used for statistical analyses. The researcher used descriptive statistics to describe and synthesize the collected data.
The findings revealed that most newly qualified professional nurses had no knowledge in identifying different types of decelerations, management of late and variable decelerations, but had knowledge in most of the skills related to management of third stage of labour. / Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e be e le go hwetša bokgoni bja go ipega ka nnoši bja baoki bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ka go bokgoni bjo bohlokwa bja pelegišo.
Dinyakišišo di dirilwe dipetleleng tše nne tša bohle tšeo di kgethetšwego tirelo ya setšhaba ka Profenseng ya Gauteng. Khwanthitheitif diskriptif disaene ‘Quantitative descriptive design’ e dirišitšwe gammogo le lenaneopotšišo leo le beakantšwego la go ipega ka nnoši ‘structured self-report questionnaire’ bjalo ka sedirišwa sa go kgoboketša bohlatsi. “Non-probability convenience sampling” e dirišitšwe mo go kgetheng banyakišišwa. Bogolo bja sešupo e be e le baoki ba masomeseswai-nne ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki. “Stata 15 software” e dirišitšwe tshekatshekong ya dipalopalo. Monyakišiši o dirišitše dipalopalo tša tlhalošo ‘descriptive statistics’ go hlaloša le go kopanya ‘data’ yeo e kgobokeditšwego.
Ditšweletšo di utollotše gore bontši ba baoki ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ga ba na le tsebo ya go hlatha mehuta yeo e fapanego ya diphokotšo, taolo ya diphokotšo tša morago le tša go fetoga, efela ba na le tsebo ka go bokgoni bjo bontši bjoo bo amanago le taolo ya kgato ya boraro ya lešoko. / Ndivho ya ngudo iyi yo vha u wanulusa nḓivho ya vhukoni ha iwe muṋe ya vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓi bvaho u phasa vhuongi uri vha na zwikili zwa ndeme zwa vhuongi vhubebisi u swika ngafhi. Ngudo iyi yo itwa kha zwibadela zwiṋa zwa muvhuso zwo ṋewaho u isa tshumelo zwitshavhani kha vunḓu ḽa Gauteng. Kha u kuvhanganya mafhungo muṱoḓisi o shumisa ngona ya u ṱalutshedza ya khwanthithethivi ho ṱanganyiswa na mbudziso dzo dzudzanyiwaho dzi bviselaho khagala kha iwe muṋe (structured self-report questionnaire). Vhunanguludzi ho shumiswaho kha ngudo iyi ho vha “Non-probability convenience”. Tshivhalo tsha vhashelamulenzhe vho nanguludzwaho tsho vha vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓibvaho u phasa vha fumalo ina. “The Stata 15 software” ndi tshishumiswa tsho shumiswaho kha u sengulusa mafhungo o kuvhanganywaho. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa zwisiṱatisitika zwa u ṱalutshedza kha u ṱalutshedza na u dzudzanya mafhungo o kuvhanganyiwaho. Ngudo iyi yo bvisela khagala uri vhunzhi ha vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓi bvaho u phasa a vha na nḓivho ya u vhona tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza kurwele kwa mbilu ya ṅwana na u langa u lenga ha u rwa ha mbilu ya ṅwana zwo katela na u sa dzudzanyea fhethu huthihi ha kurwele kwa mbilu ya ṅwana, honeha vha na nḓivho ya zwikili zwi yelanaho na vhulanguli ha tshipiḓa tsha vhuraru tsha u beba. / Xikongomelo xa ndzavisiso lowu i ku kuma vuswikoti lebyi munhu a byi twisisaka hi vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori eka swikili swa nkoka hi vusungukati. Ndzavisiso lowu wu endliwile eka swibedlhele swa mune swa mani na mani leswi yisaka vukorhokeri evanhwini eka Phurovhinsi ya Gauteng, laha ku tirhisiweke maendlelo ya tinhlayo lama hambanaka na swivutiso ku hlengeleta timhaka. Ku tirhisiwile xiphemu xo karhi xa vanhu ku kuma vuxokoxoko hi mayelano na vona hinkwavo. Xiphemu lexi tirhisiweke i xa nhlayo ya vaongori vo ringana makumenhungu-mune wa vaongori lawa ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori. Ku tirhisiwile “stata software” ku hlela tinhlayo leti tirhisiweke. Mulavisisi u tirhisile tinhlayo, tinhlayonhlamuselo ku hlamusela no katsakanya mahungu lama a ma hlengeleteke. Leswi kumiweke swi paluxa leswaku vunyingi bya vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori va hava vutivi byo hambanisa mabelo ya mbilu, ku hlawula ku hlwela no hambana ka mabelo ya mbilu, kambe va na vutivi eka swikili mayelana no lawula xiyimo xa vunharhu xo lumiwa. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing)
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