Spelling suggestions: "subject:"years"" "subject:"fears""
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Programy podporující rozvoj dětí do tří let věku / Programmes supporting the development of children under three years oldRybínová, Radka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the current possibilities of day care for children under three years and a deeper analysis of educational programmes supporting the development of children aged between two and three years in the capital city of Prague. The theoretical part summarizes the child care options in this age group, in terms of past and current offers in the Czech Republic, and covers the system of early intervention in selected European countries. With regard to the research objective, the work focuses on the child's needs, specific developmental areas and related educational programs that promote the development of the child's personality. For research, qualitative and quantitative methods are used - the methods of observation and questionnaires. The research is an analysis of the availability of interactive programmes for children, but also the potential of teachers to participate in the preparation, implementation and content of the programmes with regard to their experience and knowledge gained in working with young children. The research shows quite a wide selection of Czech and foreign programmes that aim to provide incentives for children to develop their abilities, skills and interests and enable the first steps toward socialization and adaptation to the new environment. The content of...
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Karcinom prsu mladých žen: korelace molekulárně-genetických, klinických a morfologických znaků / Breast cancer in young women: correlation of molecular-genetic, clinical and morphological featuresMetelková, Alena January 2017 (has links)
In the first part of the dissertation the author summarizes the current knowledge of breast cancer, which is the most frequent malignancy in female population. The author deals with etiology, classification, diagnostics, biological behaviour, therapeutical forms ranging from surgical treatment and radiotherapy, to systemic therapy. In the following part of the manuscript the author describes specifics of breast cancer diagnosed in premenopausal women. She describes how the risk factors, treatment and prognosis differ from the disease in postmenopausal women. Next section of the dissertation includes a retrospective case series evaluating group of patients with breast cancer ≤ 35 years. There were 16 294 cases of breast cancer proven histologically in Biopticka lab Pilsen, ltd. and Sikl's Department of Pathology, Faculty Hospital Pilsen, during 2006-2015. The cohort of patients in our retrospective study includes 356 young women (2,2%) with breast cancer, under 35 years of age by the time of setting the diagnosis. We sorted out a group of 93 patients from the basic cohort, that were or have been treated in the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Faculty Hospital in Pilsen. A control group consists of 100 postmenopausal women ≥ 65 years of age, chosen randomly from all patients treated in the...
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Na okraji vojenské společnosti. Vojenští invalidé, zběhové a delikventi v císařsko-královské armádě za sedmileté války / On the Edge of the Military Society. Military Invalids, Deserters and Delinquents in the Imperial-Royal Army in the Seven Years' WarŠvehelka, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis concerns military invalids, deserters and delinquents in the Imperial-Royal Army during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). Its essence lies in the research of documents originated from the activity of the Representations and Chambers, the supreme representative offices in Bohemia and Moravia. The elementary methodological approach comes from a positivist conception, therefore it interprets the information found within the sources as a story (in a certain sense of word) based on the reality which is recorded by them. The theoretical part is enhanced by the outcomes of study of auxiliary books called Elenchs that provide information even about such sources that have not been preserved till today. Thus, I try to answer the question to which extent it is still possible to use them. The main component of the work is formed by three chapters which are dedicated to particular categories of the military persons in an order stated above. Within them, I present the results of the source research that, in the case of the invalids, concern notably their economic security and utilization for the Habsburg Monarchy's war effort. The chapter about the military deserters continues my previous research and amends it (among else) with newly found facts within the sphere of the enlightened-absolutist...
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Motivace k uplatnění na trhu práce dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných uchazečů nad 50 let / Motivation for the joining the labor market of long-term unemployed job seekers over 50 yearsNěmcová, Marta January 2018 (has links)
This research aimed to investigate the relationship between motivation and long term unemployment of people who were 50 years old and older. We looked at issues that occured during the time when people were being signed in and were linked to the tools of active employment policy. This report also focused on other apescts of unemployment, for instance motivation. The goal was to find solutions that would help ÚP ČR to provide job seekers with solutions and help them get motivated again, as well as help them become desirable candidates. The data was collected in the region of South Bohemia. Therefore, this region was introduced shortly and we described some important characteristics of its inhabitants. We evaluated the active politics of unemployment and the analyses revealed what were the shortcomings of the system and what tools were not working well. We used two different questionnaires for collecting our data: 1. A questionnaire for unemployed people over 50; 2. An online survey that looked to reveal opinions of ÚP ČR's managers via focus group.
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Legitimita královské moci. Edward IV. a Karel VII. Nezpochybnitelní a právoplatní králové? / The legitimacy of king's power. Edward IV. and Charles VII. indisputable and rightful kings?Prošvicová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is exploring the topic of legitimacy and legality of the royal power in the late English and French Middle Ages. Specifically, it answers the question whether Edward IV and Charles VII were legitimate kings for their respective subjects, based on analysis and comparison of selected contemporaneous English and French sources. This thesis presents different points of view on the royal power and the royal office according to the medieval authors. It describes the often ambiguous and contradictory opinions on this issue as well as provides a deeper look at the traditions and customs surrounding it. This analysis is presented against the historical backdrop of prolonged armed conflicts and political changes in both kingdoms. The differences between the legal and political situation of Charles VII and Edward IV suggest a wide range of possible interpretations. This thesis, based on the critical analysis and comparison of the relevant historical sources, advocates the view supporting the legitimacy of both kings, based on their respective genealogical and legal claims as well as on the support granted by their subjects. Keywords: Charles VII, Edward IV, royal power, legitimacy, treaty of Troyes, Wars of the Roses, Hundred years war
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Le monde de Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière, marchand de Montréal au XVIIIe siècleGousse, Suzanne 05 1900 (has links)
On s’est intéressé dans les années 1950 à 1970 à la disparition d’une bourgeoisie canadienne qui aurait dû faire la transition du capitalisme marchand vers l’industrie. Les réflexions historiennes avaient cependant commencé par la fin, tentant de définir les conséquences historiques à long terme de la « Conquête » sur un groupe encore mal connu qui, en principe, incluait des marchands.
Notre thèse s’inscrit dans la lignée des travaux états-uniens et européens qui ont permis de revoir, souvent dans une optique culturelle, les marchands occidentaux de l’époque moderne. À partir du cas précis d’un marchand équipeur montréalais et de sa lignée, nous voulons tout d’abord établir si la culture négociante des marchands, au sens large du terme, était du même ordre que celles des métropolitains qui avaient des commerces semblables. Deuxièmement, nous voulons cerner la marge de manœuvre individuelle face aux contraintes des conditions ambiantes ainsi que le rôle des réseaux dans l’évolution de la carrière des marchands. Enfin, nous souhaitons définir la conception de soi de ces derniers, à travers l’examen de leur style de vie et des rôles qu’ils pouvaient jouer dans leur milieu. Pour le faire, nous avons choisi de ratisser « en largeur » dans des sources multiples, y compris des livres de comptes, et de creuser « en profondeur » pour en extraire le maximum de données.
L’enquête a été menée à travers la longue carrière de l’équipeur Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière (1680-1754) qui s’est installé à Montréal en 1715. Lemoine est connu de la postérité grâce à l’étude de Louise Dechêne qui l’avait suivi jusqu’en 1725. Elle en a tracé un portrait, amplement repris par la suite, qui a fait de lui l’exemple type de marchand équipeur. Or, Monière n’est peut-être pas typique, il pourrait même être un cas-limite. En le suivant jusqu’à sa mort, nous avons exploré toutes les possibilités qui se sont offertes à lui. Nous avons aussi fait une large place aux legs matériel et immatériel de son père Jean Lemoine, et à ce que Monière a transmis à son fils, Pierre Alexis, ainsi qu’à quelques neveux. En encadrant Monière de son père, immigrant rouennais, de ses frères et de son fils, nous avons pu observer l’émergence d’un métier, celui d’équipeur. Nous avons examiné comment Monière, décédé en 1754, a été préparé à exercer son métier et comment il concevait la pratique de ce dernier. Cette démarche a permis de mieux comprendre la culture (au sens large) des gens de la marchandise au Canada. En utilisant une variété de sources et en faisant appel à une démarche micro-historique, nous souhaitons avoir répondu, vingt-cinq ans plus tard, au vœu de Dale Miquelon de regarder, dans la mesure du possible, le monde de la marchandise avec les yeux des acteurs de la période pour répondre aux interrogations des gens d’aujourd’hui. / From the 1950s to the 1970s, historians’ attention was turned towards the disappearance of a bourgeoisie canadienne which should have made the transition from commercial to industrial capitalism. These studies began, so to speak, with the end, in attempting to define the long-term historical consequences of the Conquest on an as-yet ill-defined group that in principle included some merchants.
This thesis follows new investigations in both Europe and the USA which have permitted to look anew, often with a cultural history approach, at merchants of the Early Modern period. Focusing on a Montreal merchant outfitter (marchand équipeur) and his family, the investigation first seeks to determine if the Canadian merchants’ culture (broadly defined) was similar to that of their French counterparts who worked on the same business level. A second aim is to evaluate the leeway available to individuals in face of the general conditions of the trade and the role of networks in the merchants’ career. Finally, the thesis attempts to define the self-conception of these men while looking at their lifestyle and the various roles they played in their community. To complete such a study, we have chosen to look « wide and deep » like micro-historians have before us.
The study examines the long life of the équipeur, Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière, who chose to settle in Montreal in 1715 and whose career Louise Dechêne had followed until 1725. After her, historians have since pictured Monière as a typical marchand équipeur. But he might not have been typical, he might even have been a « limiting case ». The thesis follows him to the end of his life and looking for all the opportunities that were offered to him along the way. It accords considerable importance to the material and immaterial legacy of his father, Jean Lemoine, and to what Monière passed on to this son, Pierre Alexis and a few nephews. Situating Monière between his father who emigrated from Rouen, his brothers and his own son, permits us to see the emergence of a profession, that of équipeur. We look at how Monière, who died in 1754, was prepared to embrace the merchant’s profession and how he perceived the way he should work as an équipeur. This study affords a better understanding of merchants’ culture, broadly conceived, in early French Canada. Exploring a variety of sources and using a micro-historical approach, we hope to have followed Dale Miquelon’s suggestion to look (again) at the merchants’ world with the eyes of the people of the times in order to answer today’s questions.
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Les relations d'attachement et d'activation parent-enfant et l’anxiété chez les enfants d'âge préscolaireDavid, Sophie 10 1900 (has links)
Les troubles anxieux sont les troubles psychologiques les plus prévalents chez les enfants et les adolescents. Les symptômes apparaissent rapidement dans le développement de l’enfant et persistent souvent jusqu’à l’âge adulte. Plusieurs recherches ont été réalisées sur les prédicteurs de l’anxiété. Certaines font ressortir une association entre l’attachement insécurisant et l’anxiété, particulièrement les attachements ambivalent et désorganisé. Depuis quelques années, un nouveau concept est utilisé pour évaluer la relation parent-enfant, la relation d’activation. Cette dernière est complémentaire à la relation d’attachement, car elle considère les dimensions de la discipline et de la stimulation à la prise de risque, alors que l’attachement est basé sur la dimension du réconfort. Plusieurs recherches ont aussi trouvé des associations entre l’anxiété et l’activation. De ce fait, le premier objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer quelle association est plus forte avec l’anxiété entre la relation d’attachement ou la relation d’activation. Le deuxième objectif est de vérifier si le sexe du parent est un modérateur de l’association entre l’anxiété et les deux relations. L'échantillon est composé de 38 parents et de leurs enfants, âgés de 3 à 5 ans. Les instruments de mesure utilisés sont l’échelle d’anxiété/dépression du questionnaire CBCL pour les scores d’anxiété, la situation étrangère pour l’attachement et la situation risquée pour la relation d'activation. Les résultats montrent que la relation d’activation est associée à l’anxiété, alors que ce n’est pas le cas pour la relation d’attachement. De plus, le sexe du parent n’est pas un modérateur des associations entre l’anxiété et les relations. / Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent disorders in children and adolescents. The symptoms appear quickly in the child's development and often persist into adulthood. Many researches have been conducted on the predictors of anxiety. Several studies show that there is an association between insecure attachment and anxiety, particularly ambivalent and disorganized attachment. In recent years, a new concept has been used to evaluate the parent-child relationship, the activation relationship. This new measure is complementary to the attachment relationship because it considers the dimensions of discipline and stimulation to risk taking, while attachment is based on the dimension of comfort. Several studies have also found associations between anxiety and activation. As a result, the primary goal of this research is to determine which association is stronger with anxiety: attachment or activation. The second objective is to understand if the parent's sex is a moderator of the association between anxiety and the two relationships. The sample is composed of 38 parents and their children, aged 3 to 5 years. The measuring instruments used are the anxiety/depression scale of the CBCL questionnaire for the anxiety scores, the strange situation for attachment and for the activation relationship, the risky situation. The results show that the activation relationship is associated with anxiety, whereas this is not the case for the attachment relationship. In addition, the parent's gender is not a moderator of the associations between anxiety and attachment or activation relationships.
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Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av omvårdnad av det akut sjuka barnet / Anesthesia nurses’ experiences of caring for the acutley ill childKarlsson, Petra, Andersson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Akut barnanestesi är en komplex situation som kan sätta anestesisjuksköterskans kompetens på sin spets då denne på kort tid behöver skapa ett förtroende hos både barnet och föräldrarna, ha koll på den åldersspecifika fysiologin, ständigt planera framåt och ha en handlingsberedskap ifall komplikationer skulle tillstöta. Studiens syfte var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser i det perioperativa omvårdnadsarbete med det akut sjuka barnet. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes som därefter analyserades med en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys på induktiv nivå vilket genererade fyra kategorier: “Söva barn kan vara en anspänning men förberedelserna är lika”, “Lika men olika omvårdnad utifrån barn och föräldrar”, “Erfarenhet, tid och handlingsberedskap skapar trygghet” och “Utveckla omhändertagandet med simuleringsövningar, mängdträning och samarbete”. Resultatet visade inga större skillnader i förberedelserna mellan det elektiva och akuta omhändertagandet av barn. Däremot framkom skillnader avseende vikten av att bemöta och anpassa arbetet utefter barnet och familjen. Att ge sig själv tid eller att få tid trots akuta situationer och ha en handlingsberedskap påverkade den självupplevda tryggheten hos anestesisjuksköterskorna. För att kunna utveckla vården i det akuta omhändertagande av barnet och föräldrarna, krävs det mer övning och teamarbete med tydliga roller.
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Amazon, syjuntatant - lotta : Om frivilligdeltagandet inom Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer mellan 1960- och 1970-talenSalonikidis, Konstantinos January 2021 (has links)
This thesis on the Swedish voluntary women’s defence organisation Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer (SLK), studies how the board and the members of SLK discussed the problems and the meaning of voluntary defence work during the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore the thesis aims to engage with previous research and give an explanation to why people may be interested in voluntary defence. Views varied greatly within SLK: some meant that the voluntary grounds of participation gave a sense of elite status to the organisation; however others saw voluntary work as untenable, since more women at the time had both work and family obligations. Another issue was professionalisation versus socialisation. While some members wanted to see a centralisation and professionalisation of the organisation, others found it more important to safeguard the social functions and independence of the local corps unit. The results suggest that gender structures as well as individual agency create multiple reasons and meanings behind voluntary defence work.
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Životní příběhy řádových sester pracujících v ústavech sociální péče před rokem 1989 / Live Stories of Nuns, who Were Working in Social Care Institutions before the Year 1989Němcová, Marcela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the life stories of four nuns of St. Vincent de Paul during the period of communist administration in Czechoslovakia. Between the years 1948 and 1989 the communist government persecuted all orders, whether male or female, confining their members in internment camps where they often were not provided even the most basic needs. The communist regime also prevented the orders from their activities and forbade them to accept new members. The most important part of this paper consists of the four life-stories of nuns - stories which tell us why they decided to join the order during this particular period which was so very unfavorable for the orders, then they depict how the regime was treating them and how they were actually able to survive these difficult times. To be of aid to others is among the highest priorities for nuns, and thus, they were able to endure this period without a single hateful word against their occupiers. They accepted it as their destiny, knowing that they had to work in terrible working conditions and were forced to do strenuous physical labor. This thesis uses the method of oral history - interviews with the nuns of St. Vincent. The opening chapters serve as a supplement to this information and were compiled on the basis of available literature. Last but...
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