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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Med bataljonens intåg i öknen kom också civilisationen” : En undersökning om den svenska FN-truppen efter Oktoberkriget. Dess åsikter om lokalbefolkningen, lokalkultur och hur åsikterna präglades av ett orientalistiskt synsätt / ”When the battalion got to the desert so did civilization” : A study of the Swedish UN-troop after the October war and its views on the local population, the local cultures and how it was characterized by orientalism

Eskelin-Milton, Pugh January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis examines the Swedish part of the UN-operation after the October war, UNEF II, and how they portrait the local cultures and ethnic groups, both belligerent and the civilian population. The thesis uses two battalion newspapers. Sandpappret which was published ones a month between November 1973 and December 1979 and Ökenkuriren which was published semi-daily between November 27th 1978 and June 18th 1979. The thesis also uses two books written by participants of the operation, Eld upphör! By Hallqvist and Ökenvägen by Agrell. The thesis reaches the conclusion that both newspapers and books use a very orientalistic language and while positive comments do exist, like comments about the mysterious and wise orient, negative comments are more prevalent. This applies to both the belligerent and the civilian population. The books are more negative, and can be more negative, because they do not have a UN led editorial staff and the UN rules to think about. The arab culture is a lot more prevalent in the texts than the culture in Israel. The culture in Israel does not get the same orientalistic treatment as the arab culture. Time does not seem to affect the opinions shown neither does most big events. The only big event that seems to have a lasting effect on the written opinions are when the buffer zone was extended and a lot of bedouins suddenly found themselves in the Swedish part of the zone.

Židovský rok a jeho svátky / Jewish year and his feast

Pilařová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with important and festive days in the Jewish calendar. It studies their origin both in historical context and in the context of celebrations and customs observed during the festivals. It deals with the festivals both from the religious point of view, i.e. religious commands and orders, and from the societal point of view where it aims at mapping the customs and traditions which are followed but which are not based on religious texts or rabbi tradition. The scope of the text dedicated in the thesis to specific festivals does not strictly copy the religious importance or the popularity of a particular festival with Jewish population; rather, it is guided by the scope of historical background and customs followed in connection with the festival. As a result, some less popular festivals in the society are more prominent than it would have been expected judging by their importance. The thesis presents individual festivals in the chronological order of the religious year, with the exception of Shabbat which is observed every week and Rosh Chodesh celebrated monthly. These festivals were included before other festivals and make up a separate chapter. The broad scope of the thesis encompassing all festive days, including modern festivals, mostly established by the State of Israel, enables...

Israels sjötaktiska agerande

Mellevik, Lina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Yom Kippurkriget 1973 kan sägas vara det första sjökriget då sjömålsrobotar nyttjades av krigets respektive parter. Hur påverkade denna teknikutveckling av sjömålsroboten Israels sjötaktiska agerande? Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur teknikutvecklingen av sjömålsroboten har påverkat Israels sjökrigföring, samt undersöka huruvida det är tekniken som styr taktiken, eller tvärtom. Detta sker med en komparation av israelernas sjökrigföring under två krig, sexdagarskriget 1967 samt Yom Kippurkriget 1973. Analysverktyg för denna jämförelse utgörs av Wayne P. Hughes och Christopher Werners teorier angående samspelet mellan teknik och taktik. Denna teori och empiri redogörs deskriptivt med kvalitativ textanalys. Jämförelsen leder fram till att israelernas sjötaktiska agerande förändrades. I bägge krigen rådde god teknisk analys vilket påverkade deras taktik. Tekniken under Yom Kippurkriget möjliggjorde dock en offensivare taktik än agerandet under sexdagarskriget. Teknikutvecklingen av sjömålsroboten ledde således fram till en effektiv taktikanpassning. Undersökningen leder även fram till att teknik och taktik ständigt påverkar varandra.      </p> / <p>The Yom Kippur War in 1973 is known to be the first naval war when surface-to-surface missiles were used by both sides. How did this development of technology affect the tactical actions of Israel?</p><p>This paper examines how the development of technology, in form of the surface-to-surface missile, has affected the naval warfare of Israel and if technology affects tactics or vice versa. To find answers, the Israelis tactical actions are compared, in two wars, Six-Day War in 1967 and Yom Kippur war in 1973. Theories regarding the interplay between technology and tactics, by Kevin P. Hughes and Christopher Werner, are used as tool for the analysis.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the tactical actions of Israel did change by the development of technology. Common in both wars is the fact that analyses of technology were carried out and affected their tactical actions. Technology during the Yom Kippur War though made more offensive tactics possible, than during the Six-Day War.</p><p>Thus development of the surface-to-surface missile did lead to an effective adaptation of tactics. The result of the study also shows that tactics and technology constantly affects each other.     </p>

Israels sjötaktiska agerande

Mellevik, Lina January 2009 (has links)
Yom Kippurkriget 1973 kan sägas vara det första sjökriget då sjömålsrobotar nyttjades av krigets respektive parter. Hur påverkade denna teknikutveckling av sjömålsroboten Israels sjötaktiska agerande? Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur teknikutvecklingen av sjömålsroboten har påverkat Israels sjökrigföring, samt undersöka huruvida det är tekniken som styr taktiken, eller tvärtom. Detta sker med en komparation av israelernas sjökrigföring under två krig, sexdagarskriget 1967 samt Yom Kippurkriget 1973. Analysverktyg för denna jämförelse utgörs av Wayne P. Hughes och Christopher Werners teorier angående samspelet mellan teknik och taktik. Denna teori och empiri redogörs deskriptivt med kvalitativ textanalys. Jämförelsen leder fram till att israelernas sjötaktiska agerande förändrades. I bägge krigen rådde god teknisk analys vilket påverkade deras taktik. Tekniken under Yom Kippurkriget möjliggjorde dock en offensivare taktik än agerandet under sexdagarskriget. Teknikutvecklingen av sjömålsroboten ledde således fram till en effektiv taktikanpassning. Undersökningen leder även fram till att teknik och taktik ständigt påverkar varandra. / The Yom Kippur War in 1973 is known to be the first naval war when surface-to-surface missiles were used by both sides. How did this development of technology affect the tactical actions of Israel? This paper examines how the development of technology, in form of the surface-to-surface missile, has affected the naval warfare of Israel and if technology affects tactics or vice versa. To find answers, the Israelis tactical actions are compared, in two wars, Six-Day War in 1967 and Yom Kippur war in 1973. Theories regarding the interplay between technology and tactics, by Kevin P. Hughes and Christopher Werner, are used as tool for the analysis. The result of the study shows that the tactical actions of Israel did change by the development of technology. Common in both wars is the fact that analyses of technology were carried out and affected their tactical actions. Technology during the Yom Kippur War though made more offensive tactics possible, than during the Six-Day War. Thus development of the surface-to-surface missile did lead to an effective adaptation of tactics. The result of the study also shows that tactics and technology constantly affects each other.

Flygoperationer för strategisk effekt : En möjlighet för nationer med begränsade resurser?

Lahti, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats granskar Shaun Clarkes teori om strategic persuation oriented targeting. Teorin beskriver hur strategisk påverkan av beslutsfattare ska ske genom utnyttjandet av luftmakt. En nation med begränsade resurser bör nyttomaximera användningen av stridsflyg. Israeliska offensiva flygoperationer analyseras i en jämförande studie av Sexdagarskriget, 1967 och Yom Kippurkriget 1973. Resultatet medger att framgången för Israel i luftkrigen delvis kan förklaras med Clarkes teori. Mätning av strategisk effekt och psykologisk påverkan är svår och kan ibland endast medges genom subjektiv bedömning. Detta påverkar förklaringskraften i teorin. Jämförelsen visar att specifika variabler i Clarkes teori kan verka till fördel för resultatet i enskilda fall. Enligt teorin är det den sammanlagda effekten som ska beaktas för nationer med begränsade resurser. Teoribildningen stärks genom studien och nationer med begränsade resurser kan med fördel analysera denna vid översyn av egen doktrin. Det viktiga är att göra det ur eget hot- och förmågeperspektiv. Fallstudien påvisar att undvikande av symmetriska konfrontationer och resurssplittring är en förutsättning som medger ökad möjlighet till framgång. Väl övervägda, planerade och effektiva offensiva företag tillsammans med riktad strategisk kommunikation kan innebära ökad psykologisk påverkan. Detta kan ge förutsättningar för en strategisk förändring. En instrumentell implementering av offensiva operationer kan dock ge motsatt effekt.

Defensiva luftoperationer : När tröskeln passerats och klockan startat

Holmberg, Hans January 2018 (has links)
Theory of the use of air power in defensive operations is not as developed as in offensive operations. The purpose of this study is to examine if Papes strategies of air power and coercion can be used to analyze the use of air power and its effects in a defensive operation. The result shows that Papes strategies can explain the use of air power in the cases of the study but have difficulties in explaining the outcome of the conflict in a distinct and clear way. Papes Denial-strategy has the best explanatory power of the four (Punishment, Risk, Denial and Decapitation) for the outcome of the conflict. The result shows that the use of air power could not be used isolated to reach decisive effect. Only during joint operations was the decisive effects reached. The conclusions, however, are to be seen in the light of the interests of USA and the Soviet Union and their roles before, during and their influence in ending the conflict.

Strategisk attack – nyckeln till framgång för små nationer : En teoriprövning av Shaun Clarkes luftmaktsteori

Saviniemi, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
I den övergripande luftmaktsteoretiska debatten framkommer kritik mot att små nationers specifika förutsättningar i krig tenderar att exkluderas. Konsekvensen blir att små nationer i allt för stor utsträckning kopierar stora nationers doktrinära tänk istället för att generera egna idéer. Shaun Clarke försöker genom sin luftmaktsteoretiska ansats vända denna trend och har närmare undersökt små nationers möjlighet att genom strategisk attack nå framgång mot större motståndare.   Genom sin originalitet anses Clarkes luftmaktsteori vara ett viktigt tillskott i den övergripande luftmaktsteoretiska debatten, men kritiseras samtidigt för att inte vara tillräckligt empiriskt underbyggd. Syftet med denna undersökning är att möta denna kritik och genom en teoriprövande ansats empiriskt undersöka förklaringskraften hos Clarkes teori. Därigenom även bidra till ett trovärdigare vetenskapsteoretiskt underlag, med fokus på den lilla nationen och dess ambition att utveckla förmågan strategisk attack. Forskningsstrategin representeras av en tvåfallstudie av Yom Kippur kriget 1973, samt Falklandskriget 1982, där Israel respektive Argentina utgör de huvudsakliga analysperspektiven. Resultatet påvisar att såväl Israel som Argentina tillämpat luftmakt utifrån Clarkes teoretiska beskrivning. Undersökningen stärker därmed Clarkes luftmaktsteori rent empiriskt. För små nationer, med ambition att utveckla sin förmåga till ett mer strategiskt nyttjande av luftmakt, så är den viktigaste slutsatsen från denna undersökning att strategisk attack inte primärt handlar om kinetisk energi som appliceras på strategiska mål. Utan det är istället de mänskliga reaktionerna och besluten bakom tillämpningen av strategisk attack som står i centrum.

Principen om överraskning – en daterad tanke i modern marin krigföring?

Furugård, Alf January 2017 (has links)
The principles of war are appreciated as guidelines in doctrines and theorist Robert R. Leonhard states that surprise is more vital than ever in combat, but criticism is equally distributed. The principles might not even be valid since they lack examination systematically and empirically.  The purpose of this study is to examine the principle of surprise through a case study based upon naval operations during the Yom Kippur and Falklands War.  This tentative study is based on the thoughts of classical theorists. These thoughts are operationalized and subsequently investigated in literature in order to evaluate the validity.  The results show that the principle of surprise is valid to some extent in modern combat, but the factors validity may vary. The principle of surprise also becomes more nuanced in this study, as indicators and examples became connected to the principle.  It can be concluded that the study identifies a need for further empirical research as well as investigation on whether new factors can be discovered in modern combat.

Jom Kippurkriget ur Wardens och Papes Perspektiv

Kristiansson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Through several wars, Israel has proven itself capable of standing up against superior foes, and the Israeli Air Force has always played a significant role in these successes. During the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli forces faced a new threat in the form of superior anti-aircraft weaponry when Egypt and Syria launched an attack on October 6, 1973. The Israeli Air Force was forced to stray from its established doctrine, yet they still managed to once again achieve victory. The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of the factors that contributed to Israel achieving victory during the Yom Kippur War and how a small state can defeat a superior foe. The actions of the Israeli Air Force during the Yom Kippur War were analyzed through the theoretical perspectives of John A. Warden and Robert A. Pape. The analysis shows that neither theory can provide a clear-cut answer to why Israel ended up victorious, but several aspects of them are prominent enough to help explain how Israel managed to get into an advantageous situation. A more extensive study that looks into factors such as the combined effort of the Israeli Air Force and the Israeli Army would be required to reach a more definitive conclusion.

NATO continuity and change : the Atlantic Alliance as an institution, organization and force by reference to Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Washington Treaty

Branikas, Spyros 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis examines the evolution of NATO as an institution in the International System by reference to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty of 1949. Initially, the thesis considers NATO from an international relations perspective. It then proceeds to examine the institutional evolutionary process of the Alliance since its inception and implementation in 1949. Furthermore, it explores the significance and the meaning of the aforementioned Articles. This thesis utilizes the case study method and refers to four distinct events that have shaped allied policies and strategies: the Suez Crisis of 1956, the establishment of the politico-military consultation process, the Yom Kippur War (1973), and the end of the Cold War (1989-1991). It also examines the allied policies after the events of September 11, 2001. Moreover, it identifies a general pattern of events pertinent to crisis creation inside NATO when the organization is facing a defense issue outside the Euro-Atlantic area. Finally, the thesis concludes that NATO is more than an ordinary military Alliance, as advocated by its longevity, agility and adaptability, which allows the Alliance to maintain a central position in the International System as a robust politico-military organization. / Lieutenant Commander, Hellenic Navy

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