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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scenanalys - Övervakning och modellering

Ali, Hani, Sunnergren, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
Självkörande fordon kan minska trafikstockningar och minska antalet trafikrelaterade olyckor. Då det i framtiden kommer att finnas miljontals autonoma fordon krävs en bättre förståelse av omgivningen. Syftet med detta projekt är att skapa ett externt automatiskt trafikledningssystem som kan upptäcka och spåra 3D-objekt i en komplex trafiksituation för att senare skicka beteendet från dessa objekt till ett större projekt som hanterar med att 3D-modellera trafiksituationen. Projektet använder sig av Tensorflow ramverket och YOLOv3 algoritmen. Projektet använder sig även av en kamera för att spela in trafiksituationer och en dator med Linux som operativsystem. Med hjälp av metoder som vanligen används för att skapa ett automatiserat trafikledningssystem utvärderades ett målföljningssystem. De slutliga resultaten visar att systemet är relativt instabilt och ibland inte kan känna igen vissa objekt. Om fler bilder används för träningsprocessen kan ett robustare och mycket mer tillförlitligt system utvecklas med liknande metodik. / Autonomous vehicles can decrease traffic congestion and reduce the amount of traffic related accidents. As there will be millions of autonomous vehicles in the future, a better understanding of the environment will be required. This project aims to create an external automated traffic system that can detect and track 3D objects within a complex traffic situation to later send these objects’ behavior for a larger-scale project that manages to 3D model the traffic situation. The project utilizes Tensorflow framework and YOLOv3 algorithm. The project also utilizes a camera to record traffic situations and a Linux operated computer. Using methods commonly used to create an automated traffic management system was evaluated. The final results show that the system is relatively unstable and can sometimes fail to recognize certain objects. If more images are used for the training process, a more robust and much more reliable system could be developed using a similar methodology.

Městské lázně / The Municipal Baths

Hrůza, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Space for spiritual and physical freedom in harmony of civilisation and nature. Clearly defined dominant building leaving the visitors and passants in full freedom.

Fireworks and Sex! A field study guide to America's shiniest religion

Rothfuss, David Alexander 10 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Sudeep Reddy Angamgari (20431028) 16 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly applied in agricultural tasks such as crop monitoring, especially with AI-driven enhancements significantly increasing their autonomy and ability to execute complex operations without human interventions. However, existing UAV systems lack efficiency, intuitive user interfaces using natural language processing for command input, and robust security which is essential for real-time operations in dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to create a secure, efficient, and user-friendly interface for UAV control by integrating Large Language Model (LLM) with the case study on agricultural environment. In particular, we designed a four-stage approach that allows only authorized user to issue voice commands to the UAV. The command is issued to the LLM controller processed by LLM using API and generates UAV control code. Additionally, we focus on optimizing UAV battery life and enhancing scene interpretation of the environment. We evaluate our approach using AirSim and an agricultural setting built in Unreal Engine, testing under various conditions, including variable weather and wind factors. Our experimental results confirm our method's effectiveness, demonstrating improved operational efficiency and adaptability in diverse agricultural scenarios.</p>

Postkolonialiteit in die twintigste- en een-en-twintigste-eeuse Afrikaanse drama met klem op die na-sestigers / Postkolonialiteit in 20ste- en 21ste-eeuse Afrikaanse drama met klem op die na-sestigers

Van der Merwe, Anna Susanna Petronella 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this thesis the term post-colonialism in the Afrikaans drama is investigated, focussing on the post-sixties. The term post-colonialism is difficult to define. Not only are theories of post-colonialism in a state of continuous flux and shifting emphasis, but as a result of different colonial dominations, separate identities have been constructed in South-Africa; so that defining the terms colonial, post colonial and post-colonial proves to be even more problematic. The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the Afrikaans drama fits into these discourses. The basic point of departure is the fact that post-colonialism played a considerable role in the development of the Afrikaans drama, at the same time providing a more varied scope. The research covers several aspects of post-colonialism in Afrikaans drama; each dealt with in a separate chapter. A multitude of perspectives are featured within the broader discourse in order to obtain multiple norms and standards in a phase of self-criticism. The focus falls mainly on themes and not on performance aspects. New perspectives on issues such as canon texts, silence, hero-worship, the portrayal of woman, patriarchy, and neo-colonialism are presented (chapter 1). In chapter 2 focus falls on the period before 1960, and notably the question of nationalism (associated with apartheid) and the portrayal of the Afrikaner. The literary canon, forms of violence and the position of the super-Afrikaner are viewed in a new light during the re-writing of post-colonial history and the resulting paradigm shifts after 1960. Renewed emphasis is placed on discourse concerning land (chapter 3). Contrasting concepts regarding race, class, language, gender and religion are reconsidered in order to contribute towards the heterogeneous nature of post-colonialism (chapter 4). The function of theatre is to re-evaluate in the context of a post-1994 democratic system. Texts now focus especially on empowerment, re-discovery and re-ordering of history, reconciliation, inter-cultural contact and a post-apartheid syndrome (chapter 5). Anti-hegemonic resistance in Afrikaans literature since the sixties has confronted writers with the challenge of depicting or creating a larger post-colonial reality through their texts. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)


朱中和, ZHU, ZHONG-HE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文全部一冊,共計十六萬字,分五章十三節。 本文主旨在探討中國自光緒二十四年至民國五年間(即公元一八九八年∼一九一六年 ),有關憲政之思想,及有關該思想的演化進步的情形。 首章為緒論,就本文的研究範圍,相關的概念先作界定,並就研究方法及架構作一說 明,以為底下各章的準備。 第二章由清末憲政思想的源起,即萌芽及茁長論起,此為清末民初憲攻思想的第一階 段。此後憲政思想即發展為兩股不同的憲政救國論,一股是以康有為、梁啟超為首的 君主立憲論,另一股乃是以 孫中山先生為首的共和立憲論。前者主張改革,後者主 張革命,此為本章第二及第三節所論述。 第三章探討君主立憲思想的演進過程,由第一節興起的原因背景論起,進而在第二節 說明此股思想的主張內容,亦即其成熟時期的思想。第三節說明思想成熟後所採取的 具體措施。第四節探討該股思想在高潮後的衰退現象。即以興趣-成熟-具體化-衰 退的階段論,為研究架構。 第四章探討共和立憲思想的演進過程,亦以興起-成熟-具體化-受阻的階段論為架 構。第一節說明興起的原因背景。第二節探討思想的主張內容,即成熟後之思想。第 三節探討此股思想所形成的具體措施,第四節採討該股思想所受的阻礙,以致不能順 利實行的現象。 第五章結論,綜合以上各章所論,期能對清末民初這段期間,憲政思想的演進方向與 模式,以社會變遷與政治發展的理論,作一明確的歸類,以作為理想憲政演進的參考 。並指出較理想的憲政演進型態。

Demographic trends in the European Union: political and strategic implications

Rasco, Clark Joseph 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis analyzes adverse demographic trends in the European Union, including sub-replacement birthrates and increasing median ages. It investigates the implications of these trends for the EU's prospects for becoming a stronger and more influential actor in international affairs. Pressures arising from population trends in and near the EU could ultimately affect national and EU cohesion, governmental effectiveness, and social stability. Absent remedial measures, social programs in some EU countries will be unsustainable due to the mounting financial burden of pensions and health care for growing elderly populations. Such financial obligations hinder funding other national programs, including modernized military capabilities. Nationalism and national identity are at issue in immigrant integration and assimilation efforts. The role of population trends with regard to the growing threat of radical Islamic fundamentalism is explored. The thesis concludes with policy recommendations that might be considered to avert the looming economic, social, and security crises that may result from these demographic trends. In short, the security and financial consequences foreshadowed by the current demographic trends of an aging, economically weaker, and socially conflicted European Union could present dramatic implications for the vital national interests of the United States. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Object Detection in Domain Specific Stereo-Analysed Satellite Images

Grahn, Fredrik, Nilsson, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
Given satellite images with accompanying pixel classifications and elevation data, we propose different solutions to object detection. The first method uses hierarchical clustering for segmentation and then employs different methods of classification. One of these classification methods used domain knowledge to classify objects while the other used Support Vector Machines. Additionally, a combination of three Support Vector Machines were used in a hierarchical structure which out-performed the regular Support Vector Machine method in most of the evaluation metrics. The second approach is more conventional with different types of Convolutional Neural Networks. A segmentation network was used as well as a few detection networks and different fusions between these. The Convolutional Neural Network approach proved to be the better of the two in terms of precision and recall but the clustering approach was not far behind. This work was done using a relatively small amount of data which potentially could have impacted the results of the Machine Learning models in a negative way.

1940年代戰爭動員體制下殖民地台灣與朝鮮文學中的地方書寫 / Local literature in Taiwan and Chosen, Japan’s colonies in 1940’s

許育婷, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討1940年代地方文學書寫,藉由台灣與朝鮮對照呈現當時地方書寫產生的特殊背景:不同立場對地方書寫的期待、作家1940年代書寫時如何表現。藉上述的角度,試圖呈現殖民地地方書寫的意義。 殖民地文學中,捕捉在地特色、獨有風物的題材向來備受關注。1940年代更受日本帝國面臨發展困境,走向動員戰爭之路策略影響。使得文藝因應總力戰策動各層面投入戰爭,而背負增進帝國認同的任務。「新體制」與「大政翼贊會」的推行與成立,顯示當時精神統制擴大、也反映東亞協同、對抗西方文明的框架,將殖民地作為帝國外緣/前線的策略。地方特色的突顯與應用即受到這些政策與思維籠罩。 此時,殖民地文藝創作環境面對權力集中一元化,不僅創作語言受限、言論出版高壓管制;官方更積極介入文藝團體、舉辦獎項,加強國策宣傳。文藝創作空間、資源侷限下,新體制與大政翼贊會為殖民地文化界帶來發揮的機會。在地方書寫蘊含國民認同基礎、傳統根源等元素,既呼應政策對於國民文化,殖民地文化人亦可爭取活動機會。這一類書寫,最初以地方色、鄉土色展現地方特殊性的書寫為普遍認同,後隨戰爭國策要求提高,強調服膺日本精神、支援戰爭的內容。 殖民地這一波的地方書寫當中,題材、作品氛圍、敘事型態皆與以往略有不同。題材上,應和國策創作增加、探索傳統價值與批判西方、塑造道德模範反省文化的進程。作品氛圍與敘事型態上,揮去不見希望的氛圍,轉為明朗、健康、動人,更以人物或藉由回歸自然、致力生產、甚至參與戰爭找到生命的意義與希望。 本文即選取兩組作家作品為代表。呂赫若、俞鎮午運用風俗習慣、傳統禮節,表現殖民地特殊風貌,並以倫理、全體性角度肯定傳統價值。張文環、金史良以鄉土為基底,在堅毅樸實的生活中獲得力量。他們在地方書寫框架中,迴避國策密切相關的題材,書寫熟悉事物表現地方特殊性,運用風俗習慣、神話傳說、禮儀、信仰等表現殖民地的人文風景,並一改先前啟蒙的批判角度。這些書寫策略具有保存殖民地文化甚而是民族精神的可能,卻也在時空限制下與戰爭動員的政策意識有所呼應。在兩地的同中有異的書寫成果裡,也見證地方書寫的政治策略、多種意涵,在殖民地的空間裡延伸出更多迂迴與曖昧。 / This article tries to analyze local literature in Taiwan and Chosen, Japan’s colonies in 1940’s. First of all, by analyzing the form of mobilization under the Total War System in 1940, it shows the influence on Japan’s military operation and manipulation. On one hand, the authority made use of centralized management on politics; on the other hand, ideas such as Overcoming Modernity and East Asia Alliance Leader were offered to let people acknowledge the war and sacrifice for it. Through these concepts, the authority reached to the notion which based on the native for people to possess. Secondly, after the foundation of Konoe shintaisei(新體制) and Taisei Yokusankai(大政翼贊會), literature was asked to proclaim the war more strategically. At that time, under the limitation of the amount of paper, local literature in colonies was requested to write in Japanese and scrutinized by the government. In addition, the authority even established literature and art organizations and set up literary prizes to advertise the war. In this way, local literature not only answered the policy but also gave the chance of displaying colonial features to those authors. In the beginning, both the authority and most of the writers accepted the method of using local color to exhibit the colony, however, this method was applied to announce the Japanese spirit and support the war little by little. Under this circumstance, colonies changed the way of literary expression. There were more subjects which conformed the national policy, explored the value of tradition, and criticized the Western to reflect the advancement of culture and then create moral standards. It was the atmosphere of the literature that turned to be bright and cheerful. Moreover, narrative patterns were performed on the characters, such as returning to nature, devoting to production, finding meanings and hopes by participating in the war. This article represents local literature in colonies in 1940 by taking examples of two groups of writers. One of the groups ,which is represented by Lü He-ruo (呂赫若) and You Jin-Oh (유진오), utilized traditional customs and manners as distinguishing features in colony. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of ethic and totalitarianism, they tried to approve the value of tradition. Yet, on the other hand, Chang wen-Huan(張文環) and Kim Saryan(김사량) gained power from difficulty and arduousness in life through the background of rural places. Both of them avoided responding to the national policy in this kind of writing pattern. As previously stated, these writers portrayed what they were familiar with to show the feature in local places. Ranging from customs, practices, folklore, manners to religions were what the writers employed to illustrate the cultural characteristics in colonies. Besides, the viewpoint changed from the criticism of enlightenment. These kinds of writing devices with the hope of preserving local culture and even national integrity. However, it was the restriction on politics and the times made literary works echo with the authority’s ideology at the same time. In the view of Compare Taiwan with Chosen, difference in literary works were testified to show the various meanings from colonial strategies in politics and writers characters in the meantime.

Kroppen i bilden : Hur det icke-verbala gestaltas i fyra bilderböcker från två tidsepoker / The body within the picture : How the non-verbal portraved in four picture books from two eras

Olsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera ett begränsat antal bilderböcker från två tidsepoker och undersöka hur det icke-verbala gestaltas i dessa bilderböcker och om det gestaltas olika i de två tidsepokerna.  Jag kommer att fokusera mer ingående på konflikter mellan barn, konflikter mellan pedagoger och barn och pedagogers attityder i konflikter och deras sätt att hantera dem. Metoden jag använder mig av i denna studie är en kvalitativ litteraturanalys där jag utgår från Nikolajevas (2000) bok om bilderboksanalys. Tillsammans med relevant litteratur och Howard Garders teori om de sju intelligenserna med fokus på det kroppsliga har jag kommit fram till resultatet att alla böcker oavsett tidsepok via kroppsspråket i böckerna förmedlar att förskolan är något roligt och intressant. Största skillnaden mellan böckerna från de olika tidsepokerna var att i de äldre böckerna visades endast att man inte fick säga emot de vuxna med en tydlig didaktisk underton. I böckerna från 2000-talet gestaltades kroppsspråket så att man förstod det som att barnen hade mer inflytande och behövde inte alltid godta vad de vuxna sa, utan kunde ha mer egen vilja. / The purpose of this study is to analyze a limited number of picture books from two eras and examine how non-verbal portrayed in the picture, and if it is portrayed differently in the two epochs. I will focus in more detail on the conflicts between children, conflicts between educators and children and teachers' attitudes in the conflict and their way of dealing with them. The method I use in this study is a qualitative literature analysis which I assume Nicholas Eve (2000) book on picture analysis. Together with the relevant literature and Howard Gardners theory of the seven intelligences with a focus on the bodily, I have come to the result that all books regardless of era through body language in the books convey to preschool is something fun and interesting. The biggest difference between the books from the different time epochs was that in the older books appeared only that you could not argue with adults with a clear didactic undertone. In the books from the 2000's figure was the body language illustrated in such a way that the reader understands that the children are allowed to have more influence and not necessarily need to accept the opinions and wishes of the adults, since they are entitled to their own opinion and to have their own free will.

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