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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korruptionens rationalitet : En teoriprövande jämförande studie om styrkan hos principal-agent-teorin och teorin omkollektivt handlande i att förklara djupgående korruption. / The rationality of corruption

Nylund, Olof January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze how the problem of corruption manifests itself in thoroughlycorrupt contexts. Through a theoretical framework inspired by rational choice two theorieswill be examined against each other, collective action and principal agent theory. The studyaims to investigate whether part of the explanation is a misunderstanding of how corruptionmanifests itself in deeply corrupt nations. It does this by comparing two nations that bothshare such characteristics, Tanzania and Zambia with a theory-testing approach. The resultshows that while both theories have some merit, the collective action theory might be morefitting.

Socioeconomic Factors Affecting HIV Prevalence in Women of Reproductive Age in Zambia

Omenuko, Nnamdi, Tafesse, Yordanos 25 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
HIV/AIDS is considered the deadliest epidemic in the 21st century and has proved to be of major public health importance. Per the 2000 Zambia census, the people affected by HIV/AIDS constituted 15% of the total population, amounting to one million, of which 60% were women. Previous studies have identified sexual contact, significant exposure to infected body fluids or tissues, mother to child transmission during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding as leading ways of transmission. The purpose of this study was to determine the socioeconomic factors that affect the prevalence of HIV in Zambian women. This research will help to provide more insight into this topic and aid in identifying areas that could be targeted by future intervention strategies to reduce the HIV burden. We used a cross-sectional study based on data from the 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS). Secondary data analysis was conducted based on data for women aged 15-50 years (n=14922). Factors predicting HIV prevalence such as the age of household members, current marital status, place of residence, and the highest educational level attained were included in the analysis. Outcome variables included the result of determine HIV1/2 RDT and unigold HIV1/2 RDT. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed on all variables. Bivariate analysis was performed to determine the relationship between each predictor variable and HIV prevalence in women, using a chi-square test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed using HIV test results and all predictor variables, odds ratio, confidence intervals, and P-value were reported. The prevalence of HIV in women aged 15-50 in Zambia was 9.9% in the study sample. Overall, our analysis showed that being aged 35-50 (4.7%), residing in an urban setting (6.53%), being married (6.1%), and having attained at least secondary education (4.68%) were associated with a higher HIV prevalence. All relationships were significant in the chi-square analysis at the p

Exploring partnership: Reflections on an international collaboration.

Karban, Kate, Ng'andu, R. January 2016 (has links)
yes / This article explores some of the challenges involved in a collaborative mental health partnership, drawing on the reflections of two project members from the Chainama College of Health Sciences in Zambia and the Leeds Metropolitan University in England. The aim of the project was to support the education and training of the mental health workforce in Zambia as services shift from institutional to community-based care. The discussion is located within Gray’s ‘three-pronged dilemma’ and debates concerning the internationalisation agenda in social work and higher education. The conclusion emphasises the benefits and tensions of partnership working between ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries.

Origins and growth of Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal church movements in Zambia between 1989-2000

Lumbe, John Muntunda Kapenda 06 1900 (has links)
The Evangelical movement is a significant Christian movement in the life of the Zambian Nation and it is to this movement that the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement belongs. Undoubtedly this movement has become to be a vital player in enhancing the voice of hope and change that Evangelicals have trumpeted in the past twenty years. Emerging in the shadows of formidable established Christian movements such as the Evangelical fellowship of Zambia and Christian Council of Zambia, the movement is yet to consolidate itself as one of the influencing groups within the Evangelical movement. For this to happen, they has to be realization of the potential there is to become an agent of change in the Nation. In order to attain this, the movement needs introspection in their perception and involvement in socio-economic development and theological response to matters which affect communities they serve. This work endeavors to high light historical factors which have contributed to the development and growth of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement in Zambia. Roles and contributions of the movement towards the Evangelical movement as well us short comings. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

The theological impact of the handmaid sisters on the community of Mpunde Mission, in Kabwe Zambia

Sepeti, Theresa January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation shows the theological impact of Handmaid Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Mpunde community. Data was collected through structured interviews and questionnaires from Sisters and members of the community. The dissertation covers Evangelisation in general beginning with the coming of the Roman Catholic Church through Missionary White Fathers and Jesuits in Zambia and thereafter the coming of Women international congregations offering education, pastoral and health services and later the birth of local congregations. Similarities in formation, collaboration and works between international and local congregations are highlighted. The dissertation traces the history and establishment of Handmaid Sisters and its developments up to date focusing on the theology of Mary, who is their model and her influence, position in the church and in the Congregation itself. Finally, the dissertation looks at the structure of Governance and Operations of the Congregation as it carries its Mission especially empowering girls and women. / (M. A. (Religious studies))

A creative tension between spirituality and physical needs : a theological Eccesiological evaluation of a food security programme for the council of churches in Zambia

Zulu, William 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Agriculture is the main stay for Zambia‟s economic growth and for enhancing household food security. But small holder farmers living in rural areas of Zambia are not able to command food resources because of their low per capita productivity to grow and store food to provide for their families throughout the year. The two three months prior to harvest (January, February and March) are the period of sufficient national deprivation for many rural households in Zambia. This scenario has created a serious food insecurity problem among most households living in rural Zambia as they cannot afford descent meals a day. Maposa community is one of the communities that is food insecure due to a range of factors which include poor agriculture practice, lack of farm inputs and civic awareness on matters that affect their livelihood. The Reformed church in Zambia (RCZ) has been implementing a food security project in Maposa community on the Copperbelt of Zambia from 2007 to 2010 whose main objective of this project is to empower household farmers with agriculture skills so that they can be able to produce food on a more sustainable way to feed their families. This study therefore, offers an ecclesiological evaluation of the Maposa Food Security Project implemented. Ecclesiological evaluation in this case implies using the Biblical theological perspective to assess the tools RCZ used in this food security. In addition, it is important to note that Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) belongs to an ecumenical body called the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ). The Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) is an organ that unites all Christian Churches in Zambia and advocates on behalf of member churches all matters related to church registration and also provides guidelines to member churches how to implement community development programmes in line with the governments development plans on national building such as (5th National Development plan and vision 2030). Furthermore, Reformed church in Zambia (RCZ) and other CCZ member churches feed into the annual report of the Council of Churches in Zambia which meets once every year. Though this evaluation is focussed on the Maposa food security project implemented by Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), the Council of Churches in Zambia cannot be isolated since it is the mother body of all Christian Churches in operating in Zambia. The results of this research will be shared with both Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) and the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ). The researcher believes that the outcome of this research will help in improving the performance of both the Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) and the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) as they participate in transformational development. This study therefore, investigated the following four areas of transformational development in the food security project: Participation: to assess whether the farmer beneficiaries in the project have been involved in the planning of the food security project, have identified their own priorities for the project or have used their own resources to exercise control over their own economic, social and cultural development. Capacity building: to assess how the food security project implemented by RCZ has strengthened the capacity of the local people. This includes the transfer of skills through training for purposes of equipping people to engage in their own development. Local resource mobilization: to assess the community‟s participation in the mobilization of their own resources in the project implementation. Sustainability: to assess the long term viability of this food security project beyond the support of the RCZ. This study is answering the research question, „How can the church and its context participate in a practical way in transforming communities where there is poverty and food deficit?‟ This research argues that if the church can effectively participate in transformational development through the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food production, the majority of the people living in the rural areas of Zambia can be economically empowered and become food secure all year round. Poverty in this rural area is as a result of inability of households to meet basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landbou is die steunpilaar van Zambië se ekonomiese groei en die versterking van huishoudelike voedselsekerheid. Weens hul kleiner per kapita produktiwiteit is kleiner huur-boere in landelike gebiede egter nie in staat om voedselbronne in stand te hou nie, dit wil sê om genoeg kos vir ʼn jaar vir hul gesinne te produseer en stoor nie. Die twee of drie maande voor oestyd (Januarie, Februarie en Maart) is ʼn tydperk van tekort in baie landelike huishoudings in Zambië. Hierdie scenario het ʼn ernstige voeselsekerheidprobleem geskep vir die meeste gesinne in landelike Zambië, wat nie drie etes ʼn dag kan bekostig nie. Die Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) het daarom van 2007 tot 2010 ʼn voedselsekerheidprojek gevestig in Maposa-gemeenskap in die Koperbelt in Zambië met die doel om huishoudings met voedsekerheid te bemagtig deur die bevordering van goeie landbou-praktyke. Hierdie studie bied dus ʼn evaluering van Maposa Food Security Project wat deur die RCZ geïmplementeer is. Die RCZ is ʼn lid van die ekumeniese liggaam die Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ). Die CCZ is ʼn liggaam wat alle Christelike kerk in Zambië verenig en namens kerklike lede kwessies oor kerk-registrasie verdedig en ook riglyne verskaf oor hoe kerklike lede gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprogramme moet implementeer wat belyn is met die regering se ontwikkelingsplanne vir nasionale bou (5th National Development Plan, Vision 2030). Die RCZ en ander CCZ lede het dus ook inspraak in die jaarverslag van die CCZ. Die doel van die studie is ʼn evaluering van die bydrae wat die RCZ gemaak het tot die aanspreek van die voedselsekerheidprobleem in landelike gemeenskappe as agent en katalisator van transformerende gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Die doel van die Maposa-projek is om huishoudelike voedselsekerheid te versterk by lede van die gemeenskap as ʼn maatreël tot ekonomiese bemagtiging. Die studie het die volgende areas van transformerende ontwikkeling in die voedselsekerheidprojek ondersoek. Deelname: om te assesseer of die boere-begunstigdes in die projek betrokke was by die beplanning van die voedselsekerheidprojek, hul eie prioriteite vir die projek geïdentifiseer het of hul eie bronne benut het om beheer uit te oefen oor hul eie ekonomiese, sosiale en kulturele ontwikkeling. Kapasiteitbou: om te assesseer hoe die voedselsekerheidprojek wat deur die RCZ geïmplementeer is, die kapasiteit van plaaslike mense versterk het. Dit sluit in die oordra van vaardighede deur opleiding met die doel om mense toe te rus om hulself te ontwikkel. Plaaslike bron-mobilisasie: om die gemeenskap se deelname in die mobilisasie van hul eie bronne in die projek se implementering te assesseer. Volhoubaarheid: om die langtermyn-volhoubaarheid van hierdie voedselsekerheid buiten die steun van die RCZ te assesseer. Die studie beantwoord die navorsingsvraag: „Hoe kan die kerk en die kerk se konteks prakties deelneem aan transformasie waar daar armoede en voedseltekort is?‟ Die navorsing betoog dat as die kerk effektief kan deelneem aan transformerende ontwikkeling deur die bevordering van volhoubare landbou en voedselproduksie, kan die meerderheid mense in die landelike gebiede in Zambië ekonomies bemagtig word en heeljaar voedselsekerheid geniet. Armoede in dié landelike gebied is die gevolg van ʼn onvermoë van huishoudings om te voorsien in basiese behoeftes soos kos, behuising en klerasie. Die navorsing-struktuur is: Hoofstuk 1 dien as ʼn inleiding tot die navorsingsproses. Dit bied ʼn padkaart waarvolgens die hele studie sistematies aangebied word. Dit is ʼn raamwerk vir transformerende gemeenskapsontwikkeling en noem maniere waarop teologie prakties aangewend kan word. Hoofstuk 2 gee ʼn oorsig van ʼn regverdige en volhoubare voedselsisteem. Daar word betoog dat, indien arm landelike gemeenskappe voedselsekerheid wil behaal, sal regerings en ander rolspelers betrokke moet raak by ontwikkelingsbeleide en programme om ʼn regverdige voedselstelsel te bevorder waar voedsel geredelik beskikbaar en vir almal toeganklik is. Verder word maniere bespreek om landbou te verbeter om voedselsekerheid te bereik in arm landelike gemeenskappe. ʼn Oorsig van die voedselsekerheidstelsel in Zambië word ook in dié hoofstuk gebied. Hoofstuk 3 bespreek landbou en voedselproduksie in Zambië. Die doel van die hoofstuk is om ʼn oorsig te gee van landbou in verhouding tot huishoudelike voedselsekerheid veral in die landelike gemeenskappe in Zambië, wat hoë vlakke van voedselonsekerheid ervaar. Hoofstuk 4 kyk na die Bybelse en teologiese perspektief van landbou en voedselproduksie. Dit bied ʼn oorsig van Bybelse lering oor landbou en voedselproduksie deur te kyk na landbou en voedselproduksie vanuit beide Ou Testamentiese en Nuwe Testamentiese perspektiewe. Die doel is om te ontdek hoe boerdery vanuit ʼn teologiese oogpunt op die huidige landboustelsel toegepas kan word om voedselproduksie te verhoog. Hoofstuk 5 bied ʼn teologiese ekklesiologiese raamwerk van voedselsekerheid soos gevind in Hoofstuk 4 om vir die RCZ en die CCZ riglyne te bied vir hul poging om betrokke te raak by transformerende gemeenskapsontwikkeling deur die voedselsekerheidprojek in Maposa-gemeenskap en elders. Hoofstuk 6 bied riglyne vir die bemagtiging van huishoudings deur voedselsekerheid: Lesse van Maposa-gemeenskap. Dié riglyne vorm die basis vir die implementering van ʼn ekklesiologie van voedselsekerheid deur die RCZ, die CCZ en Zambië in geheel. Hoofstuk 7 is ʼn opsomming van die navorsingswerk soos bespreek in Hoofstuk 2 tot 6.

Stock market development and economic growth : a case for Zambia

Sililo, Mulambo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Graduate School of Business))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This present study investigates the directional link between stock market development and economic growth in Zambia for the period 2002-2009, using quarterly data. While there is numerous empirical research conducted on this topic, none of it constitutes an in-depth study of the causal relationship of stock market development and economic growth in Zambia. The investigation of the causal relationship is conducted by using two methods: the recent and better Toda and Yamamoto Causality Test, and the older and popular Granger causality test. As highlighted by recent studies, the results of the Toda and Yamamoto Causality Test approach are more reliable than those of the Granger Causality Test approach, and are therefore preferred for this study. The Granger Causality Test is employed in the study for comparison purposes with the new Toda and Yamamoto approach, as well as comparison with the only study done on Zambia on the topic. Results of the Toda and Yamamoto approach support the demand following hypothesis that economic growth causes stock market development. The Granger Causality Test results lend support to the Independent view that stock market development and economic growth are independent of each other. The Granger Causality Test results support the prior study done on Zambia using the same technique but based on panel data instead of time series data as is the case for the present study. However, as the Granger Causality Test approach inherently has a number of problems, its results are unreliable. Based on the result of the Toda Yamamoto approach, the study argues that the Zambian stock exchange could help promote further economic growth in the country and should therefore be integrated in the whole economic system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die ooreenkoms tussen aandeelmarkontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei in Zambia vir die periode 2002-2009 met die gebruik van kwartaallikse data. Die ondersoek om die verhouding te bepaal word deur twee metodes gedoen naamlik die onlangse en beter “Toda and Yamamoto” toets en die ouer en populêre “Granger” toets. Soos onlangs uitgewys is die uitslae van die “Toda and Yamamoto” toets meer akkuraat as die “Granger” toets en word derhalwe verkies vir hierdie studie. Die Granger toets word gebruik vir vergelykings met die “Toda and Yamamoto” benadering asook vergelyking met die enigste studie wat in Zambië gedoen is op hierdie vakgebied. Resultate van die Toda benadering ondersteun die stelling dat ekonomiese groei veroorsaak aandelemarkontwikkeling terwyl die Granger toets die siening dat markontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei onafhanklik van mekaar is ondersteun. Die Granger toets ondersteun die vorige studie op Zambië wat dieselfde metodiek gebruik het maar wat gebaseer is op “panel data” in plaas van tyd series data soos in die huidige studie. Die Granger studie het 'n aantal inherente probleme en die resultate is daarom onbetroubaar. Gebaseer op die Toda benadering word in die studie geargumenteer dat die Zambiese beurs verdere ekonomiese groei kan bevorder en behoort derhalwe geïntegreerd te word in die hele ekonomiese stelsel.

Is there a solution to the challenges being faced in the capital markets in Zambia?

Nglazi-Tembo, Wendy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines whether there is a solution to the challenges being faced in the capital markets in Zambia. Literature on how other countries have overcome these challenges is reviewed to determine whether there is a solution to these challenges. The study also tests for the market efficiency of the Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE). The Random Walk Model is used to test for weak form efficiency using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test. The ADF Test is conducted for the period May 1995 to October 2008 using individual stocks, depending on the date the stock was listed on the LuSE. The result of this study shows that there is a solution to some of the challenges being faced in the capital markets in Zambia. The results also show that the LuSE market is a weak form of efficiency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die vraag of daar ʼn oplossing is vir die uitdagings waardeur die kapitaalmarkte in Zambië in die gesig gestaar word. Literatuur oor hoe ander lande hierdie uitdagings te bowe gekom het, word nagegaan om te bepaal of daar ʼn oplossing is vir dié uitdagings. Die studie toets voorts die markdoeltreffendheid van die Lusaka-aandelebeurs (LuSE). Die stogastiese bewegingsteorie word gebruik om met behulp van die Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)-toets vir swak vormdoeltreffendheid te toets. Die ADF-toets is met behulp van individuele effekte gedurende die tydperk Mei 1995 tot Oktober 2008 uitgevoer, na gelang van die datum waarop die effek op die LuSE genoteer is. Die slotsom waartoe hierdie studie kom, is dat daar ʼn oplossing is vir sommige van die uitdagings waarvoor die kapitaalmarkte in Zambië te staan kom. Die resultate toon ook dat die LuSE-mark swak is wat betref vormdoeltreffendheid.

Knowledge and experiences of oral health among teacher students in Livingstone, Zambia : a questionnaire study / Kunskap och erfarenhet utav oral hälsa bland lärarstudenter i Livingstone, Zambia : en enkätstudie

Nilsson, Emelie, Holmberg, Josephine January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the experience of dental care and oral hygiene, and the knowledge about gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries among teacher students, in Livingstone, Zambia. Another aim was to investigate whether oral health was included in the curriculum. The study was carried out among teacher students at David Livingstone College of Education. The questionnaire consisted of 32 questions. 150 questionnaires were handed out, an external reduction appeared of 15 questionnaires and altogether 135 students participated in the study. The results showed that 74 of the students had never received dental care, while 59 had received dental care. The main reason why they had been seeking dental care was toothache. Toothbrush and toothpaste were the most common agents used for cleaning teeth. The overall knowledge about oral diseases was good. Most of the teacher students had received information about oral health in previous schools. The teacher students were positive to inform about oral health when they start practicing as teachers but they requested more information and knowledge to be familiar with the topic. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka erfarenheten av tandvård och oral hygien samt kunskap om gingivit, parodontit och karies bland lärarstudenter i Livingstone, Zambia. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka om oral hälsa var en del utav läroplanen. Studien utfördes bland lärarstudenter vid David Livingstone College of Education. Enkäten bestod av 32 frågor. 150 enkäter delades ut, ett externt bortfall på 15 enkäter förekom och sammanlagt deltog 135 lärarstudenter i studien. Resultaten visade att 74 av lärarstudenterna aldrig hade fått tandvård medan 59 hade fått tandvård. Det huvudsakliga skälet till att de hade uppsökt tandvård var tandvärk. Tandborste och tandkräm var de vanligaste hjälpmedlen vid tandrengöring. Kunskapen om orala sjukdomar var i det stora hela god. De flesta lärarstudenterna hade fått information om oral hälsa i tidigare skolor. Lärarstudenterna var positivt inställda till att informera om oral hälsa när de börjar praktisera som lärare, men de efterfrågade mer information och kunskap om ämnet.

Var kommer du ifrån? : Etnicitets betydelse i vardagens Zambia.

von Hofsten, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
Människor i dagens samhälle flyttar och reser mycket till olika platser och länder. Man växte upp i en stad och sedan flyttade man till en annan för att till exempel gå i skolan eller arbeta. Under tiden träffar man andra människor från andra städer eller länder. Alla har olika erfarenheter och bakgrund med olika traditioner. Etnicitet är någonting som uppstår när man träffar människor som är olik en själv. Zambia är ett multikulturellt land med många olika etniska grupper som lever sida vid sida. I den här uppsatsen ska jag undersöka om etnicitet är något människor är medvetna om i ett sådant multikulturellt samhälle och på vilket sätt, om de är det. / People in today’s society move a lot and travel a lot, to different places and countries. A person grew up in one town and then go to school or work in another town and meets people there from other city’s or even other countries. Everyone that a person meets have different experience and backgrounds with different traditions. Ethnicity is something that occurs when we meet people different from our self’s. Zambia is a multicultural country with a lot of different ethnic groups living side by side in peace. In this essay, I want to see if ethnicity exist in this kind of society with so many different ethnic groups and how do people think about it, if they are aware of it.

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