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Disability Pension with Special Reference to Sick Leave Track Record, Health Effects, Health Care Utilisation and Survival : A Population-based StudyWallman, Thorne January 2008 (has links)
Background. In Sweden 10 percent (550,000) of the labour force, aged 18 to 65 years are disability pensioners and about four percent are on sick leave. The knowledge of the course from healthy individual to disability pensioner is not well known and was the theme of this thesis. Objectives, Material and Methods. The aims of the thesis were to follow the study population regarding sickness absence, health care utilisation, quality of life, and survival. Population based data including 14,538 women and men from three cities in Sweden were used, of whom 1,952 were granted a disability pension at baseline or received one during follow up. Register data, including sickness spells, health care utilisation, and mortality data during 30 years of follow up, and questionnaire data including socio-economic and quality of life data were used. Results. The most powerful determinant for being granted a disability pension was cumulative annual sick leave days, more powerful than all other tested determinants together. The degree of explanation for all determinants combined was 96%. Health care utilisation among disability pensioners continued to be high also after disability pension, 2.3 times higher for hospital admissions and 8 times higher for primary health case appointments than among referents. Disability pensioners had lower quality of life than non-pensioners and old age pensioners. For those who became disability pensioners after the baseline measurements quality of life measures decreased progressively until disability pension was granted and were then stabilised on a low level. During follow up 525 (7.6%) subjects died. Compared with subjects who did not become disability pensioners the hazards ratio was 2.78 among women and 3.43 among men, even when the effect of a number of other outcome affecting variables were taken into account. The mortality differences were not explained by underlying disease. Conclusions. The risk of disability pension may be predicted but only late in the course of events. Disability pensioners continue to have a high level of health care utilisation, and have a worse quality of life development and a higher mortality rate than non-pensioners. Given the unfavourable outcome of disability pension, other means of managing the reduced work capacity might be considered.
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Sickness Absence in Sweden : Its relation to Work, Health and Social Insurance FactorsEngström, Lars-Gunnar January 2009 (has links)
Background: The high levels of sickness absence and disability pensioning experienced during the 1990's and 2000's have become both socially as well as financially burdensome for society. Sickness absence implies a costly loss of production for society and large groups of individuals are risking to become marginalised on the labour market. Sickness absence is both a public health and an economic problem. Thus from both a human approach as well as from an economic perspective it is urgent to increase knowledge about what influences individual behaviour when it comes to sickness absence and return to work. Objectives: The overall aim of the thesis is to elucidate the decisive factors for explaining sickness absence. Three different aspects of sickness absence were considered, i.e. factors leading to sickness absence, factors preventing sickness absence and factors leading back to work ability and work when being sickness absent. This is done using a frame of reference involving broadly defined areas of work, health and social insurance related factors. Material and methods: Study I analyzes the outcome of unemployed sick-listed individuals. A total of 280 individuals from the county of Värmland were followed through register data between the years 2000 to 2001. Linear and logistic regression models were used to analyze the occurrence of short and long term economic incentives. Study II has a longitudinal design and explores determinants of return to work. Sick-listed individuals with a stress-related psychiatric diagnosis from the county of Värmland were analyzed over a period of three years (2000-2003) using logistic regression. The data comprised 911 individuals. Study III is a cross-sectional study using questionnaire data from the county of Värmland from year 2004. A total of 3123 persons either working or being self employed were analyzed on determinants of work presence through logistic regression. Study IV had a cross-sectional design and used questionnaire data from five counties in central Sweden. The data, from 2004, comprised 10536 individuals being employed, i.e. not self-employed, and with self reported physical and mental medical conditions. Logistic regression was mainly used in the analysis and the focus was on risk factors for long term sickness absence. Study V comprises cross-sectional data retrieved at three separate occasions between 1991 and 1994. It includes 8839 individuals from five counties in western Sweden with sickness absence spells over 60 days. The data was analysed through bi-variate probit regression with a focus on effects of vocational rehabilitation on return to work. Results: The results from study I were interpreted as that both short and long term economic incentives matter for the outcome of sickness absence through the interaction of different insurance systems. The principal findings from study II was that age, gender and factors implying less favourable health characteristics and thereby lower work capacity, reduce probabilities of returning to work after long term sickness absence. Considering study III determinants of work presence were found to vary between sexes and whether the determinants were counteracting long or short term sickness absence. Factors interpreted as job control counteracted short term absence. Sense of coherence was found to be an important determinant of work presence for women. In study IV long term sickness absence was found to be related to the level of ill-health. Moreover it was concluded that work environment factors as job strain, job satisfaction, physical work environment were important factors for explaining sickness absence in a population with impaired health. The results from study V indicated that vocational rehabilitation is a potentially effective instrument for improving the individual's work ability and chances of return to work. That no signs of prioritizing selection of rehabilitation participants to those likely to return to work with or without rehabilitation measures, i.e. "managerial creaming", were found was also considered as important results. Conclusions: This thesis shows that we need different models and approaches to improve knowledge about the various aspects of sickness absence as entry into absence, return to work or into disability retirement. It also has the implications that sickness absence behaviour can be influenced. Largely depending on what long term path is chosen for welfare policy at the political level it should be acknowledged that other means, improving working conditions and promoting rehabilitation rather than reducing benefit levels and narrowing the eligibility criteria for the insurance benefits are at hand.
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The relationship between personality and biographical factors in absenteeismKruger, Pierre Carl 31 March 2008 (has links)
This research deals with personality and biographical factors in absenteeism.
The literature review looks at personality traits and absenteeism. The
following question must then be asked: Can the construct ”personality” be
analysed and described within the context of the work environment, and can
the relationship between personality, biographical factors and absenteeism be
studied empirically. The empirical study focuses on measuring the relationship
between personality and absenteeism.
The construct ”personality” is presented within the dimensional or trait
perspective. The empirical investigation is presented within the functionalistic
paradigm (quantitative approach). The chosen measuring instrument, namely,
the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF SA 92) was administered
by means of a random sample to 72 Aviation Security Officers. The reliability
of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was determined using the
Cronbach Alpha coefficient method. To determine if personality is a predictor
of absenteeism, stepwise regression analysis was done. The results indicate
that the degree (category) of absenteeism is associated only with marital
status and number of dependants. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)
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The design and development of a knowledge-based lean six sigma maintenance system for sustainable buildings : the design and development of a hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/Gauging Absence of Pre-requisites (GAP)/Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model for implementing lean six sigma maintenance system in sustainable buildings' environmentAl Dairi, Jasim S. S. January 2017 (has links)
The complexity of sustainable building maintenance environment requires managers to define and implement appropriate quality benchmark system suitable for this function. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is one of the most effective process improvement and optimization philosophy that maintenance organisations can implement in their environment. However, literature review has shown that 90% of failures in LSS implementations are due to lack of readiness to change, the unawareness of the required benchmark organisation capabilities, and improper control of priorities. The contribution of the current research approach is in developing a hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/GAP/AHP System, consisting of three stages (Planning, Designing and Implementation) and containing over 2500 KB rules. The KB System can assist the decision-makers in identifying the obstacles behind the organisation readiness to change into a benchmark LSS maintenance environment. Thus the KB System will be used to achieve benchmark standards by determining the gap existing between the current environment and the benchmark goal, and then suggest a detailed plan to overcome these hurdles in a prioritised and structured manner, thus achieving cost benefits. To ensure its consistency and reliability, the KB System was validated in three Oman-based maintenance organisations, and one published case study for a UK-based organisation. The results from the validation were positive with the System output suggesting list of top priorities and action plans for achieving benchmark LSS standards for these organisations. The research concludes that the developed KB System is a consistent and reliable methodology for assisting decision-makers in designing, planning, and implementing LSS for benchmark sustainable building maintenance.
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L’hébergement interpersonnel entre inclusion et exclusion : l’intervention du service social comme tiers médiateur / Interpersonal hosting between inclusion and exclusion : the intervention of social services as a mediating third partyCristofol, Gisèle 06 June 2016 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’hébergement interpersonnel, défini comme l’accueil informel, non professionnalisé et durable, par un hébergeur, au sein de son domicile, d’un parent, d’un ami ou d’un proche, démuni de logement. Elle est menée à partir d’une position de praticien-chercheur et se veut à la fois qualitative, compréhensive et inductive. Le terrain géographique d’investigation est la ville de Paris. Les données ont été recueillies dans cinq arrondissements auprès de quinze hébergés et douze hébergeurs et auprès de neuf travailleurs sociaux exerçant au sein du Conseil général de Paris en service spécialisé RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active) ou dans le cadre de la polyvalence de secteur. L’hébergement interpersonnel est analysé en tant que fait social, avec ses caractéristiques et ses spécificités, puis en tant que pratique sociale signifiante pour ses acteurs, avec sa dynamique propre, régie par l’économie du don, productrice d’effets personnels et sociaux inclusifs, dans une dimension de « suppléance sociale », ou excluants pour les hébergés, parfois pour les hébergeurs. Les modalités d’intervention sociale sont étudiées, dans une perspective d’analyse des pratiques professionnelles, à partir du positionnement du service social en tant que tiers social, tiers symbolique et tiers médiateur, accompagnant les acteurs de l’hébergement dans la résolution de leurs problématiques (soutien aux fonctions et places tenues par les actants, étayage et médiation favorisant le maintien de l’hébergement, actions de type procédurales de recherche de solutions alternatives à l’hébergement). / The research analyses lodging people, described as an informal enduring and non professional greeting, by an host, in his house, about homeless related to him, homeless friend or homeless next of kin. It is led from practitioner - researcher's position and aims to be at the same time qualitative, comprehensive and inductive. The geographical ground of investigation is the city of Paris. Data were collected in five districts with fifteen guests and twelve hosts and with nine social workers practicing within the General Council of Paris in specialized service Active Solidarity Revenue or the framework of the versatility of sector. The interpersonal accommodation is analyzed as a social situation, with its characteristics and specificities, then as significant social practice for his actors, with his appropriate dynamics, governed by the economy of the gif, producer of including personal and social effects, in a dimension of “social substitution", or excluding for the accommodated, sometimes for the hosts. Social intervention methods are studied through an analysis of the professional practices, from the positioning of the social services department as mediation symbolic and third social, party, accompanying the actors of the hosting in the resolution of their problems (support for the functions and the places held by agents, propping up and mediation favoring the preservation of the hosting, the procedural actions of type of search for alternative solutions the hosting).
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Association between work-time control and sickness absence : A longitudinal study among the Swedish working populationLithner, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
In Sweden, sickness absence due to mental disorder is increasing for both men and women, although more among women. The psychosocial work environment is acknowledged as an important predictor for sickness absence. Employee based work-time control is beneficial for the balance between job stress and recovery and could therefore be of interest when aiming to prevent sickness absence. The aim is to investigate the association between control over daily hours (CoDH) and control over time off (CoT), respectively, and sickness absence. The study also examine whether the association differ by gender and if burnout or depression mediates the associations. Data was derived from two waves of the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH) which is an approximate representation of the Swedish working population (n=8418, of which 4936 were females). Binary logistic regression was used as method of analysis. After adjustment for possible confounders, no association between CoDH and sickness absence was found. Low CoT was significantly associated with sickness absence among men (OR=0.90 [0.84, 0.96]), but not among women. Neither burnout nor depression mediates the associations. CoT is stronger associated with sickness absence than CoDH. CoT with regard to sickness absence is of greater importance for men than women.
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Začleňování jedince do sociální skupiny v různých životních situacích ve vybraném regionu / Integration of individuals into social groups in different life situations in the selected regionŠámalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of integration of individuals into a social group in different life situations in the Pilsen region. Primarily it focuses to forms of assistance which are provided by the region to the children leaving the Halfway house or the children home established by the Pilsen region. The thesis analyzes public opinions on the issue of integration of the children from the children home into society and finds out their own positions of adolescents, executives and employees of social facilities. It also analyzes the issue within the development of the Pilsen region. The objective is to propose ways to integrate individuals without a family into the social groups in different life situations in the Pilsen region. The theoretical part deals with the period of socialization of a child and the absence of a family as the main factor of socialization. It describes a system of constitutional education in the Czech Republic, the lives of children in the Halfway house and programs on the issues of leaving the children home. The field research is performed with a purpose of achieving objectives, sub-objectives work and then interpret their results. The results obtained and subsequent recommendation are summarized for the establishing institution children home (thus Pilsen Region) in the conclusion of this work. To achieve the main objective is proposed the way to integrate individuals into the social groups in the form of new work position social guide.
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Ticho / SilenceŠterbáková, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
Silence is a negative term denoting absence of sounds. However, our ordinary way of speaking about silence suggests that the latter is some perceptible reality, 'some- thing' perceived. But is it legitimate to say that we hear silence - absence of sound? What implications about perception does such a way of speaking have? The aim of the present thesis is to analyse these questions. The analysis unfolds along three axes. The first part of the thesis reconstructs the problem of perception of silence in John Cage's 'silent piece' 4'33" in context of its conceptual origin, Cage's aesthetics, and reflection of his work in his written texts. Hence the introduction of the problem of perceptible silence in recent thought. It discusses the thesis that we cannot hear absolute silence, not even in the soundproof chamber, and considers the question whether it is adequate to say that we can hear silence if we expect to hear music, but the music does not sound - a question that was raised by the premiere of 4'33". The second part of the thesis scrutinizes the position according to which we can directly hear/listen to silence which is the absence of sounds, namely the arguments of Roy Sorensen and Ian Phillips. Emphasis is put on Sorensen's theory since it is in direct contrast to Cage's position (though Sorensen...
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Representations of loss in Charles Dickens's Bleak houseCameron, Susan Patricia 06 1900 (has links)
The nineteenth century was a time of rapid change, brought about by increasing industrial development and changing patterns of thought and belief. Dickens's attitude to industrialism was ambivalent. He was not averse to progress, but feared that the ills of society would remain overshadowed.
This dissertation explores representations of loss in Bleak House and examines some of the challenges the subject presents. The first chapter concentrates on examples of the wide range of losses with which Dickens deals in the novel to create the cumulative impression of individuals and a nation existing in a state of chaos and decay. Chapter Two focuses on the loss of physical life and the state of death-in-life. Chapter Three deals with the narrative techniques which Dickens uses to represent loss in the novel. / English Studies / M.A.
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The influence of parental involvement, discipline and choice of values on the scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils, with special reference to the role of the father / Invloed van ouerlike dissipline, waardes en betrokkenheid op akademiese prestasie van sekondere leerlinge met spesiale verwysing na die rol van die vaderRosa, Cecelia Mary 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in English / The aim of this investigation was to determine whether values, the style of discipline and
father involvement, influence achievement motivation in secondary school pupils.
A survey of existing literature on this subject reveals that style of discipline does
influence academic achievement. Baumrind's research is a major source of information in
this regard.
Research also indicates a positive correlation between academic achievement and the
father's ability to assume the leadership role in the family.
A positive correlation between the choice of values, for example religious, social,
etcetera, and academic achievement is indicated in past research on academic
An investigation done in a large rural town in South Africa, however, reveals no
significant correlation between the above mentioned factors and academic achievement.
However, a negative correlation between achievement and popularity as an important
value, suggests that under-achievement is found more frequently among pupils whose
parents value popularity highly. / Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal of waardes, die dissiplineringstyl en
vaderbetrokkenheid, die kind se akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed.
'n Ondersoek van bestaande literatuur op hierdie gebied, wys daarop dat die
dissiplineringstyl, akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed. Baumrind se studie is 'n belangrike
bron van inligting in die verband.
Navorsing dui op 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en die vader se
vermoe om die leierskapsposisie in die gesin te handhaaf
Bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp dui ook daarop dat die keuse van waardes,
byvoorbeeld godsdienstige-, sosiale-, ensovoorts, positief korreleer met akademiese
'n Ondersoek in 'n groot plattelandse dorp in Suid-Afiika, wys geen beduidende
korrelasie tussen die bogenoemde aspekte en akademiese prestasie nie.
'n Negatiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en gewildheid as waarde, word wel
aangedui, wat suggereer dat leerlinge dikwels onderpresteer wanneer hulle ouers op
gewildheid gesteld is. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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