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Rôle des croyances et des attentes dans l'acceptabilité des applications mobiles d'information voyageur / Role of beliefs and expectations in the acceptability of traveler information mobile applicationsNgom-Dieng, Laina 20 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la problématique de l’adoption des systèmes d’information (SI), partant du problème posé par le déficit d’utilisation des applications mobiles d’information voyageur, applications pourtant conçues pour aider à résoudre les difficultés liées aux transports dans les sociétés modernes. Elle tente de répondre à la question de savoir quels facteurs peuvent favoriser l’utilisation des SI par leur public potentiel. Face à la suprématie de l’approche centrée ‘système’, donnant priorité au facteur technologique dans l’identification des déterminants de l’utilisation des SI, ce travail défend le point de vue selon lequel une approche psychosociale est mieux à même de mettre à jour les processus par lesquels les individus en viennent à utiliser ces systèmes. Dans ce cadre, le premier axe de cette recherche interroge le rôle des croyances dans l’adoption. Les résultats obtenus sous cet axe montrent que les modèles basés sur les croyances prédisent assez bien l’intention d’utilisation des SI prise comme indicateur d’adoption. Mais, ils montrent aussi les limites de ces modèles dans la prédiction de l’intention d’utilisation initiale, à l’étape de l’acceptabilité, une étape pré-adoptive stratégique où le seuil de la première expérience d’utilisation n’est pas encore franchi (étude 1). Cela pose la nécessité d’aller au-delà des croyances pour mieux cerner les déterminants de l’intention d’utilisation initiale. A cet effet, le second axe de cette recherche interroge le rôle des attentes dans l’adoption. Les résultats obtenus sous cet axe montrent que les attentes sont des prédicteurs performants des croyances pré-adoptives, et, au-delà, des prédicteurs directs de l’intention d’utilisation initiale (études 2 et 3). Ces résultats sont d’une grande portée théorique et empirique. Ils montrent que les attentes entrent en jeu directement dans l’explication de l’intention d’utilisation initiale, à l’étape pré-adoptive, quand celles-ci ont toujours été considérées comme opérantes uniquement à l’étape post-adoptive où leur infirmation/confirmation à l’issue d’une première expérience d’utilisation détermine le degré de satisfaction et l’intention de continuer l’utilisation. Au total, cette thèse amène un éclairage nouveau sur la façon dont les croyances et les attentes se mettent en scène le long du processus d’adoption, et pèsent de tout leur poids sur les décisions relatives à l’utilisation des SI. / This thesis addresses the problem of information systems (IS) adoption, starting from the problem posed by the deficit in use of traveler information mobile applications, yet applications designed to help solve problems related to transport in modern societies. It attempts to answer the question of which factors may improve IS use in their potential audience. Given the supremacy of the system-centered approach giving priority to technological factor in identifying the determinants of IS use, this work defends the view that a psychosocial approach is better able to elicit the processes by which individuals come to use these systems. In this context, the first axis of this research examines the role of beliefs in adoption. The results obtained under this axis show that beliefs-based models predict quite well intention to use IS taken as an indicator of adoption. But they also show the limitations of these models in predicting initial use intention, at the acceptability stage, a strategic pre-adoptive stage when the threshold of the first experience of use is not yet crossed (study 1). This raises the need to go beyond beliefs to better understand the determinants of initial use intention. To this end, the second axis of this research questions the role of expectations in adoption. The results obtained under this axis show that expectations are powerful predictors of pre-adoptive beliefs, and, beyond, direct predictors of initial use intention (studies 2 and 3). These results are of great theoretical and empirical significance. They show that expectations are directly involved in the explanation of initial use intention at the pre-adoptive stage, when these have always been considered as operating only in the post-adoptive stage where their disconfirmation/confirmation after a first experience of use determines the degree of satisfaction and continued use intention. Overall, this thesis brings new light on how beliefs and expectations come into play along the adoption process, and weigh fully on decisions related to IS use.
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Aide à la conception, test de l’usage et de l’acceptation d’un logiciel de maintenance / Back up conception, practice test and acceptance of a maintenance's softwareCippelletti, Emma 04 October 2017 (has links)
Avec le développement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, les procédures de travail sont de plus en plus informatisées. Cette informatisation croissante des procédures pose la question de leur acceptation par les travailleurs qui doivent s’approprier de nouvelles manières de faire leur travail. La présente thèse vise à examiner les conditions de l’adoption de technologies véhiculant des procédures de travail par des techniciens de maintenance. Quatre études sont réalisées sur deux terrains de recherche (maintenance aéronautique et maintenance industrielle) avec comme objectif de comprendre comment des techniciens de maintenance perçoivent et utilisent ces procédures de travail informatisées. Deux études sont réalisées dans le domaine aéronautique et visent à investiguer l’acceptabilité sociale ainsi que l’usage de trois nouveaux formats de procédures (animation 3D, 2D et photos) avant leur mise en place au sein des ateliers. L’étude 1 porte sur la perception des nouveaux formats de procédures par des techniciens (N=136). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les croyances liées à l’utilité et à la facilité d’utilisation sont les principaux prédicteurs de l’intention comportementale. De plus, il semble que les croyances diffèrent en fonction du type de comportement d’utilisation des procédures (utilisation quotidienne ou exceptionnelle). Afin de comprendre les difficultés possibles lors de l’utilisation de ces nouveaux formats, l’étude 2 porte sur la réalisation de tests utilisateurs (N=41). L’objectif est d’étudier l’utilité et l’utilisabilité des nouveaux formats de procédures en comparaison avec le format actuel (texte + image). Les résultats montrent que tous les techniciens réussissent la maintenance, peu importe le format utilisé. De plus, d’une manière générale, les nouveaux formats permettent aux techniciens d’être plus efficients car ils mettent moins de temps avec les nouveaux formats (animation 3D et photos) qu’avec les formats de référence et les erreurs commises au cours de la maintenance sont réduites. Les nouveaux formats, avec la présence d’informations visuelles, facilitent la localisation des informations sur le matériel. Enfin, une grande majorité des techniciens a l’intention d’utiliser les nouveaux formats. Deux autres études sont réalisées dans le domaine de la maintenance industrielle sur l’acceptation et l’usage d’un logiciel de gestion de procédures par les techniciens. Dans ce cadre, l’étude 3 porte sur la perception d’un logiciel en cours d’utilisation par des techniciens de maintenance (N=61). Les résultats font ressortir la croyance liée à la compatibilité perçue comme principal prédicteur de l’attitude, de l’intention comportementale et de l’utilisation effective du logiciel. Afin d’investiguer l’usage réel du logiciel, l’étude 4 porte sur l’analyse de l’activité de 8 techniciens issus de quatre ateliers (observation filmée et entretien). Les résultats montrent que le logiciel est adapté pour une partie seulement des techniciens. En effet, il semble représenter un frein pour les techniciens expérimentés et moyennement expérimentés dans le sens ils sont contraints dans l’utilisation du logiciel (impossibilité de naviguer librement entre les étapes). Cependant, le logiciel se révèle être une aide précieuse pour les techniciens inexpérimentés (support d’aide, aide à la formation…). Des recommandations sont émises en vue d’améliorer la conception des logiciels étudiés. Notamment des améliorations dans la conception des trois nouveaux formats de procédures de maintenance aéronautique sont suggérées (adapter le format à la tâche réalisée, améliorer l’ergonomie de la tablette tactile…). Dans le deuxième cas, nous formulons des recommandations afin de modifier le logiciel de gestion de procédures et de le rendre plus compatible avec le travail des techniciens (mise en place d’un mode expert, faciliter la recherche d’information, naviguer librement entre les étapes…). / With the development of new information and communication technologies, working procedures are increasingly computerized. This increasing computerization of working procedures raises the question of their acceptance by workers who have to appropriate new ways of doing their work. The present thesis aims to examine the conditions for the adoption of technologies conveying work procedures by maintenance technicians. Four studies are carried out on two fields of research (aeronautical maintenance and industrial maintenance) with the aim of understanding how maintenance technicians perceive and use these computerized working procedures. Two studies are carried out in the field of aeronautics and aim to investigate the social acceptability and the use of three new formats of procedures (3D animation, 2D and photos) before they are set up in the workshops. Study 1 examines the perception of new procedure formats by technicians (N = 136). The results of this study show that beliefs related to usefulness and ease of use are the main predictors of behavioral intention. In addition, it appears that beliefs differ depending on the type of use behavior of the procedures (daily or exceptional use). In order to understand the possible difficulties in using these new formats, Study 2 concerns the realization of user tests (N = 41). The aim is to study the usefulness and usability of the new procedural formats compared to the current format (text + image). The results show that all technicians succeed in maintenance, regardless of the format used. In addition, in general, new formats allow technicians to be more efficient because they take less time with new formats (3D animation and photos) than with reference formats and so errors made during maintenance are reduced. The new formats, with the presence of visual information, facilitate the location of the information on the equipment. Finally, a large majority of technicians intend to use the new formats. Two other studies are carried out in the field of industrial maintenance on the acceptance and use of a management of procedures software by the technicians. In this framework, study 3 concerns the perception of software in use by maintenance technicians (N = 61). The results highlight the belief in perceived compatibility as the main predictor of attitude, behavioral intention, and actual use of the software. In order to investigate the actual use of the software, study 4 deals with the analysis of the activity of 8 technicians from four workshops (filmed observation and interview). The results show that the software is suitable for only some of the technicians. Indeed, it seems to represent a brake for experienced technicians and moderately experienced technicians in the sense they are constrained in the use of the software (impossibility to navigate freely between the steps). However, the software proves to be a valuable help for inexperienced technicians (help support, training aid ...). Recommendations are made to improve the design of the software studied. In particular, improvements in the design of the three new formats of aeronautical maintenance procedures are suggested (adapting the format to the task carried out, improving the ergonomics of the touch pad...). In the second case, we make recommendations to modify the procedure management software and make it more compatible with the work of the technicians (setting up an expert mode, facilitating the search for information, navigating freely between steps …).
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L'acceptation de la voiture électrique : étude d'un processus, de l'acceptabilité à l'acceptation située / Acceptation of the electric car : study of a process, from acceptability to situational acceptancePoupon, Lenaïc 15 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier les conditions psychosociales d'adoption des véhicules électriques qui peuvent être utilisés de façon similaire au véhicule thermique (déplacements pendulaires, mobilités professionnelles, loisirs, vacances, etc.) et qui peuvent aussi participer à la réduction des nuisances environnementales (bruit, gaz à effet de serre). Si les voitures électriques (VE) répondent à ces exigences, ce véhicule connait pourtant une faible diffusion et un engouement limité auprès du grand public. L'objectif de cette recherche est de cerner les dimensions psychosociales de l'acceptation du VE. Dans une première phase nous chercherons à déterminer quels sont les facteurs (individuels, sociaux, domestiques/familiaux, technologiques, d'usage...) qui peuvent ou au contraire contrarier l'acceptabilité du VE, notamment aux niveaux des stratégies de déplacement, d'organisation et de gestion des activités, des styles de conduite automobile.... La méthodologie combinera deux approches, a priori et a posteriori, de l'acceptabilité et sera basée sur des outils de recueil de données qualitatifs et quantitatifs : entretiens individuels et collectifs, observations et suivis d'activités, questionnaires et échelles de mesure. Dans une seconde phase, il s'agira de tester les interactions entre les facteurs précédemment déterminés. Cette démarche s'inscrit dans un travail d'évaluation des rapports à une technologie pouvant modifier non seulement les pratiques et les usages liés à la conduite automobile mais aussi les attitudes et comportements pro-environnementaux. / This thesis aims to study the dimensions that were involved in the acceptance process of the electric car into an household context. This process begins before any use into the social acceptability phase, which happens a priori and may lead or not to the use of the vehicle. This phase is then followed by a practical acceptability that we would study during the first using sessions. This process extends to a long term use with the integration of the electric car into daily practices and socio-domestic activities.To define and to evaluate the implications of the dimensions involved in each phases of the process, we have implemented two operations of data-collection. In the first one, we apprehended the social representation of the electric car and their anchorages, to determine their effects on the intentions of using an electric car. This study was realized by using an associative method, with a sample of novice in therm of electric car driving experiences (N=70). Then we allowed these subjects to experience the driving of an electric car, immediately followed by an individual interview. The second data-collection-operation consist of in-depth interviews by utilizing explicitation technics and critical incidents, realised with owners/drivers of electric cars (N=9).The results show the evolving nature of the relation between drivers and electric car throughout the acceptation process. We observed weak intentions of electric-car-use mainly due to negatives representations of its technical characteristics (autonomy, speed), and to their anchorage on conventional cars (internal combustion engine vehicles). Those negative perceptions changed after an initial test drive of the vehicle, leading to a positive “driver experience”. This trend was confirmed with a long term use of this type of cars, which allows the continuity of socio-domestic practices and activities.
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Evaluación del efecto de la incorporación de Camellia sinensis L. (té verde) sobre el contenido de flavonoides, capacidad antioxidante y aceptación sensorial de un yogurt probiótico / Evaluation of the effect of the incorporation of Camellia sinensis L. (green tea) on the flavonoid content, antioxidant capacity and sensory acceptance of a probiotic yogurtCanale Vásquez, Alessandra, Michilot Soto, Tamara 24 July 2019 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la incorporación de Camellia sinensis L. (2%, 4% y 6% de extracto de té verde) sobre el contenido de compuesto fenólicos, capacidad antioxidante y aceptación sensorial de un yogurt probiótico. Material y métodos: Estudio experimental de laboratorio dónde se elaboró un yogurt probiótico con té verde añadido en distintas concentraciones de 2%, 4% y 6%. Además, se evaluó la aceptabilidad sensorial y se analizó las características físicoquímicas de cada muestra. Asimismo, para determinar el contenido de polifenoles se utilizó el método de Folin-Ciocalteau y, el método de DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-1-picrilhidrazilo) para determinar la capacidad antioxidante. Resultados: Se encontró que en el yogurt probiótico con 6% de té verde añadido había 1.64 mg/mL de contenido de polifenoles, casi el triple del contenido de polifenoles que en el yogurt probiótico con 2% de té verde añadido. Además, se encontró que el yogurt con mayor porcentaje de té verde añadido (6%) obtuvo 61% de decoloración del reactivo de DPPH, lo que nos indica mayor capacidad antioxidante a comparación de las muestras con menor porcentaje de té verde añadido. Conclusión: A mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos, mayor es la capacidad antioxidante de un yogurt probiótico con té verde añadido, además de ser el que mayor aceptabilidad sensorial alcanzó, siendo su olor y sabor los atributos más apreciados por los panelistas no entrenados quienes le otorgaron un puntaje de 4 en una escala hedónica de 5 puntos, lo que equivale a un “le gusta moderadamente”. / Objective: To evaluate the effect of Camellia sinensis L. (2%, 4% and 6% of green tea extract) incorporation on the content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity and sensory acceptance of a probiotic yogurt. Material and methods: In this experimental laboratory study, probiotic yogurt with added green tea was elaborated using three concentrations of green tea extract (2%, 4% and 6%), and the sensory acceptability and the physical-chemical characteristics were determined for each concentration. Likewise, to determine the content of polyphenols, the Folin-Ciocalteau method was used, and the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-1-picrylhydrazyl) was used to determine the antioxidant capacity. Results: It was found that in the probiotic yogurt with 6% green tea extract added there was 1.64 mg / mL of polyphenol content, almost triple the polyphenol content than in the probiotic yogurt with 2% green tea added. In addition, it was found that the yogurt with the highest percentage of green tea added (6%) obtained 61% discoloration of the DPPH reagent, which indicates greater antioxidant capacity compared to samples with a lower percentage of green tea added. Conclusion: The higher the content of phenolic compounds, the greater the antioxidant capacity of a probiotic yogurt with green tea added, besides being the one with the highest sensory acceptability, its smell and taste were the attributes most appreciated by the untrained panelists who gave it a score of 4 on a hedonic scale of 5 points, which is equivalent to a "moderately like". / Tesis
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Un miroir aux alouettes ? : Stratégies pour la traduction des métaphoresHagström, Anne-Christine January 2002 (has links)
<p>This dissertation has three goals : to establish an inventory of translation strategies applicable to the translation of metaphor, to investigate how the application of these strategies affects the balance in metaphorical quality between source text and target text, and, finally, to determine whether this balance is a useful indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole, towards either <i>adequacy</i> or <i>acceptability</i>.</p><p>To carry out this research the author has established a corpus comprising 250 metaphors from the novel <i>La goutte d’or</i> by Michel Tournier and its Swedish translation, <i>Gulddroppen</i> by C.G. Bjurström. Based on the criteria <i>thematical and contextual connection</i> 158 metaphors from this corpus have been selected for analysis.The strategy used in the translation of each metaphor has been established. The degree of balance in metaphorical quality between the two texts has then been determined and its significance as an indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole has been discussed.</p><p>The underlying theory and methodology of the study are those of Gideon Toury as outlined in his book <i>Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond</i>. The study is thus essentially descriptive in nature.</p><p>The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a survey of well known research within the fields of metaphor theory and translation theory. Various theories concerning the requested equality between a text and its translation are presented, as well as inventories of translation strategies established by a number of researchers. The second part contains the analysis of the selected metaphors and establishes a set of strategies for this purpose.</p>
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Acceptability-Oriented ComputingRinard, Martin C. 01 1900 (has links)
We discuss a new approach to the construction of software systems. Instead of attempting to build a system that is as free of errors as possible, the designer instead identifies key properties that the execution must satisfy to be acceptable to its users. Together, these properties define the acceptability envelope of the system: the region that it must stay within to remain acceptable. The developer then augments the system with a layered set of components, each of which enforces one of the acceptability properties. The potential advantages of this approach include more flexible, resilient systems that recover from errors and behave acceptably across a wide range of operating environments, an appropriately prioritized investment of engineering resources, and the ability to productively incorporate unreliable components into the final software system. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices of male circumcision for HIV prevention among voluntary counseling and testing clients in Onandjokwe District Hospital, NamibiaNgodji, Terthu Kutupu January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and practices about MC as an HIV prevention intervention among adult males presenting for HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) services at Onandjokwe District Hospital in northern Namibia. A high level of knowledge of MC, particularly its potential to reduce the risk of HIV infection, STIs and enhance penile hygiene exists among VCT attendees in Onandjokwe District Hospital. MC will most likely to be accepted in this study area, especially when it is implemented to reduce the risk of HIV infection. The study recommends a comprehensive education and information program targeting males and their partners and a training for traditional and medical circumcisers to ensure a high quality of MC services.</p>
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Un miroir aux alouettes ? : Stratégies pour la traduction des métaphoresHagström, Anne-Christine January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation has three goals : to establish an inventory of translation strategies applicable to the translation of metaphor, to investigate how the application of these strategies affects the balance in metaphorical quality between source text and target text, and, finally, to determine whether this balance is a useful indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole, towards either adequacy or acceptability. To carry out this research the author has established a corpus comprising 250 metaphors from the novel La goutte d’or by Michel Tournier and its Swedish translation, Gulddroppen by C.G. Bjurström. Based on the criteria thematical and contextual connection 158 metaphors from this corpus have been selected for analysis.The strategy used in the translation of each metaphor has been established. The degree of balance in metaphorical quality between the two texts has then been determined and its significance as an indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole has been discussed. The underlying theory and methodology of the study are those of Gideon Toury as outlined in his book Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. The study is thus essentially descriptive in nature. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a survey of well known research within the fields of metaphor theory and translation theory. Various theories concerning the requested equality between a text and its translation are presented, as well as inventories of translation strategies established by a number of researchers. The second part contains the analysis of the selected metaphors and establishes a set of strategies for this purpose.
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Pro-environmental travel behavior : The importance of attitudinal factors, habits, and transport policy measuresEriksson, Louise January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study determinants of a readiness for pro-environmental travel behavior in households. Four empirical studies were conducted examining reduction in car use (Study I), acceptability of transport policy measures (Study II and III), and behavioral adaptations in response to travel demand management (TDM) measures (Study IV). In Study I, the aim was to interrupt habitual car use by means of a deliberation intervention and to examine the importance of moral motivation (i.e., personal norm) for car use reduction. Results showed that, as a result of the intervention, car use was mainly reduced among car users with a strong car use habit and a strong moral motivation to reduce car use. The aim of Study II was to examine factors important for the acceptability of three TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and an information campaign. The results demonstrated the importance of general environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to reduce car use) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived impact on freedom to choose travel mode and own car use, perceived effectiveness, and perceived fairness) for the acceptability of the measures. Furthermore, personal norm was found to be particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax and the information campaign, whereas problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport. Following up on Study II, the purpose of Study III was to examine the acceptability of single and combined transport policy measures, more specifically, raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, subsidies of renewable fuel, a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and subsidies of renewable fuel. General environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to act) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived effectiveness and perceived fairness) were found to be important for the acceptability of the measures. Moreover, personal norm was particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax on fossil fuel and the packages, while problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport and subsidies of renewable fuel. The aim of Study IV was to examine the behavioral adaptations, more specifically, the expected car use reduction, in response to three hypothetical TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport. Furthermore, factors important for the expected car use reduction were analyzed. Results showed that a combination of the measures was expected to lead to a larger car use reduction compared to the single measures, and the most commonly chosen reduction strategies were more efficient car use and changing travel mode. Moreover, internal motivational factors, such as personal norm, and the perceived personal impact of the measures were important for expected car use reduction in response to the measures.
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A Novel Approach to Guide Health Promotion Planning for Preventive Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Among Adolescent Girls in an Ontario Public Health UnitRambout, Lisa 01 November 2012 (has links)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is widespread in the population and an important concern for public health. HPV-associated benign and cancerous disease is vaccine preventable yet vaccine uptake has been suboptimal. Adolescents are the primary target for vaccination yet their perspective has been inadequately examined. Ontario provides population-based preventive HPV vaccination to adolescent girls yet in the program’s first 2 years only approximately half of eligible girls received it. Effective strategies to improve vaccine uptake are needed. This thesis proposes a theory and ethics-based model to guide health promotion planning for HPV vaccination. Adopting an adolescent perspective, the model is applied and comprises: 1) a systematic review to identify barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination from the viewpoint of young females; 2) GIS uses for communicating geospatial health information regarding vaccination; and 3) a roadmap for the future including recommendations for guiding principles, research, intervention development, and health policy.
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