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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shoreline architecture and sequence stratigraphy of Campanian Iles clastic wedge, Piceance Basin, CO : influence of Laramide movements in Western Interior Seaway

Karaman, Ozge 09 November 2012 (has links)
The Campanian Iles Formation of the Mesaverde Group in northwestern Colorado contains a stacked series of some 11 shoreline sequences that form clastic wedges extending east and southeastwards from the Sevier orogenic belt to the Western Interior Seaway. Iles Formation shorelines and their alluvial and coastal plain equivalents (Neslen Formation, Trail and Rusty members of the Ericson Formation) are well exposed from Utah and from southern Wyoming into northwestern Colorado. The Iles Clastic Wedge was examined in the subsurface Piceance Basin and at outcrops in Meeker and south of Rangely, NW Colorado. The clastic wedge contains low-accommodation regressive-transgressive sequences (8-39 m thick) of Loyd Sandstones, Sego Sandstone, Corcoran Member, and Cozzette Member and their updip-equivalent Neslen Formation strata. Facies associations of the sandstone succession indicate storm-wave dominated coasts that transition seaward into offshore/prodelta mudstones with thin-bedded sandstones and extend landward into tidal/fluvial channels and coal-bearing strata; facies associations also indicate interdeltaic coastal embayments with moderate tidal influence. 14, 75-km-long Piceance Basin transects (dip and strike oriented) makes it possible to evaluate coastline variability, and the progressive southeasterly pinchout of the 11 coastline tongues within the larger Iles Clastic Wedge. The thickness and great updip-downdip extent of the Iles stratigraphic sequences (compared to the underlying Blackhawk or overlying Rollins sequences) support previous observations of a low accommodation setting during this time. It has been suggested that this low accommodation was caused by combined effects of embryonic Laramide uplifts and Sevier subsidence across the region. Uplift or greatly reduced subsidence across the Western Interior Seaway would have caused an increase in coastal embayments as well as generally accelerated coastal regressions and transgressions in this 3.3 My interval. / text

Visual performance in pseudophakia : the effect of meridional blur in pseudoaccommodation

Serra, Pedro Miguel Fernandes Nave January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effect of meridional blur, using refractive induced astigmatism, on visual performance at far and close distances. Visual performance was evaluated using letter discrimination tasks at distance and near (visual acuity, VA) and a reading task at near on subjects with pharmacologically blocked (young) or absent accommodation (presbyopic and pseudophakic). The effect of astigmatism was tested using positive cylindrical lenses oriented at 180 and 90 degrees, these simulating with- (WTR) and against-the-rule (ATR) astigmatism. Other refractive status were also evaluated, namely, in-focus and spherical defocus. The visual performance data were correlated with biometric measurements (pupil size, anterior chamber depth (ACD), corneal and ocular aberrations, corneal multifocality, patient age, axial length). Further, the functionality of meridional blur was evaluated for alphabets in addition to the standard Roman alphabet using a VA task. The results confirm that myopic astigmatism contributes to a better visual performance at closer distances, with ATR astigmatism providing higher performance for reading tasks compared to other forms of astigmatism. Anatomical factors such as pupil size, corneal multifocality and ACD were significantly correlated visual performance, while other ocular characteristics were not. Ray tracing modelling using wavefront data was a moderate predictor of VA and reading acuity. The results of the effect of meridional blur orientation on alphabets other than the Roman alphabet, suggest that visual performance is dependent on the interaction between blur orientation and letter's spatial characteristics. In conclusion, pseudoaccommodation is a multifactorial phenomenon with pupil size being the major contributor for the improvement in visual performance. Against-the-rule shows advantages over WTR astigmatism, by providing higher reading performance, however extending the present and previous findings for clinical application will require further investigation on the effect of meridional blur in common and socio-culturally adapted tasks.

Hälsofrämjande insatser på boenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En studie på personalens uppfattningar om hälsofrämjande insatser på boenden

Escobar, Nadia January 2015 (has links)
Sverige är bland de länder som tar emot flest flyktingar, utav dessa utgör en del ensamkommande barn som vanligtvis varit med om hemska upplevelser och lider av olika hälsoproblem som tar sig både psykiska eller fysiska uttryck. Det är således viktigt att personal som arbetar med denna målgrupp kan förse dem med stöd och kunskap. Studien har undersökt personalens uppfattningar om arbetet på boenden med ensamkommande flyktingbarn är ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv. Teorierna KASAM med dess tre delkomponenter: meningsfullhet, begriplighet samt hanterbarhet och socialt stöd ligger som grund. I studien har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats där fem personal på två boenden blivit intervjuade med en semistrukturerad metod. Resultatet visade att personalens synsätt på hälsofrämjande var olika för alla i personalen men grunderna densamma. Ett hälsofrämjande arbete genomfördes på boendena där personal arbetade med bland annat informationspridning, fysisk aktivitet och delaktighet. Underlättande faktorer på boendet var kommunikationen och det sociala samspelet med ungdomarna samt sina medarbetare. Kommunikationen var även ett hinder eftersom att språkbarriäerna kom emellan eller att tolk inte översatte korrekt. Slutsatserna i studien är att personalens synsätt på hälsofrämjande är lika i grunden, personalens arbetssätt är hälsofrämjande och det finns både underlättande samt försvårande faktorer i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. / Sweden is among the countries that is receiving the most refugees, a part of these are unaccompanied children who usually been through terrible experiences and are suffering from various health problems that is displayed both mentally and physically. It is therefore important that staff working with this target group can provide them with the support and knowledge. This study examined the staff´s perceptions of their work, with unaccompanied refugee children, as being conducted from a from a health promotion perspective. The theories SOC, which has three subcomponents: meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability and social support are the foundation. The study has applied a qualitative approach where five staff’s on two accommodation were interviewed using a semi-structured approach. The results showed that the approach of a health promotion perspective was different for all the staff however the basics where the same. Health promotion were conducted on both accommodations where the staff worked among other things with the dissemination of information, physical activity and with participation. Facilitators at the accommodation was communication and social interaction with the young people and the workers. Communication was also a major obstacle since the language barrier came between or the interpreter did not translate correctly. The conclusions of the study is that the staff's approach to health promotion is equal fundamentally, the staff's approach are health promoting and there are both facilitating and aggravating factors in the health promotion work.

Airbnb is everything a hotel isn’t : En kvalitativ studie om resenärers motivation till logi tillhandahållen av Airbnb

Melissa, Pierre, Maija, Kongo January 2015 (has links)
Det blir idag allt vanligare att hyra logi via alternativa logidistributörer däribland Airbnb. Airbnb är ett webbcommunity som distribuerar boende för resenärer genom att på sin hemsida låta privatpersoner hyra ut sina egna bostäder. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga de faktorer som motiverar resenärer att välja logi genom Airbnb och vi ämnar i denna studie ta reda på detta genom att genomföra ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna fokuserar på respondenternas egna upplevelser som sedan analyseras. Intim turism, mänsklig motivation och P2P-resande är några av de teorier som uppsatsen berör. Genom analysen av det empiriska materialet har ett antal motivationsfaktorer identifierats som förklarar varför resenärer har valt att hyra logi via Airbnb framför andra logialternativ. Den primära motivationsfaktorn identifieras som den kulturella, då respondenterna upplever att de genom Airbnb får möjligheten att uppleva nya kulturer samt införskaffa sig ny kulturell kunskap. Sociala faktorer som exempelvis recensioner och betygssystem samt ekonomiska faktorer som pris spelar även in i valet av logidistributör. / It is today more common to rent accommodation through alternative accomodation distributors such as Airbnb. Airbnb is an online community that distributes accommodation for travelers through their website allowing individuals to rent their own housing. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that motivate travelers to choose accommodations through Airbnb, by conducting a number of qualitative interviews. The interviews focuses on the respondents' own stories which are being analyzed. Intimate tourism, human motivation and P2P traveling are some of the theories that are used in this paper. In the analysis of the empirical material, a number of motivational factors are identified that explain why travelers have chosen to rent accommodation through Airbnb over other lodging options. The primary motivation factor is identified as cultural, as the respondents feel that they through Airbnb get the opportunity to experience new cultures and acquiring new cultural knowledge. Social factors such as reviews and grading systems, as well as economic factors such as price also plays into the choice of accommodation distributor.

Šiaulių miesto nekilnojamojo turto rinkos analizė / The real estate market analysis in Siauliai city

Bertašiūtė, Vilija 29 June 2007 (has links)
Analizuojamas nekilnojamojo turto rinkos formavimasis, gyvenamojo fondo formos (privati ar valstybinė)kitimo tendencijos nuo nepriklausomybės paskelbimo 1990, pateikiami duomenys apie socialinį būstą, teikiamus lengvatinius kreditus, Šiaulių miesto nekilnojamojo turto situacija, demografinė padėtis. / In the final work I analyse the formation of the real estate market, list the records of the housing stock forms in Lithuania (private or owned by government), it‘s changing from 1990‘s when Lithuania became independent, give the reasons of it, the real market dynamics and what made the prices rise up so high. Also analyse how the average useful floor space for one person (m2 ) from 1995 to 2005 changes, the dwelling types, housing provision and the development of financing facilities. Give the facts about the social accommodation, the terms of getting it and the Government lending. Also the information is collected about the demographic situation in Siauliai city, housing fund and the development of new buildings.

« Accommodements raisonnables » pour motif religieux : étude d’un débat public

Quérin, Joëlle 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la polémique qui a eu lieu au Québec entre mars 2006 et décembre 2007 autour des pratiques d’« accommodements raisonnables » pour motif religieux. À partir d’une approche compréhensive et d’un cadre théorique propre à la sociologie des relations ethniques, il propose une analyse qualitative de lettres d’opinion publiées dans des quotidiens québécois. Une première analyse, thématique, a permis de constituer des registres argumentaires dans lesquels ont puisé les participants au débat public sur les « accommodements raisonnables » par le biais de lettres d’opinion. Une seconde analyse, comparative, a permis de construire des figures d’intervenants du débat public qui témoignent non seulement des forces idéologiques qui se sont affrontées dans le débat public, mais également de leur positionnement au croisement des axes saillants de la différenciation sociale dans cette polémique Les résultats de ces analyses suggèrent d’abord que la polémique résulte d’un conflit entre marqueurs identitaires devant servir au positionnement des frontières ethniques, et ensuite que la polémique des « accommodements raisonnables » a donné lieu à une reconfiguration des rapports ethniques au Québec, attribuable à la dissociation entre le conflit entre deux nations et celui sur les critères d’inclusion à la nation. / This master’s thesis addresses the polemic that took place in Québec between March 2006 and December 2007 on the “reasonable accommodation” of religious minorities. Starting from a comprehensive perspective and a theoretical framework peculiar to the sociology of ethnic relations, it offers a two-pronged qualitative analysis of the open letters published in Québec newspapers. First, the various arguments made by participants in the debate are identified and categorized by means of thematic analysis. Second, a comparative approach is used to identify the various types of participants in this debate, taking into account both the nature of the ideological forces at work and their position on the most salient social-differentiation axes that structured the debate. The results suggest that the polemic arose from a conflict between the various “identity markers” used to place ethnic boundaries. Moreover, it suggests that the polemic also gave rise to a reconfiguration of ethnic relations in Québec, due to the distinction between the debate on the nation-to-nation conflict and that on the criteria for inclusion in the nation.

Beyond Collaboration and Resistance: Accommodation at the Weihsien Internment Camp, China, 1943-1945

Henshaw, Jonathan Unknown Date
No description available.

Communication accommodation theory in conversation with second language learners

Rahimian, Mahdi 22 August 2013 (has links)
In this research, Communicative Accommodation Theory (CAT) is investigated while native speakers address nonnative peers. For the intentions of this research, three native speakers of Canadian English were asked to have conversations with native and nonnative peers. The conversations were in the form of giving directions on the map. Later on, the participants’ formants and vowel durations were measured and used for comparing native-nonnative peer effect(s) on the speakers’ vowel formants and duration. Based on the analyses, it is suggested that accommodation may take place based on providing stereotypical vowel durations and formants, as well as reducing inter-token variations in the nonnative peer context.

Communication accommodation theory in conversation with second language learners

Rahimian, Mahdi 22 August 2013 (has links)
In this research, Communicative Accommodation Theory (CAT) is investigated while native speakers address nonnative peers. For the intentions of this research, three native speakers of Canadian English were asked to have conversations with native and nonnative peers. The conversations were in the form of giving directions on the map. Later on, the participants’ formants and vowel durations were measured and used for comparing native-nonnative peer effect(s) on the speakers’ vowel formants and duration. Based on the analyses, it is suggested that accommodation may take place based on providing stereotypical vowel durations and formants, as well as reducing inter-token variations in the nonnative peer context.

Canadian Tourism SMEs: Understanding the Motivations, Valuations of Success and Experiences of Business Owners in Southern Ontario

Hanes, Sarah 08 1900 (has links)
This research explores aspects of small tourism businesses in a Canadian context. A number of authors (e.g., Getz and Nilsson, 2004; Hall and Rusher, 2004; Lynch and Tucker, 2004; Morrison and Teixeira, 2004a/b) have noted that while small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are acknowledged as an important parts of the tourism industry, they are underrepresented in the academic literature. Of the small business research that has been conducted, a sizeable portion has focused on industries other than tourism; the tourism-specific research on SMEs has predominately been conducted in Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand and has frequently focused on a single segment of the industry, often the small accommodation sector. Little research of this nature has been done in a Canadian context. The study was set in Stratford and Goderich, Ontario, and compares and contrasts two parts of the tourism industry: the accommodation and food and beverage sectors. The study focused on small business owners and examined three main aspects: their motivations for starting/purchasing the business, how they evaluated the success of the business and the experiences they had while running the business. The research also set out to examine the demography of Canadian tourism SME owners and how they defined small business. A mixed methods approach was adopted. Data were collected through mailed questionnaires which were followed up with semi-structured interviews. Findings showed that despite motivations being similar between study sites and industries, the paths that lead owners to their business varied greatly. Though ‘lifestyle’ motivations were predominately cited, financial considerations were also noted. Owners frequently used financial calculations to measure the achievement of their lifestyle motivations. The experiences owners had with their business were overwhelmingly positive and were grouped into six themes: changes in the industry, relationship building, staffing, the importance of customer service, financial costs of running a small business and time management. The results of this study confirmed that Canadian tourism SME owners in Stratford and Goderich, Ontario, possess similar motivations, measurements of success and experiences as their national and international counterparts.

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