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Elaboração, aplicação e avaliação de um Programa de Ensino de Ginástica Acrobática sob a ótica da inclusãoBorella, Douglas Roberto 04 March 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-03-04 / The search for a society more joust represents a great challenge. As for the paradigm of the social inclusion, the necessary school to participate changed ding itself into a space where education for given it if comes back toward all the people. The inclusion of pupils with educational necessities special comes being white of many studies and quarrels. One of the concerns is to know until where this can give certain. Being this the present study it had for objective to evaluate the effect of a program of education of Acrobatic Gymnastics in a group of pupils with light and moderate mental characterized necessities educational special as deficient registered in a municipal school that takes care of to pupils with educational necessities special and pupils of common education, both with age between 08 and 10 years. The procedure consisted of the following stages: 1) elaboration of one Program of education of Acrobatic Gymnastics for lessons of Physical Education; 2) application and evaluation of the Program of Acrobatic Gymnastics; 3) evaluation and reevaluation of the affective-social data. The data had been analyzed on the basis of the comparisons of the repertoires of the pupils before and after the application of the education program. For way of this salient it effectiveness of the Acrobatic Gymnastics for the development of this population, pointing referring subsidies with respect to the systematization of knowledge and procedures to the area of Suitable the Physical Education, aiming at to accumulate of stocks the best performance of the important aspects for the development and learning of the pupil. With this program we aim at the inclusion of our pupils in the scopes of the society and the school as well as its participation in events and activities together to the too much common citizens. / A busca por uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária representa um grande desafio. No que se refere ao paradigma da inclusão social, a escola precisa participar transformandose num espaço onde o ensino por ela ministrado se volte para todas as pessoas. A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais vem sendo alvo de muitos estudos e discussões. Uma das preocupações é saber até onde isto pode dar certo. Sendo assim o presente estudo teve por objetivo elaborar, aplicar e avaliar os efeitos de um programa de ensino de Ginástica Acrobática em um grupo de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais caracterizados como deficientes mentais leves e moderados matriculados numa escola municipal que atende alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais e alunos do ensino comum, de outra escola municipal, de ensino regular, ambos com idade entre 08 e 10 anos. O procedimento constou das seguintes etapas: 1) elaboração de um Programa de ensino de Ginástica Acrobática para aulas de Educação Física; 2) aplicação e avaliação do Programa de Ginástica Acrobática; 3) avaliação e reavaliação dos dados afetivo-sociais. Os resultados foram analisados com base nas comparações dos repertórios dos alunos antes e após a aplicação do programa de ensino. Por meio destes salienta-se a eficácia da Ginástica Acrobática para o desenvolvimento desta população, apontando subsídios para a sistematização de conhecimentos e procedimentos referentes à área da Educação Física Adaptada, visando abarcar o melhor desempenho dos aspectos importantes para o desenvolvimento e aprendizado do aluno. Com este programa visamos a inclusão de nossos alunos nos âmbitos da sociedade e da escola bem como sua participação em eventos e atividades junto aos demais cidadãos comuns.
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Reabilitação sexual para homens com lesão medular adquirida : da auto-adaptação sexual à intervenção terapêutica / Sexual rehabilitation for spinal cord injured men: from sexual self-adjustment to the therapeutic interventionSavall, Ana Carolina Rodrigues 11 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present research was developed by means of three studies. The first one, composed by 62 men, aimed to evaluate the spinal cord injury impact on human sexuality, trying to identify the significantly affected sexual components. It was possible to verify alterations between the pre and post-injury periods: frequency and number of sexual partners significant reduction; anal sex practice considerable decrease; considerable modifications in the sexual preferences for hugging, vaginal penetration, vibrator use; variation in the pleasure originated in the following erogenous zones: mouth, neck, penis, thighs and legs; alterations in the sexual functions with significant reduction of the levels of desire, arousal and ejaculatory excitement, orgasm, as well as dysfunctions; sexual satisfaction significant reduction, even though some perceived alterations are equal to the general population. The results confirm the importance of giving assistance to the sexual sphere of these patients and found the proposal of sexual rehabilitation, serving as indicator. The second study involved the same population and aimed to analyze the sexual counseling, as well as understanding the post-injury sexual self-adaptation process. Between results, it was observed that less than half of the participants and only about one sixth of the partners received some type of sexual counseling. It was verified that the self-adaptation consists of a process influenced by some factors: age of incidence and time-of-onset, quality of received information, not being always successful, possessing peculiarities, such as the distinction between presence and absence of previous sexual experience before injury. The third study was composed by 25 people among researchers, relatives, health professionals, spinal cord injured men and their partners. It aimed to elaborate a sexual rehabilitation proposal that reflects the target population yearnings, necessities and potentialities. It was developed by means of Grupo Interdisciplinar de Apoio à Sexualidade Adaptada - GIASA, characterized by weekly 90 minutes meetings, divided in two stages: the first one, carried through May to September 2007, aiming to identify the pertinent subjects and the second one, between October and December 2007, with the purpose of presenting and discussing the subjects mentioned in the previous stage and to suggest evaluated strategies for the participants. While the first stage meetings had been marked by the discussion of free subjects, related to the sexuality, the second was composed for two moments: the first one, marked by seminaries, involving theoretical intervention on the previously definite subjects, with posterior opening for discussion, experiences exchange, reflection about the subjects and their respective approach, characterizing the focal group; and a second moment, where strategies characterizing the therapeutical interventions were applied, assessed and carried through interdisciplinarly, trying to involve the participants actively as citizens in the processes of focal discussion and theoretician-therapeutical intervention for the resolution of the diagnosed problem and considered for this research. Finally, based on the stages of the GIASA, it was elaborated a proposal of sexual rehabilitation called Grupo Interdisciplinar de Apoio à Saúde Sexual - GSex, generally directed to the community, and specially directed to the physically challenged people and/or chronic illnesses, being defined: purpose, action methodology, theoretical basis, principles, members functions, actions delineation, attendance process, among others topics. / A pesquisa desenvolveu-se mediante três estudos. O primeiro composto por 62 homens objetivou avaliar o impacto da lesão medular sobre a sexualidade humana, buscando identificar os componentes sexuais significativamente afetados. Verificou-se alterações entre os períodos pré e pós-lesão medular: diminuição significativa da freqüência e número de parceiros sexuais; redução sensível da prática sexual de sexo anal; modificações consideráveis nas preferências sexuais por abraço, penetração vaginal, utilização de vibrador; variação no prazer advindo das zonas erógenas da boca, pescoço, pênis, coxas e pernas; alterações nas funções sexuais com redução significativa dos níveis de desejo, excitação e orgasmo, bem como disfunções erétil e ejaculatória; redução significativa na satisfação sexual, embora algumas alterações percebidas equiparam-se à população em geral. Os resultados confirmam a importância de se prestar assistência à esfera sexual desses pacientes e embasam a proposta de reabilitação sexual, servindo como indicadores. O segundo estudo composto pela mesma população objetivou analisar o aconselhamento sexual e compreender o processo de auto-adaptação sexual pós-lesão medular. Entre os resultados observou-se que menos da metade dos participantes e apenas cerca de um a cada seis parceiros recebeu algum tipo de aconselhamento sexual. Verificou-se que a auto-adaptação consiste em processo influenciado por vários fatores: idade de incidência e tempo de lesão, qualidade das informações recebidas,não sendo sempre exitoso, possuindo peculiaridades como a distinção entre presença e ausência de experiência sexual prévia à lesão. O terceiro estudo foi composto por 25 pessoas entre pesquisadores, profissionais da saúde, homens com lesão medular, parceiras e familiares objetivando elaborar proposta de reabilitação sexual que refletisse os anseios, necessidades e potencialidades da população destinada. Desenvolveu-se por meio do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Apoio à Sexualidade Adaptada GIASA, caracterizado por encontros semanais com 90 minutos de duração, em duas etapas: a primeira realizada entre maio e setembro de 2007 que objetivou identificar os temas pertinentes e a segunda, entre outubro e dezembro, com a finalidade de apresentar e discutir com propriedade os temas propostos pela etapa anterior e sugerir estratégias avaliadas pelos participantes. Enquanto os encontros da primeira etapa foram marcados por discussões de temas livres relacionados à sexualidade, a segunda foi composta por dois momentos: um marcado por seminário, compreendendo intervenção teórica
sobre os temas previamente definidos, com posterior abertura para discussão, troca de experiências, reflexão quanto à temática e forma de abordagem, caracterizando o grupo focal; e um segundo momento, onde foram aplicadas e avaliadas as estratégias caracterizando as intervenções terapêuticas, realizadas interdisciplinarmente, procurando-se envolver os participantes ativamente como sujeitos nos processos de discussão focal e intervenção teórico-terapêutica para a resolução do problema diagnosticado e proposto por esta pesquisa. Por fim, baseando-se nas etapas do GIASA, elaborou-se a proposta de reabilitação sexual denominada Grupo Interdisciplinar de Apoio à Saúde Sexual GSex, voltado à comunidade em geral, em especial a pessoas com deficiências físicas e/ou doenças crônicas, sendo definidos: finalidade, metodologia de ação, fundamentação teórica, princípios, funções dos membros, delineamento das ações, processo de atendimento, entre outros tópicos.
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Atividades de ótica exploradas no ensino médio através de reflexões epistemológicas com o emprego do V de GowinBatistella, Carmes Ana da Rosa January 2007 (has links)
A Física tem uma maneira própria de olhar a natureza e de estudar seus fenômenos. Por essa razão, o ensino-aprendizagem de Física não pode estar centrado na transmissão de informações, mas sim na construção do conhecimento em um contexto amplo que envolva conteúdos, novas metodologias e novos instrumentos adequados à realidade da escola, que venham a contribuir para uma aprendizagem significativa. Dentro dessa concepção, apresenta-se uma proposta de ensino de ótica, com ênfase no estudo através de módulos didáticos. Para tal, foram elaboradas atividades didáticas incluindo simulações de eventos com o uso de novas tecnologias e, também, em laboratório convencional, exploradas em uma visão construtivista fundamentada nas teorias de Vygotsky e de Ausubel. No desenvolvimento dessas atividades procurou-se propiciar o compartilhamento de significados através de diagramas fundamentados no V de Gowin, na busca de uma aprendizagem significativa. A composição dos módulos didáticos apresenta uma motivação inicial através de exposição oral questionada, com o objetivo de despertar no aluno seus conhecimentos prévios. Em cada um dos módulos didáticos são sugeridas uma ou mais atividades a serem trabalhadas em grupos de 3 a 4 alunos, constando de experimento virtual (applets, simulações) ou real, acompanhado de guia simplificado. Essa dinâmica de trabalho gerou uma maior interação social entre os alunos; ao professor, coube o papel de mediador da atividade. Paralelamente a cada atividade, cada grupo de alunos construiu um diagrama V, que era apresentado à turma posteriormente, com o objetivo de promover discussões. A aplicação da proposta foi realizada no quarto bimestre letivo do ano de 2006, em uma turma de terceira série de Ensino Médio, noturna, da Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Dr. Araby Augusto Nácul, em Lagoa Vermelha, RS. O material instrucional elaborado, na forma de página da Web, contém as atividades propostas nos módulos didáticos e também os correspondentes diagramas V a serem construídos pelos alunos. Também são incluídos na página da Web, como links, um material de apoio, com os conteúdos desenvolvidos nos vários módulos, e uma seção contendo exercícios de fixação. Com os alunos trabalhando em um determinado módulo didático, o material era disponibilizado nos computadores da Escola, gradualmente, para evitar que avançassem para os módulos seguintes antes de refletir sobre o conteúdo da atividade em andamento. O produto educacional, contendo o material instrucional e orientações para o seu uso, será divulgado na série Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física para que outros professores da rede de ensino possam adaptá-lo a sua realidade escolar. / Physics has its own way of looking at nature and its phenomena. For this reason the Physics’ teaching must not only be centered in lecturing information, but must also construct the knowledge in a wide context involving new technologies and tools fitted to the schools' reality. This, together with physics concepts, is to build a meaningful learning. To accomplish these goals we propose an approach to Optics teaching, structured in six didactic modules based on the meaningful learning’s theory by D. Ausubel and the social interaction’s theory by L. Vygotsky. Each didactic module starts with an oral exposition presenting the motivation through challenging questions, in order to instigate the students’ previous knowledges. We then suggest one or more activities based on virtual (e.g., simulations, applets) or real experiments, with a schematic activities guide, to be worked out by groups of three or four students, with the teacher mediation, in order to deepen social interaction. Besides each experimental activity, they construct an adapted Gowin V diagram, intended to promote a meaningful learning, and finally they discuss with the rest of the class, encouraging an exchange of views about the proposed issue. This methodological proposal has been applied to 18 third high school year students, of the nightclass at "Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Dr. Araby Augusto Nácul" at Lagoa Vermelha, RS, during the fourth bimester of the school year of 2006. The instructional material was developed as a webpage, including the proposed experimental activities and the related V diagrams. Among the webpage links, we also included additional material with the physics contents of the didactic units and exercises. The whole instructional material has gradually been made available on the School’s computers to prevent the students from going to a forthcoming activity before having made deep reflections on the lectures/subjects that were being worked out at each moment. This work is to be published in the series Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física, of Instituto de Física of UFRGS, so that other teachers can access this material and use it in their school's context.
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Uso de geoprocessamento para mapeamento de vulnerabilidade como instrumento de gestão de águas subterrâneas em Aparecida de Goiânia/GO / Use of geoprocessing for vulnerability mapping as a management tool of groundwater in Aparecida de Goiânia/GONOGUEIRA, Annyella Kássia 03 September 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-09-03 / The research developed sought to contribute to the conservation of groundwater resources,
aiming in developing a Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool to manage the use
of groundwater targeting the sustainable use, for public supply in the city of Aparecida de
Goiânia/GO. In order to achieve this, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for
the registration of deep wells, continuing the research with a study of natural vulnerability
by mapping the information obtained wich relates the potential sources of contamination.
Data collection took place through a consultation with the Information System for
Groundwater (SIAGAS) and through the System of Statistics and Geographic Information
of the State of Goiás (SIEG). Through the database development it was possible to apply
the DRASTIC method adapted by Narciso and Gomes (2005) and GOD method proposed
by Foster and Hirata (1988) for mapping vulnerability to contamination of groundwater
resources. In order to apply the DRASTIC method adapted, maps were generated for slope,
land use, geology, geomorphology, water resources and human occupation. The map
resulting from this method shows four classes: low, medium, high and very high, showing
that of the 288 square kilometers of this city, almost 80% were classified as having
medium vulnerability fir the groundwater quality. For the GOD method, maps of the
degree of hydraulic confinement, geology and depth or distance of the groundwater level
were generated. The map resulting from this process had only three classes: negligible, low
and high, showing that 76% of the area was classified as having a negligible vulnerability.
This occurred because this method does not consider human occupation. / A pesquisa desenvolvida buscou contribuir para a conservação dos recursos hídricos
subterrâneos, tendo como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Informação
Geográfica (SIG) como instrumento de gestão para a utilização das águas subterrâneas
visando o seu uso sustentável, para o abastecimento público na cidade de Aparecida de
Goiânia/GO. Para atingí-lo utilizou-se um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) para
o cadastramento dos poços tubulares profundos, procedendo assim ao estudo da
vulnerabilidade natural, através do mapeamento das informações obtidas, além de
relacionar as fontes potenciais de contaminação. A obtenção dos dados deu-se através da
consulta ao Sistema de Informações de Águas Subterrâneas (SIAGAS) e através do
Sistema Estadual de Estatística e de Informações Geográficas de Goiás (SIEG). Estes
dados possibilitaram a elaboração do banco de dados e a aplicação do método DRASTIC
adaptado por Narciso e Gomes (2005) e do método GOD proposto por Foster e Hirata
(1988), para a geração de mapas de vulnerabilidade à contaminação dos recursos hídricos
subterrâneos. Para a elaboração do método DRASTIC adaptado foram gerados os mapas
de declividade, uso do solo, geologia, falhas geológicas, recursos hídricos e ocupação
humana. O mapa resultante desse método apresentou quatro classes: baixa, média, alta e
muito alta, sendo que dos 288 quilômetros quadrados deste município, aproximadamente
80% foi classificado como tendo vulnerabilidade média para a qualidade das águas
subterrâneas. Para o método GOD foram gerados os mapas de grau de confinamento
hidráulico, ocorrência do substrato litológico e profundidade ou distância do nível da água
subterrânea. O mapa resultante desse processo apresentou apenas três classes: desprezível,
baixa e alta, sendo que 76% da área foi classificado como vulnerabilidade desprezível, por
este método não considerar a ocupação humana.
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Star-exponential of normal j-groups and adapted Fourier transformSpinnler, Florian 23 April 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides the explicit expression of the star-exponential for the action of normal j-groups on their coadjoint orbits, and of the so-called modified star-exponential defined by Gayral et al. Using this modified star-exponential as the kernel of a functional transform between the group and its coadjoint orbits yields an adapted Fourier transform which is also detailed here. The normal j-groups arise in the work of Pytatetskii-Shapiro, who established the one-to-one correspondence with homogeneous bounded domains of the complex space; these groups are also the central element of the deformation formula recently developed by Bieliavsky & Gayral (a non abelian analog of the strict deformation quantization theory of Rieffel). Since these groups are exponential, the results given in this text illustrate the general work of Arnal & Cortet on the star-representations of exponential groups.<p> As this work is meant to be as self-contained as possible, the first chapter reproduces many definitions introduced by Bieliavsky & Gayral, in order to obtain the expression of the symplectic symmetric space structure on normal j-groups, and of their unitary irreducible representations. The Weyl-type quantizer associated to this symmetric structure is then computed, thus yielding the Weyl quantization map for which the composition of symbols is precisely the deformed product defined by Bieliavsky-Gayral on normal j-groups. A detailed proof of the structure theorem of normal j-groups is also provided.<p> The second chapter focuses on the expression and properties of the star-exponential itself, and exhibits a useful tool for the computation, namely the resolution of the identity associated to square integrable unitary irreducible representations of the groups. The result thus obtained satisfies the usual integro-differential equation defining the star-exponential. A criterion for the existence of a tempered pair underlying a given tempered structure on Lie groups is proven; the star-exponential functions are also shown to belong to the multiplier algebra of the Schwartz space associated to the tempered structure. Before that, it is shown that all Schwartz spaces that appear in this work are isomorphic as topological vector spaces.<p> The modified version of this star-exponential is computed in chapter three, first for elementary normal j-groups and then for normal j-groups. It is then used to define an adapted Fourier transform between the group and the dual of its Lie algebra. This transform generalizes (to all normal j-groups) a Fourier transform that was already studied in the “ax+b” case by Gayral et al. (2008), as well as by Ali et al. (2003) in the context of wavelet transforms. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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L'Activité Physique Adaptée et sénologie : des preuves scientifiques à la mise en oeuvre des programmes auprès de patientes atteintes de cancer du sein / Adapted Physical Activity for breast cancer patients : from scientific evidence to program implementationFoucaut, Aude-Marie 10 December 2013 (has links)
La littérature apporte de plus en plus de preuves du bénéfice de la pratique d’une activité physique dans le cadre des préventions secondaire et tertiaire du cancer du sein, cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme. Ces travaux de thèse sont nés de la collaboration entre une équipe experte de la prise en charge clinique et de la nutrition de patients atteints de cancer (Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer Léon Bérard de Lyon) et une équipe experte de l’activité physique (Centre de Recherche et d’Innovation sur le Sport EA647). Cette approche « recherche-action » a permis d’implanter des programmes novateurs d’activité physique adaptée (APA) auprès des patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et ce, de manière concomitante aux traitements adjuvants. Les programmes d’APA complétés d’une prise en charge diététique apparaissent comme un moyen faisable et peu coûteux de lutter contre les facteurs reconnus de mauvais pronostic que sont la prise de poids, les risques métaboliques, mais aussi la problématique de l’inactivité physique et de la sédentarité qui s’installent dès le diagnostic de la maladie. Les résultats originaux de ce travail de thèse fournissent des avancées importantes pour promouvoir l’intégration de l’APA en tant que soin de support des patients atteints de cancer, tout au long des traitements et dans la phase de réhabilitation. Ces travaux permettent de fixer les modalités de prise en charge de ce public spécifique, mettant à disposition des professionnels du secteur un panel de connaissances scientifiques et pratiques. Ils démontrent ainsi la compatibilité et l’applicabilité directe de la recherche en milieu professionnel. / There is growing evidence for physical activity benefiting primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer, the most common cancer in women. This PhD is a collaborative work between experts in clinical care and nutrition in cancer patients (Léon Bérardcomprehensive cancer centre of Lyon) and experts in physical activity (centre for research and innovation on sport EA647). This “research-action” implemented pilot programs of adapted physical activity (APA) for breast cancer patients, concomitantly to adjuvant treatments. APA programs supplemented by dietetic counseling appear as a feasible and inexpensive way to fight against the known factors of poor prognosis, such as weight gain, metabolic risks, and also the problem of physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyles which tend to increase from the diagnosis of the disease. The results of this original research provide proofs of relevance of integrating APA programs as supportive care of cancer patients, throughout treatment and rehabilitation phase. This work shows the modalities for programming APA for this specific public, by providing professionals a range of scientific andpractical knowledge. It thus demonstrates the compatibility and direct applicability of research in the workplace.
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Echographie oculaire transcornéenne par sonde linéaire multi-éléments haute-fréquence : étude et correction des effets aberrateurs du cristallin dans la reconstruction d'image en mode-B / Trnscorneal ocular ultrasonography with high frequency linear array : study and correction of the phase aberration induced by the crystalline lens in B-mode imagingMatéo, Tony 18 December 2014 (has links)
Milieu où les ultrasons se propagent environ 10% plus rapidement qu’au sein des tissus environnants, le cristallin est connu pour être la source majeure d’aberrations de phase du milieu oculaire. De fait, l’échographie ophtalmique trans cornéenne est affectée par ses effets qui se manifestent sur les B-scans par une dégradation marquée de la résolution spatiale et du contraste, accompagnée de plus, d’importantes distorsions, particulièrement notables au niveau du fond de l’œil. Face à ce problème et en vue de l’arrivée prochaine de barrettes US HF dans la pratique ophtalmologique, un beamforming adapté a été développé au cours de cette thèse. Basé sur un lancer de rayon à 2 points fixes, il permet le calcul de délais de focalisation qui compensent les aberrations induites par le cristallin, en prenant en compte les effets réfractifs à son interface avec les humeurs. Les résultats obtenus in vitro et ex vivo avec une barrette 20MHz et un échographe de recherche (ECODERM) sont rapportés. / In ophthalmic ultrasonography the crystalline lens is known to be the main source of phase aberration, as ultrasounds (US) propagate about 10% faster than in the surrounding intra-ocular medium. Hence, it impairs significantly both spatial and contrast resolution of axial B-scans, and in addition causes important distortion, especially on the ocular fundus. To deal with this issue and in view of the next coming of US arrays in ophthalmologic practice, we developed in this thesis an adapted beamforming (BF) free from crystalline lens aberrations. It lies on a two point ray tracing approach to compute focusing delays that take into account crystalline lens aberrations including refraction at the interface. Initially developed considering a uniform US velocity in the lens, the adapted BF has been extended to consider the velocity gradient that exists in the real lens. In vitro and ex vivo results obtained with a 20 MHz linear array driven by a US research scanner (the ECODERM) are reported.
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Challenges to implement inclusive education in EthiopiaZelalem Temesgen 03 September 2020 (has links)
The aims of the research were twofold, namely, investigate challenges that hindered the implementation of inclusive education in Ethiopia and develop a framework that can enhance the inclusion of children with disabilities (CwDs). The ecology of human development has served as the theoretical lens underpinning this study to discover challenges that hindered the implementation of inclusive education. These barriers were also investigated from micro, meso, exo, and macro perspectives in the system. With this, I employed qualitative approach under the hegemony of constructivism paradigm. The hermeneutic design of the study enabled me to build knowledge about the barriers that hindered the implementation of inclusive education. Subsequently, using semi-structured interview and focus group discussion as instrument, I listened to experts in education, school supervisors, professionals in SNE and education vice heads. Thereafter, the data analysis went by transcribing the recorded interview verbatim. Then, using the transcribed and chunked data, I mapped the range and nature of phenomena, created typologies and found out associations between themes with a view to provide explanations for the findings. The process of mapping and interpretation was also guided by the original research aims as well as by the themes that have emerged from the data themselves. The participants revealed that the challenges to implement inclusive education ranged from the absence of mandatory national inclusive policy to the low income of the families of CwDs. Therefore, lack of collaboration among stakeholders of education, misconception of inclusive education, shortage of trained teachers, poor allocation of finance, poor school infrastructure and lack of mandatory inclusive policy were the few identified barriers among others. Finally, I have recommended collaborative effort among stakeholders to ensure inclusion of CwDs. / Inclusive Education / D. Phil.
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Design and Implementation of Quantum Chemistry Methods for the Condensed Phase: Noncovalent Interactions at the Nanoscale and Excited States in Bulk SolutionCarter-Fenk, Kevin D. 01 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Softwarový balík pro frekvenční metody detekce QRS komplexu / Software package for frequency detection methods referring to QRS complexHráček, Roman January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the study of detection of QRS complex in time a frequency domain. The aim is to implement selected methods and their comparison to assess the effectiveness of QRS complex.
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