Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blockbusters""
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Grafiska designers roll i överkonsumtion – En fallstudie på hur Adbusters försöker att minska överkonsumtionen genom reklam, och hur grafiska designers kan ta lärdom av deras kritikSava, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how areas such as advertising, graphic design and overconsumption are related to each other. The advertising we see today mostly expresses and glamorizes a lifestyle based on over-consuming. Consumption critical advertising about the consequences of this lifestyle is not really exposed in today's media. The consumption critical magazine Adbusters was chosen for that reason. The method used is semiotic photo analysis of two consumption critical ads from Adbusters. This method was chosen to bring insight to how Adbusters communicates and what the meaning is behind their messages.The critique that Adbusters expresses is analyzed and discussed so that other graphic designers can learn from that to make more responsible choices when designing ads.No concrete suggestion on how graphic designers can take more responsibility was concluded through this study. However, different ideas are suggested for further research.The study resulted in that the graphic designer has an important role in the process of growing the country’s economy when marketing products. By doing that, the standard of living is increased for example. Though, the line between increasing living standards, and the exaggeration of the over-consuming lifestyle in advertising, is quite thin and should be carefully taken in to consideration when working with and designing ads.
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Consumer Perception of Brand Personalization : Adbusters as Anti-BrandRudinski, Sanja January 2016 (has links)
Thesis purpose: The thesis purpose is to examine the interrelationship of consumer and brand relation. The main objective is to research how consumers’ perception of brand personalization before and after seeing Adbusters subvertisement ads influences their relation to brands. Methodology: The thesis has deductive quantitative research approach, since it starts from theory to gain more understanding of the research area. The data is collected through an online questionnaire. Theoretical perspective: This study is based upon the general brand and branding definitions, with focus on brand personality, consumer perception and findings within the study of Adbusters. Empirical data: The study is investigated quantitatively. An online questionnaire was used to gather the empirical data. Conclusion: This study provides a broad overview about consumer perception of brand personalized commercial ads and what is their relation to brands after seeing Adbusters subvertisement ads. The research contributes to brand personalization theory and Adbusters studies and demonstrates that Adbusters influence on brand personalization depends on how strong the consumer-brand relationship is. However, it is also shown that consumers are inconsistent in their perception of brand personas and that relation to brands is highly brand-specific.
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Adbusters eller adbusting : Rörelse eller metodHägglund, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vi möts ständigt av tusentals bilder och budskap när vi rör oss i det offentliga. Då och då rubbas dessa budskap och</p><p>vi tvingas ta ställning till vad det faktiskt är vi tittar på. Adbusters.se, en svensk rörelse med rötter i USA och Kanada, tar reklam och etablerade symboler och gör om dem. Tanken är att ett ifrågasättande av reklamen blir ett ifrågasättande av reklamens plats i det offentliga rummet. Med hjälp av en socialkonstruktionsteoretisk utgångspunkt, där tanken förenklat är att vi skapar vår värld på samma gång som vi lever i den, och ideologi som metodverktyg tar jag mig an Adbusters.se, adbusting och reklamen.</p><p>Inledningsvis kommer Adbusters själva att granskas, de manifest rörelsen tar utgångspunkt i parallelläses och jämförs. Detta manifest ställs sedan i konstrats till bilder som kan ses som på ett eller annat sätt falla under rubriken adbust. Här kommer såväl bilder från rörelsen själv som reklambilder att användas. De frågor jag vill ska genomsyra texten är: Hur förhåller sig Adbusters till det offentliga? Hur förhåller sig reklam till Adbusters? Hur förhåller sig Adbusters till en reklam som tar tillvara Adbusters verktyg? Är Adbusters ett effektivt medel mot reklamen i det offentliga rummet?</p><p>Adbusting framträder vid en närmare granskning ha några olika aspekter. Dels är det de aktioner som ligger rörelsen närmast. Aktioner där reklamaffischer tas ner eller byts ut mot andra budskap. Vidare finns det aktioner som rör sig från rörelsens grundläggande ideal och mer tar formen av reklam. Det ska sägas också att reklam i den här bemärkelsen inte nödvändigtvis handlar om att sälja en produkt, utan det kan handla om reklam för vissa idéer såsom miljömedvetenhet, anti-sexism etc. Den tredje och sista aspekten av adbust i det offentliga är när företag använder sig av adbusting för att utveckla sin egen reklam.</p>
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Adbusters eller adbusting : Rörelse eller metodHägglund, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Vi möts ständigt av tusentals bilder och budskap när vi rör oss i det offentliga. Då och då rubbas dessa budskap och vi tvingas ta ställning till vad det faktiskt är vi tittar på. Adbusters.se, en svensk rörelse med rötter i USA och Kanada, tar reklam och etablerade symboler och gör om dem. Tanken är att ett ifrågasättande av reklamen blir ett ifrågasättande av reklamens plats i det offentliga rummet. Med hjälp av en socialkonstruktionsteoretisk utgångspunkt, där tanken förenklat är att vi skapar vår värld på samma gång som vi lever i den, och ideologi som metodverktyg tar jag mig an Adbusters.se, adbusting och reklamen. Inledningsvis kommer Adbusters själva att granskas, de manifest rörelsen tar utgångspunkt i parallelläses och jämförs. Detta manifest ställs sedan i konstrats till bilder som kan ses som på ett eller annat sätt falla under rubriken adbust. Här kommer såväl bilder från rörelsen själv som reklambilder att användas. De frågor jag vill ska genomsyra texten är: Hur förhåller sig Adbusters till det offentliga? Hur förhåller sig reklam till Adbusters? Hur förhåller sig Adbusters till en reklam som tar tillvara Adbusters verktyg? Är Adbusters ett effektivt medel mot reklamen i det offentliga rummet? Adbusting framträder vid en närmare granskning ha några olika aspekter. Dels är det de aktioner som ligger rörelsen närmast. Aktioner där reklamaffischer tas ner eller byts ut mot andra budskap. Vidare finns det aktioner som rör sig från rörelsens grundläggande ideal och mer tar formen av reklam. Det ska sägas också att reklam i den här bemärkelsen inte nödvändigtvis handlar om att sälja en produkt, utan det kan handla om reklam för vissa idéer såsom miljömedvetenhet, anti-sexism etc. Den tredje och sista aspekten av adbust i det offentliga är när företag använder sig av adbusting för att utveckla sin egen reklam.
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Grafiska designers roll i överkonsumtion – En fallstudie på hur Adbusters försöker att minska överkonsumtionen genom reklam, och hur grafiska designers kan ta lärdom av deras kritikSava, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how areas such as advertising, graphic design and overconsumption are related to each other. The advertising we see today mostly expresses and glamorizes a lifestyle based on over-consuming. Consumption critical advertising about the consequences of this lifestyle is not really exposed in today's media. The consumption critical magazine Adbusters was chosen for that reason. The method used is semiotic photo analysis of two consumption critical ads from Adbusters. This method was chosen to bring insight to how Adbusters communicates and what the meaning is behind their messages.The critique that Adbusters expresses is analyzed and discussed so that other graphic designers can learn from that to make more responsible choices when designing ads.No concrete suggestion on how graphic designers can take more responsibility was concluded through this study. However, different ideas are suggested for further research.The study resulted in that the graphic designer has an important role in the process of growing the country’s economy when marketing products. By doing that, the standard of living is increased for example. Though, the line between increasing living standards, and the exaggeration of the over-consuming lifestyle in advertising, is quite thin and should be carefully taken in to consideration when working with and designing ads.
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[pt] O culture jamming é um movimento de proliferação artística de mensagens,
um processo retórico de intervenção e invenção que desafia a habilidade do
discurso corporativo de fazer sentido de forma previsível. A organização
canadense AdBusters Media Foundation é considerada um ícone do movimento e
tem como objetivo declarado o redirecionamento do fluxo de informação, da
forma como as corporações exercem o poder e da maneira como o significado é
produzido em nossa sociedade. Tendo em vista a importância dos estudos de
anticonsumo e resistência ao consumo nos campos do Marketing e do
comportamento do consumidor, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar, em
uma perspectiva exploratória, a configuração do discurso dos spoof ads (paródias
de anúncios publicitários) veiculados no site do AdBusters Media Foundation,
bem como verificar se tal discurso reflete os valores e objetivos da
organização jammer. Para tal, analisou-se um corpus composto por 119 spoof ads,
utilizando-se o método de análise do conteúdo. Os resultados do trabalho indicam
que os spoof ads se configuram como uma estratégia jammer na luta pela proteção
da transparência democrática e da liberdade de expressão, contra a poluição da
mente por mensagens comerciais pró-consumistas ligadas diretamente às
catástrofes sociais, ambientais, financeiras e éticas que se apresentam
cotidianamente. Desse modo, os spoofs refletem diretamente os valores e
objetivos declarados da AdBusters Media Foundation, bem como corroboram
indiretamente as críticas feitas por diversos autores à eficácia de tal estratégia. / [en] Culture jamming is movement focused on the artistic proliferation of
messages, a rhetorical process of intervention and invention that defies the ability
of corporate speech to make sense in a predictable way. The Canadian
organization Adbusters Media Foundation is considered an icon of the movement
and has as its stated objective the redirection of the flow of information, the way
corporations wield power, and the way meaning is produced in our society. Given
the importance of studying anticonsumption and resistance to consumption in the
fields of Marketing and consumer behavior, the aim of this work is to analyze in
an exploratory perspective, the configuration of the discourse of spoof ads
(parodies of advertisements) served on the website of Adbusters Media
Foundation, as well as verify if such discourse reflects the values and goals of the
jammer organization. To do this, we analyzed a corpus comprising 119 spoof ads,
employing the method of content analysis. The results indicate that the spoof ads
are configured as a jammer strategy in the fight for the protection of democratic
transparency and freedom of expression, against pollution of mind by commercial
pro-consumerist messages directly linked to social, environmental, financial and
ethical catastrophes that present themselves daily. Thus, the spoofs directly reflect
the values and stated goals of the Adbusters Media Foundation, as well as
indirectly corroborate the criticisms made by various authors to the effectiveness
of such a strategy.
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The Front Line is Everywhere: For a Critique of Radical CommoditiesHaylock, Bradley John, brad@newethic.org January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the phenomenon of 'radical commodities'-commercial products which advance an oppositional politics. Examples of such include the products of Rage Against The Machine, a 'revolutionary' rock band; Michael Moore, a best-selling author and award-winning documentary filmmaker; Naomi Klein, a journalist and author of the international bestseller No Logo; The Body Shop, a multinational manufacturer and retailer of 'natural' cosmetics and toiletries; Freitag, a company which manufactures bags, wallets and other fashionable accessories from recycled materials, and; the Adbusters Media Foundation, publisher of Adbusters magazine and producer of Blackspot shoes. Radical commodities are fundamentally paradoxical objects whose apparent ethic would appear to be at odds with the fact that they are commodities. This dissertation asks: can a commodity-object legitimately serve as a vehicle for social and political critique? It is reasoned that the problem of radical commodities is principally structural. Marx's seminal writings on the commodity accordingly represent the logical point of departure. The Marxian analysis illuminates not only the commodity-structure, but also the political problematic which emerges from that structure-for Marx, the commodity is a mechanism of exploitation. From an orthodox Marxist perspective, the idea of a radical commodity would therefore be most contradictory, or indeed impossible. It is argued, however, that the Marxian analysis is inconclusive. This dissertation traces a genealogy of analyses of the commodity, which variously advance or diverge from the orthodox Marxist position. From a perspective of the consumption of commodity-objects, the radical commodity would appear to be possible. Yet, the relationship between the commodity-structure and the capitalist ideology runs deep. The question of the radical commodity is therefore markedly more complex than it might initially appear. With regard to the ideological consequence of the commodity-structure, however, certain streams of post-Marxist analysis are themselves problematic, for they ultimately short-circuit historical critique and destabilise the very possibility of politics. In contrast, this dissertation seeks to reaffirm a place for politics and, in so doing, to establish the theoretical possibility of radical commodities. To contend that the idea of a radical commodity is not fundamentally contradictory, however, says nothing of the political potency of such objects. These are undoubtedly complex objects, whose peculiarities cannot be ascertained by abstract theorisation alone. For this reason, this dissertation also employs empirical analyses of a number of radical commodities. In sum, it is argued that the sphere of commodities should be admitted as a possible site for the expression or implementation of a radical politics, and thus that radical commodities should be understood as a legitimate vehicle for social and political critique, but that such objects are by no means free from contradiction, and that the political efficacy of these products is anything but guaranteed.
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Moving and Jamming : Implications for Social Movement TheoryWettergren, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
<p>The present compiled dissertation explores culture jamming as a social movement in late capitalist information society. Culture jamming embraces groups and individuals practicing symbolic protest against the expansion and domination of large corporations and the logic of the market into public and private life. The central aim is to understand the meaning of culture jamming; its “model” of collective identification, and its protest and mobilizing strategies. International social movement research mostly focuses upon well established movements that are traditionally organized and directed against conventional political institutions. Studying culture jamming as a social movement therefore entails implications for social movement theory and research. For instance, concepts must be adjusted to cover emerging “individualized” forms of collective action and the effects of cyberspace on collective identification. Furthermore, attention is directed to emotions in culture jamming. It is thereby also argued that social movement research generally may have a lot to gain from incorporating emotion theory.</p><p>Data consists of texts and visuals from the organization Adbusters Media Foundation, and seven interviews with culture jammers. The groups represented in the interviews are Institute for Applied Autonomy, Reverend Billy’s Church of Stop Shopping, New York Surveillance Camera Players, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Rtmark, and the French Casseurs de Pub. The method of analysis is “abductive” qualitative text analysis inspired by hermeneutic qualitative analysis and the epistemological and ontological foundations of discourse theory and post-structuralism.</p><p>Analysis is carried out in five separate studies presented in text I-IV (previously published) and in chapter eight. Text I maps the Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF) along the lines of narrative, organization, ends, means, and strategy. Text II offers an analysis of the various nodal points in the AMF discourse and discusses the tensions inherent to the AMF effort to “hegemonize” the meaning of culture jamming. Text III offers an analysis of culture jamming as political activism from the thematic perspective of culture, place and identity, based on four of the interviews. In text IV the AMF visuals are analyzed from the perspective of emotions and social movement mobilization. Chapter eight brings together the seven interviews and the AMF material into an analysis of emotions in culture jamming.</p>
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Moving and Jamming : Implications for Social Movement TheoryWettergren, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
The present compiled dissertation explores culture jamming as a social movement in late capitalist information society. Culture jamming embraces groups and individuals practicing symbolic protest against the expansion and domination of large corporations and the logic of the market into public and private life. The central aim is to understand the meaning of culture jamming; its “model” of collective identification, and its protest and mobilizing strategies. International social movement research mostly focuses upon well established movements that are traditionally organized and directed against conventional political institutions. Studying culture jamming as a social movement therefore entails implications for social movement theory and research. For instance, concepts must be adjusted to cover emerging “individualized” forms of collective action and the effects of cyberspace on collective identification. Furthermore, attention is directed to emotions in culture jamming. It is thereby also argued that social movement research generally may have a lot to gain from incorporating emotion theory. Data consists of texts and visuals from the organization Adbusters Media Foundation, and seven interviews with culture jammers. The groups represented in the interviews are Institute for Applied Autonomy, Reverend Billy’s Church of Stop Shopping, New York Surveillance Camera Players, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Rtmark, and the French Casseurs de Pub. The method of analysis is “abductive” qualitative text analysis inspired by hermeneutic qualitative analysis and the epistemological and ontological foundations of discourse theory and post-structuralism. Analysis is carried out in five separate studies presented in text I-IV (previously published) and in chapter eight. Text I maps the Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF) along the lines of narrative, organization, ends, means, and strategy. Text II offers an analysis of the various nodal points in the AMF discourse and discusses the tensions inherent to the AMF effort to “hegemonize” the meaning of culture jamming. Text III offers an analysis of culture jamming as political activism from the thematic perspective of culture, place and identity, based on four of the interviews. In text IV the AMF visuals are analyzed from the perspective of emotions and social movement mobilization. Chapter eight brings together the seven interviews and the AMF material into an analysis of emotions in culture jamming.
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A Pedagogy of Holistic Media Literacy: Reflections on Culture Jamming as Transformative Learning and HealingStasko, Carly 14 December 2009 (has links)
This qualitative study uses narrative inquiry (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988, 1990, 2001) and self-study to investigate ways to further understand and facilitate the integration of holistic philosophies of education with media literacy pedagogies. As founder and director of the Youth Media Literacy Project and a self-titled Imagitator (one who agitates imagination), I have spent over 10 years teaching media literacy in various high schools, universities, and community centres across North America. This study will focus on my own personal practical knowledge (Connelly & Clandinin, 1982) as a culture jammer, educator and cancer survivor to illustrate my original vision of a ‘holistic media literacy pedagogy’. This research reflects on the emergence and impact of holistic media literacy in my personal and professional life and also draws from relevant interdisciplinary literature to challenge and synthesize current insights and theories of media literacy, holistic education and culture jamming.
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