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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter / Students with concentration difficulties and physical activity

Payton, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Abstract   This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school. The results of the interview study are compiled and analyzed in a discussion section where even earlier research and literature are processed. The conclusions that I have reached in my examination work are that educators have considerable knowledge and experience of students who have concentration difficulties both with and without a diagnosis. It also appeared that students with concentration difficulties might get other opportunities for education but not in scheduled physical and motor training during school-time. Finally, it was also the physical and motor activity that play a role in student learning, not only students with concentration difficulties but for all students. / Sammanfattning   Detta examensarbete handlar om den fysiska aktivitetens roll för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva pedagogers erfarenheter av hur elever med koncentrationssvårigheter påverkas av fysisk och motorisk aktivitet under skoltid i grundskolans tidigare år. I arbetet utgår jag ifrån mina frågeställningar som är: Vilka erfarenheter har pedagogerna om elever med eller i koncentrationssvårigheter? Spelar den fysiska och motoriska aktiviteten under skoltid någon roll för elevernas lärande, enligt pedagogerna, i så fall hur? Får elever med koncentrationssvårigheter andra möjligheter än övriga elever gällande fysisk och motorisk aktivitet under skoltid? Jag använder mig av en kvalitativ intervjumetod för att besvara mina frågor. Intervjuerna görs i samarbete med tre pedagoger i en medelstor svensk F-6 skola. Resultatet av intervjustudien sammanställs och analyseras i en diskussionsdel där även tidigare forskning och litteratur bearbetats. De slutsatser jag kommit fram till i mitt examensarbete är att pedagoger har stor kunskap och erfarenhet av elever som har koncentrationssvårigheter både med och utan någon diagnos. Det kom även fram att elever med koncentrationssvårigheter får till större utsträckning andra möjligheter i undervisningen men inte gällande schemalagd fysisk och motorisk träning under skoltid. Slutligen framgick det även att fysisk och motorisk aktivitet spelar roll för elevers lärande, inte enbart elever med koncentrationssvårigheter utan för alla elever.

ADHD- diagnosen i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers förhållningssätt till diagnosen ADHD i Åk 6-9 / ADHD- diagnosis in school : A qualitative study of five teachers’ view of the ADHD- diagnose from 6th - 9th grade

Toro Marques, Alejandra January 2010 (has links)
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a phenomena that is much talked about in both schools and in communities. Today, there is a conflict surrounding the diagnosis ADHD. A part of the conflict takes part between the sociologist Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg, professor in child- and teenage psychology. The roots of this conflict surrounds the much debated line of what is seen as normal and “too” different, basically how many children that actually should have the diagnosis. The purpose with this study is to show five different views of the diagnosis ADHD, using five teachers. To make this study possible, five informants have participated and shared their view on the diagnosis ADHD as well as their experience with the diagnosis. The informants work at a school in the municipality of Huddinge. The school has students from the 6th to the 9th grade, one preparation class, on special school class and one study group for students with concentration difficulties. The study is based on a method of study which focuses on interpretation of the empirical material. The result of this study is that the informants were of the opinion that medication was a big advantage with the diagnosis, so that the students could work in a school environment. Though there were separate opinions on whether or not the medication should be used and to what degree. The result was that certain informants thought that there were many tricks in the physical environment that could be useful, before adding medication to the equation. The informants thought that one big disadvantage with the diagnosis were that the students were very careful with not sharing the information about the diagnosis to other students. The informants believe that students with the diagnosis ADHD could get some form of “label” on them from their classmates and the teachers.   Keywords: ADHD, medication, diagnosis, normality, stigma, individualization Nyckelord: ADHD, medicinering, diagnos, normalitet, stigmatisering, individualisering

Upplevelser av det obligatoriska skolväsendet : Gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar berättar om sin grundskoletid

Grönkvist, Johan January 2008 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to describe what individual pupils with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Asperger syndrome and ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), think of their time in the nine-year compulsory school. The intention is to, from a social and spatial point of view elucidate their experiences, on the basis of their specific needs and the commission and the curriculum of the compulsory school. This study have a qualitative approach where I on two occasions have talked to three upper secondary school pupils with neuropsychiatric disorders about their time in the compulsory school. The work method for this study is life stories, a kind of interview that allows the pupils to speak more freely, and where the definitive question formulation appears gradually. The result shows that the pupils in many ways experience that they have been misunderstood by both teachers and other pupils, first and foremost regarding teachers not having enough knowledge about how people with Asperger syndrome think and acts. In addition, all three have experiences of being bullied. At the same time the result shows that special adjustments to the pupils’ specific needs works and is a good thing, if they are based upon knowledge and understanding. The conclusion is that genuine knowledge about neuropsychiatric disorders and the will to understand among the teachers is very important, and that adjustments of resources, demands and conditions is a good thing, and many times necessary. Many teachers do not have the adequate knowledge and the support to the students is inadequate. A proper, comprehensive and correct diagnosis is important to create knowledge of the specific individual needs. / Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur enskilda elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, i första hand Aspergers syndrom och ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), har upplevt sin tid i det obligatoriska skolväsendet. Avsikten är att ur ett socialt och ett rumsligt perspektiv belysa hur de upplevt sin skoltid, utifrån de specifika behoven och skolans uppdrag enligt Lpo94. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där jag vid två tillfällen samtalat med tre ungdomar i gymnasieåldern med diagnostiserade neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar om deras grundskoletid. Den metod som använts för genomförandet av studien är livsberättelse, en form av intervju som tillåter den intervjuade att berätta mer fritt, och där de definitiva frågeställningarna infinner sig efter hand. Resultatet visar att eleverna på många sätt upplever att de blivit missförstådda av både lärare och andra elever, framför allt handlar det om att lärare inte haft tillräcklig kunskap om hur elever med Aspergers syndrom tänker och fungerar. Alla tre upplever dessutom att de varit utsatta för mobbing. Samtidigt visar resultatet att särskilda lösningar och anpassningar efter elevens specifika behov är bra och fungerar, om de bygger på kunskap och förståelse. Slutsatser blir att gedigen kunskap om neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och vilja till förståelse hos personalen är mycket viktigt, och att anpassningar av resurser, krav och villkor är bra och ofta nödvändigt. Många lärare saknar tillräcklig kunskap och stödet till eleverna är bristfälligt. En ordentlig, fullständig och korrekt diagnostisering är viktigt för att skapa kunskap om de specifika individuella behoven.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD / Milk, gluten and ADHD : A literature review on the effect of milk and gluten in children with ADHD

Antonsson, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children. The report is a summary of research results on the effects milk protein and gluten have on children with ADHD.The majority of children with ADHD demonstrate decreased symptoms if they receive a diet without milk protein and gluten.If children with ADHD would be given a special diet excluding milk protein and gluten it is realistic to assume that their ADHD-symptoms might be reduced with a greater sense of well-being and quality of life as a result. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) är en allt mer vanligt förekommande diagnos hos förskolebarn. Uppfattningen om att en anpassad kosthållning kan lindra symtomen hos barn med ADHD har växt sig starkare de senaste åren. Barn med ADHD lider ofta av en irriterad tarm som har en störd matspjälkningsfunktion, vilket kan leda till att näringsämnen bryts ner ofullständigt och resulterar i näringsbrister och frisättning av ämnen som kan påverka oss negativt.Syftet med rapporten är att sammanställa och belysa kunskapen om hur kosten kan påverka symtomen hos barn med ADHD, med särskild inriktning på påverkan från mjölkprotein och gluten. Samt att belysa vilken nytta skolverksamheten kan ha av dagens forskning inom ämnet.Rapporten är en sammanställning av de forskningsresultat som finns inom ämnet ADHD-anpassad kost där mjölkprotein och gluten utesluts.Majoriteten av barn med ADHD påvisar en minskade symtom om de får en anpassad kost utan mjölkprotein och gluten.Om förskolan skulle erbjuda barn med ADHD en anpassad kost är det realistiskt att anta att deras ADHD-symtom skulle kunna minska med ett ökat välbefinnande som följd.

Multiple intelligence profiles of learners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) / by Surika van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Surika January 2009 (has links)
Although Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders, occurring in about three to five percent of the school-going population, there is a dearth of information in literature concerning ADHD learners' intellectual strengths and weaknesses and concomitant learning preferences. An abundance of literature sources can, however, be traced dealing with ADHD learners' behavioural and scholastic problems. Because of this predominantly negative focus on ADHD, these learners are often misunderstood and didactically neglected by teachers in regular classrooms. In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed a new model for understanding intelligence, namely the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Ml). He stated that a person can be intelligent in more than one way and identified eight intelligences, namely linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. Ml theory provides teachers with a positive model for understanding, supporting and accommodating ADHD learners better in classrooms. The aims of the research were to determine: - what the Ml profiles of ADHD learners reveal in terms of their intellectual strengths and weaknesses; - whether the Ml profiles of ADHD and non-ADHD learners differ significantly; and - what the implications of ADHD learners' Ml profiles are for their teaching and learning. With a view to achieve these aims, a literature study and an empirical investigation were undertaken. The literature study focussed on ADHD, Ml theory and its implications for the teaching and learning of ADHD learners. \n the empirical section of the research, a self-report questionnaire (MIDAS-KIDS) was administered to a group of ADHD and non-ADHD learners who attend five Section 21 primary schools (ex-model C schools) in the D12 school district (Roodepoort) of the Gauteng Province. The data was statistically analysed and the following findings were made: - The Ml profile of the ADHD learners revealed no visible intellectual strengths and weaknesses. - With the exception of Writing and Reading, no differences of real practical significance were observed in the Ml profiles of the ADHD and non-ADHD participants. The following conclusions were drawn, based on these findings: - The MIDAS-KIDS is a measure of perceived intellectual disposition and because factors such as positive illusory bias (PIB) may cause disparities between ADHD learners' perceived and demonstrated intellectual competence, Ml profiles need to be reviewed and interpreted carefully against the backdrop of other diagnostic information when decisions are made with regard to ADHD learners' intellectual strengths and weaknesses. - Although with the exception of Writing and Reading, no differences of real practical significance were observed in the Ml profiles of the ADHD and non-ADHD learners, it is still important that teachers and other professionals take cognisance of Ml theory and its application potential for the optimal intellectual development of ADHD and other learners in classrooms. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Multiple intelligence profiles of learners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) / by Surika van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Surika January 2009 (has links)
Although Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders, occurring in about three to five percent of the school-going population, there is a dearth of information in literature concerning ADHD learners' intellectual strengths and weaknesses and concomitant learning preferences. An abundance of literature sources can, however, be traced dealing with ADHD learners' behavioural and scholastic problems. Because of this predominantly negative focus on ADHD, these learners are often misunderstood and didactically neglected by teachers in regular classrooms. In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed a new model for understanding intelligence, namely the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Ml). He stated that a person can be intelligent in more than one way and identified eight intelligences, namely linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. Ml theory provides teachers with a positive model for understanding, supporting and accommodating ADHD learners better in classrooms. The aims of the research were to determine: - what the Ml profiles of ADHD learners reveal in terms of their intellectual strengths and weaknesses; - whether the Ml profiles of ADHD and non-ADHD learners differ significantly; and - what the implications of ADHD learners' Ml profiles are for their teaching and learning. With a view to achieve these aims, a literature study and an empirical investigation were undertaken. The literature study focussed on ADHD, Ml theory and its implications for the teaching and learning of ADHD learners. \n the empirical section of the research, a self-report questionnaire (MIDAS-KIDS) was administered to a group of ADHD and non-ADHD learners who attend five Section 21 primary schools (ex-model C schools) in the D12 school district (Roodepoort) of the Gauteng Province. The data was statistically analysed and the following findings were made: - The Ml profile of the ADHD learners revealed no visible intellectual strengths and weaknesses. - With the exception of Writing and Reading, no differences of real practical significance were observed in the Ml profiles of the ADHD and non-ADHD participants. The following conclusions were drawn, based on these findings: - The MIDAS-KIDS is a measure of perceived intellectual disposition and because factors such as positive illusory bias (PIB) may cause disparities between ADHD learners' perceived and demonstrated intellectual competence, Ml profiles need to be reviewed and interpreted carefully against the backdrop of other diagnostic information when decisions are made with regard to ADHD learners' intellectual strengths and weaknesses. - Although with the exception of Writing and Reading, no differences of real practical significance were observed in the Ml profiles of the ADHD and non-ADHD learners, it is still important that teachers and other professionals take cognisance of Ml theory and its application potential for the optimal intellectual development of ADHD and other learners in classrooms. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

De sociala perspektivens betydelse hos barn och ungdomar där det finns misstanke om ADHD / Social perspectives in cases of children and adolescents with suspected ADHD

Darwich, Yosef, Österman, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur professionella inom elevhälsan på tre skolor samt en specialenhet inom barn och ungdomspsykiatrin förhåller sig till sociala perspektiv hos barn och ungdomar där det finns misstanke om ADHD samt hur ser möjligheterna och förutsättningar för ett sådant förhållningssätt. Hur ser elevhälsan och BUP på orsaksförklaringar för denna målgrupp där misstanke om ADHD föreligger. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats och är baserad på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med socionomer och psykologer inom elevhälsan och BUP. Analysen av resultatet har skett med nysinstitutionell organisationsteori. Resultatet visar att de professionella ansåg att det var av stor vikt att granska de sociala perspektiven vid misstanke om ADHD. De intervjuade kunde i sina respektive verksamheter urskilja en rad orsaksförklaringar i barn och ungdomars sociala miljö hos dem med ett beteende likt ADHD, utöver en neuropsykiatrisk förklaringsmodell. Faktorer som ansågs vara speciellt problematiska var uppväxtmiljö och en resurssvag skolmiljö som ställer högre krav på barn och ungdomars självständighet. Majoriteten av de professionella menar att möjligheterna och förutsättningarna för att anlägga ett socialt perspektiv i fall hos barn och ungdomar med beteende likt ADHD försvåras av organisatoriska och ekonomiska orsaker. Respondenterna utrycker att socionomens med sin yrkeskunnighet ej alltid ses som självklar när det kommer till misstanke och utredning av ADHD. Respondenterna menar att läkaren och till viss del psykologer har mandat att sätta diagnosen ADHD. Detta menar respondenterna har lett till en mer ensidigt tolkning av beteende likt ADHD där den neuropsykiatriska förklaringsmodellen i många fall dominerar när man misstänker eller utreder ett barn för beteende likt ADHD. De intervjuade önskar ett mer nyanserat perspektiv vid misstanke om ADHD där man kan utreda olika orsaksförklaringar i större utsträckning. / The aim of the study was to examine attitudes of healthcare and support workers, in three Swedish primary schools and one special unit for child and adolescence mental health (BUP), towards the social aspects of children and adolescence with suspicion of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study further aimed to investigate to what extent the health services provide opportunities and favourable conditions for stimulating a social perspective when there is a suspicion of ADHD, and what explanations health services professionals give where suspicion of ADHD exists. The study was carried out using qualitative methods and was based on seven semi-structured interviews with social workers and psychologists within educational health and support services and BUP. The outcomes of the interviews were analysed using an organisational theory based on neo-institutionalism. The results showed that health services professionals considered the social perspective to be of high relevance when investigating cases of suspected ADHD. Interviewees from different operational areas were able to identify a number of potential causes to a behavior like ADHD in the children’s social environments in addition to the neuropsychological explanation model. A number of potential factors were identified by the interviewees, including the children’s upbringing environment and a lack of resources in schools, where higher and higher demands of independence are put on children and adolescence. A majority of the interviewed health care professionals pointed to a high degree of difficulty in applying a social perspective explanatory model to children exhibiting behaviour reminiscent of ADHD due to organisational and economic circumstances. The general view was that this was made difficult due to the lesser or greater influence of particular professional groups, leading to what the interviewees referred to as a one-sided interpretation of behaviour similar to ADHD favouring the neuropsychological model. The interviewees desired a wider perspective when a suspected case of ADHD emerges where one can utilise the different explanatory models to a greater extent.

Barn med ADHD-diagnos : En studie om den sociala miljöns inverkan på beteenden som föranleder ADHD-diagnos / Children with ADHD diagnosis : A study of the impact of social factors on behavior that causes ADHD-diagnosis

Olofsson, Natalie, Jacobsson, Victoria January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to illustrate how professionals, who work with psychosocialproblems among children, look at the impact of social factors on behavior that causes ADHDdiagnosis and at the relationship between social factors and the increased diagnosis that hasoccurred in recent years. To answer our purpose, we chose a qualitative approach byinterviewing six professionals who had different professional affiliations. We analyzed theresults using systems theory and attachment theory. The results showed that the professionalssaw various social factors that influenced the behaviors that cause ADHD diagnosis, particularlytroublesome growing environment and the school environment that requires greater cognitiveability and social skills of children today. They also saw that social factors could have an impacton the increase of diagnoses, particularly that the diagnosis can result in that the understandingchanges and that it is considered easier to get extra support at school with a diagnosis. / Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur professionella som arbetar med psykosocialaproblem hos barn, ser på sociala faktorers inverkan på beteenden som föranleder ADHD-diagnos samt på relationen mellan sociala faktorer och den ökade diagnossättning som skett på senare år. För att besvara vårt syfte så valde vi en kvalitativ metod genom att intervjua sex professionella som hade olika yrkestillhörigheter. Vi analyserade resultatet med hjälp av systemteori och anknytningsteorin. Resultatet visade att de professionella såg olika sociala faktorer som inverkade på beteenden som föranleder ADHD-diagnos, framförallt orolig uppväxtmiljö samt skolmiljön som kräver större kognitiv och social förmåga hos barn idag. De upplevde även att det fanns en relation mellan sociala faktorer och den ökade diagnossättningen, framförallt genom att en diagnos kan medföra att bemötandet och förståelsen förändras samt att det anses enklare att få extra stöd i skolan med en diagnos.

Att se är en förutsättning för att kunna hjälpa : En kvalitativ uppsats om hur ADHD definieras i Socialstyrelsens kunskapsmaterial / Seeing is a prerequisite for being able to help : A qualitative paper about how ADHD is presented in the National Board of Health and Welfare’s documents

Lindelöw, Sarah, Lindahl, Frida January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats granskas Socialstyrelsens dokument för att undersöka hur ADHD presenteras. Ett speciellt fokus har varit att undersöka hur köns- och genusskillnader i relation till ADHD beskrivs och vidare om och på vilket sätt Socialstyrelsens uppdrag om jämställdhetsintegrering framträder i dokumenten. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har en kritisk textanalys med en maktanalytisk ansats bedrivits för att granska delar av Socialstyrelsens kunskapsmaterial och även en lägesrapport kring ADHD. Resultatet av analysen visar att Socialstyrelsens dokument i vissa delar beskriver ADHD på ett stigmatiserande och diskriminerande sätt vilket kan bidra till exkludering och socialt förtryck. Socialstyrelsen bidrar delvis även till att upprätthålla bilden av ADHD som en pojk-diagnos vilket kan leda till att flickor missas, då flickornas symtom och upplevelser inte beskrivs på ett utförligt sätt i dokumenten. Resultaten i uppsatsen pekar även på att uppdragen Socialstyrelsen har haft gällande jämställdhet inte har implementerats i alla delar av materialet, vilket medför att målen om jämställdhet inte har uppnåtts i alla avseenden. / In this paper, documents from the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden is examined to investigate how ADHD is presented. A particular focus has been to investigate how sex and gender differences in relation to ADHD are described and further if and in what way the National Board of Health and Welfare's mission on gender integration appears in the documents. To achieve the purpose of this paper, a critical text analysis with a power analytical approach has been conducted to review parts of the National Board of Health and Welfare's material and reports on ADHD. The result of the analysis shows that the National Board of Health and Welfare's document in some parts describes ADHD in a stigmatizing and discriminatory manner, which can contribute to exclusion and social oppression. The National Board of Health and Welfare also partly contributes to maintaining the image of ADHD as a boy's diagnosis, which may cause girls to be overlooked in diagnosis, as the girls' symptoms and experiences are not described in an adequate way in the documents. The results in the paper also show that the gender equality-mission has not been implemented in all parts of the material, which means that the political goals of gender equality have not been achieved in all respects.

Evaluace pokroku v edukaci žáků s ADHD / Teacher assistant as one of the support arrangement of ADHD pupil in 1st year of elementary school

SMEJKALOVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
SMEJKALOVÁ, M. Evaluation of progress in education children with ADHD - Evaluation of motivation notebooks. České Budějovice 2018. Master thesis. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Faculty of Theology. Department of education. Thesis Supervisor: doc. Michal Kaplánek, Th.D. The work is divided into five parts. The theoretical part deals with basic information about ADHD. It clarifies the onset, types and manifestation of ADHD, mainly children's manifestations. Another important topic of this master thesis is educational principles for working with children with ADHD in the social environment. Firstly it describes forms and objectives of supportive measures in inclusive classroom and then in next part present for readers personal support for children with ADHD teaching assistant. The last part focuses on qualitative research and answering the following question: "They lead motivational notes to some change in pupil's speeches?" In case analysis, they focus on individual children with special educational needs. Comparative analysis shows differently influenced manifestations among ADHD and non-ADHD pupils. By exploring the six-month records in the motivational notes of each child, it reveals the answer to the basic research question.

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