Spelling suggestions: "subject:"administration anda economics"" "subject:"administration ando economics""
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Kan man tillämpa bilindustrins krav på småserietillverkare? / Is it possible to apply car manufactures demands on short run manufacturers?Bash, Daniel, Kilstam, Jacob, Carlsson, Johan January 2007 (has links)
This report is a part of the education at the School of Engineering, Jönköping. The content of the report is based on work conducted at Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). The task of the report is to find out what reasonable quality demands would be for a short run manufacturer and what short run manufactures should do to satisfy the demands. The car manufacturing industry is currently setting high quality demands through QS 9000, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), on their suppliers. They have to show that they have reliable processes and no quality failures on supplied parts. Statistical process control (SPC) methods are used to comply with the demands set. SPC helps the suppliers to secure that their products are shifting within a small interval. Suppliers can with the help of control charts with a upper control limit and a lower control limit see if their process needs adjustment. The car manufacturing industry demands that their suppliers have stable processes. In order to show that the processes are stable a Cpk value is used. It has to be greater than 1.33 to assure a stable process. HPAB has got problems with a component called Scuff Plate (a part of Volvo XC 90) which has got its standards set by the car manufacturing industry. The authors of this paper have measured the Cpk value at four different occasions with the help of the measurement program, Rektron. The value on observation 1, was 0.15 but has increased to 1.34, on observation 4, thanks to adjustments made. The autors have produced an instruction manual for dealing with future short and long run production. / Denna rapport är en del i en högskoleingenjörsutbildning vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Arbetet är utfört på Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). Uppgiften var att ta reda på vilka kvalitetskrav som är rimliga att ställa på småserietillverkare och vad småserietillverkarna kan göra för att uppfylla kraven. Bilindustrin ställer i dag höga krav på sina underleverantörer. De ska kunna visa att de har dugliga processer och på de detaljer de levererar ska det inte finnas några kvalitetsbrister. För att säkerställa hög kvalité jobbar många företag med statistiska metoder där man med hög säkerhet kan visa att ens måttvariation skiftar inom ett litet intervall. Statistisk processstyrning (SPS) är ett hjälpmedel för att säkerhetsställa god kvalité. Genom regelbundna mätningar får man fram värden som man för in i ett styrdiagram. Med hjälp av detta styrdiagram, som består av en övre och en undre styrgräns, kan man avläsa när processen måste justeras. Bilindustrin kräver att deras underleverantörer har stabila processer. Detta kan man visa genom att ta fram ett korrigeradat maskinduglighetsvärde, Cpk. QS 9000 med dess Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), är den standard som har tagits fram av bilindustrin kräver att processerna ska ha ett Cpk som är större än 1,33 för att processen ska vara godkänd. HPAB har problem med detaljen Scuff Plate som är en detalj till Volvo XC90. Vid fyra olika tillfällen har maskinduglighetstest utförst på HPAB:s quintusspress. I rapporten kan man följa hur Cpk-värdet vid första observationen på 0,15 har ökat till 1,34 vid det fjärde testet. Att Cpk-värdet har ökat beror på att man ändrat inställningar mellan de olika observationstillfällena. Författarna har tagit fram en mall för hur HPAB, som mestadels tillverkar små volymer, ska hantera de krav som bilindustrin ställer vid både långa och korta serier.
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Kalkylverktyg För SågklingorDohlmar, Gustaf, Åstrand, Emma, Johnsson, Jimmie January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to survey Swedex AB’s production costs and to gather all info into a manageable calculation tool. This was made by time and motion studies, interviews of the personnel. All factors were gathered into an Excel chart. The calculation was made according to an additional-charge-method that was considered to satisfy Swedex AB’s goal. This makes a complete-cost-estimate which is important when the selling price should cover the production costs. The blades were divided into different populations to facilitate the calculation work. The division was made with the production cost in consideration to minimize the risk of losing parameters. The time and motion study, which is the basis of the calculation, was obtained by the group and gave insight of the saw blade production. Here it was discovered, what was said to be a bottleneck was not the case. Swedex AB has a great amount of products in labour, this in opposite to the “just in time”-philosophy, but Swedex AB see’s this as a resource. This is seen as a utilization increaser, to keep up the production rate. Swedex AB has a lot of old machines, but these have to be part of the calculation while they in a near future will be reinvested with new machines. An adjustment has been done to consider purchase price, second hand price and service/repair costs.
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BUSINESS PLAN : Import, Export and Car Trading CompanyBesong, Fred Tanyi January 2007 (has links)
Being entrepreneurial is pathly being creative. This Master thesis presents a business plan of BEFCO Trading Ltd geared towards solving a problem in the Cameroonian Economy. The English speaking Cameroonians of South West and North West provinces of Cameroon are presently underserved with car sales offerings as there is presently no registered Company in this section of the Country. An attempt is presently being made through this business plan thanks to the peaceful and favourable circumstances sorrounding the entrepreneurs and the opportunity gap of a niche market. The business plan shows a win to win situation in which the founding entrepreneurs become self employed by solving a problem in the market through novel business combinations.
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Ledtidsreducering vid Saab Training Systems Ab : Lead time reduction at Saab Training Systems ABAvdic, Aldin, Kling, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är utfört på Saab Training Systems AB i Huskvarna. Saab Training Systems utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer kompletta militära träningssystem. Syftet med arbetet var att minska ledtiderna, då korta leveranstider blir ett allt viktigare konkurrensmedel. Arbetet innebar en kartläggning av nuvarande reserv- och reparationsflöde samt att identifiera problem och komma fram till förbättringsförslag. Vidare har vi studerat reservdelslagrets lagernivå och dess kapitalbindning. Arbetet genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med berörd personal, observationer, enkätundersökning samt statistiska studier. Vi har även arbetat med Supply Chain Operations Reference Model som är en öppen referensmodell med vars hjälp man kan kartlägga, förändra och optimera sin verksamhet. Saab Training Systems har som mål att ledtiderna för reservdelsflödet och reparationsflödet skall vara 14 dagar, men i själva verket är det inte så. Dessa ledtider är idag längre, hur långa är dock oklart. De långa ledtiderna beror främst på att i flödena förekommer det mycket passiv tid. Tiden uppstår bland annat i väntan på transport men även som en konsekvens av att företaget för tillfället har mycket att göra. För att reducera ledtiderna bör Saab Training Systems i första hand reducera den passiva tiden. Saab Training Systems bör sänka sina lagernivåer för att frigöra bundet kapital vilket leder till att de minskar risken att produkterna minskar i värde eller blir inkuranta.
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Prognostisering av utrustningar på Volvo Wheel Loaders / Forecasting on options at Volvo Wheel LoadersFlensén, Martin, Benterås Lucht, Kristian January 2007 (has links)
Volvo in Arvika produces wheel loaders, and the production is based on forecasts. When a machine is ordered, the customer can choose what type of equipment he or she wants, and these equipments are also made forecasts on. This is made by giving each equipment an estimated procentual usage that shows how many of the machines that will use this option. Today two people are working with the forecasts, planer A in Eskilstuna and planer B in Arvika. Planer A makes a forecast based on the historical outcome and planer B then makes adjustments of this based on how many options that are ordered. Volvo in Arvika is having problems with the accuracy of the forecasts and because of this they have got too much in stock. But how big are the forecast deviations, what is the cause of it, in what or which places does the process lack? What can be made to make more accurate forecasts, how can you get a more affective process with less work made? To answer these questions we surveyed the process and analyzed it to find strong and week spots. We found that Planer A has a lack of information about how the forecast influence the stock in Arvika, that she gets pour feedback from production, that Planer B is the only one with knowledge about the forecast work in Arvika. We also made a benchmarking with the factory in Braås to see how they differ. Just like in Arvika there are two people working with the forecasts, but in Braås both of them are located close to the production and they share the options equal. They are also able to fill in for each other if someone would be sick. To see how much the forecast differ from market demand, we have analyzed forecast data from nine different options for eight months. It turned out that the automatic calculated forecasts are a bit high and that planner B lower them. Our conclusion is that the forecasts should be made only in Arvika, and not as it is today when half of it is made in Eskilstuna. There should also be documents and routines on how the work shall be done. This is to make it easier for people that will do the same job in the future. / Volvo Wheel Loaders (WLO) i Arvika tillverkar hjullastare och gör detta mot prognos. Till hjullastarna finns olika utrustningar som kunden kan välja mellan och även dessa gör Volvo prognoser på. Detta görs genom att de uppskattar hur många procent av maskinerna som kommer använda varje utrustning och lägger in det i ett program. Idag arbetar två personer med prognoserna, planerare A på huvudkontoret i Eskilstuna och planerare B på plats i Arvika. Planerare A gör först prognosen med avseende på historiskt utfall, sedan justerar planerare B dessa gentemot bl.a. orderingång. WLO har problem med träffsäkerheten i sina utrustningsprognoser och detta har medfört höga lagernivåer och därmed bundet kapital. Hur stora är prognosavvikelserna, vad är det som gör att prognoserna blir fel, på vilket eller vilka ställen i processen är det som bristerna uppstår? Vad kan de göra för att få bättre prognoser, hur kan man effektivisera processen så att det blir mindre arbete? För att svara på dessa frågor började vi med att kartlägga prognostiseringsprocessen och sedan analysera den för att få fram svagheter och styrkor. Här fann vi t ex att planerare A inte har någon kunskap om hur prognoserna påverkar lagret i Arvika och att hon får för dålig feedback från produktion, att planerare B är ensam kunnig om prognosarbetet vilket leder till problem när han är sjuk eller borta av andra skäl. Sedan gjorde vi även en processjämförelse med Volvo Braås för att se hur de skiljer sig åt. I Braås är det två personer som tar fram prognoserna och de arbetar med hälften av utrustningsnumren var. Båda sitter nära produktion och är även väl insatta i varandras arbete om någon av dem skulle vara borta. För att få fram hur prognoserna avviker från utfallet har vi gått igenom prognoshistorik för nio olika typer av utrustningar och sedan gjort beräkningar på det materialet. Det visade sig att prognoserna som automatiskt beräknas ofta ligger för högt och att planerare B sänker dessa. Vi har kommit fram till att allt arbetet med prognoserna borde ske på plats i Arvika och inte som i nuläget när hälften görs i Eskilstuna. Man bör även införa rutiner på hur arbetet med prognoserna ska gå till och göra dokument på detta så att det är lättare för personer som ska ta över eller måste sätta sig in hur det fungerar.
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Business strategy, marketing strategy and manufacturing strategy: an overall alignmentMoreno, Laura January 2008 (has links)
Today’s businesses face a competitive war; conceptually, similar to the ones in ancient times. The arena in which this war is battled is the market and it is characterized by being highly dynamic and uncertain. The enemies to be beaten are the competitors who use their core competences (weapons) to conquer the customers’ orders. But no battle is won by chance, neither in business. So, there is a need for a strategy that provides the chance to defeat the enemy by gaining a sustainable competitive advantage over him. The question is: how to do it? The functional investments, mainly in marketing and manufacturing, need to be aligned with the mainstream strategy (business strategy) so they pull all together in the same direction. The existing literature links these strategies in pairs but not at the same time. In this study, an analysis of such alignment approaches will be the base to create a model for the simultaneous fit of business strategy, marketing strategy and manufacturing strategy, and to provide some suggestions on how to achieve this match in practice. Product design strategy will play a key role in order to attain the overall alignment.
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Kostnadskalkylering på en förpackningsavdelningFhager, Emmy, Agang, Mina January 2008 (has links)
This degree project is based on identifying and allocation of costs in a packaging section at Electrolux Distriparts in Torsvik. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the costs that emerge when packaging different articles and show how the costs are allocated. The report also contains improvement suggestions about how the company can use the current computer system more efficient. The methods that have been used in order to approach the problem and the collection of information have mainly been literature study, interviews and observation. The work started with answering the questions; which expenditure cost and direct cost exist in the section, how can they be allocated, if improvement can be done and how the flow of information is supposed to happen. In order to answer the questions we used our former experience and the knowledge we achieved by reading literature, interview relevant persons in the company and observations carried out in the section. Through our studies, we came up with an Excel file, which is the groundwork for a template that can be used by the company in different occasions depending on the situation and need. It is important to remember to modify the template if the presumptions change. In the template, we have identified the different kind of costs that emerge when packaging different articles and we have also allocated the costs. In addition formulas and estimations that are necessary for the cost calculation are presented. The work consisted in making the groundwork for a template. That means there is a lot of work for the company left to do until the template is ready to be used in working routine. The template includes estimations that are not tested with real figures and therefore can contain hidden defects. The company could not supply us with the figures on the relevant costs, because of secrecy reason. Therefore it is very difficult to eliminate the risk for hidden defects in the template. In order to distinguish obvious defects, made up figures were used. These can differ essential from the real figures, but the purpose is to minimise the defects and help the company to see how the template works. An improvement suggestion is that the company should use the proposed flow of information in order to save time and therefore be able to spend more time with the main operations. The flow of information saves time by: • Using more the current computer system • Being simple • Identifying unnecessary activities, so that it can be removed or modified
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Managing the Industrial Service FunctionKowalkowski, Christian January 2008 (has links)
During the past decade, growing attention has been given to industrial service offerings in the marketing literature as well as in many manufacturing firms. This phenomenon is often described as a goods-services transition, in which companies increasingly turn to the provision of industrial services in order to achieve competitive advantage, such a closer customer relationships and higher profit margins. Industrial services span a wide range of offerings, from basic after-sales services to process-orientated solutions consisting of both services and capital goods. With industrial service offerings receiving increased attention as their importance is understood, the ability to manage the service business in a manufacturing context becomes ever more vital. The overall purpose of this doctoral thesis is to describe and analyse how capital equipment manufacturing firms strategically manage their industrial service offerings in order to achieve long-term competitive advantage. This includes analysing how to organise the firm for the development and production of service, and, depending on the type of industrial service offering, what the requirements on the service processes are. Furthermore the role of information and communication technologies as enablers for new offerings and processes is analysed. The thesis consists of a compilation of five papers, two case descriptions and an extended summary. The research builds on a multiple case study of the service organisations of market-leading manufacturing firms. The main cases are based on in-depth studies at ITT Water & Wastewater and Toyota Material Handling Group. The results suggest that, as the division between goods and services becomes ever more blurred, there is an increasing need for cooperation between the service and the product organisations. Applying a service logic means that the traditional division between goods sales and after-sales services becomes outdated. Instead, the customer relationship becomes the centre of the offering regardless of its combination of services and goods. Further, the infusion of service in manufacturing firms means that more service processes and interfaces have to be managed simultaneously. Theoretically, this research contributes mainly to the fields of industrial marketing and service as a business logic. One contribution is the proposed typologies for industrial service offerings which make it possible to better understand the dynamics of service processes. Another important contribution of this research is the service function concept. Industrial services must not be equated with the activities of the industrial service organisation only. Although the service organisation most likely is the key entity, it is only one subset of the service function; sales product development, manufacturing, senior management, and other organisational entities, as well as external service providers and customers, are to be seen as part-time service functions that influence the offering. Compared to previously, competitive advantage through industrial service offerings is to a greater extent based on factors outside the service organisation, i.e. in other parts of the service function.
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Analys av interna transporter och buffertlager vid Vest-Wood Sverige ABReis, Fredrik, Carlsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport är resultatet av en analys som gjorts vid Vest-Woods fabrik i Forserum under våren 2007 i syfte att reducera interna transporter. Vest-Wood AB i Forserum tillverkar dörrar för den svenska marknaden men förser också en annan fabrik (Sdr</p><p>Felding i Danmark) i samma koncern med dörrstommar. Materialhantering för att förse Sdr Felding fabriken med dörrstommar medför i dagsläget mycket interna transporter i Forserumsfabriken. För att klara ojämn efterfrågan från Sdr Felding fabriken samt för att kunna jämna ut sin egen produktion har Forserumsfabriken valt</p><p>att lagerföra de tolv artiklar som beställs mest frekvent från Sdr Felding fabriken. Buffertlagret vid Forserumsfabriken där artiklarna lagerförs är placerat ca 200 m från produktionen vilket medför mycket intern transport för hantering av dessa. Uppgiften</p><p>som Vest-Wood AB i Forserum ville ha analyserad var hur de kunde hitta ett mer ekonomsikt fördelaktigt upplägg av de interna transporterna inom fabriken i Forserum. För att kartlägga nuläget beräknades medelvärdet av buffertlagret baserat på inventerade lagersaldo från 2006. I samma buffertlager lagerförs den buffert som</p><p>skall täcka efterfrågan för den veckas extra semester som Forserumsfabriken har jämfört med Sdr Felding fabriken. Den semesterbufferten fick räknas bort. Efter att ha fastställt medelvärdet på buffertlagret kunde lagerhållningskostnaden beräknas.</p><p>I den del av Forserumsfabriken som vi analyserat sker tillverkning i tre flöden där de tolv lagerförda dörrstommarna tillverkas i två av dem. Vi räknade ut att total kapacitet i dessa båda och fann att det finns en möjlig extra kapacitet på 25 %. Med medelvärdet och möjlig extra kapacitet som underlag kunde ett förbättringsförslag</p><p>tas fram. Förbättringsförslaget handlar om att ta bort buffertlagret, som ett led i att minska de interna transporterna. Förbättringsförslaget förutsätter att samarbetet och insynen mellan fabriken i Sdr Felding och fabriken i Forserum förbättras.</p> / <p>This report is the result of an analysis made at Vest-Woods factory in Forserum during the spring of 2007 with the purpose to reduce internal transports. Vest-Wood AB in Forserum produces doors for the Swedish market but is also a supplier of doorframes to another factory (Sdr Felding in Denmark) in the same group of companies. The material handling for supplying the factory in Sdr Felding with</p><p>doorframes causes a lot of internal transports. The factory in Forserum has chosen to keep the twelve most ordered doorframes in stock to keep up with varying demand from the factory in Sdr Felding and to smooth their own manufacturing. The warehouse in Forserum, where the doorframes are stored, is placed 200 m from the</p><p>manufacturing site and that contributes to the internal transport. The assignment that Vest-Wood AB in Forserum wanted analysed was how they could find a more beneficial arrangement of the internal transports from an economic point of view. To define the present situation we calculated the mean value based on inventory data</p><p>from 2006. The factory in Forserum is closed for one more week than the factory in Sdr Felding is during the summer. For that reason, a buffer is built to cover the demand from the factory in Sdr Felding during this week. This buffer is also kept in the warehouse. That buffer was subtracted from the inventory results. When the mean</p><p>value of the warehouse had been calculated, the yearly cost of storing the doorframes could be calculated. There are three different flows in that part of the factory in Forserum where our analysis has taken place. Production of the twelve doorframes</p><p>takes place in two of them. We calculated total capacity in these two flows and found that they have potential extra capacity of 25 %.</p><p>With the mean value of the warehouse and the potential extra capacity in the production we could work out a proposal of improvement. The proposal treats how to remove the warehouse as a way of reducing internal transports. The proposal assumes</p><p>that the collaboration and insight between the factory in Sdr Felding and the factory in Forserum is improved.</p>
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Mappningsstrategi på IKEA:s CDC-lager i Torsvik / Mapping strategy at IKEA:s CDC-Warehouse at TorsvikHansson, Alexander, Petersson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study has been assigned by Bengt Hellman who works at the logistic department at IKEA Torsvik just outside of Jönköping. The task has been to develop a new picking strategy for the Oversize area in the CDC-Warehouse. The reason why IKEA wants a new strategy is because they want to minimize the route length for the forklifts when collecting the orders.</p><p>By evaluating the current strategies on other areas in the CDC-storehouse, study literature within this subject and look at restrictions for the storing of goods, we have analyzed how the Oversize area works today. We compared the gathered information, to how it should be done according to the literature to be able to work out a new functional strategy.</p><p>Today, IKEA does not have a working strategy for the oversize area because of lack of time and because all the power has been put on other areas were sales rates are currently higher. This have led to lack of organisation at the Oversize area and items are just put were there is space without first analysing were it should be placed.</p><p>The strategy that we have worked out and introduced to IKEA builds on easiness of understanding the layout, the employees shall know why an item is placed where it is. We have also analyzed which items that are frequently ordered with each other. We have put weight on trying to keep those items as close as we can to minimize the route length for the forklifts. To help IKEA with reorganizations in the future we have made it as easy as we could to move high- and low frequently items around and also introducing new articles in the storehouse, this by the reason that sales rate can change drastically when a new sales campaign is initiated by IKEA</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är utfört på önskemål av Bengt Hellman som arbetar på logistikavdelningen på IKEA Torsvik utanför Jönköping. Arbetet har gått ut på att ta fram ett nytt förslag på hur de skall placera sina artiklar på plocknivå (vad IKEA kallar för mappning) inne på Oversize avdelningen på IKEA:s CDC-lager. Anledningen till detta är att IKEA vill minska sina körsträckor för plockarna inne på lagret och därmed öka effektiviteten.</p><p>Genom att studera befintliga mappningsstrategier som redan finns på övriga avdelningar på CDC-lagret, litteraturstudier och titta på vilka begränsningar som finns inne på lagret så har vi analyserat nuläget mot teori för att sedan kunna ta fram en ny strategi för hur en fungerande mappning skulle kunna se ut.</p><p>I dag så finns det inte någon väl utarbetat strategi för mappningen på Oversize avdelningen, detta på grund av att andra avdelningar prioriterats på grund av att de säljer mycket mer i dagsläget. Detta har även medfört att den huvudsakliga uppdelning som fanns tidigare på Oversize avdelningen med affärsområden har fått stå åt sidan på grund av tidsbrist och artiklar har placerats in där det finns plats istället för att analysera var de kan placeras bäst.</p><p>Det nya förslaget som vi presenterar för IKEA bygger på att det skall vara enkelt att förstå layouten, plockarna skall veta varför en artikel finns där den finns. Vi har även tagit stor hänsyn till vad som säljs med vad och försökt placera dessa artiklar i närheten av varandra för att på så sätt minska körsträckorna. Vi har även haft i åtanke att det skall vara enkelt att placera om hög och lågfrekventa artiklar samt nyheter inne på lagret då försäljningsvolym påverkas väldigt mycket utav olika kampanjer som IKEA har.</p>
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