Spelling suggestions: "subject:"administration anda economics"" "subject:"administration ando economics""
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Nöjd, klar och duktig : Studenter på fem utbildningar om studieframgång / Content, Graduated and Capable : Students in Five University Programs about Study SuccessAndersson, Ewa, Grysell, Tomas January 2002 (has links)
This thesis addresses the significance of the concept of study success in higher education from the perspective of students at five university programs; Business Administration and Economics, Engineering Physics, Medical Education, Social Work and Teacher Education for Upper Secondary Level. The thesis is based on data from three studies conducted between, spring 1993 and autumn 1996. A questionnaire was distributed to all the students enrolled in autumn 1992 to the five programs, regarding students' paths to the university, how they perceived their university studies, and their plans for the future. Fifty-nine of the students were then selected from the five university programs and interviewed on two different occasions. The first interview, conducted mainly during the autumn term of 1993, focused on the respondent's path to the university studies and on different aspects of their lives as students. For a majority of the students, the second interview was conducted about one year later. This interview focused on how the students perceived study success: what was considered to be a good study result, and the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful students. The students were also asked to describe an occasion when they felt successful and unsuccessful, respectively. The results indicate that there is little congruence between the students' perception of study success and that expressed in many public reforms and policies in Sweden. Furthermore, there are both similarities and differences in students' views across the programs. The students at the five programs seemed to relate study success mainly to aspects of Achievement, Process/Strategy, and Comprehension, while aspects related to Personal Growth or Future/Occupation were rarely mentioned. When comparing students' views in the five university programs, the results indicate that an Achievement oriented view dominated among the students in Business Administration and Economics, and Engineering Physics. The students in Engineering Physics and Social Work were more oriented towards Process or Strategy aspects of study success than the students in the other programs. Personal Growth was emphasised as an important aspect only by the Social Work students. Furthermore, students in Social Work and Medical Education were more oriented towards Comprehension than the others. The students in Medical Education and Teacher Education related study success to Future/Occupation to a higher degree that the others. The views on study success seem mainly to be related to aspects in the learning environment, in particular the way the university studies are organised, the examination and grading system, and the contact with the profession. Different recruitment patterns, and the impact of upper secondary education may also be of importance. Influences from the students' prior experiences and their life outside their studies cannot be excluded. Furthermore, the results indicate gender differences. The women seem to view study success in terms of Comprehension, while the men are more oriented towards Achievement. An additional analysis within the categories indicated that the male students seemed to be more self-confident and self-reliant while the female students expressed a more pessimistic view. Furthermore, while the male students view an unsuccessful student only in relation to the individual in question, the female students' view involved the negative consequences of the student's behaviour for other people. / digitalisering@umu
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Sammanställning av riktlinjer för logistiken på Isaberg Rapid AB / Development of Logistic guidelines at Isaberg Rapid ABCarlsson, Gustav, Hermansson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
Isaberg Rapid AB is a company that manufactures for instance staplers and glue guns. Headquarters and main factory is located in Hestra but there are also subsidiary companies in Denmark, Netherlands, France, Spain, China and England. There are also two filial factories in France and China. Today has the company no logistic guidelines committed and that leads to problems since the salesmen promise different things to the customers. This contributes too many different logistic solutions for Isaberg Rapid AB. The company has also noted problems with returns of goods. The purpose with this task is to standardize and compile logistic guidelines, usable to all Isaberg Rapid AB's small to midsize customers. The aim is to increase the flow of information and reach a more standardized way to work than previously within the company and between the company and their customers. The task also includes development of a functioning system of returns usable to all customers. Choice of methods has changed from literature studies to focus on interviews and document collections at the company. A large part of the implementation is comprised of interviews. This because the task were directed to Isaberg Rapid AB and it were therefore difficult to find any appropriate theory. Some visits, both in Hestra and Saint Amé, have been made. In development of the logistic guidelines have two other logistic guidelines from the company's customers been studied. In the result part is the compiling of the logistic guidelines presented. The logistic guidelines are based on the collected documents from the company but also include parts from interviews and the studied logistic guidelines. This document should work as a tool for customers and concerned people at Isaberg Rapid AB. It contains important information before, during and after ordering. There are two versions of this document, one for the customer and one to use internally with extra comments. In the end of the report there are some discussions about the difficulties that have been discovered. Finally, the questions given in the problem description will be answered in the conclusions.
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Framtidens distributionslogistik : - Effekter av en ökad centralisering hos ABB i Västerås / The future distribution logistics : Effects of an increased centralization at ABB in VästeråsBerzelius, Rickard, Borggren, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Executive Summary This final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coordination of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decentralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The objective of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which describe these effects. The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability. It was noticed that the degree of collaboration was very low and the business units send their goods in three main directions: Gothenburg, Arlanda and Europe (except for deliveries within the Nordic countries). Today it is only the goods towards Arlanda which are jointly transported. In the other directions there are only a few business units who collaborate. Beside the primal task to negotiate general transportation agreements, the central logistic function (GFSM) at ABB has only a supporting roll in the work concerning logistics. The reason is not just that the business units have the real mandate over the logistics but also that the logistic focus in general is low. Furthermore is it hard for the freight managers (FM) at each business unit to change and improve the logistics, because they have other tasks to manage but also since their logistics skills in many cases are poor. The demands on the freight managers are also not expressed clearly enough and therefore they don’t know what is expected of them in their rolls as freight managers. Three development directions were identified and expressed as scenarios, see table 1. Scenario 1 represents an increased focus on the logistics and more distinct rolls for the GFSM and the FMs. Scenario 2 addresses an increased coordination of the physical flow of goods (exemplified as a consolidation of all truck transportations toward Gothenburg) where the freight managers are in charge of this coordination. Scenario 3 is a combination of the first and second scenario and represents a centralization of the outbound logistics (exemplified as train with containers to Gothenburg). The conclusion was that: - Scenario 1 entails an increased transparency, communication and central management with positive effects on costs, delivery service and on the environment in the long run. The scenario becomes a prerequisite for the execution of the two others. Therefore is it the first step for ABB if they wish to increase their coordination of physical goods or centralize their logistics operations. - Scenario 2 envolves cost savings by a good 50 % because the collecting of the goods takes place at each business unit (unchanged amount of handling). These changes are something to attain since it, in addition to the cost savings, can imply an improved delivery service and doesn’t increase the emissions of CO2 compared with today! - Scenario 3 results in a cost impairment since the cost reductions are too small for the distance Västerås-Gothenburg and are eliminated by the increased costs for handling of goods, warehousing and internal transportation. Nevertheless is train transportation within Sweden preferable out of an environmental perspective. All aspects considered, this scenario must consolidate more flows of goods and secure already existing knowledge before it becomes interesting to realize.
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Analys av returprocessen på Schenker Logistics AB / Analysis of the return process at Schenker Logistics ABBakalbasic, Dzenan January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Schenker Logistics AB där målsättningen har varit att analysera den nuvarande returprocessen och därefter presentera eventuella förbättringsförslag. Den information som ligger till grund för resultatet av detta arbete har införskaffats via observationer och intervjuer med de personer som arbetar i returprocessen. Analysen som utfördes resulterade i att ett flertal brister kunde identifieras i returprocessen. Alla dessa brister bidrog till att komplikationer uppstod vid returhanteringen av gods på Schenker Logistics AB. Några exempel på brister som identifierades är att gods som var i godkänt fysiskt skick, returnerades till Schenker Logistics AB utan angiven orsak till returleveransen. Dessutom dokumenterades inte skadeorsaker hos någon part i försörjningskedjan, vilket bidrog till att Schenker Logistics AB var ovetande om skadans uppkomst samt vem/vad som bidrog till att skadan uppstod. Ytterligare brister som kunde identifieras i returprocessen är att fraktsedlar med ett specifikt nummer ofta försvann, fraktsedlar som är synnerligen viktiga för att Schenker Logistics AB ska kunna hantera returgodset. Vidare identifierades brister i form av omotiverat antal hanteringsställen av returgodset både internt på Schenker Logistics AB men även externt. Detta utgör en risk till att returgodset kommer i kontakt med vanligt gods, men även att det kan uppstå fysiska skador på både returgodset och det vanliga godset. Utöver dessa brister finns det några fler som omnämns och förklaras mer i rapporten. De förbättringsförslag som presenteras i denna rapport innefattar förändringar som kan leda till att returprocessen på Schenker Logistics AB, men även i hela försörjningskedjan, blir mer kontrollerad och hållbar jämfört mot dagens situation. Förutom en halvering av antalet scenarier som uppstår på Schenker Logistics vid mottagandet av returgods, kan dessa förändringar även bidra till kostnadsbesparingar i form av hanteringskostnader och administrativa kostnader hos både Schenker Logistics AB och deras kund Shell. / This examination report has been carried out at Schenker Logistics AB where the objective has been to analyze the current return process and then to present possible improvements. In order to analyze the return process there was a necessity to obtain information of the present situation. The information has been acquired through observations and interviews with persons that work in the return process. The information that was obtained made it possible to analyze the return process. The analysis that was carried out resulted in identification of several shortcomings in the return process. Every of these shortcomings contributed to complications with handling of returns at Schenker Logistics AB. An example of a shortcoming that was identified is that undamaged goods were returned to Schenker Logistics AB without specified reason for the return delivery. Moreover, there was lack of documentation of damaged goods, which contributed that Schenker Logistics AB was unaware of what causes the damages. Additional shortcoming that could be identified in the return process is that waybills with a specific number often disappeared; waybills which are highly important to Schenker Logistics AB in order to handle the returned goods. Furthermore, several unjustified transportations of the return goods took place both internally at Schenker Logistics AB but also externally. This was a risk as the return goods could come in contact with ordinary goods; but also that it could contribute to physical damages on both the return goods and the ordinary goods. In addition to these shortcomings some more is mentioned and explained further in this report. The proposed improvements presented in this report include changes which can highly improve the return process at Schenker Logistics AB, but also in the entire supply-chain. The return process would most likely, after an implementation of the improvements, become more controlled and sustainable compared to today's situation. These improvement proposals can reduce the number of scenarios by half, scenarios that arise at Schenker Logistics AB when receiving the return goods. These changes can also contribute to saving in costs, in form of handling costs and administrative costs, at both Schenker Logistics AB and their customer Shell.
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A Critical View on CSR in Different Business Environments : a comparison of CSR between Sandvik Sweden, and State Grid Corporation, ChinaLei, Jieyi, Ou, Hui January 2009 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a global trend in different countries with diverse policy, culture, and CSR perspective and development level. Thus, we want to analysis CSR in different business environments and find out the gap they have. That is the original idea of our research. This research mainly locates in Sweden and China, by comparing the temporal CSR development in a Swedish and a Chinese company—Sandvik and State Grid Corporation of China, the former as the advanced pioneer, and the latter as the dynamic learner, to gain an insight of the adaptability and feasibility of CSR in different business environments and countries. The thesis is based on case study and interview, and literature review. The method content analysis is applied when processing the data into figures. Besides, the 3C-SR model and Responsible Competitiveness Index (RCI) are adopted as the analysis model. The findings show that CSR is adaptable and feasible in whatever countries and business environments. Also, its core value and regulate guidelines are not changed, but the focal point in each stage of implementation will vary. In fact, CSR is not the ultimate goal, it’s a formula for transforming Responsible Competitiveness to a soft competence, lending the company to achieve sustainability. After the study, some recommendations and further study questions are given.
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Vidareutveckling av skrotfallsprognos : på Sapa Heat Transfer AB / Further development of scrap metal forecasting : at Sapa Heat Transfer ABWittesjö, Viktor, Thörne, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
Sapa Heat Transfer AB (SHT AB) är en av tre delar inom koncernen Sapa Group, som ägs av det norska företaget Orkla ASA. SHT AB har produktion både i Sverige (Finspång) och i Kina (Shanghai). Företaget är en världsledande leverantör och utvecklare av aluminiumband som används i olika typer av värmeväxlare, främst inom bilindustrin. I flera steg av produktionen, som innefattar omsmältning, varm- och kallvalsning samt skärning, uppkommer ett skrotfall av aluminium. Detta skrot tas omhand och återanvänds som råvara i företagets omsmältverk. SHT AB har idag inget automatiserat IT-stöd för att prognostisera skrotavfallet, dessa beräkningar görs istället med hjälp av Excel. Då skrotfallet beräknas används ett schablonvärde för processens utbyte, som motsvarar genomsnittet för samtliga legeringskombinationer i produktion. Eftersom ett medelvärde används blir prognosen missvisande för vissa legeringar. Detta då utbytet varierar mycket, vilket gör att det både finns de legeringskombinationer som har betydligt högre utbyte än genomsnittet och de som har betydligt lägre. SHT AB har idag inte heller någon koppling mellan faktisk orderstock och kortsiktig prognostisering av skrotfall. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram förslag på hur Sapa Heat Transfer AB kan och bör utveckla sin prognostisering av skrotfall. Därigenom ska Sapa Heat Transfer AB få bättre precision i både långsiktig och kortsiktig skrotfallsprognos, och på så vis förbättra råvaruplaneringen. För att förbättra den långsiktiga skrotfallsprognosen måste nedbrytningen av prognosen för legeringskombinationer analyseras. En förbättring av nedbrytningen förväntas innebära en förbättrad långsiktig prognos. Förbättrad innebär i detta fall att skrotfallsprognosen bättre ska följa den långsiktiga prognosen för försäljning av legeringskombinationer. Precisionen hos skrotfallsprognosen blir givetvis beroende av precisionen hos denna prognos. En förändring av nedbrytningen medför dock att kapacitetsplaneringen för omsmältverkets ugnar påverkas. Åtgärdsförslaget som tas fram för den långsiktiga prognostiseringen är tänkt att förbättra denna genom att schablonvärdet som används ersätts med varje legeringskombinations specifika prognostiserade utbyte. Data som behövs för att genomföra en sådan prognos finns tillgänglig i SHT AB:s databaser, och med hjälp av prognostiseringsmetoden exponentiell utjämning kan utbytet prognostiseras. Genom att använda denna metod med ett lågt värde på utjämningskonstanten α, fås en prognos där extremvärden inte ger kraftiga utslag på prognosen. Den kortsiktiga skrotfallsprognosen, som idag bygger på en nedbrytning av den långsiktiga prognosen, kan förbättras genom att istället kopplas till den faktiska orderstocken. Om denna koppling görs baseras skrotfallsprognosen mer på känd information istället för på en annan prognos. En koppling till orderstocken kan dock bara användas för kortsiktig skrotfallsprognostisering då orderstocken inte sträcker sig flera månader framåt. Åtgärdsförslaget som tas fram för den kortsiktiga skrotfallsprognosen utgår från att en schablonmässig prognos först tas fram för de skrotgrupper som ska prognostiseras. I denna används en individuell prognostiserad skrotfallsfaktor som tas fram med exponentiell utjämning för respektive skrotgrupp. Skrotfallsfaktorn är baserad på historisk data för planerat material in till processen och invägt skrot till smältverket. Med hjälp av skrotfallsfaktorn, data för hur mycket material som är planerade in i processen kommande veckor och med hänsyn till att skrot faller under hela ledtiden, kan ett förväntat skrotfall för kommande vecka/veckor beräknas. För att få en bättre precision än hos den schablonmässiga prognosen, kan sedan prognosen för de skrotgrupper som är mest intressanta utvecklas och anpassas. De kan ges individuella värden på utjämningskonstanten α för prognostiseringen av skrotfallsfaktor och även sättet som hänsyn till ledtid tas kan anpassas. I förslaget har förenklingen gjorts att skrot väntas falla symmetriskt över ledtiden vilket inte stämmer helt med verkligheten. Därför bör prognosen också utvecklas så att hänsyn tas till att det exempelvis faller förhållandevis mycket skrot i slutet av ledtiden. / Sapa Heat Transfer AB (SHT AB) is one of three components in the corporate group Sapa Group, owned by the Norwegian company Orkla ASA. Sapa Heat Transfer AB has production in Sweden (Finspång) and China (Shanghai). The company is a world leading supplier and developer of aluminum strips used in various types of heat exchangers, primarily in the automotive industry. In several stages of the production, which includes remelting, hot and cold milling and cutting, a part of the processed material becomes scrap metal. This scrap metal is collected and reused as raw material in the remelting factory. SHT AB currently has no automated IT support to forecasting this scrap metal; these calculations are, in the current situation, made with the help of Excel. In the calculation of scrap metal the company uses a standard value, corresponding to the average yield for all alloy combinations in the production. As a mean value is being used for all alloy combinations, the forecast becomes misleading for some alloys. The yield varies widely depending on the alloy, which means there are alloy combinations that are above the average yield and some that are below. In the current situation SHT AB has no link between actual orders and the short-term forecast of scrap metal. The purpose of this thesis is to develop proposals on how Sapa Heat Transfer AB can and should develop its forecasting of scrap metal. This will help them getting a better accuracy in their forecasting and thereby improving the raw material planning. In order to improve the long-term forecast of scrap metal the decomposition of the forecast for the alloy combination had to be analyzed. An improvement of the decomposition will mean an improvement of the precision for the long-term prognosis of scrap metal. A change in the decomposition will also influence the capacity planning in the remelting factory. The action proposal for the long-term forecasting will result in a better accuracy of the forecast by replacing the mean value for the yield by a specific forecasted yield of each alloy combination. The data needed to carry through such a forecast is available in SHT AB´s databases, and by using the forecasting method exponential smoothing the yield can be forecasted. By using this method a forecast will be obtained that, with a low value of α, will not take such great impact from extreme values that sometimes occur. The current short-term scrap metal forecast, based on a decomposition of the alloy combination forecast, can be improved by a link to the actual backlog. If this link is established the scrap metal forecast will be based on known information instead of forecasted data. A link to the backlog can only be used for a short-term forecast due to the length of the awaiting orders. The action proposal to improve the short-term forecast assumes that a standardized forecast is developed for the scrap groups to be projected. The forecast should use an individually forecasted scrap factor produced with exponential smoothing for each scrap group. The scrap factor is based on historical data for the material planned to go into the process and the weighed scrap delivered to the remelting factory. With this scrap factor, data on how much material that is planned into the process the coming weeks and with consideration of scrap falling throughout the lead time the expected amount of scrap for the coming week / weeks can be calculated. To get a better precision compared to the standardized forecasts, the forecasts of the most interesting scrap groups should be developed and adapted. They can be given individual values of the smoothing constant α for the prediction of the scrap factor and the way the lead time is being considered can be adjusted. In the proposal the simplification that scrap is expected to fall symmetrically distributed over the lead time has been done. In reality this is not the case. Therefore, the forecast should also be developed to take into account that, for example, more scrap is falling in the end of the lead time.
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Nätnyttomodellens fall och framtidens reglering av eltransmissionstariffer : Tidigare meningsskiljaktigheter samt undersökning av förutsättningar för framtida regleringLindström, Erik January 2010 (has links)
The main ambition of this degree project is to illustrate the fundamental problems of today’s electric tariff regulation and the usage of the analyzing tool; The Network Tariff Model. There is a further discussion of potential problems and clear improvements of the 2012 years proposed network tariff regulation. Interviews have been conducted with specific network companies and Energimarknadsinspektionen. The proposed regulation of 2012 is discussed from the government’s proposition. This paper clearly shows that the authority´s work has been conducted in a very unprofessional manner during the period of The Network Tariff Model. Transparency has been missing at the same time when quality control has been almost nonexistent from the authority. The regulation itself and the usage of The Network Tariff Model generated substantial criticism. Disagreement about the model was mostly about the use of methods and parameter settings. The new regulation of beforehand assessment of network tariffs is scheduled to be commissioned during 2012. This regulation has certain advantages compared to today’s for once because it counts for the actual costs for the corporations. At the same time this particular approach will demand a lot of resources of the authority. When the regulating models of the future are being developed legitimacy to all parties must be ensured. The regulations must at the same time be adjusted to the resources available for the grid authority. Likewise the process and nature of putting forward new regulations should be based on continuity to greater extent.
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Policyhantering - OKG AktiebolagTang, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt är att få en bredare förståelse för hur en policyimplementering går till. För att göra detta möjligt har jag gjort en studie på ett företag genom att intervjua anställda med olika befattningar och undersökt vad som har skrivits i organisationens verksamhetsdokument. Dessutom har jag gjort litteraturstudier för att få tips och vägledning om andra effektiva metoder för policyimplementering. Jag har observerat att det saknas instruktioner för vad man vill uppnå med policy på organisationen. Dessutom har jag märkt att det inte står beskrivet hur man har tänkt förmedla policyn till hela organisationen. Orsaken till detta sägs vara att ledningen inte har bestämt vikten av policytillämpningen. Därför har olika förbättringsförslag lagts och bland dem finns det tre olika förmedlingsprocesser som ska förbättra policyimplementeringen på organisationen.
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Development of materials supply system requirements / Utveckling av krav för materialförsörjningssystemBrynning, Nicklas, Kihlström, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
In industry today, the need for excellent product development and realization in many different aspects is increasing. This calls for excellent quality, while at the same time time-to-market is increasingly important. A concurrent engineering (CE) approach is directed towards simultaneously developing different aspects of product realization in order to enhance both quality and speed. This thesis deals with the internal materials supply system (MSS) from a CE approach. Logistics aspects are often not dealt with until later stages of development, which leads to limitations in the possible solutions for the MSS. While designing a new production system, including MSS aspects early on in the project implies stating at an early stage what is required by the system. In order to aid the development of such requirements, this thesis aims at suggesting a structure for the requirements on the MSS where the relevant stakeholders of the system are involved. The thesis results are achieved through literature reviews and a case study at a manufacturing company in the automotive industry. Through literature reviews the thesis suggests a four-level hierarchic approach to requirements, considering four levels: stakeholder level, system level, sub system level and component level. This approach is supported by the case study, where stakeholders and requirements are analyzed and content and important aspects for the requirements specification in a current product realization project are considered. Through the case study, the thesis suggests a view of MSS stakeholders and a two-part structure for MSS requirements with a requirements specification matrix and a tree diagram. The requirements specification matrix contains the four suggested levels, where twelve different requirement categories are considered on each level. The stakeholder level considers the stakeholder requirements, which are translated into requirements on the system. These are broken down into requirements on the various flows (sub systems) of the system, which are then broken down into six components (materials feeding, storage, transportation, handling, packaging and planning and control). The stakeholders considered are divided into operational, contextual and internal stakeholders to the system. The thesis results are considered to have the possibility of aiding the inclusion of MSS aspects at an early stage of product realization, and many different aspects are considered through the inclusion of all the relevant stakeholders in the study. The results are expected to be applicable in many different contexts. However, this needs to be examined further and also the robustness of the results need to be established through further studies. / I dagens industriella verklighet är behovet av utmärkt produktutveckling och -framtagning utifrån olika aspekter av ökande vikt. Detta antyder krav på ökad kvalitet samtidigt som betydelsen av att snabbt nå ut till marknaden ökar. Integrerad produktutveckling innebär att man utför olika delar av produktframtagningen parallellt för att öka både kvalitet och hastighet. Denna uppsats behandlar det interna materialförsörjningssystemet ur ett integrerat produktutvecklingsperspektiv. Logistikaspekter behandlas ofta inte förrän sent i ett utvecklingsprojekt, vilket medför begränsningar i antalet möjliga lösningar för materialförsörjningssystemet. Att under utveckling av ett produktionssystem inkludera materialförsörjningsaspekter i ett tidigt skede antyder att klargöra vilka krav som ställs på materialförsörjningssystemet. För att underlätta formuleringen av dessa krav är målet för denna uppsats att föreslå en struktur för kravställande på materialförsörjningssystemet där de relevanta intressenterna till systemet är inkluderade. Uppsatsens resultat nås genom litteraturgenomgång och en fallstudie på ett tillverkande företag som är underleverantör till fordonsindustrin. Genom litteraturgenomgång föreslår uppsatsen ett hierarkiskt angreppssätt i fyra nivåer till kraven: intressentnivå, systemnivå, subsystemnivå och komponentnivå. Detta angreppssätt stöds av fallstudien, där intressenter och krav analyseras och innehåll i och viktiga aspekter av kravspecificering i ett pågående produktframtagningsprojekt beaktas. Genom fallstudien kan uppsatsen föreslå en vy över materialförsörjningssystemets intressenter och en tvådelad struktur för krav på materialförsörjningssystemet med en kravspecifikationsmatris och ett träddiagram. Kravspecifikationsmatrisen består av de fyra föreslagna nivåerna, där tolv olika kravkategorier beaktas på varje nivå. Intressentnivån betraktar intressenternas krav, vilka översätts till kravställningar på systemet. Dessa bryts ner till krav på de olika flödena (subsystemen) i systemet, vilka sedan bryts ner i sex komponenter (materialtillförsel, lagring, transporter, hantering, paketering och produktionsstyrning). De urskiljda intressenterna delas upp i operationella, kontextuella och interna intressenter till systemet. Uppsatsens resultat ses som ett tänkbart verktyg för att bidra till att inkludera materialförsörjningsaspekter tidigt i produktframtagningsprocessen och många olika aspekter berörs genom inkluderandet av alla relevanta intressenter i studien. Resultatet förväntas vara applicerbart i många olika sammanhang. Detta behöver dock utredas närmare, likaså behöver robustheten i resultatet utredas vidare genom fortsatta studier.
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Ständiga förbättringar i lagerverksamhet på Nedis ABDugic, Mahir, Zaulich, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The thesis has been carried out at Nedis AB in Jönköping. The aim was to develop proposals on approaches that could help the company to continually improve their warehouse operations by eliminating unnecessary operations, making the warehouse more structured and how they better could use the staff's suggestions for improve-ment. The collection of data consists of observations, interviews with a total of nine people from the staff of Nedis AB and a benchmarking conducted at Husqvarna AB. A number of shortcomings and weaknesses in procedures at the warehouse were iden-tified. Packing stations were not standardized and they were seen as poorly structured and messy. Furthermore, procedures for maintenance and cleaning of the warehouse were flawed. There was no one in charge for maintenance, replenishment and clean-ing materials for the packing stations. There were no clear organization for the im-provements efforts in the warehouse, and also a low utilization and management of staff's ideas. The results of this thesis are suggested approaches that can address the weaknesses identified and that can be used to standardize the work of the warehouse of Nedis AB by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, create conditions for participation, structuring and creating procedures to maintain an organized workplace. In order to work towards continuous improvement, we propose a method where Nedis AB can work with visualization of the improvement process. We also suggest that the compa-ny use boards to easily give feedback and better monitor the on-going improvement efforts. If Nedis AB choose to work enthusiastically with the improvement process and to clarify the objectives of the staff, we believe that the proposals presented in this study will help the company achieve its goal to work towards continuous improvement.
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