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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Influences B2B Buying Behaviour? : An empirical study of Fläkt Woods and its customers

Lejon, Elina, Wahlund, Linda-Marie, Berggren, Jennie January 2005 (has links)
<p>This study has been conducted in cooperation with Fläkt Woods, an industrial supplier of ventilation systems. The study only concerned chilled beams which are an explicit group of ventilation products within Fläkt Woods’ product portfolio. The purpose of the study was to explore how Fläkt Woods’ customers perceive certain elements when choosing Fläkt Woods as a supplier of chilled beams and why they perceive them the way they do. The elements include quality, service, technical performance, technical knowledge, communication, time of delivery, installation, calculation program, flexibility, market adjustment, technical documentation, relationships and geographic distance. The study has been conducted employing a combination of both a quantitative and a qualitative approach in which a questionnaire has been sent out to Fläkt Woods’ customers in order to shed light on their opinions.</p><p>The results showed that most of Fläkt Woods’ customers are satisfied or even very satisfied with the elements that were investigated. The elements that the customers were most satisfied with concerning the chilled beams were quality, service and technical knowledge. They believe that Fläkt Woods’ products have a good finish, that they are easy to get in touch with, that they are able and willing to give quick answers and feedback and that they have great knowledge about their chilled beams. The element that the customers are least satisfied with and that Fläkt Woods need to improve is flexibility. Even if Fläkt Woods believe that their special solutions are flexible, their customers do not fully agree. The customers’ attitude towards the flexibility is that Fläkt Woods prefer to provide standard solutions of chilled beams rather than offering special solutions. The results also showed that Fläkt Woods’ competitors are one step ahead considering the design of chilled beams. Thus, design is an element of the marketing program that Fläkt Woods need to improve. Furthermore, the study showed that relationships and communication which represent the “soft” elements concerning human interaction are just as important as the rest of the elements. Thus, Fläkt Woods need to consider these elements as well as the others when outlining the marketing program.</p>

Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB

Stjärndahl, Rickard, Aronsson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that’s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.</p><p>In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ. Employees in both the administrative part as well as the manufacturing part has been interviewed. The interviews have been conducted in a way were the respondents have had the opportunity to study the questions in advance.</p><p>The survey has given a result which indicates problem over a wide scale. A lot of the company problems do not lie in a particular department; they rather include the whole company. The picture of their problems became more complex whereas different respondents look at the same problems in different ways. One big difference in views was clearly identified between office staff and the producing staff. The problems that emerged were not related to lack of machine capability, the problems were rather linked to the managing of production and organization. One example of this problem is the producing personnel’s lack of knowledge and commitment to the company philosophy. The problems concerning management also reflect in a rather strong feeling that divides the company in two, us and them. This feeling affects the whole production line. The producing personnel feels that the office lack understanding of their everyday work and don’t encourage suggestions concerning process evolvement. One other big problem concerning AQ’s production is that some of their key suppliers are either single source or locked from their costumer Banqit.</p><p>The conclusions of the report shows several areas in which AQ can improve. One measure that the company can implement is introducing a more foreseeable and visual handling of their pallets within the factory. The company management ought to find ways to better mediate the production philosophy throughout the entire organization. Furthermore, the company management should increase the will to see potential ways of improving and increase the inclination of expressing those suggestions. The suggestions should not only concern the personnel’s own workplace but rather span over the entire process. The report also identifies possible areas of improvement concerning the internal and external team cooperation. The different teams ought to see each other as costumers and produce an equally good result regardless of if the item is produced for an internal department or an external costumer.</p>

Tillämpning av Toyotas produktionssystem på Electrolux Distriparts AB

Math, Björn, Math, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppgiften som låg till grund för denna uppsats, var att ge förslag på produktivitetshöjande åtgärder på Electrolux Distriparts godsmottagning. Vår avsikt var att tillämpa delar av Toyotas produktionssystem på den befintliga processen. Detta resulterade i en serie förslag som, om de tillämpas, drastiskt kommer höja produktiviteten i den aktuella processen.</p> / <p>The task, which is the basis of this report, was to suggest some productivity-raising actions for the incoming goods departments at Electrolux Distriparts. The project set out to utilise parts of the Toyota production model in the existing process. This resulted in a series of suggestions, which if implemented, would drastically increase the productivity of the relevant process.</p>

Sammanställning av riktlinjer för logistiken på Isaberg Rapid AB / Development of Logistic guidelines at Isaberg Rapid AB

Carlsson, Gustav, Hermansson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Isaberg Rapid AB is a company that manufactures for instance staplers and glue guns. Headquarters and main factory is located in Hestra but there are also subsidiary companies in Denmark, Netherlands, France, Spain, China and England. There are also two filial factories in France and China.</p><p>Today has the company no logistic guidelines committed and that leads to problems since the salesmen promise different things to the customers. This contributes too many different logistic solutions for Isaberg Rapid AB. The company has also noted problems with returns of goods.</p><p>The purpose with this task is to standardize and compile logistic guidelines, usable to all Isaberg Rapid AB's small to midsize customers. The aim is to increase the flow of information and reach a more standardized way to work than previously within the company and between the company and their customers. The task also includes development of a functioning system of returns usable to all customers.</p><p>Choice of methods has changed from literature studies to focus on interviews and document collections at the company. A large part of the implementation is comprised of interviews. This because the task were directed to Isaberg Rapid AB and it were therefore difficult to find any appropriate theory. Some visits, both in Hestra and Saint Amé, have been made. In development of the logistic guidelines have two other logistic guidelines from the company's customers been studied.</p><p>In the result part is the compiling of the logistic guidelines presented. The logistic guidelines are based on the collected documents from the company but also include parts from interviews and the studied logistic guidelines. This document should work as a tool for customers and concerned people at Isaberg Rapid AB. It contains important information before, during and after ordering. There are two versions of this document, one for the customer and one to use internally with extra comments.</p><p>In the end of the report there are some discussions about the difficulties that have been discovered. Finally, the questions given in the problem description will be answered in the conclusions.</p></p>

Analys av returprocessen på Schenker Logistics AB / Analysis of the return process at Schenker Logistics AB

Bakalbasic, Dzenan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Schenker Logistics AB där målsättningen har varit att analysera den nuvarande returprocessen och därefter presentera eventuella förbättringsförslag.</p><p>Den information som ligger till grund för resultatet av detta arbete har införskaffats via observationer och intervjuer med de personer som arbetar i returprocessen.</p><p>Analysen som utfördes resulterade i att ett flertal brister kunde identifieras i returprocessen. Alla dessa brister bidrog till att komplikationer uppstod vid returhanteringen av gods på Schenker Logistics AB. Några exempel på brister som identifierades är att gods som var i godkänt fysiskt skick, returnerades till Schenker Logistics AB utan angiven orsak till returleveransen. Dessutom dokumenterades inte skadeorsaker hos någon part i försörjningskedjan, vilket bidrog till att Schenker Logistics AB var ovetande om skadans uppkomst samt vem/vad som bidrog till att skadan uppstod. Ytterligare brister som kunde identifieras i returprocessen är att fraktsedlar med ett specifikt nummer ofta försvann, fraktsedlar som är synnerligen viktiga för att Schenker Logistics AB ska kunna hantera returgodset. Vidare identifierades brister i form av omotiverat antal hanteringsställen av returgodset både internt på Schenker Logistics AB men även externt. Detta utgör en risk till att returgodset kommer i kontakt med vanligt gods, men även att det kan uppstå fysiska skador på både returgodset och det vanliga godset. Utöver dessa brister finns det några fler som omnämns och förklaras mer i rapporten.</p><p>De förbättringsförslag som presenteras i denna rapport innefattar förändringar som kan leda till att returprocessen på Schenker Logistics AB, men även i hela försörjningskedjan, blir mer kontrollerad och hållbar jämfört mot dagens situation. Förutom en halvering av antalet scenarier som uppstår på Schenker Logistics vid mottagandet av returgods, kan dessa förändringar även bidra till kostnadsbesparingar i form av hanteringskostnader och administrativa kostnader hos både Schenker Logistics AB och deras kund Shell.</p> / <p>This examination report has been carried out at Schenker Logistics AB where the objective has been to analyze the current return process and then to present possible improvements.</p><p>In order to analyze the return process there was a necessity to obtain information of the present situation. The information has been acquired through observations and interviews with persons that work in the return process. The information that was obtained made it possible to analyze the return process.</p><p>The analysis that was carried out resulted in identification of several shortcomings in the return process. Every of these shortcomings contributed to complications with handling of returns at Schenker Logistics AB. An example of a shortcoming that was identified is that undamaged goods were returned to Schenker Logistics AB without specified reason for the return delivery. Moreover, there was lack of documentation of damaged goods, which contributed that Schenker Logistics AB was unaware of what causes the damages. Additional shortcoming that could be identified in the return process is that waybills with a specific number often disappeared; waybills which are highly important to Schenker Logistics AB in order to handle the returned goods. Furthermore, several unjustified transportations of the return goods took place both internally at Schenker Logistics AB but also externally. This was a risk as the return goods could come in contact with ordinary goods; but also that it could contribute to physical damages on both the return goods and the ordinary goods. In addition to these shortcomings some more is mentioned and explained further in this report.</p><p>The proposed improvements presented in this report include changes which can highly improve the return process at Schenker Logistics AB, but also in the entire supply-chain. The return process would most likely, after an implementation of the improvements, become more controlled and sustainable compared to today's situation. These improvement proposals can reduce the number of scenarios by half, scenarios that arise at Schenker Logistics AB when receiving the return goods. These changes can also contribute to saving in costs, in form of handling costs and administrative costs, at both Schenker Logistics AB and their customer Shell.</p>

Att mäta effektivitet i utvecklingsarbete : En kartläggning av förutsättningarna på Saab Aerosystems / How to measure development efficiency : A study at Saab Aerosystems

Hellstrandh, Petter, Holmqvist, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ökad kunskap och kännedom om sin organisations prestanda är något som alla företag eftersträvar. Att kunna prediktera vilka resurser ett utvecklingsarbete kräver är en förutsättning för att kunna genomföra ett bra offertarbete. Dessutom krävs prestandakännedom för att kunna sätta mål för det interna målstyrningsarbetet. Kännedomen uppnås genom ett etablerat mätsystem, som innefattar insamlande och användande av mätdata, det är inom detta område som vårat examensarbete har sitt fokus. Närmare bestämt belyses framgångsfaktorer vid implementationen samt hur användandet av mätdata bör gå till. Det som gör vår studie unik är att vi tittar på dessa två aspekter samtidigt. Tidigare studier inom området har enbart fokuserat på faktorer som påverkar implementationen av mätsystemet. Vi hävdar att användandet är ytterligare en faktor som är viktigt för att få mätsystemet etablerat och accepterat.</p><p>Genom intervjuer på Saab Aerosystems, företaget där vi utfört vår studie, har organisationens nuläge identifierats. Med vår teoretiska referensram som grund analyseras och diskuteras situationen på företaget och slutligen återges de fem rekommendationer vi kommit fram till. Vi menar att Saab Aerosystems, genom att följa våra rekommendationer i sitt fortsatta förändringsarbete, kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för mät- och analysarbete inom organisationen.</p> / <p>Increased knowledge and understanding of the performance of its organization is something that all companies strive after. Being able to predict the necessary resources for a development project is a prerequisite in the work of making offers. This knowledge regarding performance is also needed to be able to set goals for the goal-driven management. The knowledge is acquired through an established measurement system, which contains the gathering and use of the data and it is in this field this thesis has its focus. More precise, this thesis discusses the factors of success when implementing a measurement system and the use of the data it produces. What makes our study unique is that we are looking into these two areas jointly. Prior studies in this field have focused solely on the success factors regarding the implementation of a measurement system. We argue that the use of data is another important factor in getting the measurement system established and accepted by its users.</p><p>Through interviews at Saab Aerosystems, were we conducted this study, has the organization’s present situation been identified. With our theoretical frame of reference as a foundation, we analyze and discuss the situation at the company and at the end the five recommendations that we reached are given. We argue that Saab Aerosystems, by using these recommendations in their continued work with improvements, can create better conditions for their work with measurement and analysis within the organization.</p>

Policyhantering - OKG Aktiebolag

Tang, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta projekt är att få en bredare förståelse för hur en policyimplementering går till. För att göra detta möjligt har jag gjort en studie på ett företag genom att intervjua anställda med olika befattningar och undersökt vad som har skrivits i organisationens verksamhetsdokument. Dessutom har jag gjort litteraturstudier för att få tips och vägledning om andra effektiva metoder för policyimplementering.</p><p>Jag har observerat att det saknas instruktioner för vad man vill uppnå med policy på organisationen. Dessutom har jag märkt att det inte står beskrivet hur man har tänkt förmedla policyn till hela organisationen. Orsaken till detta sägs vara att ledningen inte har bestämt vikten av policytillämpningen. Därför har olika förbättringsförslag lagts och bland dem finns det tre olika förmedlingsprocesser som ska förbättra policyimplementeringen på organisationen.</p>

Kvalitetssäkring av Inleveranser / Quality assurance for incoming deliveries

Andreas, Kristoffersson, Kaneld, Rasmus January 2009 (has links)
<p>Through a thorough analysis of the current situation, we have highlighted differences in</p><p>working methods for the various workshops and drew up proposals for improvements in</p><p>combination with a practical work description that can be implemented in the company.</p>

Analys av interna transporter och buffertlager vid Vest-Wood Sverige AB

Reis, Fredrik, Carlsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av en analys som gjorts vid Vest-Woods fabrik i Forserum under våren 2007 i syfte att reducera interna transporter. Vest-Wood AB i Forserum tillverkar dörrar för den svenska marknaden men förser också en annan fabrik (Sdr Felding i Danmark) i samma koncern med dörrstommar. Materialhantering för att förse Sdr Felding fabriken med dörrstommar medför i dagsläget mycket interna transporter i Forserumsfabriken. För att klara ojämn efterfrågan från Sdr Felding fabriken samt för att kunna jämna ut sin egen produktion har Forserumsfabriken valt att lagerföra de tolv artiklar som beställs mest frekvent från Sdr Felding fabriken. Buffertlagret vid Forserumsfabriken där artiklarna lagerförs är placerat ca 200 m från produktionen vilket medför mycket intern transport för hantering av dessa. Uppgiften som Vest-Wood AB i Forserum ville ha analyserad var hur de kunde hitta ett mer ekonomsikt fördelaktigt upplägg av de interna transporterna inom fabriken i Forserum. För att kartlägga nuläget beräknades medelvärdet av buffertlagret baserat på inventerade lagersaldo från 2006. I samma buffertlager lagerförs den buffert som skall täcka efterfrågan för den veckas extra semester som Forserumsfabriken har jämfört med Sdr Felding fabriken. Den semesterbufferten fick räknas bort. Efter att ha fastställt medelvärdet på buffertlagret kunde lagerhållningskostnaden beräknas. I den del av Forserumsfabriken som vi analyserat sker tillverkning i tre flöden där de tolv lagerförda dörrstommarna tillverkas i två av dem. Vi räknade ut att total kapacitet i dessa båda och fann att det finns en möjlig extra kapacitet på 25 %. Med medelvärdet och möjlig extra kapacitet som underlag kunde ett förbättringsförslag tas fram. Förbättringsförslaget handlar om att ta bort buffertlagret, som ett led i att minska de interna transporterna. Förbättringsförslaget förutsätter att samarbetet och insynen mellan fabriken i Sdr Felding och fabriken i Forserum förbättras. / This report is the result of an analysis made at Vest-Woods factory in Forserum during the spring of 2007 with the purpose to reduce internal transports. Vest-Wood AB in Forserum produces doors for the Swedish market but is also a supplier of doorframes to another factory (Sdr Felding in Denmark) in the same group of companies. The material handling for supplying the factory in Sdr Felding with doorframes causes a lot of internal transports. The factory in Forserum has chosen to keep the twelve most ordered doorframes in stock to keep up with varying demand from the factory in Sdr Felding and to smooth their own manufacturing. The warehouse in Forserum, where the doorframes are stored, is placed 200 m from the manufacturing site and that contributes to the internal transport. The assignment that Vest-Wood AB in Forserum wanted analysed was how they could find a more beneficial arrangement of the internal transports from an economic point of view. To define the present situation we calculated the mean value based on inventory data from 2006. The factory in Forserum is closed for one more week than the factory in Sdr Felding is during the summer. For that reason, a buffer is built to cover the demand from the factory in Sdr Felding during this week. This buffer is also kept in the warehouse. That buffer was subtracted from the inventory results. When the mean value of the warehouse had been calculated, the yearly cost of storing the doorframes could be calculated. There are three different flows in that part of the factory in Forserum where our analysis has taken place. Production of the twelve doorframes takes place in two of them. We calculated total capacity in these two flows and found that they have potential extra capacity of 25 %. With the mean value of the warehouse and the potential extra capacity in the production we could work out a proposal of improvement. The proposal treats how to remove the warehouse as a way of reducing internal transports. The proposal assumes that the collaboration and insight between the factory in Sdr Felding and the factory in Forserum is improved.

Mappningsstrategi på IKEA:s CDC-lager i Torsvik / Mapping strategy at IKEA:s CDC-Warehouse at Torsvik

Hansson, Alexander, Petersson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
This study has been assigned by Bengt Hellman who works at the logistic department at IKEA Torsvik just outside of Jönköping. The task has been to develop a new picking strategy for the Oversize area in the CDC-Warehouse. The reason why IKEA wants a new strategy is because they want to minimize the route length for the forklifts when collecting the orders. By evaluating the current strategies on other areas in the CDC-storehouse, study literature within this subject and look at restrictions for the storing of goods, we have analyzed how the Oversize area works today. We compared the gathered information, to how it should be done according to the literature to be able to work out a new functional strategy. Today, IKEA does not have a working strategy for the oversize area because of lack of time and because all the power has been put on other areas were sales rates are currently higher. This have led to lack of organisation at the Oversize area and items are just put were there is space without first analysing were it should be placed. The strategy that we have worked out and introduced to IKEA builds on easiness of understanding the layout, the employees shall know why an item is placed where it is. We have also analyzed which items that are frequently ordered with each other. We have put weight on trying to keep those items as close as we can to minimize the route length for the forklifts. To help IKEA with reorganizations in the future we have made it as easy as we could to move high- and low frequently items around and also introducing new articles in the storehouse, this by the reason that sales rate can change drastically when a new sales campaign is initiated by IKEA / Detta examensarbete är utfört på önskemål av Bengt Hellman som arbetar på logistikavdelningen på IKEA Torsvik utanför Jönköping. Arbetet har gått ut på att ta fram ett nytt förslag på hur de skall placera sina artiklar på plocknivå (vad IKEA kallar för mappning) inne på Oversize avdelningen på IKEA:s CDC-lager. Anledningen till detta är att IKEA vill minska sina körsträckor för plockarna inne på lagret och därmed öka effektiviteten. Genom att studera befintliga mappningsstrategier som redan finns på övriga avdelningar på CDC-lagret, litteraturstudier och titta på vilka begränsningar som finns inne på lagret så har vi analyserat nuläget mot teori för att sedan kunna ta fram en ny strategi för hur en fungerande mappning skulle kunna se ut. I dag så finns det inte någon väl utarbetat strategi för mappningen på Oversize avdelningen, detta på grund av att andra avdelningar prioriterats på grund av att de säljer mycket mer i dagsläget. Detta har även medfört att den huvudsakliga uppdelning som fanns tidigare på Oversize avdelningen med affärsområden har fått stå åt sidan på grund av tidsbrist och artiklar har placerats in där det finns plats istället för att analysera var de kan placeras bäst. Det nya förslaget som vi presenterar för IKEA bygger på att det skall vara enkelt att förstå layouten, plockarna skall veta varför en artikel finns där den finns. Vi har även tagit stor hänsyn till vad som säljs med vad och försökt placera dessa artiklar i närheten av varandra för att på så sätt minska körsträckorna. Vi har även haft i åtanke att det skall vara enkelt att placera om hög och lågfrekventa artiklar samt nyheter inne på lagret då försäljningsvolym påverkas väldigt mycket utav olika kampanjer som IKEA har.

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