Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agedifferences."" "subject:"anddifferences.""
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Age as a Moderator within Problematic Internet Use and Social Anxiety Disorder / Ålder som en moderator inom problematisk internetanvändning och social fobiFazlic, Ena, Korhonen, Lydia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship betweensocial anxiety disorder and problematic internet use. Individuals withsocial anxiety disorder might prefer online interaction compared toface-to-face interaction. This could develop into problematic internetuse (PIU). PIU is when an individual uses the internet to the degreethat it negatively affects the individual’s life, based on Davis’ (2001)model of problematic internet use. The data was collected using anonline survey. There was a total of 484 participants in the finalanalyses, with 26.1% males, 71.5% females (Mage=27.99, SD= 10.1).First, a correlation analysis was done between social anxiety and PIU.The results showed that there was a positive correlation between socialanxiety and problematic internet use (r=.53). We then used age as amoderator to investigate if age had a moderating effect on socialanxiety and problematic internet use, using a moderation analysis. Theanalysis revealed a significant moderation effect of age, but a low leveloverall of PIU in the sample. This meant that even at high levels ofsocial anxiety, the sample did not display PIU-behaviors. Furtherresearch is needed to investigate the relationship between socialanxiety, PIU and what it looks like for different age groups. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan social fobioch problematisk internetanvändning och hur detta modererar medålder. Individer med social fobi kan uppleva det mer bekvämt attinteragera genom internet i jämförelse med i verkligheten. Detta kanleda till att individen utvecklar problematiskt internetanvändande(PIU). PIU innebär att en individ använder internet på ett sätt somnegativt påverkar individens liv, utifrån Davis (2001) modell förproblematiskt internetanvändande. Datainsamlingen skedde genom enwebbenkät. Totalt var det 484 deltagare i studien (Målder=27.99,SD=10.1), med 26.1% män och 71.5% kvinnor. Först genomfördes enkorrelationsanalys mellan social fobi och PIU. Resultaten visar att detfinns en positiv korrelation mellan social fobi och problematisktinternetanvändande (r=.53). Vi använde ålder som en variabel i vårforskning för att undersöka om ålder har en moderationseffekt påsocial fobi och problematiskt internetanvändande. För att undersökadetta genomförde vi en moderationsanalys. Resultaten visade att ålderhar en signifikant effekt på social fobi och PIU, men att det inte fannsen särskilt hög nivå av PIU hos deltagarna. Detta innebar att även vidhöga nivåer av social fobi uppvisade inte deltagarna PIU-beteenden.Framtida forskning är nödvändigt för att etablera hur förhållandetmellan social fobi och problematiskt internetanvändande ser ut mellanolika åldrar.
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Children's Recognition of Pride: An Experimental ApproachGarcia, Darren Jason 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Pride is elicited when a child takes credit for an achievement or exceeds a socially valued standard or expectation. Evidence suggests that pride has a distinct nonverbal expression that is recognized by adults across cultures (Tracy & Robins, 2004). Research examining when children recognize pride has yielded age discrepancies between studies that use forced-choice response formats and those that use spontaneous-response formats. Differences in children's ability to use and comprehend language may account for some of these differences. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the age at which children reliably recognize pride, while minimizing the need for children to rely on their linguistic or verbal abilities. The present experiment used an experimental approach to examine when children reliably recognize pride. One hundred forty-four children between the ages of 2.5- and 6.5-years participated in one of three experimental conditions: Exceed Standard, Fail Standard or No Standard. Frequency of pride recognition in the Exceed Standard condition was compared to frequencies of pride recognition in the Fail Standard and No Standard conditions. Results revealed a developmental progression of pride recognition in which children first begin showing nonverbal pride behaviors at about 2.5- to 3.5-years, acquire the ability to apply a label to the nonverbal pride expression between 3.5- and 4.5-years of age, and come to recognize their own emotional experience as pride in an achievement situation between 4.5- and 5.5-years of age.
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Children’s Personal Significance of Olfaction — the ChiPSO QuestionnaireLohrer, Elisabeth C., Dworschak, Annika, Croy, Ilona, Gellrich, Janine, Sabha, Maha, Parisato, Luca, Schriever, Valentin A. 19 March 2024 (has links)
The human sense of smell has different functions which can be categorized as “food,” “social,” and “environment.” Different questionnaires about the importance of olfaction in adults are available, but little attention has been paid to children and adolescents. Therefore, we aimed to develop a questionnaire about children’s personal significance of olfaction (ChiPSO).
The questionnaire was developed in two steps. The first questionnaire included 33 statements about the importance of olfactory information in daily life — covering three subscales “food,” “environment,” and “social” administered to 191 participants (mean age: 14.4 ± 1.7 years). The five best fitting items of each subscale were chosen for the final 15-item questionnaire. In the second part, we administered the developed questionnaire to 208 children and adolescents (mean age: 11.5 ± 3.5 years) who additionally underwent olfactory testing to investigate the association between olfactory function and questionnaire results. Participants were separated in two age groups: (i) 6–11 years (children), (ii) 12–17 years (adolescents).
A significant influence of age on the total ChiPSO score and all three subscales with adolescents scoring higher than children was found. Additionally, there was a significant influence of sex in adolescents on total ChiPSO score and subscales “social” and “food” with girls scoring higher than boys.
We report an association between questionnaires results and olfactory performance. Additionally, olfactory information seems to be more important to adolescents compared to children and girls compared to boys.
The ChiPSO questionnaire is a practical tool to evaluate the importance of olfactory information in children and adolescents aged 6–17 years.
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Åldersskillnader gällande byggarbetares uppfattning av den ideala arbetsgivaren / Age differences regarding construction workers' perception of the ideal employerGräll, Linn, Jansson, Nora January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det förelåg någon skillnad mellan tre olika åldersgrupper inom byggbranschen gällande uppfattningen av den ideala arbetsgivaren. Uppfattningen av den ideala arbetsgivaren mättes genom mätinstrumentet Employer Attractiveness Scale utifrån fem dimensioner: Intresse, Social, Utveckling, Tillämpning och Ekonomi. Undersökningen genomfördes på fem byggföretag i Mellansverige med totalt 72 yrkesarbetare som deltagare. Deltagarna delades in i åldersgrupperna äldre (födelseår 1954–1981), medel (1982–1993) och yngre (1994–2005). Studiens resultat visade att det fanns en skillnad mellan åldersgrupperna äldre och medel och mellan äldre och yngre avseende hur de värderade dimensionen Social. Den äldre åldersgruppen värderade dimensionen Social lägre än åldersgrupperna medel och yngre. Det fanns inte några skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna för övriga dimensioner (Intresse, Utveckling, Tillämpning och Ekonomi). / The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there was any difference between three different age groups in the construction industry regarding the perception of the ideal employer. The perception of the ideal employer was measured through the Employer Attractiveness Scale based on five dimensions: Interest, Social, Development, Application and Economic. The survey was conducted at five construction companies in Central Sweden with a total of 72 construction workers as participants. The participants were divided into the age groups: older (year of birth 1954-1981), middle (1982-1993) and younger (1994-2005). The results of the study showed that there was a difference between the age groups older and middle and between older and younger in terms of how they valued the Social dimension. The older age group valued the dimension Social lower than the age groups middle and younger. There were no differences between the age groups for other dimensions (Interest, Development, Application and Economic).
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Examination of Age Differences in Incentive Motivation and Impulsivity as Possible Contributing Factors to a Susceptibility to the Effects of Drugs of Abuse during AdolescenceBurton, Christie Lynn 12 December 2013 (has links)
Rationale. Adolescence may be a period of susceptibility to the effects of drugs of abuse. This vulnerability may result from a convergence of psychological processes that contribute to drug addiction including impulsive action and incentive motivation during adolescence. Objectives. I examined age differences in incentive motivation, as measured by responding for a conditioned reinforcer (CR) previously paired with natural or drug rewards, and age and sex differences in impulsive action, as measured by responding on a differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL) schedule or premature responding on the 2-Choice Serial Reaction Time Test (2-CSRTT), in Sprague-Dawley rats. The effects of drugs that affect these behaviours in adulthood and that act on neurochemical systems still developing during adolescence were also examined. Methods. In a first set of experiments (Chapter 3), I compared male adolescents and adults on responding for a CR previously paired with sucrose and the effect of amphetamine on this behaviour. In a second set of experiments (Chapter 4), I examined age differences in responding for a CR previously paired with passive or self-administered intravenous (IV) nicotine infusions. Subsequently, I investigated age and sex differences in responding on a DRL schedule in response to amphetamine (Chapter 5) and 2-CSRTT performance in response to amphetamine, nicotine and Ro 63-1908 (a glutamate N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid [NMDA] receptor subunit antagonist; Chapter 6). Results. Compared to adults, adolescents responded more for a CR previously paired with sucrose or passive, but not self-administered, IV nicotine infusions. Amphetamine only enhanced responding for a CR previously paired with sucrose. Adolescents responded more than adults on a DRL schedule, while adolescents made the most premature responses in the 2-CSRTT. No consistent sex differences were observed during the acquisition of either behaviour. Amphetamine increased premature responding most in adolescent males and adult females in the 2-CSRTT but not in responding on the DRL schedule. No consistent age or sex differences were observed for Ro 63-1908 or nicotine. Conclusions. Adolescents show enhanced impulsivity and incentive motivation than adults depending on the behavioural measure. Dopamine may contribute to age and sex differences in these behaviours.
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Upplevelsen av arbetsmotivation bland unga vuxna 20-25 år.Hellström, Madeleine, Wallberg, Louise January 2019 (has links)
This study aimed to examine the experience of work motivation among young adults between the ages of 20-25 years old. Eight qualitative interviews were held with a semi-structured method. The guide for the interviews conducted work motivation as a theme with underlying questions based on themes, previously research and theoretical starting points, the aim of the study and issue. The guide for the interview contained eight main issues with general follow up questions. A thematic analysis were used to bring out four different themes which were the importance of having good colleagues, to develop, to get feedback and salary. The result of the study showed that young adults are motivated by both intern and extern motivational factors according to Herzberg’s motivation theory. This is something that previous studies did not show according to Inceoglu, Segers and Bartram (2012) who claims in their study that young adults are more motivated by intern motivational factors than extern motivational factors. This study therefore highlights the impact of age among individuals and that the age can have influence when it comes to the experienced work motivation. / Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka upplevelsen av arbetsmotivation bland unga vuxna iåldrarna 20-25 år. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med en semistruktureradintervjumetod. Intervjuguiden innehöll temat arbetsmotivation med underliggande frågorbaserat utifrån teman, tidigare forskning samt teoretiska utgångspunkter, studiens syfte samtfrågeställning. Intervjuguiden innehöll åtta huvudfrågor med generella följdfrågor. Entematisk analys har sedan använts för att koda fram fyra olika teman, vilket blev vikten av attha bra kollegor, att utvecklas, att få feedback och lön. Resultatet visade på att unga vuxnamotiveras av både inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer enligt Herzbergs motivationsteori, vilkettidigare forskning inte visat på då Inceoglu, Segers och Bartram (2012) menar att unga vuxnamotiveras mer av interna faktorer än externa faktorer. Denna studie belyser därmedbetydelsen av att individers ålder har inflytande för den upplevda arbetsmotivationen.
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Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių asmenybės savybių ypatumai / Personality features of senior peopleBernotaitė, Dalia 26 June 2014 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje visuomenė sensta, todėl labai svarbu yra pažinti vyresnio amžiaus žmones. Kad senstant keičiasi fizinis pajėgumas, visi žinome, tačiau nuomonių apie tai, kas vyksta su žmogaus asmenybe, yra įvairių. Mano tyrimo tikslas buvo tirti ir palyginti vyresnio amžiaus žmonių asmenybės savybių ypatumus, priklausomai nuo jų gyvenamosios aplinkos, amžiaus ir lyties. Tyrime buvo naudotas NEO-PI-R klausimynas, sukurtas Costa ir McCrae (1992), kurį sudaro 240 teiginių. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 asmenys: 101 tiriamasis – vyresnio amžiaus žmonės, gyvenantys pensionate, likę 31 tiriamasis – jaunesnio amžiaus žmonės. Dar viena imtis palyginimui buvo paimta iš Vilniaus universiteto Filosofijos fakulteto laboratorijos duomenų bazės – tai 67 vyresnio amžiaus žmonės, gyvenantys namie. Rezultatai parodė, jog gyvenamoji aplinka turi įtakos tam tikriems vyresnio amžiaus žmonių asmenybės bruožams, pavyzdžiui, namie gyvenantys vyresnio amžiaus žmonės yra atviresni patyrimui, o pensionato gyventojai – pažeidžiamesni. Tačiau bruožų, kuriais abi imtys yra panašios, vis dėlto yra daugiau. Taip pat nustatyta, jog nepriklausomai nuo gyvenamosios aplinkos, su amžiumi mažėja priešiškumas ir veikla, o didėja – tiesumo išreikštumas. Tyrimas parodė, jog vyresnio ir jaunesnio amžiaus žmonės skiriais tam tikrai asmenybės bruožais: vyresniems labiau būdingas sutariamumas, depresija, šiluma, pasitikėjimas, tiesumas, nuolaidumas ir kuklumas; jaunesniems labiau būdingas priešiškumas, impulsyvumas ir jausmai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In all of the world society is getting older, for that reason it is very important to know seniors better. Everybody knows that people are loosing their physical strength as they get older, but there are many disagreements about what happens with their personalities. The object of the current study was to examine and compare personality features of senior people, depending on their living environment, age and sex. NEO-PI-R questionnaire created by Costa and McCrae (1992) was used in this study, it contains 240 statements. 132 people participated in this study: 101 – nursing home residents, 31 – younger people. More data was taken from Vilnius University Phylosophy faculty laboratory database – it was data about 67 seniors, living at home. The results showed that living environment has influence on some of the seniors’ personality features, for example, seniors who live at home are more open to experience, and nursing home residents are more vulnerable. However personalities of these two groups have more similar traits. The study showed that despite living environment angry hostility and actions decreases with age and straightforwardness increases. Younger and older people differ in these personality traits: for the seniors’ agreeableness, depression, warmth, trust, straightforwardness and modesty are more expressed; for younger people hostility, impulsiveness and feelings are more expressed. Yet conscientiuousness, for example, and all its facets do not depend on age. This... [to full text]
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Mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet i arbetslivet och förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor.Oliver, Langenberg, Albin, Andersson January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att kartlägga förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor i arbetslivet och dess eventuella samvarians med mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Även skillnader i kollektiv skuld och attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet mellan unga (18–41 år) och äldre (42–65 år) män undersöktes. En enkät delades ut till manliga anställda på ett internationellt telekombolag. Enkäten bestod av frågor översatta från Branscombe Collective Guilt Scale (BCGS) som mätte grad av kollektiv skuld samt frågor från Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) som mätte mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visade att kollektiv skuld hos män förekommer. En signifikant korrelation uppmättes mellan MPGQ och BCGS. Unga män rapporterade signifikant högre grad av kollektiv skuld jämfört med äldre män. Ingen signifikant skillnad uppmättes i attityd mellan grupperna. Denna studie belyser förekomsten av kollektiv skuld, dess koppling till attityd samt ålders inverkan på kollektiv skuld. / The purpose of this study was to examine the occurrence of collective guilt among men against women in working life and its possible correlation with men's attitude towards gender-based inequality at the workplace. Differences in collective guilt and attitude towards gender-based inequality between young (18-41 years) and elder (42-65 years) men was studied. A survey was distributed to an international telecom company. The survey was based on the Branscombe Colletive Guilt Scale (BCGS) which measured the level of collective guilt and the Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) which measured men's attitude towards gender-based inequality in the workplace. The result demonstrated that collective guilt in men occurred. A significant correlation was measured between MPGQ and BCGS. Young men reported significantly higher levels of collective guilt compared to older men. This study illustrates the existence of collective guilt, its link to attitude, as well as the age's impact on collective guilt.
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Estudo sobre as associações semânticas de palavras em crianças, adultos jovens e idososZortéa, Maxciel January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou diferenças entre grupos etários distintos nas associações semânticas de palavras em três estudos. O primeiro buscou apresentar e discutir pesquisas que avaliaram a organização e processamento léxico-semânticos entre grupos de crianças, adultos e idosos. O segundo comparou as associações semânticas de palavras entre 247 crianças de 3ª série, 108 adultos jovens universitários e 57 idosos. O terceiro analisou comparativamente os grafos computacionais das associações semânticas de palavras entre 57 crianças de 3ª série, 57 adultos jovens universitários e os 57 idosos supracitados. Nos estudos empíricos observou-se que a força de associação entre alvo e associada mais frequente foi maior para as crianças do que para adultos e idosos. Os tamanhos de conjunto significativo e total dos alvos foram, em média, menores para os idosos e o índice de diversidade de respostas foi maior no grupo dos adultos. A modelagem de grafos indicou que crianças possuem redes de associação de palavras com maiores distâncias entre os nós e menor número de nós, ligações e agrupamentos. Adultos e idosos apresentaram redes com estruturas semelhantes. Assim, entende-se que essas associações sofrem reestruturações e ajustes da infância para a idade adulta e que na velhice ocorrem apenas mudanças quantitativas. Limitações e implicações dos estudos para a área são discutidas. / This research investigated differences in three age groups on semantic word associations in three studies. The first one aimed to present and discuss research that investigated the organization and processing of semantic elements in children, adults, and elderly. . The second one compared semantic word associations among 247 third grade children, 108 young college students adults, and 57 elderly. The third study compared semantic associations through graph analysis of 57 third grade children, 57 college students adults, and the 57 elderly cited above. The empirical studies demonstrated that the strength of the first associate to each target was higher for children compared to adults and elderly. The target’s total and meaning set sizes were lower for elderly and the response’s diversity index was higher for adults. Graph analysis suggested that children have semantic word association’s networks with greater inter-node distances and less number of nodes, connections, and clusters. Adults and elderly showed networks with similar structures. It was hypothesized that these associations pass by restructuring and tuning processes from childhood to adulthood and that after the 60 years old only quantitative changes occur. Limitations and contributions to the field are discussed.
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Estudo sobre as associações semânticas de palavras em crianças, adultos jovens e idososZortéa, Maxciel January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou diferenças entre grupos etários distintos nas associações semânticas de palavras em três estudos. O primeiro buscou apresentar e discutir pesquisas que avaliaram a organização e processamento léxico-semânticos entre grupos de crianças, adultos e idosos. O segundo comparou as associações semânticas de palavras entre 247 crianças de 3ª série, 108 adultos jovens universitários e 57 idosos. O terceiro analisou comparativamente os grafos computacionais das associações semânticas de palavras entre 57 crianças de 3ª série, 57 adultos jovens universitários e os 57 idosos supracitados. Nos estudos empíricos observou-se que a força de associação entre alvo e associada mais frequente foi maior para as crianças do que para adultos e idosos. Os tamanhos de conjunto significativo e total dos alvos foram, em média, menores para os idosos e o índice de diversidade de respostas foi maior no grupo dos adultos. A modelagem de grafos indicou que crianças possuem redes de associação de palavras com maiores distâncias entre os nós e menor número de nós, ligações e agrupamentos. Adultos e idosos apresentaram redes com estruturas semelhantes. Assim, entende-se que essas associações sofrem reestruturações e ajustes da infância para a idade adulta e que na velhice ocorrem apenas mudanças quantitativas. Limitações e implicações dos estudos para a área são discutidas. / This research investigated differences in three age groups on semantic word associations in three studies. The first one aimed to present and discuss research that investigated the organization and processing of semantic elements in children, adults, and elderly. . The second one compared semantic word associations among 247 third grade children, 108 young college students adults, and 57 elderly. The third study compared semantic associations through graph analysis of 57 third grade children, 57 college students adults, and the 57 elderly cited above. The empirical studies demonstrated that the strength of the first associate to each target was higher for children compared to adults and elderly. The target’s total and meaning set sizes were lower for elderly and the response’s diversity index was higher for adults. Graph analysis suggested that children have semantic word association’s networks with greater inter-node distances and less number of nodes, connections, and clusters. Adults and elderly showed networks with similar structures. It was hypothesized that these associations pass by restructuring and tuning processes from childhood to adulthood and that after the 60 years old only quantitative changes occur. Limitations and contributions to the field are discussed.
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