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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung der MuRF2/MuRF3-Doppelknockout-Mauslinie hinsichtlich ihres Herz- und Skelettmuskel-Phänotyps

Lodka, Dörte 11 June 2015 (has links)
E3-Ubiquitin-Ligasen übertragen Ubiquitin auf die von ihnen gebundenen Substratproteine. Durch diese Ubiquitinierung werden Proteine für den kontrollierten Abbau im Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System markiert. Dieser Prozess beeinflusst aber auch die Aktivität verschiedener Signalwege, die Lokalisation von Proteinen oder die strukturelle Integrität zellulärer Komponenten. MuRF1, MuRF2 und MuRF3 sind E3-Ubiquitin-Ligasen, die hauptsächlich in quergestreifter Muskulatur exprimiert werden. Von MuRF1 ist bereits bekannt, dass es u. a. über die Ubiquitinierung von Myosinen und deren anschließender Degradation an der Entwicklung der Herz- und Skelettmuskelatrophie beteiligt ist. Da das Wissen über MuRF2 und MuRF3 in diesem Zusammenhang noch begrenzt ist, sollte die Auswirkung der kombinierten Keimbahndeletion von MuRF2 und MuRF3 in einem Mausmodell untersucht werden. Der Doppelknockout (DKO) von MuRF2 und MuRF3 führte zu Veränderungen der Morphologie und der Funktionsfähigkeit der Skelett- und Herzmuskulatur. In Skelettmuskelfasern kam es zur Ablagerung myosinhaltiger Proteinaggregate, zu einer Zunahme an langsam kontrahierenden Muskelfasern sowie zum Auftreten von Myozyten mit zentral gelegenen Nuclei als Anzeichen von Regenerationsprozessen. Isolierte Skelettmuskeln von DKO-Mäusen entwickelten eine geringere maximale spezifische Kraft als Muskeln aus Kontrolltieren. Ihre Herzen waren morphologisch unauffällig. Dennoch waren die Kontraktion des linken Ventrikels und das Schlagvolumen reduziert. Darüber hinaus zeigten isolierte Kardiomyozyten Beeinträchtigungen der Kontraktionsfähigkeit und der Kalziumströme in vitro. Eine massenspektrometrische Untersuchung ergab, dass in den Muskeln der MuRF2/3-DKO-Mäuse im Vergleich zu den Kontrollmäusen 12 Proteine in erhöhter Menge vorhanden waren. Eine Anreicherung von MAPKAP-K3, einem dieser Proteine, und von MAPKAP-K2 konnte im Western Blot von Proteinlysaten aus Skelettmuskeln und dem Herz der MuRF2/3-DKO-Mäuse detektiert werden. / E3 ubiquitin ligases attach the small modifier ubiquitin to their substrate proteins. This ubiquitin-tag not only marks proteins for the proteasome dependent degradation, but also influences the activity of signalling pathways, the localisation of proteins or the structural integrity of cellular components. MuRF1, MuRF2, and MuRF3 are E3 ubiquitin ligases predominantly expressed in striated muscles. MuRF1 is involved in cardiac and skeletal muscle atrophy by mediating proteasome-dependent degradation of myosins. The knowledge about MuRF2 and MuRF3 in this context is limited. Therefore, a mouse model was used to analyse the impact of the combined deletion of MuRF2 and MuRF3. The double knockout (DKO) of MuRF2 and MuRF3 influenced the structure and function of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle fibres exhibited myosin-containing protein aggregates, a fibre-type shift towards slow fibres, and myoycytes with central nuclei which is an indication of regeneration. Maximal force development was reduced in isolated hindlimb muscles M. soleus and M. extensor digitorum longus of MuRF2/3-DKO mice. Hearts were morphologically normal. No protein aggregates or signs of fibrosis were detected. However, heart performance was impaired. The contractibility of the left ventricle and the ejection fraction were reduced. Isolated cardiomyocytes showed a diminished contractibility. Furthermore, their speed of contraction and relaxation was reduced and they had impaired calcium transients. Mass spectrometric analysis of muscle lysates identified 12 enriched proteins in MuRF2/3-DKO muscles. Western Blot analysis confirmed that MAPKAP-K3, one of these proteins, and MAPKAP-K2 were enriched in lysates of skeletal muscles and left ventricles of MuRF2/3-DKO mice. Further investigations will show how MAPKAP-K2- and MAPKAP-K3-signalling pathways are involved in the development of the MuRF2/3-DKO-phenotype.

Contribution des nanostructures dans les agrégats protéiques et d’émulsions stabilisées par des protéines en vue de la protection de vitamine / Contribution of nanostructures in protein aggregates and protein-stabilized lipid nanoparticles for vitamin protection

Shukat, Rizwan 24 May 2012 (has links)
Nous avons cherché à évaluer l'impact de conditions opératoires pour la préparation d'agrégats protéiques et d'émulsions stabilisées par des protéines en vue de la protection de l'α-tocopherol, servant de modèle de molécules d'intérêt, hydrophobes et sensibles. Les matrices protéiques ont été formées à partir d'un concentrat de protéines de lactosérum (6 wt% de WPC, pH 6.5 et 65 à 75°C), en présence ou absence de 4% α-tocopherol. Le mélange (65°C -15 min) des protéines en solution sans ou avec α-tocopherol a donné lieu à la formation de particules avec modification de charge (de -42 à -51 mV) et de taille (de 183 à 397 nm). Ces paramètres ont diminué davantage sous l'effet d'homogénéisation sous haute pression à 1200 bar que à 300 bar, alors qu'une meilleure protection de l'α-tocopherol a été observée après 8 semaines conservation. Les mécanismes impliqués dans la formation des matrices protéiques correspondantes ont été décrits sur la base de procédés de dénaturation-agrégation de protéines sériques, à partir de résultats obtenus par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), spectrofluorescence, diffusion multiple de la lumière et électrophorèse SDS-PAGE. Les matrices lipidiques ont été préparées à partir de phases aqueuses contenant (6 wt% or 3 wt% de WPC) et lipidiques (20 %) en présence ou absence de lécithines (1.5%) avec ou sans α-tocopherol (4%), et par application d'une première étape de dispersion (65°C - 15 min) suivie d'une homogénéisation sous pression à 300 ou 1200 bar. Les nanoparticles lipidiques formées à plus haute pression étaient de taille et concentration protéique de surface plus faibles et de degré d'encapsulation de l'α-tocopherol plus faible (près de 15 %). L'analyse par DSC en modes balayage et isothermes des particules lipidiques a montré que plus leur taille est faible, plus le sur-refroidissement est important, l'apparition des cristaux de matière grasse plus retardée, et leur développement à 4°C moins important. Ces effets sont accentués dans les gouttelettes contenant l'α-tocopherol. La diffraction aux grands et petits angles de rayons X (synchrotron Soleil), couplée à la DSC, a montré la co-existence des polymorphes 2Lα, 2Lβ' et 2Lβ dans toutes les émulsions, mais à des proportions différentes. Les cristaux 2Lβ étaient plus développés dans les gouttelettes de plus petite taille et contenant du tocopherol en présence de lécithins, celles qui présentaient la plus forte dégradation chimique d'α-tocopherol pendant une conservation à long-terme. / We investigated effects of processing conditions for the preparation of protein aggregates and protein-stabilized lipid droplets, as matrix carriers of sensitive lipophilic bioactive compounds, with α-tocopherol as a model. Protein-based matrices were formed from whey protein concentrate (6 wt% WPC, pH 6.5 and 65 to 75°C), in presence or absence of 4% α-tocopherol. Mixing the protein solutions without or with α-tocopherol (65°C for 15 min) led to changes in particle surface charges (from -42 to -51 mV) and sizes (from 183 to 397 nm). These parameters decreased more under further high pressure homogenisation at 1200 bar than 300 bar, in parallel with increased vitamin protection over 8 week's storage. Molecular mechanisms involved in formation of corresponding α-tocopherol-loaded protein matrix were described on the basis of heat- and high-pressure-induced whey protein denaturation and aggregation, as evidenced by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), spectrofluorescence, multi-light scattering and SDS-PAGE electrophoretic patterns. Lipid-based matrices were developed from aqueous phases (80 wt%) containing WPC (6 wt% or 3 wt%) and lipid phases (20 wt%) in presence or absence of lecithins and/or 4% α-tocopherol, and by using a first dispersion step (65°C for 15 min) followed with HPH at 300 or 1200 bar. Our results showed that increasing HPH was accompanied by formation of lipid nanoparticles with decreasing size and protein surface concentration with an increase in α-tocopherol degradation (up to 15 wt% for 1200 bar). DSC in scanning and isothermal modes showed that reduction in lipid droplet size was accompanied by retardation in crystalline fat development under storage at 4°C, with further reduction in crystalline fat development along with further increase in supercooling for lipid droplets containing α-tocopherol. Fat polymorphism observed using time-resolved synchrotron X-ray scattering at wide and small angles (WAXS and SAXS) coupled with DSC, showed co-existence of 2Lα, 2Lβ' and 2Lβ polymorphs in all the emulsions, but at different proportions. It was observed that 2Lβ polymorphs were more prominent in lipid droplets with lower size and containing α-tocopherol in presence of lecithins that were shown to present the lowest long-term stability of α-tocopherol against chemical degradation.

Characterization of nanoparticle aggregates with light scattering techniques

Wozniak, Mariusz 19 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse de doctorat propose et évalue différentes solutions pour caractériser, avec des outils optiques et électromagnétiques non intrusifs, les nanoparticules et agrégats observés dans différents systèmes physiques : suspensions colloïdales, aérosols et plasma poussiéreux. Deux types de modèles sont utilisés pour décrire la morphologie d'agrégats fractals (p. ex. : suies issues de la combustion) et agrégats compacts (qualifiés de « Buckyballs » et observés dans des aérosols produits par séchage de nano suspensions). Nous utilisons différentes théories et modèles électromagnétiques (T-Matrice et approximations du type dipôles discrets) pour calculer les diagrammes de diffusion (ou facteur de structure optique) de ces agrégats, de même que leurs spectres d'extinction sur une large gamme spectrale. Ceci, dans le but d'inverser différentes données expérimentales. Différents outils numériques originaux ont également été mis au point pour parvenir à une analyse morphologique quantitative de clichés obtenus par microscopie électronique. La validation expérimentale des outils théoriques et numériques développés au cours de ce travail est focalisée sur la spectrométrie d'extinction appliquée à des nano agrégats de silice, tungstène et silicium. / This Ph.D. work provides and evaluates various solutions to characterize, with optical/electromagnetic methods nanoparticles and aggregates of nanoparticles found in suspensions, aerosols and dusty plasmas. Two main models are introduced to describe the morphology of particle aggregates with fractal-like (for particles in plasmas and combustion systems) and Buckyballs-like (aerosols, suspensions) shapes. In addition, the author proposes various solutions and methods (T-Matrix, Rayleigh type approximations) to calculate the scattering diagrams (optical structure factors) of fractal aggregates as well as algorithms to inverse extinction spectra. As a reference case for the performed analysis, several tools to describe the morphology of fractal aggregates from electron microscopy images have been also developed. The experimental validation carried out with the Light Extinction Spectrometry (LES) technique (for nano silica beads, tungsten, dusty plasma and silicon aggregates) clearly proves the validity of the algorithms developed as well as the potential of the LES technique.

Dimensions fractales, morphologie et caractéristiques dimensionnelles 2D et 3D d'agrégats de nanoparticules de suie aéronautique : Etude par microscopie électronique en transmission et tomographie électronique / Fractal dimensions, morphology, 2D and 3D characteristic sizes of aircraft soot aggregates of nanoparticles studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron tomography

Lottin, Delphine 06 May 2013 (has links)
Les agrégats de suie émis par les processus de combustion dans les turbines aéronautiques contribuent à modifier le bilan radiatif de l'atmosphère et la qualité de l'air. La connaissance de leurs caractéristiques physiques et chimiques est indispensable pour évaluer leur rôle dans les processus physico-chimiques atmosphériques et leur impact sur l'environnement et la santé publique. Dans ce contexte, notre étude vise à déterminer la taille et la morphologie d'agrégats de suie aéronautique à partir de mesures expérimentales menées en microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) et en tomographie électronique.Nous avons réalisé des clichés MET d'agrégats de suie émis par des turboréacteurs aéronautiques. Nous avons établi une méthode pour caractériser la morphologie des agrégats en déterminant leur allongement, leur compacité et la tortuosité de leur contour en analysant leur projection. Nous avons également développé un logiciel de traitement et d'analyse des images MET qui permet de reconstruire en 3D un agrégat à partir de ses projections et l'analyse de ses caractéristiques dimensionnelles et morphologiques à partir de sa reconstruction. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis d'étudier la validité des relations liant les caractéristiques microphysiques 2D et 3D proposées dans la littérature et d'en proposer de nouvelles pour les agrégats étudiés.Ces résultats constituent la première caractérisation morphologique 3D d'agrégats de suie aéronautique à partir d'analyses par MET et tomographie électronique. Ils montrent que les propriétés morphologiques de ces agrégats ne permettent pas d'utiliser la méthode d'ensemble pour déterminer la dimension fractale massique. / Soot aggregates emitted by aircraft engines' combustion processes are involved in the modification of the global radiative budget and the air quality. The knowledge of their physical and chemical characteristics is a prerequisite to any evaluation of the way they may act in the atmospheric physical and chemical processes and their impact on the environment and public health. In this context, our study aims at determining the size and morphological characteristics of aircraft soot aggregates on the basis of experimental measurements by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron tomography.We have acquired TEM pictures of soot aggregates emitted by aircraft engines. We have established a method to characterize the morphology of these aggregates by determining their elongation, their compacity and the tortuosity of their edge. This method is based on the analysis of their TEM projection. Besides, we have developed a software to process and analyse TEM pictures. It allows to reconstruct aggregates from their projections and to determine their size and morphological characteristics. Our results have lead us to study the validity of the relationships linking the 2D and 3D microphysical characteristics presented in the literature and to suggest new ones for the studied aggregates.These results constitute the first 3D morphological and size characterizations of aircraft soot aggregates using TEM and electron tomography. They highlight the fact that the morphological properties of these aggregates do not fulfil the hypotheses required for the use of the collective method to determine the mass fractal dimension.

Simulation par éléments finis du comportement mécanique de polycristaux chargés en hydrogène / Finite-element simulations of the mecanical behaviour of hydrogen-charged polycristals

Plessier, François 13 December 2010 (has links)
Ces travaux ont pour but d'évaluer l'apport de la modélisation numérique pour étudier la modification de la plasticité des polycristaux métalliques par l'hydrogène absorbé. De précédents travaux ont proposé une quantification expérimentale de cet effet, grâce à des mesures par microscopie à force atomique (AFM) des marches de glissement émergeant à la surface d'agrégats polycristallins (316L), chargés ou non en hydrogène.Après avoir étudié l'impact de la modélisation géométrique sur la précision des résultats numériques, nous proposons une méthode permettant d'analyser les résultats AFM grâce à la modélisation numérique, en prenant en compte le niveau de déformation plastique à l'échelle du grain et le fait que les mesures AFM sont des projections des dimensions "réelles" des marches de glissement: le nombre de marches de glissement émises et l'espacement inter-marche. Ces quantités permettent alors de comparer les comportement plastiques observés expérimentalement sur différents agrégats, et donc de quantifier l'impact de l'hydrogène absorbé sur le développement de la plasticité.Nous étudions ensuite la capacité du modèle numérique pour modéliser une modification de la plasticité à l'échelle intragranulaire: des hétérogénéités sont introduites au sein d'un modèle de grain et l'impact sur la distribution de la déformation plastique résultante est analysée. / The modification of plasticity observed in hydrogen-charged metalic polycristals has been studied using numerical modeling (Finite Element Method). This effect has been quantified by a previous study using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), by measuring the slip steps forming at the surface of (hydrogen-)charged or uncharged 316L polycristals. However the heterogeneity of the strain field in a polycristal makes it difficult to compare precisely the results from different grains and aggregates.After analyzing the impact of the geometrical modelling on the numerical results, this present study porposes a method using numerical simulations (Crystal Plasticity model) to access the local plastic strain field at grain scale, and improve the analysis of the AFM results. The projections of the slip step "real" dimensions into AFM measures (heights and spacings) are taken into consideration in order to convert AFM data into data that are directly linked to plastic activity: the average number of dislocations and slip step spacing. This quantities make it possible to compare the experimental plastic behaviours of the differents agregates in order to quantify the impact of the hydrogen absorption.The capacity of the crystal plasticity model to simulate plasticity modification at intragranulare scale is then studied by implementing material heterogeneities within a grain model, and the resulting modification of the slip developpement within the grain is then analyzed.

Binding and internalization of exogenous protein assemblies by mammalian cells / Liaison et internalisation d’assemblages protéiques exogènes par des cellules de mammifère

Ruiz Arlandis, Gemma 13 March 2015 (has links)
Le mépliement et l'agrégation des protéines sont à l'origine de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives, dont la maladie de Huntington (HD) et la maladie de Parkinson (PD). Même si l’agrégation de différentes protéines liées à des maladies est bien documentée, on en sait peu sur l'interaction entre les protéines mal repliées et les cellules neuronales, qui leur permettent de se propager et affecter différentes régions du cerveau. L'objectif de ma thèse était de générer des modèles cellulaires rapporteurs de la huntingtine et l’α-synucléine, protéines dont le mauvais repliement et l'agrégation sont à l'origine de HD et PD respectivement, et utiliser ces modèles cellulaires pour étudier les interactions entre les agrégats et des lignées cellulaires de mammifères. Notre but c’était de documenter les propriétés de liaison et d’absorption de ces agrégats par les cellules rapporteuses, et les conséquences de leur internalisation pour les cellules. Deux modèles cellulaires de neuroblastome (SH-SY5Y et Neuro2A) et un modèle de cellules d’ostéoblastome (U2OS) exprimant la protéine fluorescente ChFP ont été générés pour HD. Pour simuler ce qui se passe au sein de neurones réels, des cellules de neuroblastome ont été induites à se différencier. Des différences de fixation, internalisation, nucléation de la protéine endogène et localisation finale des agrégats de polyglutamine internalisés ont été observées entre les cellules différenciées et non différenciées. Des cellules rapporteuses U2OS ont été utilisées pour déterminer les différences d’infectiosité entre des fibres de HttExon1 assemblés en présence ou en l’absence de la protéine de choc thermique constitutivement exprimée chez l'Homme Hsc70. Hsc70 a un effet protecteur car il rend les fibres moins infectieuses pour les cellules de mammifères en culture. Enfin, un modèle cellulaire de neuroblastome (Neuro2A) rapporteur pour PD exprimant l’α-synucléine fusionnée à la protéine ChFP a été utilisé pour déterminer des différences de liaison, pénétration, absorption, nucléation de la protéine endogène et persistance entre deux polymorphismes d’α-synucléine générés par notre équipe. L'hétérogénéité observée dans différents patients souffrant de synucléinopaties pourrait s'expliquer par différents polymorphes d’assemblages protéiques d’α-synucléine présents dans les cerveaux des malades, ce qui doit être pris en compte pour les développements thérapeutiques futurs.Ces modèles cellulaires rapporteurs pour différentes maladies sont un système valable pour l'étude de différents processus cellulaires liés à l'interaction entre les protéines agrégées exogènes et des cellules de mammifères en culture. Nos résultats indiquent un mécanisme commun par lequel les différentes protéines agrégées peuvent interagir avec des cellules en culture: les protéines mal repliées exogènes sont capables de se lier à des membranes cellulaires, les pénétrer, entrer dans l'espace intracellulaire et recruter des protéines endogènes solubles. Même si cela semble être un mécanisme générique pour des protéines infectieuses telles que la α-synucléine ou la huntingtine, des lignées cellulaires avec différents phénotypes montrent différences de vulnérabilité à la présence de protéines agrégées. Ceci suggère la présence de récepteurs spécifiques à la surface de la cellule capables de reconnaître des structures de type amyloïde. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour déterminer la nature de ces récepteurs et si sa modulation pourrait être utile pour contrôler la propagation des ces maladies dans le cerveau. / Protein misfolding and aggregation are at the origin of many neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington’s disease (HD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Even if the aggregation of different disease-related proteins is well documented, little is known about the interaction between those misfolded proteins and neuronal cells that allow them to spread and affect several regions of the brain. The objective of my thesis was to generate reporter cellular models of huntingtin and α-synuclein, proteins whose misfolding and aggregation are at the origin of HD and PD respectively, and use these cell models for studying the interactions between misfolded protein aggregates and mammalian cell lines. We aimed to document the binding and uptake properties of those aggregates by reporter cells and the consequences of their internalization for the cells. Two neuroblastoma cell models (SH-SY5Y and Neuro2A) and an osteoblastoma cell model (U2OS) expressing the fluorescent protein ChFP were generated as mammalian reporter cell lines for HD. To mimic what happens in real neurons, neuroblastoma reporter cells were induced to differentiate. Differences in binding, internalization, nucleation of the endogenous protein and final localization of the internalized polyglutamine aggregates were observed between differentiated and undifferentiated cells. U2OS reporter cells were used for determining differences in the infectivity of HttExon1 fibrils assembled in the presence or in the absence of the constitutively expressed heat shock protein Hsc70, suggesting a protective effect of Hsc70, since it renders the fibrils less infectious to mammalian cells. Finally, a neuroblastoma reporter cell model (Neuro2A) of PD expressing α-synuclein fused to the fluorescent and reporter protein ChFP was used to determine the different binding, penetration, uptake, nucleation of the endogenous protein and persistence properties of two α-synuclein polymorphs generated by our team. The heterogeneity observed in different patients suffering from synucleinopathies could be explained due to different α-synuclein assemblies present in diseased brains, what needs to be taken into account for future therapeutic developments. These reporter cellular models for different diseases are a valid system for the study of different cellular processes related with the interaction between exogenous aggregated proteins and mammalian cells in culture. Our results indicate a common mechanism by which different aggregated proteins can interact with cells in culture: exogenous misfolded proteins are able to bind cell membranes, penetrate them, enter the intracellular space and recruit endogenous soluble proteins. Even if this seems to be a generic mechanism for infectious proteins such as α-synuclein or huntingtin, different cell lines or cell phenotypes show distinct vulnerability to the presence of aggregated proteins. This strongly suggests the presence of specific receptors at the surface of the cell able to recognize amyloid-like structures. Further investigations are needed to determine the nature of these receptors and whether their modulation might be helpful for controlling the spread of these diseases within the brain.

Assemblage permanent de micro-objets par diélectrophorèse associée à une méthode de couplage covalent / Permanent particle assembly thanks to dielectrophoresis combined with a chemical covalent coupling method.

Menad, Samia 08 December 2014 (has links)
La réalisation de micro et nanomatériaux avec des propriétés contrôlées nécessite le développement de nouvelles voies d’élaboration dites ascendantes « ou Bottom-up ». Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit visent à maîtriser la formation d’agrégats de particules colloïdales et de cellules, avec des applications potentielles dans les domaines des biocapteurs, de la microélectronique, de l’optique et de l’ingénierie tissulaire. L’approche proposée pour assembler les particules en structures organisées se base sur l’emploi de la diélectrophorèse, reposant sur l’application d’un champ électrique non- uniforme. L’un des inconvénients de cette technique tient au caractère réversible des assemblages ainsi formés, l’annulation du champ électrique entrainant la redispersion des colloïdes. Afin d’apporter une solution à ce problème, il est possible de recourir à un couplage chimique pour maintenir la cohésion des structures formées dans le milieu liquide. Afin de mieux maîtriser le comportement diélectrophorétique et les réactions chimiques exploitées, des travaux de caractérisation électrique et chimique des particules manipulées ont été réalisés. D’autre part, différents types de microélectrodes ont été étudiées pour la génération du champ électrique nécessaire à l’assemblage. Une nouvelle filière technologique a été développée pour la réalisation de microélectrodes transparentes en ITO et leur intégration en système microfluidique, basée sur l’exploitation du pouvoir isolant d’une fine couche de PDMS micro-structurée. La méthode a été appliquée à la fabrication de microélectrodes « verticales » puis à la réalisation de matrices d’électrodes quadripolaires. Ces dernières ont permis d’obtenir des assemblages permanents de particules de polystyrène fluorescentes présentant des groupements carboxyliques en surface, en combinant l’emploi de la diélectrophorèse négative et l’utilisation d’un agent de couplage chimique (Jeffamine). Des agrégats de cellules HEK 293 ont également été réalisés par diélectrophorèse négative. Nous avons démontré qu’il était possible, sous certaines conditions, de préserver le caractère permanent des agrégats cellulaires après coupure du champ. / The design of micro and nanomaterials with controlled properties requires the development of new bottom- up assembly approaches. The work presented in this manuscript aims to control the formation of aggregates of colloidal particles and cells, with potential applications in the fields of biosensors, microelectronics, optics and tissue engineering. The proposed approach for assembling colloids into organized structures is based on the use of dielectrophoresis, a phenomenon observed when polarizable particles are placed in a non-uniform electric field. One of the drawbacks of this technique is the reversibility of the assemblies thus formed, the cancellation of the electric field causing the redispersion of the colloids. As a solution to this problem, we proposed to use a coupling agent to maintain the cohesion of the structures formed in the liquid medium. In order to better control the dielectrophoretic behavior and the chemical reactions exploited, electrical and chemical characterizations of the manipulated particles were carried out. Moreover, different types of microelectrodes have been studied for the generation of the electric field required for the assembly. A new approach has been developed for the fabrication of transparent micro patterned ITO microelectrodes and their integration in microfluidic systems, based on the exploitation of a thin micro-structured PDMS membrane used as an insulating layer. The method has been applied to the fabrication of "vertical" microelectrodes and of quadrupolar electrode arrays. The latter were used to obtain permanent assemblies of carboxylic acid functionalized, fluorescent, polystyrene particles, by combining negative dielectrophoresis with the use of a chemical coupling agent (Jeffamine). HEK 293 cell aggregates were also produced by negative dielectrophoresis. We have demonstrated that it was possible, under certain conditions, to preserve the permanent character of the cell aggregates after field removal.

A Constituição Orgânica em Aristóteles: a substância natural no seu mais elevado grau / Organic Constitution in Aristotle: a natural substance in its highest degree

Carvalho, Rodrigo Romão de 17 April 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver um estudo acerca da noção aristotélica de constituição orgânica, no qual procurarei propor um exame da filosofia da natureza de Aristóteles referente ao aspecto, atribuído ao organismo, de ser substância natural no seu mais elevado grau, estabelecendo uma análise comparativa entre os compostos elementares, os compostos homogêneos inanimados e os compostos orgânicos. Para tanto, pretendo, primeiramente, promover uma análise a respeito do caráter substancial dos organismos vivos. Em seguida, delimitar uma investigação em torno dos tipos de composições naturais, levando em conta a maneira pela qual a necessidade natural estaria envolvida no processo constitutivo de tais composições. E, por fim, oferecer uma interpretação relativa ao capítulo 12 do livro IV dos Meteorológicos, a qual tem por base discernir a natureza formal associada, por um lado, às propriedades características dos corpos homogêneos em geral, considerados em si e por si mesmos, e, por outro, às propriedades características da constituição orgânica, de modo a precisar as diferenças entre elas. Penso que, com este estudo, também será possível compreender de um modo claro o motivo pelo qual, nesta concepção de natureza, toma-se o organismo vivo como o paradigma de substâncias (ousiai) naturais. / This research aims to develop a study on the aristotelian notion of organic constitution, which seek to propose an examination of the natural philosophy of Aristotle concerning the aspect, assigned to the body, to be natural substance in its highest degree, establishing an analysis comparative between elementary compounds, inanimate homoeomerous compounds and organic compounds. Therefore, I intend, first, to promote an analysis regarding the substantial nature of living organisms. Then delimit an investigation around the kinds of natural compositions, taking into account the way in which natural necessity would be involved in the constitutive process of such compositions. And finally, offer an interpretation relating to Chapter 12 of De Caelo IV, which relies on discerning the formal nature associated, on the one hand, the characteristic properties of homoeomerous bodies generally considered in themselves and for themselves, and, on the other hand, the characteristic properties of the organic constitution in order to clarify the differences between then. I think that, with this study, also will be possible understand in a clearly way the reason, in this conception of nature, it takes the living organism as the paradigm of natural substances (ousiai).

Estudo clínico, histológico, imunoistoquímico e da função lisossomal na miosite por corpos de inclusão / Clinical, histological, immunohistochemical and lysosomal function study in inclusion body myositis

Camargo, Leonardo Valente de 25 May 2016 (has links)
A miosite por corpos de inclusão (inclusion body myositis - IBM), na sua forma esporádica, é considerada a miopatia adquirida mais comum após os 50 anos de idade. Embora seja incluída no grupo das miopatias inflamatórias, estudos recentes mostram um processo particular de degeneração muscular caracterizado por deposição anormal de agregados de proteínas nas fibras musculares e funcionamento anormal dos principais sistemas de degradação proteica. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar os aspectos clínicos, histológicos e imunoistoquímicos de pacientes com IBM. Avaliamos 18 casos com diagnóstico de IBM de dois dos principais centros de doenças neuromusculares do Brasil (25 biópsias musculares). Na tentativa de diferenciar os casos de IBM das outras miopatias inflamatórias, determinamos o padrão de expressão tecidual da p-tau (p62), alfa-sinucleína e TDP-43. Também foi avaliada a função lisossomal através da reação da fosfatase ácida (marcação da atividade lisossomal global) e determinação da marcação para LC3B (marcador de autofagia). Foi observado que a IBM predominou no sexo masculino (61% dos casos), da cor branca, com início das manifestações clínicas ao redor dos 59 anos de idade e os sintomas mais frequentes foram fraqueza muscular, instabilidade postural com quedas da própria altura, disfagia e perda ponderal, podendo ainda apresentar dispneia. O diagnóstico demorou em média 7,4 anos após o início dos sintomas e frequentemente esteve associada às seguintes comorbidades: hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, osteopenia / osteoporose, dislipidemia e hiperuricemia / gota. O padrão de comprometimento muscular na IBM foi caracterizado por tetraparesia de predomínio proximal em membros inferiores e distal em membros superiores. Os valores séricos da creatinofosfoquinase em pelo menos uma das medições foram elevados em todos os pacientes, porém sem ultrapassar 10 vezes o limite superior da normalidade. O uso de imunossupressão não se mostrou eficaz nos pacientes com IBM. Os achados histológicos na IBM incluíram alterações distróficas variáveis com a presença de inflamação endomisial, assim como a ocorrência de vacúolos marginados, além da elevada frequência de alterações mitocondriais. Outros achados histológicos musculares característicos na IBM foram o aumento da atividade lisossomal (aumento global da marcação para fosfatase ácida), a presença de marcação positiva para beta-amilóide (marcação intra-vacuolar pelo vermelho-Congo), o aumento na degradação muscular (relacionada com ativação de LC3B, p-tau, e p62/SQSTM1) e a degeneração muscular (marcação para anti-phospo TDP-43 e para ?-sinucleína). Tais alterações apresentaram alta sensibilidade e especificidade. Sugerimos que a redução do critério de idade do início dos sintomas de mais de 45 anos para mais de 35 anos aumentaria a sensibilidade diagnóstica para os casos com IBM deste estudo de 83% para 100%. Com este estudo, foi possível caracterizar clínica e histológicamente pacientes com IBM em nosso meio, e fornecer indícios do benefício do uso de marcadores de degeneração e autofagia para o diagnóstico e para a determinação de vias ou sistemas celulares envolvidos na patogênese da doença / Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is considered the most common acquired myopathy affecting adults aged over 50 years. Although included in the group of inflammatory myopathies, recent studies show a particular process of muscle degeneration characterized by abnormal deposit of protein aggregates in muscle fibers and abnormal operation of the main protein degradation systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical patients with IBM. We evaluated 18 cases with IBM diagnostic of two of the main centers of neuromuscular diseases in Brazil (25 muscle biopsies). In an attempt to differentiate the IBM cases of other inflammatory myopathies, we determined the pattern of tissue expression of p-tau (p62), alfa-synuclein and TDP-43. Also evaluated the lysosomal function by acid phosphatase reaction (marking global lysosomal activity) and determining the markup for LC3B (autophagy marker). It was observed that IBM was predominant in males (61% of cases), white colored, with onset of clinical manifestations around 59 years old and the most common symptoms are muscle weakness, postural instability with high falls, dysphagia and weight loss, and may also present dyspnea. The diagnosis took an average of 7.4 years after the onset of symptoms and was often associated with the following comorbidities: hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteopenia / osteoporosis, dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia / gout. The muscular damage pattern at IBM was characterized by tetraparesis predominantly proximal lower limbs and distal upper limbs. Serum creatine kinase levels in at least one of the measurements were elevated in all patients, but not exceeding 10 times normal. Immunosuppression was not effective in patients with IBM. The IBM histological findings included diversify dystrophic changes, endomysial inflammation, as well as the occurrence of rimmed vacuoles, in addition to high frequency of mitochondrial changes. Other characteristic muscle histological findings in IBM were increased lysosomal activity (overall increase in labeling for acid phosphatase), the presence of positive staining for beta-amyloid (intra-vacuolar by Congo red marking), increased muscle degradation (related to activation of LC3B, p-tau and p62 / SQSTM1) and muscle degeneration (marking for anti-phospo TDP-43 and ?-synuclein). Such changes have a high sensitivity and specificity. which makes these important complementary analyzes for accurate pathological diagnosis. We suggest that lowering the age of the onset of symptoms of greater than 45 years to older than 35 years would increase the diagnostic sensitivity for cases with IBM this study from 83% to 100%. With this study, it was possible to characterize clinically and histologically the patients with IBM in our centers, and provide evidence of the benefit of using degeneration and autophagy markers for diagnosis and for determining pathways or cellular systems involved in the pathogenesis of the disease

Estudo da cinética e formação de agregados em cristais iônicos pela técnica de absorção de dois fótons. / Study of kinetic and formation of aggregates in ionic crystals using two photon absorption technique.

Matinaga, Franklin Massami 19 August 1985 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos o estudo da cinética e formação de agregados em cristais iônicos halogenetos alcalinos dopados com impurezas divalentes, através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de dois fótons (ADF). Analisamos a formação dos agregados em cristais envelhecidos a temperaturas fixas (50 e 250&#176C), através de medidas de ADF das transições 4f7 &#8594 4f7 do Eu2+, proibidas por um fóton. A evolução do espectro de ADF em função do tempo, mostrou a existência de três fases distintas de agregação. A primeira fase consiste na formação de dímeros e é observada no espectro de ADF através de três absorções muito próximas às absorções do dipolo isolada. As outras duas fases (II e III) evoluem a partir dos dímeros, dependendo do tratamento térmico a que a amostra é submetida. Estas fases são observadas no espectro de ADF através de absorções relativamente afastadas das absorções do dipolo isolado. Todo sistema experimental foi montado em nosso laboratório, consistindo de um sistema de aquisição de dados controlado por um micro-computador; laser de corante bombeado por um YAG:Nd3+; motores de passos para a varredura do comprimento de onda do laser de corante; sistema de detecção; etc. / In this work we realize the study of the Kinetic and formation of precipitates in ionic crystals doped with divalent impurities by the TPA (two photon absorption) spectroscopy technique. We analyze the formation of the aggregates in crystals annealed at temperatures of 50 and 250&#176C. We measured the TPA of the transition 4f7 &#8594 4f7 of the Eu2+, which is forbidden by one photon. The evolution of the TPA spectra at the time showed us three phases of the precipitates. The dimmers formation was observed in the first phase, by three absorptions bands near the one of the impurity vacancy dipole. The others phases (II and III) involve from the dimmers, depending on the annealing temperature that the samples were submitted. Those phases are observed in the TPA spectra through absorptions which are relatively far from the absorptions due to the isolated (I-V) dipole. All experimental system employed is home made. It consists of a data acquisition system controlled by a micro-computer; a Dye laser pumped by a YAG:Nd3+ laser; step motors to scan the wavelength of the Dye laser; detection system and others devices.

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